Cops, what's the most sus thing you've ever caught somebody doing for a totally legitimate reason?

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Пікірлер: 109
@alicew.9351 11 ай бұрын
As a French person, seing "gendarmes" ("people of arms") being spelled "Jean d'arms" ("John of arms") made me chuckle. I needed it. Thank you for that and all your videos.
@franhunne8929 11 ай бұрын
I do speak a bit of French, not that glorious, but a bit ... and I never would have guessed they meant gendarmes ... I even pronounced it while reading it and did not make the connection. I might need to have another coffee first.
@terezar880 11 ай бұрын
AI did the text and it messed up. You can see it at 13:16 where they left a bad take in and the text says "strut" instead of just cutting off
@CJ-Mae 8 ай бұрын
Comment ça va?
@snarfflarf 7 ай бұрын
believable french word tbh, yall call avocados lawyer apples 💀
@InvertedAim 7 ай бұрын
As an English speaker, seeing "seing" spelled wrong in a comment about spelling wrong made me also chuckle
@sandguyman 11 ай бұрын
that farmer is an absolute gigachad
@lordbiscuitthetossable5352 4 ай бұрын
Makes a lot of sense to me. If you are going to arrest someone and slap their name all over the news paper, the best way to prove to your own community you did no wrong doing is have your case that gets just as much coverage.
@anonymousanonymous9587 8 ай бұрын
Even without experience, I can tell that lockpicking your own house is 100% something that will appear here
@CoolCademMAnimates-fz1ui 11 ай бұрын
This is a story my grandfather told me. He was 5 years old and he was being taken out of his house and evacuated because the guy who owned a cafe at the bottom of the hill he lived on had apparently gotten away from a murder scene inside the building with a gun. The officers were saying that the guy who owned the cafe shot and killed an officer. The other police officers tear gassed the building to make him come out and when he didn’t, they assumed he was already gone and was on the loose with a gun. False alarm. His body was found inside the cafe the next day. What had happened was this guy was hiding from some German sailors who threatened to k!ll him so he locked up for a week. When the janitor tried to come in and clean and the owner never opened the door, she told the cops that he did something to his son with no proof. The youngest officer they had showed up, broke into the cafe where the man lived so he can talk to him, and the officer was shot because the cafe owner thought that he was one of the German sailors who were trying to k!ll him. Then rumours said that the cafe owner shot an officer and the rest is history. My grandfather says nobody can tell more truth than him and his siblings because they had a strong friendship with the cafe owner, not to mention that they lived in the house closest to the cafe than anyone else. Most of whatever anyone else says is hear-say. I totally agree.
@conlon4332 5 ай бұрын
Wait so who killed the cafe owner??
@CoolCademMAnimates-fz1ui 5 ай бұрын
@@conlon4332 they died of smoke inhalation, the tear gas started a fire.
@therapizza 11 ай бұрын
As a narcoleptic who had a near-death experience prior to diagnosis: Can confirm. Sleepiness behind the wheel is EXTREMELY dangerous
@Keaton0801 8 ай бұрын
More than likely, the alcohol he smelled was used to clean the staff. Don’t quote me on it, but depending on what the staff is made of, you might need to clean it with isopropyl alcohol. That smell, even after it dries, can linger for a while, depending on the percentage used.
@lordbiscuitthetossable5352 4 ай бұрын
Yeah. Chances are though he was drunk which was why it wasn't mentioned, just the incident that had been blown out of proportion was what followed. Just dude got to prove he wasn't carrying the staff around for no reason but was a legit martial artist. Personally I feel I might start carrying a cane or staff for long journeys. Both a useful aid and a self defence tool to create distance.
