"Combo", "Stun", and "Control" Decks in Yu-Gi-Oh

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What even are Stun, Control and Combo Decks in Yu-Gi-Oh? Let's talk about how we talk about Yu-Gi-Oh cards, decks, and archetypes. When discussions of deckbuilding perks up Online, Yu-Gi-Oh players tend to use these terms to quickly describe their deck's gameplan. But Where do we draw the line? What is the difference between a combo deck spamming monsters and a midrange deck summoning monsters?
#yugioh #yugiohtcg #yugiohmasterduel
Twitter/X : @KeyYGO | / keyygo

Пікірлер: 120
@spicymemes7458 Ай бұрын
Combo: fast yugioh I dont like Stun: slow yugioh I dont like Control: mid yugioh I don't like
@MRoROBOT Ай бұрын
no one hate yugioh more that yugioh player
@armorparade Ай бұрын
midrange: this guy is getting to play too much yugioh and i dont like it
@eavyeavy2864 Ай бұрын
This is basest take 😭
@lizdaoot Ай бұрын
Trying to describe a modern deck by "Combo, Control, Midrange and Stun" feels like trying to describe a 4 dimensional shape the same way we would a square Decks are just so much more versatile and complex that often times a deck can be playing to many win conditions over several turns, but it does not make it a midrange deck A deck can have half-hour long combos but end on a floodgate, effectively making it both a combo and stun deck And what do we even say that towers turbo decks are? And how does Beatdown fit into all this? Im ngl I do kinda love that the game HAS gotten to the point where decks have become so hard to fit into these boxes Just another little quirk to add to The Funny Extra Deck Game
@wickederebus 28 күн бұрын
Would Yubel count as beatdown when they attack into your big monsters, just to reflect the damage? Does Mikanko count as beatdown then? What is Vanquish Soul? It doens't have any native spreadsheet combos, it doesn't have proper floodgates. VS has: -Burn effects (borger and snow devil) - Control with non-target removal (ceasar, snow devil, razen, dust devil, mad love if you manipulate the board state before resolution, pantera is backrow hate) - big attack beatdown (HG Pluton, ceasar, borger, jiaolong) -it has swarm (snow devil, the link, continue) - it even has a turn zero play like Tear and Lab have, but significantly worse. (HG Pluton, tag out for a Borger or Caesar, activate Jiaolong to summon, Borger draw/burn, Caesar pop, Jaiolong search your follow up, or just change their position to mess with their biggest atk/def body.
@Dwerynith Ай бұрын
I see the difference in mid range and combo not in the number of steps, but in how all-in they are on that 1st turn combo salamangreat turns can last for a long time, but all they might end-on is a trap & a raigeki, with they GY locked and loaded to do it again and again and again every single turn however, a combo deck like plant-link, can only make it's full endboard once, if you somehow manage to break it and survive, you basically win the duel because they run out of ressources In the same style, the difference between control and stun isn't the number of floodgates. Stun decks try to stall the game to a halt, where nothing happens, and you just attack with your 1 to 2k beaters every turn (or just wait 20 turns of final countdown) However, control deck try to stop you from playing, while they get a mass of ressources that are impossible to come back from. That's why a control deck using floodgates to slow the game isn't at all the same as a stun deck trying to stop any YGO from happing
@Straven93 Ай бұрын
It really is a case where stun really has lost a lot of meaning since it's devolved to oh it's just floodgates. Umi is a good example by your definition. Yes there are build the double down on tbcoo, gozen in addition to kairyu. Other builds rely on kairyu for a turn till you smack your opponent with 7-8k to the face with mega fortress.
@MarioLopez-xs3vc Ай бұрын
Control is an overarching strategy of out resourcing over the course of a grind game, Stun is a tactic that can be used by any of three main strategies(Midrange often stuns through spamming hand traps, Combo through oppressive end boards, Control through Floodgates and lingering effects). EVERY DECK sets out to Stun the opponent in one way or another, that's what makes OTKs so frequent.
@bruhbruh4348 13 күн бұрын
⁠​⁠​⁠@@MarioLopez-xs3vci feel like tactic mentioned should be called interruption rather than stun. Every deck tries to interrupt your opponent’s plays, combo decks try to speedrun their way to an unbreakable board with multiple interruptions, control decks want to counter your plays and slowly deplete your resources or build up their own, stun wants their opponent to not play at all, little to no interruptions and all in on the most toxic floodgate possible to ensure 0 play can be made during opponent’s turn, all of this at the sacrifice of turn 2 viability.
