Strip off that skin cause your body don't need it no more. Those airpods you hide behind ain't a reason to provoke. Take a look at your sweat glands and taste what's wrong. Is it an anxiety problem or all my fault? I'm still trying to figure out what a feeling is considering how unaware I am. I still forget to jot down when I recognize them, and the other times it feels demanding. I can't put my finger on everything that I feel when all I wanna do is build. I can't take care of myself when all I want to do is build. What the fuck am I even building? Is it even useful or is it what's causing all my problems? Maybe I should just fucking eat, but I don't know about that. I been pushing it off cause I got more pressing matters to attend. What I'm talking about matters, but don't make a difference in my day. Starvation was never the answer, so why do I waste my time with it anyways?