Communion in the Hand

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Brian Holdsworth

Brian Holdsworth

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Music written and generously provided by Paul Jernberg. Find out more about his work as a composer here:
Spanish translations by Vélez Translations,
Past video on Catholic belief in the Eucharist: • Real Presence in Commu...
I thought I’d start by addressing that concern because for Catholics, Holy Communion or the Eucharist is the reception of the God of the Universe incarnate for us in space and time. If we truly believed that, don’t you think we’d treat the moment we interact with that substance with severe caution?
Like, imagine if you lived in the Marvel universe and some superhero walked up to you and said, I need you to take this, it’s one of the infinity gems, it’s a substance of incredible power. You’d probably have a lot of questions and reservations about being in contact with something like that. Like what’s the protocol with this thing?
Even our prescription medications come with a whole litany of instructions to ensure that we take them exactly as instructed because they are a persuasive substance that will produce considerable effects so you want to make sure that they produce the right ones based on how you use them.
Well, the Eucharist, is the bread of life. It’s the medicine that can heal your eternal soul, as long as you receive it as instructed by the experts. If you recognize the expertise of pharmacists and doctors when it comes to your prescriptions, because they’ve spent years studying this stuff and you haven’t, then we should, likewise, recognize the expertise of bishops and theologians when they tell us how we should treat the Eucharist.
The other reason this isn’t a trivial thing is because the way we practice our faith can create a sense of community and harmony among believers or it can create division and discord. And the current state of affairs, I think, lends itself to the latter so I think it’s important that we try to have these difficult discussions in the hopes that it will educate those who sincerely just want to practice the faith authentically.
So in case you didn’t catch the title of this video, it’s about the Catholic practice of receiving communion in the hand, which is the defacto norm in the Church today, even though that’s NOT the actual norm, which is pretty startling for people like me who, when I converted to Catholicism, was taught that it doesn’t matter.
I’ll start off by saying that I only receive communion on the tongue and the reason I started doing that was because I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to try it and so I did and I’ve found that my appreciation for the sacredness of that sacrament as well as my sense of humility and reverence for it have increased.
It’s helped me to better worship God and appreciate who I am in relation to him and that’s purely anecdotal, but if it’s enough for you, then I’d encourage you to give it a try and see if your experience reflects mine. If you need reasons, then let’s explore that.

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@BrianHoldsworth 4 жыл бұрын
Quite a few people have pointed out that my analogy of comparing particles of the Eucharist with particles of Christ's body during his earthly life is an unjust comparison and I appreciate that point. But, the thesis of what I'm saying doesn't rely on that analogy being perfectly equal. The point I'm making is that Jesus embraced the necessary risks of his incarnate body being accidentally treated in a way that does not appreciate the great treasure of the incarnation. You could adjust the analogy and the point remains valid. For example, what if Jesus and his companions were sleeping on the floor somewhere as they were travelling and someone got up in the middle of the night and tripped over Jesus in the dark. I'd hardly think that Jesus would jump up and condemn them for sacrilege. Incidental irreverent contact with particles isn't the kind of thing that is going to convince people to take more care in how they approach the Eucharist and you'd be hard pressed to convince anyone that this actually hurts Jesus. But irreverence and carelessness does hurt US and our fellow Catholics. That's where our concern, and I expect, our Blessed Lord's concern lies.
@bearuki6351 4 жыл бұрын
That you try to convince people from an argument for the best thing for us instead of the best thing for God makes clear how dark these times are.
@kitschkat8678 4 жыл бұрын
Brian, the "particles" that Christ would have lost during his life were not of a glorified body. So there's that too. Regardless, Jesus cannot be hurt anymore. The lack of reverence that seems, very strongly so, correlated with receiving Communion on the hand (and, in my opinion, the spread of the notion that daily Communion is for everyone and receiving Communion is the main point of the Mass) does hurt the Church. It hurts it terribly. Whole generations grow up seeing the Eucharist treated as some symbol we are all entitled to receive. I think that alone is enough to withdraw permission for receiving on the hand. In an ideal world, every single Catholic would be well catechized, lead a deep life of prayer, and this wouldn't be a problem. But we do not live in an ideal world.
@gilsonbicudo 4 жыл бұрын
I totally get your point. I think the key words are "accidental" x "reckless". I also don't think Christ would feel sacrileged if a tiny particle of the host (which IS his whole body and divinity) might ACCDENTLY fall on the ground despite all the due care. The point is that the due care has not been given and that totally change the situation of that very same particle. We (they) are consciously taking the risk of sacrileging the eucharist. This is a totally different situation.
@alexroerty9137 4 жыл бұрын
First of all, thank you for your videos and especially for the calm attitude you have in approaching these topics. I think I see where you’re trying to go here, but I don’t think anyone is claiming that Our Lord would condemn those who unwittingly stepped on His Body, since obviously that isn’t their fault. It’s the fault of those who failed to take the traditional precautions which would prevent it from happening in the first place. Your quote from St Thomas said that nothing should touch the Eucharist but things which are consecrated for that purpose. I think, then, those who allow this to happen through negligence are at fault, and a failure to take into account the centuries upon centuries of tradition that firmly held to communion only on the tongue would constitute such negligence.
@metanoiafaith 4 жыл бұрын
We also need to understand receiving Eucharist in the context of the Passover and how this was celebrated by Jesus and the Apostles. Jesus was humbling Himself in order for us to receive Him. So whilst we need to prepare our hearts to receive Him, we must also receive Our Lord as the humble sacrifice of Love poured out for us. I get what you are saying, that, in some aspects we can create an overeach, that whilst perhaps well intended in sincerity, by adding theology that may not necessarily apply in this context, it detracts from the act of taking and receiving. It is interesting to note, however, that the Greek word used when Jesus said, " Take, and eat...take and drink" is "Lambano", which means to to seize and take hold of with the hand. I receive Eucharist in the Hand because I believe its true to the way it was celebrated at The Last Supper, and that Jesus humbles himself to me so that I may consume Him and as He enters me I enter more into Him. It is an intimate exchange. Thats how I receive it, and the most important element of the entire exchange is our heart of worship. Remember, as a baptised and worshipping Catholics, we have received the full divinity of God by way of the Holy Spirit and are temples of God everyday. Call me a purist, but how often do we also neglect His Spirit that resides in us also, and are called to draw into Him, in the Spirit?
@ikchoi581 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you Brian. The tiniest particle is not the tiny skin cell of Jesus. Even that tiny particle is the WHOLE, full body, soul, and divinity of Christ. That is why we must protect even the tiny particle of the Eucharist from getting trampled upon.
@winstonclarke1720 4 жыл бұрын
In the early church this was common, look at Cyril for example. Also when Jesus said take and eat of it, the fact that he used the word take likely implies that the apostles took it with their hand. I understand the reason behind taking it on the tongue, and its the only way I have ever done it, but to say that it is wrong or disrespectful, or even sinful is going too far.
@kitschkat8678 4 жыл бұрын
@@winstonclarke1720 He said "take" to the apostles - i.e. priests. Priests do take the Eucharist themselves.
@BrianHoldsworth 4 жыл бұрын
Yes, that's a good point. Thanks for sharing it. I've replied in the pinned comment.
@itsnando20 4 жыл бұрын
Winston Clarke the apostles received in the hand because their hands have been consecrated as bishops and as priests
@michellemailloux2483 4 жыл бұрын
@klfb1 4 жыл бұрын
In Poland most people receive communion on the tongue.
@jaredcafferty7682 4 жыл бұрын
Poland is based!
@marcinhelinski9457 4 жыл бұрын
Sadly in Poland Communion in the hand is promoted by clergy and more and more people recognize it as privileged, modern, and are attracted to it. In my parish (100% Novus Ordo) many parishioners complained about Communion in the hand. Our rector after Holy Mass on Feast of Corpus Christi(!) had a speech on the issue and he even claimed, that communion in the hand is based in Gospels! According to rector we should read Gospel and should be obedient. If I could only bring argument taken from fruits of this practice I would point out that we should look at a level of deniers of Real Presence of Our Lord in Eucharist in countries that introduced "Communion in hand" long time ago.
@CziffraNum 4 жыл бұрын
@kristoph888 4 жыл бұрын
Kobrył yes but saddly most of us receive it in standing position. Not cold, not hot but in the middle. Not good.
