Clip 3 from 'Black Confederates: The Forgotten Men in Gray'

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Clips from the documentary 'Black Confederates: The Forgotten Men in Gray' directed by Stan Armstrong. Available at

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@valletasmith3218 4 жыл бұрын
On a local CSA monument listing men who served 1861-1865 the last name on the list is "Joshua ,loyal til the end". I cannot believe that if Joshua was despised for his race his name would have been put on that monument.
@secularinstituteheadquarte3301 3 жыл бұрын
Great video. Let's not forget though, that the North had Confederate slaves spying for them.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
"It seems reasonable to regard it for practical purposes as a subcategory to the ultra right but with special qualities all its own, that we are dealing once again with a particular and thus unique manifestation of a generic ideal type." "The Nature of Fascism.", Griffin, p50
@nivlek64 13 жыл бұрын
i am from the south i love my black friends ,i dont care why i love them , i would lay down my life for them ,they ,i do believe would do the same... if you have a problem with this , maybe you ought to take a long look at your own self... the roots of hate are usually fear and misconception.....
@stevenmcdonald4056 Жыл бұрын
Amen brother tell it I trust my black friends way more than I do my white friends but it's all about morals and character than anything regardless of the pigment of a person's skin it's about who is inside !!!!!!!!
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
In high school I presented a research paper about black troops that fought for the CSA, thye teacher gave me "F" for the paper, even though I had all of my references annotated at the end of the paper. This was before the computer ever used, this meant many trips to the libraries and a lot of letter writing. Some of the information I used came from the grandsons of black CSA veterans. Had to go to the school board to have it regraded so I could pass the class.
@jrjohnryanjr 4 жыл бұрын
Shelly of the PNW In your paper did you differentiate between black veterans who were actually slaves and HAD to join?
@thingfish000 4 жыл бұрын
What a shame. Your teacher sounds like a typical fool.
@milescoleman3905 4 жыл бұрын
@@thingfish000 blacks didnt fight for south
@flamertheflamingfire1949 3 жыл бұрын
@@milescoleman3905 yes they did why are you here then to insult us not cool boy not cool
@richlisola1 3 жыл бұрын
@@jrjohnryanjr no slaves were even allowed to join. They’d been shot.
@mechcavandy986 7 жыл бұрын
Holt Collier of Mississippi was issued a uniform, rank and a gun. He drew a veterans pension. He was respected enough to guide President Theodore Roosevelt on his infamous Mississippi bear hunt.
@johncostley9433 4 жыл бұрын
I have the book published about Holt Collier. I bought that book from the author the Fist day of the Teddy Bear Stamp at the store where the supplies were bought fora the bear hunt.
@jrjohnryanjr 4 жыл бұрын
That is it ? You have a total of ONE black confederate soldier issued a gun and uniform? Exactly what is this supposed to show ?
@jrjohnryanjr 4 жыл бұрын
kittens2 Veternick 200000 blacks fought for the Union and you have ONE who was issued a gun and uniform ? That is such a weak argument
@johncostley9433 4 жыл бұрын
Holt Collier is the most famous one, Nathan Bedford Forrest had 60+ Black riders with him. What makes Holt that special is that he roped The Mississippi Black Bear that President Teddy Roosevelt refused to shoot. Thereby bringing to untold numbers of children the " Teddy Bear "
@pauledwards7182 4 жыл бұрын
John Costley I've read different articles on the subject. I read some the that said: #42, #45. I believe that's why his unit started waring sheets, hoods and even covered their mounts(horses). I believe they did this during some night raids to instill fear in the union soldiers. Nathan Bedford Forest made a deal with his "Dark Horsemen", that if they fought beside him till the end of the Civil War. "If we win this war, you will all be free-men. If God sees fit that the north be victorious, then you will be free-men.". His unit inspired the KKK, they asked him later to become a member and he turned them down flat.
@jessann3540 4 жыл бұрын
People are so ignorant on history I cry when I watch this. Please god. Take me away from this Earth. I get called racist cause I like my flag. My family was the first pioneers in Virginia Jamestown Virginia and I found it on dna ancestry and this very hurt me
@peetydontpass8309 4 жыл бұрын
Fuck Them. They Are The Ignorant Ones. Be Proud Of Your Family. Be Proud Of Your Country. Be Proud Of Your History. There is No Resolve For The Ignorant. Excuse My French.
@garystrout1679 4 жыл бұрын
Remain proud And when the time comes, as it does to all of us. Die proud. GBD !
@southerngent8162 11 жыл бұрын
Legally speaking their may have been no black soldiers in the beginning but anybody who has served will tell you that anyone who wears the uniform and does their job is a soldier. They deserve honor and respect for their service. They should never be forgotten and should never be hated.
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
They deserve to be pitied for fighting against their own personal interests; desperation makes people do strange things!! Moreover, because as slaves they were never educated, so they lacked the analytical skills to realize that the Confederacy was losing; and their participation only extended the war!! And the confederacy should be seen for what it really was ...a bunch of criminals guilty of crimes against humanity!!
@flamertheflamingfire1949 3 жыл бұрын
man why are you insulting us you talk about us but if you ever talk about your general Sherman we would of take his statue down for many reasons it kills families rape women burn down Georgia he even killed children burn down the houses they said that he killed one black person but didn't want to admit that they killed more than that apart from the owners in the house with black people in it he burned their houses with them Sherman did lots of massacres he stole our lands he robed us and let us to suffer and also thanks to the Confederates they evolutionized the metal battleships and thanks to that technology we have bigger battleships today and the union copied us
@leemerriweather2471 3 жыл бұрын
@@flamertheflamingfire1949 : Thank you for contacting me! I read your post and I would like to know where I can find ...substantiated documentation to support your claims? I am interested in war atrocities; and, no matter who is responsible! In any event, I feel that one has to consider the fact that Sherman didn't just wake-up one a.m. and decide that he was going to travel south, with his army, and commit indecent acts and military atrocities against ...innocent American citizens!!?? Moreover, if the citizens of the south had done the decent things, e.g., change the status of the blacks from slaves to freedmen; paid them a livable wage ...for their labor, now; acted to assure the Spiritual training of these now-former slaves in the faith that had established this nation; provided the standard education that was being provided to their own children; and given and assured that African Americans were treated with the proper ...dignity of any other human beings, I most respectfully submit that there ...never would have been any war between the states or even a civil war!! Flamer, let me ask you, if federal agents gather in ...any, any city of the south even today, to assemble to a drug house or house of disrepute, to stop drug trafficking and other violations of law, do the residents ...take up arms in support of the drug cartels / dealers / pimps against the federal government???!!! Of course, they don't; at least, I hope that they don't!! So, what is the difference??!! These most reprehensible, evil purveyors of flesh aka ..."slavers", most certainly, did not deserve the support of the citizens!!! But, why did they support these slavers??!! In all likelihood, they, themselves ...desired to be filthy flesh purveyors ...themselves; and which brought them under the ...judgement!!! You also mentioned ...rape and I believe that you may have been referring to the rape of white women, by Sherman!! Let me ask you, if that did happen, how was that any different from the ...rape of black women that was part of conduct of mostly Southern white men, against black women; and, it had gone on for ...centuries!! Both ...were wrong!! But, I still hope that you would commit on that, too?! Also, history confirms that these same filthy slavers didn't think highly of rank and file whites of the south, either! This is witnessed by a certain derogatory label that these filthy slavers had no problem placing on others that they felt ...inferior to them, the slavers!!! I have to ask?! Why would, allegedly, decent, churchgoing people want to even emulate entities that ...hated them, also??!! Moreover, Southerners themselves, should not be dressing up in customs of the CSA to celebrate a bunch of rapists and robbers! They should, instead, be dedicating this time to healing old wounds!! I could say a lot more! But, I will wait for your response, if you care to respond, later! Again, thank you for contacting me!! P.S. Flames can be used for, both, good and bad! I hope that your's is positive!!
