Chivalry 2 on Console needs your help...

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In todays discussion we are going over chivalry 2 on console. what needs to be done in order for console to compete with PC? Why do the devs not give console the support they need despite being the majority of the playerbase? Please enjoy the discussion and the gameplay from the PC vs console match. Please share this video so we can get some traction in this community and get console the support it deserves#chivalry2 #competitive #chivalry2gameplay #chivalry2pc #chivalry2console

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@Dirt-E-Dan 4 ай бұрын
For anyone wondering how to same attack feint on console it’s very finicky and took me a while to master. There’s two ways it can be done. If it’s on an opening move use the action/attack cancel button (square/X) then input the attack again, however this ONLY works when it is your first attack, not in combos. If you want it in combos and openers, you can use L2/LT trigger in place of the attack cancel button, then immediately input the attack again. This can be tougher to learn and requires practice to not accidentally input a counter instead of a proper feint, as the window for this input is minuscule. If you’re having trouble with this method try pressing the trigger and attack around the same time, but time the trigger to be just a tiny bit faster. I’d suggest learning the L2/LT feint instead because it actually lets you flow easy and do good combos. Not mentioned in the video, but console players also have trouble with even inputting opening alt attacks, allowing you to open attacks from a different side instead of the regular swing. To perform an opening alt attack on console, hold the left stick (L3/LS) when you are making your attack. This also works with counters to do alt counters although pressing all three inputs at once (Left stick/left trigger/attack) is a huge handful and takes some serious practice to get right. Of course, alt attacks can be same attack feinted back to regular attacks with the methods from before. This is all stuff the game does not tell players. There is no tutorial, nor is there any place in-game that informs a console player how to perform these moves, not even within the button layout screen in the menu. To find this info, I had to search online and enter the cesspit that is Reddit to find an obscure reply to a post that told me how to make these moves. Despite this, moves such as alt feints after riposte are unable to be used on console, something that doesn’t even make sense to not be accesible. Also, console players cannot jab while crouching, and can only do it if they switch on toggle crouch (complete garbage) or if they double tap R3/RS and hold on the second tap. TB needs to add updated tutorials and controls to accommodate for these blatant flaws. Active console community members are tired of being treated as second-class players by the developers, who have still yet to give us button-mapping or even the ability to see/ participate in game chat.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Amazing comment thanks for sharing the same attack fient method. I wasn't sure it was even possible.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
👍🏻 Good workarounds and I’ve run into these before but we need true same-same attacks without having to attack cancel in the middle or block cancel. Talk about clunky, honestly not even worth trying to master in my op but that’s pretty cool you got good at it. 👏🏻
@Dirt-E-Dan 4 ай бұрын
@@BillJempty thing is the trigger feint is actually not a workaround, just the intended way. It even says feint when you do it properly, not counter. It also does not take extra stamina like when you block cancel, so the devs actually coded it into the game to work this way and just never told anyone. It's still clunky, but after a bit you kinda learn to live with it.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
@@Dirt-E-Dan I’d have to see this in action to really get what you’re saying. I get that the devs intended it this way for console players but what I meant by workaround wasn’t just from the player perspective. It’s a workaround on the devs part to offer a solution to a big problem between PC gameplay and console gameplay. If it wasn’t a workaround, it would work this exact same way on PC and across all consoles. It sounds clunky af and a non-starter for me. It’s impressive that you got this to work for you and I’d like to see it in action. I’m surprised it actually says feint which is really cool. Torn Banner has a really special game here and after winning over so many console players, it’s a shame they continue to develop this game ass if it were PC only or even PC focused. Console seems to be a cash grab where they throw out functionality like this same-same feint and call it “working as intended” but that’s just my perspective. Hopefully they learned their lessons for Chiv 3 but I doubt it judging by what we see with Chiv2. I’m in central time one on PS and my gamer tag is Iam_HeWhoMoops if you see me on and want to hop into a dueling lobby to show me what you mean. Hit me up, thanks again for sharing! Too often devs hide behind “working as intended” for gameplay decisions that are absolute 💩.
@Witerally_Me 2 ай бұрын
I always do a feint instead of a counter in a combo. It’s gotten me killed thousands of times
@Kjertinge 4 ай бұрын
We need controller remapping. Our “throw” button is the most horrific thing ever implemented. There is nothing more frustrating doing 5 overhead attacks before throwing my throwing axe or knife 😂
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
I feel you dude, TB really needs to suck it up and hire someone who can make control remapping a thing. I almost never see console players try to throw things, making a big part of the game a chore to use.
