Conversion Anxiety, Anglicanism, and my Most Progressive Theological Position

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Gospel Simplicity

Gospel Simplicity

2 ай бұрын

Eliza is away this weekend, so I thought doing a live Q&A sounded more fun than watching Netflix by myself. That’s pretty much it.

Пікірлер: 94
@glorytogodforallthings8448 2 ай бұрын
I find myself a big skeptic as well, even as a cradle Orthodox. But I recognize that this is not because God is incapable of producing miracles beyond our understanding, but that I am incapable of processing the vastness and the limitless power of God. So I pray: Lord I believe, help my unbelief. I often find myself wondering in which crowd would have I been if I lived during the time of Christ on Earth and I am terrified of the idea of being on the other side because of how I struggle to accept the unexplainable miracles that happened in the lives of the saints. That is just my sinful and doubtful nature. Lord have mercy on me a sinner!
@user-ib9he3li8m Ай бұрын
You’re not alone ❤️🙏
@johnnychikko3800 Ай бұрын
Amin Catholic
@taylorbarrett384 Ай бұрын
Re: "people dont behave like they believe in hell". When I was a new Christian, I lived like everyone's eternal fate was my responsibility. Every stranger I would come across on the street, random strangers in the grocery store checking out my items at the register, etc. I felt an enormous pressure to tell every single person about Jesus, and if i walked away without saying something, I felt guilty and would feel accusations inside, "they are at risk of spending eternity in hell, and you couldnt take two seconds to just mention the name of Jesus?!" But over the course of several years, this faded away. Its not that I do not believe in hell, its that I realize that I can trust God's judgment, that God loves these people infinitely more than I do, that salvation is possible through implicit faith and death bed conversions, and that even if I was to spend every day, all day, telling every one about Jesus, I am utterly impotent to convert souls. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. So now I take a different approach, and if the Lord creates an oppurtunity for me to talk to someone about Jesus, I do so, but I dont feel like I have the burden of everyones salvation always resting on my shoulders. So I would push back on this idea, that just because Christians arent going around desperately pleading with every single individual they come across to accept the Gospel, that this means they dont believe in hell. Its much more the case that they dont believe that they are responsible for every individual, and realize that these things are in God's hands, and exercise some prudence and wisdom in regards their evangelistic efforts.
@Apriluser Ай бұрын
Your story reminds me of the scripture that says “Some plant, some water, but God gives the increase.“.
@ellisspear Ай бұрын
Austin, you are looking great! Thanks for all the good you do with your channel.
@realestateunplugged6129 2 ай бұрын
❤ the show! Very informative and makes one think. Made me smile so much I laughed at some of the subjects and the way it made me think and learn. Thank you GS!
@GospelSimplicity 2 ай бұрын
Glad you enjoyed it!
@zackmartinelli 2 ай бұрын
Please do more of these this is great!
@lornadoone8887 Ай бұрын
Thanks, as always, for the irenic and wide-ranging honest theological discussions on your channel. As one formerly in this camp, I observe it’s primarily pious/serious Protestants who continue to struggle with the question of “which church?” You will not find this among similarly devout Orthodox (the communion I am now in). Restlessness and anxiety about this question ceased for me when with prayer and study I removed the theological obstacles one-by-one to becoming Orthodox and was received into the Church. I found it was impossible to separate soteriology and Christology from ecclesiology. All are inextricably intertwined for very practical reasons and all are present as articles of faith in the early Church’s only universal Creed, which confession was required for being admitted as a member of the Church. In my experience, only this change established me firmly on the rock of Christ’s teaching. It was a crisis of the self-contradictory picture of the nature of God that developed from the dominant expression of Evangelical soteriological teaching (Penal Substitution) to which I was exposed for decades, contrasted with things I was encountering in my own reading of the Gospels and Christian experience, which compelled my search for a more coherent understanding. I found that coherence in the last place I expected to find it in the Eastern Orthodox Church and will be forever profoundly grateful.
@GeminiMoon1994 10 күн бұрын
At 48:21 you go super English when you say ‘way’ 😂 I approve
@mapa6772 Ай бұрын
You have a kind heart. Please keep at ir.
@jgiaq Ай бұрын
To your last question about disabilities, there is a church church in the Orlando area that does a processional, and there is a gentleman in a wheelchair that leads with the cross. I thought it was a very interesting thing to see, and I had not seen it before. Another thing to consider is how much physical activity can oftentimes be involved in church fellowships. I know this in particular as a person with a chronic illness. A lot of youth group activities and fellowship sessions involve tons of physical activity, which could be particularly difficult for me. Sometimes I would feel embarrassed or ashamed that I could not always participate.
