Cities Skylines 2 is unfinished... (what went wrong?)

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Cities Skylines 2 release has had a lot of negative criticism, especially about performance.
Cities Skylines II gameplay is not what most players expected. CS2 gameplay should have been a lot better and today we discuss the ongoing issues with Cities Skylines 2.
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@Yithiru 11 ай бұрын
A bit depressing... Especially after delaying LBY I thought Paradox had gotten the hint that allowing unfinished games to release is not good. I hope they'll fix the issues soon. Would be a shame for this game to go under.
@envy2069 11 ай бұрын
They probably put more of their attention into LBY
@fredkelly6953 11 ай бұрын
It's not going under, there is still oodles of money to be made, they won't give up on that. But forcing them to change this get games out half cooked has got to start with the customer.
@willianbueno7611 11 ай бұрын
Thank God they delayed LBY, because from the developers footage it looked really unfinished and unstable, but in their most recent videos the game seems to be running better.
@Greybell 11 ай бұрын
honestly looking at the state of LBY right now, I think they need to delay it even longer.
@dmdm597 11 ай бұрын
I guess that because LBY is a new ip they decided to be more careful with it because it doesn't have an established fanbase like C:S2, and eventhough it was an early access they still felt that it was better to have a more playable EA as to not hurt the reputation of the game. C:S2 they clearly felt like even with a broken launch the fanbase would still buy the game even if the reputation would take a hit somehow. And that's exactly what happened. Just look at the cities skylines subreddit, prior to the launch everyone was criticising the performance and the decision to launch the game and now if you criticize the game you get downvoted to oblivion.
@yonathor 11 ай бұрын
This is the reason I don't buy new games right away anymore.
@donny1960 11 ай бұрын
What is the reason again?. Because some people do not have the right equipment. Or the knowhow to adjust the settings to make a perfectly good game work for them?. ....... I have a midrange System and am having a great time with this game. Looks good and plays even better. And I did not have to wait for all the Stars to align in a certain way. Or for every whining gamer to be satisfied. I did the nearly impossible, it seems I took the initiative and worked things out myself. And am enjoying a really great game.
@take_a_quaalude6948 11 ай бұрын
Smart move. Been doing that for years now.
11 ай бұрын
Me too, I'll wait for more time, maybe 1 year or when having some mods. I'm still having fun in my cs1 city.
@unitedfront9717 11 ай бұрын
@@donny1960 it just doesnt work even when adjusting if you have no 4090
@donny1960 11 ай бұрын
@@unitedfront9717 I am proof that you are wrong. I do not have as powerful of a Graphics card as that. And it is working fine. Great graphics, even Weather. Now it might get to a point where it all goes to Hell. But right now I am having a great time with the game. Sorry you can not get it to work.
@CitiesByDiana 11 ай бұрын
I really dislike how they made the highest possible bloated settings with unnecessary effects as the default - really not suitable for 99% of PCs so most people just jump into the game, it doesn't run and they give up....
@lilacmoon6137 11 ай бұрын
I agree, I think some optimised settings would be much more helpful for performance and first impressions.
@Archman155 11 ай бұрын
@@lilacmoon6137itd be nice if the game could evaluate your PC and adjust the settings accordingly so its a good starting point. many pcs games do nowadays
@donny1960 11 ай бұрын
@@Archman155 Evaluate your own Damn PC. Make adjustments accordingly and then try to enjoy a perfectly wonderful game. There are videos that show you how to adjust the settings. Do that and stop waiting for the PC Game Fairy to show up and do everything for you.
@ynsignia 11 ай бұрын
​​@@Archman155Ppl expects that their 1080Ti and Intel Core i3 3rd Gen with an HDD can run in 4K in a logically exhausting sim game. Ppl blocks their mind from tweaking the settings and gets amnesia that you can just play it in 1080p for performance.
@g_webb21 11 ай бұрын
@@donny1960 "perfectly wonderful game" yet an RTX 4080 struggles to output 30fps at max settings yeah okay😂😂
@HoloTap 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad that Life By You is delayed, Imagine two Paradox games that are completely broken coming this fall... I am scared for how Life By You is going to be, they are already baiting people to pre order with that exclusive pack and their gameplay vids feels odd sometimes with the FPS drops. I hope they'll manage to bring a better game then excpected.
@freedomfirst5557 11 ай бұрын
Today, most big game companies release games KNOWING full well, that players and modders will eventually fix it. They save a ton of money not releasing games working at it's100%. Example....Cities Skylines one.
@JiggleRat 6 ай бұрын
except console can't be modded so a large portion of players just get stuck with shit game
@kevinpedersen5290 11 ай бұрын
If this is how they plan Life By You to run like, and if this is the FPS they are targeting, then Life By You is dead on arrival 100%.
@prueling 11 ай бұрын
watching their videos, the ones they are releasing, i can tell it will have performance issues. it is really odd to show a "demo" of gameplay with 15fps on stream. really making me scratch my head because it means it is not optimized.
