College Student Gets Wake Up Call As Thomas Sowell Educates Liberal Professor

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LFR Jojo

LFR Jojo

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@PinkPachy Жыл бұрын
An important point to understand Regarding Affirmative Action: Thomas Sowell went to and graduated Harvard Magna Cum Laude before Affirmative Action ever existed. He did so because he earned it. The man is brilliant. Clarence Thomas was appointed to the Supreme Court as the best candidate of all available candidates of any race. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, on the other hand, went to and graduated Harvard AFTER Affirmative Action was enacted. Her high school guidance counselor had reportedly advised her to set her sights lower. Nevertheless, she also graduated Magna Cum Laude Likewise, when Joe Biden was filling a SCOTUS vacancy, he announced very publicly that he would ONLY consider black female candidates. No one else need apply. Sowell will NEVER have to question whether or not he earned his place at Harvard, or anything else he achieved, because he did. No thumbs were put on the scale for him. Justice Thomas, likewise will never have to question whether he earned his spot fairly, he was in competition against all the best candidates and he won. By contrast, Ketanji Brown Jackson will NEVER be able to say she got into Harvard OR was appointed to SCOTUS because of her own merits. She will never be able to say she would have gotten onto SCOTUS if Biden had simply nominated the best candidate, because Biden ONLY considered black women. The best she will be able to say is that she was the best black female candidate. There will always be the nagging accusation, even in her own mind, that she ONLY got into Harvard because of Democrat policy, and ONLY got onto SCOTUS because Joe Biden Affirmatively Acted to help a black woman. HE DID THAT ON PURPOSE. THAT IS THE WHOLE POINT OF AFFIRMATIVE ACTION (and now DEI). NOT to help black people, but to convince black people that they NEED the Democrat party/Socialists to compete in America. That they cannot compete WITHOUT help from the Democrat Party/Socialists. (Meanwhile socialists are talking poison to black people every single day about how racist America is and that they cant achieve anything because of it--this is the same way abusive men treat their battered wives. You need me. You cant do anything without me. Etc) That is the ONLY thing Affirmative Action was created for--to help the Democrat Party/Socialists NOT to help black people.
@fibanocci314 Жыл бұрын
The abusive spouse is a good analogy. They also like to say "I'm the only one that loves you."
@kennethmorgan7957 Жыл бұрын
Very well said........
@TheLastGarou Жыл бұрын
Affirmative Action is the ultimate in gaslighting.
@anthonyware4033 Жыл бұрын
Affirmative action was discrimination/racism. You do not stop discrimination/racism with more discrimination/racism.
@GamerGod_99 Жыл бұрын
@a_diamond Жыл бұрын
It wasn't about racism. It was about avoiding dealing with the cause of an issue by changing entry rules. The problem was and is that American children aren't getting an equal primary education and access to enrichment. The kinds of things that Ivy League colleges look for besides SAT scares etc. My family lives on the rough side of a notoriously violent town. I'm narcoleptic, so I'm stuck with public transportation to get around. My husband has wasting stage lymphoma and needs to be near a hospital. I'm also an immigrant from a western first world nation. I know what is taught in elementary schools in northern Europe. If you don't.. feel free to take a look at the statistics. The US isn't leading the pack. More than that.. the differences between students from different areas of the US are far larger than the differences in education in any two random students within the EU. I learned stuff in elementary school that isn't taught until college here, and any enrichment has been taken out of the U.S. system. Kids are not taught with a focus on comprehension and cooperation, but instead on scoring we'll individually on specific tests. Our middle son is autistic. He scores in the 99th percentile on MEAP tests pretty much every time, but they have trouble managing his emotional issues. He doesn't qualify for help in school because he isn't "behind" in any subjects. They did still wantef to hold him back because he was socially "young". Thing is.. he will have the same social issues no matter where he is or how old he gets. I would know. I have the same issues, and no more answers for those issues than he has. Not