The fremen card Leadership pairs extremely well with Emperor cards that have swords... I've used it multiple times this way to help win combats and buy SMFs.
@froggyjm99 ай бұрын
Chani is broken if you are using Gurney, you keep 4 of your 6 power for the extra point of persuasion- conserving 2 troops is huge.
@BlackShadow9939 ай бұрын
Can be really snowbally for sure, at least it doesn't happen often...but it does also means he rarely uses her so the intrigues and access get less use.
@StephaneBura9 ай бұрын
Great video, thanks! 1:14:00 Isn't the new strength total recalculated if you trash The Beast Spoils, just like when you retreat troops?
@hidden-assets9 ай бұрын
No, you can count the swords, then trash spoils to calculus of power. All daggers count! :)