@blackonearth 11 ай бұрын
My experience, the game is fine. Yes, you have to adjust some settings to get it to play smooth, but I've had no issues playing. I'm sorry to anyone not having that experience.
@PuppetMasterdaath144 11 ай бұрын
its the same every game, noobs everyone, ofc. cyberpunk is trash on ps4 when its considered a hard to run game and ps4 is absolute trash, I mean cmon its so simple logic...
@ProdbyKing. 11 ай бұрын
Yea lowkey it runs really good for me there is just some weird bugs like when I clicked on a wind turbine and went to place it, i just see a giant rectangle 😂
@vomm 11 ай бұрын
Where are the settings to adjust the farm fields, mines etc. to look less ugly and to set that gras texture have details or public buildings aren't American in European Style?
@serily4524 10 ай бұрын
"my experience, the game is fine" far from fine, its not about your experience, but about how the game truly is, the game is terribly optimized wether u like it or not, and dont come at me with the, "put the lowest settings to get it to play smooth" if u even need to change the settings in the first place to low, that shows the game aint optimized, you only need low for low end pcs
@blackonearth 10 ай бұрын
@@serily4524 My settings are all practically on high. It IS about individual experiences. Otherwise, I should be having the same complaints as everyone else, but I don't, because my experience with the game is different. I've not had one issue that I've heard people complain about. Either wait for a patch, or just don't play. Truly, this is not the most important thing happening in our world right now. It'll be okay.
@nathanielplacide4119 11 ай бұрын
I’ve been playing non stop, I just had to turn my settings down. I know I don’t have the best PC. And it still looks great. Just learning the mechanics of the game has been a fun challenge, I really have no complaints and it’s an overall better game. I hope the game works for everyone else, there’s soo much potential and I hope for the best with this game.
@pwcorgi2000 11 ай бұрын
I'm having to wait until it releases on consoles, but I'm okay with that.
@xbox7888iscool 8 ай бұрын
You don’t have any issues with crashing? Even with the lowest settings my game crashes after an hour
@nathanielplacide4119 8 ай бұрын
@@xbox7888iscool my game only crashed once this week. What are your specs? I’m at a 3060, 16 gb ram.
@BlondLoki 11 ай бұрын
The main thing for me is definitely the design, especially how grey it is. It looks very realistic but more like a city design simulator, and not a city building game - the fun and charm is missing compared to cities 1
@JC_Cali 11 ай бұрын
I'm glad others are realizing how gray and dull it is... no amount of highly-glossed trailer videos can obscure that. Many cities are dull - but there's SO many examples of colorful and vibrant cities (especially in the Caribbean, which another missing element is TROPICAL climates/thems) - that's the city of my dreams I want to build!
@gabrielsandstedt 11 ай бұрын
I love it looking more realistic now, but I prefer simulators over games, like flight simulator.
@noiserrr 11 ай бұрын
ive been saying the same since day one glad others are also picking up on it. just gray and boring to be honest. i was impressed with the first game with how vibrant it felt. this is the complete opposite.
@CountDaKings 11 ай бұрын
@afrules9097 11 ай бұрын
Yes it looks bland and shitty. Its more like a soviet city simulator. I also compared this game with real maps from google maps and this real maps dont look that grey.
@nicky_mir 11 ай бұрын
I remember those times when CSS1 was only announced and I was like "oh really, it looks kinda strange" but then, closer to the release, I saw that the game would have an advanced water with dams, floods etc and I preordered it. Never thought that this franchise would become a new leader in the citybuilding games.
@greedyyawgoo5635 11 ай бұрын
Maybe hiring only 20 dev didn't pay off to maximize the profit...
@NateClay 10 ай бұрын
No idea how they dropped the ball on this one. The list of community wanted features was extensive, they had an opportunity to really up the graphics (even if left out lower end PCs) or find an engine that allows that level of variation. I think with the amount of mods that CS1 has, nobody wanted the same game with better looks/new assets.
@LuisCscpestinha 11 ай бұрын
I think the lack of features you mentioned and how you framed it really portrays the reality of today on why generally most new games suck or are underachivements. Game companies rely too much on content creators or professional players opinions, misguided by the idea "if this streamer has 5k followers, we will have feedback worth of 5k people", which is wrong the majority of people paying and playing are not content Creators, and if they had the chance to test a game and be heard like content Creators, the games would be better appreciated by everyone, thus the difference is one plays for their audience (business mind) and the others play for pure enjoyment, and the feedback you get from the 1st is mostly business driven while the 2nd one is more enthusiastic. Just my honest opinion, but I understand it might not be so black and white, because on the other hand you want to make the content creator feel appreciated so he can do the marketing for the game and bring more people aboard, turning this partnership profitable both sides. But I belive both player bases should be considered while testing a game to receive a broader feedback.
