Could Full Potential Anakin Defeat Abeloth - Star Wars Explained

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The Stupendous Wave

The Stupendous Wave

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@MenagerieOfMadness501 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine what a fight between these two would even look like. Anakin being the embodiment of balance and Abeloth being the embodiment of chaos. Dare I say these two fighting could potentially break the force itself
@thalmoragent9344 2 жыл бұрын
The Father was worried that his children would "tear apart the very fabric of the universe", so yeah, Anakin and Abeloth would definitely annihilate the Galaxy if left unchecked.
@GamingxKnight Жыл бұрын
That is an insane concept to think about. A fully realized Anakin against Abeloth? Wow, that would be insane. Imagine in Disney actually got the balls to do something insane like that, and the only answer to such chaos, Abeloth, would be for the Force to bring back the Chosen One, Anakin, because no one else could. Not saying Anakin could, but that would be an insane fight.
@lapplandkun9273 Жыл бұрын
@@GamingxKnight But Disney won't because they decanonized the EU and they would ruin everything they touched. Just take a look at Durge. A Gendai bounty hunter and one of the Jedi killers and threats of the Clone Wars before Cad Bane and they ruined him severely and now in Canon they took away what made him interesting and turned him into another token bounty hunter. They even ruined boba fett
@nagiyanagi6501 Жыл бұрын
Full potential anakin dominated The son and The daughter and is a the only person who is acknowledged by The Father himself that he could replace him. That is also mean FP anakin is equal or even stronger than the father. GM LUKE is 12 times weaker than Abeloth and Abeloth is defeated The Father.
@Dehydrated_H20 Жыл бұрын
How about full potential a Vader vs Luke vs Revan vs Abeloth lol
@justincooper1342 2 жыл бұрын
Anakin is the Chosen One of the Force itself. Although I'm not 100% positive if he could KILL her, I do believe that he'd at least be able to hold his own against Abeloth in one-on-one combat.
@gracestingray Жыл бұрын
Dark Dimension Vader who is a full scale 4th dimension character who is the dark side Force itself , aboluth have no idea how to beat a 4th dimension characters because she is 3rd dimension characters
@Infinite_cLIPSforeal Жыл бұрын
FP can win low diff
@chrisisaacs601 Жыл бұрын
He would be able to luke was able to beat her
@bhanupriyainampudi6852 Жыл бұрын
Anakin at his full potential would be like the most powerful entity to have ever graced upon Star Wars. To begin with, we must familiarize ourselves with Darth Plagueis. The Darth Plagueis novelization pretty much stated this: But Plagueis now understood that Tenebrous had been wrong about sorcery, as he had been wrong about so many things. Yes, the gift was strongest in those who, with scant effort, could allow themselves to be subsumed by the currents of the Force and become conduits for the powers of the dark side. But there was an alternative path to those abilities, and it led from a place where the circle closed on itself and sheer will substituted for selflessness. Plagueis understood, too, that there were no powers beyond his reach; none he couldn’t master through an effort of will. -Darth Plagueis What this essentially means is that The Force does not need to study to learn itself; everything the Force does is part of its inborn attributes as an entity that surrounds, penetrates and binds all of existence together, and it can will whatever it wants to happen within the scope of its powers. What Plageuis did Instead of trying to master new Force abilities, to discover new powers and techniques or adapt ancients Force powers from whatever dusty ancient knowledge they discovered, unlike most Force-sensitives would do, in order to be truly powerful. Plageuis took it a step further: he had tapped into the very essence or the source code of the Force and began to alter everything itself he see fit. It’s like Neo from the Matrix, realizing that everything is code and began to alter all of reality easily. Plagueis had supplanted the Force, he becomes what the Force is. This is best seen in this excerpt: In the same way that the pre-Bane Sith had been responsible for their own extinction, the great dark side Lords of the past had doomed themselves to the nether realm through their attempts to conquer death by feeding off the energies of others, rather than by tapping the deepest strata of the Force -Darth Plagueis So, instead of using rituals, esoteric powers, etc. Plageuis declared that he doesn’t need any of those and proceeded to dive deep into the very nature, the very essence, or etc. of the Force and proceeded to manipulate it to his will. In other words, Plageuis is probably the only Sith Lord to have ever understood the Force itself to such an extent that it forced the Force to take a direct intervention or the equivalent of divine intervention from an all-powerful God. It should be noted that the Ones are noted to be a part of the Celestial Civilization and from the same novelization: “It had been theorized by Jedi and Sith alike that balance between the light and dark sides was actually under the guidance of a group of discorporate entities-the ones called the Celestials, perhaps-who had merged themselves with the Force thousands of generations earlier, and had continued to guide the fate of the galaxy ever since” Furthermore according to this: Motti: Amazing. Truly amazing. I’m curious, Doctor - is there a galactic phenomenon you believe to be natural? Is there anything out there you think wasn’t built by these superbeings of yours? Bowen: Possibly not, Admiral. Not just our galaxy but indeed our entire universe may be a Celestial construct. Motti: Have a care, Doctor. I will not be the butt of jokes. Bowen: I assure you no disrespect was intended, Admiral. I meant every word I said. It had been suggested from the Watsonian perspective of Star Wars, that they are the creators of the entire universe. Of course, one could doubt this assumption as it came from an in-universe character and not an omniscient source, but if we take into consideration how the Force operates and the Celestials relationship with the Force. The entire universe being a Celestial construct isn’t that farfetched. After all, if you read this: Now, what does this all mean? It’s utmost simple. Anakin Skywalker at his full potential is considered to be a worthy successor of the Father and that he is meant to ensure that both the Son and the Daughter wouldn’t have the entire universe rip asunder. To get a glimpse of how powerful the Ones. We should take a look at Oneness and Abeloth. According to the source material titled as “MedStar II: Jedi Healer”. We can get more knowledge of how the Force is actually is through the state of Oneness. Oneness is to be one with the Force entirely. These are some extremely relevant quotes about Oneness and its relation of the true nature of the Force. “In that moment she was transcendent, almost omnipotent. She was simultaneously in her body and out of it, able to see beyond three, even four dimensions.