being poor would make a huge difference though.. A guy once told my son "stand right there" and started punching him. My kid stood right there. He didn't scream. He didn't run. He didn't fight back. He's autistic. He always will be. When we called the cops the guy told the cops "he just stood there" and thought my son was being arrogant. He never even realized my son stood there *because that's exactly what he'd told him to do*. Now. Had we been from a more affluent family, he might have been in a school more able to handle the kind of issues he had and helped him get into college as a precocious student. He would have done great there, since far more individuals at the college are adults. His issues wouldn't have had nearly as detrimental an effect. The question that remains is "So what drives poverty in the U.S.?" The highest levels of wealth are inherited wealth. The families have rich people already in it. People have a safety net. Why do immigrants and the offspring of past slaves not have the same access? Because inherited wealth takes time to build up and become established. How do you preestablish that in families like ours? So: Instead of reforming the school system and investing in America's future ability to compete internationally, they simply lowered the college admission bar. They never actually fixed the problem of ensuring true equal access to quality education. Even after affirmative action, you're in college now on lowered entry criteria.. what good will that do you when the material you are supposed to learn is stuff you are not actually ready for? The reasons for affirmative action *did* have it's origins in the racism and classism in the history of this nation. The answer was just never "no child left behind" style just passing people through classes they hadn't fully learned. Investment and reform takes money and a vision beyond the current quarterly profit report. If you run a country like a slumlord runs rentals, what reason does anyone have to expect it to do anything other than continue to deteriorate? Kids aren't supported to develop their innate talents, they are taught to the test, and the kinds of jobs that will make them enough money to survive the future, instead of allowing them to drive the innovation that promotes growth. Until we actually fix the educational system, affirmative action is the literal least we can do.
@anthonyware4033 Жыл бұрын
@a_diamond affirmative action was not supposed to be racist but it was, when you give one race more opportunity than others, it is racist no matter how you trly to spin it. I know all about schools in Europe because my mom is an imagrant from Europe. I have talked to her side of my family many times about how different America is than Europe. We have family coming to the US next week. It's 100 degrees here right now and it will suck for them lol. Because of affirmative action I could not qualify for federal grants or scholarships. Like I said you do not stop racism with more racism.
@Quandry1 Жыл бұрын
@@a_diamond It actually was about Racism. It was fixing a problem that they didn't know how to fix by doing something else racist. They even admitted when they created affirmative Action that it was in fact Racist but they didn't know what else to do at the time. It was meant to be short term and a stop gap until they found a better solution that was never actually looked for.
@lorab.6993 Жыл бұрын
In the 60's I was very much for Affirmative Action.... I assumed Racism was a true roadblock in a great many ways. Where I grew up I went to a very integrated school. Washington state. Asians, Black's, Whites. We were all friends until the Civil RIGHTS movement in the South. Unfortunately I became the enemy of some of my friends from kindergarten. We all received equal educations, from what I understood this wasn't true for Black people throughout the country. I started to realize it is extremely unfair as human nature is often lazy. I can get hired because I am Black + a woman then a lesbian.... 3 quotas not necessarily qualified. And it continued. It became a license to be a low performance person who doesn't really qualify or deserve these opportunities. It cheated more qualified and it says to Black's you aren't able to. You don't have the same intelligence as White people, Asians.... So it's okay to stay VICTIMS be Lazy and Blame others for your FAILURES.
@emmahowells8334 Жыл бұрын
Affirmative action is like saying you're not intelligent enough to get there by yourself with hard work, you have to have extra help. So essentially they calling you stupid because of your race or gender.
