I didn't know I had an Eating Disorder | StoryTime

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6 жыл бұрын

Oh look another Storytime that I felt more people should talk about and help out to the warning signs before they are to late. Also I forgot my normal border I have but I really don't think it matters here.
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@ParadiseofDarkness 6 жыл бұрын
When you said "wow I can finally have a subway." like I couldnt stop thinking how subways made commercials that if you eat at subway you loss weight but really its junkfood too.
@Br44n5m 6 жыл бұрын
It’s really shocking to see how high the calorie count is for the subs!
@WolfeWrangle 6 жыл бұрын
Subway isn't junk food unless you build your sandwich to be terrible. I was in a vegetarian phase of my life where I always ordered a veggie delight with sweet onion dressing. It was basically every single vegetable with wheat bread (Which you just can't screw up with) and lemme tell you it was great-
@karaspeedy4496 6 жыл бұрын
Wrangle W. It doesn't matter how many vegetables you have on a sub you're still eating basically a whole loaf of bread in one sitting and that's very unhealthy.
@ParadiseofDarkness 6 жыл бұрын
Artbaguette Yep, thats why back when bread was important because the super poor could live off of it.
@WolfeWrangle 6 жыл бұрын
Eh. I guess so. But I still wouldn't consider it 'junk food'. Like, if I eat a whole bunch of cherries, yeah that's bad, but cherries in and of themselves aren't junk and should be eaten in smaller quantities. And I also forget that people don't tend to stretch that sandwich out. I can live off of that sandwich for a whole day, haha.
@SebastianSeanCrow 6 жыл бұрын
Most people think ED’s are just about starving yourself but I’ve known people who had ED’s that caused them to overeat. It would be nice if there was more education in health classes about it.
@glintingrain 4 жыл бұрын
Agreed, I myself only hear anything about this on the internet (aka youtube) and think this should be talked about more
@galaxyjam3742 3 жыл бұрын
Wait it can cause you to over-eat? O h . . . *O H . . .* Can you- Please- Gimme more info about that-? pls? TvT I ain't about self diagnosing, but I strive to try and understand the things around me and myself...
@HatsuneMikoMsp 6 жыл бұрын
Ah I hate the stereotype that you only have an eating disorder, if you are dramatically underweight or throw up. I started developing an eating disorder when I was about 6 or 7 because I was bullied in school. I started becoming overweight and basically eating my feelings. But I also used to starve myself until dinner. For a while even longer. Whenever I look in the mirror I feel disgusting and horrible. I didn't realize this problem until a year ago. Right now I am trying to fix this problem but just like everyone else I struggle with fixing that. Everyone who feels bad about their body should talk to a good friend or a medical professional. Your problems are not bullshit, they are serious and deserve beeing taken care of.
@ookami305 6 жыл бұрын
I 100% know what you're going through. I was always a fat girl (still am) and my mother will have me undergo different kind of diets, so growing up I would either eat once a day or suddenly piging out due to me starving myself. I realized I had a problem when I didn't eat for a whole week. I was destroying my body just so I can be skinny, so I can be loved. Since that day, I forced myself to changed. I learn how to eat properly, I put exercise in my life, but most important, I learn to love myself. I'm 25-years-old and I can now eat tree times a day, now I just need to stop being flimsy with my work-outs xD. All in all, I believe you can over come it. I believe you will become the healthier person you want to be. Believe in the me that believes in you!
@caddincaddin8552 6 жыл бұрын
My teacher actually taught us about eating disorders in freshman year and the different types
@Twist3dDisast3r 6 жыл бұрын
That's wonderful to hear
@worms8222 6 жыл бұрын
I think my friend might have an eating disorder. She constantly jokes about her weight and refuses to eat her lunch because she isn’t hungry, which is bullshit. She packs her own lunch and every day I see her eating 4 small cookies for 6 or 7 hours in school! What do I do? I’ve tried talking to her but she just laughs it off. Ps: I literally have to make her eat the 4 cookies she packs.
@tdstudios7097 6 жыл бұрын
Ravenclaw pride this speaks to me a lot cause back in highschool like i said about my "lunch" I remembwe sometimes. Cody wouls force me to eat a lunch by buying me some every now and then. Cause that is what I would do too. Id joke about it and laugh it off.
@worms8222 6 жыл бұрын
TD Studios Honestly I brought it up to my friend today because I just can’t see people not eat. I don’t know why but I’m the friend who will make sure you eat no matter what! She laughed it off and ate the 4 cookies she brought to school. I’m really concerned but none of my other friends really take me seriously. They think I’m overreacting which could be the case but what if I’m not? I can’t just stand there and do nothing about it!
@friskylosers4070 6 жыл бұрын
i hate seeing people in their lowest stage.. im pretty sure everyone does, but when it comes to something serious like this, its terrifying constantly having something like this on your conscience..
@malaika9432 6 жыл бұрын
Lol I’d eat those cookies anyday
@carsickjoker9485 5 жыл бұрын
Ravenclaw pride // I’d say educate her. Explain to her what happens if she doesn’t eat properly, and then help her learn the right way to eat and lose weight, if that’s her goal. But also remind her that her weight has little to do with being healthy, and more so with how she treats her body. That her weight doesn’t define her beauty or worth. To lose weight for the health benefits, not because she feels ugly or because others tell her to. It takes a LOT of work to change your attitude towards something like body image, and to get out of the habit of not eating right. But in the end it’s worth the hard work.
@lusamoon2563 6 жыл бұрын
i have the opposite of your problem everyone thinks im anorexic because after i eat ill have to go o the bathroom anyway because i naturally have to go to the bathroom ive had teachers pull me aside and ask me hey are you ok do you need a counselor ive had people yell at me and go you need to eat your just skin and bones and if they saw me when i eat food they would know im healthy i eat what i should but i just dont gain weight and my dr has told me you have a very fast metabolism and my other dr says hey you need to eat food you need to do this and this you need counseling but i didnt i never needed any of these things and i still dont but im so happy my parents listened to my dr who said your healthy and that your weight just happens to be different than other peoples
@ashleaconge5567 6 жыл бұрын
wow its really scary how close we are in experience. i went through almost the same thing,, except im still struggling; im so glad you are doing well
@isopod549 6 жыл бұрын
I was literally about to type about the same thing....
@slowspectre9612 6 жыл бұрын
i really dont know what to comment but yeah you are a trooper
@w0rmsinger 6 жыл бұрын
I cried when I heard this. I also struggle with body issues and such. My health and gym teacher would embarrass us by announcing everyone's BMI to the class and saying who was overweight or not, and I was always the only one who was labeled as over weight. But looking back, it was because I was the tallest, that's why I weighed the most. No, I wasn't skinny, but I wasn't obese. Thank you for sharing this story with us.
