Guardian Defenses in Elite Dangerous - Are They Worth It for Combat? Tutorial: Shield, Hull & Module

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EDTutorials by Exigeous

EDTutorials by Exigeous

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@jclosadal 4 жыл бұрын
Hi Exigeous, About the Guardian Module Reinforcement, you forgot to mention that these are resistant to the lighting strikes of the interceptors. I take this comment to tell you that your content is great. Especially the graphics tutorial, I watch it constantly to check what is better at any moment. 07
@MarsStarcruiser 3 жыл бұрын
Never liked them before but now I’m tempted to try them out of curiosity.
@aretailcashier450 4 жыл бұрын
For the first time since I started playing elite dangerous i had over 1B cr. since I started you have been my go to source for anything i may need, such as learning how to engineer, getting the fsd booster, to learning how to mine. 90% of everything i know about the game I learned from you and ive come a long way. You probably get this a lot, but thank you. You are the difference between elite dangerous being just another game I tried once and shelved and a game ive come to love. Now ive gotten a good friend playing and now every time he asks me a question i think back to your tutorials and I always point him here
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much, I hear this from time to time but I really do appreciate you taking the time to share and I'm glad you're enjoying the game and the channel.
@technoviking2415 4 жыл бұрын
Once you get going this game is great some people say its really shallow but i dont agree you can leave your mark on this game not many do that
@SkyFire81 4 жыл бұрын
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
A quick note on Guardian Hull and caustic damage - my point in the video is this, if you run a single 4D Guardian hull on say a Chieftain you get a total of 1003 caustic resistance - however if you run a 4D standard hull with grade 5 heavy duty deep plate engineering you get a total caustic resistance of 1164, so it is absolutely objectively better to use a standard engineered rather than the Guardian. Now if you're not going to grind out mats to engineer those great, but you are giving up hull if you do use them.
@iustinianmihailfocsa 4 жыл бұрын
When you hunt bugs you get as much armor as you can, thus 1 or 2 very small GHRPs help a lot with the caustic damage, with minimal drawbacks.
@vengefire 4 жыл бұрын
Incorrect when targeting interceptors. Caustic resistance scales with overall hull strength, thus a size 1 ghrp can offer slightly more benefit than a grade 5 size 1 hrp given a certain amount of hull. Your statement is generally accurate but there is absolutely a niche use where size 1 ghrp outperforms hrps.
@c0baltl1ghtn1ng 4 жыл бұрын
I may be a week late, but bi-weaves work just as well with the shield reinforcements, too, especially when they're built for resistances. Make a shield tank with a Chieftain or Corvette, and though you may have to sit out for about 5 minutes it's better than 10 or 30 or straight up going back to the nearby station.
@jeffthebaptist3602 Жыл бұрын
2 years late here. Yes, shield reinforcements just raise absolute shield strength. Unlike the reinforced engineering option, they don't tank the recharge rate. They will increase the recharge time, but that is because your shields are regenerating at the same rate, but have farther to go. As such, if you want a stronger biweave, they pair well.
@acidicmushrooms9102 4 жыл бұрын
Considering the effort of these videos, they deserve waay more views!
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Well thanks to some help with the SEO on my channel hopefully they will soon as I agree!
@Datan0de 4 жыл бұрын
Personal preference: On my AX ships, I like to include a single Guardian Hull Reinforcement in the smallest available slot, just to get that bit of caustic resistance.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think that's a big mistake as you have to burn off caustic regardless and as such you'll do MUCH better with a G5 heavy duty hull reinforcement there instead. Much more overall hull which will give you more effective resistance to caustic.
@Motojourney 4 жыл бұрын
I'm confused by the thinking around guardian shield boosters and biweaves. They don't actually slow your recharge or recovery rate down... it simply takes longer because there is more shield to renew. A shield with only 5MJ would recharge in an instant... would that make it preferable to a 300MJ shield that recharges in 60 seconds? You could even argue that they are better on biweaves because a larger biweave gets more benefit from the incredibly fast passive recharge rate (since the shield spends more time powered up).
