Complex PTSD: The Emergency Meltdown Video! View when Triggered

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Complex PTSD Made Simple

Complex PTSD Made Simple

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@LovelyL0v3ly Жыл бұрын
This is genuinely one of the most helpful things I have ever come across during a CPTSD meltdown. I wish I’d had this the past 29 years 😢
@CherryBerryFashion 3 жыл бұрын
Almost everything you say makes me cry so hard. It triggers so much sadness inside. Being supported this way for some reason makes me feel sad. I think that’s because I do not feel loved or supported. I don’t feel like I deserve love because of how I am. So I’m just listening, squeezing my cry pillow and cry into it.
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
Hey.. Ca, c'est moi aussi.. It took me a long time to be able to cry. I'm still fighting with it. I'll feel it but it's tangled up, and it's like it just won't come sometimes.. Thing is.. when you can feel the pain, that's when the pain begins to go away. Crying is one outlet for it.. for me finding my voice is a journey I'm on. Grief begins to shrink back to the size it is supposed to be when we can feel it. That's why we often feel wretched when it happens, but better after if we allow ourselves the outlet.. Every now and then, I feel it. I often feel too much to feel it clearly but sometimes I do. I'm not "less sad" but it's not out-shouting everything else anymore. Does that make sense? It's about rebalancing maybe.. then a day like today happens and well.. guess balance will have to wait until I find it again XD We have been rightfully afraid for our being, each of us.. the very core of us, whether that is physical or mental or both.. It touched our integrity as individuals. That's what brings on PTSD isn't it? How would you react to someone who'd been in your shoes if it wasn't you? Would you mind them crying in a pillow, or would you tell them to go ahead and let it out? Would you be kinder to someone else? Maybe less judgemental? Be that for yourself. Be kinder. Be less judgemental. It's okay. All of us are alone when that kind of trauma happens but you have the strength to get through this or you would never have gotten to "now".. The moments that threaten our very being to the point where we develop PTSD. Doesn't matter who else is present. We all got through that moment/those moments.. You did. I did too. It's a process like dying.. we always have to do that part of it alone, even if many of us go through it and even if there are people before and after to help us.. doesn't mean we "deserve" to be alone. Usually moments like that aren't in a time or place where we can cry, or where it would be met with the compassion it deserved if we did.. So give yourself that if you can. I'm working on that too.. remember who you were and be the person you needed back then. Support makes us cry (or in my case become a big ball of tangled emotions) because that is what each of us lacked at important times in our lives. Don't push it away, don't be ashamed. I hope you know it's okay.. You are whole. Broken hearts don't hurt, they are broken. You are not. You are whole. I hope you don't mind.. I was just reading what you said and felt I should tell you this.. I hope that's okay.. *Hugs*
@jetbrown2125 5 жыл бұрын
Oh wow. Yesterday I had a confrontation with my father, and this morning, going for a cycle, I could feel this astronomically large, deep well of upset and hurt, this huge catalogue of nasty stuff he did from the past, the physical attacks, the bullying, the manipulation, the mind-games; it all flooded over me. And when I got home, I thought (as usual) I could simply let go and forget as I usually (try and) do. But sitting in front of the computer, supposed to be doing some work- I suddenly felt that total emptiness, right in the pit of my stomach, that total self-hate, that feeling of total annihilation and worthlessness and chaos- I hadn't felt it like that since I was a child, since I was a teenager. I felt like this huge wave of soul destroying emotion was washing over me- it was so enormous, I can't believe I felt that before- and I definitely did, I recognised it. It was honestly like being drowned for a second time in a life. And suddenly I felt like I was losing control, as an adult- how can I be feeling this again? This is so extreme. I knew it was CPTSD, I knew I had been triggered. So I searched those terms in youtube and found this video. Wow did it help. I was about to fall down the well and managed to grab on to the sides at the last moment. Thank you. What particularly connected was the end piece- where you don't need others to be anything, they simply are, and they are intrinsically valuable. That is the safe space and the balance, and you're right, that's what's been missing the entire time. And to be told it exists, to be reminded that it exists, that helps so much. Thank you.
@HubfortheHeart 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you for your authenticity. Thank you for describing your experience with such clarity and detail. Safety + Ease = Return to our Natural State.