@xtopher901 4 ай бұрын
ducking instead of punching and vice versa is just as bad. This game needs help
@PiLLows1979 4 ай бұрын
Yes bro, we look pathetic trying to throw anything 😁😂
@walton836 3 ай бұрын
Btw if u hold the throw button and not tap it always throws
@PiLLows1979 3 ай бұрын
@@walton836 Hi Bro, 'Button' lol, clearly you are on PC. On console you need to hold L1 & R1(PS5) then while holding these two buttons simultaneously, you then need to aim with right thumbstick then release, that's if hold said buttons even register together lol. It's looks pathetic if you don't manage to press them in co-ordination & you look like a total spaz as you just do melee animations. On m&k you just press a button & aim with mouse & you can always throw, especially javelin this hurts my play style the most, I like javelin but don't play because of this. Throwing oil pots & such is pathetic on console so why bother 😂😁😅
@Tttt-740 3 ай бұрын
Trying to jab can be very frustrating on console because my controller can’t decide if I’m trying to crouch or if I’m trying to jab so my character will end up standing still and do nothing instead while I get my head chopped off. Throwing weapons is less annoying but still is a pain in the ass
@vkdlvkdl 4 ай бұрын
The effort and time required to change the weapon is another huge disadvantage console players face.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Agreed, they need to give them some support. Pc has had enough updates in this game
@Christian-tw3sp 3 ай бұрын
Bro, I nearly forgot the worst thing of ALL. When you press revive on controller you just start taunting them 😂😂😂
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
Lmao I love trying to get rezzed by an archer and they just scream in my face as I bleed out 🤣
@Christian-tw3sp 3 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 bro it's not bm, we actually try revive 🤣
@Nickyokyahu 3 ай бұрын
@SeasickKhan 4 ай бұрын
Console players are the ones keeping this game alive and still we get treated like shiz! It’s ridiculous! Keep speaking those facts homie!
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Had no idea you were a console player tbh
@SeasickKhan 4 ай бұрын
Yea sir!! Series X! We have a PC at home but it’s no gaming PC just an all in one HP we use mostly for office work. Will upgrade eventually!I’m proudly one of several Kings of Console as I like to call us lol
@Witerally_Me 2 ай бұрын
Maybe boycotting and stopping the company’s main source of money would change their minds. All the devs’ bosses care about is profit.
@Smokeyourselfstraighttohell 3 ай бұрын
Cant tell you how many times i looked like a dumbass trying to finish my opponenet off with a throw only to overhead 3 times in a row and move to a different fight in frustration
@kieth_the_palidan3771 4 ай бұрын
Console player here, if you hold your throw buttons I find it to work more and be more consistent. Like everyone else though our biggest issues is not being able to same side attack/feint, that and jabbing is almost impossible at times to the point I forget it's even an option. Another issue I see is refresh rate, high skill users on pc usually have a much higher refresh rate and can hit you before you even see their blade touch you making some fights literally impossible(in my experience) I don't claim to be the best but im decent and every fight against a good pc player feels like a scripted boss fight, but it's extremely satisfying when you win. I'm happy to see console is getting some attention, keep up the amazing content
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
The refresh rate is very important, I cut it from the video but wouldn't gaming on a monitor help with that a bit? The bigger the TV you're gaming on the worse your reaction times are gonna be
@kieth_the_palidan3771 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 if you were on a gaming monitor then yes this wouldn't be an issue admittedly but I believe the vast majority of console players play on TVs myself included. I don't only game on my console it's my tv too so when I want to watch a show or movie I can and I'm sure this is true for many others as well
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
@kieth_the_palidan3771 yeah thats a good point. When I had a console I only used it for gaming and used my school laptop for TV. I would probably work around that by just getting a firestick or roku for the TV tho. You are right tho I'm sure the majority of console players just play on a huge TV
@alabaster6117 3 ай бұрын
Having this problem myself. I like the Chiv 2, but if there's a stack of PC players in the lobby, I'm consistently getting killed by a player that's in mid swing, arrows will go through them, etc.
@igor_jr8849 4 ай бұрын
I do play on console, and i can tell, that the devs need to change the controller settings so we can adjust and do higher level techs, example like you said, its very hard to do crouching jab, or same hit feint after the first hit. Also the game on console crashes way too much, especially after the last patch, its becoming unplayable, so it makes me just go to duel servers, its terrible. But i really thank you for your concern on console players, love your vídeos man, keep it up!
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
The fact that console can't do everything pc can is such a failure by the devs! How can you make a game cross-platform when one side can't physically compete due to controls
@Jacobiwankenoby 4 ай бұрын
Good video I was in that massacre. I can same attack feint but it's tricky and inconsistent, by the time I figured it out I was about level 900 so I'm still learning how to incorporate it into my gameplay. I'm sure others are in the same boat. They could add an option to switch our special attack button with the throw button combination. Mordhau on console has button remapping, there's really no excuse for it this late in the games life. Thanks for speaking up about it.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
No problem man I will always try and advocate for console, there shouldn't be any reason why basic mechanics are this difficult
@Sir_Came_A_Lot 4 ай бұрын
Hey Jacobi ! We often play against each other. I talked to you in chat once thinking you were PC. I’m impressed you’re on console ! - Sir Came A Lot
@Jacobiwankenoby 4 ай бұрын
@@Sir_Came_A_Lot thanks man. I recognize your name too. Yeah controller boy here 😄
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate the console love for this game! Thanks for talking about same-same feint attacks. I never hear anyone talk about that when discussing competitive play between pc and console. I didn’t realize they put that in the game for a minute. Never understood why it wasn’t just an easy fix, pressing the slash attack and then slash attack again should trigger a slash-slash feint like PC can do. Oh well, still fun to play with some of the best in the game, even if it’s not truly competitive bt console and pc.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
They put it in the game by accident, probably an intern lol. It was literally just press the button twice. It caused half the console players to cry that they would always fient without wanting to. So they were spamming the button and ruined it for everyone else.