@mayonaise8333 6 жыл бұрын
this really opened my eyes making me realise i have a mild verison of a eating disorder
@anonymouscolorguardsoloist1159 6 жыл бұрын
Rosey Roxs My condolences.
@blanc1935 6 жыл бұрын
I hope you can tell people and get better
@ssapphrite 6 жыл бұрын
yeah, I'm also discovering that, I barely eat and when I do have a full meal (let's say a plate of spaghetti) I eat about 1/8 of the plate and then I'm full and my parents are worried. I also forget to eat too. it got to the point where my mom took me to the store to get food that I would eat
@mayonaise8333 6 жыл бұрын
A month later, I have been diagnosed with moderate despression
@themissingcastle 6 жыл бұрын
It's sort of funny how though out my whole life I hated how I looked because my mother was one of those health nuts counting calories and doing those meal plans. My family has accepted that yeah we will always be big but that's because we all have big tits and butts genetically. I mean I'm only 18 and I have triple D bras. But I think in my life this might be the first time someone said with a close enough life style sort of to make me thing I might have issues. I probably will never get help until I'm fucking dying since I just say that "Hey I have motivational problem" (you know a common sigh of depression) and my parents just tell me I'm fine and start using it against me and make fun of me. I'm 18 now and about to graduate high school and I'm making connection on some of my issues. Wouldn't wear pony tail hair styles until I was 17 because my mother had torture me with it as a child making me sit on pain crying then punish me for just loosing it up so my hair wasn't ripping out of my head. I hate wearing dresses,make up, and a bunch of other things now because I can't stand how my body looks in them even though wearing those things is are the only time I was every told I was pretty by my family, growing up in the south I was told so many sexist things that made me think even of i wore that shit I would never be loved. And don't get me started on the diets, since I was around fucking 9 my mother always complained about the shit we eat. I was never as picky of a child my mother claim I am. Because my mother only buys the shit kinda replacement sugar and shoves at me. She cut out important things out of our diets to make me and my father diet with her and she'll do it out of no where. We haven't had carbs in months other that low carb pasta and what I have at school. She complains about the large amounts of soda we drink buts almost all we have to drink since no one can keep water bottles cold (tap water tastes like lead and chlorine) and tea or green tea is Mixed with fake sugars that are worse than normal sugars. Exercise is almost non existent in my house. I'll go for walks and runs when it's warm but other than that I really can't exercise cause not only have I almost lost the will to live but if I used any of equipment that not being used, that could probably make a huge difference in my college tuition if sold, in front of my parents I'll most likely be made fun of. Whats worse is me and my friends know this isn't how you're supposed to diet but if just mention it to my mother she doesn't listen because "I'm just a child." I know this is a not ranty but I need to let this out somewhere...
@tigerella714 6 жыл бұрын
I'm really sorry to hear that you're going through this stuff. I'm from the south, so I know what you mean when you say stuff about people being sexist sometimes. It isn't quite so bad where I live but I see it happen. I may not be able to relate to you since I'm the polar opposite, having always been skinny and unable to gain much no matter what I eat, but know that I'll send prayers your way that you can get out of the situation you're in. Your momma sounds really harsh, but if she won't listen to just you, try getting scientific articles to back you up. Again, I hope things get better for you.
@lilylavenderart5034 6 жыл бұрын
about to watch it, sorry you went through that. post watching; wow this opened my eyes to other forms of eating disorders Your right this needs to be discussed more in schools. My dad used to make me feel bad about my weight (he has a thing for control) and I always saw myself fat. It wasn't until... last year, I believe, I looked at some photos of me in primary school and saw that I was skinny as shit. I never developed an eating disorder, I had a wonderful mum to try and balance me out. Just got a nice does of depression. Very brave of you to speak out about this.
@kirstenc6221 6 жыл бұрын
Lily LavenderArt You know, it actually terrifies me that you basically copy and pasted my life. Just replace dad with grandma and BOOM there's me. I'm glad you never developed an eating disorder, keep it up. 🤗
@imogenw6879 6 жыл бұрын
I have the opposite problem to you I cannot tell if I'm full or not, and I have to force myself to stop eating sometimes. This leads to a steady increase of weight. It really doesn't help that I find hard to do any type of physical activities due to a bunch of health problems I have (including severe asthma)
@cinnabons2022 6 жыл бұрын
I have the same mindset right now, “skinny is pretty and no one likes you because you’re fat”. I make jokes and laugh about it with people, but it really affects me. Thanks for talking about this, it helps.
@azurastar3223 6 жыл бұрын
I have problems with stress. Depending on the type I will eat a lot or avoid it altogether. I went three months in a situation where I didn't eat and then into an intensive job change that was physically demanding and lost close to a hundred pounds very fast. That was over 4 years ago and even today I have to remind myself to eat. Its very hard.
@ineedsleep4709 6 жыл бұрын
this was such an eye opener for me. i thought that the way i ate was totally okay and that skipping meals was fine. I'm going to try my best to eat better now.. thank you.
@socialmediamoth2205 6 жыл бұрын
i feel like more videos like this are needed tbh i went through similar stuff when i was young but "you only have an eating disorder if-" always made me think i was fine and honestly people actually discussing it made me realize when i was 18 that i had problems no one should have to find out years later after putting their bodies through so much because public education only wants to tell you "you have to vomit to have a disorder" this will definitely help people, i'm so glad you decided to talk about it and that you're getting past it
@Dustinachan 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly the stereotype about eating disorders is so damaging and it's why a lot of people don't recognize what they're doing isn't good. I'm really appreciative that you talked about this, because it's opened my eyes to the fact that i act so similarly and I need to fix that. So thank you for bringing this up.
@YellowMelle 6 жыл бұрын
I went through a slightly similar situation through highschool, but it wasn't by choice, I just didn't have food access for some reason. But my results were a lot different! I lost weight like crazy, and as shameful as it may be to admit, I loved that part. But it wasn't easy either... there was pain, for sure. My stomach growling during tests was embarrassing. I get weepy when I'm hungry, so I was weepy all the time. My body stopped working somewhat, I was constantly sick, and I half-fainted every time I entered a room. After highschool, I had a boyfriend to feed, so suddenly meals were a thing and I gained 40 lbs immediately! Now, I still have a bad relationship with food. A lot of that issue is just how weirdly judgemental the world is about food choice. My stepparent would scold us kids if he caught us eating. He would even trick me sometimes just for the excuse. And then later as an adult, if a friend saw me eating pasta, she would lecture me about calories. A coworker would tell me I'm going to die of bad health whenever she saw me eating white bread. I still eat junk when I'm bored. I'm addicted to sugar. I'm overweight. I still hide food around the house like a squirrel. That stuff doesn't go away! On one hand, it would have been nice if people directly told me that my family situation wasn't "normal". On the other hand, food lectures are what made me feel guilt and anxiety about eating in the first place. It's hard to know what is helpful.