@roseproctor3177 3 жыл бұрын
you're not alone in those feelings, Jet ❤️
@virginiabrown3340 2 жыл бұрын
The importance of just being present. I want to give that to my children. Something I didn’t get. How bright the future looks doesn’t it? ❤
@AlwaysSummer22 Жыл бұрын
This is so beautifully said and explained. Thank you so much for putting words to my emotional flashbacks as well.
@youdontknowme6815 3 жыл бұрын
This helped me in the middle of a flashback and I cannot thank you enough! A lot of crying and boogers but at the end I was calm and back in the real world. :)
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
❤️ same here.. *huge hugs*
@1992Charity 5 жыл бұрын
I was on the verge of a panic attack from triggers and anxiety and was unable to go to therapy today and I remembered this video and it totally just got me back to homeostasis. Thank you, Jesus!🙏🏼 And thank you, Karuna💕
@Shi300 5 жыл бұрын
There are times I feel so embarrassed & alone. Thank you for sharing your God given gift💗
@kaylacarpenter272 3 жыл бұрын
Made me tear up. Thank you. I live with extraordinarily abusive parents, as a 31 year old, chronically ill, disabled person. I am imprisoned by them. The mental gymnastics and mind fuckery is so extreme, they are like evil villains from a psychological thriller, but there is nothing thrilling about it. I am in the middle of an acute stress episode. I haven't slept in days, and have barely slept for 10 years, after a psychotic break. It changed my neurochemistry and my ability to cope with stress. My parents are demon possessed. My dad is a clinical sociopath, who is unhealthily obsessed with me. I live in layers of alternate realities and out of body states. My parents could beat me or enact the most cruel, manipulative psychological games on me, and once they've achieved their objective of mentally maiming me, they become very joyous, and ignore my existence, never validating that anything just happened minutes, before. They begin complimenting each other, and celebrating with drinks and activities. I will then be asked what is wrong with me. When I tell them what just happened, they act like it never happened, or that I am exaggerating, or insane and need to seek help. They are addicts and prone to binges, so entire pivotal moments of my life, good and bad, are not remembered at all by them. I have videos of my mom eating imaginary food. "Well, we are fine, Kayla. This happened half hour ago. Why do you hold on to past?" Bear in mind, I may have just gotten beaten, or told that I am no longer allowed to have visitors at age 31 and I have to stay isolated. Maybe my dad has just stalked me around the block, and lied that I am mentally unwell and need to have a welfare check by the police, when I am fine and simply disregarded his control tactics. My parents have zero interest in anything but television. If I attempt to share my passions, I am waved off, and told I have a maximum of two minutes to speak. Once, when I was sharing my medical passions to my mother, she began hysterically sobbing, because she couldn't handle the information, and could only handle the simplicity of the television. When Comcast needed to repair something, and we didn't have tv, my mom paced infront of it, and repeated for an hour, that she just wanted tv. My mom has thrown away my entire plates of dinner, and told me she didn't touch it, and that maybe I forget where I put things. I shortly after, found my food in the outdoor garbage can. When I brought it in to confront them, my mom immediately started crying, tried assaulting me, before I locked her outside of my room. She banged on the door, and was wailing, "WHYY DO YOU DO THIS TO UUUUSSSS!!!!!!!" My dad occasionally binges on crack, and leaves for 5 days to the projects, and shows up with dealers that want cash money, right now. I was also brought into trap houses as a small child. These very real occurrences are denied, and I am told I am either delusional, or have an active imagination. I received a package in the mail of my business supplies a few years ago. I smiled and said it was finally here. My dad saw my joy, and had the most bizarre response. "You ain't no fuckin' better than me." He's pathologically jealous. My mom wanted to be a nurse and go to college, and he told her no, because he didn't want her seeing male patient's penises. They are super dysregulated, drink coffee at night and yelling is their normal speaking voices, while in the same room as another. They engage in very odd, and juvenile activities, and have that kind of "brain-dead" gaze and candor. No one would ever expect this of my parents, until they really know them and see them treat me this way. They are average, middle class Americans, and my mom is functional. They are very superficial, especially my mother. Behind the scenes she is boastful, demanding of recognition at work as a janitor in a hospital and states that she deserves as much recognition as a doctor for her service. She began working at the hospital, during the peak of Covid, because she was jealous of the whole nurses are heroes bit. Says she runs the place. "Those doctors are no better than me. They may be good at doctoring, but I'm a good cook!" "These doctors wouldn't have sanitary rooms without me!" Endless rants at the end of every work day, that she is mistreated, and none of her laurels, recognized. Calls her mother and goes on about her amazing work ethic. She is a snitch at work, takes photos of other janitors carts if they aren't stored perfectly and shows management. Demands different work environments and dynamics that better suit her desires. Tells on people for anything that may affect her image, or cause her to have to do a little extra work. Comes home and has clinically severe OCD. Says she lives with worthless lazy pieces of shit. The focus is always on her despair. If I am deeply suffering, she may say, "this isn't about you, Kayla. This is about me. It's my turn. I don't care about you, anymore." "Whatever" and "I don't want to hear it", are her mantras. Shouts to me to walk miles to the store to pick her up food, or carry out, when shvehicle. vehicle. My psychiatric disability makes me unable to drive. My dad has beaten me, and has gotten me into emotional and fearful frenzies, then called the cops while I was in a distressed state, and lied to the police that I assaulted him, and I was detained. I have no privacy, they eat my food, have stolen medication, damaged and burned my belongings in the backyard, banned support networks (friends) from stepping foot on the property, if I was ever defended against them. I live in life ruining Hell, every waking moment, which is nearly all the time. I feel so confused and disoriented, I often think this might not be real. This sounds bad, but I feel so trapped, I have had urges of parracide. I wish that they would die.
