The thing I hate about phone calls is explaining why you are calling at least 5 times cause they keep transferring you to the wrong department 🤬
@JashiiCorrin Жыл бұрын
My biggest thing is setting a priority or focus for the day. Doesn’t have to be a big thing (in fact, it usually works better if it isn’t) but by highlighting that task with a dot marker in my check list, it helps me kind of put blinders on to the other stuff on the list 😝 Then, once or if I finish it, I can pick another one if there’s time 😊 Also, all about the Ta-Done list 😛 I just call it a “Ta Da” 🪄 list, haha 😝
@ThaBloodWitch Жыл бұрын
I'm the kind of person that sometimes when I don't do something, it snowballs because that mean voice in my head suddenly has ammo it can use against me. What I'm trying out now is a Bare F***ing Minimum list. Things that have to happen every day to keep myself and my household functioning. If I accomplish these things, the voice has no right to be mean to me, everything else on my to do list can wait until tomorrow.
@IfersInklings Жыл бұрын
Funny you should mention the phone calls... I had 4 that I was putting off and putting off and putting off - for MONTHS. I finally knocked them out at lunch today and now I don't have to worry about them anymore.
@missyb7311 Жыл бұрын
I have SO many things that “don’t have to get done today” that haven’t been done in so long. That’s where I go into overthinking/overplanning, further burying them.
@kimberlyh8201 Жыл бұрын
something i do is to break a task down by writing the tiniest first step on my to do list, and then when i sit down to simply open a word document (if i have to write a paper) or putting on my shoes (if i want to go for a walk) and then i'm usually motivated to keep going, but if i can't do any more in that moment, i've made the first step, so future me has one less thing to do!
@ElizabethRBain Жыл бұрын
I am thrilled I'm not the only one who hates phone calls and has regular life shit pile up.
@suzisaintjames Жыл бұрын
I hate making phone calls, but one thing that helps to put things in motion is to get prepared. So, on my planner page, I write: call Social Security, then I find the phone #, then I write some notes and I collect any documents that I may need to reference. Same with calling for technical service, I note that I need to reference my calendar (so I have my digital calendar open when I call). I notate when the deadline is (when the machine will stop so I can beg for a sooner appointment if necessary). I can do all this in advance (without any stress and at my own leisure as I'm a night person and can't call anyways... they're not open). Instead of migrating all that info to the days following, the entry reads: call Social Security, see 1/5/24. Or: call tech support see 1/7/24. ... This also gives me an idea of how long I've been putting off calling. If the task reads: pay tuition by 1/5/24, see 11/20/23. I know 😮... better get it done. 💖🌞🌵😷
@theshunnedBandersnatch8 ай бұрын
I do this for work! I hate talking on the phone, but it's necessary for my job. I finally figured out that "flying blind" was my issue. I started a document solely for calls where I note the company name, phone number, and summarize the issue I am calling about. If I am having a very bad day, I might even fully script my side of the call. Then I have space to take notes as I listen. I still hate talking on the phone but it's less of a mental block. I have yet to implement this system into my personal life 😅😂
@dianaleerode5847 Жыл бұрын
I so strongly concur with the “make the list the night before” idea. I am and never have been a morning person, and I’m learning to figure out how to live with that reality.
@pebblespinklady1753 Жыл бұрын
Survivor of appendix cancer, survivor of brain tumor and living with compression fractures of my spine. Having that brain tumor removed really caused memory troubles. Chronic pain from the fractures of the spine. If I make my to do list the night before I usually make a huge list. A long list that sounded great when I made out the list. I've found that making my list the day of works for me. It helps because I know how my back is acting that day. I also add any extra things I do. I did this because I would look back at my to do lists and only see a few tasks and I would be exhausted. This is working for me and may not work for others.
@chelseag3365 Жыл бұрын
"I turn into an aerodynamic bird when I have to make phone calls" 😂 saaaame!
@everydayblue7798 Жыл бұрын
I hate making phone calls too, especially business ones. I also hate paying bills. It's like an anxiety thing of making my money go away. Xennial here too.
@BNris Жыл бұрын
Cindy! Burt's bees is making RANCH flavored chap sticks! You said ranch is one of your favorite food groups in one of your recent videos, and when I heard about this, I was like, "Someone HAS to tell Cindy..." 🤣
@sierrakoester1424 Жыл бұрын
I'm with you on the phone call thing. I hate making phone calls! It makes me anxious. I don't think I'm a great verbal communicator, so talking to people on the phone is often awkward, and they often end up confused by what I'm trying to get at/say. I would much rather write an email or send a text.