@bonestheartist 6 жыл бұрын
Michie, I have a similar story. All my life I've been bullied, and I couldn't bring myself to call myself beautiful. I was never skinny. I fought my own battle with binge eating, body dysmorphia, depression, and anxiety, and it does get better. I'm so happy now, and I see myself as so much more than a goddamn body. Thank you so much for sharing this and being so inspiring to me and countless others
@astridsauce6589 6 жыл бұрын
im crying from this and this isn't even an emotional video, im so close in resemblance from the situations with ur mom and dad all the way to the lunch and not really going to the doctors office. In fact we didn't even relies until about a year ago anything was wrong until i went to the doctor and they said that if i had went 2 more weeks on such low protein that i would've been dead, it took about 4 years for me to be "average weight" for my height (not even age) and now that im there i can see problems again, im trying to not fall into the loophole again but im scared i might, im so happy you made it through see you on the otherside m8 ;)
@astridsauce6589 6 жыл бұрын
oh my god even with the migrains this is actually scary, im full on crying now : i needed to see this video honestly im glad that i clicked
@rogueashes8272 6 жыл бұрын
This video legit brought me to tears. It couldn't have come at a better time. I am dealing with similar issues. I thought it was normal to just kind of... forget to eat. I didn't know it was a problem. Like, everything you described in your video is exactly what I'm going through right now. I hate having pictures taken bc I always end up looking fat... to me. My image in the mirror is starting to look better to me though. It's been a lot worse since I got to college but it's been going on since high school. Thank you.
@PhoRaminal 6 жыл бұрын
Honestly, I appreciate that you're openly talking about issues like these. While I never had an issue with feeling overweight, I have had a major issue for a long time with anorexia and later on bulimia. A lot of that came from severe abuse from my family and kids at school. Like I was forced to eat everything on my plate as a kid and if I threw it up, my father would beat me and force me to eat another plate. If I didn't want to or didn't feel well, I was forced to starve because my father and mother said it made me incredibly ungrateful and a brat. Lots of other instances caused it, including ex friends of mine literally never letting me eat or sleep because if I left them alone for even a second, they'd like threaten suicide and it so was crazy and fucked up I realize only after the fact. Unsurprisingly, my current best friend was the one to break my bad habit of going three days to a week without food because she was getting really worried about me. But I still struggle to eat and maintain my weight and if it weren't for her, I'm sure I would have starved to death already. Anyway, thank you for drawing attention to how serious a problem stuff like that is, especially highlighting that you don't have to look like you have an eating disorder to have one.
@UnfortunatelySunny 6 жыл бұрын
This video literally reminded me to go eat breakfast and its already 3:30
@gabyiskewl7678 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry you went through that. But you're working hard to get to the place you want to be! Thank you for talking about this, I realized I have an eating disorder. I also thought it was just throwing up but I now know that I was so wrong. Thank you ❤️
@tracygriffee8160 6 жыл бұрын
When you were saying your symptoms, like being tired and headaches, I constantly have that, and my family always points out im getting thinner. I think I need to change a few things
@Taigalaxy 3 жыл бұрын
"If someone can learn from this video, then I've done my job." Me sweating nervously at how accurate it is to my situation
@sugarbats7223 6 жыл бұрын
it's always such a horrible feeling when you feel your hardships aren't worthy because you think theres always someone worse than you. Your story is heart breaking. you harmed yourself without even knowing it, and in such a way thats almost irreversible, I'm so sorry that its even still affecting you now. I think you're dealing with it in the best way though, making a permanent change for your *HEALTH*. Changing your every day habits is not easy, I've done that recently too. But it's super within your reach to be healthy again! It sounds to me like you're doing great. Keep it up, and thanks for telling your story. I know it'll help many people, even if its just one drop in their pail to getting help, you helped them and thats so special.
@fluffpuff1776 6 жыл бұрын
I am so so proud of you like eating disorders are so so hard and they suck so fucking much all through middle school i did the same thing i wanted so so bad to be "attractive" i threw up and i hurt myself and my body i wish that i had learned sooner this lesson that you are teaching thank you for sharing this i know there are a lot of people who need to hear this so thank you
@MadzdaDuck 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you, this really helped me realize that I really did have an eating disorder last year (7th grade). All I would eat was a bite of an apple at 12:30, nothing before and nothing after until around 6. I knew it wasn't good, but I never really thought of it as a disorder. I really didn't think that my often fainting and lightheadedness was from it. I had this one problem where I had my period one week then had it again 1 week later. I just kept blaming it on that and low blood pressure and that's what I told the doctors and my parents. I'd always get comments about me being "skin and bones" I wasn't to worried bc I didn't think I was that thin. I've gotten over it now and am happy with myself (8th grade) Now that I eat, I've bean able to gain more strength and be more healthier. But now, I don't really see why, people will joke (I think) about me not eating and being anorexic. In my opinion, I don't think that's a compliment. I like the way I am now, perfectly good the way I am. As Well as now I see also why I had depression and was always pretty unstable. I didn't talk to people about it really even though a lot of people would ve concerned about it but defeated it on my own. I honestly wished I talked to people about it so I didn't have to go through it for so long, but that's in the past now. Thank you, for helping me realize that I really had a problem and that I wasn't alone.