@cataclysmmcat4543 8 ай бұрын
This reminded me of something that happened years ago while I was attending a community college. I had been studying for a calculus test in one of the small study rooms on the top floor for hours. I eventually got thirsty and went to the bottom floor where the vending machines were for some redbull and water...the whole time I kept hearing this beeping noise. Made it back to the study room and a few minutes later I noticed police lights (room had wall to floor windows and the room was a few floors above the main entrance). I thought "oh boy, did someone try to steal another pc". I kept studying. After a few minutes, complete chaos. The room I was in had a glass door and panels from wall to floor as well. I hear shouting and see flashlights flicker from the hallway. I see police charging up the stairs and more from the left. I was thinking wtf is going on...then realize ..they were pointing weapons and flashlights at me! In a panic I thought someone was in the classroom next to me so I wedged myself against the door to prevent the "perpetrator" from fleeing to my room. After a moment and then screaming at me to open the door, I realized they were talking to me. I did open it up and they rushed in and grabbed me. After the orders were given and seeing me comply, they finally asked what I was doing...I said studying. I explained my test the next day and that home would be too distracting for me. They then asked me if I knew that the building closed at 10:00 pm. I said yes, but it wasn't that late. I was wrong. It was already 1:00 am and the beeping I heard was the motion sensor for the building. All in all, I found out that the person in charge of checking study rooms did not check the very last one I was in. After about an hour they let me go. I got 120% on my test because I got every answer correct, including the extra credit. I felt like I deserved it! Note: a few weeks prior people broke in and stole over 20 desktops from the computer lab in the middle of the night)
@PolinaLee94 11 ай бұрын
There was a time when my little sister would not fall asleep unless she was in a stroller and outside. We had to go on walks at most random times of day, sometimes deep into the night. If we did it at night, we would walk slowly around the house as close to the house as possible. I bet it looked very creepy.
@inkybliss6376 10 ай бұрын
I have 2 situations where I was "sus." First was held at gunpoint with a group of friends. I guess there was a call about a fistfight a few blocks away and a group of guys playing ball looks like the same thing. Thankfully they got another call about the fight and ran off leaving their car wide open and running right there. We all looked at each other still with our hands up like WTF was that about and we took off. The second time could have been sus. But my wife picked me up from work one day. On the way home she doesn't feel well and pulls onto the shoulder, gets out, and sits for a bit on the side of the road. As soon as she gets back in cops pull up and come to my window. I began to explain what was going on and he cut me off. Orders me out and does a frisk. I was like what is going on? He questioned what was wrong with my face. Ouch. Then clarified asking what was on it. I glanced in the mirror and I had a couple of blotches of dry blood on my face. I laugh a bit and tell him I butcher cattle and must not have cleaned as well as I thought before I left. Offering my work ID didn't resolve things. Took an hour to complete his investigation which included, murdering someone and then abusing my wife or daughter. After we all were photographed and IDed they let us go. I was left with his partner alone while he was on the other side of my car taking pictures of her. Anyway the partner was three times my age was like and I shit you not With a smile that would remind you of Santa "I am in training and I do not know what is going on." The feeling was mutual my jolly blue friend.
@JensMorrison 11 ай бұрын
Plot twist: He was feeding the cats...dead bodies.
@ThePikPals 11 ай бұрын
I can just imagine 40 cats appearing from a forest connect to a parking lot and just surrounded them.
@Shaytan.666 3 ай бұрын
Warrior Cats
@annasstorybox7906 8 ай бұрын
My aunt and uncle went on vacation with a friend of theirs. On their way home she became terribly sick, likely from some food she had. They were on the highway. I don't know if was an unrestricted stretch of highway (Germany obviously) or if it had a limit, but my uncle floored it to get to the next rest area in time so the friend wouldn't barf in his car. Apparently his driving was suspicious enough for police who saw them to start following. As soon as they pulled into the rest area, police followed. Door flew open, friend made it a few steps towards some bushes before spewing. Police didn't bother talking to them and just drove by and turned back onto the highway. Apparently this medical issue wasn't something they wanted to get close to.
@princezeit 11 ай бұрын
Second. anyway, I was approached by a Police officer when I was digging through my own trash at my old home before moving to the current one, the cop flipped the lights on rolled down the window and I said "it's my trashcan, I live here" and the cop went "Oh, sorry" and drove on.
@wizardsuth 9 ай бұрын
It wouldn't matter if it weren't your trashcan. Once the trash hits the curb it's in the public domain. Anybody can take stuff from it.
