Conversations with UG, U.G Krishnamurti and John Wren Lewis

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nicolas grey

nicolas grey

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Conversations with UG, U.G Krishnamurti and John Wren Lewis
Copyright Notice
"My teaching, if that is the word you want to use, has no copyright. You are free to reproduce, distribute, interpret, misinterpret, distort, garble, do what you like, even claim authorship, without my consent or the permission of anybody."
-- U.G.

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@purpleman1974 2 жыл бұрын
John Wren Lewis´ account of his NDE is one of the most exquisite descriptions of the mystic experience ever. It was such a shame that he did not get to finish his book about it.
@kparke19 10 жыл бұрын
UG is the ultimate guy!!
@calm_compost 5 жыл бұрын
Whether you pursue god or pursue a whore, both are one and the same pleasure movement...😂😂 Such a therapeutic statement...💕💕
@arcanuslosanara2823 10 ай бұрын
It is a shame that all of U. G. Krishnamurti's videos have such bad quality. He happened to be a truly enlightened human being, a humble thinker who managed to mentally evade the guru hype in his home country and therefore turned into the one and only "guru" bewildering the curious and making the religious free of divine bondage. U. G. deserved a more professional treatment regarding film technique in order to shine a naturalist light on his unique intellectual capacity.
@jesuisravi 11 жыл бұрын
I love this guy--I also like to eat raw, unsweetened lemons.
@VenusLover17 3 жыл бұрын
Thanks so much
@sudarshanseshadri2144 3 жыл бұрын
So far, this seems to be the best from UG!!
@moesypittounikos 5 жыл бұрын
Thomas Merton meets a very old Lama while travelling through Asia. This Lama, who's been meditation for over 70 years, and living in the Himalayas is super qualified to be a proper Buddhist... To cut a long story short, Merton asks the obvious question to the Lama. Merton says, "Are you enlightened'? The Lama says, "Of course not"! The Lama gave the only honest response. Living in the heart of where the action is at, the good Lama had no need to want to impress Merton. The good Lama was honest, like the good Brahmin in the story by Voltaire We can say this is a record of an authentic spiritual tradition, now extinct but taken on corpse like form in the West. In the West the Lamas sound like the other corpse forms. Arthur Koestler writes how a corpse still moves. The hair still grows and the nails get longer. The dead body of the Soviet Union lasted for three generations until the inevitable disintegration. We are some three or four generations into American spirituality but the corpse is re-animated with fresh gurus. If, say, Merton's Lama was in the West, and if he was approached, he will deny enlightenment and so he'll be completely ignored. Even though he gave a profound answer, the modern spiritual lemming demands a person to proclaim that they are That and tell all about it. The Tibetan Lama's in the West are never as honest as the Himalayan Lama. They all talk the lingo of the experience. But a truly enlightened person is free of narcissism and fear (and all the other adjuncts glued onto Brahman). The narcissist needs the adulation of others. This is the definition of narcissism. So he or she tells the audience the correct answer all the time. There is so much pressure to say that you yourself have had a glimpse of something. I was once talking to my nephew about the drug, DMT. I articulated what I had heard from the lips of Terence McKenna. My nephew looked at me and asked whether I have had the experience. I said no but if I was making a career out of psychonautica, I could easily have said yes. And, more importantly, be believed because all you need to be believed is an articulate manner and one or two striking metaphors. The fear comes from being worried that your audience will go down the road to the guy claiming to be enlightened. So you have to say enlightenment is a piece of cake, to keep your audience, otherwise they'll ignore you. We all fear being ignored, right? So to be taken seriously you have to conform to their expectations and say that I have had a radical glimpse, or I am awake. This doesn't mean that one who says I am awake is not. The Buddha was once asked what are you, if not a king, a God, or a wizard, then what? The Buddha replied, "I am awake". But the old Lama would tell you that the Buddha is special and you are not. Sorry! Truly enlightened people walk the streets but they don't talk. The ones talking are the career gurus. Even UG claimed to be in a radical state. UG also said that you see nothing, and that he sees more. He had to say all that to the spiritual lemmings who will only accept this kind of talk. Interestingly John Wren Lewis wrote an article about his spiritual awakening. The article by Wren Lewis made me aware of the Lama story. In this talk John Wren Lewis stays silent while UG Krishnamurti is doing his act. So who is conning whom?