@kurtsherrick2066 6 жыл бұрын
Also Forrest had 68 blacks on his Muster Roles when he surrendered. Forrest also had the names of over 31,000 names of Northern prisoners he captured during the war. Forrest was compassionate to his prisoner's. He captured a Northern Chaplin. He had the Chaplain summoned to dinner. The Chaplain thought Forrest was going to have him killed because of the lies of the Union. Goverment about Forrest. He had the Chaplain say Grace at dinner and Forrest liked him. Forrest had the Chaplain preach to his men and prisoner's. Also Forrest had him go to the hospital tents to console the wounded. The Chaplain said Forrest would cry and console even the Union wounded. Forrest took the Chaplain past Confederate lines and let the Chaplain rejoin the Union Troops. Forrest told the Chaplain as bad as we need to hear your preaching the sinners on the other side need you more. Forrest was a character.
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
Sounds like so many that only call themselves ...christians! Please see: James 1:22 KJV!!!
@Saiyan_Goku 5 жыл бұрын
Kurt Sherrick I thought Forrest became a later in life christian ? With his work with the Pole Bearers society
@kurtsherrick2066 4 жыл бұрын
@@Saiyan_Goku Yes he became a Civil Rights leader. You probably know his speech since you talked about the Pole Barers(Foundation of the NAACP). The statue of Forrest Illegally taken down in Memphis was partially paid for by black citizens of Memphis. He did a lot for the former slaves. His Funeral Procession was over two miles long and over 3,000 blacks came to pay their respects to the Great General. Unfortunately most people only know the lies the Union Propaganda. He was the villain they created in Newspapers and in the twisted History of the Civil War.
@reup_kenwaygaming 4 жыл бұрын
I thought Forrest created the KKK after the civil war
@kurtsherrick2066 4 жыл бұрын
@@reup_kenwaygaming Forrest was a Honary Member. The Klan was started as a Social Group in Pulaski TN around 300 miles from Memphis and his Businesses. As I understand the Klan wanted a High Profile Name. I believe they asked Robert E. Lee first and he declined. We don't know for sure but he may have been called the Grand Wizard because he was called The Wizard Of The Saddle during the Civil War. He went to a meeting and saw the group was turning violent. He told his men let's take off these sheets and go. Forrest actually had the Klan Disbanded in 1869. He also went to Washington and Testified against the Klan in Congress. The KKK that people are familiar with started in 1915. After the war Forrest started building a Railroad from Memphis to Little Rock. He hired the former slaves to be Engineers, Architects, Train Engineers and Conductors. Also many of the blacks had skills in the Trades. That was unheard of in the North. Actually there were Northern States that didn't allow blacks to travel through or live in their states at that time. Black and White people in the South had lived with each other for generations. Forrest hired over 300 blacks. He told the Memphis Alderman to hire the former slaves becuase they had skills. He said they needed to teach the younger blacks to have skills or they would become a welfare to society. How Prophetic was that? Forrest helped some to get in Law School. Forrest actually thought since they were free and should aspire to what they wanted to do. He thought they should be allowed to vote. He thought they were part of the same community with whites and blacks United under one Flag. You should Google his speech to the Independent Pole Barers which was the foundation for the NAACP. Forrest asked the Governor at one time if he could hunt down the men that lynched 3 blacks outside of Memphis. When you learn about his whole life you would realize what a remarkable man he was. He is the Biggest Bad Ass our country ever produced and the most Amazing American that has ever lived. Forrest is the most slandered man in our History. He was a victim of Propaganda and lies. Since the South didn't Lincoln the North had to come up with a villain. He killed 31 men in hand to hand combat. Forrest struck like a Titan and fought like a god.
@kurtsherrick2066 6 жыл бұрын
That dude is so wrong. Forrest armed his black Cavalry rider's. Many we're issued the arms and uniforms. They ate and fought with the white soldier's. Forrest said there we're no better Confederates and fighters than his black Cavalry rider's. 12 blacks we're in his personal body guards and elite force's. There are two black Confederates in reunion picture's of Forrest Calvery. Also they received pensions and had prove tbey fought. There are two videos of the Black Confederates telling us they fought. That one guy is terribly mistaken or lying. It doesn't fit the lying Northern Revisionists History. Now to be fair there is Southern Revisionists also. There were free blacks that fought and slaves wanted to show their Goverment that they we're Patriots. God bless those brave black men that refutes people like that man that said there we're no free blacks fighting for the South. That's is false.
@milescoleman3905 4 жыл бұрын
More bs
@matthewhooks452 4 жыл бұрын
You won’t ever see this in a history book 😞
@thingfish000 4 жыл бұрын
I'd be surprised if it's still available on KZbin next week!
@thingfish000 4 жыл бұрын
All too easy to pass judgement on men who are not around to defend themselves.
@thingfish000 4 жыл бұрын
@Roger That It's not for me to decide who deserves a memorial. I'd never walk through a cemetery and say those markers are undeserved.
@southernlogger2307 4 жыл бұрын
Roger That traitors? Really? You obviously don’t know history secession was and is legal the union didn’t create the states 🤦🏻‍♂️the states created the union therefore secession was perfect legal but I guess you are one of those who believe the war was about slavery 😂 a blood thirsty president taxation and political power was the entire reason for the war Lincoln didn’t free not one damn slave nor did he care about people of color he wanted the salves shipped back to Africa I believe his exact words were I don’t care if the south has slaves I don’t want them populating the north competing with the white man for labor and I believe he used the word “polluting the community “ so yeah believe the government and the yankee liberals 👍🏻
@milescoleman3905 4 жыл бұрын
@@southernlogger2307 blacks didnt fight for south. Thats a lie made up by racists.
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
37step, How do you explain the slaves that received a stipend that they put away and later bought thier freedom. Or those ex-slaves that went back to the plantations and continued to work for them. True there were cruel owners that beat their slaves, but more of them treated them fairly under the circumstances of the mid 1800's. The average monthly wages was somewhere in the nieghborhood of $10- 20/month, up north. You need to do some research both on the internet and at the library.
@jrjohnryanjr 4 жыл бұрын
Shelly of the PNW many went back because their families were there and they had no other place to go and live If you were a slave, would you have been a good slave who did what his master wanted? Or a bad slave who wanted freedom for himself and his family ?
