Copper Testing with the OneExpert ONX-580, Session 1 (Multimeter, Opens, Balance,Load Coil)

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VIAVI Product Training Videos

VIAVI Product Training Videos

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@HighRidgeHandyman 3 жыл бұрын
27 years in. My sidekick crapped out and now I have to depend on the JDSU. Thanks for the longitude information. But I sure do miss my sidekick. Frontier isn’t purchasing any new ones anytime soon😡
@just1nmke 3 жыл бұрын
Great video, thanks
@wes11bravo 3 жыл бұрын
When getting an open on a subscriber's line that is provisioned with ADSL by calling the XXX-XXX-0092 "open" number, you'll see a DC signature of 147k across the pair on a working, trouble free line. Also, dialtone will run with a resistive fault of 500k across the pair. Certain phone systems or alarm panels will show 500k ohms T-R. Kilo ohms doesn't always equal trouble.
@Jay-mo8pt Жыл бұрын
Can someone explain " battery" a little more in depth?
@TehBerbDean Жыл бұрын
What do you want to know ask me? When they're talking about battery they just mean that the equipment vrad or DSLAM from the remote or office puts electricity on the cable pair. It's normally between 48 and 52 volts.
@martinkuliza 4 жыл бұрын
HELLO VIAVI I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE AN ANSWER ON THIS ONE I believe you have made a mistake 1. I'm not new to this game Please reference in the video 17:20 (The Voltage Test) i draw your attention to the screen layout and colour coding Now in Australia we use AB AE BE but that's fine.. i also Understand Tip and Ring so it's ok Now let me put forward my case... in basic electronics and electrical systems we know RED IS ALWAYS USED TO SIGNIFY POSITIVE POLARITY in an electrical Circuit and BLACK IS USED TO SIGNIFY NEGATIVE POLARITY in an electrical circuit and Green or Green/yellow is obviously an Earth Reference so RED = Positive BLACK = Negative GREEN = Earth Please remember this Next point... The JDSU HST-3000 and its successor the ONX-580 are designed (Among other things) to replace the LTS and LTS-2 (at least in Voltage mode they are) The LTS-2 (as we know had the following colour schemes RED = POSITIVE BLACK=NEGATIVE GREEN= GROUND so far , no problems and if i was to hook up an LTS-2 onto a 9V Battery with the Red lead to the Positive Terminal and the black to the negative it would give me a reading of +9V so that's our standard by which we are measuring the ONX-580 Moving forward The viavi has A RED LEAD A BLACK LEAD A GREEN LEAD correct FACT - (I have tested this) If (When new) you plug your RED Lead into the Back panel of the viavi on the RED PORT labeled ("R B ") and you plug in your BLACK LEAD into the BLACK PORT Labelled ("T R") and your green lead into your green port labelled ("G E") then you test the 9V battery i the same fashion YOU WILL INDEED GET A READING IN VOLTAGE DC MODE AS +9V so..... IF WE MATCH UP THE COLOURS WE ARE ALL GOOD AND EVERYTHING WORKS Please bear with me on this ok so... thus far we are all ok SO THE WIRING ITSELF AND THE INTERNAL CIRCUITRY IS CORRECT NOW HERE IS THE ISSUE When you look at the video 17:20 TIP HAS ALWAYS BEEN POSITIVE RING HAS ALWAYS BEEN NEGATIVE (Even since it's started in the manual telephony switching days) Telecommuniations basics.. right ? so TIP = RED = POSITIVE RING = BLACK = NEGATIVE but you don't have that, You've got it backwards and let me be even more specific WHEN TESTING VOLTAGE, a Technician is measuring THE POTENTIAL DIFFERENCE....... Between A to B, Between Positive and Negative, specifically.... The black lead is used AS A REFERENCE that is referenced to be 0V DC the Red lead is THE TEST POINT / SAMPLE POINT so the meter (as a Volt meter) Must read.... How much higher or lower in electrical pressure is the red lead WITH RESPECT TO THE BLACK LEAD Therefore, When we measure A LEG TO B LEG TIP to RING if you prefer Our Ring is our reference (our 0V) aka BLACK Our Tip is our Test Point ( Our Voltage reading) RED YOU'VE GOT IT BACKWARDS You have Tip as Black, TIP = POSITIVE = RED You have Ring as Red, RING = NEGATIVE = BLACK this is both on the video and in your ONX-580 MANUAL ONE EXPERT DSL USER GUIDE (EXPLORING THE TOP PANEL... FIGURE 6.) the green is fine (no problems there) so.. even though the circuit itself is polarized correctly YOU ARE CONFUSING EVERYTHING BECAUSE YOU HAVE CONDITIONED THE LINESMAN TO FOLLOW THE ONSCREEN COLOURS Your manual says that the TOP PANEL is as follows COLOUR BLACK RED GREEN YELLOW BLUE TIP A- LEG RING B-LEG GROUND EARTH RING 1 B1 LEG T1 A1 LEG BUT THE WRITING IS SUPPOSED TO READ AS FOLLOWS R B T A G E as for the yellow and blue, i can only assume that these are backwards as well, but since we don't have onscreen colours for second circuits, it's not a real big concern i'm mainly concerned with the RED and BLACK so you've got it backwards then we go to the screen now this is when EVERYTHING GETS SCREWED UP, One checks... everything... Results are no longer accurate is you're submitting results to a higher company and that these results rely on you getting paid for example ON THE SCREEN you have a BLACK CIRCLE around the TIP (LOL........ Black is your Ring) you have a RED CIRCLE around your RING (Ring is Black) so when a telco linesman looks at the results and troubleshoots a line (or.. Shoots trouble as you call it) His results are going to be backwards and even the new guys, I have seen new blokes use this AND LITERALLY REVERSE THE LEADS Meaning... they would go up to an MDF they would take their RED alligator clip and (on a Pair 1 - White / Blue) they would hook the RED Lead up to the Blue wire (As we know this is incorrect) and obviously the Black alligator clip would go on the White wire or Red Wire (THIS IS BADLY MISTAKEN) Now they are developing these habits because YOUR COLOUR CODE IS INCORRECT NOW.. HAVE I MISSED SOMETHING HERE OR WHAT ?????? I've done telco for a decade or 2 black is always black red is always red you always hook your red lead from your meter or DMM or whatever it may be (Voltmeter) to your A Leg, WHITE or RED Wire you always hook your Black lead from the voltmeter to your OTHER COLOUR blue , orange, green , brown, grey RIGHT ??? we all know this... so unless i'm mistaken and have missed something Why are your reds and black the wrong way around ? the meter itself gives a correct reading and is correctly polarized however 1. THE WRITING / MARKINGS ON THE TOP PANEL ARE INCORRECT 2. THE COLOUR DISPLAY OF THE CIRCLES ON THE SCREEN ARE INCORRECT 3. Technically speaking.... the LETTERS........"T" and "R" or A and B if you prefer ARE CORRECT and in the correct order we test A Leg TO...... B Leg (since the LTS-2 Days) now electrically speaking we test THE POSTIVE SAMPLE POINT .......... WITH RESPECT TO 0V REFERENCE so yes.... WE ARE TESTING.......... TIP ....... WITH RESPECT TO RING so technically THE SOLUTION : Where you have a Black Circle, needs to be replaced with the position of the Red circle and vice verse I'M GUESSING YOU COULD ROLL THIS OUT IN A FIRMWARE UPDATE AND I DON'T THINK IT'D BE THAT BIG OF A DEAL TO DO my current ONX-580 is updated to firmware version 10.3.12 (The current version) so technically the meter readings are correct IT'S JUST THE COLOUR CODING THAT IS REALLY WEIRD AND CONFUSING Now.. this wasn't a problem with the LTS-2 this wasn't even a problem with your JDSU-HST 3000 First version BECAUSE THE SCREEN WAS BLACK AND WHITE and i remember when you brought colour into it and i remember how you sold the product and how excited you were about it AND IN THE SPIRIT OF THAT SELLING POINT that being..... "Guys, .. Look how amazing this is, AT A SINGLE GLANCE you can quickly derive all your readings and know what's going on" well.. AT A GLANCE and any techs INSTANT REACTION IS RED = POSITIVE BLACK = NEGATIVE GREEN = GROUND now.. if you get a negative reading where you should get a positive YOU ARE GOING TO ASSUME YOU HAVE A LINE FAULT WHERE YOU DON'T or if your voltage appears on the A leg , when it should be on the B leg YOU ARE GOING TO ASSUME YOU HAVE A LINE FAULT WHERE YOU REALLY DON'T AGAIN.. UNLESS I'VE GRAVELY MISSED SOMETHING (And please let me know) THIS IS A MISTAKE and i've asked others and they simply shrug it off and say... ahhh whatever WELL VIAIVI.. LET ME BE CLEAR ON SOMETHING OK 1. I'M AN ENGINEER 2. I PRIDE MYSELF ON MY EQUIPMENT AND UNDERSTANDING IT 3. I THINK WITH THE VIAVI ONX- 580 AND 620 YOU HAVE MADE A VERY VERY FUCKING GOOD PIECE OF HARDWARE it's just a pity that most tech's don't understand how to fully utilize it so.. since you've made a good piece of hardware WHY ARE WE CONFUSING THE ISSUE BY SWITCHING YOUR RED AND BLACK CAN WE PLEASE FIX THIS IN A FIRMWARE UPDATE Please let me know what your thoughts are on this...... and i put this up here for the benefit of other techs as well, should they visit the site I sincerely hope this posts gets the attention it deserves i will also be filing a support ticket to viavi regarding this i mean, can we all agree...... it would be much simpler if TIP had a RED CIRCLE around it and RING had a BLACK CIRCLE that would make more sense wouldn't it ? anyway... thanks a lot speak soon
