Content Creators are not Therapists | Rant

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@melodyart4499 2 жыл бұрын
The US desperately needs Medicare For All that covers and normalizes seeking help for depression and mental illness. No ones mental health should be put behind any type of pay wall obstacle course.
@genehen6495 2 жыл бұрын
finding about about US healthcare shit got me fucked up, yo... I can pick up an asthma inhaler without a script for $15. A super cheap drug kept in a super cheap metal canister used in a super cheap plastic mount, it lasts about a month, it saves lives every single day... ...costs $250+ in America. It's enough to make me wanna buy a whole bunch and send them over to... somewhere, I don't even care, as long as they reach the hands of people who need them. But that's illegal. Americans: fight, every election, every chance you get - fight for better healthcare. Don't settle for "better than it was before" - fight till you're even COMPARABLE to the rest of the planet, because there are 3rd world countries better at feeding, housing and medicating their people than the USA. This isn't meant to be talking down to Americans. You all deserve better. You are beautiful and strong and deserve fucking better...
@C.L.G._Artisa 2 жыл бұрын
@@genehen6495 - Wow, so passionate... & I wholeheartedly agree, you are absolutely right. 🌠
@ericaf6232 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate this video. It is unfortunate that not everyone in the US can access affordable therapy. I have been in therapy for the past 5 years and it has helped me understand my tendency to overshare due to childhood trauma. Hopefully, more folx on this platform can bring attention to trauma dumping because not everyone has the emotional capacity to handle the heaviness of trauma, mental health struggles, etc. to the level that they need 24/7.
@nicolebrown1874 2 жыл бұрын
Why do you say "folx" and not "folks" Folks is already gender neutral, and adding the x looks stupid, tbh
@ericaf6232 2 жыл бұрын
@@nicolebrown1874 Folx has been used historically amongst trans and gender queer people.
@angelic_writer 2 жыл бұрын
It's basically an unhealthy parasocial relationship. I genuinely hope these types of people do seek some help or if they don't have proper financial aid, they talk to a helpline. I also hope they understand that there's a difference between someone you look up to and someone who doesn't know them personally. There can be a parasocial relationship with a content creator and their fans, just as long as they're respectful, not invasive, and not trying to leech off of them for whenever they do plan on making videos or doing livestreams. It matters if the fan sees their favorite content creator as a person that can be affected by situations and has flaws.
@rindrr 2 жыл бұрын
The problem with Parasocial relationships is that they can also be extremely dangerous
@natashakatgaming6987 2 жыл бұрын
@@rindrr yeah, I'm not a content creator yet (I'm planning to be one in the future though.) But I met a random person on the internet once and they asked me to help me with their depression and said if I didn't they would kill themself.... Like dude, you can't just lay that down a random person that you have never meet? And I'm not a therapist either...
@rindrr 2 жыл бұрын
@@natashakatgaming6987 That is absolutely insane of that person
@MsUnamusedNerd 2 жыл бұрын
Emirichu had a similar problem were a “fan“ of hers tried to get into her DM to talk to her because they were having a bad day, when they didn’t get a response they went on a complete tangent about how they’re going to find out where she lives, located the nearest cemetery, and go there to dig her grave….. because she didn’t respond to them. I get having a comfort youtuber, As tiny as I am I have had a couple of my subscribers tell me I am their comfort content creator because they like the sound of my voice, I really appreciate i find it very sweet, but if they ever come to my DM wanting to talk to me about their mental health problems or them having a bad day I’m going to panic. I already have terrible social anxiety as it is. I don’t need an unnecessary message trigger an anxiety attack because I’m gonna be worried about being doxxed or straight up murdered because I didn’t give them attention. I don’t know why they think their favorite artist or KZbin person is obligated to give them that type of attention they’re looking for…. It’s not being professional since we are not licensed therapist…we don’t need to be “professional“ in that way and talk with you about your personal problems. Honestly with how cancel culture is nowadays and help people well unapologetically Photoshop fake evidence to cancel someone they personally don’t like over the pettiest reasons…. Us content creators do feel like we’re being held hostage to give you what you want so you don’t try to cancel us out of spite. This type of crap is exactly why I don’t have many social medias and once I do have my private messages are turned off. The social media that is on my about page is literally all I have and those private messages are turned off. *if you are going through something and having a rough time your favorite content creator is not obligated in any shape or form to be your private therapist. To hear you out or talk you through it. That is like going to a random waitstaff or employee at the grocery store that was nice to you and dumping your emotional baggage onto them….. only to then try to get them fired because they don’t want to hold it for you. That is not cool. Especially if you were one of those people that feel too comfortable sharing your SEXUAL frustrations with your favorite content creator….that’s fucked up*
@kioraslate9273 2 жыл бұрын
I remember when everyone on Twitter was making fun of "Are you in the right headspace to receive information that can possibly harm you" and while that particular wording wasn't the best, I sometimes hate that that whole discussion was just kinda dropped, because there are so many people who don't seem to understand how much their words can affect the people around them and that you can't spring a trauma dump on someone as casually as a hello. I think part of the problem is that there's this other extreme where a lot of people with mental health issues have experiences with being abandoned or shut down for "bringing down the mood" when they have a breakdown rather than getting help, as well as the whole discussion on the stigma of mental health issues in general, so we've created this kind of social contract to listen and yield to people who need to vent in order to encourage more openness about the topic. But in rightfully attempting to do this, we've neglected to take into account the way this feels from the other side, that not everyone (maybe even very few) are equipped to handle that level of baggage, and certainly not a content creator who doesn't know you personally, and may be suffering from serious issues themselves.
