A lot of Chinese people (I am from Hong Kong) think that we can learn from Ai's grace, serenity, gentleness, humility, sincerity, and love for others. Love to hear her speak; she is a very good role model for young people. Hong Kong people also thank Japanese people for their support for our struggle for freedom. Hope people from Japan, Taiwan, and Hong Kong will be friends and allies forever!
还记得小时候想抱妈妈的时候就会死赖着她不放手,紧紧地抱着她。不知怎么了,随着我们慢慢长大好像越来越害羞,抱着妈妈,甚至是一声“我爱你”变成了一件好害羞好害羞的事。 但,我相信只要鼓起勇气,迈出那第一步,不要脸地抱住她,接下来的就容易多了。虽然“第一步”说着很容易,但是我明白就是会觉得...尴尬,就是会觉得...."怪“...但这切都是需要时间的...Give yourself enough time to grow brave enough to take the first step.