@K1NGSLUDG3 4 ай бұрын
Nice. So I'm stuck with counter feints
@MachineGunSmelly 4 ай бұрын
I only played Chivalry 2 for about 5/6 months after it being free on PS4, absolutely fell in love with he game. Only reason I no longer play is being dominated by a group of PC players compared to controller really sucked the fun out of it.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Last Gen consoles are so hard to play with this game. So many performance issues I would throw my head against a wall
@MachineGunSmelly 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 Man its a shame too the game is a blast with friends but trying to convience your friends to play with all the issues. Even inviting on console was buggy for a time.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
@MachineGunSmelly I can't even convince my IRL friends who have PCs to get this game. Can only imagine how hard it is to get friends on console to get it
@MachineGunSmelly 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 I bet lol it’s nearly impossible. Hopefully they take notice and improve console. They do seem to have a good community behind them.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
@MachineGunSmelly I really enjoy this community, there's a reason I'm still around here and decided this was the game I was basing the channel on and it's due to all of the positive feedback and support from everyone.
@MaddTommy123 4 ай бұрын
Always watch you for Chivarly content keep up the awesome content brother! 🤘 Also I'm a daily console player lots of issues 😢
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Thank you man, and I really hope console gets their due attention. I want to feel like I'm on an even playing field
@garretthintz3463 Ай бұрын
When you brought up throwing on console 😩 it’s literally the dumbest button combo that half the time doesn’t work. That alone would be a huge fix
@Willoops 4 ай бұрын
Just saw this on Reddit. Completely agree w you man
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Hey I guess posting on reddit wasn't the worst idea, I know people hate when links get posted over there. Glad to see you on the channel bro
@spin8453 4 күн бұрын
Ps5 same side feints are doable but because of key binds they use more stamina than on pc. Efficient stamina usage is one of consoles biggest disadvantages. You can do pretty much all the same stuff as pc players (except crouch and jab at the same time lol) but you have to press more buttons. You can’t just attack to alt attack with one click you have to manually cancel the attack either with square or by tapping block (L2). Slash to alt slash R2, square, R2 Slash to alt slash with counter window L2, R2, L2, R2 Overhead to alt overhead L1, square, L1 Overhead to alt overhead with counter window L2, L1, L2, L1 Stab to alt stab R1, square, R1 Stab to alt stab with counter window L2, R1, L2, R1
@paulyboy29 4 ай бұрын
Im on pc but play with a controller and button remapping for the controller last time i tried just straight up dosent work. Theres also some obscure controls i had to search online for things like putting your shield on your back you have to hold right on the dpad which brings up a menu and than while awkwardly honlding the dpad use the right stick to navigate over to the "shield on back" option. Also picking up random food if you want to eat the food you have to double tap the emote button??
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Sounds like a drag man, why not just switch to M&K?
@Kjertinge 4 ай бұрын
Oh ya and jabbing is an absolute joke. That’s why I think a lot of us console players hardly ever jab or throw weapons. I push both my buttons to throw a weapon and I always get stuck doing overheads lmao so it’s really depressing trying to play ambusher or something heavy on throwing knives and jabbing
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Ambusher must be hell on console. The class that benefit the most from jabs and throwing lol
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
Same here! I can’t jab or throw with any consistency and it’s been 600+ hours over the past few years playing this game. Even switching to an Edge controller and moving the jab/crouch off a joystick button only helps marginally. Having combo functionality buttons like jab and crouch which are totally different gameplay mechanics is absolute boo boo.
@JeffCaseyTV 4 ай бұрын
I’ve only seriously started jabbing in duels when I reached 600. It’s more troublesome to jab on console but not impossible. Throwing is a nightmare that keeps on getting worse though.
@Nickyokyahu 3 ай бұрын
The console should have a keyboard and mouse feature, this is still not available.
@RetentionLedGrowth 2 ай бұрын
How do you hold your pad? The left side fingers - like a claw?
@Nuggz1 2 ай бұрын
When I used the controller I just used it regular. Tried the claw briefly but wasn't able to use it comfortably
@WARRIOR_BLOOD 20 күн бұрын
A bit late but same attack feint from neutral can be done without attack cancel. Example for slash RT, LT+RT.
@ianstandley297 3 ай бұрын
Been playing since last January. Its such a disadvantage to play vs pc players, throwing is a nightmare and the same side attack delay not being a thing that can be done easily is ridiculous Regardless of this though, I love this game and it is one of the only multiplayer experiences that has kept me occupied this long
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
There really is no other game like it. I hope the devs get it together and fix the game on console.
@ianstandley297 3 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 do you know if there is plans for a third game?
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@ianstandley297 The running theory is that the devs are working on another game right now but it's not announced. They had a huge hiring frenzy and have over 100 employees but only a small team still working on Chivalry2. So my guess is Chivalry 3 but who knows they could go another direction and make a brand new game.
