他們比本地的測量師更仔細檢查👍🏻。買英國屋仔,電線及central heating system 都要留意。數十年屋齡,好多時候都要重新rewire 電線。有些舊屋仍然用Single pipe central heating system,好唔惦。全屋重新安裝更換成dual pipe central heating 又要洗一筆錢。買屋前,要留意呢啲問題。
In US, the house inspection is a requirement of the buying process. Buyer and seller discuss the contingency and negotiate who will be responsible for the repair. The bank appraisal is required as well to validate the house price for the loan.
@eyanno Жыл бұрын
@brendaauyeung8682 Жыл бұрын
@carollu2995 Жыл бұрын
@MIKA.... Жыл бұрын
@staffadmin Жыл бұрын
呢個價錢, 有飛機聲, 仲要咁鬼嘈. 就算係校區都唔會買. 我估計呢個價錢係Kingston 一帶. UK 咁多好校區, 呢間唔會買囉.
The two small backrooms behind the living room and hallway are pretty much useless, and the gable roof extension makes the kitchen space look small and claustrophobic. Not sure how you can remedy those design issues without knocking the whole extension down and rebuild. On top of that, you have bad building work that needs to be rectified (no ventilation pipes installed in the kitchen floor, and outside render breaching the damp proof membrane), so not sure this property is worth the £1M price-tag. Also, what is that building in the garden? Granny annex, office, or shed?