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
You're missing my point - or I didn't make it well - if you're running a bi-weave in general your goal is regen time which would mean pairing with resistance augmented (and say thermal) boosters is best as it doesn't affect it nearly as badly - what I'm saying here is Cell Banks would be the better choice as they have zero impact on regen/recharge time AND they add far more overall shields. So optional slots with a bi-weave are much better suited to cell banks.
@Motojourney 4 жыл бұрын
​ @EDTutorials by Exigeous Thanks for your reply! I really appreciate it and all the work you do here. Definitely my favorite Elite youtuber, especially because of really technical videos like this. Love nerding out about ship builds (and shields in particular). :) I don't think I'm missing your point! I see why it makes sense intuitively when you say "the goal of biweaves is a fast recovery time", because it seems like a shield with a low recovery time experiences less "down time" and therefore gets more from the shield. But biweaves recharge at the same MJ/sec regardless of whether you're using a guardian booster; you may have more down time because the shield has more MJ to recharge, but the "up time" you gain from having a bigger shield is proportional. You still benefit just as much from the bi-weave's faster recharge and recovery rates! Totally agree that using resistance augmented boosters is a great pairing with biweaves (you get more bang for your buck from your shield because each MJ recharged is worth more), but this doesn't preclude you from running a guardian booster. (As you said, shield cells might be a good option instead, but they have their own flaws like heat, the micromanagement required, the popularity of feedback cascade, etc.) In fact, when you consider that a biweave with more MJ breaks less often throughout the course of a fight (and therefore you experiences fewer of the 15 second recovery delays that occur each time a shield breaks), it seems that a guardian booster *enhances* the benefit of a biweave--you spend more time getting that wonderfully fast passive regeneration. Asking all of this genuinely because I feel like I might be missing something!
@AndroidBeacshire 4 жыл бұрын
recharge time is important for biweave in pvp but guardian shield reinforcements are useful for hazres and cz farming, especially for ships will poor shields such as clipper and fas can easily double total base shields and unlike scbs, will recharge between taking hits. they're kinda useless for ships with really strong shields and have wayy less total shield strength than scbs
@Teddytheviking 4 жыл бұрын
I agree with you. Exigeous mentions that recharge time increase with 36% but so does the amount of shield, so it is just a bigger buffer. I would think that shield reinforcements are better suited for smaller bi-weaves than bigger standard and priamatic. If I have a big enough shield, regardless of type, I would probably just go for SCBs instead.
@JG27Korny 3 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous The guardian shield boosters have diminishing returns, on a 5 slot you are better with 5 SCB, however over grade 3 I would prefer the shield booster.
@LaughingAndy 4 жыл бұрын
Do they count as military modules? I’m just thinking for going after one for my chieftain.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, absolutely. A single or two smaller Guardian module reinforcements are great - just leave the shields at home as you'll do much better with hull and a fast regen bi-weave.
@CrimsonWalter9092 2 жыл бұрын
My friend, I found you through a search while trying to find a way to perfect my Aravian Rhapsody (my special, main combat ship) and you taught me not only the statistics I love to work with in the game myself, but showed me it in such a way that was clearly well planned, organized and constructed, with proofs and everything, that immersed me and put me in a classroom like environment. For that, and the clear love you've shown when putting together these videos, and animating them as such, you have my sub. I hope that you can teach me more
@Majima_Nowhere 2 жыл бұрын
I would suggest using a single shield ref on a high-resistance, low capacity biweave build. On a ship like a chief or FAS, you're doubling your raw shield power, which in turn doubles your resistances. Of course, you're still building a hull tank under that shield, but in my experience that single shield ref does way more work than a hull ref in the same slot. SCBs work too, but they aren't always on, and a shield ref doesn't have limited ammunition.
@iustinianmihailfocsa 4 жыл бұрын
The guardian shield reinforcements work well with bi-weaves on PVE builds when you don't plan to have your shields down. You get the same regen, with those nice resistances, with bigger cap, aka nullifies the drawbacks of bi-weaves, and allows me to get bigger batteries.
@nafnist 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, I was about to write this as well. The regen is not affected much, only the reovery.
@mikewoods1005 3 жыл бұрын
Your videos are awesome! They defiantly make grinding for guardian tech much easier.