@kyviecaldges6041 12 жыл бұрын
That is funny that you say that this video is full of shit because I would swear to God that after watching it, I saw those professors state over and over and over and over and over and over again that blacks fought for the confederacy. This has really gotten you riled up. Why do you take this so personally? Is it because you are being forced to confront your own ignorance and it is too uncomfortable to handle? Why do you continually throw around your appeal to authority? (logical fallacy)
@galndixie 5 жыл бұрын
It's a real funny thing that they 'weren't soldiers' and didn't have weapons, but the Northern Generals report in their own records that they were there, in uniform with weapons, and they were fighting.
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
Please copy and paste some these reports to your posting?! I would really like to read these reports!
@galndixie 5 жыл бұрын
@@leemerriweather2471 “Official Records of the War of the Rebellion,” a collection of military records from both sides which spans more than 50 volumes and more than 50,000 pages, there are a total of seven Union eyewitness reports of black Confederates. Three of these reports mention black men shooting at Union soldiers, one report mentions capturing a handful of armed black men along with some soldiers, and there are also letters written home by Union Soldiers, and some officers, declaring seeing armed Blacks in Confederate Uniforms. There are Confederate Military Records listing these men in their units, pension documents, and many pictures. To list every source would be impossible.
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
@@galndixie @galndixie anybody: I appreciate what you are saying! However, at the end of the day it was a violation of ...GOD's law to hold people in bondage! Moreover, GOD even condensed the 10 Commandments down to two very, very simple ones! So, the very simple question is ...would it be okay for to be a slave, today??!! How about if someone snatched a female relative of yours off the streets of the U.S.A. today and sold her into the sex trade! Would that be okay with you?! Please remember that that is "their" way of life, too; if one can call that a, at all!! Jeffy Davis and Bobby Lee were traitors to the nation and "war criminals" ..and that is how they should be remembered! Promising black men their freedom to fight / rebel against their personal interests only confirms their desperation to get out of bondage! Also, consider the Jews in WWII, they were enslaved by the Nazis and forced to make munitions for the Nazi war machine! How did they respond ... they sabotaged the munitions; and thus injured the Nazi war effort! Unfortunately, because the war criminals aka the plantation owners subjugated the blacks to a condition of not being educated, they could not similarly fight back!
@galndixie 5 жыл бұрын
​@@leemerriweather2471 the system of slavery was rampant in every civilization in the times of the Bible, it was an accepted fact of life, and it was handed down from generation to generation to generation. (And no, that most assuredly doesn't make it right, but it proves that it was an age-old accepted way of life that was not expressly forbidden in the Bible, therefore, no Biblical Laws were broken, and these norms of society were followed for thousands of years. Still not right, granted, but no laws of God or Man were broken). People now accept and even champion same-sex relationships and marriage, which God and all Holy Men EXPLICITLY spoke out against and is against Biblical Law. Why is that not wrong now? We simply cannot say that it was a sin to follow an accepted norm that was NOT decreed a sin by God, but that it is not a sin to blatantly and unashamedly deny God's decree on another subject. And if one thinks about it, and one is truly concerned about 'the slavery issue', what good is it possibly doing to vilify and defile and protest and demonstrate against dead people who are no longer practicing slavery, over dead people who are no longer experiencing it, when there are, to this very day and in large numbers, still people in Africa and other nations living in and enduring slavery. IF people are so concerned about slavery, where is their outrage over that? Where is there compassion for those people? Why not take that anger and indignation to the problem where it exists today? It doesn't take much courage or conviction to protest against dead people. No amount of anger or disgust is going to change the fact that it happened a long time ago, but why there is no anger and disgust that it is happening now? It makes no sense at all. Why waste all this energy and compassion on a long-dead, now non-existent problem, when there is a real and true problem, and actual living souls, that deserve that attention? And while we're on the subject, these same self-righteous zealots are the ones out in the streets demanding that 'man' give them the right and means to kill their children, when God explicitly states that killing is a sin and an evil. You simply cannot have it both ways, you simply cannot pick and choose which parts of God's Law and which parts of Man's Law you wish to follow.
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
@@galndixie @galndixie anybody: First of all, I wish to thank you for contacting me! I would like to respond to your comments / reply in the general order that you made them! To begin with, you stated that: “… slavery was rampant in every civilization in the times of the Bible, it was an accepted fact of life, and it was handed down from generation to generation to generation.” I hope that I am wrong; but, apparently you either do not read the Bible; or, you don’t meditate on the WORD of GOD; or, you simply don’t take the WORD seriously, or do you!!?? The Bible which is the only WORD of GOD …clearly condemns slavery! You should know and understand that! However, in the event that you disagree with that, please tell me why??!! Also, if you don’t know where to find the Scriptures that condemn slavery, just ask? I will be most happy to guide you there! Furthermore, we know that it is some type of age-old component of life; however, it is and was not …accepted; again, I direct you to the Scriptures!! One can or may make the same or similar arguments for ‘rape’! Do you wish to advocate for …rape, too??!! The same thing for ‘genocide’!! Do you wish to become an advocate for …genocide, also??!! I could on!! And as far as slavery existing to this very day! You are correct, the “civilized” world should make a very definite commitment to the immediate eradication of slavery! How can that be done?! Very simply!! The civilized world should give the heathen nations 180 days to submit programs detailing how they are going to free all their captives; also, what is going to be done to repatriate these individuals back to their homelands; and along with, proper compensation to enable them to educate themselves and become self-sufficient!! Any nation refusing to cooperate would be cut-off from advanced technology; and all their passports canceled and their citizens should returned home immediately!! Finally, you mentioned that people should not protest dead people! As you might imagine, that too is not correct! People should not be ripping down statues!! We should never degenerate to the level of those traitors and war criminals that are raised in honor on various pedestals!! I have no doubt that when a full examination is made of the war crimes of these traitors that even the Daughters of the Confederacy should / would be ashamed!! P.S. Do you think that statues of Hitler and other infamous Nazis scum should be raised in Germany and Austria?? If not …then why would you want to even keep these images of America’s sham???!!!
@LarryNathanielPhoto 3 жыл бұрын
My 3rd great grandfather was killed at Chikamagua fighting with the 15th Alabama. Perhaps they crossed paths.
@44hawk28 6 жыл бұрын
I'll respond to the man at 2:30 to 2:50 like this responded directly ahead of me this man is an apologist, as he doesn't understand that what few records we've actually been able to gather, as the north tried to destroy them all, they not only did they fight they were armed with the same weapons given the same rate of pay given the same food unlike the north where they were given half-pay shity equipment and we're even shot by their own troops when going into battle. The northern white armies had to be ordered not to shoot the black soldiers. Partially because up till then the only black soldiers they had ever encountered we're fighting for the Confederacy.
@ZombyMammoth 4 жыл бұрын
grabbing a weapon is different from being given a weapon - what does that even mean, that they stole them? I would like him to elaborate.
@ErinPipes76 4 жыл бұрын
@@ZombyMammoth Go read pension applications in state archives.
@ZombyMammoth 4 жыл бұрын
@@ErinPipes76 OK I read them
@ErinPipes76 4 жыл бұрын
@@ZombyMammoth Yea; right. In less than an hour you read through thousand of pension applications, cross-referenced names with census records to identify the African-Americans, and compiled them all. There is EXACTLY one PhD I know of that has done that, and that was for one state.