@Sphinksnap 6 жыл бұрын
I have to give you props for going through this and be able to talk about it today, I'm really proud of you as a person, I think you are accomplished and I wish you luck for your future, I'm actually going through this and I think the hardest thing to accept is the aftermath, because I really fucked up my health and I feel lucky I discovered this soon enough so I don't anymore and I can eat properly. I'm probably gonna throw my two cents under my own comment X)
@Sphinksnap 6 жыл бұрын
So yes, I had an eating disorder, and what I wanted is to gain weight, I was really obsessed with it. And yes, it's really stupid. Because I have a particular body type, I have muscles, and then I have a little chest and you can see my ribs. I didn't know about body types tho, and through my childhood, I always had round people in my family and there was nobody who really had my body type, and my grandmother told me EACH TIME SHE SAW ME I was anorexic and too skinny, and that it was ugly. She compared me to African children all the time and told me I was exactly like them. And I believed her, I literally saw a starving child in the mirror, even though I was a healthy child!! And when I was in high school -I was in the equivalent of 8th grade I think? I went to the swimming pool because it was in the program, and my teacher came to me personally and told me "OMG you're so skinny I can see some of your ribs!! Are you okay ?? Did you eat? You know you can talk about it!" And I felt like all the other girls looked at me and judged me. I felt so bad I literally asked not to go to the swimming pool again. From that point, I really wanted to gain weight, and I remembered that someone told me "if you don't eat for a while and then suddenly eat, you'll gain weight, that's the saddest in anorexia." And, like the little shit I was, I thought "HEY, that's a good way to gain weight and finally be normal, not the skinny shit you are!!" And so I did this weird shit where I didn't eat healthy things for two days, only unhealthy stuffs that would prevent my stomach from gurgle, and then I suddenly ate a lot because I was frigging hungry. And I was happy if I gained anything on the weighing machine, and completely sad if I lost anything. And I did it until a few months before, when I stopped eating glucose but fat stuffs, and I had a deficiency in iron and hypoglycemia. I didn't understand the little crisis I had and why I felt like I changed, until I had a big one at school, and the doctor was shocked I only had 34g/l of glucose in my blood and nobody noticed anything. Now I know more about my body type and stuffs, I feel a bit better, I even joined the theater class to help them because they prepared a show about this kind of stuffs. They thought I was kidding first because it's so weird to WANT to gain weight, but they eventually understood my reasons. I still have some health issues, but let's say I'm healing little by little, and I really want to support people who went through any kind of eating disorder. So if anyone had the patience to go through it, know that I highly support you if you're going through hard things in your life, and I really hope you have someone, some people, some friends or family, who are here to tell you "you're an amazing person, don't try to change yourself because I love you as you are." That was my two cents, sorry if it's frigging long, I don't know if it is relatable or useful, but I hope it'll help someone out there anyway! I think a lot of things could be solved if people were taught about body types at school, instead of the DMI thing!
@blxssingss 5 жыл бұрын
I understand why you weren't hungry. When the stomach goes for a period of time without eating, it shrinks. And since you made sure to eat to where you didn't feel pain, it shrunk with virtually no notice.
@blushmuffin5259 6 жыл бұрын
I appreciate that you took the time to tell your story. The take away here is that eating disorders can affect anyone, at any stage of their life, and you may not see it until it wrecks your body. Sometimes your family can affect you, even if it's well intended. But it's a big accomplishment to even start to eat healthy and keep it consistently. I thought I'd share a personal one as a Thank You: I do not have an eating disorder. But I have moderate to high anxiety. I have this incessant NEED to WANT to control everything. From finances to chores to time to eating healthy (I lack control to consistently eat healthy). I have an obsession with it and need to be on control. I didn't realize I was eating a full meal just once a day due this need to control finances. I was buying food instead of making it and that ate up my paycheck. I didn't want that anymore. So, when I bought a pizza or a burger because I was hungry and it was cheaper, it was two thoughts: 1) wow this cost X amount, and 2) Wow, this is not helping me be healthy. And I would wait until dinner time to eat. And snacking didn't help. There was no sudden light switch moment where I realized what I was doing. My daughter is on her school schedule and would be my alarm for lunch time. I kept skipping it and didn't realize how I was unconsciously pushing her to wait on it, too. I started paying attention to when she ate and compared that to when I ate when she wasn't there and put it together. My need to control my spending (which I suck at), was causing me to skip meals for myself. I did not hesitate on buying my child food. I now try to go grocery shopping so I'm not tempted to get fast food, or have healthy snacks readily available (I love apples).
@piin_ball388 6 жыл бұрын
I feel you I always forget to eat breakfast and dinner cause it's a habit but then I'll be starving at lunch and eat everyone else's food and then feel awful and I'm not even in highschool yet and I wear woman's jeans
@SebastianSeanCrow 6 жыл бұрын
I understand the hunger thing after eating. I used to starve myself and when I was getting away from that I found I couldn’t stop eating a lot of the time. I was constantly eating or scrounging for snacks. I felt so awful about it.
@plaguefox3359 6 жыл бұрын
I understand this. I have kids in my class at school who make fun of me for being “fat” when in reality, I’m the average weight of a girl my age. But because of those kids, I used to basically starve myself, I’d eat barely anything at lunch or at supper. Over the summer, I can remember that I would eat maybe a piece of toast or a slice of pizza all day. I’m trying to eat more, as well as become more active so I maintain a healthy weight. Keep fighting. -Foxtail74
@james-ct9ze 5 жыл бұрын
honestly when you said "i ate so much after starving myself" that....really worries me about myself. im the type of person that works ALL of the time, and ive learned to be really good at ignoring hunger for the sake of my work ethic. once i got on break after school i started to eat EVERYTHING. i couldnt stop eating for 2 weeks i didn't know what was happening. thank you so much for sharing this
@joeyart7325 6 жыл бұрын
What makes this even worse is that I (a twig due to high metabolism levels) have been told 'I wish I was skinny like you' and asked 'Do you have an eating disorder' before. I have seen my sister cry due to being a bigger lady and not finding a homecoming dress in her size. It's sad that around 70% maybe more of the United States women are bigger built but society says being skinny is common. It is sad when I was told to eat a Big Mac by a friend and not the usual small salad I typically eat at lunch. People don't realize what they say sticks to people like healthy fats stick to bones. Just last week I was told by some stuck-up kid I 'look like a pig' because I moved his bag out of the way. Days where I feel down about life those words will haunt me. I joked with a friend one time about how people have made these remarks. One of my bigger friends said I will give you my fat because a few seconds earlier I said I will gladly take their fat. People don't realize what kind of impact they have on people. Both bigger and skinner people have comments about their put on them and it affects them forever. I am also really glad that you decided to talk about this and show some light on the topic. Sorry for the long comment, have a nice day.
@xxemii5679 6 жыл бұрын
Aw, I'm so sorry that's something you went through :( I'm glad you made it through though ♡♡♡
@localseawitch7308 6 жыл бұрын
You’re a really strong person! I’ve been dealing with an eating disorder myself (anorexia b/p subtype) for about two years and I’m still struggling with it even with inpatient treatment and therapy. I’m doing much better now, but I’m still on a meal plan because that’s what works best for me. Before I had an eating disorder, I was starting to lose weight in a healthy way, then I started to develop ED habits and eventually I was starving myself down to 800 calories a day. It also made me lose 20 lbs in two months. Fortunately now I’m much better, but I still deal with daily struggles. I wish you the best!
@JuggalogoJackerbox 6 жыл бұрын
After watching this I'm very thankful that my school actualy bothered to teach us the signs of an eating disorder and that it's not just the vomit or being a toothpick of a person, I feel bad that this had to happen to you it sounds fucking awful (hell I may be on the edge of an eating disorder myself...)