@Surged-eu5fs Ай бұрын
I think the main problem is that midrange has too much of everything. Their combo 90% better than combo without the vulnerability, better grind game than control, can play stun cards without consequence. If this sounds like SE, it is
@Surged-eu5fs Ай бұрын
*90% of combo
@tame1773 Ай бұрын
@ct1296 Ай бұрын
Yeah, imo it’s an inherent flaw in the design space. Any midrange deck that doesn’t put up a combo-style endboard is automatically going to peak at low tier 2/high tier 3, since the boards aren’t strong enough to withstand the barrage of handtraps and hyper-efficient otk lines that combo decks have access to. The few “midrange” decks that do have what it takes to see competitive play are usually setting up a board that ranges from very strong to near-unbreakable, and also inherently generate follow-up on top of that. Snake Eye is the obvious example currently, but Branded, Spright, Kash etc all filled that role in past formats.
@wickederebus 28 күн бұрын
Alas, my VS loving self is called out.
@HexLex Ай бұрын
"Midrange" has never made any sense in reference to Yugioh. It's the one term that the community cannot come on a clear consensus on. Some people say it's a shorter combo line or a small end board, but both of these are true of Snake-Eye and no one wants to call that a midrange deck. In fact, I've noticed a lot of the time that the better a deck performs, the less willing people are to call it "midrange", even though the "mid" part has nothing to do with the deck's quality. It just strikes me as an especially arbitrary term in our game in particular.
@dudeman209 Ай бұрын
Wait what? Yubel is designed as a midrange control type deck that threatens otks by attacking into your board and reflecting damage. Snake Eye is a combo aggro deck, definitely not a control deck or a midrange deck. It spams bodies, clears your field, and otks.
@HexLex Ай бұрын
@@dudeman209 Does Yubel also not spam bodies, clear boards with Super Poly, and OTK?
@MattRodriguezSegura Ай бұрын
Why are yugioh players using MTG terminology at all to describe yugioh. There’s only three kinds of decks in yugioh: Combo, fundamentalist, and control. Are you making an unbreakable board- combo. Are you nickel and dining your opponent on card advantage and thinking urns ahead while making use of monsters, spells, traps- fundamentalist. Are you preventing someone from playing the early game and steamrolling them in the late game- control. Make things as easy as possible. Midrange is a term for resource based card games. Yugioh has no business using midrange.
@dudeman209 Ай бұрын
@@HexLex Yubel can go into Acesscode and get board wipes with Super Poly, but most Yubel builds don't play Super Poly. Even the Super Poly Yubel strategy is a way to punish the opponent's overextension.
@KeyYGO Ай бұрын
See your mistake is that I’d never subject myself or my opponent to the horrors of combo; therefore anything I like is midrange. Hope that helps!
@9clawtiger Ай бұрын
Yugioh decks are aggro decks that uses combo for control. An average yugioh deck is a black deck during your main phase, a green deck during your battle phase, a blue deck during your opponent's main phase, a white deck during your opponent's battle phase, all with the speed of a red deck.
@shadowdraqon2479 Ай бұрын
Ftk decks are red decks
@wickederebus 28 күн бұрын
@@shadowdraqon2479 not quite, FTK decks in Yu-Gi-Oh! are more like Storm decks in M:tG. All in combo that loops some otherwise useless or jank tier card to win. A non-red Storm deck was Cheerios, a White artifact equipment deck that played a bunch of 0-costed garbage equipment, and two creatures to make those equipment equip for 0. The deck revolved around looping a few artifacts to keep casting these free spells, then returning them to your hand to cast them again, all with a draw engine attached, and worse case you whiffed the OTK and ended on a mediocre towers with some stat buffs to beat down with.
@insertchannelnamehere7154 29 күн бұрын
Combo is playing Yugioh, control is limiting how the opponent plays Yugioh, and stun is playing as little Yugioh as possible. Every deck falls somewhere between the 3.
@SnazzyYGO Ай бұрын
Been loving these face cam discussion videos recently, keep it up!
