Conan Exiles NEXT AGE Has Been OFFICIALLY LEAKED - The AGE OF HEROES | Conan Exiles |

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@LunaJLane Ай бұрын
I do wish the game would be upgrades similar to Ark going from Unreal 4 to 5. This game still has loads of potential and could benefit from improvements.
@ass_assassin_6969 Ай бұрын
Yeah, the game looks and feels dated and I wish they would do something about it.
@codygrady1338 Ай бұрын
as long as they made it a free update, sure. Doing it the way Ark did it though would be the final nail in the coffin
@perceivedvelocity9914 Ай бұрын
IDK about that. The new version of Ark is a mess and nobody is playing it. More people are playing the original version than the Unreal update. The developers of Conan Exiles cannot release a normal update without breaking half the game. An Unreal engine update would brick the game completely.
@SquirrelGamez Ай бұрын
Dude, no. ARK upgrade is absolutely horrible. It's a downgrade in everything except graphics
@slik1977 Ай бұрын
The only thing worth knowing is how badly the game will break. If it doesn't wipe out your build, consider it a win. New lore and NPCs would be great if they work but focusing on the bugs and crashes would be better
@fiction8495 Ай бұрын
The bugs of the game need some heavy focus. The game has loads of potential but the bugs are overwhelming. It's been a month since I started a server for siptah and still can't knock out any black corsair people
@lich8546 Ай бұрын
In the end you'll still play it.
@jthekaiser Ай бұрын
I can't even play it after ten minutes it crashes constantly no matter how often I delete and reinstall it it only happened after chapter 4 tho so annoying I love Conan Exiles a lot but it's unplayable I hope they fix that with the new chapter
@SquirrelGamez Ай бұрын
@@jthekaiser sounds like problem on your side, my game hasn't crashed in ages, and I play with mods It's true there are bugs but nothing game breaking.
@therealintalect5082 29 күн бұрын
Stfu and go play something else. You basement dwellers are insufferable.
@Bubbles99718 Ай бұрын
Would like to see a "Sepermura" type city put in each biome. It would give us a reason to go to places we seldom go to. I put small outposts in those places and it gives me a reason to go and explore. Drop towns there and the tourists will show up! Fun stuff. Don't know the technical difficulties of this but this and going to Unreal 5 are my 2 top requests. Side note: her location for this vid is my main base spot on Xbox Official pve 2726. Fun stuff. Stop on by. :)
@alanea5860 Ай бұрын
well conan isn't story fueled game it's just little spice hidden in corner of sandbox multiplayer game
@KiahOnFireOfficial Ай бұрын
More places to visit is always nice
@kalisthenes6650 Ай бұрын
I concur! I would like to see factions play a meaningful role and be able to build reputation. So if you picked Nordheimer as an origin, you would be friendly with new asgarth but enemies with sepermeru for example. This could be e tended so that you would be friendly with any of the same faction but could become unfriendly if you continue to harm them. Similarly you could gain reputation with other factions as you do missions or kill marauding enemies or creatures in their territories.... wait I just described Imperion Galactic Survivals reputation model lol!
@ass_assassin_6969 Ай бұрын
@Muten1988 Ай бұрын
Heroes do quests, and they talked before about the tavern being the starting point of adventures. Also, maybe you can get quests from Conan or Mek-kamoses, like a faction tug of war of sorts.
@wizardoflolz5626 Ай бұрын
are they updating the game engine any time this decade? The did really miss out alot with not putting boats in the dlc map.
@devilsmessanger Ай бұрын
sadly they said during Age of Sorcery dev stream that they will not do that, cuz they don't know how many of parts of game were made as those were done by outside companies and thus cannot be ported over to UE5 . lazy excuse but this is funcom we're talking about .
