Colombia’s fragile peace, explained

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President Santos won the Nobel Peace Prize - but Colombia rejected his peace deal.
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@SilentEire 8 жыл бұрын
Why did you leave out the fact that only 37% of of Colombians voted??? And the fact that there was a storm during the day of the election which prevented most people from voting?? How could you leave this out?
@robnjoeCo 8 жыл бұрын
you know that columbia is one of the wettest locations on earth, right? some areas get nearly 500 inches of rain a year. There are storms in Colombia almost every day...
@dcpabon96 8 жыл бұрын
Before making an argument, please learn how to spell the name correctly.
@vealcutlet86 8 жыл бұрын
This isn't focused on why the vote failed or what problems happened. This was just a general overview of the situation - something a lot of people probably don't even know has been happening for the last 50 years. This video is for the general public. I would love to learn more about why only 37% of the Colombians voted. Any tips on where I can find good information on that in English?
@TyXoXX 8 жыл бұрын
It was not a regular storm.
@a_cc4954 8 жыл бұрын
yeah, your speaking about the amazons, no one lives there. Also, early this year, Cundinamarca was facing a huge drought that cuased a lot of water shortages in bogota, the storm did affect the voting numbers, and it also didnt help that that document was over 300 pages long and people didnt want to read it.... Its also colOmbia.
@andryw999 8 жыл бұрын
You should show what the people of Colombia thinks and feels. This here, though valid, is just two foreigners watching it from the outside...
@daniels.os. 8 жыл бұрын
Why didn't you talk about the successive government para-military forces that killed so much people too? most of them farmers?
@BiologyPhia 8 жыл бұрын
The video did, you just did not listen carefully.
@daniels.os. 8 жыл бұрын
Not properly enought.
@BiologyPhia 8 жыл бұрын
Daniel Ostaszewski For the purpose of the video and the underlying discussion about why some people voted no, which had nothing to do with the governments bad actions, the video did perfectly enough.
@Gilennam 8 жыл бұрын
And how some are linked to Uribe
@daniels.os. 8 жыл бұрын
EXACTLY, I'm talking about Uribe para-military forces and how himself is a WAR criminal. And now he shows off like a hero? THEY DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT.
@cloejarozenski3097 8 жыл бұрын
I wish the best for Colombia!
@Dan1elAndrade 8 жыл бұрын
@silverbeaver8275 8 жыл бұрын
no its not. COLOMBIA
@likeastarbaby 8 жыл бұрын
definitely colombia.
@likeastarbaby 8 жыл бұрын
reading the video title would have helped you lol
@321mrhaatz 8 жыл бұрын
Thanks! :D
@nicolasskull 8 жыл бұрын
The problem of my country is the polarized view of each colombian. You can see in the results of the referendum, that the most of the people who voted Yes, were from the affected zones of the conflict, but those who voted No, were from the capital cities of the country; people who doesn´t know what it is to live in war for 50 years. The win for the NO in Colombia was a sad moment in my country, being an example of how the media took advantage of the illiteracy in rural places and the hate and economic interests of the people from urban cities.
@gustavohernandez5837 8 жыл бұрын
THATS JUST NOT TRUEE OMG INFORM YOURSELF PLEASEEE; the video was also wrong about it the no win in rural spaces and the yes win in the capital citys; the exeption was choco as they show in the video but thats becouse is one of the poorest regions of colombia and they are more easly selected for buying their votes; most of the people in that area sell their vote by just anything you give them
@jmparejaz 8 жыл бұрын
creo q eres uribista...
@nicolasskull 8 жыл бұрын
Por favooor!!! De verdad por ser de un lugar pobre, les compraron los votos? De verdad que no puede existir razón más uribista que esa. No fue solo en Chocó, en la Macarena, en Putumayo o en Nariño, que les ha tocado sufrir la guerra con sus propias manos. Además ya lo dijo el organizador de la campaña del No y como trabajaron a través de los medios según el público al que querían tocar. Esas razones que el país se iba a convertir al castrochavismo son solo verborrea de la pura, cuando Santos es igual de capitalista a Uribe y su tracamanada de paramilitares y amigos investigados por cualquier tipo de ilegalidad. Pero bueno según usted, les compraron los votos por lo que podría ser un buen tamal.
@tdfern1 8 жыл бұрын
People are stupid, not Colombians just people.
@tiktokdaviddondo7529 3 жыл бұрын
My father brought me to Columbia in 1998 to show me where I was from. He explained while I was there of what my grandfather did to make sure my family came to America to stay away from what was happening at that point. I was very touched to see such wonderful people and culture embrace me and my brother at that time. My father was fearful though. My family lives in a small town called buga. We were unable to travel at night. It was a shame because during the day I saw nothing but love and understood what happiness was and the difference between American culture and Colombian culture when it came to what really mattered and all that mattered was family. 2 days later on national TV in Columbia there was a news reporter that had her head blown off with a handcuffed grenade. My mother was hysterical in the USA. We stayed for another week however I desperately want to go back there because that country is amazing and there's good people there.