“ "It felt as if she could grasp the fabric of space and time, and turn it, twist it, anyway that suited her. For one blinding instant she could feel the Force as she had never done before-in its entirety. There was a kind of … cosmic consciousness, in which she felt connected to all things, everywhere, able to do anything, anything at all-For that timeless moment, she was the Force. Suns were born, planets spawned, civilizations rose, fell, the planets grew barren, the suns cold. Time flowed like, a blaster bolt, like a ship at hyperspeed, but she was ill’ to track it all. Every detail on every world in all the galaxies to the end of the universe." "That amazing sense of familiarity, coupled with awe and wonder at the newness of it, the astonishing, held-breath feeling, the breadth and depth of it, stretching to infinity... She thought she was prepared for it, but she wasn't. It was just too ...big. She couldn't see how anyone could accept it, take it all in, process it. It wouldn't fit into her limited comprehension; it was like trying to confine the blazing, multifaceted glory of a firestone into a lat 2-D image. Her sense, corseted into only three dimensions, couldn't even begin to make sense of it." As you can see here. Oneness as noted to be able Jedi Padawan like Barriss Offee reaching a level of power to do something like being multiple places at the same time, transcend the fourth dimension, even going beyond the Quantum level, transcend time to be an atemporal entity, have witness the entire history of the universe which is around billions upon billions from every viewpoint at the same time simultaneously, I could go on and on. But, this is sheer power that Oneness could grant to a Force Sensitive. Then, there’s Abeloth. Well, the thing is that Abeloth is so extremely powerful, that not even Oneness could defeat. In fact, the best way to express is pretty much “’tis but a scratch” as from this quote from the Fate of the Jedi: Apocalypse. In which Ben Skywalker had entered a state of Oneness to fight against Abeloth only to do nothing at all against her. Even then, this is just one of her Avatars, not her full being. Which means that Abeloth is operating not even to her most powerful. Ben opened himself to the Force completely, shielding himself from the Font of Power's darkness by drawing its energies through the power of all he loved in the galaxy, through his faith in the Jedi purpose and the promise of the future-through his confidence in Vestara and the sure knowledge that she would soon join him in the ranks of the Jedi Knights. The Force came pouring into Ben from all sides, irresistible and pure, a flood of light and purpose that no being in the galaxy could deny. He felt himself become the Force, a swirl of power and energy, and he focused all that he was on the approaching Keshiri, hitting her with a Force blast that would have knocked a frigate out of orbit. Taking this into consideration. It would be like: Anakin Skywalker (Full potential) = The Father (Prime) The Father (Prime) >>> Abeloth (Prime) Abeloth (Prime) >>> The Son = The Daughter Avatar of Abeloth (FOTJ) >>> Ben Skywalker (Oneness) Ben Skywalker (Oneness) >>> Barriss Offee (Oneness) As for the last bit with Ben and Barriss: TL;DR: Full potential Anakin would become an unstoppable god and he would have the capacity to do anything at his own will, as long the Force is okay with it.
@jakealter5504 Жыл бұрын
@@chrisisaacs601Luke only beat her because he had help during each fight AND she wasn’t taking him seriously during most of those fights
@InfiniteNaos 2 жыл бұрын
I do believe that a full potential Anakin could be a better match for Abeloth than even his son Luke. You have to remember that Anakin never had a natural birth between a Father and a Mother. He himself did have a mother in the flesh, but his “Father” would have to be the Force itself. Yes, Luke was able to inherit his father’s potential yet he’s a completely mortal being having both a Father and a Mother as well as his mother not being force sensitive. Only Luke and Leia inheriting what I would think is a fraction of what Anakin had within him all along. Now back to Anakin due to him having a pure creation through the Force and given to Shimi Skywalker he had both richnesses of Light and Dark, but he had to find the purest form of both Light and Dark similar to the Bendu. Now back to Abeloth, she’s a mortal that was changed into a Dark Entity from both richnesses of the Light and the Dark while Anakin had both richnesses of Light and the Dark brought into mortal form. I wouldn’t say that he would be able to easily defeat her or even be able to kill her outright, but I do believe he would stand a better chance at facing this entity if he had a complete understanding of the Light and the Dark, not the Jedi and the Sith. The subjugation of both the Daughter and the Son is a perfect example of what Anakin could’ve achieved if he was given the pure training let’s say from someone like the Bendu to harness both side of the Force to use to fight off the entity of Abeloth.
@InfiniteNaos 2 жыл бұрын
@@damaskholdings9140 Cool 🙂👍, you’re entitled to you opinion just like I am.
@Hello-bi1pm 2 жыл бұрын
@@damaskholdings9140 so canon capped Luke and Anakin by making Kylo Ren so weak bruh
@InfiniteNaos 2 жыл бұрын
@@Hello-bi1pm He never had proper training on either side of the Force. In the Light, the makers of the The Last Jedi 🤢 written it as Luke was going to kill his nephew because he started to feeling the growing power of the Dark within him instead of helping him to embraces the Dark yet never letting it take control of him like in Legends. Now in the Dark, Snoke (Sidious) trains Ben yet he’s always had conflict within him despite Ben giving himself to the full embrace of the Dark Side similar to Vader. Plus, Snoke (Sidious) trained Ben as more of a Sith Acolyte rather than a proper Sith or the heir to Vader as was should’ve been. Thus making him ill-trained in both aspects. One again having the potential due to the Skywalker bloodline yet having it squandered when he became one with the Force in the 9th installment. 🤢
@jebfroaklen6078 2 жыл бұрын
@thalmoragent9344 2 жыл бұрын
@@damaskholdings9140 Lmao, Anakin never reached his full Potential. Anakin was the Chosen One born of the force. You're fan boying Luke too much
@JoniukasVader 2 жыл бұрын
Darth Zipperface
@corbinskywalker 2 жыл бұрын
@TherealKRG-d7p 2 жыл бұрын
@iangraham5097 2 жыл бұрын
Lol XD
@johngonzalez509 2 жыл бұрын
🤣 but shes stronger than a darth
@jackhall290 2 жыл бұрын
made me realize Palpatine is Tazerface
@obiwankenobi8271 2 жыл бұрын
It'd take about 6.5% of the High Ground to beat her.
@SWF-Editz Жыл бұрын
W comment
@thebarbelllifestyle1478 Жыл бұрын
Hello there
@Packerfan1993 Жыл бұрын
The higher-end would have to use a bit of energy in that case
@romeoceron7445 2 жыл бұрын
Well Lucas said Anakins power is beyond anything we could imagine and never seen done, anything me of those abilities is to open, move and close black holes with ease, so if he could do that abeloth would be easy
@OMNIscaler 2 жыл бұрын
Naw abeloth is way beyond both of them combined
@watchmesquatch 2 жыл бұрын
That's canon George is talking about, bud. Canon powers are weak. Abeloth easily clears Anakin.
