you should use the polybuild tool in edit mode and its even better when using a drawing tablet
@Incommensurableme Жыл бұрын
That's pretty cool, looks tedious after the first 5 minutes of the time lapse. Can you not convert the sculpted model into a mesh? And if you can, what are the problems that come with it that makes the manual process better?
@PatCrandley Жыл бұрын
Great question! You need to put geometry in specific locations within the mesh to enable the sculpture to be rigged and animated. The "auto" tools won't put the loops in the right places on the mesh. You'll also get superior UVs and smoothing groups with custom loop-able geometry.
@PatCrandley Жыл бұрын
And's tedious. You get the best result when retopologizing your mesh but its takes a while; kinda like solving a good puzzle. 3D modeling is 70% tedium, 30% rock-star creativity :)