@FM19MONTH Жыл бұрын
Government primarily dems have been dumbing down blacks for DECADES. Brainwashing has been successful for DECADES. Please wake up! We all need to realize that we all want the same things. Health for ourselves and our children/family, decent education and job to pay bills and not live in debt (step away from materialistic society they shove down our throats to keep us poor/in debt), a roof over our heads a safe neighborhood and places to buy groceries, necessities, etc., a solid transit system or car that we can take care of / afford to repair, , family, friends, love and to be loved, healthcare (affordable and obama care is outrageously priced), and we need to be kind and respectful to ourselves and each other. We The People MUST come together and stop the gov from dividing us. They are playing us against each other. GOP is just as bad w skeletons in their closets as well. Best we can do is vote for the lesser of two evils. satan is controlling the gov and our country. Teach kindness, right from wrong, importance of learning math, reading and writing, and personal critical and independent thinking. Peace.
@aaronsj80 Жыл бұрын
On top of that, if a company does hire based on affirmative action, even if a minority employee is extremely qualified, the other employees won't know that and could assume it's just another under qualified affirmative action hire.
@emmahowells8334 Жыл бұрын
@@aaronsj80 Indeed, you're right they may think that.
@joeday4293 Жыл бұрын
Don't forget the flip side of that: it tells the majority ethnicity that they are such terrible people, the minority deserves this advantage over you whether you contributed to their suffering or not. Unless you're Asian. Then you get nothing.
@blake7587 Жыл бұрын
Affirmative action is why I started refusing to see Black doctors at the VA and insisted on a White or Asian doctor. Why would I want a doctor who only got into medical school because he’s Black??
@janetta5153 Жыл бұрын
Affirmative action has been more of a detrement to the black community. Than a help. It basically says you aren't good enough without our help.
@JeremyWamhoff Жыл бұрын
I don't know if you were listing to what I said in my other posts but I'm really happy to see Thomas Sowell on the screen! We could all learn a lot from that man.
@SKEC212 Жыл бұрын
At 11:30 when you were talking about how more students lowers the value of the education it reminded me of how the Nobel Prize has been de-valued into nothing because they are giving out Nobel Prizes to regular people that didn't do anything that deserves a Nobel Prize. They are basically worthless now.
@HarrySBallz Жыл бұрын
You're right. Nowadays a Nobel Peace Prize is about as worthless as an Oscar.
@AiyukIsHim Жыл бұрын
@@HarrySBallz its so strange looking at old Nobel prize winners vs now
@Dragonstalon1001 Жыл бұрын
look at Obama, he got a Nobel Peace Prize then immediately dropped Bombs instead of finding ways to end the War PEACEFULLY.
@fibanocci314 Жыл бұрын
Right?! What did Obama win the Nobel for??!?
@TheLastGarou Жыл бұрын
​@@fibanocci314Existing, apparently.
@johnbiss306 Жыл бұрын
Can't fire anyone because of affirmative action, and the worst part is the recipient knows it and don't do anything
@binabina4445 Жыл бұрын
I’m a community college professor. The majority of my students do NOT want an education. They want money and they know that education will get them money so if they can just somehow skate through then they should be good. Edited to add: it for sure hurts the good students. I have to dumb down my teaching tremendously and the majority of my students still don’t pass. They aren’t getting a college education. They’re getting college lite because they aren’t prepared for college. My students have gotten so bad that half of my class is just teaching them basics so they can even understand what I’m saying. I don’t have time to actually lecture on my topic. I have to teach them how to study, what words mean, etc. it’s ridiculous. The government has 12 years to create people who can get jobs and they can’t even teach them how to read.
@C0WB0YZFR0MHELL Жыл бұрын
I ran across your videos a while back and started watching. I'm a 54 year old white man that enjoys the fact that you approach issues with intelligence and common sense instead of blind racism. Great work so far. Respect to you young man.
@fibanocci314 Жыл бұрын
He does so well listening and taking the time to think things through! Fast becoming one of my favorites!
@kathygardner9081 Жыл бұрын
I hear you. Everyone getting a "participation" diploma, waters down the accomplishment. You really are doing a great job synthesizing this information and giving your thoughts! Keep going.....(I'm becoming one of your fans.)