@KayElayempea Ай бұрын
I attended two different churches in the past where the pastor couldn't walk or stand for several months (one due to accident and one due to illness), in both cases the congregation stepped up to assist as needed and they continued with their role as much as their health allowed. I have two family members with disabilities who have both been very involved in their churches. One in the RC would prepare for the Mass every Sunday (I forget what that role is called). The other in a protestant church acts as a greeter, helps in the community food program, and is sometimes a reader. So people can and should have roles in the church.
@mariac4602 2 ай бұрын
"Further up and Further in" Last Battle, CS Lewis. Great reference! :)
@discerningChristian 2 ай бұрын
Well thoughtout answers
@mapa6772 Ай бұрын
My best friend since college is a Baptist. Nobody can tell me my friend who to me is my living Saint Felicia is not going to live in the biggest palace of Heaven with Jesus. The one miracle I can witness God gave in her life is He found her husband a kidney and the operation wwnt well and he tolerated his new kidney well. Of course, my friend's life is full of small daily miracles. Maybe once she is done tirelessly working and living her faith she will study Church Hidtory and her Harvard brain will make her Orthodox. But for now she is my shining light and I am so blessed to know her. I understand why she is in her church and that Jesus loves her. I feel blessed to be in my church but her heart is ablaze with the love of Jesus and the Joy of the Lord as the best of Saints. God bless her and her family and guide them in His Light forever.
@johnvitelli3862 Ай бұрын
It faith and obedience most people have faith like your friend but lack obedience Jesus didn’t setup 1 Church for it to be optional your friend must be in that Church at death to receive salvation I suggest you and your friend read the Early Church Fathers some actually taught by the Apostles. Good luck …
@kevinlionel572 Ай бұрын
@@johnvitelli3862your response is arrogant and u assume that people aren’t being “obedient”, you are also saying that miracles that happen outside your church tradition are “satanic” which is a dangerous position to take
@EJ_Lion 2 ай бұрын
Great advice 🙏🏻
@CamGaylor Ай бұрын
Interesting takes
@ilovechrist914 2 ай бұрын
Frick i miss austin doing streams!! The best
@ThruTheUnknown 2 ай бұрын
I like what you said about hell. But two points to why what you say has a lot of truth to it I think... 1) I think it's easy to give consent to something than to do it (actions speak louder than words, we say a lot but dont do it, or do what i say not as i do). 2) It can also be hard to think of hell when even God himself can be hidden. As a sinner ive contemplated asking God to see demons if it could scare me straight. I havent prayed it though as I dont think I could handle it...but then again but better not to be able to handle now than in eternity. However i leave it in the Lord's hands, i have to have faith that the Lord knows the best medicine for me, even if i dont see the effects at the moment.
@susanct4378 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for your nuanced answer re people with disabilities. I was in the Disability Movement since the 70s. I was employed by an Independent Living Center in Stratford, CT, for 12 years as a Publications/Data Manager. My Director asked me to write on people with disabilities and the Y2K scare. Before this time, my 4th degree-😊-was an AA in paralegal studies, for which I wrote a paper on the brand-new ADA law in 1990. It still upsets me to see churches without Correct ramps, etc. Really enjoyed your Q&A!
@bonniejohnstone 2 ай бұрын
Growing up with a disabled mom, she was criticised severely for not having enough faith to be healed. It was horrible! I have disabled grandchildren and two are altar servers (one is missing a chromosome, the other is in a wheelchair and does parts of altar server duties). I have ADHD and other issues so I gather together with other adults with invisible disabilities like mine and autistim for support. We all have much to offer!
@contemplatingchrist Ай бұрын
@@bonniejohnstone Not enough faith to be healed? That's a horrible thing to be accused of. That's like the friends accusing Job in the Old Testament. God bless you and your family! I'm thankful that the last few years I've been in a Catholic Church and there's a beautiful teaching on the Way of the Cross, redemptive suffering, and some people are chosen by God as victim souls after they accept the mission. No one gets accused of "not having enough faith." May you have a beautiful day!
@hdvidclips 2 ай бұрын
Tech question - what software are you using to display the questions live on the screen? Thanks!