@marcpelletier1366 5 жыл бұрын
Moesy Pittounikos funny how John asks the first question
@andreasnewmiller4731 7 жыл бұрын
U.G. is fantastic..but why, oh why, are the sound intakes so lousy ( in many videos done on him), with open windows, noisy traffic outside !?! etc... such a shame, but true, am also aware "technology" was less good in the days when these videos were taped ! (:) But, much thanks, again, for uploading ! (:)
@earth9544 6 жыл бұрын
Agreed , there are only a handful of UG vids with good sound quality..good project for LBB or someone is to remaster the UG tapes.... Hey John Wren! close the window!!! lol
@bittugym8282 6 жыл бұрын
ug krishnamurti ji on talk for life 👍👍👍👍
@forcedadventure 10 жыл бұрын
U.G. KRISHNAMURTI........................................HONESTY SPEAKING !!!
@aniccadance13 9 жыл бұрын
Love UG❤️
@bittugym8282 3 жыл бұрын
ug is the real for good
@bittugym8282 4 жыл бұрын
father and mother and sister and child and adolescent girls is the real for good reason listen ug Krishnamurti only one time
@gurugeorge 9 жыл бұрын
Great little interview. John Wren Lewis is less well-known than UG, but his writings on his own "calamity" (NDE) are quite extraordinary and well worth reading if you're into spiritual stuff, nonduality, etc. JWL's own formulation of what UG is pointing to here is deceptively simple: our only problem is that we suffer from having "hyper-active survival mechanisms". I suspect it's an accidental feature of our evolution - perhaps at some point, some great natural disaster, some "bottleneck" of our species, the only ones of humanity who survived were particularly strongly survival-minded, and we have (both fortunately and unfortunately) inherited that drive, and it functions overtime even when it isn't needed (as it isn't, most of the time), and constantly occludes what ought to be the more normal, natural, present consciousness of continuity. IOW, we have an over-developed sense of our separation from the world which is the result of us inheriting it from ancestors who happened to have it, and it was the means whereby they alone were the few who survived through some past near-extinction event.
@michaelmcclure3383 4 жыл бұрын
Did you meet JWL? Met him in the late 90s. Lovely chap. Regarding the hyper vigilant survival mechanism. Well, consider the story of Ramana Maharshi his story is he was under no immediate threat and then he had the sudden sense of terror that he's going to die. Now what do you think happened? Obviously some kind of threat was detected by the survival mechanism.. but the source of that wasn't outside in the usual way.. Same thing happened in my case. I suddenly felt I'm going to die. That death was indeed imminent, yet there was no immediate threat. I lay down and it was like something just unwound and the sense of existing or grasping form just slipped away and everything disappeared.. body.. sensations perceptions everything. Then it was like remembering and coming to rest.. like forgetting ever existed yet still fully being.. So it was a surprise when perceptions started to return, but they didn't return like before. There was no longer any sense of distance.. no me and the object of perception. So it's clear that we have this survival mechanism.. its role is to make sure the organism servives. Yet because we identify with the organism as our self, the alarm goes off when that identification itself is threatened.. even if the organism isnt in danger. And it doesn't just go off as intensely as those moments where one feels death is imminent. They can go off whenever any threat to the identification is detected, we cant allow it in or it'll destroy us. So reaction.. resistance, self grasping, Insistence of worldview.. insistence of individual existence and so on. If it stops for a moment its over.