@romeoceron7445 2 жыл бұрын
@@OMNIscaler nah because the way Lucas said Anakin power wise, “he’d have the power to move, open and close black holes with ease, that’s the power of the full potential chosen one” abeloth and Luke could barely influence black holes and for Anakin to open them out of nowhere and close one shows he’d have to be far more powerful than her
@OMNIscaler 2 жыл бұрын
@@romeoceron7445 I don't care if he can open black holes it's still not abeloth who is described as the strongest star wars characters ever and there is proof luke can't contend with her he needed help and didn't defeat her just escapes so it still makes no difference considering she is stronger than the ones and Luke couldn't do nothing what are you talking about all facts point that any human ain't as powerful as her
@OMNIscaler 2 жыл бұрын
@@romeoceron7445 cap
@jeremiahkivi4256 2 жыл бұрын
She is basically an embodiment of chaos, a force of nature, an extension of the force itself. Only possibly feasible way to get rid of her would be to allow Darth Traya to succeed in killing the force entirely.
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
The physical embodiment of the chaos within the force and seems to come when their is much turmoil within the galaxy.
@lilmoris1 2 жыл бұрын
Possibly, but once you achieve a certain cosmic power, the Force is just a fraction of such power
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@dverarde84 She is still a physical being and can regrow herself over time thus she can't be destroyed with normal means. You need to use the force itself to strip her of her powers making her mortal once again
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@lilmoris1 The Cosmic Force is beyond everything we know of within Star Wars and is feed by the living Force. The Force itself would need to strip her of her powers in it making her mortal again
@simcha10000 2 жыл бұрын
I wonder how she would be affected by a star wierds red force lighting.
@brokenrecord2941 2 жыл бұрын
Also in The Clone Wars I'm sure the Father pretty much says that Anakin's destiny is to eventually replace him so there is someone left to maintain control over the Son and Daughter when he's gone, surely putting Anakin on the same level as the Father? And if the Father's depiction in EU was equal in power to canon (I genuinely don't know) and he still decided to flee Abaloth then I think it would make sense that Anakin couldn't kill her outright, like Luke he'd need help just to seal her away without being killed himself.
@logandelaharpe6362 2 жыл бұрын
Not really all the ones are more powerful then her
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@logandelaharpe6362 They are not powerful enough to destroy her and were also physical beings as well which is one reason why they couldn't defeat her. I think the only way to truly defeat her is to strip her of her powers
@logandelaharpe6362 2 жыл бұрын
They never tried to they all still cared for her They chose to imprison her they even forced her to sleep and could’ve used force sever at any point
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@logandelaharpe6362 I think this is one of the main reasons why The Father wanted Anakin to replace him, so Anakin could defeat Abeloth at last with the Son and Daughter at his sides.
@logandelaharpe6362 2 жыл бұрын
That and he was dying and didn’t want his kids to fight but I guess he just expected anakin to become immortal as if he remained human he’d die in like 80 years and one body could prevent the siblings from fighting It also points to anakins potential being far above Luke As powerful as Luke was he never gained a longer life
@einbaerchen2995 2 жыл бұрын
I think that there shouldn't be an entity as powerful as Abeloth in Star Wars. Atleast not a single one. It is a reoccurring thing, that some people writing stories for the same franchise try to out do each other and create even more powerful creatures, to a point that it becomes ridiculous.
@jarmoliebrand2005 2 жыл бұрын
Abeloth’s pure power if frightening but I don’t like her as a character. She was once just a normal person until she bathed and drank, which is something technically anyone could have done. To me, that much power for a normal being that bathed and drank naked said power feel unearned. I don’t like the idea of something that’s THAT much stronger than FP Anakin/Luke, whose powers are established a lot better.
@No.1GodzillaGlazer Жыл бұрын
@@jarmoliebrand2005 FR, you could bathe in a Force Nexus or become the Chosen One and train for your entire life to reach your full potential and still not be as powerful as the first person.
@treali Жыл бұрын
@@jarmoliebrand2005 It's also unrealistic, I could see plenty of siths filled with passion taking a bath and a sip to get more power. There should be a thousand Abeloths.
@yuhboyogteddy6691 2 жыл бұрын
Maybe if Luke & Anakin dealt with her together. Like both of them at their full potential
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
This is a fun idea, I like it with Leia along with them too, but if they had years to prepare and saw the threat coming. But no, I don't them alone would be able to do it with just 3, I think more like a extended family might be able to force her back into her prison, but not destroy her
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
Its the only way to have some chance to win. If Anakin, Luke and Leia team up, all with full potential...they could rival Abeloth.
@Darth234Ravenous 2 жыл бұрын
I think the only being who really has an advantage against her would be darth nihilus. Because the stronger someone is with the force the more dangerous he is against them. So nihilus with be almost like a perfect counter to abaloth.
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
This would be a interesting fight, but Dark Nihilus is still a aspect (Hunger ) of the Darkside and not its true embodiment as Abeloth is. I think he would surprise her with his growing power but soon she would use her wisdom like the Exile did to defeat him but it would be a long battle
@Vuk3 2 жыл бұрын
There is a force ability to defend against force drain Abeloth was like 100 000 years old, not only was she very strong but she knew everything in force meaning she also knew how to defend against force drain
@jmag4527 2 жыл бұрын
I'd think so, if Luke could hold her at bay, a fully realized potential Anakin surely could as well.
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
Luke was at his full potential at this time. He would need to go beyond and become one with the force itself to strip her of her powers completing the cycle of the chosen one
@anonymousgaming. 2 жыл бұрын
@@NobleWolf Which im pretty sure hed be able to
@eho6380 2 жыл бұрын
@@NobleWolf The Chosen One only needed to destroy the Sith and the Jedi, not Abeloth.
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
@@eho6380 The Chosen One also would begin the two orders a new and bring new Jedi and Knowledge to all.
@eho6380 2 жыл бұрын
@@NobleWolf Not really, the prophecy only stated that he would destroy and we have seen that Anakin did not create any order, but merely balance in the Force.