@captcrunch2580 Жыл бұрын
I'm in college right now and it's really sad to see so many people there just kind of coasting along only aspiring to the absolute minimum to get the degree. In my experience it hasn't been one single race but more of a cultural degradation on the whole. I've met many people proud of how little they are doing and how poorly they are performing. College seems to be just a four year excuse not to have to enter the real world for many people, and when they still graduate it devalues the degree in general.
@theghettogourmet6762 Жыл бұрын
Trade schools. There's always work for plumbers and electricians. HVAC techs make gold. Skilled carpenters and roofers are in high demand. Welding, auto-tech, software engineering, the list goes on. We could be teaching kids these skills in high school and giving them a real leg up rather than incentivizing debt via student loans, but that would make too much sense.
@allencollins6031 Жыл бұрын
Looking back I'd take a skilled trade over my degree any day of the week
@richardmartin9565 Жыл бұрын
I went to a 2-year full-time technical institute from 1967 to 1969. We started with 23 or so guys, only 8 graduated. Most of the others flunked out. Back then, you could flunk out. Don't know about these days.
@fibanocci314 Жыл бұрын
I very much hope technical institutes are still flunking people. And medical schools.
@NoName-pe5no Жыл бұрын
The country needs more construction workers, plumbers, truck drivers, trades workers. We need to encourage our children in to trades schools and provide internships to the trades.
@042Decoy Жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell is a fucking boss!!!! Not listening to him should be a crime.
@BrainBushido Жыл бұрын
I really enjoy how you're willing to challenge your own beliefs... and how you seek out facts rather than falling into an uneducated emotional response. You give me hope for the future of America. Keep up the good work - I appreciate you letting us join you on your journey.
@biancahardin1269 Жыл бұрын
Instead of picking the best person for the job ,they pick you by your race. Not the best qualified
@maddhatter3564 Жыл бұрын
JoJo , your momma/Dad did a good job with you, I know you didn't learn to be openminded in Public school so it must've been family.
@maddhatter3564 Жыл бұрын
Sowell and Friedman, two powerhouse thinkers
@miraclemax9093 Жыл бұрын
Affirmation action in practice creates a standard of low expectations. By existing it singles out and divides people. People are people.
@Dragonstalon1001 Жыл бұрын
Thomas Sowell is a Brilliant man, and he should be the Idol that young Adults aspire to be instead of Musicians and 'Bloggers/Vloggers'
@richardmartin9565 Жыл бұрын
Your take on the current school experience is the result of "equity".
@brandonarnold-fu2zk Жыл бұрын
Man we all so proud of you young man...think for yourself never threw color.....if you put 5 poor ppl of different race in a room they gonna complain togather.....if you put 5 rich individuals of different races in a room there gonna work togather to find lanes in society to make more money.
@owl-gd6ce 5 ай бұрын
You are so bright! Thanks for the review..I learned something from you.
@janihensley5306 Жыл бұрын
If you are the best fit and know what your doing you will do well. How can you know for sure you got a job by your skill rather gender, sexual identity or race?
@RealLoonacy Жыл бұрын
@viktorgabriel2554 Жыл бұрын
you son have more sense in your noggin then my many of the University professors i have debated
@thisdude9363 Жыл бұрын
It's also fun to note that at major Universities, they were not only using Affirmative Action but applying it on a sliding scale based on race. Asians were being discriminated against the most. Ivy League schools were trying so hard to keep Asians out that it got to the point that having a near perfect GPA and being in the highest echelon of SAT scores wasn't good enough to get them into the University. Why? Because Asians aren't diverse enough, I guess. They wanted more people with a higher melanin count, even if they weren't benefitting from the education, because it would look better for them.
@Medicinemen100 Жыл бұрын
I've watched several of your reactions on complicated, important cultural and political issues. And, I hope I don't sound sounding condescending when I say that your parents should be congratulated and teaching classes on how to raise a well balanced, independent thinking human being. If you are representative of the young people of today, who wiil be the future of tomorrow the the world will be in good hands.