@badarttangent7786 11 ай бұрын
I've got this downloading atm, totally aware that its not functioning fully when buying. I figure it can't be any worse than the broken sims games
@mewletter 11 ай бұрын
It's still undercooked, like most games these days. Even my favorite IP, Payday, also suffered same mess. Best to wait a year or so
@jouniosmala9921 11 ай бұрын
Skylines development team is so small that they could fund the development for about 100 years with their team size from proceeds of the first game.
@vomm 11 ай бұрын
This game is a total disappointment! Thanks for your honest review. So many Let's Players have been bought by Paradox and haven't said their honest opinion and still aren't. You can tell from this game that Cities Skylines has no real competition. It's unfinished from start to finish, and in many places extremely careless, like really so careless that I could hardly believe it. Even for Paradox, this is a low point. And I'm not even talking about the performance but the ugly textures, creepy farms/fields, terrible backyards, that public buildings even in the European theme are American, and there are endless graphic errors. They should have definitely delayed it or sent it to beta. For me, Paradox is slowly really reaching the level of EA, they used to bring thousands of DLCs, but at least the quality was almost always very good. Now they release broken, bad base games and announce DLCs even before their base game even delivers what it promised. I'm a huge fan of the first part and of this barely served genre, but I won't buy Cities Skylines for at least a few years before I take a second look.
@tanvelas 11 ай бұрын
All I see here is a new DLC simulator, because how would they make more money if the game has all the features availiable at launch
@tempejkl 11 ай бұрын
Just shows how capitalism is stupid. They try to say socialism is when you don’t own anything, but capitalism is the same, you don’t actually own anything, like you used to.
@klausing8 11 ай бұрын
It gives my PC a really annoying whirring sound when it doesn’t whir for any other game and it gets hot after awhile of playing CS2
@OutOfNameIdeas2 11 ай бұрын
Lol. Your pc has coil whine. Or something. Your pc is at fault for that. You probably have a Nvidia graphics card.
@davidszep3488 11 ай бұрын
I wish EA make a true Simcity 4 successor with modern engine...
@davidszep3488 11 ай бұрын
@@Sim-dil-e-icious Simcity 4 had a fantastic soundtrack and I wouldn't mind if they did it in 2D style, it would still look good and run on everything...
@DokisKalin1 11 ай бұрын
I love the architecture of all the SimCity games the most. They really cared about spending time on assets.
@DokisKalin1 11 ай бұрын
True LOL they could make it 90s style for kicks@@davidszep3488
@eggiefriedrice 11 ай бұрын
I installed it today so excited to play but it just unplayable on my pc. So sad.
@dantrianon4248 11 ай бұрын
Same with me, could barely get past the starting menu
@ynsignia 11 ай бұрын
@dantrianon4248 11 ай бұрын
@@ynsignia i have an i7 and a gtx 1650, 24 gb of ram also… I was very worried with how my computer got hot
@tempejkl 11 ай бұрын
@@dantrianon4248 graphics card holding you back I think. What gen is the Intel i7 you have? 24gb of ram is quite unusual
@g_webb21 11 ай бұрын
​@@tempejklhe might have 3x 8GB RAM sticks, unusual still
@DokisKalin1 11 ай бұрын
I don't know how they expect this to be a profitable game when so few people have the required hardware and the majority simply can't afford the required hardware.
@NopWorks 11 ай бұрын
It truly is a shame, because from most reviews it seems that the gameplay & foundation is great, but it's mainly spoiled by performance; so if they had just cooked it a few more months & ironed out all the performance issues this launch would've been a slam dunk - an easy overwhelming positive reception win. A big non-performance deal breaker for me is funky zoning. Zone on the same road shouldn't break up into smaller chunks.
@ninazada 11 ай бұрын
@NopWorks They released a patch with some performance improvements today so let's hope it gets better :(
@boki1693 10 ай бұрын
The zoning thing is not that bad. Yes, it happens, but it happened in the first game, too. But one thing it helps with is now you don't have to manually make the zones different sizes to make many of the buildings not all the same. Other than the performance issue, most of the things that are wrong are annoying things from lack of polish. Many of the things people are complaining about is one, it has become popular to complain about every new AAA title in any media these days. And two, they play an hour, don't understand how something works, then just assume it's not working. It's not that it's not working. It's they are doing it wrong and didn't bother to figure out how to do it right before complaining. Three, they want all the add on released in the first game for free in the second game. The game is way better than the first game at the start. But not as fleshed out as the first game was after 7 years. Well, dah. Lol. People like to pretend the first game is perfect. But it was far from it even after 7 years. I was worried about the scaling, but the game seems bigger to me. And they fixed the biggest problem I had with the first game. NO MORE DEATH WAVES!!!!!