@gurugeorge 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelmcclure3383 Yes, great stuff. I recognize your description from Satori experiences I had as a child via a different path - repeating my name to myself and trying to get a sense of what "I" really, really am. On a few occasions I "broke on through to the other side" - only of course what was present then wasn't "me" as I ordinarily am typing this now, but a universal sort of self, a self cognizant of being the universe, at perfect peace, with no questions. Unfortunately for me that wasn't permanent, presumably because the mechanisms at play in terms of a growing human organism were relentless. At some point it became impossible to muster the laser-like concentration necessary. But I never forgot those initiations, and I can finger the old school tie when it comes to spirituality - because of course I realize that it makes no difference whether I'm in that state or not :) But my sense of it is that I could do it again, say, with an intensive 3 month retreat, building up a steady stream of mental and emotional focus. IOW, mysticism, spirituality, whatever you want to call it, is a difficult thing, but it's not some vast, unclimbable mountain, it's within anyone's reach, it's everyone's birthright, with a similar degree of intensive effort to what someone would put into starting a business, or winning at a sports thing, etc. Or of course one might have a lucky/unlucky accident like an NDE :)
@michaelmcclure3383 4 жыл бұрын
@@gurugeorge if we cease to conceptualize a universal self.. an individual self. or any objective sense of seif.. then you'll see you've always been that pristine being and couldn't be any thing else. Everything is objective to you. All concepts and perceptions, but you cant be an object. Anyway, prior to the death like unravelling of individuality I spoke about.. I'd had a couple of glimpses.. Then I determined to really get intense with it.. meditating long hours everyday and all that for about a year.. all to get this enlightenment I thought these gurus I'd met had. . Then in one moment it really hit me that what I'm seeking, I already am. I'm seeking a conceptualization of myself and I can never be a concept Haha.. by seeking it so intensely I'm obscuring the fact it has always been the case.. And what it is has no connection to anything the mind says I am.. such as worthy or unworthy and all the other opposites. Its pristine without the least objectivity.. Was a relief for the seeking to end. Then four years later this deathlike event happened.. unsought. So I might of been finished with seeking but it wasnt finished with me Haha My sense is if you've already had glimpses it'll return. Just realize it has never left Haha
@gurugeorge 4 жыл бұрын
@@michaelmcclure3383 I know, but who cares? I could also have a threesome with a couple of top models if I put my mind to it, but it makes no difference to anything :) Just on a practical point though, I think some people underestimate it and some overestimate it. For example, you often find people in neo-Advaita claiming that intensive periods of effort aren't necessary to get it - but when you look into their biographies, they've invariably done intensive periods of some kind of practice. The key is that the causality isn't linear - the Chinese term "cultivation" gets it right, I think. It's like growing plants. You have to _do stuff,_ nothing will happen if you don't do stuff with some intensity; but the "result" doesn't come after any set period or set amount of effort, and it is in itself not connected to the practice (in fact, in a sense it's a break in the practice, not much different from earlier breaks like intruding thoughts).
@michaelmcclure3383 4 жыл бұрын
@@gurugeorge exactly! Yes. Just as you so eloquently say. I see it as a kind of paradox I guess I was a very intense seeker. It was the most important thing in my life. So it's a conundrum... you already are it.. yet you probably have to put in the hard yards and desire it above all else to realize that Haha I like the who cares attitude actually i used to see this guy called Ramesh Balsekar. Back in the 90s. He told a story I think it was from zen.. of the master and disciple they were corresponding by mail. Suddenly the disciple wasnt writing any letters.. so the master wrote back "what's happening"?.. then he got a reply from the disciple "who cares" and the master was very happy Haha Meant to represent a point where one knows it's not in ones hands. Ramesh is considered neo advaita by some. But he had 20 years with a traditional vedanta guru. all before meeting Nisargadatta. I guess the classic neo advaitan is someone like Tony Parsons. But he had a glimpse.. then tried various methods from Christianity, to Ouspensky... Osho. Meditation.. and so on to try and recapture it.. Then realized the only barrier was the me wanting it. It's a common theme
@laoisemeehan 5 жыл бұрын
I held onto so many hopes. I had so many emotions . I felt so much love. Now I found ug, and it’s all ... gone? Am ... I don’t know what to say. Is this healthy ?
@letslearntogether7531 4 жыл бұрын
@xdfckt2564 4 жыл бұрын
The interviewer himself became "enlightened" later and spoke about bliss
@hintergedankee 2 жыл бұрын
It was never there in the first place. Veil has been lifted
@himanitomer3 Ай бұрын
The only problem though there is that you seem to know all this concluding all that
@jesuisravi 11 жыл бұрын
Lewis is 5 years younger than UG here--how astonishing is that?
@bittugym8282 6 жыл бұрын
ug was the first and last person from India 👍👍👍
@obiessen 9 жыл бұрын
many truth but difficult to live as you show
@Littlesassybigheart 11 жыл бұрын
what year is this?
@PauloAdolpho87 12 жыл бұрын
This John Wren Lewis in the movie,is the same that supposedly have passed through an awakening in the 80's?
@michaelmcclure3383 3 жыл бұрын
Yeah, via being poisoned and having some kind of near death experience in Thailand. I met him in the 90s, nice guy.