@GospelSimplicity 2 ай бұрын
Ecamm Live
@josephgoemans6948 Ай бұрын
Your answer on the relationship between philosophy and theology. Yes! I've seen too many Catholics err on the side of being enamoured by philosophy to the neglect of theology, and protestants just ignore the existence of philosophy 😂. We need both, balancing each other out
@sallylafaille7688 Ай бұрын
What are your views on the Real Presence in the Lord's Supper and baptismal regeneration? If you believe in those things, how does a non-denominational church fit?
@bad_covfefe Ай бұрын
Doubting does not mean you are a skeptic. We must have trust. We can trust something despite not being intellectually convinced of it.
@mapa6772 Ай бұрын
The Church had to deal with veneration of icons (which is correct as you understand it) as opposed to idolatry preReformation. lcons do help the performance of miracles because they inspire deep love and faith in individuals and they are called miraculous for that but it trully is the faith and love of the faithful that produces the miracles. And miracles have happened for Orthodox and Catholic and Protestants because God knows what is in the heart of the person praying. Miracles big and small happen every day.
@Apriluser Ай бұрын
“John said to him, “Teacher, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him, because he was not following us. Jesus said, “Do not stop him, for no one who does a mighty work in my name will be able soon afterward to speak evil of me.” Mark 9. These verses puts at ease my concern about other Church traditions that I may not be in communion with. I should “stay in my lane” and be a good servant in what God has called me to do. I’m an Evangelical that’s experienced a “deeper conversion” in the Anglican Tradition.
@justanotherlikeyou Ай бұрын
The Church had not yet been established at that point when the Lord said those words. Once the actual Church was established at Pentecost that is when God began calling people to join it. This is evidenced by the conversion of Cornelius and the conversion of St. John the Baptist's disciples in the book of Acts. Do not twist the words of the Lord to find an excuse for not joining His actual Church that He founded at Pentecost with His Apostles. That Church is not the Anglican communion. It is the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church, otherwise known as the eastern Orthodox Church.
@delvingeorge2807 Ай бұрын
Case of sons of Sceva is post formation of Catholic Church.
@kevinlionel572 Ай бұрын
@@justanotherlikeyouthat verse can still be used when miracles are seen in different churches, try again, unless you want to claim every miracle outside your church is satanic, which is a crazy leap
@delvingeorge2807 Ай бұрын
I Find Catholic Church too much Fine tuned with Reality itself than any other Religion or Sects. As perhaps I am a Catholic myself. 😅 I hope you can interview people from other 23 Eastern Catholic sui iuris Church's in the future other than Roman Church, it would be great to even ask how they see 'The Profession of Faith' play in the Self governing Church's inside the Catholic Church.
@Ezana716 Ай бұрын
You can look for a Lutheran Missouri Synod
@sallylafaille7688 Ай бұрын
And, unfortunately, you may even find one with the contemporary worship some prefer.
@MrPanchoak Ай бұрын
I never questioned my beliefs nor the Church I attended. I was born and raised Seventh Day Adventist, leaving THAT cult and entering mainstream evangelicalism I thought I had it made. But after years of having to shelf many passages of scripture due to cognitive dissonance. I began to realize that there were serious problems and I had no idea how to deal with those problems. Many teach straight 5 point Calvinism. Others teach Armenianism and others, all positions between. With a few exceptions there was only one actual agreement. Between all of these sects. Stated simply "Karthik bad, protestant good". My younger brother returned from a mission in Mexico with a slideshow. He proceeded to demonstrate the rampant idolatry being practiced there ending with a slide of the Statue of our Lord as he was removed from the Cross. While my very instinct told me to fall down and Worship. The rest of the congregation gasped in horror. At the sight of it. I was and remain disgusted. Whatever happened to Christian charity? Has God rejected those who fell to their knees in sight of the Cross? Has anyone actually read Romans 14. Soteriology is also very inconsistent. Martin Luther insisted that his gospel was a return to the original. And the teachings of Rome were aberrant. Clearly the two gospels are not in agreement. Therefore one of them is anathema. Which is it? Rome or Luther? Galatians 1 and Jude both carefully explain that it is one or the other. Not both. Gavin seems more interested in gaining respect among his protestant peers than he is in getting to the bottom of the issue. No one should give a whit about that. There is only one thing we ought care about and that is the Resurrection of our Lord. This alone establishes his credibility. If he is credible, follow him. If that leads to Catholicism or Orthodoxy then so be it. Whether I like it or not. What part of "deny yourself" do we not understand? I have never seen a truly fair evaluation of both sides aside from your channel. Keep it up. You are doing a good job. I was in my 50s when I converted and I'm glad I did. I'm sure not going back.