@lazli9963 6 жыл бұрын
I just got out of an eating disorder but I thought it was nothing. Or that you had to do that to help lose weight. I didn't know until now that it actually was an eating disorder. Thank you so much for talking out this!
@bigdaddyscin8005 6 жыл бұрын
Wow, you made me realize I may be on my way to an eating disorder... I forget to eat a lot on days I don't have someone cooking something for me. I usually don't eat breakfast before school (It makes me feel sick to eat that early) and I tend to eat very little during lunch. I'm kinda thin for my height, 5'6 and 113 pounds, but I've never seen that as a problem since I'm pretty physically active. I guess I should really start trying to fix that, I don't want a problem that could affect my health so negatively. Thanks for helping me think about that, also really proud you could realize something was wrong and bring yourself to a doctor before any major body damage. Many people with eating disorders can't do that, it takes some real strength.
@syliic934 6 жыл бұрын
what's strange is that at my school, they beat eating disorders into our heads. What my school's problem is is not identifying kids with PTSD and similar things.
@sweetly.artistic687 6 жыл бұрын
My health teacher actually talked about more than just starving yourself. But of all types not just being overally thin. Which after seeing this video makes me glad. I can’t say I relate but I can say I’m proud that you’re talking about it and making sure people know.
@isopodch.4599 6 жыл бұрын
In middle school I never ate breakfast and rarely ate lunch. I've always been underweight and the lowest my BMI has been (about 8 months ago) was 15.8. I'm trying not to develop an eating disorder, and I still battle with the feeling of hunger and the voice in my head keeps saying "Don't eat and you won't get fat" and although I have a more normal BMI (17.2) I'm terrified of becoming overweight because "Nobody will love me and I'll have to go on welfare and die alone blah blah blah..."
@morganbodhi9492 5 жыл бұрын
thank u. i don’t wanna talk about my personal struggles but i feel like i’ve only heard ppl say “lose weight bc u’ll be prettier” or “dont lose weight bc then ur doing it for someone else”. and this is the first time i’ve heard someone say they’re losing weight for their health and i realized that if i wanna lose weight it doesn’t have to be for other ppl.
@yevvieart 5 жыл бұрын
Thanks for that video, really. My whole life I've been picked on because of being fat, so for high school I left for "big city where no one cares about how you look" to get away from it. I've had financial issues then where I would eat one meal every 3-5 days, pass out during classes etc, then end up in hospital with perforated stomach ulcers and shitload of other health issues. I had to drop out from school, I gained weight, and my mother still tends to pick on me with "just do something with yourself it's not normal". While, well, I eat healthy, I walk everywhere, I do moderate exercise. I have semi-normal life despite anxiety and depression. I do stuff. I still have not enough money to _always_ have food on the table, but working as an artist on Patreon helped. Trying to stay strong and not believe the mirror.
@WolfeWrangle 6 жыл бұрын
For me, when people mentioned Eating Disorders, it was for people starving themselves. And if you overeat? 'You're just being fat, so stop eating so much'. I was convinced it wasn't a mental thing, I was just lazy (Because people tend to think that all fat people just _want_ to overeat and have no sort of self-control). I remember in elementary I couldn't eat because kids would steal my food saying I didn't need it because I was too fat anyway. And after being called "Fat ass" and the kids making dramatic stomping noises with each of my steps to imply that I was *that* huge, I truly believed it. But instead of starving myself, I ended up eating more. I wanted to stop, and I wished I could just starve myself. But self-depreciation usually lead to more food. I ate away my feelings constantly and, over the years. gained more weight. Now I'm at a point where I'm obese, and I still overeat, but I want to get better. The stuff I overeat is usually either vegetables or wholesome meals (Because I'd rather overeat stuff that's good for you than chips and pizza). I haven't lost weight but rather, I have stayed at the same spot for about a year. I want to lose weight but I figure at least I'm not gaining any weight.
@user-rx5rj6jx1d 6 жыл бұрын
As bad as this might sound, I forget to eat as well. I will forget to eat at school most of the time and sometimes I will forget to eat at home. One day, I didn't eat anything but dinner. And, actually 3 days ago I forgot to eat lunch. And it's not like I'm trying to starve myself, I'm perfectly content with the way my body is. I can just forget my hunger. And I do go to the doctor (ever since last year my visits have sky-rocketed) and I'm perfectly fine (except slight anemia and some other vitamin problems that are not so bad). I think this happens because when I was 6-7 I was REALLY chubby because every day at school I would eat chocolate croissants and I would ALWAYS eat chocolate for breakfast and as dessert. I remember this because I wanted to wear a pirate costume to a party and it was too small. But when I was 8-9, the costume fit on PERFECTLY. Now, in the winter, I forget to eat, whereas in the summer, I eat half of my food. Rant over, you're really great for speaking about this and sharing your problems
@eiriisafish 6 жыл бұрын
you really dont know how much of a help this was to me. I am in almost the exact same situation as you were when you were younger. i look at myself and cry because of how much i feel like ive failed, and how big i am. thank you. thank you so much. you really opened my eyes.
@Khare-gp2lx 6 жыл бұрын
I have an eating disorder- I want to cry after I eat- I will skip my lunch because my parents won’t let our family eat when we start eating- I’ve literally tried to throw up but I have no gag reflex. And it’s not just me skipping meals- I will eat whole boxes of Oreos because I don’t have them normally. I have no self control so I’ll starve and then stuff my face. It started because my doctor called me fat, now I am so self conscious that I- look like a girl or I’m fat.
@princembat 5 жыл бұрын
this is so important honestly, because of the fact that no one thinks its an eating disorder if youre not bone thin and vomiting out the ass after every meal. eating disorders come in more forms than one, and people hating their body even when theyre not "huge" is also a very big thing. i hate looking into the mirror for so many reasons, and my weight is definitely one. i hope i can change it sometime soon, not only to feel better about myself, but also so im healthier. also, that little bit about the forgetting to shower or brush your teeth etc and keeping a note of it....i literally made a paper over a year ago to list every time id take a shower because i always take them much farther apart than i should. in a year and (just under) 3 months, ive taken only 71 showers. anyone who notices that shower paper (because its on the back of my bedroom door, so its very obvious when my doors closed) they always laugh and are like 'haha thats ridiculous' but its a serious issue for me, because the idea of taking a shower when im not in it is just so...painful. its an area where not only am i forced to stand and think by myself for a fairly long amount of time, so i can easily upset myself with horrible thoughts, but i could also miss out on anything that could happen at that time too. my parents would never understand though, so to them its just a reminder of how weird i am i guess.