@rindrr 2 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that you’ve brought this up, as being a mod on Discord and other places I have had multiple people tell me how they have been hurt or someone starving them and abusing them with the worst detail. Guys it’s awful please as Michie stated do not just randomly message someone you do not know, it can really affect someone more than you believe. This is a safe space but this is not a therapist room please keep personal details to yourself as it can really affect people, those people are not prepared for those messages and it causes way more stress on the person recieving it.
@cheezocheddarman7163 2 жыл бұрын
As a newbie Discord mod myself, watching this video and seeing this comment really helped me realize all of this since I had a very similar experience and I hope not to make the same mistakes again.
@Deeznuts4 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah dude I had to cut ties with this girl because she treated me like if I was a therapist, fella I’m a kid I don’t know how to handle your girlfriend cheating on you
@rindrr 2 жыл бұрын
@@cheezocheddarman7163 Well I hope your experiences are better! 💗 modding can be an awesome experience
@rindrr 2 жыл бұрын
@@Deeznuts4 My apologies but you did the right thing 💗
@cheezocheddarman7163 2 жыл бұрын
@@rindrr It has gotten better, thank you!
@ingridc0ld 2 жыл бұрын
I'm definitely guilty of doing this. I've been working on making better boundaries especially with people I don't know. Just because I need to get something off of my chest doesn't mean I should burden someone else with it who isn't prepared to hear something like that.
@Br44n5m 2 жыл бұрын
Hey, as the topic is up again I want to send an apology cause I use to trauma dump a bit in the comments and stream chat. Trying to be better about it to online creators as well as real world friends cause it aint fair and I get that now. Hope people still struggling can use the provided resources and get the help they need!
@SnooDoodle 2 жыл бұрын
It's really tough, since a lot of neurodivergents rely on anecdotal life experiences to relate to others (I certainly do, haha). I think most people who do this without consideration for unloading trauma could really do with asking if it's okay to do so first, cause it definitely kills the mood (topics of that sort *will* do that) and makes everyone feel guilty for trying to continue being chipper. I definitely agree that some folks delve too deep into their trauma, traumadumping is rough to cope with and I see it *so* often on like a post on twitter of someone going thru a hard time. Or posting art about them trying to cope and understand their own problems. And there's always the one person who'll hear "hey could you not comment that on my post/art" and they'll react horribly, such as "fine I'll just never open up and bottle my feelings". Like, NOT THE POINT? We just want you to read the room and maybe weigh if it's an appropriate time or place to share that? Ideally, seek a service out where you can discuss these things. Asking is very important, we all come online for different reasons after all. A lot of us it's as some form of escape, it'd be nice if we could make it continue to feel like a nice escape from reality while the people in need of therapy services or the sort get what they need and can join in when they feel able to. That's what I think, anyways.
@LettersofSky 2 жыл бұрын
I can remember so very clearly being in a friend's stream once and there was someone oversharing some awful things in chat and just getting so uncomfortable and actively not wanting to be there and it was a terrible time since my friend was stuck in that situation and I was as well and there's no real way to disengage or remove the situation in the moment so it was just a bad time
@dragthereaper 2 жыл бұрын
I'm actually in college right now to become a psychiatrist. I understand that people want to reach out to someone comforting or familiar but the best option is to always seek professional help there are hotlines and local police numbers that you can call if you feel like you can't get the help you need.