@tealcat7819 3 жыл бұрын
I wish they would die, too :/ or at least in jail for domestic violence.
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know where on the globe you are, but many countries actually have help available. It sounds like a terrible situation. I don't have easy answers but know what they are doing sounds absolutely illegal. Please, look for help. ❤️
@dreaomg 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you. Was so triggered x
@EvanBear 3 жыл бұрын
My brain is still not used to being an adult and in control. I never used to have choices, they were taken away from me. It helps to remember that now I do. It helps to remember that if anyone did something to me ever again I could call the police because I am a person with rights worthy of protection. Just coming out of a flashback, some bad memories resurfacing. This helped me. I will use the compost to grow a strong and healthy flower.
@sandywhat2429 4 жыл бұрын
Omg. Finally found someone that I totally resonate with who's saying exactly what I need to hear. Bless you! So excited to find you!❤️
@Crystalblue58 Жыл бұрын
You know what you are talking about-you helped me through a crisis moment-that's why I just subscribed. TY
@HubfortheHeart Жыл бұрын
I am so glad this has helped you through a crisis. Welcome to the channel. We have a lovely group of people who understand here.
@Alyemm97 2 жыл бұрын
I am new to my diagnosis of CPTSD. I have tried everything to get better, medication, counseling, therapy and I didn’t realize the importance of recognizing triggers, thinking patterns and intrusive thoughts. It took months to realize the bedroom and laying in a bed is a trigger to nightmares and anxiety attacks. My husband has tried everything to help but nothing worked. I came across your videos and realized I had major work to do and educating myself. The crazy thing is I always feel myself going into it and coming out of it I just don’t realize “during” until I come out of it. I watch this video, my husband has me watch this video each time before things get out of hand. when I come out of it because of this video I always say “I wish she was my mom” and that’s how he knows I’ve come out of my episode. Thank you so much for this.