@ZombyMammoth 4 жыл бұрын
@@ErinPipes76 I think if you don't want to sound like a gibbering moron you should maybe not put words in people's mouths. I poured through the data years ago and archived it myself not when a pod person told me to
@Fixingtodraw 5 жыл бұрын
Power could not corrupt Death could not terrify Defeat could not dishonor. The American Confederate Soldier
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
@Kevin King: No, Kevin, you may have issues based upon the manner in which you attempt to glorify and dress-up the activities of a bunch of ..."war criminals"; but, the fact is had these criminals simply practiced what Scripture was teaching them ...these war criminals never would have had slaves, in the first place!! You cry about the revenues that the feds were taking from these ...war criminals; however, exactly what do you think these war criminals took from the people they were ...enslaving???!!! Moreover, I very humbly understand that slavery ...worldwide is at an all-time high!!?? Why???!!! Could it be because the United States lacks the "moral authority" to take a leadership position on this very pressing issue that is taking so many lives!!!!
@kevinbarrow5396 2 жыл бұрын
I love it people still believe it was over slavery!lmao
@stevestringer7351 3 жыл бұрын
Those guys were friends. They were men of their time, however that didn't stop those friends from loving one another and fighting to keep one another alive. It is a shameful memory that slavery ever existed (and in some parts of the world still exist). But I, probably naively, like to believe that we as a nation have come a long way from those times. It is now very common for black men and women to be friends with white people. Race just doesn't matter.... it is the content of the individual's heart that matters.
@wthjrtx1 11 жыл бұрын
This is no easy task to see back so many years now compared with todays life in America. I know my familes stake and service and why and today is rarely represented at all in any form. M y grandad said to their will be a time the South will leave again as his grandad did. That time is near and I welcome it. WE must leave for good and all. Why this is so terrible?. That WE southerners are "bad" for wanting our own country is insane to me. God Bless Dixie!!!
@Confederate-hj2dc 3 жыл бұрын
God Bless you too!
@kurtsherrick2066 6 жыл бұрын
Nathan Bedford Forrest had 43 Calvery Rider's that rode with Forrest. They had the same uniforms, Each a rifle and up to four Pistols. When Forrest surrendered he had 63 black soldiers on his muster role. Some of their desendents are in the Son's of Confederate Veterans today. Forrest said there we're no better Confederate's and fighters than them.
@thiobunny 14 жыл бұрын
Wow! What a gift to see the human story behind that historic photograph, and Silas' descendant.
@jimmyanderson2988 3 жыл бұрын
Pictures don’t lie and they tell the truth. Something this country sure needs more of this day and time!!!!! They said the slaves weren’t allow to fight or have guns but that’s not what the picture shows and said he saved the boys life and leg!!! And took him back home!! Don’t sound like hate to me . To compare now with back then is just wrong because those people didn’t have big government to take care of them back then and they were trying to survive and depending on each other!!!!! Different situation back then just be glad we here in this country today regardless of how our families got here!!!!!! Cause it could be a whole lot worse back where we came from!!!!!!
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
It is ashame that you do not understand the principle of the "winner writes the truths." this concept has been used from the times of the first wars. As for then slave narratives they where the stories of the slaves who came from the worst of the slave owners, that less than 1% of the owners who made it a habit of beating their slaves for any reason. The collectors of those stories did not want to here from those that where treated fairly. (cont)
@hardrocker796 4 жыл бұрын
Back when black and white we're closer than people now days
@flamertheflamingfire1949 3 жыл бұрын
That's true
@jimmyanderson2988 3 жыл бұрын
Especially in the south
@jefferyhorton7496 4 ай бұрын
According to William Douglas. Who was a skilled laborer. One of his masters was black. So a lot of the stereotypes were not true.
@jackofalltrades7469 7 жыл бұрын
Background music is so loud I can hardly hear the person talking.
@dawnmorris3718 4 жыл бұрын
This movie should be shown on TV...again and again. I am fortunate enough to be married to a Civil War nut...☺ and coming from Africa, did not know anything about the Civil War....I now know plenty! BLM should be forced to warch this......
@vSHADOWVIPERv 13 жыл бұрын
for more information on black confederates visit southern heritage 411 dot org
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
(cont) I served with a black sailor who was a descendent of one of those families, that is where I got that info from. He was proud of his ancecesters that fought for the CSA, he even had a small CSA flag in his locker. Before I took this view I researched it and that was way before their was a civillian form of the internet, so do not abuse me for the way I feel on this subject. Explain away the pictures of black CSA troopers. Explain away the almost 100,000 black troops of the CSA.
@ErinPipes76 4 жыл бұрын
And try to explain away the numerous diary entries and reports of Union officers reporting the presence of armed black soldiers in Confederate units.
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
(cont. part 2) It is something how when your beliefs are challenged you get all uppity about what is being challanged. I would like tol provide more in site on this subject, but I lost my library when I was divorced. And what I said about the History is written by the victor is very true, and useing the holocaust to counter that is low even for a "Teacher". There was events of WW II that have been glossed over by the Allies and by the Jewish nation. (cont.)
@couponnation 4 жыл бұрын
You have to be a fool as a black person to fight for the confederacy. I would not want it to be known if I did something so stupid.
@snakey934Snakeybakey 4 жыл бұрын
If only they knew that people would lie that they fought for Slavery 160 years later!
@jimmyanderson2988 3 жыл бұрын
It’s no worst than finding out your own race sold your ancestor into slavery for the same reason the civil war was frought over bud money and gold
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
(cont pt 3) I have read about the CW, I collected & read the "Civil War Times", a magazine on the CW. Have a copy of Harpers Weekly reprinted as well. Just thinking about I have a book on the 35th GA Inf, that is because my Great x3 Grandfather Hiram is mentioned in it. I have some of my library, just had to look for it. I think I am going to try & go back to sleep. May Allah watch over you and keep you safe, RAK, LPN (ret), HM2(FMF)/USN, Sgt/USAR, ACM/olc, VNeVet, GWVet, VFW/DAV Life Member
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
(cont pt 2). I Suppose if I was to sit down with my diary and told you about my combat tour, to you it would be fabricated? Or if my dad (PBWH) where to have sat you down and told you about what he went through on the morning of 12-7-1941, it would be frabricated, as well? If I told you that I had to shoot a man who was trying to run my post in '92, you would call it all lies? I have read Grant, Lee and Anderson on the CW, they were there, believe those 3 books are still in my library (cont).
@wlomas378 13 жыл бұрын
well, that last anecdote was very touching
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
One point I was going to make to you was that the CSA forbid the importation of slaves, except from other slave states. "Section 9 - Limits on Congress, Bill of Rights 1. The importation of negroes of the African race from any foreign country other than the slaveholding States or Territories of the United States of America, is hereby forbidden; and Congress is required to pass such laws as shall effectually prevent the same." CSA Constitution (Cont)
@thejusticechannel13 4 жыл бұрын
I mean, the entire United States outlawed the slave trade in 1808 so the CSA simply inherited that law after seceding.
@JVRottweil 3 жыл бұрын
For those wondering Body servant = Slave. He was NOT a former slave, he was a slave the entire time.
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
Almost forgot maybe you should spend sometime and watch all of the series "Dispelling the Propaganda" by circlecityrabbit2004. He does list reference to what he is presenting.
@spiderlegs50 8 ай бұрын
I emjoyed hearing their stories....Thank You.
