Рет қаралды 121,945
The story revolves around the intricate and mysterious struggles among various martial arts sects in Linqing, Shandong. The protagonist, Luo Tong, a young master of the Cao Gang, gets involved in a conspiracy against the Cao Gang. Faced with the imminent destruction of the Cao Gang and being hunted by numerous martial arts sects, Luo Tong, with the help of his childhood sweetheart Hongniang, the skilled craftsman Jiang Yuan, and the reckless hero Long Shun, gradually uncovers the truth. Each person has their own beliefs and convictions, leading to intense and exhilarating battles.
Director: Xue Jinsheng / Ruan Zhihao
Writer: Wu Changfeng
Starring: Feng Xin, Zhao Enyu, Ye Qing, Li Honghe, Zhang Yi
Genre: Action / Animation / Wuxia
Country/Region: Mainland China
Language: Mandarin Chinese