@MasSmokes 2 жыл бұрын
Hey man I see you really know how to use the JDSU efficiently can you help a new tech out whom a haven’t been showed what each thing means and how to tell if I have a good pair and trouble shoot my pairs? I’d really appreciate some insight, as I’m thinking of quitting due to the fact I’ll be on my own soon and I don’t know what I feel I should know
@martinkuliza 2 жыл бұрын
@@MasSmokes Sure mate Although these things can't be done on chat if your'e in sydney we can meet up for a coffee , go to a pit or pillar and i can show you some shit if you're somewhere else we'll need to zoom or skype where are you located Also DO NOT QUIT, ok there is no reason for you to quit I've trained many techs and one problem i see happening over and over is that when they are onboarded they get trained by someone who doesn't really know the game because they in turn go trained by someone who didn't know the game As i said in that massive wall of text, Viavi have made a very fucking good Qualification tester and IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT it can be very powerful and time effective but if all you know how to do is press OneCheck or DSL Check then you really limit what you can do so yeah mate, i'm happy to help anyone that wants to learn Let me know what you want to do and i'll try and work with it, ok speak soon be cool
@MasSmokes 2 жыл бұрын
@@martinkuliza damn man I’m in US Louisiana I’d still be down for you to show me what you can because that’s literally all I know how to use is single pair, bonded, and one check no idea what the numbers mean other than the opens (sorta) my trainer is our most efficient tech but it’s hard for me to catch stuff because he just gets mad when I fuck up or don’t understand something he think I should this is all new to me and some of these guys been doing it for 15+ years so it’s not so simple and I’m hesitant and forget stuff messing up my efficiency because this guy just gets upset if I’m not within my appointment window or I mess up
@MasSmokes 2 жыл бұрын
Even sometimes I do my part right and he stresses out and passively blames me and then come to find out it wasn’t me. It’s really discouraging and it makes me want to just try something else even though I know the great things that can come from this field I just start feeling incapable even though I know I am very cable if I act ya lot had someone to take the time and show me what I really need to know on trouble shooting/ distances from the facilities :/
@martinkuliza 2 жыл бұрын
@@MasSmokes Ahh , i see well let me put you at ease 1. DON'T WORRY, I'll show you 2. They shouldn't be getting upset at you , I understand if a linesman has a lot of experience (and i certainly do ) but you don't go and get the shits at the young guys or the new guys and the fact they do tells me a lot about them Your'e correct it's not simple but that's why what we do is called being "Technical People" if it was simple we'd be called "Simple People" simple stated, we are the guys that fix shit, our job is to solve COMPLICATED PROBLEM that's why its' not simple BUT....... IT'S NOT THAT HARD TO LEARN EITHER as for your appointment window Do you mean 1. Arriving onsite ontime ? 2. or.. Completing the job in a specific time If it's the latter then i understand, i have trained techs who have taken 3 to 4 hours onsite and i have shown them how to complete their jobs in maybe 30 mins to 1 hour and really it's all about Knowledge and time efficiency you stay onsite for a long time because you tend to go over your tracks again and again unnecessarily the Viavi 580 is supposed to MAKE YOU MORE EFFICIENT their motto is "it makes any tech an expert" LOL well that's utter and complete bullshit but the catch is... IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT yes, it can make you very good on the field and very time effective, but you need to learn your fundamentals WHICH I AM HAPPY TO SHOW YOU so don't worry mate, we'll sort it out Are you available at some point today i mean what times is where you are now Here in sydney it's 11:38am 26th August google says Lousiana is now at 20:38 25th August so not to spin you but i'm in the future LOL are you available today , if not tell me when you're free
@khaliligul3277 6 ай бұрын
Copper sucks, period.
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