@sgyasse 8 жыл бұрын
ENGLISH First of it all, I'm a Law Student at Colombia's National University and I've been specialising on Human Rights and Transitional Justice. I would like to clarify some points of the video that I think that must be completed. I'll put the minute of the video which I think that is incomplete: 1. The peace agreement does have jail time as an option, but only for those accounted responsible for the most heinous crimes and doesn't accept their responsibility. (min 3:00) 2. A lot of the people who voted "No" did it because they were manipulated through the campaign made by the "Democratic Center" (Alvaro Uribe's political party). For instance, the "No" Campaign Director Juan Carlos Velez just said in an interview that "We (the Party) wanted that the people went angry to cast their votes (...) Some told us that the strategy was to stop explaining the agreements and focus our message on general outrage". Because of that, a criminal investigation just started (Here's the link of the interview in Spanish: (min 2:33). They also used other type of manipulation which focused on a discussion around the so called "Gender Ideology" and some LGBT panic that some churches spread, a discussion which had nothing to do with it (for more info: 3. Only 37% of the Colombian population voted. (min 1:13) Finally, I would like to invite all non-Colombian people to be aware of what's happening here, and also encourage all of you to help us, the "Yes" voters, to spread the truth about the peace deal. Español Primero que todo, soy estudiante de derecho en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, y me he especializado en Derechos Humanos y Justicia Transicional. Quisiera aclarar unos puntos del vídeo que creo que pueden completarse. Pondré el minuto del vídeo que considero incompleto: 1. El acuerdo de paz sí tiene cárcel como una opción, pero solamente para aquellos responsabilizados por los crímenes más graves y que no acepten su responsabilidad. 2. Muchas personas que votaron "No" lo hicieron porque fueron manipulados por la campaña hecha por el Centro Democrático (el partido de ex-presidente Alvaro Uribe). De hecho, el director de la campaña por el No, Juan Carlos Velez, dijo hace días en una entrevista que "Estábamos buscando que la gente saliera a votar verraca(...) Unos estrategas de Panamá y Brasil nos dijeron que la estrategia era dejar de explicar los acuerdos para centrar el mensaje en la indignación." Por esas declaraciones, acaba de iniciar una investigación penal (Acá el link de la entrevista: (Min. 2:33). Ellos también usaron otro tipo de manipulación enfocada en la discusión de la llamada "ideología de género" y el miedo creado por algunas iglesias frente a la comunidad LGBT, una discusión que no tenía nada que ver (acá una nota en inglés sobre el tema: 3. Solamente el 37% de la población votó (min 1:13), Finalmente, quisiera invitarlos a todos los que no son colombianos a que estén atentos a lo que sucede acá, y también motivarlos a que nos ayuden a los que votamos sí a promover la verdad sobre los acuerdos.
@shakiralatina6806 8 жыл бұрын
Todos los políticos mienten, así como los del "NO" mintieron, los del "SI" también. No pasemos por debajo de la mesa las amenazas del presidente. Así que si vamos a repetir elecciones por que "candidatos" mintieron entonces habrá que comenzar por las presidenciales, y del congreso.
@ArtoriusBravo 8 жыл бұрын
Hola Sebastian. Muy buen comentario, he estado buscando toda la semana un colombiano que me deje claro el por qué no votaron por el sí. ¿Tu considerarías que toda esta movilización en contra del tratado de paz tiene algún motivo político o electoral detrás? ¿Qué es lo que se ha planteado como nuevas estrategias para un nuevo acuerdo? Saludos desde México.
@MrAlen6e 8 жыл бұрын
you're a hero , please continue spreading the true
@ShidaiTaino 8 жыл бұрын
Sebastian Saavedra 37%!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OTHER 63%!
@MrAlen6e 8 жыл бұрын
Francisco what's the main reason this referendum has no credibility in reality
@jesper771 8 жыл бұрын
Workers of the world, unite!!
@FPOAK 8 жыл бұрын
Your track record in Latin America isn't so great, Karl.
@Legionaairre 8 жыл бұрын
We'll get there Karl.
@amyelliotdunne6694 8 жыл бұрын
Shut up
@notbadsince97 8 жыл бұрын
@flyingquentis 8 жыл бұрын
I've been living in Colombia for almost 2 years and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. I can't say I've experienced the war in any way but for those of you outside Colombia who think it's crazy not to vote for peace, it's more complicated than that. People who voted NO did so because they aren't willing to forgive the FARC, give them free seats in the Senate and want them to be held more accountable for what they've done. People who voted YES, I believe, were willing to look to the future of Colombia and look past what the FARC have done. I think that's the real difference. You cannot have peace without some form of compromise. Uncertainty ahead for Colombia but at least it's not a return to violence. And now Santos is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
@tdfern1 8 жыл бұрын
Maybe FARC or certain members if you will, should be willing to give themselves up to stand trial for war crimes, that way Colombians can have their justice.
@RWMoortgat 8 жыл бұрын
You guys at Vox do a ridiculously good job explaining super complex issues succinctly. Well done guys!
@laylaxoan4620 8 жыл бұрын
colombia didnt say no to peace, we just said no to the FARC, we said no to communism
@augustofretes 8 жыл бұрын
I was not aware that the referendum was about Colombia changing its economic system from capitalism to communism...
@laylaxoan4620 8 жыл бұрын
i understand that sweetheart, but the treaty would've given a good amount of seats in the parliament or "congress", giving the FARC power
@augustofretes 8 жыл бұрын
Andres Felipe Sorry, I was not aware such a meager representation for two periods would've given them power to change Columbia's economic system. Seriously, this is why referendums are such a terrible idea. You had to say yes or no to a simple question, and it seems like many couldn't even understand what it was about...
@soldcamilo88 8 жыл бұрын
10/268 is less than 3%. Not a good amount.
@ShidaiTaino 8 жыл бұрын
LithzIII of course that's not true
@MrTrickproduction 8 жыл бұрын
If 500 people like this, HARAMBE will come back to life🙏🏿
@KaempactMC 8 жыл бұрын
Not an edgy joke anymore. Go back to August.
@MrTrickproduction 8 жыл бұрын
You see, the thing is...Harambe have never been a joke, its a way of living. It is a religion.
@Nample278 8 жыл бұрын
you must be fun in parties
@Moscato_Moscato 8 жыл бұрын
Media Crew Productions Cough *forced meme* cough
@321mrhaatz 8 жыл бұрын
Harambe will bring peace to Colombia? :v
@paulabarriga6477 8 жыл бұрын
It's not that referendums don't work (like many people in the comments are suggesting), it's just that people here aren't quite conscious of how valuable their vote is. If only a third of the people who could vote voted, how can you say the majority supported the yes or the no to the agreement? It's all laziness and abstinence. Care for your country, go vote, and when you do, THEN you'll have the right to complain or to cheer for the results.
@321mrhaatz 8 жыл бұрын
Also, the majority of the country didnt read the peace deal.
@Legionaairre 8 жыл бұрын
Exactly. Democracy is threatened all over the world by apathy, low turnout, and poor education. Poverty is the root cause of all of these and needs to be addressed. (and thats what the FARC were doing.)
@thefrenchbastard1646 8 жыл бұрын
that is assuming they actualy had a chance to vote in the first place remember we are talking about south américa
@paulabarriga6477 8 жыл бұрын
Oh, tell me about it haha I had people tell me directly to my face that they didn't care what the agreement said. Even when the government spread out a bunch of pamphlets and documents summarizing it, people were so stubborn to say that they were already voting for the no no matter what.