@vincenzorutigliano5435 4 жыл бұрын
Poland is the best country in 2020. Everyone should follow Poland.
@michaelorsini9695 4 жыл бұрын
The obsession with the Communion in the Hand/Tongue is unhealthy and devoid of spiritual insight. The first apostles of Jesus Christ did not receive Communion on the Tongue, they ingested it manually. Were they wrong in doing so and if so, why did Our Lord permit it in the first place? What is far more important and often overlooked is the state of our soul when we receive Communion. Do we receive in humility? Either way is good or bad depending on how Communion is received spiritually. Those who shame others who receive in the hand or somehow suggest they are more spiritual for not doing so, need to be careful of falling to the sin of pride. Confession needs to be more emphasized and more practised to receive the Eucharist faithfully. Indeed, if we really want to receive Communion in the way it was intended to be received, Confession monthly or even weekly is a necessity. This is a divide and conquer strategy used by the Prince of this World to draw attention away from the moral power the Eucharist was meant to have in our daily lives. In focussing on the minutiae, we miss the forest for the trees. It's not what goes into a person that makes them spiritually unclean, and by logical extension how it goes into a person physically, it's what comes out of a person spiritually (sinful thoughts, words and deeds) that makes them spiritually unclean. This focus on how a sacred ritual is performed, the externals if you will, in order to placate God or make ourselves out to be more worthy followers of God, is actually something Jesus Christ Himself warned His followers to scrupulously avoid. A humble and contrite heart He will not despise.
@iamnotabot5052 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you kind sir, for bringing words of wisdom and some commonsense to this debate.
@marianamaguire7450 2 жыл бұрын
@hubertborysowski 13 күн бұрын
It hasn’t been proven that they received Eucharist on hand. Even if it is true, the Apostles were priests, so they had consecrated hands. And the way you receive Eucharist also matters, as the way you behave, the way you treat something important, shows what’s inside you, and builds your faith. If you don’t believe me, look for example at the statistics of belief in true presence of Christ in Eucharist.
@ipso-kk3ft 4 жыл бұрын
I do think kneeling would be a great first step to more holy reception of the Blessed Sacrament
@margaretjewitt3813 4 жыл бұрын
But some folks cannot kneel anymore but I totally agree. Reverence. Love.
@margaretjewitt3813 4 жыл бұрын
bearpapie69 what does that even mean? It is truth
@thecatholicrabbi4170 4 жыл бұрын
My knees won't let me, so I bow
@ItsNotAllRainbows_and_Unicorns 3 жыл бұрын
@@margaretjewitt3813 True, but we can always lower the floor. @ipso246 01 compromises
@A.S2400 3 жыл бұрын
I have seen some during covid, kneel but still take on the hand.
@Qawsed951 3 жыл бұрын
Recieved my first communion on the tongue yesterday. Made me cry
@cominatrix Жыл бұрын
It's such an incredible moment, isn't it?
@CatholicAmericanDreamer 4 жыл бұрын
If you had a bottle of wine that cost thousands of dollars, you would try not to spill a single drop because of its value, not because it could harm the wine itself. If you had stack of $100 bills and the wind blew them out of your hand and scattered them across the ground, you would hurriedly try to pick them up, because of the value. The body and blood of Christ is priceless, worth more than anything in the universe. It's not that we think that trampling the body will hurt Jesus more than he already suffered. Rather, that every fragment and every drop should be treasured and adored and handled with reverence and attention, because Christ is present in every drop and fragment, body, soul and divinity. I think that the possibility of spilling or dropping even the smallest fragments of the sacred species is a reasonable concern. Another real concern is that satanists and pagans have been known to take consecrated hosts at communion to use in black masses, which is only made easier for them when it's given in the hand.
@BrianHoldsworth 4 жыл бұрын
That's a good analogy.
@zwijac 4 жыл бұрын
Would you pour each of your friends a glass from that bottle of wine, or would you force them to drink straight from the bottle?
@zwijac 4 жыл бұрын
Isn't the satanists using communion in the hand for Black Mass, philosophically identical to the argument that guns should be banned because of school shootings? Are you personally in favor of stricter government controlled gun laws and prohibitions, or do you feel that guns should be readily available and that the law-abiding citizens shouldn't be punished because of the actions of the few School shooters out there??
@jucarda572 4 жыл бұрын
2:53 WHAT?! Really? I'm mexican, 26, married, expecting a little girl soon. During almost my entire life (about 23 years) I never heard about the practice of communion in the hand and I never saw one person receive in the hand ever. I was taught in catechism that touching a consecrated host with anything other than your tongue was equivalent to sacrilege. It wasn't until recently that I started traveling (to the US, Canada, Japan and China) that I realized that Catholicism in general is very different outside of Mexico. What's wrong with you guys? XD
@michaelk969 4 жыл бұрын
What is wrong is that the lay faithful are governed by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church (as Christ designed it) and when a misguided deacon, priest, bishop , Cardinal or pope makes decrees that are ill-considered or wrong, all the body of Christ suffers. As an example, my bishop, Bishop Garcia-Siller has decreed that during the COVID-19 "crisis" no one may receive on the tongue. Thus my choices are to receive on the hand, against my conscience, or abstain from the Eucharist and the graces therein.
@jucarda572 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelk969 I understand that, but why are things so different in Mexico?
@rachelpops9239 4 жыл бұрын
I was raised in the US with on the hand and was not taught or shown any different. Shame on those shepherds who were supposed to care for the education and flourishing of our souls. By the grace of my Immaculate mother and a group of traditional women I'm finally getting the fullness of our faith!
@sabaghebreghzabhier3382 4 жыл бұрын
You are absolutely right, I am from Eaten Catholic Church never received communion on the hand.
@sabaghebreghzabhier3382 4 жыл бұрын
jucarda572 It’s not only in Mexico but all over the place except North America
@roen6800 3 жыл бұрын
The teaching of the Church is clear, viz., that reception in the hand is an acceptable practice that was initially brought in via indult but was also an ancient practice of the Church as indicated by St. Cyril of Jerusalem, Theodoret, and St. John Damascene.
@midwestairgunner8500 2 жыл бұрын
Not true. The only place in the world that takes Jesus in the hand is America. JP II received the request from the USCCB and denied their request. They turned his letter around and said that it was approved. It has never been approved for us to handle the sacred body of Christ in our unclean hands.
@roen6800 2 жыл бұрын
@@midwestairgunner8500 That's 100% incorrect because I don't live in America and my country also has the practice of receiving in the hand.
@EX58UD 4 жыл бұрын
Isn't there a specific procedure for the priest to sanctify his hands in preparation of handling the Eucharist? Why should the laity receive it in the hand if that's the case?
@philanthropchic2238 4 жыл бұрын
Excellent question. +JMJ+
@JamesMartinelli-jr9mh 4 жыл бұрын
Priests' hands are annointed at their receiving the sacrament of priesthood. He may not touch the sacred host with any other part of his body. In baptism salt is put on our tongue so that we may receive on the tongue..
@davevowels7568 4 жыл бұрын
@EndTimesHarvest 3 жыл бұрын
Biblically speaking, the priests of the Old Testament tabernacle and temple were commanded by God to wash their hands and feet before commencing with their priestly duties and rituals. If they did not wash their hands and feet, they would die. Specifically, they washed themselves with water from a special laver which had been consecrated and made holy, making the water holy as well.
@thatcatholicgirl5675 3 жыл бұрын
Yes, there is. I'm an altar server and I have the privilege of pouring the water on the priest's hands so that his hands will be cleansed. One of the reasons why I now only receive Holy Communion on the tongue.
@1alexcody 4 жыл бұрын
what about kneeling at the altar rail to receive ... that was the norm in my youth
@MNkno 4 жыл бұрын
I've run afoul of that, from a certain inflexible clergyman, the issue for me being, there was no altar rail in that church and I was unsteady.
@queenofhearts7726 4 жыл бұрын
That is what I did, too. I hate that we don’t have alter rails anymore! In our parish we had a kneeler that many used and I would have, too, but sometimes it is difficult for me to get up without heavily leaning on something. I was afraid to try in case I fell or knocked the kneeler over. I would kneel in a heartbeat if I knew it was sturdy enough. COVID basically changed a lot of things. I would love to receive on the tongue, but, although not refused, we have been requested to receive in the hand or wait until after mass to receive on the tongue. Either way, is not preferred, but I’m just grateful to receive at all! Many can not. Jesus knows what is in our hearts!