@randyrenner7643 Жыл бұрын
Van's da man!!!!
@FleaChristenson Жыл бұрын
I love the way you think. Keep up the good work and keep challenging others.
@rimehardt1776 Жыл бұрын
Something gained easily is never respected. Hand outs do nothing but weaken the constitution of the individual. We have to find a way to help those with the drive to get there, not just give it.
@SKEC212 Жыл бұрын
Society has put up barriers to only let in those that are smart enough to do certain jobs or get into colleges. When you introduce affirmative action you are basically forcing a square peg through a round hole. You are forcing the system to accept substandard level people. There are a lot of jobs out there that require real smart people, not someone who got by because of a government pass. I don't want some affirmative action doctor doing surgery on me. I don't want some affirmative action person flying the plane I'm on, or designing and overseeing the construction of a major bridge. I really don't want an affirmative action person drilling on my teeth. See the pattern? Affirmative action is a sign of weakness. It makes a country weak.
@fibanocci314 Жыл бұрын
Just look at the Titanic sub debacle.
@psikeyhackr6914 Жыл бұрын
Why hasn't mandatory accounting in the schools been a "corrective policy". When has Thomas Sowell or any other economist mentioned that? What do you mean no liberal has mentioned it either? 😂
@ronaldmurphy2419 Жыл бұрын
its great seeing you grow
@noctusdoesthings Жыл бұрын
Everyone should learn about the Weimar period of Germany
@Sassypaws4927 Жыл бұрын
Did you know that blue-collar professionals such as plumbers and mechanics are earning more than the average salary for white-collar jobs - and they don't require a traditional college degree, Trade schools are now touting how blue-collar professionals such as plumbers, electricians, and mechanics make more money than workers whose roles require bachelor's degrees while avoiding student debt. The average pay of some of these occupations totals $52,000, specialized jobs, including aircraft mechanics and heavy-equipment technicians, can surpass $100,000. Plumbers in Atlanta earn $90,000 in wages and commissions - a salary that's 70% higher than the region's average income.
@eddiespencer1 Жыл бұрын
Have you ever heard of the soft bigotry of low expectations?
@jaynebuchanan4612 Жыл бұрын
@clavicusvonhammar7479 Жыл бұрын
i came to the same conclusion Sowell did when i was in high school. i was told my whole life to do all this stuff to "get ahead." as graduation approached, i started asking my friends what they were going to do and they all said "go to college to get ahead." i realized that going to college wasn't getting ahead and that every single adult that told me that was the way was incorrect because the balance had shifted without them noticing. i joined the military instead before getting out and getting a job with the knowledge i gained inside. now i have a 401K, i have savings, i have an 800+ credit score, and i make more than every single one of my high school friends that went to university and i don't have any student loans. not only that, my high school class would have been one of the first to be seriously brainwashed by the leftist universities. not going to college was the best decision i ever made.
@MariaSalazar-lx1bq Жыл бұрын
@reedfrost6971 Жыл бұрын
Equity policies don’t raise anyone up, they lower everyone to the same standard
@Dgafsranger Жыл бұрын
You are correct i had and have 0 want to go to college i chose to work in a trade skill instead i absolutely hated school so my thoughts were why would i go and have a negative impact on others who might actually want to be there so for me and for others i didnt go
@toddl3328 Жыл бұрын
Instead of affirmative action, lets fix any issues in the education system. This leads to true equal opportunity for all people. BUT equal opportunity does not mean equal outcome, it should always be based on effort and merits. Also many people are for programs that are unfair to others as long as it benefits them.
@Mr1sammyd21 Жыл бұрын
we don't need government programs to create opportunity. Leave free Americans alone to create our own opportunities.
@carlbarker1113 Жыл бұрын
Good show bro
@blake7587 Жыл бұрын
JoJo’s refusal to condemn racism is disgusting. It’s like if he said “I don’t support or condemn the KKK.” No you should condemn it! Until Black people condemn racism like affirmative action they have NO right to whine and bitch about racism directed towards Blacks.