@alanea5860 Ай бұрын
updating engine is very complicated and usually bring massive amount of bugs and glitches especially for games bloated by many mechanics and diferent systems over years each working on different technical principles as development and methods moved on randomly stitched together while devs hope it doesn't explode its almost easier to make game from scratch on new engine and thats reason why 99% games stuck in alpha / episodes .. or MMO like wow never update engine + engine itself tend to be heavily modified and update usually bring very little to justify such huge time investment after all you could see it with ARK ... very similar game to conan over 4 years of intensive development just to port game to new engine thenendless line of patches to fix newly created bugs to make it atleast little playable and stable
@perceivedvelocity9914 Ай бұрын
Ark tried that and it has been a disaster. It's better to make Conan Exiles 2 in the new engine than port this game to it.
@Ming1975 Ай бұрын
Mean while the getting up animation after knock down is still retarded, corps and knocked out thralls still sink into floors once you look away, hitting the enemies still has no impact, npcs and mops are soulless. Still just a conan theme sand box game for us to mess around.
@aresgalamatis7022 Ай бұрын
when will they fix all the bugs they (funcom) introduced in the previous age, as well as, all the bugs they left from 6+ years ago?
@RyuFireheart Ай бұрын
Red Sonja in game?
@grafmecx2641 Ай бұрын
I think the new update would involve thralls. Either they will have an extra tier of thralls called heroes or they will remove the numbered tiers and rename them to something like noob, survivor fighter and hero instead of the typical tier 1,2,3 and 4. Probably a big update having to do with thralls
@herr871 Ай бұрын
I think the same way as u, I believe this era is involving thrall mechanics in somehow. I'd like to have improved thralls rather than other thing.
@alanea5860 Ай бұрын
they might add some chocies for them like skill tree .. or choices like we have with attributes tomake each thrall more unique = hero
@KettmanAquatic Ай бұрын
I personally think the opposite I think and hope it'll be player based. everything they have done for thralls in the past few years has been oriented around making them overpowered and superheroes I hope and think this chapter will somehow start making the player characters stronger and more heroic.
@Bubbles99718 Ай бұрын
@grafmecx2641 Umm, being a Critter guy the thralls I'm interested in are Critters. Can't believe the nerfs. I have a lvl 20 Greater lion, respecked to god rolls, he has to 3 shot an Imp. Not even kidding. Some are simply OK but the ones who got slammed, wow did they get slammed. On the bright side, tried my best Sabre against the Arena Champ. He almost soloed her. Gave every boost possible; well trained, armor buffs, potions and food boosts for each of us and sent him in. Official server so medium difficulty. He got her down to around 600 hp, when he hit 300 hp, from 12.5 k, I told'em, Flee! So close. :)
@ChubbiesGaming Ай бұрын
I like the idea of quests, proper epic quests set by conan or similar. Huge PVP tournament on official servers could be pretty cool too. Teams/individual leader boards?
@darksh1ne1 Ай бұрын
As long as they keep fixing bugs and hunt cheaters... and as long as full-corrupted builds will finally get some love, I'll be happy. Oh yes, BP stuff needs to be made usable offline at long last. This is ridiculous
@Enigmatic__Soul__ Ай бұрын
I really hope this update will be more player interactive with new journeys or something bc I’m getting bored. I miss the old purge honestly, at least we had something keeping us occupied besides our own grind for weapons and other players raids on PVP.
@Tkghandi Ай бұрын
well it says Empires may rise and fall but heroes will live on in song maybe they are gonna bring the maps more to life having hero thralls and bard's to sing the tales who knows just a guess
@brianc8840 Ай бұрын
All the heros will fall through the floor and die
@lazymadness4924 Ай бұрын
I just hope for new weapons and more weapons combo, because I play Conan mostly because of battles, and I want it to be more cool
@mikem7928 28 күн бұрын
Heyyy kiahonfire, hope all is well and health is doing good! ❤
@KiahOnFireOfficial 28 күн бұрын
Heya mikem! I'm doing good thankyou, hope you are doing well also!
@kironokenshi2972 Ай бұрын
Honestly, I'm happy they are changing their release schedule to every 6 months to polish. I just hope they pull through and future releases are actually polished.