@four-en-tee Ай бұрын
The short version is that it's the end board. The long version is more complicated. The truth is that a lot of decks exist on a spectrum, and most decks are expected to lean into either combo/control/stun in some form in order to see any sort of success because that's just the current landscape of Yugioh. Ideally, it wouldn't be this way if we lowered the power ceiling of the game, had other formats that supported 3+ players (similar to MTG), and got rid of a bunch of cards that just hinder people from playing normal Yugioh (Like Shifter... Or Sanctifire... Or Apollousa... Or Calami-). As it currently exists, Yugioh decks in the modern 1v1 competitive game dig too deep through the deck in one turn that playing anything other than control, combo or stun in some form may as well be considered throwing. Take Tenpai for example: its undeniably an aggro beatdown deck, but it has to have an in-archetype floodgate to facilitate that playstyle because modern Yugioh is just so heavily slanted towards the turn 1 player's favor that they HAVE to have a floodgate to insulate their very basic and fragile special summon lines. And if they're going first? Then they have to choose to either floodgate or handtrap. So for all intents and purpose, its accurate to define it partly as a stun deck. I mean, if a deck runs Shifter, its probably fair to call it stun to some extent. HERO is another good example. Again, another very hyper-aggressive OTK deck that plays a lot of gas going second, but their turn 1 end board generally consists of cards like Shining Neos Wingman, DPE, Dark Law, and potentially Plasma and Dark Angel (as well as the upcoming Neos Lord, Backlash, and their new turn 1 trap). Its firmly a light control deck with two available floodgates that sets up multiple points of disruption when its going first, and if the opponent doesn't concede by then, then they just murder you turn 3. So we're generally not going to see aggro decks in this game that just sit on big guys and hope the wall of bodies will be enough to hold out until turn 3 because the power ceiling is just that high in modern Yugioh. You're always going to be able to out a board like that with a turn 2 starting hand, so your deck's end board HAS to have either means of stalling or interacting on the opponent's turn if you go first in this game. That's just how it is, and I often don't have _that_ much of a problem with it so long as both players are able to still play the game. To some extent, that's both a knowledge check and a skill issue in the modern game. That's why its important that you provide players with lots of different archetypes and cards in this game that facilitate whatever play style they want to engage in, because even if someone has the skill and knowledge to learn and operate a dominant strategy, that doesn't mean they'll find it fun. And the game being "fun" on average, even at the competitive level, is still really important I think when releasing new products and regulating the F/L List. Providing lots of different strategies while keeping the annoying ones (like FTK decks) from being too good is always a huge balancing act.
@bruhbruh4348 13 күн бұрын
I think the line between control and stun is how much ygo do you want your opponent to play, typical stun does not want any play at all and would fold rather quickly if they cant draw the necessary floodgates. Control is more consistent and wants plays from your opponent to then interrupt in a way that would either improve your board or deplete possible moves for you opponent
@stardust9470 Ай бұрын
Midrange doesn't make sense as a term in modern yugioh due to the line between midrange and combo being so blurred due to the incredibly high power level of the game. Swordsoul is a classic "midrange" deck in the sense that it utilizes a relatively short line to create a solid endboard while the lower engine piece count allows you to use tech cards. Tearlaments is at most parts a classic "combo" deck,you activate a lot of effects and summon a lot to make as strong of a board as you can and the tradeoff is that due to reasons that range from how your engine works and the cards you need to run to access certain options you can't really run that many tech options. However,some things blur that line and it becomes impossible to discern between one or the other. Modern card design often gets rid of these trade offs(tech card space and consistency vs ceiling and resilience) in decks Konami wants to be the next top dog and it pushes the definitions we use to a point where they don't really work anymore. Midrange is more of a subcategory of a combo deck than its own thing,because most of the time what differenciates one from the other is the relation between how long a line is and what it accomplishes. If it uses a relatively short line to end on something like Swordsoul's Chixiao Baronne it's a midrange-type combo deck,if it spins its wheels for god knows how long to end on Dora Regulus that's a bad deck people cope on and if it does play after play for 15 minutes and ends on an absurd board that's what people refer to when they say they love/hate combo decks. But in the end the only difference between "combo","control" and "stun" is what method we use to prevent our opponent from playing the game,in combo decks we set up multiple interactions to stop our opponent's plays,in control decks we outgrind them by constantly getting resources while we take theirs and in stun we activate a combination of floodgates that prevents them from doing anything at all
@alexanderspassov4759 Ай бұрын
mid range does make sense. its called that bc its a blend of aspects from combo decks and control decks. its konamis problem for making midrange decks as strong as they are. instead of being toolboxy and jack of all trades theyve basically made em into combo decks now with really good followup. Wheras classic combo decks have been phazed out. Can you think of major meta combo deck that made a big board with little to no followup anymore? Like basically Drytron was the last one i can think of.