@k-lingon-berry Жыл бұрын
I had heard all the tips in this video before, but I love the down-to-earth way you phrased them, I laughed out loud when you talked about task batching and productivity tech bros. "Consequences schmonsequences" killed me (in a good way), because you nailed the tone of my inner monologue with that. 😂 Just like your husband I can't really make a list for the next day in the evening, it just makes me overthink/feel overwhelmed and then I don't want the next day to start and put off going to bed and get (even more) insomnia. 👎Instead what works for me is to make a list for the week/next few days that I then update little-by-little every day or two. I'm not consistent in when I set up my planner per week, but I find that I still manage to write down the most important tasks whenever I put in appointments and events. Having things I track regularly (like meds) helps too, since I open my planner for those even if I don't have new appointments/events to put in. ✍
@brendadela3280 Жыл бұрын
I have been focusing on energy management. I do not have the energy to complete everything I want to do. I make a weekly list an then set anything with a deadline on my daily list. When I get up I evaluate my energy level and plan accordingly. There will always be things that don’t get done but I’m working to focus on what I can do instead of what I can’t.
@daniellemoody860811 ай бұрын
I really like the tip of writing out the consequences of not getting an important thing done!
@darlenesluder3038 Жыл бұрын
Looks like you're perking along pretty well with your fountain pen these days. I'm a fan of them, so glad you gave the Metropolitan another chance. The lighter pressure's easier on your joints and the ink colors available are built-in opportunities for play.
@rosecolouredrabbit Жыл бұрын
I like to use the "top 3" list each day. It's almost always the same week to week, but it helps schedule my tasks into manageable amounts.
@annec8127 Жыл бұрын
I hate paying late fees with the fury of a thousand nuns (a friend made that typo decades ago and I'm never giving it up). It's motivated me so often with paying for stuff. And limiting my to do to 3 things has made so much difference in my life. ❤ Also, my work is so variable, I have to make a Ta Done list (minus the checking) so I remember I may have not crossed off that much, but I DID get these things done!
@Laurar35 Жыл бұрын
That is totally me.. migrate all the time. Some things been on list for months🙈. I also hate paying out big chunks of money and making phone calls.😂.
@karinakohnke1718 Жыл бұрын
Anxiety procrastination is a joy. Love this advice!
@peachpuddin Жыл бұрын
This video is so awesome and informational that I watched it twice!! I especially love the idea of writing down the consequences!!
@rebeccasanders2289 Жыл бұрын
One thing I learned from PWL is to make a list and make the tasks small. So you could end up with a long list but the tasks are short - 5-10 minutes. For example, instead of saying clean my bathroom shelves, say clean the 1st bathroom shelf, next would be the 2nd shelf and so on. I am motivated by the check marks therefore this works for me.
@piafitoussi Жыл бұрын
I REAALLY appreciate this video series you're doing here lately, it's very helpful, thank you for all the new (fun!) tips. Also, yay for batching! although for me it works better to batch tasks that are at the same location, instead of same categories tasks, like everything on the computer, everything on the phone, or in the kitchen, or all the errands, etc... because then, once I begin, nothing gets in the way of continuing, I'm already at the right place with the right tool, it kind of gives me momentum, you know? While I'm here, might as well get the rest done. And I try to do what they recommand for building new habits, letting the tools out and close to each other, like some cleaning supplies in the kitchen and others in the bathroom, or planner with computer and phone charger, bags for grocerie shopping next to my shoes and car keys...
@waggermama Жыл бұрын
I absolutely struggle with paying bigger sums - it’s hard! With really bad procrastination, I’ve just tried sitting with it and digging down as to why I’m not doing the thing, it helped a bit ( I still haven’t done the thing though)
@BLoren Жыл бұрын
LOVE this!! Great tips. I especially love the "done" list. I often forget to praise myself for what I DID actually get done.
@katlero288 ай бұрын
I spent all of May feeling overwhelmed and not sure why (figured out it was the transition from school to summer routines and all the end of year hoopla) but I felt frazzled all month. Finally figured out I need to go back to full bujo style dailies detailing every step of the day including rest time. THEN I figured out I could set up the dailies on my phone using the reminders app and widgets instead of a notebook cause I’m not at my desk all day on the weekends like the weekdays. I got so much done this past weekend with this change in system! My never ending list was overwhelming me, but my phone list was only focused on my day and my widget narrowed my focus to only a few things at a time! I could mark off an item without opening the app so there was no trying to get ahead of myself. And! Because I took the time to set up my list in what my flow of the day was going to be, there was no reading and re-reading the list to figure out what to do next. Freedom!
@ashleyhairstondoughty5542 Жыл бұрын
Your video reminded me that I actually developed an Apple Shortcut to help with task prioritization. Not sure it’s ready for the world, but it asks the same questions you mention in the video. I should try to finish it! 😅
@YestoHawaii11 ай бұрын
Love your planning videos and your authentic, REAL take on planning. Also, unrelated to the video - but super cute nail polish color!! 🌺
@kristie3592 Жыл бұрын
I just wanted to tell you that I really like the direction you have been going as of late. It is nice to know that I am not the only one who struggles. Your last few videos have been full of helpful ideas for those of us who do struggle.