@TrashScoutMain 8 ай бұрын
Farmer guy rekt that courtroom! 🤣
@rebeccaconlon9743 9 ай бұрын
Pulled over for wobbly driving, full car of young guys we had red eyes... no weed smell etc... we're all dressed in black... after burying a young school friend. From my husband's youth
@bookvee 8 ай бұрын
one of the stories I used to have in my scrapbook was a cutout from a newspaper where a man was arrested for attacking a woman, pulling off all her limbs, gouging out her eyes breaking six of her ribs and cutting off her tongue, among other things, and the hiding all the parts. He was released the next day because that specific woman arrrived home from a buisness trip. Apparently, the whole story was concocted by her mother for... reasons, apparently. I miss my scrapbook. it took years.
@BlackLegNami 9 ай бұрын
Obligatory not a cop, some details are a little foggy. Local police were notified that a closed down restaurant was being broken into sometime late at night (like 10 or 11, something like that). They arrive on the scene expecting to find the owner but instead they find me, sitting alone in my parked but running car. I think they thought I was the owner (and maybe if I wasn’t I was a suspect? 🤷‍♀️). They ask me if I was the owner and I get REAL scared, not aware that they were expecting the owner. When asked what I was doing I was honest: The restaurant was a Pokemon Go gym.
@mushroom696 10 ай бұрын
"They put two and two together and got five An actually good quote
@nontrashfire2 9 ай бұрын
In some states you can get a DUI if you haven't slept in a certain amount of time usually over 72 hours.
@richardtomaszewski3569 11 ай бұрын
I think I have a great one. So I went to an out of state college that was out in the middle of no where. Since it was in the middle of no where and most students were from in state basically the entire town would close around the schools schedule. I mean literally, main street would be lined with cars and traffic for miles to you could have a picnic in the middle of the road which was about all you could do since all the local bars, restaurants, stores, ect were all closed. One other down side to this was since the entire town close up criminals knew when students were off for break and we would have like literally over 1000 break ins during spring break. For me being out of state it was too much of a hassle to go home for short breaks so I would typically stay in and plan some projects. Over spring break I planned to fix the headliner on my old Camaro where the fabric was sagging down. I took it out stripped off the old fabric and used some industrial glue to attach some new fabric. The glue STANK AND TOOK FOREVER TO DRY!!! I left it outside all afternoon but it just wouldn't get better and then it started to rain. Begrudgingly I brought it inside and just opened all the windows to vent out the house. I then settled in, made some pizza and started watching a movie. I heard some rustling in my kitchen and thought a small animal like a raccoon had snuck in to steal my pizza since it was late now and I had all the windows open (no screens) and I was like crap what do I do? Well I grabbed my shotgun not because I was going to shoot it but I thought if there was an animal I could use it to shoo it away or use it as club if the thing attacked. Well I searched the kitchen and found nothing. Still unsure I left the shotgun out propped against the wall at the end of the hall just incase I heard it again. A while goes by and there's a nock at the door. It's like 1-2AM now and it's the police! Basically they explained one of my neighbors had come home from a bar and found someone in his house who ran off and they were looking for him. They then say my apartment lights on windows open at 2AM when literally the entire town is empty and thought they found their guy! Unbeknownst to me the entire house was surrounded by like a dozen police cars at this point. They asked if they could come in and check around so I invited them in assuring them everything was fine. I opened the door and stood to the side when I saw in the corner of my eye my shotgun still propped up against the wall opposite the front door. This did not make the best impression and soon there were like a dozen officers wandering around my apartment. They asked for my ID and I reached for my wallet and realized oh crap it's in my regular jeans and I still had on my dirty work pants from working on my headliner and had to tell them I had no ID. Mind you I probably looked homeless since I had a mismatched stained outfit on that I used when doing dirt work. They asked for my landlords# to confirm my ID with them and being this was back before cell phones were popular guess what? I had their number in my wallet and couldn't give them that either. Eventually I was able to explain everything and they too smelled the headliner glue fumes so on and so forth but wow did that escalate quickly. Thought for sure I was going to get arrested by mistake that night.