@0ctobuss 2 жыл бұрын
Pills fix everything, according to you people :)
@dragthereaper 2 жыл бұрын
@@0ctobuss sounds like you had a bad doctor... My apologies for your heart ack if you feel like medication isn't something your interested in or fond of you shouldn't be force to take them. I feel awful that someone in the professional field of mental health and rehabilitation would do that to you. I hope you get better help and maybe seek out someone else that will respectfully take the time for you.
@artemismoore4176 2 жыл бұрын
@@0ctobuss I took pills in my time, still not an excuse to avoid taking care of your mental health on your own and not dump it on other people who also may be mentally vulnerable, we have licensed specialists for that
@HOWABOUTN0M4YE 2 жыл бұрын
Content creators are humans and it's kinda disappointing to see ppl treating content creators as robots or kings when in reality they have lifes family and friends out side of the platform
@MASIICORE 2 жыл бұрын
I've gotten comments and messages where random people openly vent. Literally 95% of the time I just don't even know what to do or say. It's just so random that it nearly startles me. I don't wanna leave this person on seen or not open their message cause it makes me feel bad. I've been in really dark places but I never openly vent like that anymore. I will admit I am guilty of venting openly years ago but I stopped doing that. It is simply wrong to do and ruins the mood entirely.
@yukicake5594 2 жыл бұрын
It's basically putting a weight or responsibility on someone. No one should be responsible for someone else's mental health journeys
@kawaii-pigeon 2 жыл бұрын
This is definitely a thing I've witnessed, and also been guilty of doing. (We all gotta learn from out mistakes) But yes, I cant imagine how it would be as the streamer or content maker and suddenly you get hit by dark comments and all the energy just.. puts the wind out of your sails.
@cheshiressecret 2 жыл бұрын
I've been lucky enough to not have this happen online, but I have had it happens in real life. I was in my second semester of college and got an amazing offer to teach a summer drawing class at a local library. I had only known the people in that room for roughly an hour. At the end of it this woman comes up and it starts off real cool with her telling me how she likes to draw and how she had fun in the class...then out of nowhere I get hit with all of the problems she was having with her boyfriend and a lot of darker stuff. I was just this 18yo girl getting hit with an older woman's life trauma like it was a stone wall. It freaked me out so bad that when the library asked if I would teach the class again the next summer I had to decline. I'm almost 30yo now and that conversation still pops into my head every now and then.
@SnooDoodle 2 жыл бұрын
Also yup, you find the people who often work with the most amount of people (retail, customer service, support, online, ect) are the ones who need support with mental health a LOT. Customers and strangers alike just drop trauma on you like it's a hot potato, and that's not fair to them.
@grimpaleta 2 жыл бұрын
Just because the person might feel safe to open up with the creator, at the end of the day they are not a therapist and that will not change. I understand not everyone can afford therapy but that does not excuse trauma dumping, it really does not. I know there is the argument where I might not understand that person’s pain but they clearly also don’t know what the creator or a someone in chat/comment who might see is going through.
@maxcrow890 2 жыл бұрын
I want to say I'm sorry for trauma dumping, I'm working on therapy and meditation. I don't watch streams anymore because I don't want to do it. But I love your content, and I want to thank you for brightening my days.
@Twist3dDisast3r 2 жыл бұрын
* hugs * I’m happy I brighten up your days
@saturniidz 2 жыл бұрын
I CAN RELATE. kind of. i'm not a big content creator or anything, but an (ex) friend of mine used to trauma dump to me all the time. it left me in an awful rut because what tf could i do?? i'm not a licensed therapist
@artemismoore4176 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you! I've seen so many of these comments under other creators' videos, and it really makes me upset. I understand, some people suffer from mental illness, some have come through hell of a life, but, if you're at least cannot get professional help, tell people you know irl and can trust, tell your friends, call a hotline. Creators are not your therapists and service animals!
@whaleofathyme 2 жыл бұрын
It is true. It's one thing to say you cheered them up, but when you tell a stranger such extremes they feel responsible for you and guilty if something happens to you. TW I remember someone messaging me, saying thank you for being nice, and that I was the last person they were going to talk to. I did everything I could as just another mentally ill person, gave them resources, and they rejected them and every other way I tried to help them. I felt responsible for them when they didn't even know me, and it ended up triggering me. They had nowhere to go but they were also online and I was getting triggered. I couldn't do anything about it, and I couldn't listen to it anymore. So I don't now...