@wickederebus 28 күн бұрын
@@alexanderspassov4759 Lightsworn Runic when it was tuned to go all in on a turn 1, hand rip for 4. that was Omega, return Omega with Dis Pater, Omega rip the second, Regained return Omega, Omega the Third, Chaos Dragon Levianeer for 1 hand rip. The better version of the deck abstained from the necessary DARKs and Dragons to make Levianeer, and instead made an actual end board. The upside was Dis Pater and maybe a Baronne at the time to negate the last 2 cards the opponent had while shuffling back whatever you wanted from the Omega rips, and looping the Omega again next turn for 3.
@josephcourtright8071 Ай бұрын
There are two axis - Control vs Combo (Aggro in other games) which is just a measure of threat (one card starter, extenders, etc) vs answer cards. And Archetype Pure (combo in other game) vs Pile which is just a measure of how many cards are in the deck because they are synergistic vs how many are just generally good cards.
@wickederebus 28 күн бұрын
And what if the Pile deck is a Pile of cards that are just very synergistic and thus play well together even though they are not an archetype?
@josephcourtright8071 27 күн бұрын
@@wickederebus it's a spectrum.
@davidescobar9309 Ай бұрын
I would say there was a time where the term Mid range would apply to Yugioh, however, that is no longer the case. As someone who has played many TCGs and primarily plays midrange I can say that the idea of midrange is provide early control via removal and then place pressure on mid/high stat creatures/monsters to overpower your opponent. Back in the days, we would see decks such as Machina, which had cards like fissures and Smashing ground to gain ground and then hit with 2500 beatsticks at your opponent for game. This is no longer the case, now, the game is so fast and focused in 1 or 2 turn games that we can arguably say there are little to no midrange decks left in the game.
@diabolicyny9930 Ай бұрын
Weak energy video. Didnt even go into how would you classify each term except for floodgate
@cheesycheese7100 Ай бұрын
The video seems to be just communicating that he doesn't know to engage with these categories
@StarkMaximum Ай бұрын
@@cheesycheese7100 And neither does the community.
@CudaWudaShuda Ай бұрын
The whole point is that the community doesn’t either. The community vaguely defines terms to things that fall apart under any amount of scrutiny.
@alexcallender Ай бұрын
@@StarkMaximum Yes that’s true, but we didn’t need a KZbin video to know that.
@chuggajr Ай бұрын
The reason HERO isn’t as hated as Pachycephalo is because it takes commitment to make all of the annoying cards in HERO, and you know they’re coming the second your opponent searches them. If my opponent sets 5 and passes I get to play the fun guessing game of “Did you draw skill drain, or am I allowed to play the game?” At least with hero I KNOW he has skill drain on legs, and if I didn’t hit him with a handtrap or board breaker I at least know that I’m fighting an uphill battle immediately.
@alexcallender Ай бұрын
I personally hate hero just as much (if not more) than Fossil Dyna stun, but admittedly that is likely a “skill issue” on my part. I’m just not familiar enough with the deck to know where to hand trap them, and it seems like they always have infinite gas. Just yesterday, while playing Tear against a Hero player in Diamond 2, I got handtrapped and whiffed the mills I was able to get, so was only able to end on Fenrir plus a set Super Poly. On turn 2, the Hero player played through an Ash Blossom, Veiler, Super Poly, plus a face down banish from Fenrir and was able to end on DPE + their Skill Drain monster. He equipped my Starving Venom dragon to the skill drain monster and ran over Fenrir in battle. All I had left on the next turn was Reinohart in hand. RIP.