@tonesfightempire5953 2 жыл бұрын
I think in an alternate universe where Anakin reaches his full potential and uses the force to expand his life span so that he can join with a full potential Luke, I think Anakin and Luke teaming up in their full potentials might be enough to rival Abaloth or possibly stop her. Because Luke and Anakin would combine their power to defeat her. The bond of a Father and Son is a powerful thing, something that goes beyond the force itself.
@Clashroyale4funw Жыл бұрын
Maybe but I think that since abeloth is 12 more powerful than luke or anikan this would make it so she is 6x more powerful than both of them
@rubenfischer6968 Жыл бұрын
That sounds like the power of friendship to me
@tonesfightempire5953 Жыл бұрын
@@Clashroyale4funw if she's 12 and they're both 6 / 6 then they equal 12 which would stalemate her at best.
@tonesfightempire5953 Жыл бұрын
@@rubenfischer6968 The bond of Father and Son is a family connection, not friendship 😂 they're not friends.
@mrconfusion87 11 ай бұрын
They can stop her together for sure, but to kill her off totally will require something else - prolly them bathing in the same pool and drinking from the same fountain she did AND both being in possession of a Mortis Blade!
@rishwain92 2 жыл бұрын
Unfortunately you really can’t say since Anakin never reached his full potential, however, he would have no rival if he reached that potential
@GabrielUngacta 2 жыл бұрын
Starkiller was only a sample of what Anakin could have been.
@Vuk3 2 жыл бұрын
@@GabrielUngacta he was only slightly or so more powerful than emperor George stated that anakin could be twice the power of emperor which is a lot more than slightly
@rishwain92 2 жыл бұрын
@@Vuk3 which makes y’all both right. Only a sample, dammit Mace you had to hesitate smh lmao
@isaacmaya1915 2 жыл бұрын
He would have no rival in either order. She's beyond both entirely.
@rmc6335 2 жыл бұрын
i disagree, abeloth was stated to be 12 times more powerful than grandmaster luke who was similar to fp anakin, i just dont see him winning
@davidprice1376 2 жыл бұрын
My only question is with abalov still living could the chosen one ever truly bring balance to the force
@dariyanvalentine3564 2 жыл бұрын
if so, thats a massive plothole
@Charles-qw5ug 2 жыл бұрын
As long as it’s 50% light and 50% dark that’s technically balanced
@KombatW0mbat 2 жыл бұрын
@@Charles-qw5ug yea abolth seems to be both light and dark tho that doesn’t mean she’s sane
@megamanxz-fb7oz 2 жыл бұрын
@@Charles-qw5ug that's not balance, the supremacy of light is the only way to get balance since the Dark side it's just too aggressive and evil (it leads to the extinction of all life by the sith while the light with true Jedis following the light ends up in peace)
@thekeefer690 2 жыл бұрын
I would think that Abeloth is a being who has to be locked away because she is far to powerful for Anakin to kill her directly, he would have to collaborate with other powerful force users to seal Abeloth away probably, she could still exist in a diminished capacity and the force be returned to balanced imho.
@corbinskywalker 2 жыл бұрын
@kenken7534 2 жыл бұрын
I think we still forget Anakin's shortcomings as was showed to us by Obi Wan. Could he have even been disciplined enough to fight her.
@brandonreynolds5214 2 жыл бұрын
Obi wan show sucked
@felixhogsander2533 2 жыл бұрын
@@brandonreynolds5214 that was not the question here though was it
@davidortiz3094 Жыл бұрын
He lost to his mentor. Someone who trained him. Anakin would body anybody else given time
@vincentskywalker8479 2 жыл бұрын
Okay here is a scenario. The Wills of the Force VS. Abeloth. Who would win? Perhaps do a video on that fight
@samuela2246 2 жыл бұрын
Okay, so it is stated that Full Potential Anakin would be equal to The Father in power. It is also stated that The Father is more powerful than Abeloth. By transitive property we can assume Full Potential Anakin is more powerful than Abeloth and would beat her. On a more interesting note, you used art work from a Star Wars Legends book coming out later this year (0:21 - 0:33). That book is called Supernatural Encounters : The Trials and Transformations of Arhul Hextrophon. That book takes a deep dive into the world of the celestials of Star Wars Legends. Abeloth in terms of power is a very low tier celestial. She is very weak compared to the other celestial of Star Wars Legends. The most powerful of them being, “Nahkash”, The Father of Shadows. I’m excluding The Supreme Maker because he isn’t a celestial per say he’s just the god of the Star Wars Universe. There is though one character more powerful than The Father of Shadows. Son of Suns Anakin Skywalker. This version of Anakin is a celestial version. He has actually surpassed his full potential in this version. He struck down The Father of Shadows in this version. This version of Anakin is the second most powerful character in all of Star Wars Legends besides the god of Star Wars, The Supreme Maker. Son of Suns Anakin Skywalker would atomizes Abeloth while yawning. He is truely an insanely powerful character.
@mburg33 2 жыл бұрын
I was just wondering what would happen if Anakin did the same thing the Mother did but instead of becoming an abomination of the force, he would be god or at least godlike. Maybe Son of Suns Anakin is what would happen if any of the chosen ones of the force itself would become. Maybe the pool of knowledge and water of power was only meant for individuals the force wanted to use, Abeloth being the force rejecting the Mother or at least her mind was never able to handle that much power & knowledge. I hate what Disney did to Star Wars, my first impression of their purchase was The Force Unleashed games being canceled, I really wanted the sequel trilogy to be Dark Empire & then other trilogies about the cool expanded universe stuff. Disney is doing a badly written what-if saga and smugly calling it cannon
@Rad5973 Жыл бұрын
@@mburg33 sos Anakin will destroy abeloth
@TheFireHawk7 2 жыл бұрын
Anakin's prophesied role is to bring balance to the Force. Abeloth puts the Force drastically out of balance. She is the direct opposite, stealing the power of the Force, while he is born of it. In short: yes, I think that he could. In fact, my personal theory is that was what he was meant to do.