@heartemoji9816 6 жыл бұрын
honestly, Thank you. this has really opened my eyes to my own issues, because I think of myself the same way, and never viewed it as a problem. seriously, thank you, and good luck on your weight loss journey
@archasmic6336 6 жыл бұрын
this helps me a tonne actually :) i feel like i can actually understand what my partner is going through and how i can go about helping her
@justanotherweirdo11 6 жыл бұрын
This makes me think of my friend who doesn't eat breakfast, eats like 2 things during lunch, and actually eats during dinner. Then my other friend is trying to be like her and I'm just like, " Why?! " Now I can give them a reason.
@myametivier3126 6 жыл бұрын
You are completely correct schools should educate more students about this because what if you went too far and seriously messed yourself up?
@battydemon 6 жыл бұрын
I broke down crying too many times through this video because I grew up the same way and my disorder is the same way. It almost felt encouraging when I would get on a scale and my stepdad would say "I don't understand how you're in your room all day but you still lose weight." I'm slowly working on eating three meals a day because my best friend and my mom convinced me to, but I never really realized it was that important until this video. Thank you for making this.
@JuliaNightmare 6 жыл бұрын
This got me thinking back to my health class. My highschool health teacher told us more signs of eating disorders besides vomiting and being severely underweight or major overeating. She told us that a lot of people would look unhealthy if they were the weights that they should be for their demography (or whatever the word is) not everyone carries their weight the same ways as eachother. She had told me I looked healthy besides my weight and I probably don't need to lose as much as I thought to be healthier. It is nice to hear other people's stories on this topic. Things like this are different for everyone and not just the generalized textbook definitions.
@legocitycommittee 6 жыл бұрын
thank you for maming this video, michie. it made me think back to how i viewed myself as a child and now that ive looked back on old photos, i realized that i was never as fat as what i saw in the mirror. i am grateful that you brought awareness to this issue and i hope you can get to your health goal!
@dreamarson4421 4 жыл бұрын
I am a 15 year old female that weighs less than 100 pounds. In health class, my teacher said I had an eating disorder since I'm skinny. I said "I eat fine. I dont have a disorder." My teacher proceeded to take out a scale and made me get on it in front if the entire class. I was about 94.8 lbs. He then said "you lied" Mind you, I eat like nonstop. I literally carry bars of food on me so I don't starve in class because if I dont eat, I get migraines and lightheaded. I feel like I'll pass out. I carry these snacks in a purse. I went to my desk, grabbed my bag and went to the teacher. I dumped it in front of him and said "I eat all of these in a day. If I didnt, I probably wouldn't be here in this room. This is the minimum I eat" I grabbed about 20 bars and held them up "and I only did that once when I was 11 because everytime I ate, I threw up because of mono." I grabbed my things and sat back down. I am skinny and light but I do NOT have an eating disorder. I hate people who look at me and say I do since I'm underweight
@pahharper 5 жыл бұрын
I know this is a serious topic but... Girl/Boy: *Pukes* Everyone: You have an eating disorder. Me: Or they're sick.
@sablemoreno5095 6 жыл бұрын
I'm so glad you made this. We need to spread the word to everyone! (especially the older people who didn't learn this and the young who haven't had a chance to learn yet)
@mystica5331 6 жыл бұрын
A tip for anyone struggling to eat three whole meals a day you should eat six smaller meals a day. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack etc.
@iffah6075 6 жыл бұрын
The way you shared your experience felt really sincere and even though i cannot relate to the fullest, i could honestly say that this did open my mind more. I hope for the best for u.
@ninus_0 6 жыл бұрын
I'm happy to inform that you've done your job. I now know something about eating disorders and will try to avoid it. I was a having a really bad day today and you made me feel really better. I'm happy that I'm not alone with problems
@Kaspiie 6 жыл бұрын
I realised I was overweight this year; like not overly, but still noticeable to a big degree. I started walking my dog to the park and running around with her for 2 hours or so every day after school except Thursday (PE class has my feet dead, so I’d just skip those days.) but the problem was I wasn’t changing my eating habits. A lot of junk food and fizzy drink. I then started drinking orange juice when I was hungry or thirsty, but my appetite was getting really bad. Skip to a few weeks ago I stopped eating anything but different kind of cereals. I started getting sleepy and lightheaded and was off of school for a week or two. I was also dealing with a secret that I eventually told my parents, but the contents of the secret aren’t important, just the fact I had a secret that was making me hate myself. I ended up going to the doctor and being diagnosed with Armenia, so that’s gr8. Don’t know if it was related completely since there was always signs, but currently my eating habits only consist of cereal, orange juice, lemonade and cucumbers so y’know. I just physically can’t eat any other foods without gagging at the thought. I’m skipping lunch times, mainly due to the fact that I’d need to make my own but don’t have time (lunches at school are too expensive and door system doesn’t allow me to go to local shops). I’m eating cereal for breakfast though skipping most dinners. I’m pretty sure I’m fine, though my self image has been really bad lately.
@enzerukoa 5 жыл бұрын
i’m choking up right now because holy shit this is exactly what’s happening to me. i barely eat during the day and pocket my lunch money but eat dinner. i didn’t know it was a problem until literally right now. thank you for making this. oh my god
@datpony101 6 жыл бұрын
I'm super happy you made a video about this topic, because it really needs more attention, plus it's always good to hear about someone overcoming problems in their lives. Schools really need to educate people more on stuff like this, because it's very serious, yet is just written off as 'if u don't throw up and weigh 60 pounds ur fine!1!!1' Once again I'm really happy you're doing better now, and I hope exercising and losing weight goes well for you. Just remember that no matter what weight you're at, you're a beautiful and skilled human being who will be able ro achieve whatever you set your mind to 👌
@angelusacedia8924 6 жыл бұрын
I know this is hard to talk about and I applaud you for making a video about this. If you hadn't I wouldn't have ever known I had an eating disorder, the same one you're talking about. My mom and stepmom are obsessed with weight and the whole 'if you aren't thin you aren't healthy' thing too. I'd pocket my lunch money and I wouldn't eat lunch. I'd have a juice and a snack cake from my friend's lunch that he'd bring me because I realize now he was worried about me even if he'd never say it. I stopped feeling hunger and even to this day it's hard to remember to eat. Doctors never helped me, they always told me my problems were because I am overweight which has only compiled the issues. I know I have problems, but I never knew it was an eating disorder until you made this video. So, thank you, thank you, thank you.