@cyrilmetodej3614 4 жыл бұрын
Guardians Shield Extenders are mounted into additional slots, classic extenders - internal slots, slots are different so you can use both of them, it would be fine to compare prismatic shield generator vs Dual-wave generators with both extenders
@MrWemo09 2 жыл бұрын
Something about the GSRPs in my opinion that I haven't seen anyone else say that I think is valid: Using GSRPs with biweaves I think is dependent on your intended use. For PvP, I agree that adding GSRPs to a biweave is a terrible idea, as it will only hamper your shield rebuild time in an environment where you need your shield to rebuild as many times as possible over the course of a fight. I'm specifically using the word rebuild here for the period of time between a shield going offline and coming back online at 50%, this is an important distinction from recharge where the shield is still online and recharging. Where I think people are wrong about not using GSRPs with biweaves is in PvE combat. Here, you really shouldn't be in a situation where you're losing your shield since 99% of NPC pilots you'll come up against cant hold a candle to a well outfitted player ship. Since you'll never be losing your shield, the rebuild time no longer matters to us. While its true that adding GSRPs to a biweave increases the recharge time, it has no effect on the rate of recharge, which in my opinion is what matters here. The only reason the recharge time is larger is because it has more hitpoints to recover, not because it has a slower recharge rate. As such, you can go with a resistance heavy booster/shield setup and then add a bunch of raw hitpoints using GSRPs. This way, you still get the good recharge rate of a biweave during the downtime between fighting NPCs, and you also get a large hitpoint pool similar to a blue shield or maybe even a prismatic depending on the build.
@chriswhittington5790 4 жыл бұрын
Love the frame shift booster, it's one module I went out of my way to get, with my fully stripped down DBX (including grade 5 lightweight life support) my DBX is over 80 light-year jump range with a light shield and rover bay.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Interesting, I'd love to see that build given the absolute maximum range possible on a DBX is just _under_ 76 light years :D But yes, it's a must have module. Now an Anaconda can hit an absolute maximum of 84.17 so maybe that's what you're thinking?
@danielstokker 2 жыл бұрын
Loser your bluffing
@oldv1288 Жыл бұрын
I recently acquired the guardian fsd booster too. I got it for my anaconda. I have A rated everything on her, rescue limped controller, a fighter bay, and a planetary vehicle hanger with all hard points and multiple utility points such as heat sinks and point defence turrets. With all of that I managed to get 45 ly jump range. Sure it's not a lot, but to me for how fully loaded my anaconda is, it's not bad at all. I built it the best I could with a little bit of everything :)
@darachoco6012 4 жыл бұрын
My gunship disagrees with the comment on the bi-weave+ guardian booster being bad. Bi-weave regens shields faster, while the boosters increase the maximum shield, giving me the shield tanking with faster recharge than A rated I want in PVE pirate hunting.
@danielstokker 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah now go pvp against sombody with double scb's
@antwan1357 2 жыл бұрын
I started looking at many things in the game . My life and family and realized a limit to what I'm willing to do for a game. Many engineering aspects and limit of grind I will simply unlock . Meeting friends getting my enhanced thrusters . Maxing fed and imperial ranks are my limits and engineering only with easy to attain materials leaving me with a rank 3 anything engineered on most things.
@danielstokker 2 жыл бұрын
Bla bla bla nonsense if you put in a little bit everytime everyone is able to unlock guardian stuff and engineering
@alexanderdeleon6696 4 жыл бұрын
I've had this game for a little over four years. I learned about the Gaurdians about two years ago, this past month I unlocked my Corvette and could not deal with the small jump range. I kept avoiding the guardian tech because I was too lazy but I finally gave in. I went out and got the fsd booster and then the rest. I can say that I regret not getting the gaurdian tech sooner. So in conclusion, I strongly recommend going for some gaurdian modules or weapons if you haven't already.
@jimmaurer8361 4 жыл бұрын
I freaked out the first time the Guardian drones popped up. After that, I was taking them on 4 at a time. I agree, don't delay for that tech
@jigsawalwayswins8636 3 жыл бұрын
No thanks I dont have the time :D
@cmdrsoundo5240 4 жыл бұрын
Another great video. Thank you. Easy to follow and well explained.