@jimmyanderson2988 3 жыл бұрын
No because they fought with the men of the south and did what they needed to do to protect each other. In the north they were segregated in units and not mixed like in the south!!!! See the difference the north used them as shields to protect their selfs !!!! Blacks frought with the southern people just like they did in the revolutionary war against England!!!!!! In their minds they were fighting the British and second revolution again!!!!! And as far as it being about slavery well slavery had been going on for a long time and was on the way out anyway!!!!! Very few poor white southerners owned slaves. This was added on after the war had been fighting two years later and the north had just hung John brown Just before the war started for the exact same reason that they claimed they were fighting against!!!! And as far as the states bills of rights go all states had that since the founding of this country!!!! That’s why the men were so loyal to their states!!!!! There were no government programs back then to take care of you!!!!
@edwardpuddy4793 4 жыл бұрын
Now he said 1 out of 10 owned slaves. Now I might believe that if he said 1 out of 100. Slaves cost more than most people earned in a year or two years and they sure was not going to throw away their hard earned money to have a slave to feed and take care of.
@talk-supersix-seven6021 4 жыл бұрын
Lol, 30%+ households had at least one slave owned by one member... that’s a lot. Of course when you manipulate the stats in a way that conceals the pervasiveness of slavery it looks less. It would be like saying “ only 10% of people owned cars in 1950” when in fact babies cannot own cars, a man may have four cars registered to him and in fact 8/10 households may have a car that everyone in the household had use of. In a family of 7 the father may own even 10 slaves but if you use your manipulation you’d be downplaying it by saying “ only 1/7 owned slaves” It’s dishonest, a son can still rape his fathers 6 slaves but it’s obfuscated with that statistic. The overseer may not “own slaves” but he brutalised many. The slave traders assistant may not “ own slaves” but he helped damage lives and interacted. Slave patrollers may not have “ owned slaves” but they helped round them up. If you’re an honest man you will take this onboard but my experience with you guys is you’re ideologues committed to a narrative of whitewashing history rather than accepting it. I take on board this video and the others in the list that show even Forrest may have been amenable to using black cavalrymen. But you guys cannot do the same, you seem determined to act like slavery somehow didn’t exist in the south when it was thoroughly ingrained in the life and it was heavily referenced in secession documents for a reason. I’ve even explained this to a guy on another video and he just ignored me and kept spamming his religious proselytisation about how slavery was minuscule which does not even jive with the reasonings of the statements at the time of secession. It is what it is, better to accept it than go to the grave shaming it. I understand southerners believed they had sovereign countries in a voluntary union and there were other reasons etc but this nonsense about downplaying slavery is the reason why when things about potential black confederate a are, brought up nobody takes it seriously because ideologues trying to downplay slavery demonstrate they often spin things from whole cloth.
@edwardpuddy4793 4 жыл бұрын
@@talk-supersix-seven6021 what do you do find the very worst case scenario and act like all slave owners were the same. There is good and bad in this world. Some day we all have to find that out. Some learn the hard way some are just a little smarter and can figure it out sooner
@talk-supersix-seven6021 4 жыл бұрын
Edward Puddy obviously not all the same and Forrest was said to be kind and greed some after service in the war and he spoke of civil rights after the war and stonewall was also loved by the slaves he’d teach at Sunday school. Yes I understand all that, like I’m said I’m just annoyed that a lot of people bastardise statistics to downplay how pervasive slavery’s effects and imprint was on southern society. I am open minded about nuanced in the society though and know it wasn’t all black and white.
@deryckj 4 жыл бұрын
@@talk-supersix-seven6021 Around 3.8% of whites in the south owned slaves. Around 33% of free blacks in the south owned slaves. And yes some were family but the largest slave holder in several states and large cities were free blacks. Yes, black owned plantations and worked slaves.
@talk-supersix-seven6021 4 жыл бұрын
@@deryckj Again, you people just talk past what you don't hear. I already explained approaching near HALF of HOUSEHOLDs had a slave and many people had multiple to their name and that does not include the pervasiveness. Trying to reverse the narrative and say actually there were no slaves, oh and black people owned more slaves. That 33% figure is dubious. And you saying that shows you just throw numbers around to support your apologism. Do you know why blacks owned slaves? What's the first thing you do if you become free and your family is still enslaved? YOU PURCHASE THEIR FREEDOM. So on paper that is why a lot of blacks owned slaves. But people like you look at the figure and cognition does not even enter into it, you're immediately looking for a way to say "SEE SEE slavery never happened significantly and when it did it was the BLACKS, states rights blah blah lost cause" It's shameful. I already explained how trotting out figures like 3% of people owned slaves is stupid because it conceals the true number of families that had slaves and doesn't take into account how widespread it was in fact it lies by omission. But you just repeated it all over again like a religious prayer, you people are so devout to your apologist ramblings and revisionism you do a disservice to actual nuance. Nobody takes seriously any of the info about black confederates under Nathan Bedford Forest because it comes out of the mouths of you guys who show a cult like devotion to trying to massage reality to be what you WISH it to be not what it is and was.
@love68 10 ай бұрын
Some were issued a weapon and did fight for the confederacy. 💯🤔
@ivanvonminich9096 3 жыл бұрын
The war was not foght over slaves. It was taxes.
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(3/6) New Orleans area had the largest percentage of these "colored" owners. But they themselves would not for the most part consider themselves "black." And many were barley visually distinguishable from the 'white' community they were trying to be part of. And they also were a separate and distinct community than the free black one.
@ivanvonminich9096 3 жыл бұрын
The war was
@jamesreagan8808 4 жыл бұрын
3:00 Pause: Their identity? Listen close people great example of do no know thinking it does! Simple? Of course!
@SOUTHERNANDPROUD1861 13 жыл бұрын
God bless the proud blacks for there service for fighting for the freedom of the south you wont be forgotten.DEO VINDICE
@dark_unit2409 3 жыл бұрын
“Our new government is founded upon the great truth that the negro is no equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition” - Alexander Stephons (Confederate Vice President)
@jimmyanderson2988 3 жыл бұрын
Lincoln felt the same way bud
@Michaelbos 4 жыл бұрын
Yup and defaced by BLDM group.
@Rundstedt3 11 жыл бұрын
(2/4) I’ve read through hundreds of Confederate letters and diaries from 1864 and have not found one single reference to a black Confederate soldier. Why is the evidence always to be found in the writings of Northerners? - Civil War Historian Kevin Levin
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
​@Leopard Woman Do you mean as educated as the criminals that ...victimized these blacks; or do you mean as ..."educated" as their ..."slaves"???!!!
@larrydarnellmooreii7836 4 жыл бұрын
Is ther documentation of the manumision
@darthroden 13 жыл бұрын
@cleanhomer And therein is the worst tragedy of all.
@JUSLOFI 4 жыл бұрын
He chose to stay with his MASTER... MASTER!!
@JUSLOFI 4 жыл бұрын
@V. i stand corrected.
@bubbag9952 4 жыл бұрын
Was family .