@ninazada 10 ай бұрын
@@boki1693 I agree with you a lot. It seems like a trend to just complain right away when games don't come out 100% perfect. The performance issue has been fixed for the most part now which is great, they fixed it within a day so that shows they at least care (a lot more than EA lol) Before the patches, the game was running at 30 fps for me, which is obviously not acceptable but for a simulation game it's actually quite playable, but the amount of hate i got from people that never played the game before was too damn high
@boki1693 10 ай бұрын
@@ninazada Some peeps have ligit complaints. But dam, some of this crap is just complaining to be complaining. One dude on the steam message boards complained that TWO people he followed, didn't go to the right houses and that ruined the game for him. WTF? I watched a content creator the other day trash all over the game. Basically because he finds city builder games boring. I'm like so why did you review this? Not only that, in his 8 minute review, he didn't show any footage beyond him placing a few roads. He didn't even show one house built. LOL. Showing clearly that he didn't play the game hardly at all. So I came to the conclusion, he was just trying to get hits on his channel for hating something he thought was popular to hate. And I truly think many people now do this for any new thing thats released in games, movies or tv. Just look and see how many things get rating bombed when they first come out. And a month later that same thing now has a respectable score.
@ninazada 10 ай бұрын
@@boki1693 It really is a shame. For sure a lot of content creators are doing it for the views because the game is trendy so they all jump on the train. I have hundreds of hours on CS1 and so far i'm loving the new one, the new features are giving me a lot to discover. Sure the game is not perfect but it's not as bad as people picture it to be.
@TheDawnofVanlife 11 ай бұрын
Paradox at the end of the day is a game publisher acting like a game publisher. Collosal Order really love this game, they are great devs. But the money to produce the game comes from Paradox. Paradox is just baby EA and got lucky that they were partnered with Collosal Order when EA dumped SimCity off a cliff. And Collosal Order was like "we have something to fill the gap" and the success was massive. I wish Collosal Order got more cred then Paradox for Cities.
@shawnarice7374 11 ай бұрын
Hope you feel better soon satch, sending you a get well hug
@daleenhogan3442 11 ай бұрын
I will be waiting at least a year before buying CS2
@Drew-xe9sp 11 ай бұрын
This is terrible compared to the first cities skylines. It seems like they put in dumb things like naming trees and rocks, listing every person that lives in a building, being able to rename them, their age, wealth ext. It’s just unnecessary especially when the game cannot even run at a half decent fps. Terrible. The graphics are total garbage
@SaniBell98 11 ай бұрын
It runs fine for me on my mediocre PC, but I had to put it down since it's so darn boring. I like building green cities in C:S1 with huge parks, camping grounds, bike lanes, lots of pedestrian areas, etc. C:S2 brings us back to the square parks, which is such a shame. And as a European person, I thought the architecture for the European mid-density apartments is horrible. Not only, it's the same 3 buildings that are being built, but they look so unaesthetic. I really miss RICO and Parklife. :(
@terranu1 9 ай бұрын
1st Release unfinished broken game due to investor pressure to earn on the hype and pre orders. 2nd Do the preplanned apology and promises to finish game 3nd Wait for modders to fix your game. 4rd Steal modder work and sell it as separate DLCS. PROFIT.
@utopiate75 11 ай бұрын
CS1 never ran 'well'. Its a city building sim so 30-60fps is all thats needed. I have a mid range rig - 5600x, 6800xt, 32bg ram and in 1440p am currently getting 30-45fps, if i switch to 1080p then 60+fps. CS2 is far better than CS1 at launch as far as features etc goes. The performance will improve but just don't expect 144fps at 4k lol. I think some content creators are just jumping on the bandwagon as its 'content'. CO are one of the few developers left that do listen to the community and support by facilitating mods etc.
@ynsignia 11 ай бұрын
Truth be told, ppl nowadays run games at 4K or nothing. These so-called GAMERS don't know anything about performance and tweaking optimally for their respective rigs.
@JayceeVoZuri 11 ай бұрын
Buying a game at release basically is you pay the most money for the worst version of the game😂
@OlexiVR 11 ай бұрын
I wanted to purchase the game right from the start. But after the mentioned issues, I hesitated
@Nik0laiBG 11 ай бұрын
Just pirate it, then decide if it's worth you money
@tempejkl 11 ай бұрын
@@Nik0laiBGHow though? Never done it before.
@MrTCGAMES64 10 ай бұрын
I’ve got a very decent PC and this game literally just crashes, screen goes black, bugs absolutely everywhere.
@maverickhuntersyd 11 ай бұрын
Man this is a bummer. I mean, I didn't buy the game at launch cuz I knew Paradox was gonna release a crap ton of DLC and updates...still a bummer nonetheless.
@pwcorgi2000 11 ай бұрын
Remember Nobody, even Paradox is forcing us to buy their DLC's. However, it's not wrong for game companies to offer and sell DLC's.