@khanburger3610 2 ай бұрын
20:16 I new to this conversation about Icons so idk much but you said it’s “allowed theologicaly” but is a sticky situation pastorally. Reminds me of 1 Cor 10, “all things are lawful unto me but not all are beneficial.” ”But if someone says to you, “This has been offered in sacrifice,” then do not eat it, for the sake of the one who informed you, and for the sake of conscience- I do not mean your conscience, but his. For why should my liberty be determined by someone else’s conscience?“ ‭‭ Or perhaps I’m uniformed.
@cassidyanderson3722 Ай бұрын
You should attend an Orthodox service and actually witness what icon veneration is. You’ll notice that some people don’t venerate the icons. While it would be odd and uncommon, you could be a faithful Orthodox Christian your whole life and never venerate an icon. No one who has spent any amount of time in Orthodoxy would ever confuse veneration for idolatry. There is no more of a chance of me treating an icon as an idol than there is of me treating any of my framed diplomas as idols. For us in the Church, it’s not something we would ever even consider. If you’ve ever stood and placed your hand over your heart and said the pledge of allegiance while facing the U.S. flag, then you’ve done the exact same thing as venerate an icon.
@bradleyperry1735 Ай бұрын
@@cassidyanderson3722I don’t mean to be contrary, but venerating Icons is NECESSARY in Orthodoxy. We even have an entire Sunday during Great Lent called the Triumph of Orthodoxy in which we venerate Icons. Not to mention the Icons that are to be venerated upon entering the church, or the numerous Feast Days throughout the year when Icons are venerated. Or even the Feast Days dedicated to certain Icons themselves. I’ve never seen anyone who is Orthodox not venerate Icons. It is part of our faith.
@mapa6772 Ай бұрын
The Church had to deal with veneration of icons (which is correct as you understand it) as opposed to idolatry preReformation. lcons do help the performance of miracles because they inspire deep love and faith in individuals and they are called miraculous for that, but it trully is the faith and love of the faithful that produces the miracles. And miracles have happened for Orthodox and Catholic and Protrstants because God knows what is in the heart of the person praying. Nobody forces you to kiss icons and being craddle Orthodox does not mean having to do things you do not feel. I did not always love the saints pr value icons. I just took them for granted. It was easier for me to be moved by the Liturgy and the Bible and the music and hymns. But my friend loved the saints and understood icons and I value her and her love moved me, so I paid more attention and my life was enriched. Love begets love. Every time there is more love it is hard to believe how little love there was before and not to feel himbled at how it was possible to live with a lesser love and eyes blinded. There is no end to Love. One can never have enough of it.
@contemplatingchrist Ай бұрын
Me too. I previously had no love for Saints or icons. It was strange when my Catholic friends asked "who is your favourite saint? or who is your patron saint?" Now, my heart has expanded, and I LOVE being part of an eternal living body of Christ. How could I love the head (Jesus) and deny His body? They are our family, sanctified brothers and sisters-in-Christ, with the most amazing stories of conversion and submission to God.
@justanotherlikeyou Ай бұрын
Imagine thinking and talking about the Gospel and how one is saved and finds union with Christ, and yet thinks that the Church that proclaimed that Gospel since the beginning, being founded by the Lord for this very reason via His Apostles, Himself being the very subject of the Gospel, offering the realization and actualization of union with Christ in the here and now via the Holy Eucharist, again, from the beginning, thinking that the question of which Church is _that_ Church is not wrapped up in the question of the Gospel and salvation and union with Christ as though the actual Apostolic Church is actually a side issue, secondary, and unrelated in all of this.
@westdc Ай бұрын
The Apostolic Church is currently split into several institutions, so I can see how it is a secondary issue. Jesus said to follow him, I think that can be done in the RCC, EO, and Protestant churches.
@justanotherlikeyou Ай бұрын
​@@westdcThe Apostolic Church has never split. This is a Protestant heresy. The Church is one, per the Creed. Other Churches that were once part of her communion and different heretical and schismatic groups have separated themselves from the one Holy Church, but she herself is still here having never fallen. That Church is the Holy Orthodox Catholic Church, otherwise known as the eastern Orthodox Church. This is the Church of the Apostles that has not changed the Apostolic Tradition. This is the Church of the Ecumenical Councils of the first millennium. This Church is the Body and Kingdom of Christ on earth.