@paulabarriga6477 8 жыл бұрын
Also, it's not really a thing of education. The periphery of Colombia were the ones who mostly voted for the yes, while also being the poorest and not as educated parts of the country. I believe it's a matter of resentment and ignorance. If the people who live in the periphery, who were the ones mostly affected by the guerrilla, were able to forgive (but not forget) and accept the treaty as a chance to start fixing Colombia little by little, why can't the people in the center (except for Bogota, where the majority voted for the yes) do it aswell?
@PurlaneMauve 8 жыл бұрын
I think referendums should not be a direct decision of what happens, but rather to guide the country's leaders. For example, since it was so close, and the data showed that districts of Columbia hit hardest voted to most positive, they would implement the peace treaty. However, the people who have never seen the horrors of that war voted against, because they did not want to let them not face jail time, and let the horrors continue, and let more people get tortured and die. That is wrong.
@PantheraOnca 8 жыл бұрын
I just want to point out (and I know this has nothing to do with your actual point): It's COLOMBIA, not COLUMBIA.
@PurlaneMauve 8 жыл бұрын
Sorry, in Mexico and Latin America in general we spell it Colombia.
@PurlaneMauve 8 жыл бұрын
Peace treaties are not like that. It might affect one part of the country, where thousands are dying,and the other part, which is oblivious to the war, says "Hell no! Let those people die until every single one of those terrorists are dead or behind bars!". Politicians and well-informed people are the only people who see the big picture.
@cheut 8 жыл бұрын
first intelligent post I've seen in the comments
@LichtRada 8 жыл бұрын
De hecho, en los departamentos más afectados el voto fue No.
@be1tube 8 жыл бұрын
All the Colombians I know voted no. And all did so mainly because they feared that, given political power, the FARC would do for their country what their supporter Hugo Chavez did for Venezuela. Better low-level, chronic instability than swift economic desolation. This reason was not mentioned in the video.
@elilocomadrid 8 жыл бұрын
Did you read the Peace Agreement between the Government and FARC?
@soldcamilo88 8 жыл бұрын
They were going to have 10 seats on the congress (out of 268 that is less than 3%) . After 2024 they had to get the votes to get the seats on the congress/senate. Not actual governmental power and it`s a good way to give them a chance to get into politics.
@KironVB 8 жыл бұрын
>Hugo Chavez did for Venezuela. Improved every economic indicator through the roof and reduced extreme poverty the fastest level of any country in South America? The current Venezuelan crisis, while terrible monetary policy does have a place in it's problems, are largely more caused by decades of dutch disease and a dysfunctional political system that paralyzes reform and action.
@JonathanLopez-lz2le 8 жыл бұрын
That wasn't mention in the video because that's called "speculation based on ignorance", and they didn't wanted to imply that most people in Colombia are poorly educated.
@j.c.mgomez2515 8 жыл бұрын
Best explanation yet, as a Colombian thank you, now everything in looking brighter with the Peace Nobel price win of The president, lets hope for the best
@afonsords 8 жыл бұрын
Why is it that countries seem to be organizing referendums for everything nowadays? This goes against the point of electing people to make informed decisions. Politicians need to face these tough decisions and take the responsibility. Otherwise we'll end up being ruled by temporary whims of the majority instead of careful deliberation.
@MrFrostburner 8 жыл бұрын
Major decisions like this have always been done like that. A desicion like this is too polarized an issue to leave up to politicians who can only represent what the people want in a leader, not in a country.
@Pandor18 8 жыл бұрын
by temporary whims of the minority then?
@Leftistattheparty 8 жыл бұрын
Not everyplace is a republic like the united states. Also, Being ruled by politicians has its massive problems as well. Corruption is much easier. Ignoring what the majority wants. Not actually being held accountable by rigging elections or gerrymandering.
@jaimeolaya6899 8 жыл бұрын
An agreement between the FARC and the government would be stronger and harder to dismantle for a polititian that is againts it in the future
@williamdoust 8 жыл бұрын
Yeah, specially when negotiations are made in "Havana" instead of "Geneva" or "Switzerland" - countries who will not try to influence outcomes in their favour
@angelvega2937 8 жыл бұрын
It's sad you know, the FARC have so much power here, that we need a peace aggreement, and if we voted yes they will gain political voice, and the president "some beneficts", It would end in dictaduries, because young ones forget, and i bet you they will agree with FARC ideology in a future...
@williamdoust 8 жыл бұрын
True that ! Can you guess why Hugo Chavez was behind the negotiations years ago, and Fidel Castro ? And see the state Venezuela is right now. Would love to hear what that woman has to say about Venezuela? Enough food to feed three countries ? LOL
@angelvega2937 8 жыл бұрын
william doust sometimes we must see the past to predict the future :d
@ThZuao 8 жыл бұрын
This happened to brazil. The moment the military government stepped down, our cuban trained USSR funded guerrillas were all over the political machine. To the point they wrote a constitution in 1988.
@panga910317 8 жыл бұрын
How on earth are you making such assumptions? So, if someone has a political voice, then... Bam! A dictatorship??... Most dictatorships were achieved by a Coup d'Etat, and trust me, the agreement are far from that. Plus, did you know that the agreement is giving the FARC a voice yet not a vote? (meaning that unless they get elected, they won't be able to make any decisions, only make part of the discussion). Please stop spreading those incoherent assumptions
@bored0886 8 жыл бұрын
so youre saying you dont like this peace because you are afraid of other people ideology?
@solk.posner7201 8 жыл бұрын
Excellent video Vox as always! Please do one about Peru's conflict against the Communist Party of Peru (Sendero Luminoso). It's a very similar conflict in which more people should know to understand Peru's current situation. please.
@korakys 8 жыл бұрын
In the West we know them as the Shining Path Guerrillas.