@HubfortheHeart 2 жыл бұрын
Your sharing is equally real and endearing, Alyssa. So many on in our community here relate to your authenticity and realness. I am proud of you, Alyssa! You've educated yourself and you've gone into and taken on the "major work," as you share above. Stay with it. I'm so pleased my videos are helpful. And, this is the one way where I get to, in my own little way, be a soothing mother to you and others. Thank you for this opportunity. Warmth and massive respect, x Karuna
@Tarnimo 5 жыл бұрын
Bless you mother of healing
@CherryBerryFashion 3 жыл бұрын
Beautifully said ❤️
@SL-sh2mf 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. I didn’t know it was possible to calm down when these moments literally feel like life and death. Thank you so much for your kind words
@kaylynnhassler3360 Жыл бұрын
Trying to explain to people it feels like you’re gonna pass out and die
@yusmiffins 2 жыл бұрын
Finding your channel might've been the best thing that ever happened to me
@pikkuliskoart Жыл бұрын
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This video helped SO much. Today I finally stood up for myself in a situation, not in the most graceful way, and later went spiraling down into fear and hopelessness. I realized in that moment, being so afraid, that this is what I'm used to. I can't remember anyone helping me as a child actually deal with fear. My fear was dismissed, it wasn't important, no biggie. I'd just bottle it up and cry quietly alone. But now, I'm sloowly learning to help myself deal with this. It's okay to be afraid. We all are sometimes. It's okay to cry if you feel like it. No shame in that. And you are never, NEVER alone in this world. ❤️
@HubfortheHeart Жыл бұрын
Oh my goodness, this is so so heartwarming. Well done. I am so very glad you have shared her! You inspire others with your words and insights. Thank you! Keep going! Sending 100% support and warmth of heart. Karuna
@pikkuliskoart Жыл бұрын
@@HubfortheHeart Thank you and to you aswell! Blessings and all the best to you ❤❤
@Boho_Gypsy Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this comment. My toxic mum triggered me earlier when I commented it's disgusting she still hangs out with her friend who abused me. And she went off on how horrible I am, how there's nothing wrong with her friend,etc. I didn't handle it too nicely either. Nobody helped me as a child either. God forbid someone said anything bad about mums friend 😬 I am happy you are caring for yourself now ❤
@mirandasullivan17 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I don't have access to mental health services, so I rely on books and youtube. Our Institution Boarding School (TTI) was on the cover of the NYT a few months ago (for the overwhelming suicide/overdose numbers of alumni), it brought a lot up for a lot of us and the suicidality in my my sisters and self is overwhelming. I'll be saving this video.
@Nappygurl8021 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I was almost out of control there with my binge eatting habits. Your video helped prevent me from purging the way I would have from habit. Bless your beautiful soul
@dom.carroll 3 жыл бұрын
I feel like I just melted back into myself. Thank you for this great relief and reminder. Phew.
@froggy3887 3 жыл бұрын
This really helped me because I have high anxiety right now and then I got yelled at which triggered me really bad but this helped so much
@katt6521 3 жыл бұрын
I've had one of the worst anxiety attacks in the last few years sprinh out of no where. despise being trauma informed for half a decade, most of your advice was brand new to me and its abated the anxiety attack. Thank you so much ❤
@qu3enpersephone 5 жыл бұрын
This helped so much. I've been feeling so suicidal and I just want to give up. Life is rough and I want to give up
@HubfortheHeart 5 жыл бұрын
Dearest Marina. Sending so much care and understanding your way. I am hoping you have proper support? This, first and foremost. Top priority. Suffering, the challenges of life, push us to Presence. They ask that we go into them, rather than avoid. Inevitably, through suffering, we discover that we shall Be with Presence/Consciousness/God. Beauty is experienced when separateness dissolves, whether it be gazing upon a flower or listening to music or being in nature or connecting right now. Right here. With other across the world who understand. Massive respect.
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
@Managamasplymiad 5 жыл бұрын
This meant so much in a time of crisis. Peace to you.
@cjgeminitarot6836 2 жыл бұрын
Dunno if you see these comments still, but thank you. I was on the verge of losing my entire day to a flashback before I found this. It is remarkable how quickly the body re-enacts the moment of wounding. This kept me from tipping over into a full day of pain and re-abuse. Your last bit about relating to one another free of need really resonated. It helped give some space to the feelings I was having, and reminded me not to let my pain stop me from appreciating an other. Thank you. Thank you 🙏🏻
@anitayoung7925 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this.. I fell down a childhood trauma spiral last Sunday..I did not handle it well and fell even further into dark places due to feelings of powerlessness, inadequacy that led to increased anxiety, depression and hopelessness .. I wish I would have had this in my toolbox sooner
@BlakeJAskew 3 жыл бұрын
This video radiates with compassion and healing.
@monjagronvall2929 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for makeing this Journey feel less lonely and frightening. For bringing me back to The state where i remember Who i am. For presenting one place where i can be me. Thank you, lots of love 💜💚💙
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
@rhuechantal6316 4 жыл бұрын
I am thankful for your calming video. It is empowering, focusing us on our strength. All of us who are here, who have survived what should not have been survived are so much stronger than we are aware. Remember this. Focus on this. Brand new subcriber today. So nice to meet you!
@HubfortheHeart 4 жыл бұрын
Welcome to the channel, Rhue. Lovely to have you and your kind words and resonance with us.
@stedlouie 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. I'm at work and started to spin wildly out of control into a met down and I remembered this video. It has brought me back to my center of peace and calm. Now maybe I can actually get get back to work and get some things accomplished instead of spinning my wheels all day.