@flipKumar 10 жыл бұрын
Is Julian Assange any way related to UG K ? ... I feel they look similar ..
@lllllllll5156 9 жыл бұрын
U.G. was always something on an enigma and I always found him enlightening on the one hand and arrogant on the other. Now watching this I understand him a little better perhaps. His dismissive message that spiritual seekers are no better than materialist seekers is now a well known cliche. It is no less true of course but then before the calamity he was one such seeker and sought guru's himself I believe. And so it seems arrogant of him to be so dismissive of spiritual seekers just because he had the fortune of going beyond it. Did his compassion disappear in the calamity I wonder? If his 'natural state' is the same as that discovered as their true selves by all who go beyond the demand of the sensually addicted mind then he is somewhat arrogant in trying to separate his discovery from all others. He seems to be saying that his natural state is unique and special and as far as I know he never acknowledged it in anyone else other than himself. If anyone can correct me on this then please do so as my knowledge of him is limited. He seemed to have a chip on his shoulder about all other teachers and assumed they were all only interested in fame and fortune but again somehow he was unique and so uniquely permitted to give interviews, allowed books to be published of his words, videos etc. but at the same time distanced himself from his own media as if he had nothing to do with it. So for him he wasn't like all those other rascals, maybe because he just didn't care.
@FranzKrammer4746 9 жыл бұрын
After experiencing true enlivhteent UGs dismissive attitude is clearly self-centred and arrogant. A true master may seem that way but I can tell the difference between the ego and an appreciation of reality
@lllllllll5156 9 жыл бұрын
Franz K I find myself in agreement. At first it is easy to mistake his arrogance for for a fiery passion, but then it becomes clear that actually he never faced his own arrogance and pride and hence his communication is full of dismissal of everyone and anyone except himself of course who he doesn't doubt for a second. I think that people listen to him because they fail to find awakening in the usual tradition and so then appreciate a teacher who dismisses these and they cling to the negative message in hope. He denounced J. Krishnamurti the most but for me whilst J was somewhat dismissive too he did at least communicate a real message of awakening that when heard could greatly help people see their own true nature.
@lllllllll5156 9 жыл бұрын
lllllllll We can see the very same thing today with Tony Parsons.
@FranzKrammer4746 9 жыл бұрын
Jidduh was actually groomed to become the Messiah of the Theosophical Church That he stood up for the truth adds to his credibility sacrificing a steady income for the Truth
@ferdinandalexander8053 9 жыл бұрын
lllllllll I don’t see it as dismissive at all. He just says they’re the same. “Compassion” is nothing more than another conceptual rooted in thought. U.G. never claimed to discover any true self, in fact, he often said there is no “self” there. He does seem to say the “natural state” for lack of a better description is unique and extraordinary but he never claimed it occurred as a result of something he did but in spite of all that he did. As he said is there is any such thing as an enlightened man that man would have no way of knowing and thus no interest in helping anyone else to become enlightened. He realized that everything was just words, labels, concepts and ideas. In the absence of thought there is no division and in this scenario there is no demand for labels, concepts, interpretation and translation, and whatever you’re left with you’d have no way of knowing.
@bittugym8282 3 жыл бұрын
was was the only words
@jesuisravi 11 жыл бұрын
@MrUtentenome 11 жыл бұрын
I was more and more obsessed with organic food, veganism, etc... but quickly I realized that that was just begetting another complex/problem for me... So I stopped believing in any...thing apart from my own judgement. This guy is VERY intelligent (but should I start believing in everything he says, I won't be free to live life the way I want to)
@moesypittounikos 9 жыл бұрын
SS Cohen writes that he and the other disciples were not allowed to take notes in the presence of the Maharshi. Instead, they had to leave the ashram, go outside and jot down the conversations from memory. So for the light of the Maharshi not the be filtered through the dirty glass of mortal minds, the minds had to leave His vicinity before they can record the events. The same happened with Jesus. It isn't allowed for a human to jot down the Word of the divine, there and then, unless the writer himself be divine. But if the writer is divine, he wouldn't need to take notes. This is why the scraps we have can seem fragmentary and contradictory. This is explained because the dirty mirror it doing the reflecting. Jesus spoke in parables for the immature. The truth vibrations will bounce off the ear of the novice. The simulation of Gods word requires a certain maturity not found in the multitudes out there. Only the initiates got the hit. This is why, in the ashram, you where not allowed to write down the word of God. If an initiate was allowed to sit at the feet of God and write, he was vouch safe for the real teaching. These initiates are out there, but they have little need to speak. As Lao Tsu says - 'Those who know do not speak. Those who speak do not know.'