@wizardsuth 9 ай бұрын
Being in your home with the lights on at night is not grounds for reasonable suspicion of a crime. You should have told the police to get lost, and refused to let them come in, search your home, or see your ID.
@elissaann-ij3tb 11 ай бұрын
A cook transporting flour to a competitive food show. And herbs in none labeled big bags. Suspicious. 😂
@JV-pu8kx 11 ай бұрын
There's a guy that feeds the cats at our county landfill. Edit: There is a shed next to the dumpsters setup for the cats to have shelter.
@Kayenne54 11 ай бұрын
With water too, I hope. For some reason, people think cats don't need water...
@Gr3nadgr3gory 8 ай бұрын
13:51 even a master of Drunken Fist will tell you its not easy to do Kung Fu while hammered. Especially whatever that man had to be doing with the staff.
@DaveC2729 7 ай бұрын
I used to work for a security company. Obviously security is an any-time-of-day deal, so it was a regular thing for me to be looking for my job site at midnight. It was also a regular thing for me to be tired AF in the morning, so I had a van with all the seats removed and a little bed in the back I could sack out in. I was not yet aware of the _specific_ assumption people make about vans (and don't worry, I don't have one anymore) but at least did know in general terms that there is _no such thing as an 'inconspicuous' van._ I often considered vans extra suspicious myself when I was on the job. So on more than one occasion I got lost. Officers would pull me over and ask me what was going on. "I'm with Such-'N'-Such Security Service, looking for my work site tonight. Can you help me find X place?" "Yeah sure, sorry to bother you, it's just that there have been a lot of break-ins back here, so we needed to make sure your van wasn't full of burglary tools." Me: "No problem Officer, I know vans are extra suspicious, I use it because I get tired in the morning and sometimes don't want to drive." Cop: "Yeah I can understand that." "Ok, have a good night!" Me: "You too, Officer."
@mugglecatful 11 ай бұрын
Have a rich uncle. He was putting the finishing touches on his newly built house when my family (complete with grandma) rolled through. Since he was at a party, he invited us to spend some time looking around the place despite the fact it was night and the electricity hadn't been connected yet. So for about 10 mins, my family is wandering around the mini mansion with phone flashlights. Then suddenly the cops arrive, guns drawn, and escort us out of the house while we explain that we weren't squatters, thieves, or vandals. They have another cop stop by my uncle's party to confirm our identities juuuust as my grandma called him. She puts him on speaker to explain the situation and we all hear my uncle say to the cop walking through the door "Are you trying to arrest my mother??!!" We were quickly free to go. Apparently my uncle has some nosy neighbors but I get the misunderstanding all the same. Lol.
@paulcollyer801 11 ай бұрын
14:39 Story 13 S 18, = Section 18 PACE (Police And Criminal Evidence Act), a search after arrest, either with Inspector’s authority, or if an expedient search needed to preserve evidence, pretty much immediately after the arrest. Can be car or premises that suspect has just left prior to arrest. (Or with Inspectors authority, home address etc.) For Inspector, see Lieutenant for non British Police
@pedro1492 9 ай бұрын
3:50 the noise level inside a womb is like a jet taking off. for the longest part of their existence, loudness is all babies know
@3Dsusan 9 ай бұрын
when it comes to babies , nothing wakes them faster than silence, since 4 months gestation they have been hearing the mothers heartbeat and breathing, they are not used to silence, they don't like silence
@sarahprice659 11 ай бұрын
I don’t know if he never got stopped by the cops (wouldn’t surprise me) but my uncle would drive around for hours at night because that was the only way to get my colicky cousin to sleep. And to this day, my cousin has wacky stomach issues!