@aldernic_animal 2 жыл бұрын
The worst things I've said are "hey man, I'm autistic and this [song] helped me calm down from a meltdown, thanks." Or things like "I was having an awful day and this cheered me up 💚" You don't gotta go more into detail than that. Maybe a tiny bit of info like "x happened and this made me feel better" but honestly man, if you want help reach out for help, look for someone who is available to help, don't just go to some content creator
@bl2610 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for sharing your perspective. Stick to your boundaries. I’m glad people are bringing attention to stuff like this. While I feel empathy for people who feel like they have no one else to turn to when they are in desperate situations, it’s not your responsibility or duty to take on that burden when you aren’t trained or equipped to do that. In fact, it would be sketchy and inappropriate if you were using your platform to tend to peoples mental health crises. Even professional mental health CC’s with degrees have a disclaimer that their social medias are not a client-therapist relationship and they don’t owe anyone that kind of guidance or advice. It’s also very dangerous for the person trauma dumping, especially if they are young. Content creators are not all good people. I’ve heard too many horror stories about people using mental health issues of their viewers to take advantage of them ie grooming and abuse.
@ShidoDraws 2 жыл бұрын
Someone told me they wanted to commit not alive, they also said they were a fan of my artworks and I made their days every time I post a new art. I didn't know what to say to them, in fact I didn't respond. I thought it was best to never respond to that kind of message. It has been 4 years since they told me that and I do still think about what they said from time to time. It affected me so much that at some point I felt like I wanted to stop drawing. I tried my best to stay on the positive side of my followers. I do look back on their account every now and again to see if they stop posting or anything. I feel like it would be my fault if they had passed away or something. Some scary shit if you ask me.
@crossidy7223 2 жыл бұрын
This topic and vid is so damn important, for many reasons, but the foremost is that like you said not everyone understands whats appropriate to say, or cant read the vibe of a group or situation. Talking about this helps people understand better when, where, how and to who you should talk about really really heavy stuff. So thank you for talking about this! I dont have a big internet presence so I dont have the problem of random people messaging me. However I have cut people out of my life, people I personally knew and considered my friends, because they kept trauma dumping me constantly and also kind of demanding me to open up all the time about my deeply personal stuff. Its not normal, healthy or helping anyone in any way. When every interactions with a person is about venting/trauma/death wishes/self-harm or what have you, its not really a friendship anymore. Its okay to tell your friends/family that youre not doing so well and need help, but dont bombard a random person on the internet with that. Dont try to make someone your personal therapist/support human. The help needs to come from a professional whos equipped to deal with such topics. Dont set yourself on fire to keep others warm.
@Whiskerbin 2 жыл бұрын
Its really good that youve chosen to speak about this, theres only 12 comments and already people are learning. Thank you for being the brave one to say it.
@drizzieglazed8201 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video. I felt guilty that during my livestreams and in the comments on my videos and in my DMs people would tell me how I made them want to not off themselves and it overwhelmed me to a point where I quit youtube. Now I just use this account to watch videos, I have stopped posting and stuff... It was a bit too much
@coffintears5821 2 жыл бұрын
I use to trauma dump alot when i was younger. I know better not to do it alot now. But i was in a really dark place during my teen years and i didn't know who to turn to since nobody could help me. Not even therapists i went to. Most of the time now, i keep my problems to myself and vent somewhere else. There will be slip ups when i go off the deep end and rant on social media. But those are few and far between.
@ChroniclerEnigma 2 жыл бұрын
This is such a delicate topic. I've experienced this a bit in the past. I was told once something similar... in regards to their anticipation for a book i've been planning... and that has made me consider the story a bit more weightedly, perhaps too much. When i first heard it, i was in shock. It took me a while to really realize what it meant. A story that has always been a certain therapy for me to write themes and woes creatively in a time my world was crumbling, the main character was my lantern in the night- was to someone else perhaps just as important. I do not think I, nor my character, have all the right answers for such a thing. I used to stream alot a few years ago as well pretty regularly, but stopped after i felt there were so many people observing me. I did not feel like i was the best person to look up to, or to go to for advice. Despite that, I've always felt some aspect to the things happen for a reason, and sometimes people who need to talk find their way to you, and you might have something to say to help them "get by". And it isn't right, that we're put into these positions. But it can be a paradox, because it is honoring and humbling. Though maybe, some people can take this to their heads and think they must be a saint. We're people though. We're all people with our own problems, with different compass's. Just because our compass points a direction for us, doesn't mean its the same for someone else. And it doesn't mean they can borrow our compass either. It takes a special person to be able to hear a stranger's life story and understand them, and help them find the next turn their story takes, and how to resolve those problems so they can thrive again, maybe for the first time in their life. When we meet these people on the trail... what do we do? We might let them know, this might not be the safest place to unpack and set camp. We don't know eachother. These people don't know them, this isn't a private chat, or the place to sheathe the sword in a place wolves or bandits might attack. At most be a way point to direct them to the next "inn" if they are lost and tired. I understand though, sometimes things just slip past us, like water brimming over a cup, and then two, three, and then suddenly we're clamping lids and caps over the bottles and buckets, just to keep the floor dry. We look for a new place to put these bottles buckets, run out of room in our house, and there would seem to be no drain. Its hard sometimes, to work things over on your own when you have no one to talk to, and do not want to be a burden to others. I think the only reason I've been able to clear up things myself is by keeping diaries - for emotions, scary dreams, rants, and vents. Sometimes that's all I need, is to start writing. I don't know the answer to why and when these things happen and the universe sets us among those who need a light, when our own might not be the brightest. Things are what they are, and we can only try to put out disclaimers that we don't want to talk about certain things and hope that others respect that. Sometimes the best treatment for the moment, is having a place where problems don't exist, and we can think about other things outside of ourselves, step outside of our dim and cold damp house, and go somewhere bright and warm so we can know the fact that those places do exist.