@bruhbruh4348 13 күн бұрын
Also, summon dyna, equip moon mirror shield and set 3 or just dyna set 4 doesnt allow for much room to interrupt, the game becomes a coin flip, does your deck have the out or not, if yes did you draw it
@zemat762 Ай бұрын
The way I see it is that: Combo, a deck that at the end of their turn sets up a board with multiple boss monsters or interactions with the opponent Stun, a deck whose main goal is to end on effects that remove entire mechanics from the game for the rest of the turn/game/for as long as active Control, decks that end on multiple disruptions and especially board wipes and slowing the game without outright removing mechanics and that also take multiple turns to kill you (I don’t believe in midrange existing in yugioh because of the game works) But different categories can still gave similar “sub type” An example of subtypes would probably be mill decks, they can be of every nature Combo Mill like punk engine (before chaos dragon got banned) or tear Stun Mill with decks that try to mill you while stalling the game, kind of like mystic mine Control Mill most famous of this category being paleo Another subtype would be tower turbo Combo tower turbo like raidraptor set 3 or 4 towers to beat you up immediately Stun tower turbo like qli would often go for a tower and floodgate traps to just stop you from doing anything to it Control tower turbo like purrely would go for a big expurrely to then change into an 8 mats Zeus Likewise there are a lot more subtypes and they help actually tagging the decks for what they actually play like and do
@tinfoilslacks3750 28 күн бұрын
Midrange as a concept doesn't make sense in a game without a resource system.
@jkid1134 13 күн бұрын
Combo as an archetype in an mtg context means you are comboing for game, not playing any series of cards with synergy. Building a board, breaking a board, establishing recursions, drawing cards - none of that makes you a "combo" deck in that sense, no matter how convoluted the process. Think DMOC + Mass Driver, or Exodia. Combo is supposed to WIN, not establish 2 negates and follow up or whatever. (I will concede this line gets very blurry when the end board completely prevents counterplay and gives lethal on the following turn) Control is about winning the value game in the long run. Stun cards are about diminishing your opponent's tempo game. Control decks will often play some number of stun cards, so that aggro decks can't just go under them before they stabilize. A critical mass of stun cards can reduce your opponent's tempo to nothing: what we might call a floodgate deck, in mtg they call a prison deck. This is fundamentally different - the goal is to stop your opponent from playing cards, not play through them - where control has answers, prison is trying to avoid the questions altogether. Bonus: Aggro decks are decks that play fast threats, tempo good. Control decks are decks that play effiecient cards, value good. Midrange decks are decks that play enough value to try to grind aggro and enough tempo to try to overwhelm control. Nothing at all to do inherently with mana or game actions per turn or any of the other weird ways you'll hear people define it. Aggro decks also often try to play grindy against aggro and fast against control, so there's a blurry line there too, but whatever. Thanks for doing yugioh archetype analysis. It's crazy how far it feels like we are from systemic understanding of even such a simple question as "what kinds of decks are there in yugioh?" but this is how we get there.
@shiroshokken Ай бұрын
ok, but what is ojama?
@humanyoutubeuser Ай бұрын
@KaijuGal-rb9ek Ай бұрын
Anything you want
@DavidsFeverDream Ай бұрын
stun because it locks zones
@shiroshokken Ай бұрын
@@DavidsFeverDream it can either set up infinite negates over a 25 minute combo via isolde, it can lock all of your opponents zones, or it can grind your opponent out with sheer stupid card advantage via ojama blue. it is an omnipresent deck.
@DavidsFeverDream Ай бұрын
@@shiroshokken it can't do all three in the same deck
@Tintaaa Ай бұрын
Great video, I really like your editing style!
@Jyxero Ай бұрын
4:25 May mean Otk potential, decision making / deck ceiling, & defensive tools Thanks for pointing out Hero: Long ass combo with the label of "heroic" (Where's the 500 lp left shenanigans... oh right, those had a floodgate too), only to end on stun & a recursive tool to exhaust opponent... a boss actual stun decks would kill to get it Midrange imo is just recursion / ways to accomplish something with few resources / summons, even thou some combo has it... while the other 2, stun & combo, has their goals clear (Pachicefalo + set 4 / resolve Tour guide)
@noradseven Ай бұрын
Control vs Stun definition is simple to me. Control is you do something, I negate it/kill it/do something myself in reaction to that play. Stun is perma field effects that preemptively change the rules of the game.