@MsDutchee 2 жыл бұрын
Wow this is brilliant. Wasn't even experiencing something acute it still had an enormous impact.
@1992Charity 5 жыл бұрын
This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. It’s amazing to know there are others out there who actually care and really GET IT. I am saving this in my phone and it will be my go to video when I’m in a meltdown or triggered when I’m between therapy appointments. Thank you so so much!!!💗
@kristindegou6418 2 жыл бұрын
This is an incredible video. Thank you so much karuna for your authenticity and truth .
@ThriveWithLouise 4 жыл бұрын
this video was so comforting, it made me emotional. thank you :) to be honest I dont trust anyone, all my family are narccisstic ive cut off from and ive been isolated for years... i would rather be alone then around people who are out to manipulate and abuse others, but now the problem I find it hard to trust people, I do want healthy relationships but i keep attracting these unhealthy individuals because of my past and I just dont wanna deal with that anymore, so I found it easier to just be alone, even though its painful. I feel like i dont trust myself to find healthy people, or its not even possible for me to find healthy people I have fears of being hurt again by others, ive always attracted wrong people because of my past...
@mamy22ka 3 жыл бұрын
I belong to this category. Enjoy solace. I avoid people. I will be with my profession from morning till evening. Early Morning breathing exercise, or Pranayama or 3 steps breathing. Learning spoken sanskrit ,classical music on- line. I learn and Play violin. Read books, fill my day. I am happy now, only ruminating happens once or twice every day.
@clarisa6511 3 жыл бұрын
I just woke up crying from a nightmare that triggered some memory of my trauma and this video helped me calm down thank you 💕
@trishmunoz7745 3 жыл бұрын
All I ever wanted to do was help people. Has been a Healer since I was born pretty much but trauma back-to-back since my birth. I never really grew up past the age of 18 or 19 and my age is 34 now. Not to mention all the physical problems I have. Which I believe are rooted in trauma. And bad decisions made because of trauma. Thank you for this channel.
@heathermcalpine802 Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video ❤ I was losing my #$%% dealing with a cptsd episode my blood pressure spiked up to 200 and I couldn't quit sweating. This helped so much! Thanks again ❤
@monicarai1497 4 жыл бұрын
Wow. How did you do that ? Its like magic.
@melissak.8385 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for being with, and talking me down through an escalating emotional flashback.
@Saber-wing 2 жыл бұрын
You knew exactly what to say and how to say it. Thank you. Just... thank you.
@edgehaven8485 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this. I was desperately hunting for something that would help me through being intensely triggered. Glad I found your channel and this video especially.
@ninadavis4157 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for telling me that I’m not alone, I really needed that.
@lilred2331 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much! ❤ God led me to this video!
@Chiefsfan0213 2 жыл бұрын
I just found this, and as soon as I took that first deep breath I felt comfortable enough to cry my eyes out while listening because your voice was so soothing. I had an anger build up from trauma work recently and I’ve been feeling like I’m going crazy or going backwards. And that helped me release that build up. Thanks for reminding me that it has to rise up to move out. I’ve never had something work before until I found this. Thank you
@JB-ut2zo 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you from the deepest core for these words at a time I needed to hear them most ❤️
@Blessings2_U 3 жыл бұрын
That part of letting go of the need with you was sooooo healing, first time I experienced that. Thank you! 💕
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
I'm trying to understand it. Can you describe it?
@nicolesteele6000 4 жыл бұрын
I needed this now more than ever.
@HubfortheHeart 4 жыл бұрын
Hello Nicole. I'm doing Livestreams every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday through 18 April for this very reason. See details in the Community Tab on my Channel and please join us. Greatest respect and warmth to you. x Karuna
@meldebono4473 2 жыл бұрын
Sending you appreciation and gratitude,I can't quite put this into words right now.Thank you,May love light and happiness be with you always💜
@melodymersiovsky Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this.
@SamAndZakoah Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I can't express how much I needed it 😢
@norahelwahid7541 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you, it blew me away how deep I felt it, when you were sending out respect in that video. Altho i’ve always struggled in fully grasping “I’m not alone “ if you mean there are others like me I’m well aware, but I don’t feel a connection with life & the world, if that’s what you meant.