@richardmartin9565 Жыл бұрын
To put Affirmative Action in perspective, up until the Civil Rights Bill was enacted. Discrimination was legal. If you read the Help Wanted pages up to then, they indicated who can or who can't apply. I was in high school and a friend was telling me he got a summer job as a Longshoreman. I asked him if he could get me in and he told me "The union doesn't hire colored". Back then, that's how it was. All you could do is move along. There was no one to complain to, no one to listen, and nothing anyone could do if they did listen. No sympathy for the whiners today.
@joeday4293 Жыл бұрын
I would only add four words: "In LIVING MEMORY, y'all." We're not talkin about 1691, children. We are talking about living people who are still alive to tell their stories about living through Jim Crow, and what real oppression really looks like. It is not 1955 out there, people. If you believe it is, you should really go talk to someone who was alive in 1955. It wasn't THAT long ago.
@nethanelmasters5170 Жыл бұрын
What is the make up in the longshoremen union when you were in high school when I was in high school it was primarily democrats in long beach and LA harbors.
@randyrenner7643 Жыл бұрын
​@@nethanelmasters5170was that because the had liberal/Democrat ideals or did they vote Democrat because that's who the union pushed for? Most unions today donate to Democrats. I was a member of the Teamsters for a short time but quit my job because I disagreed with the lack of member input with regards to political donations.
@richardmartin9565 Жыл бұрын
@nethanelmasters5170 Back then was a different world so politics, and language, were different. Stereotypical conservatives, like the John Birch Society, were what we might call Far Right today. There were definitely no radical liberals like today. The Cold War meant associating with communists was near treason. I didn't know as much then as now, but I was involved in current events so I'm aware of the general attitudes.
@richardmartin9565 Жыл бұрын
@@randyrenner7643 Can't apply today's ideas about liberal and conservative to those times. The federal government was actually less involved in everyday life.
@korndogz69 Жыл бұрын
You can't fight fire with fire, and you can't defeat racism with racism. Affirmative action, and welfare are the worst things to happen to the black community. What's more is making use of welfare is voluntary. It's like begging government to be a slave. Welfare is more detrimental to society as a whole, but affirmative action is right up there.
@johnbiss306 Жыл бұрын
No cap
@dblev2019 Жыл бұрын
Your watching the wrong Thomas Sowell video on Affirmative Action. Watch Thomas Sowell interview: Affirmative Action around the world.
@blake7587 Жыл бұрын
It’s very easy to say we “should” have a society where everyone makes a lot of money without a degree. That’s just no realistic though.
@mariaelenagonzalez4450 Жыл бұрын
What do you say to the White student who had the scholastic aptitude but can’t get a scholarship;
@nunyalastname-ej8vl Жыл бұрын
.ike many things it served a purpose at a time. BUT like all things. It gets twisted over time. Unions come to mind. Yup I was a card carrying union member. We could do,with a lot less "HELP" from the Gov in our everyday lives.
@AnnaFelicio-iu6rd Жыл бұрын
3:13 I agree it was initially a corrective policy - but I don’t agree that the problem today is “resentment “ that’s just a side effect. The problem with it today is that it teaches people in the “benefiting” groups that they are not capable of achieving on their own merits. It also influences a culture that proudly states “we don’t see minorities as capable equals” the resentment comes from the lack of truth in that statement. Minorities are equal in ability if not often highly sought after for diversity in background, thoughts/ideas, perspective and ability.
@timafterhours7062 Жыл бұрын
Affirmative action harmed the quality of the work force by forcing companies to hire people based on skin color over actual skills brought to the work force....some companies were attacked and persecuted for having hired predominantly white people without even looking at or acknowledging the local population was mostly white...when non white populations drop below 20% the chances of there being any ethnic peoples looking for work in each professional field..the odds drop even harder the higher up we go in skilled/educated positions.. In the end, people are in positions they haven't earned an oftentimes don't have the skills or training to excell in.. A common byproduct is early burnout, suicides, corruption(can't get that raise so bribes are more likely), and often times a change of professions to better suit the person's skills and training.....