@Opusss 2 жыл бұрын
I think intelligence and cunning would play a large part so it is hard to say if Anakin could defeat her. Power wise Abeloth has the upper hand by a rather large margin I think,
@davidortiz3094 Жыл бұрын
Personally I don't believe any of us can fathom how powerful full potential Anakin would be. He was a straight up prodigy. So impressive that the Jedi were shook & Sidious made plans since Anakin was a child
@b.msabol8551 2 жыл бұрын
The elephant in the room is Grandmaster Luke is kinda an example of full potential Anakin. Abeloth would make short work of any lone force user. Darth Krayt makes Palpatine look like a joke, as does Grandmaster Luke make Yoda and she still put them on the back peddle. You would need combined orders to put up a fight at least. Another big point is her full capabilities aren't realized... Best not even try
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
Darth krayt was never as powerful as papaltine reborn krayt biggest feat is fighting a weaker version if abeloth, krayt can't come back as spirit like papaltine reborn exar kun and tenebrae did krayt is very overrated
@b.msabol8551 2 жыл бұрын
@@alsimmonshellspawn6021 how well did those clones work? I will say he's not the same caliber sorcerer as Palpatine but he more than eclipses him as a warrior. Not to mention the Vong coral & implants which boost his darkside connection due to literally being eaten from the inside out. Did you see what Cade Skywalker had to do to finally kill him? Palpatine would give him a wide birth
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
@@b.msabol8551 cade Skywalker isn't as good as others jedi of the past krayt can't even come back as a force ghost krayt needed the help of darth nihiluis bane and anddubu to find a way to learn essence tranfer krayt might be a great duelist but when it comes of mastering of the force papaltine reborn exar kun and tenebrae are far superior and acknowledged
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
This bring me to a point and the only way I think she can be defeated forever. If the Chosen One becomes truly one with the force along with many other force wielders at his back could defeat her by stripping her of her powers and making her mortal once again
@alsimmonshellspawn6021 2 жыл бұрын
@@NobleWolf you can't strip her of her powers because she's also one with the force and a force spirit
@Shiftly_9 2 жыл бұрын
But what if Luke/Anakin (Full potential) had done the exact same thing Abeloth had done, being the bathing in both fountains. Would that make him/them more powerful in speculation? Because if she was just a normal-like woman who had done it, would someone of greater midichlorian count be just as powerful? Then if so they could hypothetically defeat both her, and probably even the whole galaxy
@anakinsghost4787 Жыл бұрын
We might go nuts like her though.
@Shiftly_9 Жыл бұрын
@@anakinsghost4787 but the difference is that she had no force potential, in comparison to the chosen one
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
No mortal could do that...such kind of power will make you mad, like Abeloth. Anakin and Luke will get mad and destroy all existence and recreated to destroy it again, forever...only to see pain and suffering.
@mrconfusion87 11 ай бұрын
​@@Shiftly_9We don't really know that 100% surely. All we know for sure is she was a mortal being! I think someone with absolutely ZERO force potential would have literally died just from drinking from the said fountain and bathing in said pool! And I doubt she would ever have gained the trust and respect of the Son and Daughter if she didn't have some sort of force-potential in the first place!
@LordWyatt 2 жыл бұрын
Abeloth may be more powerful than the Ones individually, but combined they can restrain her but not fully defeat her. Anakin could have been the One who would’ve tipped the balance. If he was alone her sheer power would overwhelm him but with Allies he could win; with the Ones he’d merely be the one to deliver the final strike with the Blade of Mordis.
@Humble421 6 ай бұрын
Nah he wins he was able to restrain the one just as abeloth did
@LordWyatt 6 ай бұрын
@@Humble421they were threatened by Abeloth but they restrained her, not the other way around. That being said I think full potential Anakin could easily defeat Abeloth if he was conflicted while forcing the Son/Daughter to submit.
@Humble421 6 ай бұрын
@@LordWyatt they did restrain her and imprison her have you watched the video?
@LordWyatt 6 ай бұрын
⁠@@Humble421yes. Did you read my comment? You said ‘Anakin was able to restrain the one(s) just as Abeloth did.’ Implying she was restraining them not the other way around.
@Humble421 6 ай бұрын
@@LordWyatt I did do you re read your own comment
@emmybenson1219 Жыл бұрын
okay, hear me out. what if one used Darth Nihils mask? like that thing will consume anything right? so what if one got Abaloth to touch it somehow? would that defeat her?
@thekeefer690 2 жыл бұрын
When you ask full potential Anakin's ability, its still a big question mark, we have idea's but dont know canonicaly, however through Luke, we do end up seeing that full potential of Anakin, so from what I gather Anakin's potential was said to theoretically have double the count of Medichlorians of Sidious, prior to the events of Mustafar for obvious reasons. Luke who ends up becoming the grand master, has this full potential on the light side of the force. Abeloth, is still much more powerful than Anakins potential even through Luke, she has to be contained, there really isnt anyone who has that sort of power in the force she does on their own, though it'd be interesting if Anakin could augment Luke's power through a force ghost ability, yet even so, its quite unlikely that he would prevail in a straight forward battle with Abeloth.
@mrconfusion87 11 ай бұрын
Anakin and Luke (both on FP mode) would literally have to team up to stand a chance to beat her! And they will most likely bring some backup Jedi Masters and Sith Lords to call into action when needed...
@bjamez007 2 жыл бұрын
What about a "make things the way we want them to be" full potential Anakin? What if he never lost his limbs or became a servant of Sidious? What if he was himself balanced in the light and dark? The chosen one.
@michaelrobertson4896 2 жыл бұрын
In this video a line stuck out to me. The version of Abaloth that Luke and Darth Krayt defeated was an avatar, in other words that wasn’t her real body merely a vessel that she controlled. And that it wasn’t even her true ultimate form or power. Which begs the question, what does she truly look like now. She was described as a monstrous being of tentacles and jagged teeth when she first absorbed the power of both Force Nexuses but that was well over a million years ago, so she’s had a lot of time to evolve in her power and even though she’s a shapeshifter I can’t help but wonder what she truly looks like now. Perhaps she’s now so horrific that she would drive anyone who looks at her true form into pure madness, perhaps her true form is pure force energy who knows. But it’s a curious idea about her.
@tophergoodsell344 2 жыл бұрын
I think that if Anakin had gotten to be trained by qui gon jinn, reached has full potential and still have Luke after he reached his full potential (so an old Anakin and Luke at his prime) the two of them could make a wall of light expelling the dark side Abeloth and at that point she could be killed just like the ones of mortis
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
Yes, maybe its the only way to have some chance to defeat Abeloth. Anakin and Luke (If possible, Leia FP too) team up.
@menelmacar3 2 жыл бұрын
Remember, however, that Abeloth didn’t become that way on her own. So, potentially, Luke or Anakin could become like her in the same way, but that means they would lose themselves as she did in the process.