@brandonu.6422 8 жыл бұрын
VIVA EL PERU. Lol but really tho, I'm not surprised communism is still relevant to the people today
@leonardocalderon3644 7 жыл бұрын
Sendero Luminoso no fue un partido comunista. Fue un grupo terrorista. Por favor, por respeto, intenta no cometer estas equivocaciones
@giganerd96 8 жыл бұрын
God, the lady speaking in the last part of the video. Those were some powerful words
@andk1434 8 жыл бұрын
Her eye brows tho. 😳
@robertwagner9913 8 жыл бұрын
Here in Colombia the places where the FARC are most present voted for no. The people thought they were bandits and they didnt deserve a free pass into society without justice. The peace deal was unclear and some of the cells of the FARC vowed to not even follow the agreement. everyone wants peace in colombia, but not one that lets criminals walk out like nothing happend. justice is more important here. what would you do if someone took everything you had and then they didnt even get punished. not to mention they are paid for by your taxes. wouldnt you be pissed off?
@imagy27 8 жыл бұрын
choco voto por el sí, uraba donde está el bloque guerrillero más grande de abtioquía votó por el sí, cauca votó por el sí en el norte del norte de santander donde está el comando libertador votó por el sí, el sur del meta, votó por el sí. la verdad es muy falso lo que dices
@tdfern1 8 жыл бұрын
Have certain members of FARC to stand trial for war crimes.
@kieranduffy6760 6 жыл бұрын
The places where FARC were most present all voted yes. Don't tell lies.
@eletoile2893 8 жыл бұрын
So this is the truth... I'm a 17 y/o Colombian who really wants peace and I haven't been a direct victim of the conflict but this hurts everyone's souls on this country, I was so so sad because of the plebiscite results, but now with the international support I rhink we can fight for the better... Today our president won the Nobel Prize of Peace and believe us, this really encourage us to protect the peace deal with the FARC.
@steelnation5110 8 жыл бұрын
Lorena Contreras I'm an 18 year old Colombian living in the US. Me and my family wanted peace too, luck wasn't on our side, but I still have hope for Colombia in the future. Viva Colombia🇨🇴🇨🇴.
@ola44445 8 жыл бұрын
Greetings from Peru to all our Colombian brothers hopefully in a near future peace will prevail, hoping that people and government will find a good and fair way to end this goddamn long conflict.
@TomAppleReviews 8 жыл бұрын
The only reason the people of Bojaya and other rural areas voted YES is because, besides being a peace deal, this is also an economy heavy deal. Those people are not going to be the ones paying the tax increase that later will go on as "aid" for the FARC members. I understand innocent people deserve peace after a half century long of violence but a deal works both ways and for FARC members to get paid more than the average Colombian salary and receiving no jail time is something the Colombian people don't and will not accept.
@SuperJuananana 8 жыл бұрын
Thomas first of all, I think that preventing the deaths of thousands of people in the future is worth the tax increase, and if you put some thought into it, war is way more expensive than the post conflict. Secondly, I can't believe there's people like you that like to give their opinions based of lies. If you would've read the agreement you would know that the people who committed the most heinous crimes ( crimes against humanity) would have jail time, 5 to 10 years if they confessed and collaborated in the reparation of victims and 15 to 20 years if they didn't confess and were found guilty of the crime. Also, it is necessary to give them an income for the first couple of years so they don't try to turn to illegal acts for economic stability, taking into account that most of them don't have an education and they're going to have a hard time finding a decent job, it's just a matter of reading the agreement with a forgiving set of mind instead of just seeking vengeance and you'll see a my of things you disagree with will start making sense.
@WAYAWAYWithAsh 8 жыл бұрын
Great coverage Vox! Keep it up.
@200odd300 8 жыл бұрын
I'm 21 - born in Colombian, and I just found out about this. Thanks for letting me know Vox.
@200odd300 8 жыл бұрын
Tony Min how?
@tonymin2183 8 жыл бұрын
Srry wrong comment
@200odd300 8 жыл бұрын
ok :)
@UndeadKIRA 8 жыл бұрын
where are you living now?
@200odd300 8 жыл бұрын
United States. I haven't went back to Colombia in years.
@tonyzan5268 8 жыл бұрын
the greatest argument against democracy is a conversation with the average voter - Winston Churchill
@LichtRada 8 жыл бұрын
Es respetable cualquiera que fuese el voto, si fue sí o no, es un tema que no se debe criticar y se debe respetar, cada quien tuvo sus razones personales y las discusiones sobre el tema sólo dividen más al país. En este momento es donde más soporte nos debemos dar para que los acuerdos puedan finalizar de la mejor manera.
@Wizard9613 8 жыл бұрын
Luz Rada De acuerdo, pero cómo que no se puede criticar?. Ahí que encontrar las razones que llevaron a que la gente votara -No-. Y una de ellas fue la sucia campaña desinformativa que emprendieron. Solo hace falta leer la entrevista a Juan Carlos Velez. Por otro lado, si uno compara indices de pobreza multidimensional con los lugares donde se voto No, casi que se superponen los mapas, esto resulta muy interesante. Por demás, ojalá que todo llegue a buen termino. ¡Queremos la paz!
@LichtRada 8 жыл бұрын
Apoyo totalmente lo que dices. Lo que digo es que en las redes sociales hay personas que insisten con comentarios de odio hacia los otros que votaron diferente, independientemente del sí o del no, y pues ahora mismo lo que menos necesitamos es eso, necesitamos es un país más unido por la paz con el fin que la conciliación siga.
@shakiralatina6806 8 жыл бұрын
@Leonardo se puede criticar, pero si se quiere la PAZ por que insultar ? ´por que eso es lo que veo muchos insultos y pocas criticas. Te recuerdo que los del SI también mintieron, por que no me vas a decir que las amenazas del presidente se pueden pasar por debajo de la mesa? Y muchas personas como Yo si leyeron los acuerdo, y con su propio criterio votaron. Todos los políticos mienten, igualito que cuando el presidente actual mintió in su campaña, y los congresistas hacen todo el tiempo. También el presidente sabia que el plebiscito no era necesario y gasto dinero innecesario , cuando al país esta a punto de entrar en una crisis económica, cual es su excusa si no acepta los resultados y vuelve hacer un referendo? por que tanta gastadera de dinero cuando el IVA el próximo años sera de 19% y los Colombianos tiene que pagar por todo esto.
@nicolasmartinezpatino6791 8 жыл бұрын
It seems to me that you did not read the peace agreement and you were cheated by NO campaign. It is not true that they won't go to jail. For intance if they do not confess their crimes and they are found guilty they could have until 20 years of jail time.