@BluedevilT17 3 ай бұрын
JUSTICE FOR CONSOLE PLAYERS!!! Thank you Nuggz for bringing these issues to light. I hope this video makes it to the devs. Been having a great time playing Chiv 2 on console recently.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
I hope so too, if anybody has chiv content in their recommendations on youtube you would think it's the chiv devs lol.
@Byyrd Ай бұрын
The one thing I struggle with the most is not being able to crouch. I cant press and hold R3 and at the same time aim my attacks with the same button. Just give us remapping ffs, it would solve alot. I see about 5 people on each team with the PS logo every game. Rest is PC logo. I guess that includes the people who play on Xbox aswell? Anyhow... keep it up, bro. I enjoy your content. Off topic question: Do you know why Ryan Mald dosent stream anymore?
@Nuggz1 Ай бұрын
I have no clue but I haven't seen him in game in a while
@kychua2259 4 ай бұрын
Console player here. Throwing and crouching are the biggest issues for me.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Crazy man, crouching should be super easy, look at other games on console. Crouching is like a basic requirement in every game.
@Kjertinge 4 ай бұрын
I appreciate the love for console peasants. PC players deserve to have outstanding graphics and other bells and whistles. But when the gameplay and abilities are limited compared to pc it’s really no contest. Games like Rocket league for example doesn’t heavily depend on your set up at all. But something like this or R6 siege, it really breaks any close competition when we boil down the game settings
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
I have played rocket league and it actually seems to play much better on a controller. Chiv has no excuse to have such complicated controls on console, you would have better luck piloting a rocket shit to Mars lol
@cry-rs7vv 3 ай бұрын
Then it makes it more justified to use zen cheating on archery class since combat is bad
@SeasickKhan 4 ай бұрын
Us console players are the red headed step kid of chivalry 2!
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Pc players get the 3 course meal while console players starve
@SeasickKhan 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 preach!
@Christian-tw3sp 3 ай бұрын
It can be pretty rough, but I try just focus with basic movements and positioning. I play a lot of archer too, archer isn't completely cucked on controller. These issues could seem less impactful if we had enough players to fill console only lobbies and pc lobbies. I do think this game is too enjoyable for these things to effect me but just got to accept using throw weapons, some feints, crouching and jabbing will be a bit awkward. It's probably an easy fix really to all these issues...
@andrewyeargin3174 4 ай бұрын
With my controller i have two rebind buttons, so I have one as throw and the other as crouch, so it makes it a littls bit better, I'd say my throw percentage is around 90% BUT since throw is binded to RB & LB my rebound button still stabs or overheads sometimes. And crouching and jabbing is a joke, not even possible to jab I seen another comment about shield on your back and yeah I don't even know if you can do that on console Im on Xbox btw.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Crouch jabbing isn't a make it or break it tactic but it's just one more thing that console can't do that is just easy for pc
@unafflictedgaming 4 ай бұрын
Crouching is actually a huge part of high lvl gameplay imo. I dodge attacks by crouching and looking down up or going side to side all the time
@oofieodyssey4349 3 ай бұрын
just let me be able to report people, even if it doesn't do anything at least give me that illusion to be a helping hand in banning a cheater.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
The in game reporting doesn't do anything! The developers really don't care about fixing the cheating problem.
@cry-rs7vv 3 ай бұрын
​@Nuggz1 guess I'll cheat on console lol
@SauceCodes. 4 ай бұрын
Playing on console can be a bit stressful sometimes, especially when it comes to using certain mechanics like the alt attacks, throwing, etc. Ngl, when I moved to PC, it was much easier to throw and especially when it becomes to keybindings. I don’t get it why they can't just let console players bind to wherever button they wanna have it? TB is doing those unnecessary things to where if game died right now then they're basically screwed
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Just wait until an actual chivalry competitor comes out, this game will die instantly if TB is not careful
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
Sauce! Bro, you’re one of those players that seems to get me every time, lol. Good games btw! It’s rough on console but it’s still fun. I just can’t stand for PC players putting it all on skill like console players are trash when it just isn’t even close to the same game on the different systems. Going from PS4 to PS5 improved gameplay 10x honestly and the Edge controller helps another 2x. It’s just not all skill but I appreciate that you get me ALL THE DAMN time in matches. LOL!