@EspenFrafalne Жыл бұрын
I have these with prismatic shields on an Imperial Eagle i used for exploration 3 years ago, and with this i could ALMOST survive boosting straight down into the ground. Very nice when you are far out in space, and dont have room for repair limpets, but still want to do canyon runs 👍
@SkyFire81 4 жыл бұрын
I already have all of these, but thanks for making this video! Its retro long overdue.
@Kellett781 2 жыл бұрын
In defense on the guardian hull reinforce module…. If you are going for the FSD booster, you might as well unlock them all and make the trip worth your while. If “effort” is the only thing stopping you; then don’t. For the casual commander, these are game changers. Set aside 4 or 5 hours, and you will have everything you need to unlock all 6 modules. Do the booster tutorial 6 times, then on the same planet, go to a ruins site and scan everything 2 times at each site, logging in and out between each run. You will have everything you need to unlock all of them.
@pukalo 4 жыл бұрын
The caustic resistance offered by the guardian hull reinforcement acts as a resistance to the damage from a thargoid interceptor's main volley cannon.
@Datan0de 4 жыл бұрын
Are you sure about that? The cannon deals absolute damage, not caustic.
@pukalo 4 жыл бұрын
@@Datan0de in-game testing has confirmed this. Note that the phasing damage done through your shields is not affected by caustic resistance.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
I'd like to see the data on that too as I also understand that damage done by Interceptors is absolute, save for the caustic missile. Regardless you'd get more overall caustic from a G5 Heavy Duty/Deep plate than a guardian hull. On a Chieftain with a single 4D guardian hull your total caustic is 1003 - if you swap that to a 4D G5 Heavy Duty/Deep Plate you get a total of 1164 - so why again would you choose less?
@pukalo 4 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous It's on the Anti-Xeno Initiative's website. I would include the link but the comment gets auto-removed.
@cmdrbrokenwan4858 4 жыл бұрын
@@pukalo interesting. All of the AXI build guides I have seen recommend engineered HRM over Guardian HRM. The caustic damage is easy to avoid, but I guess I have to check now.
@austinm5630 4 жыл бұрын
While I do agree that the Guardian Shield Reinforcements are generally much better on a large or medium ship, I will point out that the Imperial Courier is a notable exception to this. With Guardian Shield Reinforcements and Resistance Augmented shield boosters, you can attain over 1900MJ in effective shield strength against both Ballistic and Thermal, with over 1k against Absolute too. Combine with the Courier's small size and extreme agility and speed and it can be an absolute nightmare to kill one.
@informedchoice2249 3 жыл бұрын
Are these quoted figures based on fully upgraded engineered regular modules? Just not sure, would be good to mention it. Sorry if I missed that fact.
@unisonique 3 жыл бұрын
Video Deluxe !! Thank You 1000 times :))
@Kissamiess 4 жыл бұрын
Like some others, I disagree with shield boosters being useless with Bi-Weaves. In PvE situation is quite possible to have your shields practically never go down, so increased time to build them back up from nothing is not an issue. As for increased time to bring them back to full strenght, 572 MJ is still 572 MJ even if it no longer is the 100%. If you don't obsess with the 100% before going back in the fray, that isn't much of an issue either. I always use 1 or 2 with my Bi-Weave combat ships. Other major use is with small slots of big cargo ships to give some additional run away time. 105 MJ of extra shield is better than 4 tons of more cargo.
@MarsStarcruiser 3 жыл бұрын
Its a trade-off when I’m trying to fit guardian mrp’s instead of regular on my cutter. If it was something that I can squeeze into an armored monstered power plan, then I’d probably try them, but usually I end up having to use lower level boosters or sacrifice something else somewhere to free up the that kinda space still on mu builds.