@rycreate2521 2 жыл бұрын
This saved me! So much thanks! I can't thank you enough...I need this,
@AylalikeKaylawithouttheK 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for existing
@justjillie6391 3 жыл бұрын
This video is a life saver. Thank you. God bless your soul
@MoreArtOnline 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video I've struggled for years on this and these are the words I've needed to hear for so long.
@ketlinandrade4537 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. I felt like you were here with me, and that you knew all my problems. You saved me with your kind words.
@kiskakuznetsova503 2 жыл бұрын
This is perfect. It really is. Thank you!
@haleymakenna9293 5 жыл бұрын
New subscriber! Thank you! You’re an angel!!
@BermelGiorgisFeweseng 10 ай бұрын
Feeling down after just losing my job. You made me feel better.
@HubfortheHeart 10 ай бұрын
Oh, Iʻm sorry to learn of this job transition.....and so very glad this video helped. I trust you now will find a better work environment that is well suited to your skills and better reflects the fullness of your heart.... xx Karuna
@amanda6876 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you.
@ranicalerp7765 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you soooo much. This is styled different than anything else I've watched and it's very helpful.
@skylacornett439 3 жыл бұрын
Blessed be♡♡♡ I'm so blessed to have found you. I've only watched a few of your videos so far. Thank you thank you for your effort in helping others heal thank you so much♡♡♡
@bethmiller9774 5 жыл бұрын
Where are these people? I need them, but I can't find them.
@HubfortheHeart 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Beth. Thank you for this question. I'm going to provide what I hope are a few insights and a few options for our consideration on this channel. I well recognize that past trauma can make us especially shy; that "alone" time was our only safe haven; that being "alone" was our "normal." And it's easy to see why: Confused, judgmental, manipulative people do not feel safe for us to be near. When we're young we're especially vulnerable. As we awaken from the past dysfunctions (yes, similar to Stockholm syndrome in some cases), we get our training wheels on. We've become toddlers trying to steady the course! So, we start to look for people who understand, people who can help us untie the knots. As we find our tribe, our community, we find we can stay on the bike for longer stretches. This is a value of community. Then, we begin to feel safe and, lo and behold, we may even yearn for community. At this point, being alone starts to become more painful than "taking the risk/taking the training wheels off" in search of our tribe/community. We gain the strength to **gasp** (for many of us!) go to small group gatherings (yikes!). We gain the strength to start to share our feelings with others. (big yikes!) :) This stated, here are a number of options for your consideration • Local contemplation, meditation, yoga groups. Kind people often gather. • **Inclusive** non-dogmatic "spiritual" (and I don't even care for that word; I consider this life) gatherings that honor your dignity. If you don't feel heard or honored; or if you feel as if you're being "sold" something, then get your shoes and walk away. Stay discerning and audition the groups you're spending time with. • Healthy classes: Nutrition, movement, bodywork groups • Hobby gathering of your choice: Hiking, book group, music, choir, etc. • Potters seem pretty cool....maybe pottery? :) • Recovery groups. People have had a lot of life experience in these groups. Not everyone will be someone you want to spend time with, so pick and choose. • Reach out to someone you know through work (even the purveyors!), someone you feel is kind, and simply invite them to lunch • Head down to your local wellness center and get a massage. Check out the offerings and bulletin board. • Do you have a specialty in a certain field? Start a knitting group, a kid's art class, a gardening workshop, etc. • Your ideas here, please. Kind, supportive people are also here, on this channel! I'm happy to offer group Zoom group calls if our peeps here are interested? We could gather around a specific topic. I'll lead/guide and we can all chime in. What say you, group? Massive respect and greatest love to all.
@bethmiller9774 5 жыл бұрын
@@HubfortheHeart Thank you for your thoughtful and thorough response. I would definitely be interested in the group Zoom calls.
@sandywhat2429 4 жыл бұрын
I'm here ❤️
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
@@bethmiller9774 me too... ❤️
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
@@sandywhat2429 ❤️ 😊
@a.k.3110 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏
@jessiesing1034 5 жыл бұрын
Thanku so much 2nd time I’ve used this & I just showed my son too bless all u sweet angels
@Mooosen Жыл бұрын
Thank you
@bpd_is_not_me5750 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you beautiful sister💗
@cynthiasoolihua2410 2 жыл бұрын
thank you so much
@sidrastralia 3 жыл бұрын
Karuna, you have helped me tremendously. There aren't words. 1) do u have a website I could visit? 2) Can you advise on forgiveness? maybe you already have literature/videos on this deep matter? I am currently experiencing a kind of re-traumatizing/flashbacking situation w trauma stuff where I still have blame/unforgiveness happening... More explanation is unnecessary unless you ask. Thanks again for all the help!
