Really? It's really sad how we as "Christians" allow society to blur the lines between what is Right and Holy. God never changes and Holiness and dividing what is Truth IS a requirement of a Christian and MOSTLY a MUST for someone as a pastor or leadership role. We have allowed too much to pass on as OK within the church. There are major spiritual forces behind music, Satan was over music so don't you believe that someone NOT wanting anything to do with Jesus Christ but selling polluted music in the Christian section to help elevate you in a worship experience with Christ? Do you see the error in that? I don't even listen to some of the "sketchy Christian" artist that claim they are born again either because I believe the music industry pimps out whomever they can to make money while spreading error in the church. Very sad state of the Church today and you wonder why so many non believers don't see the value in changing and having a real relationship with Christ because the Church isnt