@DaFieFie 3 жыл бұрын
While I agree with most of this video, I heavily disagree with not pairing the shield reinforcements with bi-weaves. The longer recharge time isn't because the bi-weaves have suddenly started regenerating less shield per second, it's because there's more shield to regenerate. By the same exact logic you shouldn't engineer reinforcement on bi-weaves, or add shield booster utility slots because they're technically increaasing your recharge time, which is just mathmatically incorrect. The guardian shield boosters are good for any shield type provided your hull is not suffering greatly because of it. TL;DR: Consider your hull vs shield baalance, not what KIND of shield you are using. More shields is more shields whether they're bi-weave or prismatics.
@Andromedon777 3 жыл бұрын
So increasing shield strength increases the minimum level of the lowest ring of shields that it has to recharge to?
@mikawelll 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks. Bi weave on my Corvette and after few tests Bi Weave still faster even with Guardian reinforcements.
@demiserofd 2 жыл бұрын
The info on Hull Reinforcements is wrong. The main thargoid cannon and swarm cannons also does Caustic damage, so the resistances help with that, too.
@darkvoidboy3940 3 жыл бұрын
@Exigeous Does this mean you have updated your Alliance Chieftain PvP build (from your last video on it 2 years ago) to replace the module reinforcements with Guardian ones? Looks like there is plenty of power budget for it, but still leaves some choices like D vs E.
@draconusspiritus1037 4 жыл бұрын
Okay, I can easily accept that engineered G5 is better. But have you tried stacking the guardian goodies on top of engineered modules? Such as G5 Heavy Duty Hull + Guardian Hull Reinforcement. Although a normal hull reinforcement module that is also G5 engineered may be better. But you did mention the Guardian Shield enhancement had a bit of an advantage over a normal shield cell bank. As it was not susceptible to Cascade weaponry and did not need to be in a fire group or hot keyed.
@theoriginalkeysto 3 жыл бұрын
4:18 caustic damage can also be done by players using caustic rounds on multi-cannons, I use them on my corvette to burn through NPC shields.
@theoriginalkeysto 2 жыл бұрын
@@DanielFerreira-mh2hd 100%
@theoriginalkeysto 2 жыл бұрын
@@DanielFerreira-mh2hd ha, I did say shields, didn't I? Lmao 🤦‍♂️ I'm sure I meant hulls... my mistake. Lol
@mirandela777 4 жыл бұрын
In PvE I found the shield cell bank ABSOLUTELY USELESS, since you only get a few "recharges" from them, after that they are just dead weight ! On other hand, the guardian shield reinforcement offer an INFINITE protection, they never deplete, and can be repaired in just a couple of seconds. Used in conjunction with reboot/repair glitch, you can face dozens of ships non-stop, without need to dock at stations to recharge the hardware.
@gautamasakyamuni6688 4 жыл бұрын
It would have be good if it fit in the Utility like Shield Boosters,instead it takes a module space and so it's not worth it at all.
@mirandela777 4 жыл бұрын
@@gautamasakyamuni6688 - well, thinking the boost is added to the shield busters from utility mounts, I think is better how they are now - I run 3 of them in military compartments, I got a fat 5k+ in my Vette with them, and using the reboot/repair glitch I will have ALWAYS, non-stop, at least 2500MJ in my shields. Never ever worried about loosing shields - I reboot and I recharge the prismatic in 5-10 seconds. If the cell bank is emptied, you are running a dead slot, or, in other words, you will fight the rest of enemies with 2-300 MJ less. Double that for 2 slots of cell banks. Never overheat. No need to activate. Repairs take 1-2 seconds. Never ever got one destroyed. Far far better option than cell banks when you may need to fight several waves of Pirates in fast succession and you cannot get to a station.
@gautamasakyamuni6688 4 жыл бұрын
@@mirandela777 You are talking about a Large ship with so many module slots,I never use those whales in combat they suck all the way,that was my point about it.
@mirandela777 4 жыл бұрын
@@gautamasakyamuni6688 - well, in PvE the medium / small ships suck all the way, so that was my point... ;p Aside jokes, from my experience, after passing a week in each of all small / medium, I found the Vette the most enjoyable experience - for fight, cargo, high risk missions, etc.... even for fraking mining is great... so, all this being said, slots are not a thing to worry about in a Vette. And in a Vette, in my experience, in PvE, Guardian shield modules are a far better choice over cell banks.