@JC_Cali 11 ай бұрын
This why I trust you Satch - HONESTY. This launch has been heartbreakingly dissapointing, and this video confirms reasons I didn't even know NOT to pre-order. Things that are obviously missing you didn't mention: BIKES + assoicated infrastructure. Things other people aren't talking (enough) about that's missing: 1. Tropical / desert climates 2. Non-Euro/White-culture Themes (why the game didn't release with 4 themes, double the amount from CS1 as sequel, ft. Hispanic/Mediternnean and East Asia for example, will always be beyond me). 3. Being able to start our cities on islands or using rail stations/depots (instead of roads!)
@BaronCreel 11 ай бұрын
Motivations for Piracy: Economy is in the shitter, every multiplayer game and many single player games are always online, about half of games spend 90% of the dev time around how to make you spend more money on the game using psychological manipulation, games release as a neigh unplayable buggy mess, almost every game never heard of the word "polish", most games are so unfun that they are uninstall bait, almost every game finds a way to pad the initial impression beyond the 2 hour steam return window, games releasing in 100 pieces amounting to hundreds of dollars, NO DEMOS.
@DynamicDuoUK 11 ай бұрын
I have tried to enjoy the game as best as i could, followed all their instructions for FPS but its just a mess and makes me not want to play it : i am upgrading to a 7800XT In a few weeks hopefully this will help me! Current Spec AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 32GB RAM XFX Radeon 5500XT ( Basically Dead ) I seriously hope the new card will help but now according to paradox i need a better CPU. Unbeliveable ! 😂😂
@redmarion3tt377 11 ай бұрын
This is kinda why I was excited that LBY was kinda it’s own little side company in Paradox. Was hoping the big company wouldn’t pay it too much attention. I feel bad for the devs bc now they’ll probably have higher ups breathing down their necks which won’t make the situation better.
@XVlove 11 ай бұрын
Lby is a paradox game, not just published like age of empires 4 or bloodlines 2 who have different developers. It is developed by paradox tectonic. To make it simple, if they have paradox in it, they are paradox's game, not just a "side" because there are no paradox "main" developers, the developer teams is split into 4 (if i am not wrong), and paradox tectonic is one of them. So sadly, yeah, the performance issue most likely Will be there. Even some titles where paradox was only the publisher like Age of Empire 4 was poorly optimized on release so even they can't escape.
@IanHollis 11 ай бұрын
SO GLAD I didn't purchase this today. Think I'll wait for a Christmas sale, or something of the like!
@RebelAstronaut55 9 ай бұрын
Imagine having a restaurant were 40% of the clients will dislike your food. This is CS2.
@OfficialMeep 3 ай бұрын
and there is some people who bought the game, but game does not even support their GPU's and cant even launch the game.
@Fairygelic 10 ай бұрын
I’m sick of all these game developers releasing their games with barely any content and then updating it after they’ve already made a shit ton of money. I want a game where it’s released and it’s the full package for once, completed and no updates needed. That’s how games USED to be, it was great buying a game and not having to worry abt bugs, missing content or when the next update will be.
@suppershadow1 11 ай бұрын
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from playing paradox games is that this game will be great…in a few years after 5+ dlcs at 20 bucks a pop I’m sorry but I fully believe they know what they’re doing look at all their grand strategy games they’re not even the same games before and after dlc
@andrewhooper5933 11 ай бұрын
The game is great itself but wow it runs like shit, thank god for gamepass day 1 launches and not having to preorder
@MemoriesLP 11 ай бұрын
Of course this video has this title while the review doesnt. There was no hate present before
@darkwoodmovies 9 ай бұрын
I finally jumped into this game yesterday after waiting a few months for them to patch stuff. Unfortunately, it's STILL unfinished. How did CO drop the ball so badly? The simulation is completely janky and broken, I get no demand to build anything but an impossible-to-maintain sprawling suburb, and the bugs make it virtually unplayable (e.g. a tax bug bankrupt me before I suddenly had $10m so I had to turn it to 0%). Not to mention the million quality-of-life fails like how hard it is to connect underground tunnels for whatever reason, or how you can't rename a fucking PART of a road? WTF. I legitimately believe the original game with mods is superior for now. It pains me to admit this about such a beloved title for me, but this game sucks.
@TheMoodbeam 11 ай бұрын
I followed the guide for settings and my game runs just fine... and that's on a laptop.
@shibiwowsawesomegaming4783 11 ай бұрын
You think they would of learned from EA, but nope, Paradox is no different now apparently, release an unfinished product, get the quick money grab, than patch it later. So sad. I wouldn't even call this game a Beta, I would say it's still in Alpha. Also I think Paradox is giving people money to post positive reviews, because there is no way it went from all the "negative" to a "mixed"
@halfbakedproductions7887 11 ай бұрын
I had to stop playing. Even with the performance tweaks and potato graphics my CPU temps got over >100 very early game and it was starting to worry me a bit. I have _never_ had any other game on this rig getting such high temperatures, even Gears 5 maxed out never came close. That, and the utilities are SO fiddly. I could barely get the electricity switched on and the in-game tutorial was so muddled and unhelpful I wish they hadn't bothered. So glad I got this on Xbox Game Pass for Windows and so glad I noticed it was on there. I was _this_ close to using Steam and actually paying for the game... The older game looked better, played better and was just more enjoyable. This is a mess.