@fnog9 11 жыл бұрын
i agree with him that spiritual seekers are not superior, and usually just seeking a nice experience. however, once one realizes that, what do they do? and more important, what if people cannot find whatever nice experience they want? to bad he's dead i can't ask...... not that it would matter. in his old age he became intolerable
@ma.krishnaugk7713 4 жыл бұрын
Ug krishnamoorti first and lost from the world
@bittugym8282 6 жыл бұрын
ug krishna murti ji the new Mirza galib
@pittounikos 9 жыл бұрын
By most knowledge accounts, Ramana Maharshi was the last of the historical Buddha's, stretching back into the time of the Golden Age of history when Buddha's walked upon the planet. What we witnessed since He discarded his mortal coil is a mad scramble to find a repeat, preferably one with good English, to sit in front of the cameras. During the 20th Century, the search for a real life god-man had begun. What we witnessed was the white man falling in love with the brown man, preferably one from India. For the white man, any brown man with an indian accent became a god on Earth; a god whom the white flies swarmed around, hungry to meet a real Jesus or a Buddha. Westerners would even travel to india, like one goes fishing, and bring back a brown gentleman who can babble nonsense. I enjoy watching video's of UG Krishnamurti on You Tube. But if a white person says what UG says, no one will be interested. It is only because of his Indian accent that all those westerners sit around UG. Now try transcribing UG Krishnamurti's words onto a word software document, then his words are actually incoherent and he contradicts himself in many places. However, such is the power of the spell that, like in the Beatles where we had the cute one and the witty one, UG Krishnamurti is the nihilistic one. Even when he said he had nothing to teach, westerners still hung on his every word! This is the power that India has on white people. Now here is a funny example of an enlightened white man sitting whilst UG speaks. The You Tube video is with an Australian man named John Wren Lewis interviewing UG Krishnamurti. What's interesting about the interview is that John Wren Lewis became enlightened and, it is claimed, he was in the same state as Ramana Maharshi. But in the interview, it is UG Krishnamurti who wears the white robes! This is the power of India and the magic spell of spiritual hunger. So it is advisable to avoid the ones with indian accents and bask in the glow of the real deal, Ramana Maharshi. I am aware that Ramana was also indian, but he was also silent. So no indian accent!
@jsngill 9 жыл бұрын
Your comment is the equivalent of saying that only a harp is capable of playing music!
@kalprao 8 жыл бұрын
+HalifaxA "White" this ---"indian" that ....Accent this , accent that .....sounds like you have no idea to what you just watch or listen ,all that your are hearing are is your ignorant opinions that comes in your mind Ramana Maharshi was a vegetable compare to this man U G
@jqianmd Жыл бұрын
UG is destroying all value systems humans hold because just like Buddha alluded to that the everything is like a dream, whatever meaningful inside a dream, i.e., dream value systems, is all joke.
@bittugym8282 6 жыл бұрын
modi is the enocent modi ji doesn't now nothing for nothing modi ji is going for finish 👍👍👍👍👍👌👌👌
@VeenaSharma-ji5jc 5 жыл бұрын
You are crazy anpadh guy
@FranzKrammer4746 10 жыл бұрын
Why does he use the same last name and long grey hair as the authentic Krishnamurti master philosopher...?maybe the same teacher? but also a British accent,... I expect it creates confusion in people looking for the spiritual master.
@syedrizvi7667 10 жыл бұрын
this krishnamurti is better. MUCH BETTER
@Ssssyyyyyyyyyy 10 жыл бұрын
No relation. This one is honest though.
@zenreptile8914 10 жыл бұрын
Krishnamurti is his real name, it's just like Smith or Tom or Dick in America. Very common.
@MommaElin 10 жыл бұрын
People looking for a spiritual master would end up with nothing to show for when finding UG. He is dead as a door nail and never had advise or a methode to offer to begin with.
@zenreptile8914 10 жыл бұрын
But the irony is, can a true spiritual master really help you at all anyway?
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