@papaswamp8468 8 жыл бұрын
but what happens if they do confess?
@shakiralatina6806 8 жыл бұрын
well the president lie with the "urban war" as well, and was Threatining the people about it to vote for "YES", so? both lie
@jayjasperjp 8 жыл бұрын
This is what happens when you have referendums
@ieatass4226 8 жыл бұрын
@SuperValue350 8 жыл бұрын
Are you against democracy?
@ieatass4226 8 жыл бұрын
davide56 with your logic, china is a democracy..
@davide56 8 жыл бұрын
vinboi China has democracy. The issue with China is that its constitution proclaims the communist party with ruling power. But the common man has a say by indirectly electing their rulers with local elections, the winners of these elect higher tier oficials and this tier system goes all the way to the NPR who in turn elect the supreme leader. If the chinese communist party allowed other parties to have power it would be a republic. But a democratic process does not mean you live in a democracy, yet it doesnt take away the fact that it is indeed democracy what is being practiced since the common man forms part of the electorade at some level.
@ieatass4226 8 жыл бұрын
thank you.
@bdfgdfghdfhgfitdfyutdtydry 8 жыл бұрын
@viktorsalazar1191 8 жыл бұрын
@BernardoPatino 8 жыл бұрын
Equis de
@fredrikkarner4115 8 жыл бұрын
@321mrhaatz 8 жыл бұрын
de de y un poquito mas de de.
@louieboy8340 6 жыл бұрын
les doy mis mas sinceras gracias a vox por hacer este video hablando de la política y el estado de mi país, estoy agradecido y feliz que la voz colombiana es igual de valiosa que la de otros países
@channelbrown7309 8 жыл бұрын
I was watching Narcos when the notification came.
@OverLordthe1st 8 жыл бұрын
@channelbrown7309 8 жыл бұрын
Hernan Silva Just thought I'd share my experience, some people will find it amusing, some won't.
@OverLordthe1st 8 жыл бұрын
Hernan Silva Narcos is a show about Pablo Escobar a famous Columbian drug lord.
@williamdoust 8 жыл бұрын
Pablo was not "Canadian" LOL ;) - "COLOMBIAN" - with an "O" please !!! even the media get it wrong all the time.
@papaswamp8468 8 жыл бұрын
William duh I can't believe you didn't know that Pablo was Canada's biggest drug lord
@LearnEnglishESL 8 жыл бұрын
The Baha’i community of Colombia celebrates the achievements of the peace negotiations, while acknowledging that the hard work of building a just and harmonious society lies ahead. Their statement, titled “Peace, Beyond a Political Agreement,” represents a recognition of the opportunity now for the people to forge new patterns of interaction and habits of thought after so much suffering.
@gerardocaicedo13 7 жыл бұрын
Is good to remember how was Colombia before starting the violence system. Colombia was an almost idyllic country with a strong economy, dollar was on par with the peso and the territory was a paradise of peace and abundance, "They"wanted a civil war like the example of Spain but the people refused to fight with their brothers, then "they" resolved to paying mercenaries and form differents irregular "army grups" and thus during more than 60 years violence system were changing of name, actors and places, until arriving to the present time.we really had very terrible years, but the Colombian was able to overcome all this obstacle and in the end because their great faith and good sense of the optimism that characterizes this country
@highonfire1509 8 жыл бұрын
Vox consistently makes great videos! Thanks
@ggut91 8 жыл бұрын
I have to wonder why in minute 3:18 they quote La Prensa Grafica, a Salvadoran newspaper, in a Colombian piece.
@max392 8 жыл бұрын
good job colombians, I thought we all latin americans were stupid but I can see there's people who still got morals.
@alejandrocamargo1942 8 жыл бұрын
I´m colombian, I live in Medellin and its hard for me to believe any Colombian that says that he hasn't been affected by this conflict, maybe not directly but we all have felt the effect. Anyway the point VOX is trying to make is incomplete and somewhat ill informed. Any FARC member that committed any crimes against humanity or war crimes would have to go to jail, and the only way to avoid jail for ordinary crimes was to pledge guilty for every crime committed, and after admitting the crime they wouldn't just go away free, they would´ve had an alternative sentence based on helping the victims of the conflict. The political participation of the FARC is very important because it is one of the reasons the conflict started and later, in the 80s, escalated. in Colombia There has never been real political participation of leftist parties. Finally, Alvaro Uribe lead the campaign for the NO with lies which misinformed the people, and because he is very important political figure, people believed him. If you see the adds por the camping you would see that it doesn't focuses on the peace agreement it self, instead they inspire fear, anger and contempt to confuse the people, it even got to the point were people didn't even knew what they where voting for. Now, one week after the referendum, Juan Carlos Velez Uribe, the CEO of the campaign for the NO revealed in a interview with La Republica the strategy they used to win the referendum, he explained that they lied to win the election (which is illigal). Because of this he is now being investigated by the Colombian justice, he also resigned to his party. The main goal of the opposition was to renegotiate the agreement, but apparently they weren't expecting to win the elections, to this date no one has proposed formally anything to be changed in the agreement, they have said it in public speeches but they haven't approached the government with proposals. It is like the brexit, some people led a campaign and when they won (and they werent expecting to win), they preferred not to participate in the next stage.
@RuvenssGWilches 8 жыл бұрын
The vote is irrelevant, as it is the peace treaty, this will be the 2nd time that the same arrangement is done (check M19 Group), in less than a generation, and Colombia still in the same or worst situation as before, now as for the number of times that a cease fire and a peace talks has been established even their Government has lost the count. People still cutting the sick branches of the problem while the nobody wants to see the root of the problem.
@aughtidentity3735 8 жыл бұрын
Pensaba que en mi país tenía la gente más estúpida, pero me equivoque... decirle no a la paz, increíble.
@kamanana23006 8 жыл бұрын
Aunque no tengamos paz, la mayoría de la gente continúa la vida como era, y no hay peligro de que algún loco como Chávez o Castro convierta nuestro pais en mierda, porque no necesitamos ningún guerillero gobernándonos.
@kamanana23006 8 жыл бұрын
No quiero decir que no queramos paz, solo es que esta "paz" no es una buena solución para Colombia.