@jimmaurer8361 4 жыл бұрын
I link 2 SBC's to the same trigger. Fire a heatsink first or you will cook but you get a full recharge on a class 6 shield
@MrTimjm009 3 жыл бұрын
Shield and module obtained . Well worth it . Combined with regular engineered hull modules , perfect .
@redmoon383 4 жыл бұрын
Quick question, idk if you've done a video on this but what do module reinforcements actually do? What is the difference between the higher percentage ones and the lower percentage ones Well shit I probably should've watched lol.
@youwonder472 3 жыл бұрын
I dont get it. You say that you never suggest guardian shield boosters together with bi-weaves, while in your guide you have fed corvette for pvp equipped with bi-weave and 3 guardian boosters. Can you please explain?
@stevencrisp1373 4 жыл бұрын
For shieldless anti xeno builds the hull reinforcements are a definite help, especially while cold orbiting interceptors. Modules even more so.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Better than a fully G5 heavy duty hull reinforcement, that I don't understand - why?
@TheKermit2110 4 жыл бұрын
Ex, did u get your base HP stats on guardian vs standard hull reinforcements the wrong way round? I understand engineering makes the standard hull reinforcement the better option but I thought the guardian base was still better than the standard base or what’s the point even getting the module blueprint at all. I may be wrong of course as I bow to your exp, but this makes no sense to me.
@hunter4229 2 жыл бұрын
Highly disagree with Guardian Shield Reinforcement on Bi-Weaves. If anything, it's better on Bi-Weaves since it adds way more MJ relative to the default since Bi-Weaves have low default shield strength and GSRPs add a flat value. I.E. 250MJ on a 500MJ shield is a 50% increase compared to 250MJ on a 1000MJ shield which would only be 25%. Regarding taking longer to recharge, obviously it would take longer due to having more shields, it doesn't slow down the recharge time, there's just more shield to recharge hence it takes longer, the rate of recharge is still just as fast. Only exception to this would be the broken recharge rate.
@gautamasakyamuni6688 4 жыл бұрын
The Guardian MRP is very good,the only one usefull for PvE/PvP stuff,all the rest is related to antiXeno warfare.If the Guardian SRP would go in the Utility slot instead of taking a module place,it would have been a good one too.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, I pretty much agree but there are builds for the Vette and Cutter where the SRPs do make sense as you'll run out of power for cell banks but can still run a few. But yeah, the module reinforcement is the absolute best one.
@gautamasakyamuni6688 4 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous Yep as I said in another comment Large ships can benefit on that because of the many Module slots,I mainly fight in Mediums,so... 😉
@verngall 4 жыл бұрын
Exe, If you have installed guardian reinforcements of any type does it lower the heat required to shake caustic effects? (I've found it go as low as 120% instead of 200% but I don't know if this was a change or the guardian module reinforcement is helping with caustic...
@ConfusedRaccoon 4 жыл бұрын
Why would you use the E versions of the shield reinforcements over the D? Is the power usage lower on one? DBX is also real good for farming this stuff, with a smaller footprint than the ASP and a perfect utility placement above the canopy and tip of the tail.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Because with boosters they are lighter - D rated are 1 ton and E rated are .5 - and HD quadruples that to either 4 or 2 tons so you get a bit less shield than a D but half the weight.
@ConfusedRaccoon 4 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous thanks
@LoScorpioneRosso1 Жыл бұрын
Are the Guardian modules still worth it after the invasion ?
@timothymcgovern7279 3 жыл бұрын
AFAIK Guardian Shield Reinforcements also prevent you from doing a reboot/repair to rebuild your shield. I use one with a Bi-weave and a few resistance boosters on my engineered PvE Krait and I only have to leave a HazRes to refuel, turn in, or avoid an aggressive player. That said I'd avoid Guardian Shield Reinforcements on a PvP ship because a Hull Reinforcement is better for total ship health. A broken shield can regenerate much faster than one that's still up. More hull, more time to regenerate, more total shield health.
@Johnjohnson-zg4ek 2 жыл бұрын
If your hull is being shot that means your shield is not regenerating. It doesn't start regen until you have not been shot for 2 seconds.