@binsworth 4 жыл бұрын
The Episcopal Church I go to has a communion rail. Very interesting that it seems to be less common in Catholic churches
@queenofhearts7726 4 жыл бұрын
Scotty Leonard some of them still do..... some really old churches still have them and different rites of the Church still use them. Most newer churches don’t, and in some it was taken out. I think your churches never had a “change” like ours did 50 years ago. I think the Catholic Bishops took the changes way too far. It’s sad. High Latin Mass is beautiful and appears to be making a comeback, but sadly is rare in our area.
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
We should go back to kneeling. However, receiving standing is not sacrilege. It is simply a method that makes people forget some of the reverence we should have towards the host.
@04724349 4 жыл бұрын
I am very ignorant in matters of theology and I learned my faith from my illiterate Hispanic grandmother. I have never communicated in my hand in my life and I have not done it yet after the lockdown ended. The reason for that is because my grandmother taught me that we don't touch communion with the hand because my hands are not anointed or consecrated. Also, she taught me not to take communion every day I go to Mass if I haven't been to confession, and so I do.
@joan8862 4 жыл бұрын
You should go to confession before receiving Communion if you are aware of having committed a mortal sin. Venial sins, lesser sins do not prevent us from receiving. I would suggest if you are ignorant in matters of theology, that you do some research to learn more, it is very important to know our faith well. This channel is a good start. God Bless.
@marvineldon9284 4 жыл бұрын
My late grandma also instructed the same thing
@jasonsgrowingtree5764 4 жыл бұрын
Step number one. Get out of Catholicism.
@fratervinny 4 жыл бұрын
Step number one. Read the Church Fathers and all of church history, and return to communion with the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church, and repent of your schism and heresy.
@itsnando20 4 жыл бұрын
jasons growing tree step one for Jason, read church history and understand the Catholic Church is the only church founded by Jesus
@0r14n583lt 4 жыл бұрын
Eucharistic abuses will be avoided if we only receive it on the tongue.
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
That is simply not true. Are you the pope? Are you an expert on this subject? No, you are a guy who watched a youtube video by some renegades from the church.
@josephcasley7979 4 жыл бұрын
@Hellenback You can't be more right.
@ryandoody645 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this amazing video, as a fellow receiver on the tongue I find it difficult to convey this to other Catholics. Your video will help many. God Love you ✝️❤️
@jasonattwood6289 3 жыл бұрын
Communion standing and on the hand is more than a sacrilege, it is also a sin against the faith! These words highlight both the sacrifice, which pertains to the essence of the Mass that is celebrated daily, and the sacrament in which those who participate in it through holy Communion eat the flesh of Christ and drink the blood of Christ, and thus receive grace, which is the beginning of eternal life, and the "medicine of immortality" according to Our Lord's words: "The man who eats my flesh and drinks my blood enjoys eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day." Moreover, the Catholic Church has held firm to this belief in the presence of Christ's Body and Blood in the Eucharist not only in her teaching but in her life as well, since she has at all times paid this great Sacrament the worship known as "latria," which may be given to God alone. As St. Augustine says: "It was in His flesh that Christ walked among us and it is His flesh that He has given us to eat for our salvation; but no one eats of this flesh without having first adored it . . . and not only do we not sin in thus adoring it, but we would be sinning if we did not do so." Now thats Pope Paul VI saying this, and he was not known to be one of the most conservative Popes. Matthew 10:32 Jesus Christ said ''31So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. 32Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father in heaven. 33But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father in heaven.… In other words if he don't acknowledges us before the Father we're not gonna go to heaven, if he acknowledges us before the Father we're gonna go to heaven, but he's not gonna do that if we deny him, so by receiving Holy Communion standing (which is not a sign of adoration) and on the hand we are denying or not acknowledging that Christ is the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, his power, his almightiness, his omnipotence, his law, his Divine revelations (angel at Fatima instructed the children to receive Holy Communion kneeled and on the tongue), his words, his promises, and his teachings.
@gilsonbicudo 4 жыл бұрын
I did my first communion (tongue only) in the early 70s and was regular in the masses until the late 80s. After those decades away, I recently got back to church and my first mass left me simply shocked: everything felt very different. An absolute lack of silence (a song after song after song) and the commumion time looked like children lined up to receive a candy which they put immediately into their mouths and go back to their seats. Everything felt degraded. And note: I had been educated already in the novus ordo mass but back then there was still reverence and posture. All the reverence and awe at receiving the body of Christ was gone. It nearly hurt me physically. I still go to masses, but I now know my rights: I kneel, open my mouth and they have to very carefully put it on my tongue. And the line behind me has to bear my extra seconds of total reverence I dedicate to Christ.
@EmmaWithJesus 4 жыл бұрын
Welcome home Gilson! God bless you! :)
@marcinhelinski9457 4 жыл бұрын
I do the same.
@philanthropchic2238 4 жыл бұрын
In our city petitions to the Archdiocese eventually granted us 'Ad Orientum' masses once a week. This completely changed my understanding of Catholicism and lent new meaning to what worship is. Huge difference. +JMJ+
@mollykorte8424 2 жыл бұрын
@@philanthropchic2238 I am also trying to convince my parish to offer Ad Orientem once a week. We already have the Bishop's approval- he released a statement several weeks ago encouraging priests to offer AO. The roadblock is sadly our pastor, I sent him an email a week ago humbly asking him to consider but have not heard a response yet. Do you have any advice? I would love to hear more details about how you made this happen. Thanks!
@michellemcdermott2026 Жыл бұрын
You do well
@xiomaraporta-blanco4892 4 жыл бұрын
Brian, as a cradle Catholic (formed before Vatican II), I must apologize to you and to all the newly Catholics, who really deserve to know, receive and enjoy the beauty of our Church in it’s fullness, for not being taught the proper way from the beginning. I can’t conceive how our modern leaders (of course not all of them) cannot appreciate the patrimony that the Fathers of the Church entrusted us and that we must share with all our brothers and sisters in the world according to God’s desire. But I’m glad you didn’t quite but continue digging into this treasure. I’d like to encourage you to continue digging, you’ll be surprise each day by the infinite richness God has for the ones that want to know Him more and more. I’ve been a Catholic for over 70 years (since I was in my mom’s womb) and everyday God reveals something new to me that makes me love Him more and more and make me desire being with Him forever and ever. Brian thank you for your videos, you are an inspiration to me which make me appreciate more my faith. See, you are one of the nice surprises God had for me. May God bless you and your family always.🙏
@_Gaby_950 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I was born way after Vatican 2, but I've been brought up in the Latin Mass since my mother discovered it when I was around 3. I always mistook the Novus Ordo for an entirely different religion. God bless Traditionalist bishops
@angelaa.4254 3 жыл бұрын
@@_Gaby_950 > I always mistook the Novus Ordo for an entirely different religion That is actually what it is!
@mikelopez8564 3 жыл бұрын
@@angelaa.4254 read Justin Martyr’s description of the mass. Skip to ch 67 for the description. Dunno, but looks like Novus Ordo to me
@mikelopez8564 3 жыл бұрын
To Xio, Your catechesis is poor or you’re incredibly prideful. Last I learned, the bishops in union with the Holy Father made the decisions governing “right”worship. You must have some esoteric knowledge the bishops are unaware of. Please save us! (being facetious)
@caydab1 4 жыл бұрын
From a Lutheran: very appreciative for your gentle education. Will pass this on to others.
@Chiefab22 3 жыл бұрын
@afterlate8866 3 жыл бұрын
Let's hope the others include Catholics.