@EDM254 3 жыл бұрын
God bless you for sharing this
@annabanana7745 2 жыл бұрын
SUBSCRIPTION!!!!! You deserve it I was in major flashback and actually thought I was crazy When you said you’re not going crazy my mouth hit my hand then proceeded to cry my head off and it felt so so so good thank you!!!!!
@radicalcreasy9877 2 жыл бұрын
This is holy
@ugh8381 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you
@puravida8387 2 жыл бұрын
This is beautiful
@sullenrow9104 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. ❤️
@iDolledit4u 2 жыл бұрын
Thank u girl omg! I needed this so bad 😞 i was talking to u lol 😂 when u said much respect it hit me right in the chest ❤️
@Zineve 3 жыл бұрын
Much love to you ♥️ thank you xx
@staceysmith8521 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much this helped me sm
@glamourshotsbyDeb4 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much. You've talked me down a few times..... But, when you say "I will see you again very soon" I get worried...🤔😉😂
@madi_E Жыл бұрын
I love u , thank you ❤
@10snoopy1 3 жыл бұрын
Can you do one for survivors of narcissistic abuse?
@jasonmartin5706 5 жыл бұрын
@joanncoopertroupe3506 5 жыл бұрын
Ty i needed this!!
@cherryceejay 5 жыл бұрын
You helped me save me
@XBlackKatOfDeathX Жыл бұрын
Thank you so much...
@jaegerchristopher 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I cried throughout but I failed to stay centered. I watched it twice. It makes me feel belonging... but to who I dont know...Im suffering and I need help. Im begging everyone but the doctors dont understand. Im terrified.
@AshMukherjeeOfficial 5 жыл бұрын
Christopher Jaeger hang in there. I was there not so long ago and probably will be again. But I am determined to get better and heal. We are your tribe. Come back here to this amazing safe space that Karuna has created. Her approach is helping me immensely. You are healed. It is only a matter of time that the healing shows up in every aspect of your life. You are in the right path and I have so much respect. Work with her. We all got this together brother.
@HubfortheHeart 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Christopher. Ash's sharing here is insightful. For belonging: We *collectively*....humans and our angst and individual traumas and our inability to recognize the humanity in another ... has created the dysfunction we are seeing in the world that is out of balance. And it can make us feel like we're crazy. Well, I put forth that we are the sane ones: The empaths, the ones who care, the ones who wouldn't hurt a fly, the ones interested in being nourished through connection/consciousness rather than massive accumulation of stuff that's going to end up in the rubbish heap as a toxin for soil, insects, earth. The ones who see the earth as a breathing entity; the ones who recognize that the tech overload is giving us the consciousness of ... tech. When we search for connection through the great Myth of More, we're left vacuous. And in the collective's desperation, we can then feel as if we don't belong. The truth sayers do belong, Christopher. The empaths do belong. Those who needed to harden in protection from traumas only to break the shell over and over.....yes, we belong, and the great waves of consciousness will inevitably wash steadily over the grooves of the trauma so that we develop resilience......resilence.....the ability to recover a bit more quickly from a trigger. Resilence. Together. Massive respect to you.
@maireadk5574 4 жыл бұрын
Are there more videos lile this? It’s so hard to find emergency talk-throughs. Also my body sensations during the flashback take a long time to dissipate and the feelinf those sensations can start the triggers again.
@HubfortheHeart 4 жыл бұрын
Posted another emergency meltdown video here:
@dekka213l 4 жыл бұрын
Me to!!! I'll go three days in a hyper arousal state and sadly i live in a hood that still has a body count and it sets me off.
@maireadk5574 4 жыл бұрын
Complex PTSD Made Simple thank you so much
@kaylynnhassler3360 Жыл бұрын
Whoever is here remember we’re all here in this together ❤
@HubfortheHeart Жыл бұрын
Such a beautiful share. Thank you. You have a very, very dear heart.
@ThirdEyeAwake 5 жыл бұрын
Hey this is great!