@SauceCodes. 4 ай бұрын
@@BillJempty What's your IGN? I'm just confused, that's all
@jamescunion1133 6 күн бұрын
Finally someone actually addressing this issue
@bghead 3 ай бұрын
that's quite on point. no need to change anything else, just these three basic things. shouldn't be a lot of work.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
Lol you would think 3 basic things would be finished in a 3 year old game
@katel2610 3 ай бұрын
I dont understand the issue, is this the best in the US? Buttons are harder, and console struggles with reaction with counter-attacks(delay-issue). After reducing my delay to the bare minimum, and practising counters and visual manipulation i had no issue being the top of the leaderboard every game. And console play with pc in regulare lobbies, there are usually more pc than console in the lobbies i play in.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
Here is my wishlist for console. ✅ True Same-same attacks. L1 then L1 again in a set window and you do an overhead to alt overhead feint. Simple. ✅ Custom key binds, especially with a PlayStation Edge controller. Console should be able to choose where to put jab and have it inbound from crouch. Same for moving throw to a single button press. Those two changes alone would be huge. For a third, I don’t know much about gaming server tech but overall game performance only ps5 with 100+mb internet service wired into my console and I never get a ping or game performance anywhere near on par with pc players. There has to be some way to even that out. Frame rates, skips, pop in, game speed fluctuations, rubber banding get worse the better the competition we play against. Dedicated serves are better than live but still so bad sometimes and it feels like it’s worse on console.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
I had no idea the servers ran badly on console. Nice list crossing my fingers that a dev sees all of this.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 Bro, it’s really interesting. I wish I had some better data like frame rates but on console, I’m not aware of a good way to get more information other than ping which is just a very general indication of network performance. I can say that after 600 hours + and recording my gameplay and watching it back to learn and improve gameplay cuz I really like the game, it definitely feels like the game slows down and has all sorts of issues when you go up against good PC players. I feel like I have a really good feel for when I get beat on skill or positioning or 1vX, but these performance issues really stick out when you can’t time a basic block or counter. At times, I can hit a counter on a basic or even intermediate attacks (basic accels, drags without the extra animation shaping that goes on with advanced moves). It’s interesting and something not really talked about much because it’s difficult (at least with the little I know) to put actual data to it or test it. In those lobbies like the game footage you showed, it feels like I’m playing at half speed for most of those fights and it slows down significantly with skilled players who tend to stick together and do attacks in the same windows. For example, that fight you show in the video by the church…I was in that fight and we got bullrushed so hard around that corner. Great gameplay by the PC team but on the other end, there were times when I wouldn’t even see the attacks hit before I was dead. When the game runs well, I can see at least 1-3 attacks in front of me and use active parry on multiple attacks. In this fight, I was seeing a few frames of the wind up phase and as I time my defense the hits are already in and I’m dead then the animations catch up. I call this pop-in or skipping in. Add in skilled players that are doing the right things and it turns into an avalanche. I know I can improve my gameplay and I’m not on the level of the top top players but I can also see when it’s the game that is beating me and not the players. This happens with new players and low levels too. It just sticks out much more when I’m playing more competitive and really focused on hitting my counters and my gameplay. In other lobbies, I’m often good playing against top top players…I don’t dominate but I also don’t get crushed without having a chance (on average, I can certainly play poorly). In short, it’s hard to tell or put data to it but in my experience I’ve scrutinized this a lot in attempt to get better and enjoy the competition more and it seems to be game performance in one lobby vs another is the single biggest factor in any match I play in relative to my own performance. At 30-40 ping which is good for me, I often do well and it feels like the game works. At 50+, it starts to get iffy and I’m guessing rather than reacting. Above 60 or 70 and it’s not worth playing for me, the fraction of a second differential between a counter or reposte and taking a hit is so thin anyway that without optimal performance I don’t stand a chance against top top players with 0-20 ping. It is what it is but if we’re talking skill and gameplay in competition, it’s important to note. I would love it if TB took the approach to trying to even that playing field as much as possible between different internet and server connections. I expect there is only so much they can do but I bet they could do much more.
@doctorpebba 4 ай бұрын
Same atk feints are possible im pretty sure unless im just wrong about what that is. To my understanding you can, for example, stab, tap block(or attack cancel/X/square), and then stab. Everything else in this was fax tho we're hurtin
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
That is a work around for it. But I am pretty sure attack cancels and blocking cause it to use extra stamina then how it's done on PC.
@doctorpebba 4 ай бұрын
@Nuggz1 WOW that's awful I hate that. Didn't realize how hard I was nerfed on console.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
@@doctorpebba They have to nerf you pebba, the servers would crash under the weight of your girth
@pimptain4589 3 ай бұрын
- lol
@Gospelofjesuschrist7 3 ай бұрын
Playing on PlayStation and idd throwing is hard to do right!!!! Many things to stop playing this game!!! Nice video 🥂
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
Thank you man, let's hope the devs actually listen
@NotEzra 4 ай бұрын
As a console player, I would kill to change the key binds, throwing anything thing is aids
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Aids and ebola wrapped into one package is what I imagine the controller experience to be like
@3DudesAndaPS3 4 ай бұрын
Glad to know I only suck because it’s console diff and not just because I’m bad at the game /s
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
You can always get better but it is true that the mountain is very high to keep up with PC in this game
@SoterDave 4 ай бұрын
In my opinion, attempting to level the playing field between controller and k&m is a lost cause. But what SHOULD be done is that you should be able to use keyboard and mouse on console.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
It is true that even button remapping might only marginally help controller compete with PC. Mouse and keyboard support is probably the only sure 100% way to get it done.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
True. Agreed Dave but adding some more functionality would at least allow controller players to enjoy or compete a little better in the game. In TO with 64 players on a map and all the chaos that ensues it’s possible to enjoy and even compete on console with controller but yeah…there just isn’t a way to truly level the playing field between controller and mouse/keyboard. Personally, I never enjoyed nor got good at the movement in games like these with mouse/keyboard and I want to sit in front of my TV and not my computer. Any or all of these changes would be most welcome. Question for you and other content creator OG’s: do you think Chiv 3 will be more console focused from a development standpoint or remain a PC game that is more or less adapted to console ? (if they do it, and I expect they will personally…that might be another fun discussion to have)
@SoterDave 4 ай бұрын
@@BillJempty it will remain a PC game probably because unfortunately its mechanics and gameplay lend itself well to a mouse and keyboard. Take 'dragging' for example. Literally named after dragging a mouse on a mouse pad
@tybaltthewise 4 ай бұрын
I tried controller over thanksgiving break since my cousin had game pass. I commend console players, the game is significantly more difficult with the limitations. Mouse and keyboard support should be the focus.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
I tried controller a bit ago on a ps4. Dude, how people play this game on ps4 is beyond me. It's worse then getting tortured.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
Appreciate that Tybalt! I enjoy catching you in matches. I think console players would love some improvements but without those, it’s just nice not to be called trash because of hardware, software, and connectivity limitations on console. Some of them are just dumb like not having key bindings or a simplified same-same feint.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 I started playing at launch on console and PS4 was SOOOOO BAAD. It’s a credit to how good and enjoyable this game is even if it has some massively rough edges that need to be ironed out that players even made it through playing on previous gen console, lol.