@Johnny_200 8 ай бұрын
Once worked at the voluntary fire department of my city, we got a call to open a house because the owner, an old woman didnt respond. When we got there we saw a distressed guy next to the police car and the lights on. I was still in training so I didnt get to do much so I just stood there and listened but thankfully I got the hear a funny story. The guy was a fanily member appearently and he wanted to visit said woman. However, no response and he doesnt have a key. So instead of doing anything reasonable, he went to the back, grabbed a ladder from a gardening shed and tried to get in from the first floor open window. Ironically there is a police station about four blocks down and a car just drove past. They see a guy with a ladder attempting to enter through a window, they obviously spring into action. Nothing dangerous happened but it was still pretty hilarious. Especially since once we opened the door (we actually went through the same open window but with our ladder and then had someone open the front door from inside) we got told that said woman was asleep in rear of the house and the electronic bell didnt make a sound. Thinking back, absolutely nothing bad actually happened but it was a bunch of hilarious coincidences that created this story. One of the best days of my time there, especially since we got to participate in the debrief (Its just grabbing a drink and forcing one guy to fill out the report but I wasnt qualified for that yet, second year training so I could just sit there and listen to the story.)
@eliseintheattic9697 8 ай бұрын
I can't believe they harrassed that poor farmer. The neighbor needs to learn to mind his own business. If he saw all of that, he had to have been watching him all week. What a busy body. And how did a DA expect to convict him of a crime they thought he was going to commit? How is that supposed to work? Sounds like a small town with no crime and nothing better to do.
@SpitfiretheCat16 11 ай бұрын
you left two takes in on the first story!
@sparkyspark964 11 ай бұрын
I know..! I thought I was having a stroke! 😆 Still it was a very good video!❤❤
@aridddle 5 ай бұрын
This is a true story I was about 15 at the time and went to an amusement park with my brother and best friend, and they were also going to meet up with a couple girls they met in the early days of the internet. We had met them before so didn't have to worry about catfishing, but I didn't like the girl my brother was talking to. So my plan is to just enjoy the park in my own world. About halfway through the day we are getting hungry and decided to get food outside of the park due to high food prices in amusement parks. So we get in the girls car and start driving. Now there are multiple fast food restaurants right near the park and after we pass the fourth one I'm starting to get irritated and ask where we are going. They say tinseltown and for some reason I figure this was a nicer restaurants so I just keep quite and deal with it the cramped ride. 40 minutes later we arrive at a movie theater and they are planning to have a movie date. So at this point I'm pissed and i let it be known that i am. So I noticed there's a taco bell across the parking lot. So I go there with my friend cause neither of us wanted to see a movie and were just hungry. After we eat we decided we would just go back to the park, but the issue is we are way to far to walk back and don't know the way. So we see a cop and ask if he can take us back after we explain the situation. He agrees but because he's a state trooper he can only take us to the state line, and since the park was technically across state lines (but not by much a couple miles maybe) he couldn't take us all the way. Also since my friend was 18 at the time it wasn't an issue of two minors. So before we leave the cop says we should at least let my brother know we left and we agree. So I decided to get revenge on my brother for dragging all the way to a movie date i didn't want to be at, and we call him but say that we are in the back of a police car for some bs reasons. He gets pissed and we are trying our hardest not to laugh and give it away. After we end the call and leave the cop takes us to the state line and we hitchhike (this was the early 2000s so it was slightly safer) to a friends house in the area. The guy that gave us a ride actually went to high school.with MR. T (or at least claimed to) he said he was a bit of a punk in high school and nothing like how he portrayed on TV.
@aaronlandry3947 8 ай бұрын
That's a really loaded question... Because they view everything you do as suspicious. No matter how legal the activity you're doing they find it suspicious. It's gotten so bad that they've gotten rebukes from judges for it that are now ensconced forever in court cases. Cops have literally claimed that driving over the speed limit is suspicious.. but also that driving below the speed limit is suspicious. But then they've also claimed that driving exactly the speed limit is suspicious. So you cannot win. There's another court case where they've claimed that driving with one hand is suspicious... And another we're driving with your hands at 10 and 2 is suspicious. And another we're driving slouched over is suspicious and another where your back is too straight is suspicious. Quite literally anything and everything you do they will write down as suspicious in order to try to justify every action against you. And sadly the lower district courts will eat it up and just rubber stamp in favor of the cops to allow them to steam roll over your rights.