@Rundstedt3 11 жыл бұрын
(4/4) If black Confederates were already there, one is at a loss to understand why white Southerners debated so ferociously over the introduction of blacks in the Confederate army late in the war. Certainly, there were blacks who accompanied the Confederate armies - servants of officers, wagon drivers, cooks, teamsters and the like. But they weren't there, by and large, of their own volition." Professor Brooks Simpson
@benitopepolini1249 7 жыл бұрын
do you put all your turst in just qoutes? LMAOOO
@ReneStover 7 жыл бұрын
I guess you were there, right? True history has always been suppressed by one side or another, and mostly it depends upon who won the war, because the winner has the opportunity to write the history their way, so they look more moral!
@1964rhg 10 жыл бұрын
runsted i see you subscribe to jacob pratch so are you a believer or a troll?
@joshschaeffer2597 9 жыл бұрын
to runstedt in the face of proof u still misquote and misapply. r u saying that black men didn't ride and fight with Nathan Forrest and his elite Calvary? it is a fact they did. in an elite unit they comprised twenty percent.
@joshschaeffer2597 9 жыл бұрын
+Josh Schaeffer out of 42 men one deserted 41 stayed and 20 went back with Forrest after the war 18 months after he freed them. no black confedrates? if north wanted to end slavery quit buying slave based product. ending slavery was useful lie to tell men so they would go die there were alot of ways to end slavery. a rich man in north not willing to pay a little more and get product somewhere else but perfectly willing for other peoples sons to go fight and die. quit quoting and do some thinking pseudo intellectuals
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(2/2) If black Confederates were already there, one is at a loss to understand why white Southerners debated so ferociously over the introduction of blacks in the Confederate army late in the war. Certainly, there were blacks who accompanied the Confederate armies - servants of officers, wagon drivers, cooks, teamsters and the like. But they weren't there, by and large, of their own volition." Professor Brooks Simpson
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(4/6) Rather than saying they were "black," it is more correct to say that they were biracial slave-owners whose behavior was more in accord with that of his white forefathers than with that of their black enslaved ancestors. And we should know that there were real social and legal differences between mullatos and "blacks."
@jrjohnryanjr 4 жыл бұрын
I am not sure of the significance of one or two blacks joining the confederate army 200000 joined the union army and fought to end slavery
@westerfrye2089 4 жыл бұрын
There wasn't just two or three if you would read many of the comments. There is actually a video of the i believe last civil war reunion and there were I believe about 7 or 8 that were still alive at the time in the video. They were fighting for the south before the north ever allowed them to fight in their army. The only reason lincoln even allowed them to fight is bc the north was losing the war Frederick Douglass actually petitioned Abraham Lincoln to allow blacks to fight bc they're were to many goin to fight for the south bc they were able to fight as free men and were getting paid the same as the white soldiers. Thats when lincoln started his 40 acres and a mule talk.
@jrjohnryanjr 4 жыл бұрын
Wester Frye those blacks were non-combatants Actually blacks were allowed to join right after Lees invasion was forced back into Virginia at Antietam Sep 1862 About 200000 blacks joined and carried arms 300 blacks from LA were allowed to be armed ( they were freemen) but never went into battle and eventually joined the Union Army
@jrjohnryanjr 4 жыл бұрын
Wester Frye no blacks ever were armed and fought They served as non combatant roles only
@westerfrye2089 4 жыл бұрын
@@jrjohnryanjr They didn't only fight they fought with great honor. Those who fought with General Forrest Bedford were among the best. After the war all our history books were manufactured in the north what better way to destroy history than to rewrite it.
@westerfrye2089 4 жыл бұрын
@@jrjohnryanjr They weren't allowed to fight till after the south already had black soldiers fighting against the Union
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(5/6) And as the Southern states made manumission harder and harder, Free blacks were then forced to 'buy' their spouse or family members but could not by law free them, which also makes them an incidental 'owner' on paper.
@SaltOfHaEretz 6 жыл бұрын
Dr. Spencer needs to learn some true history. Blacks and whites fought side by side for the South.
@jarrellmckeithen7343 7 жыл бұрын
is there more than 3 parts
@impalamama7302 7 жыл бұрын
It was a whole documentary....back he made it and PBS refused to air it.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
"To escape this fate, [the loss of its slavery] the South declared its independence and fired on American soldiers at Fort Sumter in the Charleston harbor, thereby provoking a war that cost more American lives, soldier and civilian, than all of the country’s other wars combined." James M. McPherson
@lindsaygraham5687 5 жыл бұрын
The South was never in danger of losing slavery. All that talk is nonsense. Please see in Wikipedia "the Corwin amendment" for proof of this. Read some of Lincoln's quotes. Read "Abraham Lincoln's Negro policy".
@pitrov 3 жыл бұрын
Most of these black protesters had ancestors that fought for the Confederacy. Remember that 500,000 free blacks were living in the south at the beginning of the war. Even many slaves served in the Confederate army. The Union army was segregated and blacks were paid one half of a white soldiers pay where as the Confederate army was integrated and blacks soldiers drew equal pay. These protesters need to learn their own history! These black Confederates served with honor, courage, and dignity! There are countless photo's showing black Confederates at veteran reunions wearing their gray Confederate uniforms adorned with many medals. They were proud of their service and we should be too! General Lee, Bedford Forrest, Jackson and others lavished great praise on the black Confederate soldiers and the Union soldiers feared them. Instead of tearing down Confederate monuments these protesters should be demanding the construction of Confederate monuments across the south land to these brave black Confederate soldiers. Without the black contribution to the south this war wouldn't have lasted 4 months, much less four years. Give the black Confederates the praise they deserve, its long overdue!
@ShellyAnn1a 12 жыл бұрын
(cont part 3) What I refer to is that until recently has it come to light that there was a firm German resistence movement, my family was part of it. There are many points on the CW that I would love to make with reference, but I no long have that library. Who started the CW?
@satidog 11 жыл бұрын
Consider that the South was far more desperate than the North for manpower. By 64-65 they were dragging old men out of the their shops and chasing young men through the bushes to make them fight. And they had 4 million black people who literally had to do what they were told. But they didn't arm them. Instead it was the manpower difference that tipped the war to the North as nearly 200,000 blacks fought AGAINST the Confederacy.
@WarrenWebber 13 жыл бұрын
@37stepp The genuine affections, I wonder if the affections of the slave was a type of live-long Stockholm Syndrome, if you know what I mean?
@MJ-vt4lw 4 жыл бұрын
We're suppose to celebrate men that we're suffering Stockholm syndrome ....hooray
@peetydontpass8309 4 жыл бұрын
Oh you are So Sad.
@MJ-vt4lw 4 жыл бұрын
@@peetydontpass8309 only thing that is sad here is the people make excuses for the most treasonous bunch in American history 🤢🤮
@artwerksDallas 4 жыл бұрын
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
There is no debate to be had. “Any neo-Confederate or plain old American who wants to say, ‘No, no, it’s about states’ rights,’ has the problem that they’re not arguing with me. They’re arguing with the people in South Carolina who seceded; they’re arguing with the convention in Mississippi.” "I don’t mean to be mean, but secession and the Confederacy was all about treason on behalf of slavery, and we have to call it what it was.” Dr. James Loewen
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(1/2) Are you kidding? where do you think those stories came from? the Historians who already well knew about them. And while I watched that show I don't clearly remember all 42 plots and like all of the history channel stuff it has to be taken carefully, their material is often blown out of proportion for effect and drama or just plain wrong. If you think you can get academic history from the same people that bring you ghosts and UFOs and you are deluding yourself.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(2/3) And no, the "allies" as political entities may wish to 'gloss over' some items, and when considering just the general public they may be somewhat successful, but they are NOT the historians. The historians always have told the uncomfortable stories too, YOU, the general public just don't want to read them. Like a creationist you must try and say that the actual professionals are wrong about their own field.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(1/3) Sigh, and the Union banned it decades before. But so what? Did you know that the there were many in the South before that war that advocated the re-opening of the slave trade? And did you know that the CSA also seriously considered reopening it, but they knew that the Border that had yet to secede when the constitution was written looked at their monopoly of the internal trade would not like it and so that was one of the main reasons it was dropped?