@goldengrain9851 3 ай бұрын
The frame per second is the main issue we have against PC players.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
On last Gen consoles for sure, on newer consoles I think u guys shoot yourself in the foot a little by playing the game on a big TV. If you switch your console over to a high refresh rate monitor you can mitigate the frame issue.
@K1NGSLUDG3 4 ай бұрын
Tries to crouch jabs instead. And I'm dead.
@Sir_Came_A_Lot 4 ай бұрын
I’m so surprised that Jacobiwankenoby and Typer are consoles. I always play in the same server as them
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
They are beasts, but yeah they are console. It is possible to overcome the difference and beat PC players but it is incredibly difficult.
@BillJempty 4 ай бұрын
The fact that the TO matches are 64 people or 40 really hide a lot of the games faults and allow players to compete on timing and footwork instead of gameplay skill alone. So yeah, but when comparing top top players, console is just at a big disadvantage to where it’s not worth making a skill comparison in my op.
@CheemSxr 3 ай бұрын
If ziggylata found this video, he would’ve said “deal wit it” lol
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
He might have seen it, I know both him and Soter Dave have been in some of my comments sections
@CheemSxr 3 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 both are console elitists
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@CheemSxr It's dumb to pretend they are any different. A ps5 is probably stronger than my PC. The only difference is the support they get from devs
@wilder6761 3 ай бұрын
Algunos comentarios que hiciste me desagrada pero todo bien. 👍 La mayoría de veces que juego siempre me ponen con pc y si le doy daño sin querer todos terminan expulsando sin poder decirle que fué error Y encontrar una partida crossplay es imposible jajajaa te llevará días. Te lo dice una pro que juega en consola chilvary2 demasiado lit 😂
@Zunedoodle77 3 ай бұрын
Cheap to throw weapons!? Nah, the throw on the initial charge always gets someone, or if you throw when they are running away trying to heal.
@AlikineTV 3 ай бұрын
This match felt completely decided by communication. I topped the console team 2 rounds in this match and I gotta be honest there was no comms between the console team at all.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
There wasn't much communication on the PC side either, mostly just people joking around and or feeling bad about winning so we all backed off on lionspire objs
@AlikineTV 3 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 I wasn’t there for pc vc but at least the majority of you were in discord there were like 7 of us in discord
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@AlikineTV that's true I remember some of us were confused we thought the event wasn't going to happen or something
@leonardofontes7007 3 ай бұрын
I just wish I could change my keybinds, thats all
@PiLLows1979 4 ай бұрын
Hi Bro good video. As a veteran day one player, I have stuck by TB & actually thought they would improve the console experience, but oh boy was I wrong 😂. Bugs, glitches & just down right broken-ness aside, this game was clearly developed for pc & console added down the line. Just throwing on console is proof enough lol 😂, Trying to throw anything on console & you look unhinged or pathetic to pc players who just say 'bruh'. I have a youtube channel with chivalry 2 content & I have a couple of videos with javelin & titles with the problem throwing them lol but I don't talk in the videos but people see & with all my uploads people should notice that when I try to throw I usually just overhead attack a few times & look very silly 😂😅. I agree with you & things need to change but personally I think this game is nearly at its end & no improvements or key binding will come but there is always hope 😎😀👍
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
I'm hoping for a resurgence for this game that starts with the private servers. Some people think private servers are the beginning of the end, but I am a half glass full kinda guy. I think private servers will help retain players and then they just need to capitalize on that. I truly believe this game has the potential to blow up! And fixing console is a necessary step in doing that but also other things like increasing the number of cosmetic updates, special events, weapon releases ect... the main issue TB has is they get 5000 new players and then retain 20 because the experience on console is so horrible.