@sagekazuhira6013 2 жыл бұрын
God is with you always brother ❤️
@joelancon7231 4 жыл бұрын
Hey, Mr. Brian I just want to be clear anecdotally and practically I agree with you, but scholastically I think you missed the mark. I want to be clear I am responding from a place of mild correction and love because I have heard these false hoods far too often. I first want to address St. Thomas Aquinas because I am a Thomistic Catholic, or more accurately merely a Catholic; he was my confirmation Saint. Having stated my praise for him, Aquinas's statement is refuted by the sheer fact that our tongues are not consecrated, neither are the hands of Altar Servers who bring the consecrated dishes to the Altar, neither are the extraordinary minister's hands neither were any of the people in the Bible to touch Jesus, excluding Mary(via Immaculate Conception) and the Apostles(via Holy Orders). Also the Catholic Church has not taken the stance Aquinas took regarding Communion in the Hand, as long as seven criteria are met those being: No prohibition of the traditional practice, *it cannot be done without careful judgement,* it cannot be the occasion to deny the real presence, either the minister must place the Host in the hand or the lay person must take the Host directly from the ciborium, *if the procedure is adopted we must be careful about particles falling on the floor,* if the Body is dipped in the Blood reception in the hand is not permissible, and finally the Bishops when the document allowing this practice needed to consult the Papacy six months after the allowance. The problem of reception in the hand is not that it is sacrilege. The problem is people not consuming every particle they possibly can and people not discerning properly. I do not think people denying the real presence was caused by this, but poor catechesis as you talked about in your video. I receive Communion on the Tongue always, except when the pandemic first started, but scholastically I cannot pretend like this is a disgrace or sacrilege when it is clearly not. My problem with traditionalist is while I usually agree with them, I almost always find them bordering on SSPX or Sedevacantism. Mr. Brian I address you out of Love because you have greatly inspired me if you feel anything I said was inaccurate. God Bless you Mr. Brian (I put all of the standards that are not normally followed in bold)
@bvmimmaculata126 4 жыл бұрын
This! Sometimes when we study on our own, we discover mostly what reinforces our deeply-held belief. I have also (pre-Covid) felt prompted to receive on the tongue, but would caution one to infer that those who receive in the hand have a casual or less humble approach to the Eucharist (it's certainly possible, but only God knows and should judge the heart). This assumption should be looked at in the context of how one was catechized. Also, the practice of communion exclusively on the tongue was not "the exclusive practice of the Church up until that point" (7:54) (i.e. from Pentecost to Vatican II); rather it was the current exclusive practice of the Church at that point, not forgetting the communion in the hand was the common practice of the Church for the first several hundred years. Having said all that, I love Brian, speak gently out of love for anyone who disagrees, and praise Brian's work of keeping these discussions of faith top of mind for us Catholics and others.
@microbroadcast 4 жыл бұрын
Thanks for providing that link. I hope Brian Holdsworth replies to the many well-considered points raised by good research in the comments.
@NgaTran-jf8nz 4 жыл бұрын
Joelancon if one is baptized in the Latin rite, the tongue will be exercised too. And no, the servers in the Latin rite do not touch any thing that is consecrated, they can only hold the wine and water containers to pour in the chalice.
@joelancon7231 4 жыл бұрын
@@NgaTran-jf8nz every part of our body is exercised, that doesn't make it consecrated
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
I agree. There are too many fake youtube popes out there now trying to cause division in the body of Christ by claiming everything the Church does is sacrilege. But of course the CHURCH decides whether a practice is sacrilegious or not, not mere laymen. If a layman tells you that something is sacrilegious, he is being a protestant and claiming that he is superior to the magisterium of the church. Stay far away from these howlers who declare that THEY are above the magisterium.
@dylmck28 4 жыл бұрын
I have received communion both in the hand and on the tongue and I have no problem with people choosing either. What I do have a problem with is not receiving Him with reverence and humility. It's possible to receive Him reverently in both ways, either on hand or tongue. I think it comes down more to a disposition in ones heart. I stopped receiving on tongue (for now) purely because I felt sometimes I was being driven more by ego.
@misterkefir 4 жыл бұрын
Very good video. Clear and concise with some great points made. God bless!
@joeypuvel1228 4 жыл бұрын
Brian, you made a pretty deep metaphysical error in comparing fragments of the host to Christ’s dead skin cells and hair. Great video otherwise.
@therealfragmental 3 жыл бұрын
Thank God someone pointed out this error
@marcinbaran3068 3 жыл бұрын
According to this logic, the sign of reverence toward some reality is taking it to your mouth. Really? God entered our world and has given Himself up into our hands. We can mistreat Him or treat Him with respect. It's more about the atittude and less about a concrete form.
@jhaverkamp77 4 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately in Germany it's the bishops who are behind the disrespectful treatment of the Eucharist!
@jaredcafferty7682 4 жыл бұрын
Which is one of the reasons why Germans are leaving the Catholic Church.
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
The bishops in Germany are probably the very worst in the world. Hardly Catholic at all. They don't even want to be Catholic
@marlonmunguia163 4 жыл бұрын
The issue with stepping on even a particle of Christ's Body is that it offends Him. It harms Him the same way when we sin. We should not brush off sacrilege and assume that Christ is ok with it.
@dansedevie123 4 жыл бұрын
Yes but crumbs are different from specks. The Church also teaches that if it is so small that it appears to be a speck of dust or skin cell and is not distinguishable, it is no longer the body of Christ. It needs to retain the appearance of bread.
@PtYeIrLo8S2MfzSVEyf6 4 жыл бұрын
​@@dansedevie123 That's true. Many have a very materialistic understanding of transubstantiation, but we deal in substance and accidents, not atoms. The Angelic Doctor: "But if the change be so great that the substance of the bread or wine would have been corrupted, then Christ's body and blood do not remain under this sacrament; and this either on the part of the qualities, as when the color, savor, and other qualities of the bread and wine are so altered as to be incompatible with the nature of bread or of wine; or else on the part of the quantity, as, for instance, if the bread be reduced to fine particles, or the wine divided into such tiny drops that the species of bread or wine no longer remain." - St. Thomas Aquinas, ST III:77:4 If the appearance of bread ceases, so does the real presence. Specks indistinguishable from dust floating around (or particles so small that you wouldn't say "that's a crumb of bread" if you saw it somewhere outside the context of the mass) no longer have the appearance of bread. This doesn't mean we should be lax in our treatment of the Eucharist, but we ought to understand where He is and where He is not.
@journeyfiveonesix 4 жыл бұрын
As sentimental as that is, I don't see how it's true that an accident that comes with following the direction of the Holy Catholic Church is anywhere equal to willful disobedience with full knowledge of Christ's suffering (mortal sin).
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
But it is not sacrilege at all. Nobody is stepping on any particles of Jesus's body. That is a lie that the SSPX supporters are trying to spread. When done correctly, communion in the hand is not sacrilege at all. Nobody has EVER walked around their church after communion saying "Wow, look at all those particles of the host on the floor". It just never happens. So whichever youtube pope you are following, they are lying and telling stories. Now, I agree that communion in the hand should be stopped, because a better practice is available - communion on the tongue is better. But is communion in the hand SACRILEGE? Not at all. At least four popes have engaged and approved of this practice. Tens of thousands of bishops have done it. Hundreds of thousands of priests have done it. Do you think this all happened and nobody noticed that it was sacrilege? Of course not. Stop exaggerating. A better practice, yes. A sacriligious practice? Not at all.
@marlonmunguia163 4 жыл бұрын
@@tomthx5804 I did not say it was a sacrilegious practice, I do believe communion on the hand leads to more sacrilege than communion on the tongue. I'm saying this out of experience, I've taken communion on the hand when growing up and also recently (due to the restrictions made by the bishops). There are visible particles and they can drop on the floor. This is why its important that *if* you are taking communion on the hand you should: bring your hand with the Body of Christ to your mouth (this is a common practice here), receive communion via mouth, and check your hands for any visible fragments without too much scrupulosity. Also, carpets in churches can hide those visible fragments you mentioned.
@Jerds 4 жыл бұрын
I don’t really think pointing out that you’d literally be stepping on Our Lord is inflammatory. I think its pointing out truth that we should understand. If you have reverence for Our Lord and believe in the true presence, that statement shouldn’t offend you or turn you off. It should make you realize that we should treat the sacrament with care and devotion. When I first was told that a light switch went off in my head and I began receiving on the tongue. Great video though. Will be sharing to my catholic youth group
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
I take it that you must have listened to the silly video of Taylor Marshall and Bishop Schneider trying to convince everyone that communion in the hand is sacrilege. I think we should go back to communion on the tongue and do it kneeling, just to show reverence for the true presence of Christ. However, I find that the idea that everyone is dropping particles of the host all over the floor at every church ludicrous. No one has ever seen these particles. And the entire church has not been committing sacrilege for all these years. Schneider and Marshall are big SSPX supporters and SSPX supports usually try to argue that everything the church does is sacrilege. And who decides what is sacrilege? Well, in their very protestant world, the SSPX (a breakaway sect) decides these things. Once again, Marshall and Schneider are trying to confuse and cause division in the church. They do so by grossly exaggerating reality.