@jacobbio 11 ай бұрын
The fact that they couldn’t even get it out on consoles on time is a big red flag.
@TheDimonTube 11 ай бұрын
The game is missing so much as a sequal. People are better off enjoying CS:1 for now while this is cooking. Clearly in a beta/early access state. Their post about performance was so tone deaf and I hated this stance: "While some setups on PC have challenges, we concluded the performance is not a dealbreaker for all the players". Still not okey. Good video. Thank's for not being part of the blind and toxic positive crowd.
@markapplegate3681 11 ай бұрын
There is absolutely NO reason why my Ryzen 9 5950x and 3080 gpu should be struggling.
@fredkelly6953 11 ай бұрын
Change will only come if people stop buying the game until they fix the bloody things. Don't play into the bean counters hands and give them money for a day one unfinished game.
@jordanking7711 11 ай бұрын
It's not reasonable for end consumers to research a game on vlog posts and articles before buying? Really? No offence intended, but of course it is. At the end of the day, if players aren't informed about information that IS there before they buy a game, then they can't really blame publishers and devs for it, because they at least have been transparent. Nobody should buy a game at launch anyway don't get me wrong. But on the other side of the coin if they are, then they NEED to do their research to see what devs and publishers are saying ABOUT said game before or at launch.
@Ch1LLFacToR 11 ай бұрын
I honestly can say I haven't had any issues and the game runs ok on my pc... A few bugs but its a new game and I am sure the complexity of the simulation is out of this world. I think the game is a major step up from the first one and I have had hours of fun so far with no crashes. happy building everyone!
@Dezy623 11 ай бұрын
'it is not developers fault' yes i'm sure they were forced to put things into the game that don't work and were told by investors to not make it perform at 20 fps consistently, not their fault at all, just regular hard working people who are good at their jobs
@Brusselpicker 9 ай бұрын
Paradox standard model 1) Release unfinished game. 2) Watch modders fix it 3) Release paid DLC to fix some problems 4) Let modders fix that 5) Release more paid DLC to fix the last DLC 6) Repeat until bank account full. 7) Release sequel in which we fix none of the problems of the original. 8) Start from step one. Paradox release half finished games knowing that they can make money from DLC to fix major mistakes while just tweaking the original game enough to say that they are fixing it. They do it on every game they release.
@terranu1 9 ай бұрын
Forgot the pre planned public apology. They know shit broken and they have that apology letter done way before release. Its modus operandi
@Alpatrixx 11 ай бұрын
OMG THE LOW RESEDENTIAL THING IS SO ANNOYING. i keep getting a bunch of demand for commercial and low residential, but i have almost twice the amount of jobs as people its ridiculous (im at 18k population rn) Edit: AND FOR SOME REASON MY LOW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS KEEP GETTING ABANDONED
@QUINT34577 11 ай бұрын
It's 2023 but the graphics on this game look like something from about 20 years ago my chess board is more colourful
@Grizzisnothome 11 ай бұрын
I feel like city skylines 2 is more of a UI makeover rather than an actual game release.... but I mean I haven't checked the game out yet
@deputyvillageidiot 7 ай бұрын
The buildings are effing Soviet-looking.
@ddlcp 10 ай бұрын
reason why I dont want game to get too big or stay within the control of actual developer who cares for quality
@The13thRonin 11 ай бұрын
*Makes immediate assumption that those talking about performance issues are wrong.* *Experiences performance issues.* "Oh." The IQ level is astounding.
@icoborg 11 ай бұрын
pre-order was always a gamble, like early access, with no penalty from their side...
@its_nebulose 11 ай бұрын
Beyond the obvious missing features like bikes, quays, undo button, MoveIt, props, fences, etc. I just wish they'd actually taken full advantage of the new gameplay tools they did add. We have modular buildings now! So why aren't parking lots a modular add-on to buildings instead of baked into the asset? Make it like real life where you can have a city- or district-wide policy where buildings either spawn with parking or without. This would also fix the issue of parking lots appearing along pedestrian-only streets. We have mixed use zoning! But you're limited to the assets specifically design to be mixed-use buildings, rather than extending the modularity mechanic to let you add a commercial ground floor to existing multi-story residential buildings. This is going to be annoying when creator-made assets come out and I want some cool high rise from the workshop in my city but the creator marked it as residential-only instead of mixed use. We have that district outlining tool that's also used for landfills! Why not extend that to park areas, graveyards, and other things that take up big, irregularly sized plots? They could even let us adjust the edges of building lots (as you can do in developer mode), which would fix the complaints about zoning gaps. We have cut-and-fill elevated roads! Why can't we toggle this manually instead of fiddling with the landscaping to get them to show up? And why did they add this but remove quays since it's basically the same feature applied to a different network type?