@possumvile 6 жыл бұрын
Self Confidence is something so many people struggle with. I remember how much I had struggled with being so so upset that my thighs touched that I was heavy chested that I was so useless. I thought so much that I was fat. But I wasn't, my mother kept trying to tell me I was wrong but I didn't believe her. But over time I got more confident in myself because of people around me. I was so upset when I ripped holes in my jeans with my legs. You have to learn that you'll never look perfect. I learned to laugh at myself, take care of yourself. Weather you think so or not. If your healthy and you eat well your weight doesn't matter. If you are healthy your not fat. Your body weight has different factors. Musles weigh more than fat. Your thighs can touch. If your health and happy even if you think you are your not fat. You should love yourself.
@possumvile 6 жыл бұрын
But michie I really hope your ok. We all love you very much and I want to give you a hug so much right now
@finnbenham 6 жыл бұрын
Congratulations for being brave and talking about this topic :). I wish you the best in your journey for good health :).
@cheesecake5868 6 жыл бұрын
Also, keep up with you're goals I love you and you're awesome content
@nerdyalanah1999 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for shaking this with us. We still love you!
@SebastianSeanCrow 6 жыл бұрын
If you starve yourself, your body eventually stops telling you you’re hungry. In my experience, when you don’t eat, you also get really thirsty a lot cuz it’s harder to stay hydrated and nourished.
@lenathegreat3452 6 жыл бұрын
this might sound weird but... i am so happy that i have found someone who know what's right for their body, and that its not just calories in calories out. i'm so happy that you have been so brave to talk about this in front of 29k people!!! goodluck. and be happy with what you got. stay happy.
@astrojade3611 6 жыл бұрын
It’s great to hear you’re trying to have healthier habits. I’m rooting for ya 💜
@Emilyraeonyt 6 жыл бұрын
This video got to me... Thanks so much for posting this and talking about it. 💗 I wish us both luck in the path of healthiness~
@chiarat2611 6 жыл бұрын
I think I have something similar but not cause of body issues but rather for income. To explain I’m a university student so and I’m not getting a lot of money from the government atm so I’ve taught myself to eat less to make my food last longer but then I eat more at the same time because I’ve taught my stomach to eat something at least every 3-4 hours whether it be a snack or some tea or a full meal I can finish it but the full meals get to me I can barely finish them. When I went back home for the holidays my mum and everyone else was saying that I lost weight and tbh I never noticed it I just thought it was cause I was walking more (which is probably a part of it) but I always thought I was eating the same amount as before I started university but I just spread out my eating times. So I may have a mild eating disorder I’m not fully claiming I do but I may have one. But I’ve had a problem with anemia for years I’ve finally gotten my iron levels to a healthy point but that was through an injection of iron. Anyway that’s my rant and Michie it was great to hear you talk about this and I applaud your courage to make this video, you are amazing and an inspiration to me not just in art but in general you have an amazing personality and I hope all your hard work pays off.
@MidnightDakota-eh9ym 5 жыл бұрын
i sadly am in a similar situation because of income my parents dont make enough and i can work rn because of other health issues which may because of this.
@jellybeanjackrabbit 6 жыл бұрын
This is really brave and i salute you for talking about this. Its important and word should be spread.
@momalyn9539 5 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for making this, eating disorders need to be talked about more. I have suffered and still deal with bulimia so this took me a while to get through but it really does help
@Kab724 6 жыл бұрын
I just want to say this I'm a new fan but, Thank You for talking about this topic it's people like you for telling your stories giving information people like you are the reason I've finally decided to get the help I need, I'm not going to go in depth but thank you for being an amazing example for the problems like these just thank you.
@rick79ize 6 жыл бұрын
Oh, I'm sorry Michie. Keep on fighting! 😊Also, I lost my stupid Wacom Pen and I feel crappy. At least your channel helps me cope with it!
@leafpile4737 5 жыл бұрын
I am a big person too, and in 8th grade I had a binge eating disorder. I gained almost 100 lbs in a YEAR. I've lost at least 20 lbs of that because my anxiety was so severe it became psycho somatic and I couldn't eat anything but bread without getting violently sick. I was genuinely concerned I had stomach cancer. I'll always be bigger, and I am still trying to accept that, and people should love their bodies as long as they stay healthy.
@hostilewaffles1491 6 жыл бұрын
I legit want to go to my middle/high school (6th-12th) and try to spread awareness about this through a petition or something. My friend had an eating disorder in 6th grade and still has a few side-effects from it- like never getting hungry. Thank you for this video, and I hope you can pull through to reach your goals and lead a happy, healthy life. ❤️
@ashikat413 6 жыл бұрын
This kind of scared me, because... well I can't say im unaware of it. I know I dont eat enough, or didnt for a long time. Ive always suffered migraines, I'm incredibly weak (carry a jug of milk with both hands WITH effort kind of weak,) always fatigued and very rarely having any energy, any activity makes me feel lethargic; I'm anemic, sometimes just standing up too fast makes me light headed and ive fainted a few times in my life - just from standing up. But I suffer from manic depression, and fatigue and no energy is a sign of depression, and I used it as an excuse. "Im so weak and fragile because im depressed, i have no energy to exercise so my body is unfit." But at the same time, i dont know if i realized i was doing this, but i only ate dinner just as you said you had. Sometimes- SOMETIMES- i would have school lunch but never all of it. I might drink the milk and eat a serving of potatoes and throw everything else away. I never really felt hungry. I though maybe my stomach didnt function right- i never felt hungry until i was SO hungry it manifested in awful pain. Because of this i would go days with out properly eating (i still ate usually, just not anything close to qualifying as a meal and nothing id even consider a snack now that im eating better) and not even NOTICE. I did this to myself until i was so thin you could see my ribs without sucking in my gut at all (which was what i always wanted- i never ever appeared in public without sucking my stomach in) and still, if you bend over you see rolls, no matter how thin you are. So when i sat down, bent over, or anything of the sort I'd see that in my stomach and id sit there, grabbing it, wishing i could just cut it off. I was obsessive about it. In highschool, i developed this policy that when that hunger pain hit, id get up and go for a walk without eating. My wake up call was when I woke up one morning and I LITERALLY did not have the physical energy to get up. I could barely lift my arms, I couldnt lift my head. That was my wake up call. Now, i still struggle with the thoughts telling me how much weight im gaining and how horrible I look sitting down and how ive lost my figure and i eat SO much, but i ignore it as best as i can. I eat three meals a day. None of my pants fit anymore, ive gained so much weight. I went from 89 lbs to 130 lbs in a year. And honestly, i think a lot of it has to do with meeting my boyfriend. Even after the very scary experience with feeling lifeless like that, it was hard. But he made me happy and motivated. He told me i is beautiful and how happy he is that i was gaining weight. I think im very fortunate to have intervention when i did, because I think ive caused permanent damage to my body doing what I did and I never realized how bad it really was. Of course, I always passed up food while others ate, i told them i didnt feel hungry and i believed it, but i think i just trained myself not to feel it because in my mind, I needed to eat less. Every day i strived to eat less. Last longer on less food. Be thinner, be prettier, be better. I knew it was wrong, but it was so hard to convince myself i was harming myself when seeing my bones under my skin made me feel good. I still wish i looked like that, even though i know its unhealthy and unattractive. I still look in the mirror and see how thick my stomach is and i have to FIGHT to remind myself that im still thinner than average, that i still need to work up to a healtjy weight. Its so difficult, but I know its better. I have the energy i need to sustain myself, i can stay awake fumor a full 16 day (as opposed to succumbing to naps every fee hours) and Im hsppier than I ever have been. I can carry groceries into my house, i can run without feeling lightheaded. I dont get sick with colds and infections cinstantly like i used to. Life is just so better now, even though i struggle, and i believe even my depression is getting better.