@aughtidentity3735 8 жыл бұрын
roaringfire357 En las ciudades y núcleos urbanos por supuesto que la vida continua como era, pero ve y pregúntales a quienes viven en lugares controlados por las FARC. No por nada esos lugares fueron donde la mayoría votó Si. La paz siempre se consigue a cualquier precio, el IRA en Irlanda del norte fue una situación prácticamente igual y al final ellos llegaron a un consenso. Incluso los japoneses perdonaron a USA por las bombas nucleares. Querer detener la guerra con más guerra es una estupidez, no defiendas lo indefendible.
@levi4328 8 жыл бұрын
Estúpido seria fingir que nada aconteceu. Do que adianta ter dizer sim à paz e não à justiça?
@max392 8 жыл бұрын
vas a dejarlos salirse con la suya? qué buena lógica
@ludvigrasmusen2722 8 жыл бұрын
Governments shouldn't try to make deals with terrorist organizations. FARC must be destroyed, not forgiven.
@ludvigrasmusen2722 8 жыл бұрын
Perhaps because they shouldn't try to destroy ideas, but people. They should've handled the situation with an iron fist, this way FARC's sympathizers would think twice before entering the group.
@ToxicLucidity 8 жыл бұрын
Breno Muniz They lost their ideological compass. They care more about capitalising from doing business with drug barons and kidnapping than trying to convince the nation that Marxism is the best antidote to the problems Colombia has.
@JonathanLopez-lz2le 8 жыл бұрын
Breto Muniz, I invite you to join the army, go ahead if you have the balls it takes. What? No? I thought so. Statements like yours only show how poorly educated you are, and guess what, if you're poorly educated is because of war.
@ludvigrasmusen2722 8 жыл бұрын
Jonathan López LOL, I'm not Colombian, not even Hispanic. This war is not mine.
@ludvigrasmusen2722 8 жыл бұрын
You are just mad that the majority of Colombians agree with me, or they would've voted "Yes". lol.
@Addisonmoreno 8 жыл бұрын
Very insightful and interesting video, thank you Vox, I had no idea this was going on, I seriously need better media outlets, I can't wait for this election season to be over.
@santiagocastro8770 8 жыл бұрын
The mistake was making a referendum, it wasn't even necessary, the document had already been signed. The people that live in the urban areas decided for those that were really affected by the conflict. Here, people voted because of a huge campaign "el centro democrático", which is the political party of the last president, made all around the tv and social network. There were people that voted without even knowing anything about the document. The last president isn't really a peacemaker, he created a group to kill the guerrilla about a decade ago were hundreds of innocent people were murdered, he isn't supporting this plan because he couldn't perform it, and also because the members of his political party won't benefit from the treat, cause they took some of the land that belonged to the farmers, and if the referendum had worked they would have had to return it.
@diegozedcol 8 жыл бұрын
we voted against giving up our country to communism. thats why our country is the greatest in latin america, the only one that staid strong against those criminals that turned their own countries in shitholes now we are receiving a lot of inmigrants from those countries too. and peru is also great and panama.
@jmparejaz 8 жыл бұрын
te dejaste lavar el cerebro muy bien, enserio crees q el comunismo sera capaz de llegar al pais mas oligarca de suramerica? pareces uribestia
@shakiralatina6806 8 жыл бұрын
@Jose people would nto think like that if the Colombian rpesident did not make all this with Vnenezuela and Cuba... what kind of moral they have to talk about Colombia, when you can see what is happening in their own country? #justsaying
@diegozedcol 8 жыл бұрын
saL sageV facts is that i dont have to worry about "safe places" and "pangender frenchies" already make my country a great place, that is a fact!.
@mafercruz90 8 жыл бұрын
There's SO MANY key points that weren't brought up in this video and it's honestly such a shame, that deal was NOT going to provide any peace whatsoever. We want peace, but not like that. Not with criminals in the government seats being in charge of the country and paying no time in jail for their crimes.
@escalatorjourney3458 8 жыл бұрын
Uribe was right, never surrender.
@imagy27 8 жыл бұрын
No, we aren't surrending, thats why we will keep negotiations
@escalatorjourney3458 8 жыл бұрын
dr Arismendi yeah FAIR negotiations please.
@soldcamilo88 8 жыл бұрын
These were fair negotiations. We where not giving the country to FARC we where just giving them a chance to participate in politics.
@escalatorjourney3458 8 жыл бұрын
Camilo and that is the problem
@soldcamilo88 8 жыл бұрын
You think that giving them a chance in politics is a problem ? I found it better than having a war.
@CNXNetwork 8 жыл бұрын
I was ready to share this video, but Gloria Cuartas, a woman too close to FARC prevent me from doing so.
@angelalin2066 8 жыл бұрын
Can people start spelling the country properly, it's Colombia, not Columbia
@marconoboa1154 8 жыл бұрын
great video yet it only show a general picture of the conflicts it would be amazing if you guys could do a mini series of these as almost every other media dont touch on this topic... i live in ecuador by the way and i have met people displaced by these war and also locals in the border affected by colombian goverment measures to cut coca growing and farc abductions and viilonce ... this is a conflicts that affected a big región, yet not so much attention is given to it even when it is the only one active with significant deaths in the Americas.
@yadisfhaddad722 8 жыл бұрын
What the results show is that 49.7% of the people is in favor of the deal and willing to forgive. The 50.2% were against it, but they hardly know what they're in favor of.
@youssefhiggins.6945 8 жыл бұрын
The video was cut so many times like you can hear her voice change in-between slides.
@sebasmoralesb 8 жыл бұрын
As a colombian, I understand why people would vote NO. But it's a war that could have ended after half a century... It's really sad because both, the government and the FARC, did some horrible crimes but it was time for a new start and to give more importance to subjects like education and health. I hope what's gonna come will be better because either you're YES or NO, we can't stand 50 years more... VIVA COLOMBIA Y VIVA LA PAZ
@nairabonilla435 8 жыл бұрын
This is accurante but it is missing A LOT OF INFORMATION. especially how the campaign for the NO was manipulated. So if you want to know about the situation in colombia please investigate further.
@shakiralatina6806 8 жыл бұрын
and the YES as well with the so called "urban war", so both lied.
@Netuser1 8 жыл бұрын
Peace and Love from Greece! Venceremos!