@emily.letsendbslintheuk554 8 ай бұрын
Not surprised about the armed police turning up at the blokes home in the south of England, they will go over board for this kind of situation yet when a real murder happens or someone is sexually assaulted or physically assaulted they take hours to arrive and your lucky if you get more than one cop turn up 🙄
@hannahl5306 10 ай бұрын
There is a TikTok where these cops showed up to the a woman's house because they got a call that there might be a dead body hanging out of her car. It was a wig.
@mazokuchan 8 ай бұрын
When I was like 12 or 13 I was holiday shopping with my mum and we were separated and she wanted to get me some gifts, but didn't want me to see so she was looking hella sus looking for me and trying to conceal the gifts so she eventually was approached by the store security, she had to tell them she was just looking out for me so I wouldn't see the surprise gifts
@michellegray7892 6 ай бұрын
Straight jackets haven't been used since the mid 1950s, so I find it worrying an experienced police officer would not be aware of that (provided it was in the US of course. No idea if other countries still use them).
@amandaduckett3093 7 ай бұрын
The guy using the big vase as storage for weird shit reminds me of my wack ass organizing skills cause of my ADHD. I do this shit all the time and then get frustrated cause I cant find somethig I know I have, then months later I'm re organizing and find this stuff and I get so pissed off and confused at my past self cause genuinely, wtf
@zombiereaperOnXbox 11 ай бұрын
3:13 wait so he didn't look into it at all I mean having a baby in the backseat would be a damn good cover. Also, parents can be criminals
@sannyassi73 8 ай бұрын
To Me, if you're sleep deprived to the point you're falling asleep at the Wheel- that is worse than being moderately drunk. Sleep deprivation is no joke, it's like doing a dirty drug.
@Kittsuera 8 ай бұрын
The last was was thinking “dont take a deal, let them cook”
@zeke1220 8 ай бұрын
At 10:00 I believe he said "you're zoned active agriculture", not "years owned active agriculture".
@Zeper 8 ай бұрын
4:32 my man really write gendarme as "jean" "d'arms" 💀💀💀💀💀💀
@FairyLadyQuelaag 8 ай бұрын
Let out a loud sneeze when watching my cousin as a baby, he didn't wake. Brother went "well in the case-" and proceeded to release a high-pitched squealing fart that honestly wasn't louder than my sneeze BUT it woke our baby cousin. There was a couple wtfs a why and a god damnit.
@trueblaze84 20 күн бұрын
Thought the old farmer was going to turn out to be an ahole who just didn't want to talk to the cops, but he made a good point about clearing his name. That said now he knows he should let someone else know what he's planning if he wants to burn down another old building so if it happens again and pulls the same thing it's on him.
@nyotamwuaji6484 9 ай бұрын
Weird thought but the woman could have been the thief. Driving with a baby is a excellent cover story if you get pulled over while casing houses in the wee morning hours Doesn't even have to be real. Get a realistic baby doll.
@nowetherider 5 ай бұрын
Story 11. It was said in the story. He had a sobriety test by showing off his ninja move.
@sannyassi73 8 ай бұрын
I love that Cat story. That's Me when I'm older- I'll bet that is that old Dude's highlight of the Day, I know it would be for Me, and I'm not even old- I just LOVE me some Kitties!
@paulcollyer801 11 ай бұрын
12:24 The Police raid on Mr IT:- S17 PACE would allow the entry as suspicion of death. Add to that my youngest (in their 20s) made a similar report that turned out to Be a Cannabis Farm, not the dead body suspected, and you get why it’s taken seriously. But dang, that’s funny lol
@FizzieWebb 7 ай бұрын
okay, the martial artist story, I was half expecting the dude to say he practices drunken fist style and had spilled some on himself while training and that's where the smell came from.