@davish7864 2 жыл бұрын
Sounds like Abeloth is really REALLY similar to Morgoth.
@dreemurrprince Жыл бұрын
I believe that MAYBE Mortis full power anakin would have been able to contend with her power. Since his abilities being multiplied by the nexus was such a huge amp, combining that with his full potential could probably rival her, whether he could kill her is a different question, but I think he could have a chance.
@PlagueOfGripes 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think destroying something like Abeloth comes down to just having a big power level. It's not a math issue.
@andreasbrandts8420 7 ай бұрын
Awesome video, though there are audio glitches :) but nevermind, it is an awesome video! And I Like the footage!
@redwarrior9663 2 жыл бұрын
This was the question I was asking when I watched your previous video, thank you for answering this question!
@colbystruble2893 Жыл бұрын
To me I believe that Anakin could defeat her but also heal and redeem her so she could have balance of the light and dark. And the chosen one would have unlimited power in balance and he would master his abilities really fast and would use his abilities even longer then anyone
@Littlemoonbro Жыл бұрын
Ok but anikin is basically the force itself in physical form or that’s how I see it and I think anikin could beat here cus maybe the force itself wants that to happen because we all know the force is alive so what if it sees aboloth as something that needs to be destroyed I think that’s why the force made anikin so that he can destroy the entities the force doesn’t want to exist
@BespinGuard1 2 жыл бұрын
Abeloth and the star weird are my favourite lore points in starwars. I wonder what a fight between vitiate or sidious and a star weird horde or the son of mortis would look like
@LunarRhine 11 ай бұрын
I think that full potential Anakin is the prime candidate to fight against Abeloth, but it would be a very tough match and I could see it going either way. Luke and Ahsoka would be required to fight alongside Anakin in order for it to be more of a tangible victory. Only together do I think that the three of them specifically in unison could reasonably ensure a victory against Abeloth in her prime. All three of them as individuals could manage an encounter with the deity, but considering her power, it would be very difficult to actually defeat her without help if facing her alone. Though, if anyone could do it alone, if that's even possible, it would be Anakin. Definitively. That is his role as the Chosen One.
@romeoceron7445 2 жыл бұрын
Also you said that Luke inherited Anakins potential but Lucas went back on that statement, saying that he is below Anakin in power level and potential?? So what George Lucas says is sometimes hard to fully understand because he changes his mind on stuff a lot. But the latest statement is that Anakin would be above Luke in power and potential
@SamCaiman14 2 жыл бұрын
I believe Anakin would eventually, as part of his full potential, have to use the Font of Power and Fountain of Knowledge. And I believe this is what set him apart from Luke. Luke might have the same potential as Anakin, but there are things that are exclusive to Anakin as the Chosen One, and I think taking on both of these nexuses and not becoming insane, is one of them. Then Anakin would extract this from Abeloth or somehow purify her and this is how she would be defeated, she was not evil, she just feared, like himself, losing his family. Oh boy, now imagine how powerful the offspring of Font and Fountain Anakin and a reformed Abeloth would be.
@mrconfusion87 11 ай бұрын
Almost the same thoughts! Though I think Luke may be the only other mortal person who could pull off drinking from the fountain and bathing in that same pool without being warped beyond recognition considering his full power potential is said by others to be roughly on par with Anakin!
@BBMorti Жыл бұрын
Obi wan kenobi standing on top of mount Everest might be able to take her
@Bizzar735 Жыл бұрын
kenobi would be waaay to powerfull he would stomp anyone in the saga!
@killingjoke535 Жыл бұрын
Anakin was literally conceived by the force itself. I believe Anakin at his full potential would be able to handle her. He is of the force itself, she is not. Would love to see that battle
@richardthehuman3711 Жыл бұрын
I'd like to think it would take master luke and Anakin, probably every legacy for user to be present to destroy it for sure, some sidious, vitiate, revan even if as force ghosts to pull some avengers type deal haha. I sometimes think on like what if abeloth existed in the scp or DC universe, could they contain it as I consider some aspects of it to be more overpowered than the force plot armor lol
@TC-th1ey Жыл бұрын
Cade Skywalker could bring people back from the dead, I believe he is a worthy challenger.
@electricfire621 Жыл бұрын
“A challenger is near!”
@ejrodriguez2656 2 жыл бұрын
I agree with Luke Skywalker, his father, a fully realized potential Anakin Skywalker on Mortis, would not be strong enough to destroy Abaloth but merely seal her away, ideally forever. But that is just me being idealistic.
@lilmike1780 2 жыл бұрын
I believe that abeloth is different than the ones, she started as a servant to them and became part of the family. Then she started aging and decided she wanted to power up and went into the font of power and pool of knowledge, I am not sure if the font of the one thing or the pool of the other but she was a mortal like servant who did the one thing that pissed of the whole family. I believe there is no limit to her power and cannot be killed even with the dagger of Mortis, she is not the same as the ones and is soooo far corrupted. Just my 2 Pennie’s, I am soooo glad you are doing the storyline about her, I just refinished the 9 book story line about the whole situation. And having Darth Kryat is sooooo amazing
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
Im glad to see someone who understands what she is. Yeah I too don't think the Dagger of Mortis can kill her, but weaken her enough. There is only one way I think can truly defeat her and that is striping her powers in the force away from her making her mortal again. There is one count of this happening to Emperor Vitiate who was just short of a Force God having his powers being stripped by ones who commanded the force together. This is what I think the Chosen one can do but he would join the force in the process as well.
@ranjangaur29 Жыл бұрын
There is a reason Anakin is a chosen one. The Father even proved he was. His children represented light and dark. Anakin completed the challenge of defeating them. He probably was preparing Anakin to if not kill, then to banish and defeat abeloth. Anakin does win, but it will be the most difficult battle Anakin probably will face. But a new question is what if Anakin does the same things abeloth did that made her so powerful, would he be a god?
@No.1GodzillaGlazer Жыл бұрын
Yeah, I think the only way Anakin wins are being on Mortis, becoming like Son of Suns Anakin, or becoming like Abeloth herself.
@VideoJe1 2 жыл бұрын
I didn't know there was so much Abeloth fanart around tbh.
@rrgale55 2 жыл бұрын
I hate to say it but I think abaloth would have beaten both Luke and Anakin combined IF we are talking about power in the force. However!! One of the constant things in Star Wars we have seen, no matter how you pan out the details, is that anybody can beat anybody in a fight.