@emerydurow6076 Жыл бұрын
I've been really enjoying these last few videos! Very helpful and practical advice for chronically ill. I bought the anti planner after your video. I've been thinking about it for a long time but I finally just did it. I've already used it several times the last several days.
@ashenamber Жыл бұрын
The way I related to you when you said you talked about having a cleaning cassette?! There are still songs I hear to this day and it’s like Pavlovian how I want to start cleaning 😂. Great video Cindy!
@tiffers1003 Жыл бұрын
I try to do the thing I don't want to do first; IE I hate cleaning the bathroom but I'll do that first. I have a 3 priority rule of 3 things I need to accomplish for the day. Trying to get my husband on board with the concept too. How do get him on board when he has ADD and a chronic illness? I also like the idea of asking myself What my future self will appreciate me doing? Like doing the dishes the night before; my future self will appreciate a clean kitchen in the morning.
@BRockBRollBU Жыл бұрын
Honestly I'm so glad I found this channel. I've never been great at keeping track of things or handling life, but I've started my own medical journey(5 months in, no answers yet) and I feel like I'm falling apart even more than I already was. I feel like I've learned things I'll be trying from you, and your videos and comments on them have helped me believe life will keep moving and I will try to keep moving too. It may be a bit slower, but motion is motion? I guess. IDk. Heh, Thanks, or something I guess? 😅 You're great.
@michelleherald9619 Жыл бұрын
I live for my Ta Done List and making my list the night before. I also actually journal about giving myself grace. Perhaps it was a really bad fatigue day, I am okay with that and it is allowed.
@catcy90 Жыл бұрын
Procrasticat here! I feel ya when it comes to putting off things. Cheers for the fountain pen use! I have 3 inked for this month because I love them all!
@thatwendygirl68 Жыл бұрын
SOOOOO HELPFUL!!!!💥💥💪🏻💪🏻♥️
@JFlocRNa Жыл бұрын
My procrastination issue is just like yours and I gave up on productivity bro YT. I used to google time block within an inch of my life and then feel like crap when I got maybe 20% of it done ( or 0% some days). I'm planning more like you now, just a few "musts" on the list and another list of "would be nice but not necessary" along the margin of the weekly page.
@chelseag3365 Жыл бұрын
Extremely useful video with excellent real life examples thank you! Also along side writing down negative impacts you could write down positive impacts like in your example, your anxiety being relieved as soon as possible once the tuition is paid.
@susanHW Жыл бұрын
Great tips! Going to check off a looming task…after this video 😊😝
@loveforpaper6203 Жыл бұрын
Hello! My name is Nicole and I’m a new subscriber friend😊Loving your videos😊excited to watch more
@suzisaintjames Жыл бұрын
Realize that when you're hesitant to do something (like phone calls) it could be that you've skipped some steps to get your task done. I have a hard time making calls when I see them on my to-do list. For example: call social security. I panic because there's no phone number, so I move on to something that I can accomplish. ... Later when I migrate this call, I realize it and look up the number and write it in my planner. Next time I see this task, I can't remember where the letter is that I need to call about. So I move on. And again, I realize I need to find the letter, so I migrate and tuck the letter in my planner. Next time I see the task, I realize that I don't have the documents to answer the questions in the letter. So, I go find what I need. ... Now I'm ready to call. If it's a doctor's appointment, I make sure the number is listed in the task box with a note reminding me to have my digital calendar open, and the reason for the visit. Once I note everything I need for the call, I only migrate: call social security, see notes 1/5/24.
@katv1195 Жыл бұрын
If it's any help, this is what I do. In the back of my planner I have a few small lists of things I have to do to prepare for something, like a phone call. Eg Prepare to make phone call to resolve an issue, write down issue, find papers, find phone number, check what else I need, set date to call, call. Then, when something comes up I set myself the task "prepare to phone social security, see checklist". As I do things, they go on my "stuff done" list. If I don't finish it all in one day, the next task becomes "prepare to call social security, checlist step (number)" along with the kind of notes you're using.
@suzisaintjames Жыл бұрын
@@katv1195, thank you for your reply... It does help. Sending lots of love 💖 from sunny 🌞 Arizona 🌵. Take care of yourself and each other 😷.
@werelemur1138 Жыл бұрын
I can't brain in the morning. I'm trying to go to bed earlier but I'm still useless until the coffee has had a chance to sink into my neurons.
@TiiaPlans Жыл бұрын
I’ve just watched the first few minutes of the video, but had to pause: IS THAT A FOUNTAIN PEN I SEE ON CINDY’S HAND?!?! 😍😨
@marydetray6776 Жыл бұрын
I fucking HATE phonecalls too, I have a list of like 10 calls I need to make right now 😣
@marooples Жыл бұрын
Batch like tasks? More like batch like stress!
@loiscassels8966 Жыл бұрын
I’m the opposite to you, Cindy. Don’t f*cking text me! Never text me. Pick up the damn phone! ❤️🇨🇦