@PiLLows1979 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 thanks bro, yeah I kind of agree that extra content is good but private servers is just duel servers & selected games with friends but most of us use standard match making so really it is just down to making console players a threat to pc players, which are non existent really except from a few. For now console players should have console only lobbies but this is a small fix to the bigger problem. Thanks again for replying but I think this game will only get worse or at least just updated with cosmetics.....
@MYARMCLAN 3 ай бұрын
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@pimptain4589 3 ай бұрын
At this point it feels like a waste of time to ask Torn Banner for anything.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
It do feel like that 🥲
@needbettername8583 9 күн бұрын
Ive basically given up on the game at this point, weve basically been stiffed since the game went cross play. Even with a rework PC players will leave them with an advantage. Just give us a console only crossplay option, give us a level playing field. If we switch off crossplay currently it also stops consoles playing together. Clunky coontrols are less of an issue when everyone has them. I was a sucker and paid for this game before it came out on gamepass to support it, regret doing that now. The games being kept alive on Xbox because of gamepass and nothing more.
@Nuggz1 9 күн бұрын
The game is only alive because of console. 90 percent of the player base is console.
@Chillzone1520 3 ай бұрын
If any console player wants to learn some cool shit, let me know. I’ll gladly help
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
Top tier console player right here ^^
@CreamedKorn420 4 ай бұрын
They just need to let us change controller binds
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Maybe if this vid pops off enough the new community manager will have some work to do lol
@CreamedKorn420 4 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 I hope it does see you on the field bub
@saucebauss7964 3 ай бұрын
Can you crouch on playstation?
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
Yeah but I think it's like the the button as the jab button
@saucebauss7964 3 ай бұрын
@@Nuggz1 what haha? So how do you crouch then? Press double jab?
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@@saucebauss7964 probably I don't play on controller but I saw some other comments saying that
@Nickyokyahu 3 ай бұрын
The best part of my job is that I madly press two keys at the same time to throw knives and stay with fists while waiting for him to throw a sword in my own hand😅 Greetings to Xbox players from here😂
@berthold64 3 ай бұрын
just give em access to mouse&keyboard, gamepad is inferior in many games except racing genre simple as.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
Simple as indeed
@epicfluffyninjaable 3 ай бұрын
Wait PC can feint with the same attack? That seems like a big deal, Lmaooooo. Relatively new player Lvl.72 on xbox, but idk why they would remove that. Regardless of the game's problems and skill differences, but i LOVE this game. I might not be top the leaderboards but ill be out there pushing objective. Let me carry the Bombards, capture the pigs, be the extra body holding the courtyard. I love being apart of team and sometimes you gotta play your roles. I'll be the ODST to our teams Master Chiefs. A USMC Marine to a Spartan. Might not last long but I'm trying to help lmaoooo
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
Hell yeah every game needs those good objective players. The same attack fient thing is a pretty big disadvantage at high levels of play but you will probably rarely notice it in normal games
@epicfluffyninjaable 3 ай бұрын
@Nuggz1 You know, with videos like these and comments of other consoles players, I've learned alot. Gotta know your weaknesses and your enemies strengths. Have you considered bringing a High Level Console player on and breakdown the different approaches and tips to both? Anyways, great videos 👍
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@epicfluffyninjaable I know quite a few of the best console players in the game so that is a great idea haven't thought of it
@juiceboxbzrk 3 ай бұрын
Console for this game is still so embarrassingly jank. Basic things like menu interactions still dont work properly. I wish the devs would admit they dont know what theyre doing and are done trying so they can just reimburse players and move on.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
These aren't the type of devs to do that. These are the type of the devs to say no we aren't going to do anything but we will work on our communication. And then go radio silent for 6 months
@cameroncurran9698 3 ай бұрын
I pub stomp on console and pc, there’s just more you can do on pc in terms of movement. Console is still capable of beating pc
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
It's for sure possible. Fortunately most people, console and pc are just straight bad at the game.
@maboilaurence8227 2 ай бұрын
The only way you guys can survive is if all PC players disable crossplay. Seriously, most of them are just looking for easy kills when they leave it on, good luck with that.
@tklegend_2143 Ай бұрын
not being able to just plug in a mouse and keyboard is so stupid imo
@Nuggz1 Ай бұрын
A basic feature in most games
@johndoe-sp1jt 2 ай бұрын
could be my ADD but 5:41 mins before you say anything about the problem, bruh
@Nuggz1 2 ай бұрын
Still learning how to make videos man trying to get better every video
@crazyboy12b8 2 ай бұрын
@SirHypeTheBozo 3 ай бұрын
Console has 3 Xbox 😂 series X series S and the Xbox 1 😮 lmao Why I know because I play on Xbox1 still 😂😂 . I need an upgrade
@Chareidos 3 ай бұрын
My advice for console players! Get a mouse and keyboard!