@gtaylor178 3 жыл бұрын
THat is why the altar boy holds the plate under my chin in case Our Lord is dropped.
@PadraigTomas 2 ай бұрын
Thomas Aquinas' discussed the reception of the holy eucharistic in his Summa. This may be read online. An excerpt: "...out of reverence towards this sacrament, nothing touches it, but what is consecrated; hence the corporal and the chalice are consecrated, and likewise the priest's hands, for touching this sacrament. Hence it is not lawful for anyone else to touch it except from necessity, for instance, if it were to fall upon the ground, or else in some other case of urgency." Summa Theologica, Part III, Q.82, Art. 3
@waynesulak1488 2 жыл бұрын
While there is room for personal preferences, one should not say or teach in the hand is sinful or disrespectful. As a formal council of bishops of the church convened by the pope, Second Vatican Council is the authority on the matter for faithful Catholics. In the hand is appropriate and acceptable, just as Christ instituted the sacrament, in two steps, “take this bread and eat it”
@royendershade8044 4 жыл бұрын
Guys, for you interested on the issue: now that there's the covid even some priests try to make mandatory the communion in the hand. Not any priest, not even any bishop has authority for that. They have the obligation to allow who wants it the communion in mouth. So it can only be recommended or suggested to have communion on hand.
@michaelk969 4 жыл бұрын
In my diocese the bishop ignores Church guidance which says the faithful always have the right to receive on the tongue.
@jamchiell 4 жыл бұрын
Brian isn't the Eucharist the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ? Therefore the fragments of the Eucharist would be different from a fragment of Christ's skin (body part only -- without the soul and divinity). You are spot on regarding how to receive and how to educate the faithful on how to receive the Eucharist. Great video Brian.
@joan8862 4 жыл бұрын
But Christ's divinity and humanity are not separate. A fragment of His skin, hair is human AND divine also. Do you think the Eucharist is more divine than Christ's body when He walked the earth?
@kamilwegrecki6519 4 жыл бұрын
@@joan8862 actually that's incorrect: fragments of shed skin are no longer the person they came from, any more than the atoms that make up that body are the ingested food they derive from. The metaphysical essence of a thing is dependent on its form; atoms from an apple pass into us and incorporate into our bodies. Matter hasn't disappeared in the process yet it is correct to say the apple no longer exists. So too, the entire Lord is present in each fragment of the sacred species in a way He wasn't present in each of his shed skin cells
@jamchiell 4 жыл бұрын
@@joan8862 Yes, but the Eucharist contains the soul where the fragment of skin doesn't. My skin isn't the fullness of my humanity. Christ skin isn't the fullness of his humanity either. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ.
@Jerds 4 жыл бұрын
When the priest breaks the Eucharist and puts particles inside the chalice, he’s still putting the fullness of Christ inside the chalice. That’s a fact. That’s exactly what is taught by the church. Every single particle of that host weather broken or whole is the fullness of Christ’s presence.
@BrianHoldsworth 4 жыл бұрын
That's a good point. Thanks for sharing it. I've replied in the pinned comment.
@ronaldkulas5748 4 жыл бұрын
The main reason, IMO, to receive the Eucharist on the tongue is simply to prevent abuse. After that there is no reason except human and cultish reasons. Human beings have a tendency (it is in our nature) to try to improve on anything and everything the group does; and equally this tendency needs to justify itself (St. Paul warns against this sort of reasoning). Back in the late 50's or early 60's there was a song, "Anything you can do, I can do better". Well, that is what the Eucharistic cult is all about, IMO. Paul warns the believer to stay away from people with "false humility...", and, IMO, excessive piety falls exactly into that category. The earliest liturgies (approx. 200-300 years) did not receive on the tongue nor did they even kneel during the rite. St. Peter too had an eye-opener in the ACTS when he had the vision of the blanket descending from heaven. It was then that Peter clearly knew that only "fear of God" was required to be "acceptable" to God.....not all the piety in the world changes that. I know my statement here will not change anyone's mind who strongly believes in receiving on the tongue, but hopefully I can keep some consciences free.
@berniejii3739 4 жыл бұрын
Where can I find the background music? It has a profound effect on me.
@marinoonan3666 3 жыл бұрын
I am thankful that our parish priest one day approached & challenged me (as a daily communicant) to receive the Holy Communion on my tongue, which I've been doing it prior to the Covid pandemic, but stopped it since I had a concern for my health safety (for his finger often touched my tongue). I had to challenge my faith & trust in God's power & protection over a biological risk, while I went & decided to show Him my true reverence & self-abandonment. So far nothing but true union & His power takes over me after each communion I receive on my tongue (more than 1 yr passed by).
@josephcasley7979 4 жыл бұрын
When Christ allowed us to eat Him, He also implicitly allowed us to touch Him. Just do it with love.
@FromAcrossTheDesert 2 жыл бұрын
The US Bishops allowed receiving communion in the hand and eventually it was condoned by the Pope Paul VI (Now Saint Pope Paul VI). If you our a Catholic you accept the authority of the Bishops and the Pope. The issue is used as a cudgel to cause internal division in the Church. According to The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, “the consecrated host may be received either on the tongue or in the hand at the discretion of each communicant. When Holy Communion is received under both kinds, the sign of reverence is also made before receiving the Previous Blood” (#160). That sign is usually a simple bow.
@jamchiell 4 жыл бұрын
Brian isn't the Eucharist the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ? Therefore the fragments of the Eucharist would be different from a fragment of Christ's skin (body part only -- without the soul and divinity).
@joelancon7231 4 жыл бұрын
@NgaTran-jf8nz 4 жыл бұрын
Does not matter how small it is, it's still the whole Jesus.
@itsnando20 4 жыл бұрын
It’s not just a piece of skin, it’s still the body of Christ soul and divinity in its whole
@joan8862 4 жыл бұрын
I was receiving on the tongue until Covid. When we started having Mass outside, we were instructed to receive in the hand, in a certain way so it couldn't be blown away. Father thought that it was safer, virus-wise, to receive in the hand even though he prefers that we receive on the tongue. So now I have been receiving in the hand, temporarily. Also, I am unable to get up from a kneeling position without having something to hold onto. Since we do not have a communion rail, like too many church buildings, I have to receive standing and I really do not like it. Before Covid, they were putting out a prie-dieu (?) so those who wanted to receive kneeling could do so.That was perfect. For some reason, they have not been using it lately.
@itsnando20 4 жыл бұрын
For me it’s the opposite. The priest has a separate procession for communion in the tongue so ever since COVID, I’ve been receiving on the tongue. I’ve only really began receiving on the tongue since the reopening of churches but continue forever.
@canadianpatriot9566 3 жыл бұрын
I don't think Jesus was fussy, I don't think he wore embroidery, or purple sashes, a red cap and a cape, the son of man has no place to rest his head.... Jesus would break the bread and hand it to his to his disciples. Then the disciples pass it to the other, much like the chalice.nobody was kneeling at the alter ropes....Jesus knows what is in the heart of his believers.
@richardbenitez7803 4 жыл бұрын
I have always thought decorum and clothing at communion was more important... at church , younger women receive in bra less blouse, leggings and sports bra, high cut shorts and T (better to run out of church once grabbing the host). Guys Also sloppy with T-shirt, shorts, flip flops.
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
Everyone used to wear "Their Sunday best" to church. Now look at us.
@mrscindymargaret2736 3 жыл бұрын
We are dust and to dust we shall return.
@servornon 4 жыл бұрын
The first-century Church had communion in the hand. Orthodox dip bread in wine and give it to the parishioner. So historically, it isn't a big deal.
@owen4738 3 жыл бұрын
If only consecrated things can touch the Eucharist, than none of us can receive it. Our tongues, throats, stomach, etc. are not consecrated.
@marcusm359 4 жыл бұрын
What do you think about it for protecting Jesus from being stolen and used for something like a black mass or being desecrated?
@henrybn14ar 4 жыл бұрын
That was why it was introduced in the first place, same as the Orthodox spoons. The reason has not gone away.
@Artemisarrowzz 4 жыл бұрын
@@serviam4161 It's still harder to do so than if they were given communion in the hand.
@divinecomedian2 4 жыл бұрын
It’s pretty easy to stick the host to the roof of your mouth where it won’t dissolve outright. Happens to me by accident fairly regularly.