@bigroar2497 Ай бұрын
they had more than three month time this time around, so it must be something biiiiig
@duchesspoodle6510 7 күн бұрын
Nah bro they need an Age of Law/Order where they finally crack down on hackers and make the game playable again. Their game is dying and in order for there to even be a chance at it staying alive they need to make the game playable pvp wise. That and they need to MAKE LEGENDARY WEAPONS FIXABLE WITH REPAIR KITS AGAIN
@rootpower8664 Ай бұрын
Somehow this "Heroes" name makes me think of Age of Conan. In the game, player characters are sometimes called heroes. It gives me hope that maybe they'll bring in elements from the MMO like quests and maybe more armors from AoC to Conan Exiles, but I'm probably just dreaming.
@kuroihagane Ай бұрын
Unfortunately I think the "fall of an empire" is about Conan Exiles being abandoned and the "rise of an empire" is about Dune Awakening taking all the development effort and marketing money. I hope to be wrong, but Funcom is known for abandoning it's older games when they release something new.
@uaputte Ай бұрын
Hope for the promis on the crafter update ther promist/hinted about!
@glee6665 Ай бұрын
Was hoping for Age of Trade to expand on the shop menus they added with the sacred hunt event and the bounty hunters, maybe allow the tavern to sell drinks for gold. Add a trader thrall to gradually sell unwanted items, or try to buy up raw materials. For Age of Heroes after the DBNO system and removal of purges, maybe a remix of thrall spawns to put purge thralls on the map. Plus, fix it so fighter thralls have more strength, while archers/entertainers focus on agility, instead of fighters/archers of each faction just simply having the same base stats.
@Hazard33 Ай бұрын
Only thing my friends and i care about is a new map. Quest's will not cut it.
@thomasechols8834 Ай бұрын
Now if they would make The Age Of Construction and make the building system even better than it is right now!
@99midnightgamer 28 күн бұрын
They really need to upgrade the engine so we can have bigger maps. The map is too small now.
@atodasolahey1952 Ай бұрын
I want NPCs in bars do more than sit around like zombies.😅
@zsobek7918 Ай бұрын
massive news indeed
@brianc8840 Ай бұрын
Obviously this means you can pay 200$ to wear cosmetic upgrade for Conans pants and necklace
@bullwyrk Ай бұрын
Would be nice if Conan will have a questline to remove the bracelet and Funcom would put a better cinematic at the end with a bit of outro story similar with the cinematic at the beginning 😄
@XevyrPlays Ай бұрын
The game has had a questline to remove the bracelet since forever :) It starts in the dregs with the staff, inspect it.
@bullwyrk Ай бұрын
​@@XevyrPlaysA proper voiced questline (i know the staff of the triumvirate kind of tells you, also one or two notes of Razma)
@jsphoto43015 Ай бұрын
Dumb question I know but I can't find it ... What is the armor her character is wearing in the beginning?
@gabriellez613 Ай бұрын
Barachan Castaway
@zhandroid5202 Ай бұрын
I'll be back when thralls and enemies have a higher IQ than they do arms.
@spens57 Ай бұрын
All out war! you either survive and become a hero or not!
@josipskvaric3334 Ай бұрын
Hi all,i think maybe ladder thing will come,who is the best in clearing all boses or something like that :) somthing with time
@alanea5860 Ай бұрын
you cant compare people playing on different server settings
@TomLinkens Ай бұрын
I wonder if Mek Kamoses will pull himself back together?
@aresgalamatis7022 Ай бұрын
@2:35 age of war was a disaster, it will take a massive effort from what is left of the conan team to breathe some life into their product, sorcery is the way for them to think, but obviously decisions have been made for then by the management already.
@simonmeier123 Ай бұрын
Is the bat of age of sorcery still in the game?
@archdruid146 Ай бұрын
In my opinion they need to inject the world with more life. It's too static and predictable. I loved playing for quite awhile but then unfortunately I got bored with everything just standing or walking in their tight little area. Funcom needs to make this world feel alive. Skyrim feels alive and that's why I continue to go back to it year after year. There's even a mod that makes the npcs even more lively. Cyberpunk has a world that feels alive as well. It makes you want to live there. There needs to be more randomness in encounters. Patrols of the cannibals looking for victims, non aggressive religious pilgrims heading to a shrine, etc. Not all NPC in the outlands have to be aggressive either. I love this building and the melee combat (magic sucks) but Funcom needs to make it where I want to live there, especially if I'm spending a ton of hours farming and building. **Edit** I wanted to add I had paused when i wrote this on the screen with Conan in the bar. Conan has stood in that same place forever. Would it be that hard to have him move around, maybe sit down in there, or even walk the town?