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
If only this game supported m&k on console 🫤
@Polybox 3 ай бұрын
While I agree with your actual points, I find your attitude absolutely insufferable. Having played both the console and pc versions, I don't think there is that much of a difference. Sure, same attack feints are awkward to do and aiming a throw is tough, but you cant pretend that these are super severe handicaps. Proposing a mechanical advantage for console players like longer counter windows is insultingly condescending. I mean, countering is a timing based mechanic. None of the issues you talk about presents a reason for that being a distinct disadvantage for console. You pretend like not playing on a pc leaves one halved and crippled to the point where players need handouts like this. Honestly, I'd hate it if TB took steps like that to boost console player performance. Look, if i get beat by any player, including pc players, i don't start blaming some sort of platform disadvantage. That's bullshit because unless a throw doesn't register, it's always my fault. You pretending otherwise is literally just wrong, because you can't name a thing that'd prove otherwise. Just make excuses for other people, it's insulting. As i said, your overall suggestions are good but it's hard to listen to you because you sound extremely arrogant.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
1. Console already gets mechanical advantages in most games, it's called auto aim. But it was just a suggestion I came up with in the moment and I don't think my opinion should be implemented by any means. 2. The gameplay in the vid is of console vs pc. And the console side is literally more experienced on average. 300 kill deficit is a low ball. I'd call that pretty severe. 3. If it's insufferable to show support for my friends who struggle with console controls then I'm insufferable. Rather be that then an elitist PC guy.
@Polybox 3 ай бұрын
I mean, aim assist is a bit of a different story I feel because chiv really doesn't allow for precise aiming normally. Being able to turn quickly is way more important than pinpoint precision with a bow. This and the fact that a mouse is just a superior and more accurate input device for camera control makes it tolerable to me. I understand your suggestion was just spit balling so I don't want to dwell on it. I appreciate you want to even the playing field for your friends. I also appreciate you campaigning for basic functionality that consoles simply don't have. In a game that's cross play with PC, it just doesn't make sense to forbid KnM support or button mapping. Like I said, I agree with your general points. I just think the attitude you show in this particular video is really condescending and ironically is exactly what makes you sound very elitist. You literally talk as if console player are like disabled children who just can't stand on their own. Now, this may be correct in a way. I agree PC is superior in some ways. But these differences are very minor and don't really matter 99% of the time. A decent console player can still easily stand up to a decent PC player and top scoreboards. It's only in extremely unusual situations like the match you refer where the Aggregate of these minor factors amount to a substantial difference. Edit: don't take this as any substantial criticism by the way. All this is literally just tone policing by me so don't worry about it too much.
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@Polybox I got you man, if you're a decent console player you won't have any problems against the majority of PC players. If I sounded condescending it wasn't intentional but in the context of time I made this video it was right after that big PC vs console game. But that was competitive play and most people won't get that experience playing normal match making. But I know it was very frustrating for all the level 1000 console players to just not be on the same level. The most important thing console should have is key binding or mk support that bridges the gap massively. I know because I fight PC players who use controller and they are usually just as good.
@leafarasta4517 4 ай бұрын
skill issue. every single game console player crying wom womp not enough support womp womp, buy a pc and stop ruining games for others.
@JeffCaseyTV 4 ай бұрын
This is such an unreasonable reduction. Imo, if a company releases a paid video game on consoles they then hold a fiduciary responsibility to their consumers to mitigate imbalance between controllers and m+k. The options the creator proposed to increase counter windows would actually impact gameplay in a tangible manner, although, every other suggestion is reasonable enough to not effect gameplay and “ruin” chivalry as you propose they would. Moreover, you unconscionably believe gamers who struggle to play on console all have skill issues when there are imbalances in the games design itself. For example, certain features on m+k are simply not present on controller and throwing is literally a 50/50 gamble whether it works properly even if you press both buttons in succession. Lastly, you propose that console players should stop complaining fairly about these imbalances in a game many of them /paid/ for; and to just buy a PC. However, many console players simply do not have the impetus or funds to get a PC to gain marginal benefits in one of likely multiple games they play with their console friends. Afterall, the issue presented isn’t even PC v Console related; rather it is a m+k v Controller issue. If torn banner had a considerate design model they would grant console players m+k compatibility and/or controller rebinding which would negate the need for their consumers to spend thousands of dollars on a PC to gain marginal benefits at the competitive level of this game; as you imply.
@Chillzone1520 3 ай бұрын
Bot behavior
@cry-rs7vv 3 ай бұрын
No and I hope the game dies when we leave womp womp and then 20 pc players left with a dead game like mord womp womp then you go back to mordwhere? And get killed by unfair combat mechanic's in a dead game womp womp zen aim assist cheat on xbox goes brrrrrrrrrr
@Nuggz1 3 ай бұрын
@Windsorsn 4 ай бұрын
Ya it's feels like trying to put in a cheat code on GTA when doing a same attack feint. the right analog sharing 3 actions (aiming, jabbing, AND crouching) cant count the amount of times i jabbed instead of crouching and vice versa ending up dying. Dont wana talk about going to throw my fire pot and accidentally doing a fkn overhead at crucial moments 😐. My friend bought an xbox controller to see what i was talking about and he said it's a nightmare in comparison lmao. Been playing just over a year bout lvl 490 now.
@Nuggz1 4 ай бұрын
Console Chad's are the most dedicated, they can play anything in the world and decide to play a game that hates them. Yall got my respect for dealing with these annoying problems
@HaroldOfHarbour 3 ай бұрын
Private servers will help, surely someone will make a console only server
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