@LazurBeemz Ай бұрын
I feel like the 4 types of YGO deck are Combo, Backrow, FTK, and Blind Second. Combo is 90% of decks: special summoning and searching cards to end on a board that is resilient, offers interruption, and provides follow-up. Backrow decks don't combo, they just set floodgates. They require a completely different form of interaction from the opponent compared to combo decks, but the goal is the same: create a board that can interrupt all the opponent's plays. FTK decks are Combo, but they use an alternate win condition, usually direct damage. They dont intend to engage with the opponent at all. Blind Second is Combo, but it actually wants to go second instead of first, break the board instead of establish interrupts, and OTK.
@happycamperds9917 Ай бұрын
I feel like that doesn't really account for resource loop decks like Vanquish Soul and Sky Striker.
@wickederebus 28 күн бұрын
@@happycamperds9917 While I think you are right, reread his first point. "Combo is 90% of decks: special summoning and searching cards to end on a board that is resilient, offers interruption, and provides follow-up." "Combo ... end on a board that is resilient, offers interruption, and provides follow-up." You know what Striker and VS do? scrape by, search specific interruptions, and follow-up with more of it or just do a little combo for a lethal hit on the next turn.
@bruhbruh4348 13 күн бұрын
Combo dekcs want to end on big resilient boards, control try to out resource you typically with backrow cards, stun doesnt want you to play at all, blind second feels a bit out of place since their game plan doesnt revolve around some complex combo, just board breakers into otk mostly, whatever “combo”that happens is extremely linear and has little room for adaptation to interruptions
@phenomgaming3245 Ай бұрын
These terms don’t work because so many decks are insanely versatile. It can be a combo deck with 28 combo cards + 12 handtraps for effective stun/control. At this point youre running some variant of a meta combo loop, or anti-meta or a mix of both
@sheamynoce99 Ай бұрын
Keyago i really like your videos. Hope you have a good day today
@mystZER0 Ай бұрын
Never have i ever heard of midrange in all my years of playing yugioh. I'm assuming it's similar to tempo
@lichtfackel4755 Ай бұрын
@jkattack2640 Ай бұрын
On a channel called distraction makers, they described this in a very good, generic way with "the strategy circle" Tldr theres 3 fundamental strategies in competitive games. 1. Rush: kill the opponent asap. This would be your combo decks that are focused on winning above all else 2. Defense: dont lose. These would be your stun decks in ygo, and in other tcgs midrange tends to fall here too. 3. Economy: invest resources in the short term for a more powerful win later. This is actually where you get your control decks. They invest life points and try to gain card advantage so that once the opponent is out of resources they will still have plenty of gas in the tank to win with. Originally discussed in the context of mtg but i think it still works here.
@quijassajiuq900 Ай бұрын
@quijassajiuq900 Ай бұрын
I really liked this video a lot and I’m glad my random Reddit inquiry was able to inspire something in other people.
@highkuriboh Ай бұрын
In my opinion, the only reason to categorize a deck is to describe it to someone who doesn't know about it's playstyle or contents. Once you've known exactly all what are in the deck and all what the deck can do, there's not really any point in categorizing it
@CudaWudaShuda Ай бұрын
Yeh at a certain point it just devolves into semantics that cause more confusion than anything. Honestly even as a shorthand to introduce the unfamiliar, saying only some blanket term like “Stun/Combo/Midrange/Control” is gonna gloss over so many specifics that that person would have to uncover about the deck anyway, and could sway people away from those decks for no reason other than an existing bias against anything ascribed that deck label, even if they’d actually enjoy it in practice. Idk what it is about YGO players and wanting to make shorthand terms for everything, but that aren’t defined in any consistent or quantifiable way.
@randomprotag9329 Ай бұрын
yugioh has blurred some lines though raw power creep but it keeps combo, control and stun fairly definable its just midrange which has became combo with some control elements. the game has gotten so broken that the explosiveness needed to seperate midrange and combo is a small range.
@jaafarmhasan8713 Ай бұрын
They are no longer control combo, Midrange and stun. Only the deck that set up the most disruptions going first.
@satyayana1399 Ай бұрын
was beatdown deck, burn deck, highlander deck not a thing anymore?
@diegoleite4074 9 күн бұрын
I play stun and i don't care, see my oponent going nuts is what i like. Yugioh is the only place where i can be the villain.