@mrconfusion87 11 ай бұрын
Especially if they got the higher ground - as Obi Wan knows all too well! 🤣🤣🤣
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
If the new family reach their full potential the father (Anakin), the Son (Luke) and the daughter (Leia) replace the ones in Mortis and use the dagger of Mortis, they could win...or at least, restrain her.
@randomrobin7773 2 жыл бұрын
I hate that Abeloth and others like Darth Krayt are no longer canon :/
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
Disney isnt Canon.
@andrewsmith7802 Жыл бұрын
Their is a chance that full potential anikin is equal to aboloth since George lucus only says as a Jedi or a sigh meaning in one side of the force with Luke being as powerful as him as a Jedi or a sith something to support this is when he was Vader one of his strongest feats is ripping open the force and bending it to his will for just a moment so a full potential with anikin could preform a similar feat with considerable more ease and for longer so their is a slight chance that he would at least be able to hold his own against abolloth
@rexlapis1075 Жыл бұрын
Anakin had the potential to surpass the father or at least equal that of the father The father is stronger than abaloth
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
Anakin and Luke have the same force potential (Leia too). They are the most powerful mortals to use force user ever. No contest. They could defeat any mortal easily. Abeloth, the Whills and etc... are gods...immortals. Anakin could control the daughter ans son only in mortis. He controls not because he is stronger, but because he is the chosen one. But Abeloth is not in Mortis. Maybe if Anakin and Luke team up and with the Dagger of Mortis, they could win... but, without it.. they only could avoid to be killed and lock her for a time. Luke use all his strenght only to not be killed by her force attacks.
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
I don't think Anakin at his full Potential could defeat Abeloth alone, it would be his greatest test and maybe could complete the cycle of The Chosen One if he did but I don't think thats the point of Abeloth. She is the physical embodiment of chaos within the force and must be chained or tamed by her children every few thousand years. What I think happens is Abeloth also feeds on the Turmoil of the Galaxy which allows her to break from more easily like the light and dark clashing often. Her power I think she needs to give up her power or it needs to be taken away and the force itself is capable of this like with The Sith Emperor Vititate lost his power and faded to nothingness when the combined powers of all force beings came together to confronted him stripping him of his power in the force and he is just short of a Force God. Heres my theory, The Chosen One can defeat Abeloth forever, but he must do so with the entire galaxy of force wielders at his back, light, dark and everything in between. The Chosen One must become more then the physical Embodiment of the force, but become the force itself and command it to strip her powers making her mortal once again. This I think would make him a force ghost in the process and I think part of this path is following the teachings of Obi One and Yoda into becoming force ghosts and taking it to another level beyond. This would bring a new balance to the force like never before for a long time but Anakin would become a Force Ghost in the process as he would have to give up everything to do this and so many others would maybe have to do that same as well. I also think the Dagger of Mortis wouldn't kill Abeloth, but maybe weaken her for The Chosen One to enact this one shot. This would make a good series and it would dip more into the force then we usually see on scene.
@laxyajena4735 Жыл бұрын
Maybe force light and then Anakin can beat him or something more powerful light side ability which can be done by pure heart we all know abeloth is strong but not pure so...
@dreemurrprince Жыл бұрын
I have this vidid image in my head of anakin returning to aid his son in the battle against her
@paulpritchard206 2 жыл бұрын
Do a video on would Anakin Skywalker be more in the light or dark side both he are his full potential 🤔 full dark side anakin vs full light side or was Darth Revan more powerful than Darth Vader
@ssjjshawn 2 жыл бұрын
Darth Revan wasn't as Powerful as Darth Vader. Revan Reborn would be comparable to Mace Windu
@khimeradabz137 Жыл бұрын
Honestly I believe you need to have a balance in the universe for the universe to exist. I believe since Anakin is the balance then he could absolutely slay aboloth but keep in mind if Anakin didnt exist i dont think anyone would. Its all about balance. You cant have one without the other so Anakin for the win💯
@digunder14 2 жыл бұрын
only thing that made anakin more powerful than luke even in later years is experience i feel, so while not entirely accurate, luke's statement and him having inherited the potential from his father, it is the closest we can get unless lucas decides to work with disney to create a story about it
@travisstephenson454 2 жыл бұрын
Wouldn’t a full powered Anakin be more powerful than a full powered Luke because luke actually has parents so his midichlorians would be diluted
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
Not really, they do grow with your practice with the force itself.
@brianedwards6733 2 жыл бұрын
He would. Full potential Leia is more powerful than Luke. Luke himself confirms this
@victortorres7221 Жыл бұрын
A Full Potential Anakin AND Grand Master Luke would certainly BOTH be able to seal her back from whence she came EASILY or at least with little struggle.
@robertocaetano4945 Жыл бұрын
True, both need to team up to have a chance.
@mefly5106 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Abeloth is 12 times stronger than Anakin then he would be too powerful because in the past the daughter and son always locked him up whenever she escaped 1. Abeloth Miniclrians=40,000 2.The Father Miniklrians= 30,000 3.The Chosen one(Anakin Skywalker) Miniklrians=27,000 4.The daughter/The son of Miniklrians=26,000 5.Luke Skywalker/Lea Organa Miniklrians=20,000 6.Darth Sidius Miniclrians=18,000 7.Grand Master Yoda Miniklrians=16,000
@SPECTRE_Madman 2 жыл бұрын
What if a full potential Anakin bathed in the pool of knowledge and drank from the font of power
@smoshyman1 2 жыл бұрын
I have been looking for people answering this and in all honesty I feel like due to anakins nature and having a more natural connection to the force unlike abeloth, Anakin would probably become 100x more powerful while keeping his sanity. This Anakin would make Abeloth look like Greedo.
@jakeschantz9081 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to see a Star wars movie trilogy based on the story of avaloth
@Vuk3 2 жыл бұрын
Without a doubt yes
@onlygoodgamesofficial 2 жыл бұрын
Without a doubt Anakin loses 🤡
@ElKabong3345 2 жыл бұрын
*Answer:* A fully realized potential Anakin actually _does not_ exist. There's fully realized in the limits of mortal and mortal life span, even this Luke had a cap. The Chosen one DOES NOT have a cap. He is The Force Embodiment. Putting a cap in Anakin is equivalent to saying The Force has a cap, which it does not. This is why The Son made him ridiculous strong, and that STILL was not a cap.