@Mental-Illness 11 ай бұрын
I heard us coast guard and snapped up because ive been wanting to consider it as an option 💀💀 the expression on my face
@Carlos-ux7gv 9 ай бұрын
Most traffic stops for DUI in Brazil happens when you pass a checkpoint and is tested for alcohol. But differently from US, you cannot be arrested for DUI just by simply being in the car with the engine running. So, if you spot a DUI checkpoint and stop your car before anyone seeing your car moving, you can say you are waiting for a family member to pick you up, even if you are in the driver seat with the engine running. You could even wait to sober up. However, the cops know this and put checkpoints in places you cannot stop, like highways, or places were they always see cars coming in from a distance.
@pfc_church 9 ай бұрын
For the drunk driving story idk if anyone mentioned this already if it was early 80s drunk driving laws in some areas were just started or were just starting to be enforced. Open drinking and driving was a thing till mid to late 80s. Wasn't even punished till 90s.
@sunburstisland2560 8 ай бұрын
Story 11: While not super likely, there is the possibility that he hung out a bar, didn't drink, and smells like alcohol due to amount of time in the bar, especially if anyone spilled a drink.
@RCuriousPilot 8 ай бұрын
Editor dropped the ball on this one, lots of repeated sentences
@SpringStarFangirl 10 ай бұрын
When I heard the guy read out "make sure everything is kosher" I did a double take and had to take it back ten seconds because hearing about kosher food seems completely disconnected from this.
@TheGuindo 8 ай бұрын
"everything is kosher" (when not explicitly about food) is a saying used to mean "there is nothing sketchy going on here"
@SpringStarFangirl 8 ай бұрын
@@TheGuindo I figured as much, but it definitely tripped me up at first.
@Saphirakii 5 ай бұрын
I had a friend who was meeting a guy from a dating app for the first time so I was the safety backup hanging out somewhere nearby. I have no idea WHY she chose to meet him at 9PM at night, but she did. I was bored and waiting in a shopping plaza playing Pokemon Go. I saw a free gym and drove to the parking lot it was at. I was confronted by security for being on apparently, hospital property after hours
@kayleighfuria819 4 ай бұрын
Story 8 comment: I'm pretty sure you can be ticketed for driving while tired under the grounds of driving while ability impaired (dwai)... At least in New York State. When I took my 5 hour course (in 2006) the instructor hammered into us the importance of pulling over to a safe place to rest if you're getting too tired... Obviously this was 18 years ago (😭 not cool) so I'm sure the laws have gotten stricter since then
@Guidingsonar 8 ай бұрын
The ninja one, he abvoisly wasn't drunk enough if he could do what he did
@scp2539 8 ай бұрын
13:50 a cop can say they smell anything to test the driver/passengers and there's no way to defend against it so it could have been bs or the officer felt the person was sober enough to drive.
@samjones215 8 ай бұрын
A bit of context for Story 6. I don’t live in Portugal but if I remember correctly spain and portgal aren’t doing great financially, so the MP‘s not having Radio, on there Person, wouldn’t be far fetched. Also I don’t think they expected something like this happening, with one of the MP Officers thinking something dubious was going on.
@mastertrams 9 ай бұрын
Yes, sleep deprivation while driving is dangerous. Just google the Selby/Great Heck Rail Disaster, where a car caused one of the worst rail crashes in UK history. And no, there wasn't a level crossing.
@monster7398 9 ай бұрын
13:43 But he did administer a sobriety test right?
@TheYandereMachine 10 ай бұрын
This is so common bro
@RCuriousPilot 11 ай бұрын
Repeated audio at the start of the video FYI
@codm22712 11 ай бұрын
Got here in the first 6 seconds
@IsYitzach 11 ай бұрын
Don't be the old man in story 3. Cats are an invasive species and eat birds that don't know what to do about them. If the cat is mouser, make sure they can't leave their patrol area. Spay and neuter the cats.
@irishuisman1450 11 ай бұрын
How do you know those cats aren't spayed and neutered? For all we know they could all have already been seen by a vet
@IsYitzach 11 ай бұрын
@@irishuisman1450 I don't, but the fact they came out of the woodwork at the sight of his vehicle suggests they aren't and they definitely aren't confined in places away from birds.