@mikedelponte 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this video, Brian. Ever since I started receiving the Eucharist on the tongue while kneeling at the rail, it has deepened my experience of coming into union with the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord. I don't know if I can ever go back. While some people may be able to reverently receive in the hand or while standing, it is obvious how the post-Vatican II relaxed practices have impacted the faithful's understanding of the Eucharist and respect for it. Most do not believe in the real presence. Another problem is how people want to rush through communion. Some churches have numerous Eucharistic ministers to make the process more efficient. Why rush? Why not adore the Lord? Thanks for the video.
@karolinaska6836 2 жыл бұрын
Another brilliant video. The Eastern Orthodox began the practice of spoon feeding Communion precisely to avoid the accidental desecration of the Eucharist. I was considering conversion to Orthodoxy, but now I believe it was the Holy Spirit leading me back to a reverent reception of the Eucharist during Catholic Mass. In addition, being discouraged from kneeling to receive Orthodox Communion was what stopped me dead in my tracks. I've decided that even if the Catholic Masses in which I participate are nowhere near as reverent as the Orthodox Divine Liturgy, at least I can receive the Lord in a way that feels reverent and appropriate, even if I'm the only one to do so.
@michaelmotola2 2 жыл бұрын
The Church teaches both recieving on the hand and tough are both valid.
@markpugner9716 Жыл бұрын
Just because something is valid doesn't mean that it's just as good as another valid things or doesn't have any drawbacks.
@henrybn14ar 4 жыл бұрын
Communion on the tongue was introduced to prevent abuse. It acquired symbolic meaning _post hoc._ Which does not detract from its value and meaning.
@nikolaibreckenridge2287 3 жыл бұрын
Communion in the hand was the earliest form.
@HoldYourBreat4 Жыл бұрын
This has been the best description I’ve heard and argument for receiving on the tongue. I have recently decided to only receive on the tongue and I want to pass this to my family, so there can be more reverence in receiving the Eucharist. Thank you for this video that approaches the subject in such a kind and loving mannwe
@Ezekiel336-16 4 жыл бұрын
It may or may not help to know that my experience was EXACTLY the same! No one told me I must take communion on the tongue, but I felt this strong pull ftom the Spirit to do so. And once I did, I never went back for the same reason as you. The practice significantly improved my relationship with the Lord and the Holy Spirit, and also made me highly more reverent, aware, and in tune with all that was going on in the mass; especially when it came to His presence. That's why I'm still waiting for tongue reception to be allowed again before taking communion. After all He's done for me, I can certainly wait a little longer for Him. In Christ, Andrew
@SS-wt7kc 4 жыл бұрын
Andrew Me too actually. I hope they go back to more reverent practice.
@lucycaron1739 4 жыл бұрын
You cannot be denied communion on the tongue! If your priest is denying you speak to him after or before mass, maybe you can receive after mass? If you feel strongly about it ( as I do) your priest should accommodate you, I receive at the end of the line, also easier to kneel, God Bless you
@lucycaron1739 4 жыл бұрын
I was strongly convicted by the Holy Spirit also,cannot receive in the hand anymore, unfortunately this had been the norm in all the parishes I have attended. I have been a catechist for first communion but can no longer teach communion in the hand, I’m thinking I’m going to get the boot once classes resume, these are very difficult times, please pray for me
@itsnando20 4 жыл бұрын
Tell your bishop to lift the temporary ban on communion on the tongue. In my archdiocese, the parishes cannot ban it.
@andiebrodie3936 4 жыл бұрын
Hi, we are just being allowed Holy Mass again but are not allowed to receive on our tongue, only our hand which I don't feel right about, are you waiting it out? Our priest told me to be grateful for God's gift... don't know what to do???
@kangnamwon 4 жыл бұрын
Great video as always. Made me rethink about how i treat the communion
@jennbull0247 4 жыл бұрын
I totally agree with this. I have been attending Mass for two years now and am anticipating my baptism and first communion very shortly. I have been contemplating how I will receive for some time now. I agree that how communion is received has a direct result in conveying the importance of it. I have see how fast moving communion lines and receiving in the hand results in a casual approach to the Eucharist. The particle argument always losses me! It's too problematic. It's illogical and hyper-emotional. As if God is a helpless particle that needs to be guarded by humans. I think if on-the-tongue proponents dropped that part of their argument it would be more compelling.
@2Uahoj Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video. I agree with your conclusion. However, I find your argument about the fragments weak. Sure, when Jesus walked the earth, fragments of his body fell to the ground, just like for all of us. But there is a big difference between unintentional effects and intentional. With communion in the hand, it's a sure bet that fragments will be falling off, no matter how small. And the fact that the Church knows this and yet still tolerates it, is highly problematic. Apparently in the early Church, when communion was given in the hand, it was given in the right hand ("the good hand") and placed in a cloth - whereby the recipient lowered his mouth to consume it. Thereafter, the cloth with the fragments was properly cleaned. So, far, far different than the manner of today.
@davevowels7568 4 жыл бұрын
@journeyfiveonesix 4 жыл бұрын
Is traditional reception of Communion superior? I believe so. But, before anyone goes on accusing Communion on the hand of being blasphemous, sacrilege, etc... just remember the nations of bishops (including the Holy Father himself) who allow it. I don't see how it's possible for a true Catholic layman to accuse hundreds of the Church's princes of leading the nations astray. In fact, that seems to be the opposite of the spirit of Catholicism, but correct me if I'm wrong. Even when it seemed that St. Athanasius was the only good bishop, he was still a _bishop_ and the matter ended with an Ecumenical Counsel.
@brigittedecdumee9894 3 жыл бұрын
"In approaching therefore, come not with your wrists extended, or your fingers spread; but make your left hand a throne for the right, as for that which is to receive a King. And having hollowed your palm, receive the Body of Christ, saying over it, Amen." Source: St. Cyril of Jerusalem (315 - 386), Catechetical Lectures. As we can see, IT IS NOT a Vatican II invention!
@carmendlugo1585 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for speaking with clarity on this topic! Sacrilege happens at every mass. Tragic.
@aiculz 2 жыл бұрын
I'm going to have to translate to Spanish your down to earth, excellent reasoning. You NAILED IT! (no pun intended)
@dylanfernandez3910 4 жыл бұрын
Because Our Lord infinitely transcends the host, every crumb or speck of the host IS identical to the substance of Our Lord, which is why it is called transubstantiation. If the host is broken into 2, Our Lord is fully present in both pieces, and same goes for the smaller pieces.
@suzanneriordan8732 4 жыл бұрын
Good job, Brian, thank you! But I have to agree with other commenters, that the tiniest particle is still His body, blood, soul, and divinity--it's not like a skin cell. Also, from the Eucharistic miracles that have occurred, we know what we receive is actually tissue from His Sacred Heart, which is not something He would have been shedding as He walked around!
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
The Catholic church does not teach that we get cells from his heart.
@elizabethm2890 3 жыл бұрын
I will say, I believe it is very concerning to drop fragments of the Eucharist. Because in just one fragment, the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ is present. If you wouldn't be mindless dropping a whole host, why would you drop even a crumb?
@apoc9ify 4 жыл бұрын
It's norm in USA, Germany, Japan ... Not in Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic ... Communion in the hand is indult. In my opinion bad one. Especially the way it were adopted to begin with and even more the way most people do it. Personally It's not acceptable for me at all. I refuse to receive communion in the hand. Since I've realized the truth about it. I've never taken communion in the hand since. Not even when I was travelling in Japan, not even during the peak of pandemic panic. Few years back I started to receive kneeling despite occasional protests from a priest. Problem with communion in the hand is most people receive hastily in very irreverent manner. PS Read bishop Schneider's book on Holy communion.
@Kitiwake Жыл бұрын
Leads to abuses. I have followed people out of the church who carry the eucharist in their hand and in their handbag. Receiving in the hand encourages non Catholics to receive the eucharist as it's easy for them.