@x...CrankyOldMan...x 2 жыл бұрын
Also in PvP. Incur shield goes down they will focus on yourfsd or drives. So never let your shield drop in PvP... Max out n your shield reinforcement.
@thespectator1243 4 жыл бұрын
@ Exigeous: I was under the impression that the enhanced shield regeneration time that is assosiated with the Shield Reinforcement Moduels is due to the fact that there is simply more total shield to regenerate. Given the same ship-setup, how do normal or Prismatic Shileds compare to Bi-Weaves? Do they still recharge faster then normal or Prismatics, or are they slowed even more (I am talking percentage-wise, not total numbers, since with Bi-Weaves your total shield strength is lower)?
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Not exactly as if you were to use say shield cell banks there would be no impact on regeneration time AND give you far more shields overall, that's really what I'm getting at. And as with a bi-weave your goal is faster regeneration you'd be much better off going with more resistance augmented boosters which won't affect it nearly as much. So if you're going to use them they pair best with A rated or Prismatics as you're not really worried about regen there given it's so much higher.
@thespectator1243 4 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous Thanks for the answer, but it does not really answer my original question. ;) An expample for how I used to build my bounty-hunting PvE-Ships: - up to 3 Shield Boosters, engineered for Resistances (usually vs. all, not a single damage type) - as many Shield Reinforcements as I can fit - Bi-Weave Shield, engineered to balance out Thermal I feel the amount of total shield is fine for me, and with A-Rated or Prisma I do not get that much more (I use mostly medium or small ships, anyway). I do not use SCB's because I want to stay in a HazRez for as long as I want without rearming (I use mostly Lasers, and MC's for debuff). When my shields go low before my enemy is down, I de-range myself via GTFO, and get back in range when the Shields have recharged enough to finish my opponent. So I basically use the enhanced recharge of the Bi-Weaves as a substitute for SCB's, so to speak. I try to avoid using reboot to get the shields up, since I am usually still pursued by an angry NPC; and if I get away far enough to make this work, they tend to Low-wake away. So... in this very case: is Bi-Wave still worse then A-rated or Prisma? Disclaimer: I _KNOW_ it might be better to just slap on Prismatics so I can fight longer, and when I see the shields are to low, I finish of my current fight, and just let the shields regen normally - using the very long time 'til full shields to make some coffee. The Problem with this is: I don't drink coffee. :P ;)
@nafnist 4 жыл бұрын
@@thespectator1243 Recharge, as in MJ per sec., is afaik not affected by larger amount of total MJ. So biweave is better for PVE, if you want to stay out for longer sessions.
@thespectator1243 4 жыл бұрын
@@nafnist Thx for the info. :)
@dissectingdiy 3 жыл бұрын
The frustrating thing about guardian tech is it should all be maxed out grade 5 more useful than engineered anything.
@BunkMastersGaming 3 жыл бұрын
1:50 that stat is wrong. 5D shield reinforcement weighes 16T with 215Mj. 5E weighes 32T with 198Mj. The problem is they cost 4.5times more than 5E
@mr.godzilla8331 3 жыл бұрын
I guess guardian shield reenforcements work good against thargoids, I ´ve seen that people get far from the thargoid and reboot systems to recharge shields, so that could help you recharge your shields fast. Those reenforcements can get along with the pace of a fight with a thargoid. However you can´t do this while PVP and you almost never can´t do it while PVE.
@Josh-bb3xi 3 жыл бұрын
> the entire benefit of a biweave is its quick regeneration time [scratches ear] Okay, so, if you double the amount of shield, you double the recharge time... but you're not changing the recharge *rate*... I fail to see how this is a scenario that warrants usage of the word "never".
@JG27Korny 3 жыл бұрын
Exactly you get something like A rated capacity shield but with Biwave regeneration time. However the recovery time suffer, but that us for fast ships that can count on that.
@theajshortman 4 жыл бұрын
Is there a way to make ships like the type 9 pvp proof? I have damaged nerves in my hands and just want to play in open without dying...