@sparkyspark964 11 ай бұрын
They have a method in my area where they clip the tip of one ear to show they’ve been spayed or neutered. This seems a bit much, but it’s a visual way of showing that they don’t have to be captured again. I have a friend who’s had 11 of them spayed or neutered over the years and they all stayed! He tried to release them, but they kept coming back. So he built a cat house and they have their own fenced in yard and a sunroom to live in. There’s only three left and they come into the house during the day and are put into the sunroom at night where they can safely go outside and not hurt anything or get hurt themselves.
@irishuisman1450 11 ай бұрын
@@IsYitzach spaying and neutering just means making them sterile, it doesn't prevent them from running at a guy who they know has food...
@JV-pu8kx 11 ай бұрын
How does getting rid of flies equate to criminal violence?
@Amanda-C. 11 ай бұрын
Dead bodies gather flies. Someone with fly problems might be hiding a dead body or part of one.
@ntfoperative9432 6 ай бұрын
@@Amanda-C.that is such a stretch
@Amanda-C. 6 ай бұрын
@@ntfoperative9432 For the record, I think there's lots of innocent explanations. Just figured it had to make sense to someone. You know. Like if you're in law enforcement and therefore intractably paranoid.
@ZeroBlackfire 11 ай бұрын
@15:00 That was more than likely some kind of shrine.
@chriscormac231 8 ай бұрын
12:30 UK cops be like
@DaddyJL 8 ай бұрын
Was helping a friend move to a new apartment down the road after work mind you it's eleven at night and we all had dark clothes on and wagons full of stuff well we got down to a block away from the new place and we got lit up by the town police asking us what we are doing looking back he wasn't so fun after all lol
@Aritso 8 ай бұрын
15:15 are you okay?
@Heather_animations 11 ай бұрын
@julianvidal89 11 ай бұрын
Skip to 9:00 in the KZbin video to get to the rest of the story, but here is the summary if you don’t want to watch it. The barn was old and falling apart so the farmer burned it down intentionally.
@seppmartti 9 ай бұрын
Hold up. "If your roleplay looks so suspicious in public then you had it coming". Please, some of us have kinks that need fulfilling. That's why we do it in privacy and not in public. There are many fantasies. Please don't say they had it coming.
@Plvsh_fox 11 ай бұрын
hello hello~ sorry I'm a day late T-T
@littlemisspipebomb4723 11 ай бұрын
TLDR: OP went off into another room and came back to two guys shoving the body in a van. Thought it was the killer come back or something. Turns out it's the morgue guys using a rental.
@Jelly_shy_guy_man 11 ай бұрын
Only true UnderSparked fans can like this comment
@alphasquadispoggers 11 ай бұрын
Npc comment
@ThePikPals 11 ай бұрын
Don’t worry, I’m not a true fan so I disliked it instead.
@horseluver4ever623 11 ай бұрын
Attention seeking behavior
@Smegwulf 10 ай бұрын
Buddy, that's all well and good to lecture about the dangers of fatigued driving, but you clearly haven't been the parent of a newborn. The flood of every emotion in the rainbow and the instinctive drive to do everything to protect and provide your family in every way possible leads to what's nicknamed "baby brain". It ain't rational in the slightest, purely firing on exhausted and overwrought emotion and it is done with either willful disregard or the inability to consider anything that would impede getting whatever mother n bub needs. Like logic for example. Also, living in the US, where town planning seems almost intentionally hostile to both pedestrians and public transport, how 'bout you go park that high horse of yours outside their city hall and give them a sermon instead? Now as to the couple with the "Intruder kink", keep your judgement to yourself and just read the story. Better still, how about talking down to trigger happy Officer Rambo instead? How typical of someone from a country where almost everyone is a wannabe "hero" just begging for justifiable excuse to pull the trigger on a fellow human. Cuz that's waaaay more "normal" behaviour than 2 consenting adults being sexually adventurous on their own property, right? No don't call out to the guy while you can see him and maybe scare the "bad guy" off, go grab your boomstick in the chance of committing legal murder instead. 'Murica!!!
@Maximalistcollector 10 ай бұрын
There no such thing as "baby", it either à child or teen or adult
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