@Chris-vo8tg 3 жыл бұрын
Personally, I don't understand all the negative comments, regarding, receiving Jesus in the hand. I am a convert to Catholicism around 45 years ago, and I have only ever received communion in my hands. I was a Eucharistic Minister (that's how it was described back then) and I witnessed all kinds of reactions from people receiving Jesus. I think it is what is in your heart and your reverence that is most important. Also, when I was being instructed as a Eucharistic Minister by our Priest, he told us how in times gone by, Catholics would keep the blessed sacrament in their homes. Also, travellers and soldiers would also carry the Eucharist in their belongings. Only when there were a sufficient number of Priests did things change. As it happens my hands have been consecrated by our Bishop ... but to me it's how you approach communion. People also say, they do not want to receive Jesus from a Minister of the Eucharist but I have given communion to the dying and they only care about receiving our Lord and nothing else. I myself would only be too happy to receive Jesus .. no matter from whom .. on my death bed.
@mscfit 4 жыл бұрын
it took me a while to fall on my knees and receive on the tongue. once i surrendered to this call (out of deep reference to our king) , there was no way going back to receiving on the hand.
@sethmurray6270 3 жыл бұрын
People can cherry pick whatever source they want to support various positions on this question. However, the documented, clear norm for reception in the EARLY church was in the hand (the first several centuries). This is how Christ, the apostles, and the early church shared the Eucharist. It was specifically instructed by Bishop Cyril of Jerusalem as the method for proper, respectful reception. We have no evidence whatsoever that reception on the tongue was practiced -- let alone some kind of norm -- in the first centuries of Christianity. Receiving on the tongue, altar rails, etc. were all innovations that came centuries after Christ. That being said, if someone wishes to receive on the tongue, then by all means do so. If someone wishes to receive in the hand, then do so. Just don't pretend that my way of receiving is somehow more holy than another, and that people who receive other ways are doing something wrong.
@amanofgreatpromise9906 4 жыл бұрын
Absolute disgrace. How dare you criticise those who receive communion in the hand. Stop masquerading as a voice of reason and just work with Church militant and the other convert Trads. If you know your Church history communion in the hand was the normal way to receive going right back to the church fathers. Communion on the tongue is a relatively new introduction from medieval times. At the last supper Jesus said “take this all of you and eat it”, the Jewish meal , which the last supper was , involved breaking bread and taking it in the hand and dipping it into the wine. Trads are causing schism in the church because of their arrogance. Modern day Pharisees .
@tenientemantequilla8204 4 жыл бұрын
Had to study about what the Church teaches myself. I went to a Catholic school, which is ironic.
@tomthx5804 4 жыл бұрын
I hear that many Catholic schools today are hardly Catholic at all.
@snooksstrasser1693 3 жыл бұрын
Can you explain to me how the apostles received the very first Eucharist? It was actually bread and I’m sure crumbs fell on the floor etc and the wine I’m sure was drank by them as well even though they may have not have been as hygienic as we are today! If you believe that Jesus cares whether we receive him by mouth or hand?? Whose to say that any particles that fall are not in fact his body ? He can perform miracles and I’m sure he would have no issues causing that what falls is in fact not his body? All the current pope has to do is decide that no one in the entire Catholic Church anywhere receives it in their hands. That would stop it immediately
@remnantclergy912 4 жыл бұрын
You need to learn about the mortal sin of sacrilege. Stepping on Jesus or vacuuming Him up to throw in the trash doesn’t hurt Jesus physically but it, as all sin, an offence to God. Your Nestorious proposal is ridiculous and uses modernist thinking which says all things can change.
@lescsavosi4283 3 жыл бұрын
The tongue and the hand are both important in doing God’s work. Talk vs. action. Some people are all talk hence they are pro-tongue.
@vincentbuonora8477 4 жыл бұрын
I read a Jesuit explanation that particles or remnants of the wine that fall out of their naturally eaten and drunk condition are no longer considered « under the appearances of bread and wine to be consumed as such. » In this manner, the concern of vacuum cleaners and the sacristy sink is un-necessay. Of course, the larger particles should be picked up and there is no specific measurement of this. If wine is spilled, likewise, it should be simply cleaned but not consumed....
@brucewechtler7721 4 жыл бұрын
Also further thoughts,as a dentist of over 40 years, I know many are mortified by the appearance and state of their dentition or lack of teeth and this posture is profoundly humiliating to the point of avoidance.Also did Jesus place the first communion on the tongue?? Lastly more people sin with their tongue then their hands.God created your hands as surely as your tongue.
@Saint.Evil.11 Жыл бұрын
Church tells us it’s truly god. It respect to him. I ever taken in hand. I actually seen our priest chase a person who kept it in his hand. Particals are left in your hands
@elizabethkirkeide2458 3 жыл бұрын
Lips and tongues holy? Hands not holy? How about spit and teeth and digestion - holy? Christ allows us to consume him this is messy no matter what you do. We crush and swallow Christ. It is a mystery.
@angelicdoctor8016 4 жыл бұрын
Receiving Eucharist in the hand is permitted by the popes, and so it is good. cf. Lumen Gentium 25
@vedranandric700 3 жыл бұрын
Only real way to recieve communio is on the tongue while kneeling. Lack of respect to sacraments weakens faith.
@marienatalis8390 2 жыл бұрын
We are orthodox, we get communion via a spoon directly in the mouth. My brother married a catholic woman and their children got baptised in the catholic church. My nephew is now following special lessons ( catechesis?) because he will have his confirmation this spring. Yesterday he told me they received communion in the hand. His friend took a bite out of the eucharist but decided he didn't like it. He put the eucharist in his pocket and told my nephew he will give it to his brother or throw it away. Most if not all of those children and parents aren't even believers. They follow a tradition because the grandparents want it, because of the party afterwards and of course the presents. The children don't get educated about what the eucharist is, so they throw it away, even to the amusement of the adults.
@IpCrackle 4 жыл бұрын
Brian, I usually think your takes are 🔥🔥🔥 but i respectfully believe you are slightly off on this one. As others have pointed out, Catholic teaching is that even a particle is the whole Body of the Lord, not a mere fragment of it. Further, you can read the “general consensus” even as far back as the ante-Nicene Fathers - they took the approach of being anxious less a crumb be lost. In the Orthodox Churches, if the Communion should ever fall to the floor, they straight up remove the tile/carpet where it occurred.
@fld9266 4 жыл бұрын
Communion in the tongue is not the norm in many countries . I do not feel my reception if the Eucharist is irreverent
@SaltedHope Жыл бұрын
This video convinced me to recieve by mouth. I'm so very nervous to do that but I feel it's a vulnerability and fear of intimacy in myself christ might want me to overcome. If I can't find that with christ I won't be able to portray that kind of humility anywhere else
@MikeM-cz5ln 4 жыл бұрын
Communion in the hand is against the law! Pope Paul VI gave permission to break the law by granting an indult to places where the illegal practice of receiving in the hand had already taken root. The instructions for obtaining an indult are specified in "Memoriale Domini." Please read this important document then ask yourself if we have met the conditions specified to receive the indult. The answer is no!
@dansedevie123 4 жыл бұрын
I've tried receiving on the tongue before when I had a hand injury. I liked how it reminded that the Eucharist was special. However, it could be distracting at times as I was always nervous about missing and having the Eucharist fall or accidentally licking the minister's finger. I suppose I am just not coordinated. So I went back to receiving in the hand when my hands were healed.
@itsnando20 4 жыл бұрын
Jess I yeah I get nervous too, but I just close my eyes and stay still
@stephtaglianetti 4 жыл бұрын
If you already have your tongue out, and close your eyes, you will have no reaction to Our Lord being placed on your tongue. Also, try receiving from the priest, who tends to be less nervous than an EM as he is used to it. Eucharistic ministers are supposed to be Extraordinary anyway.
@Damaris972. 2 жыл бұрын
@michellemcdermott2026 Жыл бұрын
Why??? The particles drop on the ground
@chrishammerton1812 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know why I am watching this. I'm Protestant. I guess I am just curious.
@alhilford2345 3 жыл бұрын
Welcome. We want you to know about the Church!
@chrishammerton1812 3 жыл бұрын
@@alhilford2345 Oh I am staying Protestant.