@Lilpennyboo 4 жыл бұрын
Thank you lovely I really needed this today
@a_diamond 3 жыл бұрын
I'm dealing with retriggered trauma. I am a survivor of my mother's murder and about a decade of daily sexual and emotional abuse at the hands of the people meant to support us through our hardest times. I didn't have that. I had to face so much so alone before I ever even realized I felt abandoned. That I keep space between me and those I long to be with most because of my own trauma. It takes a lot for me to actually let someone close. I am with my husband. I am with my kids.. there are people I miss who I worry will think I don't care. I do care. Maybe it would be easier if I didn't care quite as much. Feel stuff so much.. I was enough of a bookworm to keep myself whole and not make things worse after going to the police and turning them in etc. I dealt with the mess of emotions by drawing towards solitude and tranquility. Peace and quiet. I found a level of.. coping maybe? It wasn't perfect but I was.. okay. Stable. I built my life back up from the ground, and I did it because I wanted my future to be better than my past, and not just for me. I understood early on that I wasn't the only one who lost out in what was done to me. I miss my mother, but I miss my father who murdered her too. Or a father at least. I didn't want anyone "perfect".. love isn't difficult. I wanted "normal".. I wanted to be happy, and make those I love happy too. Now, these last years, people who know I have PTSD tried to trigger it deliberately to try to hurt my family. I keep jojo-ing between sheer terror and intense anger. I'm understating that. I'm not sure I know the right words to express what I feel. There is so much pain tangled up in it.. I'm not used to the fury inside of me. I'm not sure how to handle it. So far, my best outlet, the one I feel is most "right", that feels the most right (?) is the one I fight with most. Writing it out. Putting it into words. Poetry. Fiction. Journaling. English isn't even my native language, maybe that helps, actually.. makes me pause and pick my words and examine them.. "Is this what I feel?" That sort of process.. I think in a very sensory way. My inner world is wordless. I'm trying to find my voice. That's not easy on really bad days when my emotions are so much stronger than my ability to verbalize, and process them. Does that make sense? I want to protect the people I love, and as an adult, I now can like I couldn't when I was a child, but then again, I also can't. It still manages to unmoor me. Freeze me. I become lost in the storm inside of me. When I need to find the strength I had to pull myself off the ground to help those I love most, I suddenly can't. I feel old and young. Frail and tiny.. and so, so angry. My kids are the whole, kind, gentle young adults I might have been. I fought for that. I had to remind and reclaim that nature that was my own myself. Now those same kids deal with PTSD of their own. I didn't cause it, but it was done in an attempt to push me over the edge. I'm still here, but it hurts like nothing else. My kids never deserved this. My husband doesn't deserve this. And you know what? I don't deserve this either. Now I deal with people who find my pain.. convenient. How do we steer the rage into something appropriate and useful and not just self-defeating? I'm not sure if I can get where you meant with the point of "non need", I think I feel the meaning more than understand it. This is where I'm at in my journey. I hope honesty and openness (not quite the same thing) are enough for now until I do find it.. I hope, for now, that this is enough.. ❤️
@Tarnimo 5 жыл бұрын
Ty again
@jayneokeefe5094 3 жыл бұрын
Thank u
@FourThousandMilesTogether 3 жыл бұрын
Trigger has been going 4 days now. I can’t fucking take anymore. How do people do this.
@bpd_is_not_me5750 3 жыл бұрын
I feel so alone
@elizabeth--thefibrochef 3 жыл бұрын
I am very alone.
@veep5712 2 жыл бұрын
Thank You Please Forgive Me I’m Sorry I Love You And, I Thank You May God’s Love Be With Thee
@sandywhat2429 4 жыл бұрын
@janicesnow5900 5 жыл бұрын
Video ptsd in work place after boss leaves
@HubfortheHeart 5 жыл бұрын
Hello Janice. I've posted a (related) blog about the toxic boss here: I will also post a video specifically about the boss and trauma in the workplace soon. Great suggestion. Thank you.
@zerosoma33 Жыл бұрын
You don’t understand what MY ISSUE IS. I am not allowed in any community, EVEN PTSD ONES. I am cursed. I’m kicked out. That is such bullshit I am utterly alone
@connectingthedots100 4 жыл бұрын
@alexsalinas32381 2 ай бұрын
I wonder if this woman realizes how important this video is.
@HubfortheHeart 2 ай бұрын
Thanks to you, to your succinct words that convey so very much, I do. I’m so glad you’re here, now; I well know there are other options. ✨🧡✨ Again, so so glad you’re here.
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