@nicolebrown1874 2 жыл бұрын
Rewatching this video made me think about how I had to leave a fan discord server for a cartoon I liked, because there was one person who would always (and I mean ALWAYS) reference that they have trauma and it got annoying and mood-ruining real fast. "There's a time and a place" is something I wish I could have said to them, because I really didn't wanna leave the server, but that person really ruined the server for me. I didn't know this person, and they didn't know me. I have no idea why they felt the need to dump everything on everyone. It was just so mentally draining.
@mastertofu 2 жыл бұрын
So far, I've been fortunate that people trauma dump on me after asking for permission. I like to listen to the problems these people face, I like to hear them rant about it. But there is a right time and place for it. Most personal stuff, I ask to move to DMs and late at night (for me, mid-afternoon for them) to talk to me so my day is already over and I don't care if it gets worse. I honestly feel bad for other artists who do not have such understanding people come to them. I'm a really small artist so most of the people who trauma dump on me are who I consider to be online friends. I have no idea how bad it would be if it was some random person at a horrible time.
@Chia_Mochia 2 жыл бұрын
I agree 100% with what you are saying. Even when I stumble upon comments like these in videos, It makes me feel bad. For example I saw a comment on another youtubers video saying that these videos help them when they are having a mental breakdown....Like, I get it, you need someone to vent to, or you want to say how much something means to you, but PLEASE don't go in to detail!
@grandmasterpax3248 2 жыл бұрын
I like getting these real talks with you. I love watching your art, it’s satisfying
@skunkgirl456 2 жыл бұрын
Man as someone who had to hear yeaaars of this shit. I get what you mean man... like I've had to listen to friends or family or etc deal with there depression/abuse or just anything they had on their chest and it fucked me up man. It's the main reason why I don't talk about my promblems and why I get so tire HAVING to listen to people. Like I'm not a therapist.
@sillycookie 2 жыл бұрын
I feel like I got second hand ptsd from all the people who would trauma dump on me and involve me in their petty disagreements with others. Unlike them I'm getting professional help lol.
@goopybonez 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this, it's not a comfortable topic to talk about, but it needs to be said. I don't think anyone could've said it better than you either.
@silverhowl9331 2 жыл бұрын
I freaking agree with this, its getting out of control, if anyone has a close friend, GO TO THEM! Don't just go on a stream where people are trying to have fun! Go to your family if you have them! I... *sigh* I used to be terrible with this where I would just vent in a certain place where people didn't want it, now I realize how bad this can get, and now I'm just trying to keep my sorrows to a really nice close friend of mine.
@cetriyasArtnComicsChannel 2 жыл бұрын
as I've gotten older, and even with my own, I've realised that there are a lot of people with out any close friend or family to chat with.
@gunmoony8663 2 жыл бұрын
I think I'd love to see your take on the idea that artists have to finish their commissions first before they can do any personal art.
@vivvy_0 2 жыл бұрын
when i feel terribly bad i often watch videos from youtube therapists like tracey marks or streams from Dr. K, at least there if i overshare something when in distress i know these people can handle it or rather they mostly also have a team for their channels
@NighttellerLegends 2 жыл бұрын
This is a very important topic, that I know was difficult but so needed. We’re here to talk but not here to be that kind of professional. Emotions are valid, so don’t apologize for them. Thank you for another informative discussion Michie.