@InternetMoneyPE 11 ай бұрын
I have waited for 6 months for this day. I have a RTX 4080. They should've sold this as early access from a ethical and logical standpoint. That said I love this game even with the bugs and am glad that I can play it now! Right now! lol
@tisvana18 11 ай бұрын
I’m a bit sad that the big sims killers (Cities Skylines, LBY) require such beefy computers. My daughter will one day have a computer, I’m not buying her a $3000 gaming machine and city builders and life sims are supposed to be good games for younger players-not solely targeted at them or else you end up with the bland boringness of TS4 (which is strange to me because little kid games when I was a little kid had more meat than they do today, so it’s frustrating that EA decided that because TS4 should be for kids means boring because it shouldn’t), but how am I supposed to introduce her to all my favorite genres when they’re all meant to be run in godmode? Planet Zoo, Cities Skylines, Life By You, the roller coaster one whose name I’ve forgotten, none of them can be run on a computer you would ever give to a young human. Zoo Tycoon 2, RCT3, SC4, and TS2 could all run on mid-level machines and didn’t require special investments. Idk. I’m kinda hoping that Paralives can run on mid-level hardware. I know it’s a dumb complaint because the answer is obvious (just buy a better computer) but it’ll take me 3 years to drop $3000 on computers for everyone in the family (so $9k total), that’s a plane trip to Japan and hotel stay for the family. And I can’t trust my kid to play games on the nicer computer, I had computers when I was 6. They died horrible malware infested deaths.
@playerfoofafie6171 11 ай бұрын
I have asked for a refund. Which I already got. I have most the dlc's in CS1. There are to much positives for CS1 to get CS2. Of course CS2 has also better things than CS1. But simlly not enough.
@CrystalBladeSystem 11 ай бұрын
The developers are not the ones to blame for this, players would rather wait for a good game then a shit one
@genericuser2339 11 ай бұрын
What P’s me off as well is when I go to zone, I may have put down say three different residential zones in one area, but is it just me or is there no way to visually differentiate between the different residential zone types other than the different buildings that eventually get built on them? Where are the different shades of green, or implement some hatching or something where I can tell a difference. ? Also when you go to zone why does it pop up a screen that tries to burn out my retinas? And aside from that, the whole economy is broken…..SAD FACE. It really is a piss poor release.
@longtimebrick8 11 ай бұрын
Cites XXL + SimCity 2013 + Cities Skyline 2 = DOOMED
@gergoczfyyt 11 ай бұрын
The performance is not that big of a deal. It's the balance. Without cheats i couldn't get a profitable city. In CS1, your city would make money after about 1000 people. But in CS2, the monthly costs are unreasonably high, and you can't profit. It's just an endless progress-get milestone money- lose because of monthly service costs-progress loop. In the current state, pirating is the best option if you want to give it a quick beta test, otherwise bugger off Paradox for at least1,5 years before you fix all this. Vicky 3 is still only playable for half of the voddy game. Fix the real issues first, make DLC later.
@OskarWilder 11 ай бұрын
Honestly, I’ve been having a lot of fun with it so far. I do have a higher end PC (not a space machine), but I haven’t had a ton in the way of performance issues. Not ones that make it unplayable anyway. It absolutely needs a lot more optimization, but I think they’ve committed to that.
@tobinmonroe3045 11 ай бұрын
No more. Modern gaming is terrible I’m so sick of everything being broken. This is atrocious there is not a single reason for me to play video games anymore.
@MrsHerbyCraft 11 ай бұрын
I’m having no issues but I really wanted map editor….
@boki1693 10 ай бұрын
Lol, nothing went wrong with it being unfinished. That's how most games are released these days. Especially without an early access. The publishers want their money and don't want to wait for perfection. I have no idea how this surprises anyone anymore.
@hotwheelshuntinguk 7 ай бұрын
I hope they fix it but take their time and do it properly.
@1758 7 ай бұрын
the game is dead now
@kavehnamvar 11 ай бұрын
Again and again. We all remember simcity monopoly franchise which doomed for lack of competitors. It lead them to become cash grabbies because no one else offer similar game until they just shot themselves in foot . Now, the city skyline (paradox) again is a monopoly that has the capability to become new simcity (EA).and they just took first step by this unfinished only for sale and no beta game We may need more city planning games to choose so they should give us a good reason to buy their game and Not an unfinished product. I never bought any product that didn't finished in factory. Who bought a car without seats or who bought a stereo without speakers?!
@jinkiisms 11 ай бұрын
I was so excited to buy this yesterday and then I saw all the mixed reviews on steam, so i just didn't get it :( i do hope they fix everything but i'll just play the old game for now
@Kardinaalilintu 11 ай бұрын
I'm sorry; no. Cities Skylines was so incredibly successful that some of THAT money should be the budget, not money from pre-orders or release date purchases. It annoys me to no end that the modern business model is to very often rely on assumed future income only, instead of properly budgeting the actual assets and wealth that the comppany has managed to gather so far.