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(4/5) Bordewich is not alone in his position. Top-ranking scholars have repeatedly torpedoed the myth, including Bruce Levine, the renowned professor of African-American studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Edwin Bearss, historian emeritus at the National Park Service; and Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, editor-in-chief of The Root and chair of Harvard's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute"
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
oh, and slaves did NOT receive "stipend" that is just a bald faced lie. A just a very few masters gave some very small cash rewards during harvest or upon the New year, about a dollar, never enough to ever save the hundreds needed to buy freedom, which could additionally be turned down by the master, but even those more 'modern' methods of management were interspersed between plenty of whippings. See: William A. Link "Roots of Secession, slavery and politics in Antebellum Virginia" p39-42
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(5/5) If black Confederates were already there, one is at a loss to understand why white Southerners debated so ferociously over the introduction of blacks in the Confederate army late in the war. Certainly, there were blacks who accompanied the Confederate armies - servants of officers, wagon drivers, cooks, teamsters and the like. But they weren't there, by and large, of their own volition." Professor Brooks Simpson Try reality: watch?v=FJRi_A3RRFA&feature=plcp
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
Get serious, I am a history teacher. YOU need to do research. It did not matter if a master was 'good" or 'bad' the slaves just wanted freedom. And what a dog whistle racist argument you make. No, the slaves did NOT live at the same level as a Northern worker, the free worker had a much higher standard of living and did not have to worry about being beaten, raped, sold away from their family, and could use his freedom to better his position.
@codyrhew2537 11 жыл бұрын
do you really think you are going to change anyones mind here? if you are such a historian why are you using youtube as your medium of attempting to educate us lesser mortals?
@ReneStover 7 жыл бұрын
You don't seem to realize that most history books were written by the Victors, and the Victors suppressed true history in order to make it look like their side of the war was a moral one. It just so happens that the truth is beginning to come out about so many things in which we were lied to about, one good example is the so-called Civil War, another is WWI and WWII where we were told Germany started the wars when in fact it has now been revealed that England and France under the International Bankers actually started both world wars. Thanks to youtube and other outlets the truth is coming out, and it matters not whether your beliefs are justified!
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(2/2) - mass democracy and a leveling egalitarianism as opposed to the authoritarian state and the rule of an elite; equality and friendship among peoples as opposed to racial inequality and the domination of the strong; class solidarity versus national unity; internationalism versus nationalism." - Sir Alan Bullock from "Adolf Hitler"
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
And if that is unsupported by the actual record there is no reason to believe it. We would believe your hypothetical dad, because we would know already that he was where he said and there would be documentary records to prove it. I seriously doubt you are telling any truth here, you don't have Grant's memoirs and have probably not even read McPherson's work.
@Rundstedt3 12 жыл бұрын
You live in an alternate universe, Civil war historians do not support he black confederate myth. Here is the truth: watch?v=DZEbhnOKRas&feature=plcp And when considering he professional judgement of the professionals in the specific field it is not an appeal to authority. It the topic was anatomy or medicine I would consult he words and works of the appropriate medical professional, if it were anthropology an anthropologist, Your anti-intellectual appeal only shows your won ignorance and bias.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
Come on please do tell us more about the Jawhawkers, but first "canadian" you might want to look up the border ruffians thier raid on Lawrence and the Lecompton Constitution..., yup sorry, all about slavery, nothing about your silly conspiracy theories.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
Oh come on..., more unsubstantiated antidotal garbage. Historians have been studying resistance to the Nazis all along, all you did is make some vague reference to who exactly know what.
@blackmale78 14 жыл бұрын
@Luigi84289 r u serious? Slaves did not look at there masters as friends nor family it was a role most had to play to keep their families together and to gain trust in the eyes of the master.
@Rundstedt3 11 жыл бұрын
"There is not one genuine verifiable incident or instance of an African American serving as an enlisted soldier in the confederate army." Professor William Davis, Virginia Tech. New York City Historical Society 5/31/12, Cspan3
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(3/5) "There are two underlying points of this claim: first, to say that slavery wasn't so bad, because after all, the slaves themselves fought to preserve the slave South; and second, that the Confederacy wasn't really fighting for slavery. Both these notions may make some of our contemporaries feel good, but neither is historically accurate." Truman R. Clark, Professor Emeritus, Tomball College.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(2/3) "As of 1860, the second most important export of the commonwealth of Virginia was human flesh. Virginians wanted to make sure that if white Southerners were going to buy slaves, they were going to buy slaves that bore the phrase "made in Virginia." - Professor Brooks Simpson
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(3/3) Bordewich is not alone in his position. Top-ranking scholars have repeatedly torpedoed the myth, including Bruce Levine, the renowned professor of African-American studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Edwin Bearss, historian emeritus at the National Park Service; and Henry Louis "Skip" Gates, editor-in-chief of The Root and chair of Harvard's W.E.B. Du Bois Institute" "The Root" May 2, 2011
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(4/4) "Back in 2007 two researchers came across a photograph often exhibited as proof of African Americans in Confederate service-a image labeled “1st Louisiana Native Guard.” An examination of the photograph revealed that the image in fact was of African Americans in Union service: one way in which the image was tampered with in order to misrepresent it was by cropping out the Union officer." - "Keeping It Honest" - Professor Brooks D. Simpson
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(1/2) "From a light-hearted point of view, if there were all these black Confederate soldiers, given that we don't see them show up [in historical records] as prisoners or killed or wounded, they must have been the best troops the Confederacy ever had, because they were never killed, wounded or captured. So an entire army of black Confederates would have been invincible.
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
"Certainly the ultra-nationalism, anti-equalitarianism, hostility to international socialism, collision with traditional right-wing forces and constant appeal to 'primordial' spiritual values all point to the conclusion that fascism belongs to the extended family of Rightist ideologies." Griffin, Ibid, p49
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(6/6) "The Majority of Negro Owners of slaves had some personal interest in their property. Frequently the husband purchased his wife of visa versa;" John Hope Franklin "From Slavery to Freedom" p144 Meanwhile on average 1/3 of white families in the CSA owned slaves purely as chattel
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(1/2) "There's no such thing as a black Confederate soldier," states Walter Hill, senior archivist at the National Archives and Records administration. He goes on: "The question of black Confederacy. It's concept only. It's a thought. It's an idea. There's no reality to it." As Hill said. "The Confederate army used slavery to help them win the war. Keep in mind, these are slaves. [used as laborers and were not soldiers]
@Rundstedt3 11 жыл бұрын
(3/4) "From a light-hearted point of view, if there were all these black Confederate soldiers, given that we don't see them show up [in historical records] as prisoners or killed or wounded, they must have been the best troops the Confederacy ever had, because they were never killed, wounded or captured. So an entire army of black Confederates would have been invincible.