@Candy-gq6zp 2 жыл бұрын
When people say that you're the thing keeping them alive and then they suddenly unalive themself you can feel like it was your fault that they arnt there any more and it sucks🙁
@ambientlightofdarknesss4245 2 жыл бұрын
you really are just amazing at making these deep deep topic vids. and a tip to maybe avoid venting all the bad stuff that happened to you to a creator you like. do the opposite. make them smile. and making them smile will also make you smile too. i just find better enjoyment and dopamine in commenting on vid on a creator I like. especially a small one and seeing their eyes (metaphorically of course) just light up that someone actually like their stuff. I once commented on a really small gaming channel who was literally just starting out. only had like 10 videos. I commented that I found their stuff super good and they seemed to have alot figured out even though they just started. and they were just estatic and it got me estatic too. and yea sure it won't solve your trauma but it's a better interaction for both parties.
@electrofonickitty823 2 жыл бұрын
Yes yes and more yes keep posting this thank you! Also I actually found you and found your art when I was upset, but you know it cheered me up. I am way happier when I found your art. Also yes I been in dark situations, stalkers (had 1 who is weird), but I just decided to have better friends and well you are saying it best. ^_^ I don't let what happened in my past be me! And I don't share that often either so I would rather keep my past in the past. I also would rather keep the past that way
@Captainn4t 2 жыл бұрын
That email, yikes. I would never want to be a complete strangers lifeline. It sounds sweet from the outside looking in, but if you really think about it, it's like that person expects you to be the one to save them. Their whole existence hinges on a person they don't even know personally, and you have to walk on eggshells forever aware that someone is doing that to you. It's ok to find solace and have someone influence you away from the brink, it's ok to really appreciate them for it. Just don't put that undo stress on them, and give them the anxiety, they don't know you and it's not something they will know how to handle. If you really feel the need to disclose that to someone you follow, just keep it vague. "I was in a bad place, and your videos really cheer me up. Thanks for doing what you do!"
@katechavez9400 2 жыл бұрын
Ive been through this, not online but in other situations. Im sorry you go through this. As always love the art
@justtojest 2 жыл бұрын
I'm really glad you made this video. I'm not a big content creator by like any means but I do tend to attract people for some reason and a lot of the time they'll vent to me about really really dark stuff when I've only text them like once before. And It's really straining to try and help them because I don't know what to do in that situation. Thanks for making this video on this topic,I think it was really well made also I love your art.
@bunnyluvsusagi 2 жыл бұрын
Now that I finally have health insurance with my current employerr, I'm hoping to seek therapy. I try not to throw " *emotional* " topics at my mutual friends when they stream. I probably had something like this happen a few times but the person's response was..." *draining* ". Gave possible advice and they declined all the solutions down. *But yes, it's overwhelming* .
@goopydoopyart 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so so much for saying this!!!!
@wilddddddddd 2 жыл бұрын
This! I often turn off the comments when I watch streams now because so many times people will just dump whatever bad thing is happening to them with no warning. I join streams for fun and to relax, but it can be dangerous for mine and others mental health when people go off about stuff like that.
@stormyz_old_channel Жыл бұрын
I'm a little late to this video but since I am here... I feel like there's a huge culture with oversharing on the internet, especially in places with a large about of teens and adolescents. For a long time I thought oversharing was normal (being a child on the internet) and so I would constantly overshare both online and in real life, and it's something that's taken a lot of self reflection and control to keep under wraps, and it's still something I'm working on to this day. I'm a bit more careful with how and where I share my experiences, and I often have to think about wether I should share them or not. Now that I'm older, I recognize how inconsiderate and harmful it can be to share traumatizing details unprovoked and/or without warnings, and have also experienced something like it myself. It's very... uh. Yeah. I don't really know what else to put here. Essentially I agree with everything said in the video and also empathize with it :)
@citrinerey4900 2 жыл бұрын
Audio sounds good this time! If I say anything that ever makes you uncomfy, please let me know! I'm sorta not great with the social thing. I do my best though, and know I have a lot of love and respect for you! (Like, family love, not creepy stalker weirdo love.) On that note, I am so sorry you have to deal with this. I am glad you don't get emails like that now, but holy crumbs that's a lot to take in. I don't blame you for breaking down from an email like that. I'm pretty sure I would too. I'm super glad you have a therapist. :) I really need to get one too. I think my job has something for that...I may look into it when I go into work today.