@devilsmessanger Ай бұрын
3:20 ridiculous ! the real hero there is obviously the Bartender !
@mauricewilliams3635 Ай бұрын
How about Razma... Conan hasn't found her yet...
@bennygwatson9912 Ай бұрын
Are they ever gonna just fix bugs?
@mellowrebel4618 Ай бұрын
@Kratos_RoG 26 күн бұрын
"Massive News"
@basvisiongeek Ай бұрын
No. Capes.
@kalisthenes6650 Ай бұрын
Lol! I see what you did there. Good reference!
@alanea5860 Ай бұрын
Funcom see story as very little priority ... i would expect skil/blueprint/attribute change or some skill tree for thralls to give them unique "hero-like" feeling rather than massively leveled clones
@c3p0467 Ай бұрын
i salute u to continue to sink with this failing ship but id suggest playing once human kiah that's a lot of fun and the building is beautiful and the games not made by morons who only care about money escape the raft before it sinks ma lady we have space over here for you ^_^
@darkanankeshan2943 Ай бұрын
Hello Âge Of Heroes And Siptah Heroes are Valéria maybe New named thrall are Heroes Thrall maybe sée how is Father of princesse
@bnkatty2 Ай бұрын
Games crashes need major address
@xoth2306 25 күн бұрын
Is conan realy a hero considering that he is a pirate and thief and so on. Not realy the most standup profesion out there =)
@zenpo6322 Ай бұрын
Age of slavers is more accurate.
@jinkazama9017 28 күн бұрын
No one asked for this. They literally pulled this nonsense out of a hat and will still manage to fuck it up in the process.
@festumstultorum1462 Ай бұрын
Don't forget that they are about to release a new game and this puts Conan at the end of the priority list...and at the end of all lists.
@kironokenshi2972 Ай бұрын
False. Two separate teams and conan exiles is hiring more people, not the other way around. They addressed this rumor in the last Q&A a few weeks back.
@thomasanderson4510 Ай бұрын
In the Bazaar there was the astronomy set, that could be another hint. The stars are Greek heroes, maybe Argos and Aquilonia are making an appearance with the Greek / Roman pantheons.
@MrTICGamer Ай бұрын
It will be asinine. It will be legendary heroes that you can follow you- like Conan and others.Yawn. its lazy.
@mayronbreda8400 Ай бұрын
I still think the Exiles Land is too big and "empty", they should improve more the map adding more content like story, cities, dungeons, difficult, dangers and stuff. Who remembers the crocodile's lair with a golden door but not being a dungeon....frustrating. I truly believe they should focus more in built a huge and complete game-main story, maybe using the north east part of the map, constructing more hard and challenging dungeons to face it. If the players ends the Map too early, he's tempted to advance to the next one (siptha) and them close the game 4ever. They should prepare more material to keep the player interested in the maingame' story
@tgwilliams8159 Ай бұрын
Can they stop adding s*** to the game and just make a PS5 version of it because it chugs so f****** hard like fix the goddamn lag continuously adding s*** on top of it doesn't help
@Bubbles99718 Ай бұрын
How about the "Age of Glitch Removal". Zero new content. Spend a few months removing all glitches.
@alanea5860 Ай бұрын
content updates adds bugs :D ... minor patches fix them
@XiaomiONTOP Ай бұрын
pve thing, trash!
@ianskinner1619 Ай бұрын
Are they updating the 2003 POS combat system, nope? then screw whatever else they are doing. This game is the definition of 'good enough'
@alanea5860 Ай бұрын
combat system was reworked several times and it's fine they jsut need to adress npc leashing and bows
@florenciolo Ай бұрын
age of scrubs again
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