@m.hoiseth6796 8 жыл бұрын
Seriously, the fact that most civilian casualties in this war was by the hands of the Colombian military and para-military groups was mentioned parenthentically at best. Even if that's not the point of the video, that has to be made clear when you go in to such relative details about the FARC's crimes ...
@federicovargas4084 8 жыл бұрын
This video leaves out some of the main objectives of the peace deal, namely that it is not the end of the conflict but rather the beginning of a long process to rebuild the rural areas of the conflict. The agreement committed both parties to dealing with land redistribution, victim reparation, rural development ( through education, machinery and infrastructure) and new strategies to curtail the drug trade. It should also mention that Santos was Uribe's defence minister during the military victories over FARC.
@MakenaKai 8 жыл бұрын
there is the saddening possibility that some people were forced to vote no
@lioraselby5328 8 жыл бұрын
Wasn't the turnout for eligible voters at the polls very low? I mean, US midterm elections low turnout. Why was that? I'd think it'd be quite high given that the vote is literally deciding on whether a half century-long war will end or not.
@adriancoria2584 8 жыл бұрын
the right-wing paramilitars backed up by the goverment commited 80% of the civilian casualities, i guess a 5 second mention in a 5 minutes video is very objective way to portrait it
@willlee9550 8 жыл бұрын
Sigh... her eyebrows are bugging me....
@real7594 3 жыл бұрын
if u take a look at the map of voting, u might say that a very large number of people actually voted for peace, but most of the areas that voted yes are highly unpopulated, such as choco thats has less than a million, compared to the capital that has 7 million people, wich mostly voted no.
@Juliaanaagaamezz 5 жыл бұрын
The conflict in Colombia is a non international armed conflict which characteristics imply to have a political solution not an armed one, peace efforts have been made since decades ago even in Uribe's period, so although "imunity" to literal criminal might sound a little bit intense, people prefer that than living other 50 years of armed violence, Colombia still has a log way to go even with the peace treat that has not been implemented the way it should, but it meant for a lot of colombians the end or at least the reduction of direct violence, and as colombians we have the responsibility to contribute in the change of the violence that is still on.
@pabloruiz3313 6 жыл бұрын
(I am Colombian) The war you call la violencia, was actually called La Guerra de los mil Diaz (The war of one thousand days)
@LeGrimReaper 8 жыл бұрын
The only reason the referendum failed was because of low voter turnout. The majority of Colombians support the peace deal but most of them didn't show up to vote for it. The opposition was much more dedicated to turn up and vote. Voters sitting on their ass and not caring about their government caused the peace to fail and hostilities will probably continue on October 31st.
@MultiSciGeek 8 жыл бұрын
What's the point of having the lady speak in between? It's disturbing and disrupts the flow of animation and narration. I prefer if you would either pick an informative type video with the narration and cool graphics, or the interview type of video. The way it is now it feels like they are interrupting each other and repeating what the other said. I personally prefer the scripted animated ones because it's clear and on point. Otherwise great video.
@maxyaedo1267 8 жыл бұрын
If war resumes after Halloween, I would blame Uribe 100%. Everyone wants peace, even the ELN (the ELN just started joining in the negotiations). I pray that peace will come for every Colombian across the political spectrum (including the FARC and the ELN).
@Bestialce2007 8 жыл бұрын
The only cure for idiocy is education, so you understand that a bitter peace is better than a sweet war.
@2311-q8y 7 жыл бұрын
All people being so mad a Vox, they're trying to explain this conflict, the one with FARC and also to outsiders to the conflict. I understand that they left some details out, important to us but they can explain the whole thing.
@TheJodoth 8 жыл бұрын
Oh and people forget to mention that the president was going to gain some "SPECIAL FACULTIES" If people voted "YES"
@linavanessazambrano7707 8 жыл бұрын
You guys left a full profile of Uribe's criminal charges and his links with paramilitaries and landowners all over the country who have financed paramilitary groups all over the country. He's worried about justice because paramilitaries would be judged by ordinary law not by the truth commission set up in these peace agreements. This is just one side of the story. You're missing Uribe's real interest. Not justice for sure.
@etq0175 8 жыл бұрын
worst thing is that Uribe doesn't want to implement the deals, because in the first point of negotiation they talked about register all the farm lands in Colombia, that will include lands of Uribe too, from unknown origin. I might say that uribe is the same as trump, sure in a sense of scale, 'cause he is "nationalist". and he might have a little of regret, because this organization killed his father, who has been an important role in colombian paramilitarism. PDA: 267 investigation against him are in process
@camilaracero7648 8 жыл бұрын
He missed a lot context of paramilitaries (Uribe) who have left many victims in this conflict, and how the figure of NO was manipulated.
@ThePaintballgun 8 жыл бұрын
One World, One Race.
@viceralman8450 8 жыл бұрын
Colombia`s future hangs in the balance and only time will tell if in the end we achieve true and lasting peace for all.
@PodcArne 3 жыл бұрын
it didn’t work out quite well in the long run and another organization kinda took over from the FARC
@viceralman8450 3 жыл бұрын
@@PodcArne I know i didn't work quite well, i litere live in Colombia, but is because the government is have tried to sabotage the deal since the begging. Breaking it, breaching parts of the deal, not ensuring the safety of excombatans, slowing down the accion of the truth committees etc.
@PodcArne 3 жыл бұрын
@@viceralman8450 yeah thats kinda sad
@jccarranza22 8 жыл бұрын
Good video. You leave out the fact that president Santos was Uribe defense minister.
@evbambly 8 жыл бұрын
wont FARC get weakened substantially because of the ceasefire? If they already have stopped fighting what more have they got?
@lvodniza 8 жыл бұрын
Yes. This is our country. My living space. This year I've had to present various expositions in class about what is happening with this conflict. My school was devastated because of the winning of the no. My family jumped with happiness because of the same. FARC was supposed to get 2-20 years in prison. Not everyone could vote- some didn't want to, others didn't register for the presidential elections and couldn't vote in this. Many people weren't sure what would've happened with the result of each vote. We were so close, but now, this process is going to take like 3 years, and the government has to change some parts of the deal so that the people in the country will agree to the peace treaty. Also, Timochenko is an intellectual. He studied in the best university here, and around Europe. My father is in the military and wanted the no to win because they won't accept anything that FARC or Timochenko say, including that speech were he asked for forgiveness. We are doomed.