@lamburrt5999 2 жыл бұрын
I'd also like to point out (this is from your point around 13:44) Online tone indicators do exist!! And you don't need to know the entire list of them, just the basics can get you through something. Having a hard time identifying tone online isn't a valid reason to just dump your problems on a person you barely know!! This goes for CC, people who you're friends with, or even coworkers! There's a time and a place, but people should respect that maybe there won't be a place. (sorry for a bit of a rant, I hate when people suddenly vent to me so Michie you're 100% in the right)
@ItssMelissa 2 жыл бұрын
Just found this now and I’m only 4 minutes in but I am a cc whos at that stage now on twitch where I’ve started having people coming into my stream and basically trauma dumping and talking about wanting to self die and its really awkward and stressful and I don’t feel like I can use any of the vods where that happened anymore which means I’m losing a lot of content because you can see people trauma dumping in the chat but at the same time I feel like I can’t ask them to stop talking about it in my chat because it sounds like they’re that bad that they might do something
@ItssMelissa 2 жыл бұрын
And when I try to help it feels like they’re making excuses, trying so hard to not get better but I’m not a therapist and I’m also at emotional capacity and can’t deal with that
@StarrLights 2 жыл бұрын
Dude, I totally understand how heavy it is (tw i mention self-harm and stuff) My best friend has had thoughts like that, I occassionally have really dark thoughts of hurting myself too (we're both fine!) But this thing also happens in real life; my papaw casually mentioned almost yeeting himself over some girl when he was younger, one of my coworkers /often/ talks about his attempts and how he wants to (he went into detail at work about one of his recent attempts), another coworker casually showed me her self harm scars I never have the guts to say that I'm uncomfortable with hearing it, so I try to ignore it (or comfort, in my friends case), but it still bothers me and makes me paranoid especially if my friend is quiet for a long time I guess its somewhat different when its a really close friend that you can confide in, and they can confide in you back, but my main point was that way too many people you don't know all that well are too comfortable with sharing it; I myself am ashamed when I end up hurting myself, and try to hide it, so I don't know if its some cry for help or if they're so jaded to it that it just... doesn't bother them to casually talk about it But it is very just... off putting, and I wish something like airing out your issues in detail wasn't so normalized? Like sure, normalize sharing/talking about mental illnesses, vaguely perhaps, but something about going into immense detail is just... not good at all, at least without consent/disclaimers I don't know if any of that makes much sense, I'm sleepy lol but that's my 2 cents on it
@BluePorl 2 жыл бұрын
coming back to this video again after someone came into chat during a stream once to be mopey and... yeah. even with lesser stuff like pity parties we're not here to go "no bby!!! youre not bad!!!! it's okay!!!!". it's hard to get past pity parties and it makes it awkward for everyone, especially when it feels dishonest to comfort them.
@cetriyasArtnComicsChannel 2 жыл бұрын
I've had this happen when I used to go to conventions, I know I give a warm vibe (I don't but apparently I do?/) but I don't know you, we've just meet, you don't even know me online and yet I receive such hard issues/ stories. Its also the reason why I don't post too much about 'being helpful' or talk about my own issues cause I don't want to cultivate such comments on my main channel. I don't know how to deal with it, and I worry I might do or say something that makes the situation worse.
@blackandredteddybear2584 2 жыл бұрын
I do agree with this video and it is nice to hear it every once in a while.
@awoum 2 жыл бұрын
really good brush, very satisfing to watch
@intotheunknown1628 2 жыл бұрын
I know how you feel cause it beenhappening on my tiktok now as of recent where someone want a hug from my oc and mention dark stuff. I did not want to do it cause it made me uncomfortable plus I'm not going to out someone feeling that way. (plus i went through similar stuff as the person so it trigger some past shit I'm trying to get over and whats worse when they only want MY oc to hug them and not me ME trying to help and be comforting. So no I get it its frustrating dealing with this stuff cause we arent therapist only human. I just hope people get the help they get honestly.
@hunter_L4D 2 жыл бұрын
I cringe remembering I've done this before. Granted, it's allowed me to have a better understanding of what others must be experiencing when they trauma dump - the negative emotions overwhelming them, the lack of control, the cry for help. I don't fault them for it, but if they have any semblance of control they definitely need to practice the time-and-place thing. As with most comments here, I agree professional help should be more accessible and sought after. It helps to know there's someone there who can actually help and do something about whatever you're going through rather than some rando online who can't do shit except experience second-hand trauma. Alongside that, there should be more education about it in schools. Research should also be heavily encouraged if the former two are inaccessible; the internet is a vast sea of resources that's criminally underrated. The more you know about how your brain works and why it works the way it does, the better your chances are at finding a solution. Psychology content is super useful and can be incredibly enlightening, regardless of whether it's about a real-world person or a fictional character / video game / movie / etcetera.