@psikeyhackr6914 Жыл бұрын
You keep talking about working hard but how good/informative are the books? In what subject? I learned more from this: The Screwing of the Average Man by David Hapgood Than I did from two economics courses in college. We did not have tablet computers and the internet and YT when I was in college. Do you think that the people running these Brick and Mortar schools want to let them become obsolete. You need to distinguish between Knowledge and Credit Hours.
@gaffstompr2 Жыл бұрын
People in general do the minimum to achieve their goals. It's why communism fails, why work harder for the same result. Why work as hard as the other students if you can get into the same school and get the same degree?
@brucecsnell Жыл бұрын
Your analysis of the ideas in the video was good as far as you went. But, beyond the obvious ideas in the video, here are a couple other things to consider. In the part of the discussion about setting up everyone to go to college even if they aren't suited for it, you offered the idea that some people simply have no business in college and stated that those people need to have opportunities to achieve the good life without college. I agree, but one of those opportunities is blue-collar work and nobody (you included) even suggested that working hard with your hands should be a goal for some people -- even though many of those jobs offer great pay and benefits. It seems that we (as a society) don't even hold working with our hands (and backs) to be a career that is worth encouraging. In fact, we don't bother to even mention it as a possible (honorable) escape from poverty. Second, when considering why affirmative action is a failure -- especially for the people it purports to help -- you overlooked what it does to colleges that normally cater to high-achieving people or to the people admitted to a program that is beyond their ability to perform. When a college is told that they must enroll X% of students who would not normally qualify, that college has to make a choice -- do they reduce their standards, or do they admit unqualified students and then let them fail. As an example, if a school curriculum normally requires that students have a 140 IQ to succeed, do they reduce their standards and provide an education that anyone with an average IQ can pass, or do they admit that (very bright kid with) 130 IQ and let him fail? If they lower their standards, they do society no good, and if they admit that unqualified student they might set him on a lifetime of failure -- whereas if they sent him down the road to the State college, he would have been the smartest one in his class and been a success at all he did. As I said, just offering some thoughts. Nice job on the reaction.
@bobprivate8575 Жыл бұрын
I graduated HS just over thirty years ago. Back then, it wasn't uncommon for a person of any race to attend a few semesters of the local Community College if their HS performance wasn't sufficient to get into the University they really wanted to attend. If a person's education doesn't meet the standards, it's up to THEM to correct it- it's not the responsibility of the Universities to lower their standards!
@Art.Kinkade Жыл бұрын
I forgot to ask you for your future plans. What are you interested in after college? When do you graduate?
@RJDViewer Жыл бұрын
Hypertheorical. Assume you are life-threatening ill. Now you have a choice of two doctors. Doctor A is from a group where you only need a 70 on a final exam to treat that illness. Doctor B is from a group where you need at least a 95 on the same exam. Although you have no way of knowing their individual score, you do know Doctor B got at least a 95, and Doctor A got at least 70. You do not know if Doctor A's score was 95 or better. Affirmative action had made it so that the quality of Doctor A is questionable. Which doctor will you choose? If Doctor A got a 95 or better on the exam, did affirmative action help or hurt his career? And what of the wellbeing of the people who saw a sub-95 doctor?
@samuelmiller1487 Жыл бұрын
I may be being LINE CENSORED.
5/7/24 | Family Sues School for Suspending Student for Using Term 'Illegal Alien'
LFR Jojo
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How to spot a lying intellectual socialist
Thomas SowellTV
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Candace Owens Debunks BLM: "WHITES DONT HOLD YOU BACK"?!
Thomas Sowell Taught Me About Colonization
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Running With Bigger And Bigger Lunchlys
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