@yusharider 27 күн бұрын
Gotta love those dm "control" players who run 4-6 beaters with no effects.
@rafflesiaandfriends 29 күн бұрын
Mid range isn't a category, it's just control. Like how combo isn't a category because almost every deck has a combo, mystic mine plus field barrier is a combo. The category that I like to use are, build a board(BAB), control, stun, ftk, otk, burn, mill or jank. Most decks can categorised by a combination of these, while saying you play a combo deck just tells us that you like going first and your turn takes too long, in other words it doesn't explain shit. Also a deck is considered stun if they have an in archetype floodgate, if not you are playing a stun variant of the deck and not your archetype is a stun deck
@bruhbruh4348 13 күн бұрын
What archetype does dyna or jowgen fall into? I think any kind of deck whose gameplan is to turbo out floodgate (including by drawing them) and does not want any opponent to make any play should be considered stun
@rafflesiaandfriends 13 күн бұрын
@@bruhbruh4348 yes agree
@NotAbot1011 9 күн бұрын
I think you're confusing what the word "combo" means in yugioh. It means it in less of the mtg way, and more of the street fighter way
@rafflesiaandfriends 8 күн бұрын
@@NotAbot1011 i'm aware but it is still a very broad term.
@halodragonmaster Ай бұрын
A Fossil Dyna and 3 Judgements isn't going to have you shy of a microaggression. You're getting the aggression. Possibly even a macroaggression.
@dragoran149 Ай бұрын
Is there a game like yugi but with a better company behind?
@JoeyWheeler-m3s Ай бұрын
I remember when people thought stun was cute in like 2017 XD.
@Chaos-Clips 20 күн бұрын
What's the difference between Stun and control?
@Evan_Schaefering 13 күн бұрын
Stun wants to lock the opponent out of their deck's plan. Basically, think of floodgates when you think of Stun. Control decks on the other hand intend to win a battle of attrition against the opponent. They will typically attempt to disrupt the opponent's game plan, rather than block it outright like Stun does, and then they use a built in way to loop resource to overwhelm their opponents in the simplified game state their disruption has created. These lines are often very blurry as Stun generally has to rely on Control tools to survive, and Control decks are often made more powerful by adding in a few Stun tools. If you want a clear and concise example, watch a video on how Stun plays and compare it to how the modern Paleozoic deck plays.
@TouchMe888 Ай бұрын
what is tearlament, that turbos shaddoll winda on my turn?
@alexcallender Ай бұрын
@user-wp5ke6gv9y Ай бұрын
Modern yuguioh can only choose combo or stun you have good combo decks and bad combo decks now a days more than being focused on game plan is focused on gommic
@exec_rigveda8299 Ай бұрын
funny how combo decks these days shit out more negates than the control decks
@Zetact_ Ай бұрын
There's been a discussion that the four deck archetypes are defined on a two-tier graph: "fair" vs "unfair", and proactive vs. reactive. With "fairness" it isn't so much about whether the strategy is powerful/broken but moreso about how readily they present information to the opponent. But I think it also can contain whether or not the deck aims to grind the opponent out of resources or rather simply say "you can have all the resources you want, but you simply can't make plays." So for Yugioh specifically that's one key difference. Another tricky thing is that because of the different way the game is structured, not having strict "factionalism" like other games, decks don't so readily get placed in a single box. Most decks do a little of everything. I also think part of the thing that makes Combo into Combo is that they can't afford to take their foot off the gas. Most decks DO combo but you wouldn't call everything a "combo deck" but if a deck just completely folds to getting hit with a single Shifter, Droll, Maxx C or even a bad card like Ghost Mourner it is obvious that the deck is so entirely invested in that first turn and can't even rework its lines to something that doesn't go all-in. Sky Striker has straddled the line between many different decks and subtle changes to the cards to match the meta it was built around are the main reason rather than anything else. In TOSS it was a midrange/control deck because it was entirely focused on grind game, no OTK potential, it had to out-resource the opponent. The main strategy which would be poking with Hayate, resource looping with Kagari while slowly picking apart the field then pushing with Borrelsword/Accesscode after a few turns. When Mystic Mine was legal it was more of a control/stun deck because Mine was a perfect card for the deck and solved a lot of the issues it had with just not being fast enough. Then when Linkage and some of the newer cards got printed it shifted into being more aggro-focused, since the bulk of their new cards are made to be extenders and board breakers at the cost of having fewer resources in the grind game. It's still a grindy going second deck but the game plan is different, it's more fixated on doing very rapidly breaking of boards and then using Linkage and Kagari to swing at least 3 times in a single turn. Striker has never been a combo deck because as signified by that earlier methodology of "can it afford to sit back and wait for a turn?" the deck has always and still is designed to take a couple of turns before it pushes for game, so of course it has been able to sit back and do very little.