@grief860 2 жыл бұрын
I'm sorry that some people are acting like fools in this comment section. I'll never understand people who think that venting without consent is okay--the person venting is going through a rough time, and I understand wanting to tell someone, but a random creator on the internet who isn't prepared for it isn't the right person. I don't really know what else to comment on. I had something, I'll add it later if I remember what it was. And thank you for talking about this.
@kashkara_8943 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for another bright spot in the black morass of my existence
@twistedsmile9071 2 жыл бұрын
Anytime I vent it’s always *always* on an appropriate time example maybe if a video is talking about SH I may vent IF appropriate if it isn’t I go onto one of those videos to vent on I never vent on rando videos like idk a no hit run of sans I’d more than likely say “holy how do you do that I can’t even get past the first phase-“ something appropriate
@ScaredEz 2 жыл бұрын
This pretty much a problem that stems from parasocialism
@sparker-sparkle 2 жыл бұрын
i’ve been told stuff like this i’ve witnessed it happening to other people if i’m having a bad day i don’t want to go into detail usually because i don’t want strangers to know unless it’s so stupid it’s kinda funny and not personal what so ever but the question where do people like this go NOT THE INTERNET is all i have to say
@artsypiyaa 2 жыл бұрын
just feeding the bot ✨
@squiddysquad9568 2 жыл бұрын
If people do this shit. Do not try to help them, answer things like " I'm sorry to hear that hope the stream can cheer you up" And then keep talking about the thing you where to talk about. Never ever help these people and if you get PM like that either block or ignore them. If they keep being upset in the chat time out them or tell them " I know you have a hard time but these things are non of our buissnes" And if they keep going on Time out them or block. Conten creators are not Therapist and neither do they need to listen to those things. If someone is not capable of regulating what they share on the internet then they need to learn the hard way if they do not stop. Your own mental health always comes first twitch has a black list tool that you should use where you put all the words in you do not wan't to see " My Pet is Sick" for example if this upsets you.
@ashneehs 2 жыл бұрын
I want to comment with something serious but I can't think of anything right now so I'll stick to feeding the bot, but I'll come back and do it. In the meantime, dear bot, have some pasta with guanciale and squash
@RandomVex 2 жыл бұрын
I'd say the solution would be to have the broken child say how they like the streamer/youtuber and honestly whatever as long as it keep the stream on the same mood (or vibe, whichever you prefer). So no "my dog died", but 'I'm having a rough time now, thanks for provading the happy', no "I'm going to kill meself today", but 'I love u, thanks for always being here when we need u too
@SynthLizard8 2 жыл бұрын
Reaffirming a chat member that they rely on you for support isn't a kindness it's a cruelty and does nothing for them, they need to be told that livestreamers and content creators are nothing more then band-aids for their situation, they aren't friends, family or a shoulder to cry on, they need to be told that it's up to them to fix their problems in their life and that's what living is all about, trials and tribulations, to over-come adversity.
@neonyami 2 жыл бұрын
I don't have any idea on what to comment other than, bad thought reminds me of bad texture.
@Twist3dDisast3r 2 жыл бұрын
Yes yes very bad texture
@INTROVERTIKAL 2 жыл бұрын
@Twist3dDisast3r 2 жыл бұрын
@spencergoth1cgutz205 2 жыл бұрын
god I wanna hug you so bad :(
@smashSpikeMC 2 жыл бұрын
@WilliamiteWilliamiteStudiosWWS 2 жыл бұрын
They are Therapists You’re not a therapist
@grief860 2 жыл бұрын
What does this comment even mean?
@jackmanningfan1 2 жыл бұрын
Get over yourself! You're somewhat famous and whether you like it or not, a lot of people view you as a friend. You have some nerve telling them what comments they can and can't leave!
@Twist3dDisast3r 2 жыл бұрын
Just cause someone views you as a friend doesn't mean they have a right to give so much of their power to you. A content creator does not automatically stop being human at a certain subscriber count
@jackmanningfan1 2 жыл бұрын
Being “human” is no excuse to be a massive jerk to someone just venting.
@nicolebrown1874 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackmanningfan1 but if someone doesn't want to have someone vent to them, then that should be respected
@jackmanningfan1 2 жыл бұрын
Whatever! Lose your subscribers, don’t listen to me, keep being controlling and see where that gets you in life.
@thedragondoge5284 2 жыл бұрын
@@jackmanningfan1 “Whatever”? So you’re dismissing what you just said. And yes, I agree with the fact that you can’t just shovel your problems onto a content creator. Talk to your friend, or relative, or therapist, or SOMEONE besides a random person on the internet. They have their own problems too, and it’s not fair to see them as a coping mechanism.
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