@ReneStover 7 жыл бұрын
You are a Troll, your continued B.S. is proof of it, there is plenty of evidence for a great number of events that have been suppressed, but one has to have a desire to learn the truth, but I am sure you wouldn't know the truth if it bit you in the rear, because you are a Propagandist yourself, I just wonder what your agenda is!
@stikupartist3698 6 жыл бұрын
Yeah. They fought the north so they could continue being a slave. They loved the sound of the white mans whip and enjoyed cooking and cleaning for free.
@leemerriweather2471 5 жыл бұрын
If these blacks were such ...good loyal soldiers and patriots ...then why was there ever slavery, in the first place??!!
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(2/2) They were instructed and told what to do. They didn't support the Confederacy." Hill said he has been disputing the idea of black Confederate soldiers for nearly 30 years. Supporters of the Confederacy are trying to eliminate or minimize slavery as the cause of the war, he said. "One strategy is to say 'well, blacks fought for the South.' Well that's just not accurate."
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
And were STILL waiting for you to show us these so called 'taxes'. Come on..... waiting....
@jeffhagerman7810 6 жыл бұрын
Sons of the confederacy great story thanks ☺
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
(2/5) "This is a fiction," (The idea of 'black confederates) Fergus M. Bordewich, renowned historian and author of five nonfiction books, told The Root about the latest rancorous debate about black Confederates that comes as the nation's commemoration of the Civil War's 150th anniversary continues.
@ErinPipes76 4 жыл бұрын
One of my ancestors was in the Washington Artillery Regiment. One story that has been passed down is that the best gun crew in opinion in his battery was an all black group of freeman. They fought at Gettysburg.
@Rundstedt1 4 жыл бұрын
@@ErinPipes76 Made up family lore is not history. There were no black confederates, either you or your relative is a liar. .
@ErinPipes76 4 жыл бұрын
@@Rundstedt1 Sorry! But there were black Confederates. Many thousands received state Confederate veterans pension. The African-American Chaplin in the US military was a cavalryman in Forrest's 7th Tennessee Cavalry Regiment - Louis Napoleon Nelson. This FACT is well documented and one of his descendants is a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (along with several more). A high percentage of the crew of CSS Alabama were African-American. The presence of African-American cavalrymen in Forrest's command is well documented in multiple sources. African-American veterans routinely showed up at Confederate veteran reunions well into the 1930s; well documented. Thousands of African-American were awarded pensions by state governments. A number of US Colored Troops are well-documented as having deserted from the Confederate Army first, and there is at least one that received BOTH a Union pension and a Confederate state pension. Then there is the 1st Louisiana Native Guard, also quite well documented. After Gettysburg, a number of African-American POWs showed up at Camp Douglas; clearly documented. One of Louisiana's Tiger Brigades famously included at least one African-American soldier; also fairly well documented including Civil War era newspaper articles (supposedly he had African tribal facial tattoos). I could go on. But the UNCOMFORTABLE truth is that there were Confederate African-American troops. Was not common. Done by commanders. And certainly at odds with official policy. In the case of the gun crew, they were pre-war free men that were in the militia unit before the war, so when the unit went into the Confederate Army, they went too. I've and met a re-enactor that was African-American and he discovered his great-grandfather had fought for the Confederacy, and his service was quire well-documented from in his pension application including statements from the unit commander and a a fellow soldier. History is a funny thing; it has no political viewpoint. It just is.
@Rundstedt1 4 жыл бұрын
@@ErinPipes76 Idiot, those were slave pensions, and very they were only offered like 40 years after the fact by the way and only a few collected them. They were NOT soldiers..... period. Nelson was never a soldier, he was slave and Forrest was a slave trader idiot. Here his pension file showing he was a servant, nothing more. . And that some ex-slaves came to rebel reunions to act the clown is meaningless. . All you have are the old racist lies. _"A racist fabrication has sprung up in the last decade: that the Confederacy had "thousands" of African- American slaves "fighting" in its armies during the Civil War. ..."There are two underlying points of this claim: first, to say that slavery wasn't so bad, because after all, the slaves themselves fought to preserve the slave South; and second, that the Confederacy wasn't really fighting for slavery. Both these notions may make some of our contemporaries feel good, but neither is historically accurate."_ - Truman R. Clark, Professor Emeritus, Tomball College. . _"There is not one genuine verifiable incident or instance of an African American serving as an enlisted soldier in the confederate army."_ - Professor William Davis, Virginia Tech. New York City Historical Society 5/31/12, Cspan3 . As the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities states, the idea of there being 'black confederates' is: "not only untrue; it’s complete nonsense." "Our position with the North and before the world will not allow the employment as armed soldiers of negroes." - Confederate Secretary of war James Seddon
@Rundstedt1 4 жыл бұрын
@@ErinPipes76 _"Pension applications for African Americans were different from those used for soldiers or widows. Questions on the applications for servants asked for the applicant’s name, age, the name of the person he had served during the Civil War, and the dates of his service. Questions also asked the unit to which the applicant’s master had been assigned. This information, coupled with his master’s name, allowed pension boards to verify the applicant’s service by checking Confederate muster rolls. This step in the approval process was crucial as contemporary records documenting the service of African Americans were nonexistent. There were no muster rolls for these men, most of whom had no last names at the time of their service."_ _Other Confederate states also wanted to know what black applicants had done in regard to their service during the war, but they limited the applicant’s response to a single word or term, such as “body servant.” Interestingly, Mississippi did not start asking for this information until 1922, the same year it stopped asking for the applicant’s age."_ - James G. Hollandsworth Jr, "Black Confederate Pensioners After the Civil War," May 2008 Surprisingly, none of the states, except Mississippi, asked black applicants if they were wounded as a result of their service with the Confederate army.
@Priestbokmei1 4 жыл бұрын
“Black confederate soldiers”-read, Stockholm Syndrome. : (
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(1/3) "This is a fiction," (The idea of 'black confederates) Fergus M. Bordewich, renowned historian and author of five nonfiction books, told The Root about the latest rancorous debate about black Confederates that comes as the nation's commemoration of the Civil War's 150th anniversary continues.
@Rundstedt1 11 жыл бұрын
(2/3) "It's a myth," continued Bordewich, author of Washington: The Making of the American Capital and Bound for Canaan: The Underground Railroad and the War for the Soul of America. "It is nonsense. I could be blunter than that, but you get the drift. It's a meaningless term, 'black Confederates.' There is no evidence whatsoever from any responsible source that there was more than the occasional slave who was forced to serve in the war."
@Rundstedt1 12 жыл бұрын
"Fascist revolution sought to change the nature of relationships between the individual and the collectivity WITHOUT destroying the impetus of economic activity - The profit motive or its foundation - private property or its necessary framework - the market economy, this was one aspect of the novelty of fascism; the fascist revolution was supported by an economy determined by the laws of the market." - Prof Zeev Sternhell, "The Birth of Fascist Ideology", p7
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