@a2c3b6 6 жыл бұрын
When I talk to my parents about maybe having an eating disorder they say maybe, or I’m just extremely picky. I’ve asked them to help me go to a doctor but they never do. (I skip meals all the time. I’m always hungry but when given food I lose my appetite.) ... I’m allergic or sensitive to almost everything. I’ve tried to go to a specialist because I’m very sensitive to cleaners, perfume, and pet hair. but they gave me a super strict starter diet making it impossible to eat anything. I Started starving myself and we stopped the diet. I still don’t know what I’m allergic to.
@warmsoda4913 6 жыл бұрын
....this video came out at a really good time I've been asking myself If I may have an eating disorder for the past 3 weeks and this really helped me figure that out
@herddragon9215 6 жыл бұрын
I can relate to this in a strange way, by waching those i know go through this, thank you i did learn somthing from this.
@paigecritchlow 5 жыл бұрын
So sorry this has been a struggle in your life. You are very strong and brave to open up about this and it is clearly helping others. I am glad you have been taking steps in the direction of a much healthier lifestyle. We'll be rooting for you.
@humblemarty 6 жыл бұрын
You're really brave talking about this stuff. It's really relatable to get to know about eating disorders from someone who's been there.
@taylorhyuga1 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you. I dont think iv ever related to someone as i have just now. As a big girl my doctor has always said "your big you've always been big but you could loss a few pounds and be fine and not have to worry" And i would nod but inside id think how im fat and its my fault for eating that slice of pizza and how its my fault for not agree to go outside. And in a way it was but i know better and I can say the happiest iv ever been was after i lost 5 pound by healthy means. And not by going with out food till dinner. After i lost those few pound my doctor said 200 was healthy for me. For the first time a doctor told me that not just lossing a few pounds would be "okay" but that being 200 pounds was my form of healthy. I was shocked and i ask what person is healthy at 200 and she said "Iv study your weight from your past exams and how active youve been and your healthy as you are" I just stared at her for a solid 5 minutes before i broke down and cried. Because i was the one thing i never thought i could be Healthy. And she said if I wanted to lose wait i could but it would be for me and that i shouldnt lost more then 30 max and that i should only do it because i wanted to. Now iv stayed at a solid 210 for the last 3 years and iv never been happier.
@fuchsiamoonlight1301 6 жыл бұрын
I believe in you!! Being healthy is most important!
@sleepypilgrim262 5 жыл бұрын
It's such a good thing that you made this video sharing your experience. Eating disorders are not talked about nearly enough and the vast majority of people are very uneducated about them. I'm glad that you are doing better now and always take care of your body and be kind to it 💕❤
@abbyf8828 6 жыл бұрын
Hi. I'm still in my growing years and just got out of being a preteen. I've been really on edge about doing something destructive to my body so I won't feel uncomfortable around the other girls. Many people, even people who went through this battle themselves have warned me of this path, but your the first person that really spoke to me. Your the only person that has made me decide, I want to love me and my body no matter how I am, and that I should strive to care for myself. I know my case isn't an actual important thing to anyone but me but this video is the only thing that hasn't just delayed these thoughts of starving myself, but actually found the root of the problem and has given me a solution that I never knew I wanted. Thank you. XXX Abby
@quarksize1454 6 жыл бұрын
Thank you for talking about this. I suffered anorexia and over-exertion back in the summer of 2016 and had/have really bad body dimorphism because of it (which leads my current orthorexia). I completely agree that E.D’s should be talked about more to people especially younger people.
@tonijaramillo8647 6 жыл бұрын
I can completely relate to your story. I was never a skinny kid, never, not even average, I was always considered fat and on one point (when I was about 8-9) I was diagnosed as obese. I was bullied at school for my weight and I would feel awful about myself. When I was 13 my mum decided to take me to a nutritionist for my health and start a diet, it was hard but I lost about 70 pounds by the time I turned 14. But I wanted more, I wanted to look like the models I saw on magazines and the actresses on movies, so I went further with my diet, restricting everything that wasn't considered "healthy" on my standards (that were very messed up). I received complements everywhere, about how nice I looked and how skinny I was. That wasn't enough for me, so I threw my last card on the table and started chewing food, taking it out of my mouth and hiding it on a piece of paper that I had in between my legs at dinner time. I started loosing periods and I felt sick and tired always. Over time those complements became concerned comments that I didn't listen, in my mind I was doing the right thing. Many people can't believe how toxic your mind becomes while you are suffering from an eating disorder, the worst thing of all is that I didn't know that I had one, I thought the same as you, that eating disorders are only when you throw up or look like a walking skeleton. The switch came when I was caught during dinner time and I received a talk, it was devastating but necessary. Now I understand that what I did wasn't healthy in any way. Now that I'm 15 and about to turn 16 I'm still struggling with self image issues, but I feel way more energized and happy now. Please don't make the same mistake as I did, as many others like me did. Always favor your health over appearance, if you want to change do it! But do it for your health and do it on a healthy way.
@LuluMeowiePaintDrop 6 жыл бұрын
you made me realize i might have issues, i would always just forget to eat most of the time. i just did no felt hungry.. ill try my best to help myself, and i wish you the best of luck in your fitness journey. I truly believe you can do it ❤
@guilhermerafaelzimermann4196 6 жыл бұрын
I'm re watching this video because i like that character's face, but then my brain just went like "Yo, yo dude, how do those eyes work?" And now i can't stop thinking of the mechanics of non spherical eyes, which is the only way they can work in that size and arrangement XD It looks so nice but the mechanics of how those eyes would work are bugging my mind so hard, like my headcanon is that the eyes have a solid outer shell preventing them from falling out, and are gelatinous blobs, probably not the case since idk if that's your character or a commission you made for someone, but i love how this video made me think this hard about eyeballs
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