@DanteCrowlley Ай бұрын
As a returning vanilla player, negate is my enemy when I play, I have to run negate to avoid the enemy negate or else he'll fill up his board with only God knows what type of machiavelic strategy that will not only negate me, but probably ban my deck, hand n field, even worse if I try to attack a monster I don't know that probably has a million different ways to interact with the deck to bring even more powerful demons agains my syncro 2800 monster or less, with once per turn effect against an army of effects over effects just waiting for me to end my turn
@c4ront398 Ай бұрын
Is it Ursarctic a Floodgate Deck? The Boss Monster summoned in the right way, kills the enemy Extra Deck but... Well, this is a Question to no one, nobody cares about Ursarctics Except me
@lit_wick Ай бұрын
My crystal beast deck searches necrovalley and makes bagooska turn 1. No question, it's a floodgate deck.
@Gucci.Clone253 Ай бұрын
Unfortunately none of these strats exist anymore. Everything is just one card combo
@DavidsFeverDream Ай бұрын
all decks combo. the classification has more to do with its general goals even stun decks can have 1 card combos
@LegacyCrusaders 13 күн бұрын
Do you approve of your entire video in full being watched on a stream by farfa, recorded as content, and reposted on his highlight channel? Did he ask permission? Would that matter to you? Should he do it before or after he posts the reupload? Does it matter that he played the whole thing and paused occasionally to restate what you would say 30 seconds later if he didn't pause, do you think that constitutes fair use? Does it matter that he said go check you out, do you value the plug? I'm anti-react content, so genuinely curious about how it affects or bothers you if it does. I've watched your video twice, before watching his, just to see if he actually added value, I don't personally think he said anything you didn't say, but his is 8 minutes longer, and contains all the work you did and would not exist if you hadn't made it first, and the thought of "his video" getting more views than yours genuinely would bother me, not that his has yet, but yours has 9000 views in 3 weeks, and his has 2500, in like 2 hours, and I'm pretty sure in the time it took me to write this and watch both videos, including yours twice he picked up 700 more views.
@marcrobs3114 12 күн бұрын
@WARLORD626 Ай бұрын
More like control freak Decks.
@guythat779 Ай бұрын
I don't call them stun i call them slurs
@knightofthewind1000 13 күн бұрын
Yugioh becoming such a badly designed and warped game so that these labels barely even matter. Compared to another card game like hearthstone or magic, where they actually mean something. How can a deck in Yu-Gi-Oh even be "midrange", what cost range are you in the middle of? Special summons per turn? Because that's what midrange means in those other games. You're not aiming for some long term late game win (because nothing about yugiohs gamestate inherently changed by letting the game go on longer unless you plan to mill your opponent to death... Which is normally accomplished through a combo of mill effects in quick succession anyway so not exactly "control" And it's not like you're going for a distinctively quick low cost low to the ground strat either because... Every strat in Yu-Gi-Oh is always trying to go as fast as it can all the time anyway. The monotony of yugioh playstyles just all being different ways to get to the same three win cons (overwhelming damage, negates, floodgates). This is why distinctions like summon type focus actually tell you something about a deck. If only which method it will be using to try and create one or more of the three above things.
@NotAbot1011 9 күн бұрын
Im sorry, but everything you said here is from a lack of understanding for the game. For example, if you played the game, you'd know that midrange or control deck is trying to out advantage your opponent over the course of a while. A combo deck attempts to have an explosive turn one. You saying those are the same is coming from the fact you don't understand tge axis yugioh plays on
@knightofthewind1000 9 күн бұрын
@@NotAbot1011 I've played Yu-Gi-Oh consistently since I was 5 so... Not exactly lol I just think it's badly designed
@NotAbot1011 9 күн бұрын
@@knightofthewind1000 do you play modern yugioh still?
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