@Chrisallengallery 8 жыл бұрын
I've just finished watching NARCOS. What an amazing show based on real events in -Columbia- Colombia.
@MsBuajaja 8 жыл бұрын
Colombia* :)
@Chrisallengallery 8 жыл бұрын
Andrea Castro oops
@flyingquentis 8 жыл бұрын
Not sure what Narcos has to do with a peace agreement between the Colombian govt and the FARC
@manuelrosero345 5 жыл бұрын
La verdad es que el plebiscito es tema de debate. Y como tal hay que respetar todas las partes. Ni llamar ingnorates a los del Si ni llamar manipulados a los del No. Todos tenemos una opinión que debe ser respetada.
@TrainerAQ 8 жыл бұрын
When my cousin came over a couple of weeks ago from Colombia, he told me about all this. They want peace it is just the fact that people responsible for the deaths of many will go on living their lives as free men and loads of cash, that people in Colombia are not happy about. He said it is not fair that he who has worked hard to earn an honest living away from that violence and cartel will earn less than the people who have raped, murdered, kidnapped, and destroyed. He wants peace but this is not the way. People should be held responsible. I told him those are tough fights, but that is something only he and my Colombian family can solve. It is their battle, and I who have never lived in this country, but only visited, have no right to say anything about this. Everyone has their own battles, and mine is here in the USA fighting the battle between Clinton and Trump. My cousin said he was going to vote NO, and I support him because he is family and only he, who has actually walked on the streets of Colombia every day of his life, knows what is best for his country and his people.
@moritzw. 8 жыл бұрын
thank you very munch. you ate great. this is the best help for my school presentation
@mexispartano8381 8 жыл бұрын
I'm Mexican and my girlfriend is Colombian. I don't much about the Colombian drug war. All I know is that it is much brutal as the the Mexican Drug War or worse. A slight difference cost them peace. Smh.
@that_pac123 8 жыл бұрын
Ok... between this and brexit, I think referendums need to be less final from now on, the electorate clearly lacks the decisiveness of the central government, a vote this close should not change the status quo, the treaty should be implemented.
@rodU65 8 жыл бұрын
Crime must NO be forgotten. Voted NO! They may started with good intentions but now are only criminals.
@pabloruiz3313 4 жыл бұрын
the big problem with the deal is that it makes this conversation -do you think child rapists should go to jail? -Depends. If it is a civilian yes, if it is a guy from farc, then no. ¿do you want do destroy peace?
@Funkkii 8 жыл бұрын
That woman in the end was the best, wise words!
@tripichin86 8 жыл бұрын
We, the Colombians have lost a tremendous opportunity to end the war and to be a reference to other countries to end peacefully their conflicts as well.
@fajaravicenna8614 8 жыл бұрын
Kudos to Vox! May you make one about Indonesian 65-66 mass killings and involvement of the US on the event? It will be revealing.
@kiokodennis 8 жыл бұрын
Is it me or are her eyebrows sort of uneven?????
@jandresfg 8 жыл бұрын
Today Santos was announced as the peace Nobel prize winner tho We'll see how these re-negotiations turn out
@CarlosGonzalez-hr6fb 8 жыл бұрын
Could you guys do a video on the Venezuela Recall Referendum?
@laguardiaesmusica 8 жыл бұрын
Hello Vox, Im colombian and a big fan of your channel, here I share some recent articles in wich the general manager of the NO vote campaign, tells the press how they manipulated the people's vote intention depending on social class and where all the money in the campaign came from. It was totally unethical what they did and of course his political party denied it, and also the huge companies that supported the campaign denied it too, but the damage was done, and he had to resign his job. the people could see finally that expresident Uribe and his party just wanted to sabotage the peace agreements at all cost. great videos you guys make..!
@eezus 8 жыл бұрын
These guys think they could be like Pablo, trying to negotiate peace without consequences lol
@eezus 8 жыл бұрын
You telling me that didn't happen?
@eezus 8 жыл бұрын
IngeniousFirefly I'm wondering what you're butt hurt about?
@eezus 8 жыл бұрын
IngeniousFirefly I honestly don't care if you're from Colombia, I'll say what I want and I'm not wrong when I initially said they want to negotiate peace like Pablo. Besides I have better things to do in life than get to know Colombia, go educate someone else who actually cares lmao
@eezus 8 жыл бұрын
IngeniousFirefly same ones you're trying to cram down my throat lmao are you friend with Pablo are you his brother? So you don't know him?
@eezus 8 жыл бұрын
IngeniousFirefly So when have I claimed expert or to know more?
@jorge666 8 жыл бұрын
small thing: Bojayá is not pronounced Boyaha it's BohaYA
@TheGuwrovsky 8 жыл бұрын
Vox! I know it's a bit smaller deal, but can you do a look at the Hungarian immigration referendum at october 2.?
@warhoundn7687 7 жыл бұрын
The people hit hardest just want the war to end so they can rebuild. But on the other hand the people responsible for these crimes on both sides go unpunished
@Devinn504 8 жыл бұрын
Vox needs daily news
@ivantorres2712 8 жыл бұрын
This is a subject far too complex to be handled in a 5 and half minute video. Colombia is and always has been a country of deep political divisiveness, as well as a country with a majority population who does not have the capacity or will to participate in the political environment of their nation ( the video fails to mention this, but the amount of non-voters was above 60%).It is very easy to sway opinion in poorer sectors who have never felt the direct consequences of war in the countryside, but rather have felt the crushing poverty that seems to stem, at least in their eyes, from a corrupt political class that favors only the rich. As such, while for most peace would seem like a no brainer, to many being told that these people that were for decades considered public enemy number one, were suddenly about to recieve forgiveness and a cash bonus at that (even though the reality was far more subtle) was too much. Most colombians lack the vision to see that peace now can mean some immediate hardships or uncomfortable realities, but later would mean the opportunity to cast aside the weight of this needless war and bring the focus back to the myriad of even more pressing issued that plague the country.
@jessieaguilar2799 2 жыл бұрын
A foreign conflict much more complicated too understand in 5 minutes.
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