@FideiDefensatrix Ай бұрын
@@justanotherlikeyouQuit appropriating “Catholic.” There’s nothing more pathetic than the Orthodox churches, which are relegated to Eastern Europe and its diaspora and only numbering 230 million members, claiming to be “universal.” There’s only one Catholic Church, and it’s not the Orthodox Church. “And so, lastly, does the name itself of Catholic, which, not without reason, amid so many heresies, the Church has thus retained; so that, though all heretics wish to be called Catholics, yet when a stranger asks where the Catholic Church meets, no heretic will venture to point to his own chapel or house.” St. Augustine
@pigetstuck 2 ай бұрын
Have you watched any David and Vivian Aspinall? They do a lot of readings on their channel (very simple)... I wouldn't mind hearing you do some readings of stuff you find important for every Christ follower...
@mikeoconnor4590 Ай бұрын
The question I have is, how does anyone who believes in the “real presence” stay in any of the protestant communions since as a body they pretty much reject this belief? I can see how someone can remain protestant if they don’t believe in the “real presence” meaning actual body blood soul and divinity of Christ, but that doesn’t seem to be your position.
@zekdom Ай бұрын
Time-stamps 15:30, 15:47, 16:10 - Gospel simplicity 18:30, 21:23 - veneration and iconography 38:28, 38:48, 39:20 - eternal conscious torment 39:40 - An interesting take.
@jamessheffield4173 Ай бұрын
We got our Apostolic Succession from Gregory the Great, and we have the AV Bible, the Prayer Book 1662/1928, and the 39 Articles, so we don't have to worry what Welby or Francis are saying or doing.
@palermotrapani9067 Ай бұрын
For clarity to the protestants here (Catholics will need none) you are referring to Pope Gregory the Great who was the Bishop of Rome from 590 AD to 604 AD? or some other Gregory the Great I as a Catholic am not aware of.
@jamessheffield4173 Ай бұрын
@@palermotrapani9067 Yup. Blessings.
@mapa6772 Ай бұрын
Αλαλα τα χειλη των ασεβων, των μη προσκυνουντων την εικονα σου την σεπτην, την ιστορηθεισα υπο του Αποστολου, Λουκα ιερωτατου, την οδηγητρια - Orthodox hymn attesting to the writing of an icon by Saint Luke the Evangelisf.
@BigBloc87 2 ай бұрын
I would nuance your statements on the Anglican Church. While we have an ecclesiology that acknowledges the validity of other apostolic churches we most certainly do not think that evangelicals and other Protestants (including Lutherans) have the same claim of being the Church ontologically like the apostolic churches do, a group that Anglicans count themselves a part of. We are the orthodox whose faith delivered by the apostolic preaching was preserved on the British Isles. In this regard our praxis for a Protestant or evangelical would be “come home” (i.e., a conversion) to Christ’s Church, which subsists in the Anglican Church as well as the other apostolic communions (whose unity and visibility is hindered currently through division, but belonging to one fount through the Episcopate). Our praxis for an “apostolic Christian” (RCC, OO, EO, and ACOE) would be an ecumenism of episcopal conciliar consensus that results in union and intercommunion between our respective communions and bishops. Our ecclesiology is most definitely exclusive but in different nuanced ways. It is definitively different joining the Anglican Church than the Lutherans, etc. in this regard.
@simontemplar3359 Ай бұрын
Bollocks. I am a former Anglican, and this is going to come across mean, and I do not mean it personally at all: How are you "apostolic" when your churches practice open communion, and communion may or may not be Real Presence, depending on what you think it is, and any number of other weird compromise positions? The Anglican church is a mess and is the exact mess one would expect when politicians lead your reforms. Let's just make it agreeable to everyone so that no factions fight anymore. 🙄 It reeks of what happens when instead of bring the Church to the world, you bring the world into the church. If we can know a tree by its fruit, then the spiritually dead place that the UK is and the rise of atheism, secularism, and Islam in that country like few others tells us all we need to know.
@elKarlo Ай бұрын
@@simontemplar3359 Agreed. I made a comment on this video saying that Anglicanism is very interesting on paper, in practice it is a mess though. Given that they don't make a stance on anything really, it stands for nothing and thus going in multiple directions at once.
@locutorest 2 ай бұрын
why are you writing papers, i thought you had completed your degree?
@mariac4602 2 ай бұрын
Austin says he is getting his masters in , I believe, philosophy.
@GospelSimplicity 2 ай бұрын
That's correct! I finished my BA in theology in 2022, and now I'm working on an MA in Liberal Arts with a focus in Philosophy and Theology
@locutorest 2 ай бұрын
@@GospelSimplicity Congratulations and Good Luck!