@MNkno 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the explanation. I have wondered about this for some time, as in the Anglican-Episcopal church, Province of Japan, practices vary from place to place. I am a member in a "pilgrim church" (=as many as 90% of our attendees are with us temporarily, from around the globe) where the issue of how to receive communion is... quietly fraught. The bottom line is, the host is received with reverence and humility. Refusing to administer communion to someone who approaches the sacrament with reverence and humility because they didn't kneel, or because they didn't receive on the tongue, could be more damaging than administering it even with those variations. (refusing to accept it in the hand lacks a certain degree of humility) The Bishop, in his wisdom, quietly assigns clergy to congregations with their tendencies in mind - some congregations have fewer than 10% "new" people who did not grow up with grandparents in that congregation. Then comes the introduction of the highly contagious COVID-19. It has shut down public worship in our churches from March 8 through July 5 (the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tokyo suspended services from March 1 to June 21). The responsibility to our brothers and sisters in Christ when re-opening requires thoughtful care and consideration. Not every clergy person nor communicant is physically rock-steady, and the potential for cross-contagion through unexpected lurches during the administration of the elements on the tongue exists more highly than receiving the host in the hand - this has been demonstrated in churches in South Korea. Reasonable variation should be allowed, and ... ongoing tutorials on why-we-do-what-we-do and how to best live our lives following the example of Christ are key. Thank you for your videos which are a good part of that.
@vincentbuonora8477 4 жыл бұрын
...may I add that catechetical instruction is lacking since people even °grab the Host from the hand of the minister as he-she says, °The Body of Christ°
@peace9537 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Brian. In religious communities you can find religious cleaning the chalice and patent by dumping the water (that was used to clean the sacred vessels) down a piscina. This is for respect to any particles that may have been left on the vessels. Piscina - a little sink that empties on the ground where no one walks. It doesn't go into any water ways. Many saints including priest have received on the tongue kneeling. Also I was told every time Communion in the hand was the normal practice the faith went down. Sounds like today.
@stephenbaker7079 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you for explaining things so well and succinctly. I thoroughly agree with you that we have been short changed regarding the actual teaching on this matter as with many other things. Besides returning to Holy Communion on the tongue and kneeling, we should abolish the so-called 'Extraordinary Ministers of Communion'. They, unfortunately, lend a terrible casualness and informality to the distribution and reception of Holy Communion. I have witnessed men in jeans and football shirts and women inappropriately dressed, distributing Holy Communion which diminishes the respect and honour due to Almighty God.
@josephineblaser6631 4 жыл бұрын
With the opening of our churches on 4th July, the bishops of England and Wales have just issued a letter stating edicts on how the Mass should be celebrated. Now the 2 metre rule has been reduced to 1 metre plus, it is required that compulsory masks be worn and that when we go to receive communion that we receive IN THE HAND ONLY (this was written in bold). Not only to receive in the hand but also to receive standing up, so no option to kneel! Can anyone enlighten me on how they can justify taking away the option to kneel? Unless Covid targets those who kneel vs those who stand, I can see no justification in that! It’s almost as though the hierarchy in the Church are deliberately trying to sabotage the perennial right of the faithful to revere and honour Christ the King reducing him to no more than a symbol not worthy of honour. Further more it was written that when the priest elevates the host and says ‘the body of Christ’ we should all answer amen so as to avoid having to say the response when receiving the host, this is because as their reasoning goes, to avoid possible transfer of said ‘virus’ to the priest?? This has left me so despondent and abandoned by the Church, a feeling of betrayal almost. I made a promise to Our Lord 2years ago when I started to kneel before Him, that I would always kneel before Him to receive Him. Secondly, I will NEVER receive Our Lord on the hand. I have always received on my tongue and if that option is taken away from me, I will not submit to receiving in the hand. So here I am unable to receive the Holy Eucharist after being without the sacrament for four months and still I cannot receive because the conditions make it impossible for me. I have a strong feeling that these set of instructions from the bishops under the pretext of the ‘affliction’ are a way of implementing their modernist agenda to diminish the reverence due to Christ then make it permanent. Take away all visible signs of adoration and then sleepwalk into apathy and then unbelief.
@stephtaglianetti 4 жыл бұрын
Go to St. Mary's in Warrington, if you live near there!
@Soundofmusic777 Жыл бұрын
When I was young and living in Eastern Europe in the 1980s all people would kneel along the banister which also had a white, clean, embroidered table cloth on it. Waiting for communion, people would put their hands under the table cloth, and the priest would pass with his helper who held a curved plate under the chin of each communicant, in order to prevent possible accidents. The fresh and smell of the starched tablecloth and the priest’s garments and incense, as all were kneeling in reverence, effected that sense of the worship of Paradise, where hosts of Angels sing “Holy, holy, holy...”. Today in that church of my childhood there are guitar masses, clapping of hands and a casual approaching of communion as if it was a distribution of lottery tickets...
@Bob.W. 4 жыл бұрын
I like your non-combative approach.
@gregmisiewicz3836 4 жыл бұрын
What about the first decades (or maybe centuries) of the Church? Certainly, Christ’s followers shared and consumed the Body of Christ using their hands. Did they not show enough reverence?
@joperez9229 4 жыл бұрын
I saw a video where during an exorcism the demon admitted that the receiving by the hand is of their doing.
@joedsouza1162 4 жыл бұрын
Every little particle.. Is the Lord Himself and not just part of Him like you say.. Teaching of the Catholic Church.. So it is very important that particles do not fall down and are trampled upon.
@kuyaroyroy3635 4 жыл бұрын
I like communion with the tongue because it makes me like a child being fed by a father...but in this pandemic situation of Covid19, I prefer to receive it with my hand because it is for necessity.
@dave1370 2 жыл бұрын
Cyril of Jerusalem tho.
@chefEmersonWilliams 4 жыл бұрын
Even before the Covid, our pastor did not like to give the Eucharist on the tongue. He said it was better to receive on the hand, or at minimum, equally good. He said we were "making a throne" for Jesus in our hands. And he made it seem that those who thought otherwise were ill-informed or scrupulous. And it seems our Bishop agreed. So you see, it is hard to know what to believe or think on this subject.
@TDL-xg5nn 2 жыл бұрын
Communion should be only on the hand since Jesus was human with a body and human bodies are meant to be touched with hands. Jesus never said no one could touch him or touching him was a sin. Just the opposite. Jesus said he wanted to be our friend. How do you approach a friend? You shake their hand, embrace them, touch them. This in the mouth only position promotes a false piety. A piety Jesus condemned in the Pharisees.
@BrianHoldsworth 2 жыл бұрын
Yes, because I always shake hands before I eat the other person. The Church has explicitly taught that this is the normal way to receive the eucharist. Your assumptions are nothing but opinions not grounded by actual teaching.
@jaroslaval9159 4 жыл бұрын
As an Eastern Rite Catholic who has always received the Eucharist with a spoon on the tongue, could you, then, further explain how Communion in the hand actually BECAME the norm?
@jaroslaval9159 4 жыл бұрын
@@serviam4161 VERY interesting!
@sophiajohnson8608 3 жыл бұрын
I want to receive Communion on the tongue, but honestly, I feel a bit embarrassed to (plus it's not allowed in my diocese right now because of the virus). Does anyone have advice for how I can overcome this?
@alhilford2345 3 жыл бұрын
Whenever it's available just go ahead and receive on the tongue, kneeling, if possible, but standing if you must. Head back, eyes closed, tongue extended over your lower lip, stay very still. When you feel the Host on your tongue (It will stick because It's very dry) close your mouth slowly. Don't worry what others may think. You'll know that you're right!
@christinetuthill8249 4 жыл бұрын
Agree with everything you said. If you still wish to receive in the St. Cyril of Jerusalem. He says to receive the Host in your hands, and then carefully hallow your eyes with the Body of Christ. This has given me pause to think. I am using my eyes, my hands and my mouth to receive the Eucharist. I have said "Amen" this is the Body of Christ. How will I now use my mouth (words), my eyes (reading and entertainment) and my hands (charity)?
@gerardos256 4 жыл бұрын
They received him, but never touched him. First before going to communion they washed their hands, second they had a cloth in their hands, third they didn't grab it, they just ate it from the cloth. They used leavened bread, not unleavened, so the risk of losing fragments was lowered by so much. I forgot which apostolic church still does it like the way St. Cyril describes it, but it's not the way most Roman Catholics do now a days.
@mottledbrain 4 жыл бұрын
Reception of Jesus is certainly "... *not a trivial matter"* . Whatever The Church can do to give Christ in the Eucharist more awe and reverence ought to be a prime goal. Dear Jesus, have mercy on us all. Please guide our shepherds so that they may always treat you AS GOD and not trivialize your presence. Inspire your bishops to guide their flocks. Amen. - Reg +JMJ
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