@gautamasakyamuni6688 4 жыл бұрын
No ship can be PvP proof since the pilot itself plays a major role,said that I rarely meet other players in open apart from Jameson and a few other kown spots,then the T9 if engineered well can always run away form an Interdiction,submit boost away and jump,it's not that difficoult.Last but not least if you fear other players play in Solo.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
ABSOLUTELY you can - I even covered my builds in a guide: My Type 9 has been "ganked" about 40 times and only died twice, remember you're not going to win every fight no matter the ship but when built properly you can carry 750+ tons AND be damn near unkillable. Remember a lot of surviving a gank has to do with HOW you handle the gank:
@nelaencmdr4785 4 жыл бұрын
Just been thinking about if those worth it as I already got fsd booster
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Well hopefully I helped answer that question!
@alratekk2631 4 жыл бұрын
The shield ones are hella useful
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, on the right ship - A rated or even better Prismatic they really are - just don't forget to use hull and shield cell banks too as you always need a balanced approach to defenses. If you don't believe me my phasing weapons are ready to convince you :D
@alratekk2631 4 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous I didn't know that shield reinforcements increased charge time though, that's very good advice. I was putting them on everything lol
@jamesanderton8817 4 жыл бұрын
Running a 1D Guardian hull reinforcement module on a AX combat ship is the only real use for them.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Yeah, but why would you do that and choose LESS caustic reinforcement than you'd get from a 1D with Grade 5 heavy duty and deep plate? Look at the numbers and you'll see even in that situation engineering is far better.
@jamesanderton8817 4 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous you are wrong. Just pull up Coriolis or EDSY real quick and see for yourself. In all other sizes you are correct, but with a 1D Guardian Hull Reinforcement you'll see a 220 HP improvement.
@asdTER8 3 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous I believe the point being made is to use just one of them (probably in the smallest slot) over a normal one in that slot. You get the higher absolute from all the big HRPs and then add a 5% boost to that. Makes a better use of the % than a 1:1 comparison. As a test I did a chieftain with a 6C Bi-Weave, 2 GMRP (4,2) and the Rest HD/DP HRPs. Comes out to 3683 Absolute/Caustic. Swap the size 1 HRP to a 1D GHRP and you get 3613/3803 Absolute/Caustic. You lose a small amount of absolute for a more significant gain in caustic. (-70/+120). Apologies for replying to a 5 month old video but I'm just now watching this and considering them and I do kind of see the point people are making. Its a fairly small gain though
@boring_incarnate 2 жыл бұрын
For some reason I fail to understand why is shield reinforcement being compared to shield cell bank, and not to shield booster. I'm starting to think that I may be retarded
@RudolfKlusal 4 жыл бұрын
I am playing since 2018 and I need to unlock at least something Guardian (FSD primarily) :-D Lame, I know :-D
@2wheel_freedom 4 жыл бұрын
Do it man, don't know if your into combat, but nicely fitted combat ships have terrible jump range. The Guardian FSD is a real nice addition for jumping around the bubble in a combat ship, and of course for exploring ships a nice bonus which is what i think most get it for.
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
Oh yeah, I say constantly if you haven't unlocked the Guardian FSD booster you're "doing it wrong" - so yeah, DO THAT SHIT NEXT!!
@RudolfKlusal 4 жыл бұрын
@@Exigeous eyup, I know 😊😊
@gautamasakyamuni6688 4 жыл бұрын
Go to Synuefe "something" it takes literally 10 minutes to unlock a Guardian Module Blueprint.
@RudolfKlusal 4 жыл бұрын
@@gautamasakyamuni6688 I know, I just... enyoyed different things, like traveling to Colonia, unlocking FedCorvette & Cutter and so on :-D This is a task I need to take next time :-D
@jigsawalwayswins8636 3 жыл бұрын
Is the guardian stuff worth it? Yeah I suppose if you have 6 years to go grab it all
@SpaceMercenary 4 жыл бұрын
Bruh it’s 5 am here
@Exigeous 4 жыл бұрын
It was only midnight for me ;-)
@GrayFolxy 4 жыл бұрын
I have only one thing ti ask .... can you speak a little slower ^^' cause you really speak too fast its hard to absorb all the info you spit at some times
@futotesan 3 жыл бұрын
You could lower the playback speed of the video
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