@ThruTheUnknown 2 ай бұрын
Ive become catholic and even im skeptical of some of the marian apparitions 👻 but i think the Eucharistic ones are interesting. Have you seen Braxton Hunters video on miracles and the catholic whose amputated leg was healed through prayer *and* imploring Mary’s intercession?
@OrthodoxHSMother 2 ай бұрын
Please look into Orthodoxy ☦️
@ThruTheUnknown 2 ай бұрын
@@OrthodoxHSMother I was orthodox
@DD-bx8rb 2 ай бұрын
@@OrthodoxHSMother Orthodoxy? Why chose the abscence of the unifying and authoritaive office of Peter?. Ask the 22 eastern Catholic Churches who reteurned to Rome ove the centuries.
@contemplatingchrist Ай бұрын
@@DD-bx8rb That includes me as well! I've found peace and sanctification in an Eastern Catholic Church (Ukrainian), which has similar Divine Liturgy of St John Chrysostum as Orthodox. When travelling, I also enjoy Ordinariate and TLM.
@OrthodoxHSMother Ай бұрын
@@DD-bx8rb I left papism
@engage4110 Ай бұрын
He will join the Catholic church soon .
@Monkofmagnesia Ай бұрын
I met a woman Episcopalian priest who asked me if my problem with the Anglican church was the ordination of women. I told her that did not bother me. She said how "open and enlightened" I was. I retorted, "Actually, I do not believe you people should be ordining anyone." She did not get angry but admitted that they have difficulty justigying their exustance when discussing it in their semenaries.
@lalagordo Ай бұрын
I wish that you would say something bad about some thing sometimes.
@ThruTheUnknown 2 ай бұрын
Where abouts is the mormon, unitarian, Hebrew roots, JWs's etc rooms in the house?
@EJ_Lion 2 ай бұрын
I suggest reading “Mere Christianity” by C.S Lewis. Lastly, How do they answer Jesus’s question to his disciples.. “Who do you say I Am?” Then you can discern between the Kingdom of Christ VS. the Kingdom of the Cults.
@ThruTheUnknown 2 ай бұрын
@@EJ_Lion Well that doesn't seem to work to me when you have several thousand denominations who all interpret Jesus differently
@bonniejohnstone 2 ай бұрын
I recommend reading the Apostolic Fathers before churches split. Here’s a pastor looking at the ‘thousands of churches’ and why… I’m Orthodox, was Evangelical and several of the churches you named aren’t considered Christian according to the creed.
@bradleyperry1735 Ай бұрын
They’re heretics.
@robertguidry2168 Ай бұрын
@@ThruTheUnknown Actually most denominations, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox have a strikingly similar interpretation of Christ.
@paxonearth Ай бұрын
Re: Hell as eternal conscious torment. I've come to the conclusion that this version of Hell, namely it's eternality, is completely incompatible with the concept of a just, loving God. Creating people who NEVER ASKED TO BE CREATED, then allowing them to be tormented beyond imagining for all eternity because they weren't convinced of Christ's salvation, could only be the product of an infernal mind, not a holy one. The concept of Hell that makes sense to me is that it is the burning away of all that is not God, all that we desperately hold on to. It begins here on Earth, obviously, but I imagine it continues after death too. This view of Hell acknowledges its reality, while at the same time trusts that eventually "Every knee shall bow..." If God's will is that all of us will be ultimately be united with him, then I'm forced to ask, "Will God's will be accomplished or not?" I believe it will.
@bradleyperry1735 Ай бұрын
Well, salvation is not a matter of what one believes or doesn’t believe. It is a matter of what one does. This is explicit in the Scriptures.
@bonniejohnstone 2 ай бұрын
Hi Austin! Is it more important to be comfortable in a church? What is the purpose of a church? Have we crossed a line from worship to good feelings and soothing of our ego ? Temporary dulling of guilt? What do you say to when my evangelical Aunt and Uncle got upset when I made the sign of the cross after the pre dinner prayer at their home? This evangelical is trying to invite something between Orthodox and Evangelical up in Montana. He’s got a lot right and wrong but he’s learning and growing. Interesting to watch. Has both Catholic and Orthodox mentors You’ve probably seen this. His the on Luther and Calvin.. “Oh No! Not that?!” Christianity isn’t meant to be comfortable. There’s supposed to be a cross!
@catholicconvert2119 Ай бұрын
Good points
@Apriluser Ай бұрын
There are a couple of Anglican (ACNA) churches in NW Montana (Missoula and Kalispell) if that’s the proximity of where he is.
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The Catholic Talk Show
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