@PieterPatrick 11 ай бұрын
I'm going to wait until they add bikes. And I don't see any bikes in the DLC roadmap.
@bmendez3782 11 ай бұрын
I could say the same with elevated stations.
@misterspalk 11 ай бұрын
The only way they listen to us is when we speak with our wallets. Please quit throwing money at these companies
@its_nebulose 11 ай бұрын
5:35 Seems like publishers, and many players apparently, don't agree that a sequel should include all the features of the previous game and more. CS1 can still be played in its current state, which is leagues beyond the launch versions of both CS1 and CS2. So what's the incentive for people to spend money on a sequel besides morbid curiosity and a handful of modest QoL improvements? Call me crazy but I think CS2 should've included all the features and QoL updates patched in over the years, all of the DLC content (at least basic versions of them), several of the most popular community mods, AND additional QoL, performance, and graphics improvements on top of that. And I would've patiently waited longer and paid more for a CS2 that included all of that.
@stephensummers1958 11 ай бұрын
I think it's pretty obvious what went wrong. Back Friday is this month! All these game devs do this. Rush the game out the door for the Black Friday sales!!!
@wendaman32 11 ай бұрын
I requested a refund! With all settings set to low or disabled my fps still tanking and absolutly cooking my Radeon 6600 w/ 9400f If the larger setups are struggling to get 30 fps. I'll never be able to upgrade to those specs.It's a shame!
@deputyvillageidiot 7 ай бұрын
Developers rush the game out to deliver on the pre-sales, because they don’t want to spend their own money to develop these games and therefore incur time-crunches from the people they promised it to. Being that the developers are cheap, they don’t want to spend resources on beta testing, so they sell units and make the buyers beta test for them. It’s all very simple, really. It’s called fraud. Someone should lodge a class action lawsuit against one of these developers to make the industry stop doing this to people, and Paradox/CO are would deserve it. At least with Maxis their community knew Maxis was an inept snake, but the way these folks gleefully stabbed their most loyal community in the back is epic.
@JiggleRat 6 ай бұрын
pessimistic for the whole sim genre, it feels like it's ten years behind where it should be. simcity 2013 was the sign
@thinkingonyx847 10 ай бұрын
it was heart breaking seeing the reviews when it came out :/
@jamesw8699 11 ай бұрын
You always make great and reasonable points.
@poisy5233 11 ай бұрын
Ive got the infamous orange screen problem so this is it for me. CDKeys refused to refund me as well, so I’m pretty down now.
@sfctw1 11 ай бұрын
I see the issues being fixed soon, however if we are paying $60€ they can be expected to be held to $60€ standards
@andressaanjos 11 ай бұрын
I love Cities 1, it’s a shame Cities 2 is like this… Several KZbinrs played the game in beta mode, and these issues you’re talking about were found then. I don’t understand why the producers didn’t fix it before, or why didn’t they delay the release like they did for other platforms.
@Drokandforge 11 ай бұрын
There is far to much parking on roads. This shouldn't be the default road setting.
@SatchOnSims 11 ай бұрын
Also I forgot to mention in the video but there doesn't seem to be as much road customisation at Cities 1 in regards to parking...
@conorchristmas6844 11 ай бұрын
At the end of the day I think this game is absolutely incredible but this is a beta game not ready for release. I think we are 6months from an actual CS2 release quality game.
@DayGreenFreak 11 ай бұрын
I'm just a bit pissed that games with very similar requirements like Baldur's Gate 3 work perferctly fine on my machine and Cities 2 just nopes out before even reaching the main menu. Need to upgrade anyway for streaming purposes... Looking at a 1k€ machine with great specs for streaming and gaming purposes.
@petedpvlogs 11 ай бұрын
Pre-ordered the game and to be fair I’m pretty happy with it. Playing on a 3070ti - 9700-k so slightly below recommend but on a small city easily pulling close to 60fps. In a larger city 100k+ as downloaded a save file the downtown is just under 30fps, out in the suburbs we are looking at 40-50, so definitely playable for me. AMD cards seem to be the issue at the moment but at mid/high setting the game is playable and decent.
@YammoYammamoto 10 ай бұрын
THANK YOU!!! For mentioning the white lines... they are HORRID!!! I HATE staring at them!
@Tedger 11 ай бұрын
10h on it now.. and its running well on regular 3080. Tweaked settings of course, like i do in every game.
@rachymn7883 11 ай бұрын
Is it pretty 😢. People say it's too grey
@Tedger 11 ай бұрын
@@rachymn7883 for finns i guess its colorful 😅
@kjellduteweert9262 10 ай бұрын
They should have done a bannerlord. That would have work with this game very well.
@rahmel2009 10 ай бұрын
yet they delayed the game on console until next spring. if the performance was going to be this bad it should’ve been delayed for everyone
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