@chrisnichols9014 Жыл бұрын
Anakin would be broken if he attained his true potential.
@xarxesmora9738 Жыл бұрын
Do you think a force ghost of the chosen ones would have the potential to kill abeloth because doesn't becoming a force ghost make you an extension of the force itself
@kenken7534 2 жыл бұрын
In Fate of the Jedi Apocalypse, it took Sith and Jedi on many fronts of her many manifestations to defeat her. The Bendu is more of a Force entity that could destroy Abeloth .
@NobleWolf 2 жыл бұрын
I do not think this would be possible for Bendu alone to do this, it would require much more to defeat her in power and she is power itself within chaos
@aidans_invasion Жыл бұрын
Obi wan with the high ground solos both anyday
@ronjon7942 15 күн бұрын
12x? Why 12? That’s such a specific value. I don’t know, Abeloth is portrayed as so cosmically powerful that she ought to just be in a different franchise. This is so different than my first 1977 experience with SW (Tantive4 being scooped up by Vader’s Devastator) that it’s not really even fun anymore.
@hughsahlstrom951 9 күн бұрын
I heard that full potential Anakin is 200% of Sidious, and Vader is about 80% of Sidious. Considering that would make him twice as powerful, Sidious using those estimates, even if that's not as powerful as godlike, twice that of Sidious would me phenomenonal. Godlike like Abeloth is unimaginable or, as Sidious said, unlimited power. Or for god infinite power. That power in force would be awe. Alse keep in my Plaguis being able to create Anakin through his Midichlorian research. Plaguis and Sidious and Yoda really were all in a league of their own in terms of force power and knowledge. Addition: I see three tiers: 1. ROTS Anakin (not as powerful as Sidious.) 2. Full potential Anakin (200% of Sidious) 3. Chosen One (300% plus, more powerful than Yoda and Sidious combined, almost godlike). Could be much, much more. Just my opinion.
@Maxon214 2 жыл бұрын
Q:Could Full Potential Anakin Defeat Abeloth A: No cause Legends Luke who supposedly inherited the Full Potential of his dad could not.
@kysoneilers4892 2 жыл бұрын
Abeloth would have a midichlorian count of 276,000, that's terrifyingly powerful😵
@beaterethealchemist1377 2 жыл бұрын
Finally been waiting for this topic
@marianburge2210 Жыл бұрын
I do not think Anakin could do it but it would be a really good series to match her up with Anakin or Luke on Disney. I would love to watch this!
@ianquadros6802 2 жыл бұрын
1:44 3:05 3:34 4:47 5:16 7:14
@ELNENE169 2 жыл бұрын
Ok what about this dream team: Revan, Palpatine, Yoda, Anakin, Luke, Bane, Vitiate, Krayt and Plagueis, all at full strength and max potential, with a single minded focus of killing Abeloth
@mrconfusion87 11 ай бұрын
Even add FP versions of Leia, Ahsoka, Nihilus, Maul, Dooku, Rey, Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Mace as well to the mix as back-up reinforcements!
@magnusaarsland9421 10 ай бұрын
Personaly: Sun: darkside Dather: lithside Father: balance Mother/Abeloth: chaos
@gerardocovarrubias3058 2 жыл бұрын
But somebody tell me I've seen many what ifs of Anakin Skywalker so tell me in which of them does he become the most powerful Jedi ever but still fall in love with Padme and have kids if he was trained by Yoda Mace Windu Dooku Qui-Gon Jinn or if he was trained since birth please tell me in which of these two what ifs does he become the most powerful Jedi ever but still fall in love with Padme and fulfill his prophecy as the chosen one full potential
@RexOlafusVidulusMagnus 2 жыл бұрын
1. I don't remember Lucas saying Luke had Anakin's potential, nut that Luke had become what Anakin should've/could've been - that being tyhe Most Powerful Jedi to have ever lived. 2. It doesn't make sense for anyone to have a higher potential than the Chosen One, even Luke. Luke was born normally, to a force user and a non-force-user. Anakin hada miraculous birth, being made from not human hna, but from the Force itself. Anakin was the embodiment, the Avatar of the Will of the Force. If there was ANYONE who could do it, it would be him.
@AdeptKing 11 ай бұрын
I could see Anakin beating Abeloth but if she's essentially some sort of cosmic being tied to the force itself then I don't know if he could actually kill her. Maybe he could though who knows?
@ZorcTheDarkOnex 2 жыл бұрын
If abeloth is 12 times more powerful than Luke, then that would make her 6 times more powerful than full potential Anikan.
@logandelaharpe6362 2 жыл бұрын
No it make her fodder
@anakinsghost4787 Жыл бұрын
But being the chosen one gives me special perks.
@johnsaley8703 2 жыл бұрын
Hey Meetra Surik , you need to give Kriea a call!
@shawnh7639 2 жыл бұрын
The answer is no the books and George Lucas would tell you that after Vader's death Luke inherited the entirety of the potential of the chosen one Luke is what a fully realized Anakin would have been and still was not enough on his own to defeat her
@798Edgaras 2 жыл бұрын
Personally i'm more interested in the Father of the ones. If Son and Daughter got their power form the sources of both light and dark. There did he get his. Another idea, what if Anakin is brough to one of those site or both would be able to control what kind of power. Since by beint the one he had pull to both light and dark sides of the force. Plus I'm still skeptical on Luke having same power as full potencial Anakin. To me he is full potencial Anakin if he only focused on the light side of the force. Love the vid:) it's always interesting to learn the more of star wars lore.
@adriansiska9132 Жыл бұрын
I don't think Anakin would win not fully at least he might be able to stal her and retreat to research his next move and would most likely be able to seal her alone
@tommoore2012 Жыл бұрын
Yes. I believe at fully realized Anakin Skywalker would be able to over power her. Main reason why is because Abeloth is an abomination of the Force. She is something that was never supposed to exist at all and as every Star Wars fan knows, the Force is sentient with it’s own will. It is literally Anakin’s father and it created Anakin to bring balance and as long as Abeloth exists there will never be true balance. Anakin, had he not succumbed to the Dark Side by Sidious and been burned, would have been able to defeat Abeloth and even potentially kill her. As the Force would will.
@krxwnvxk7695 Жыл бұрын
Just imagining full potential (sith) Anakin just hovering around above the ground instead of walking always sends chills up my spine. How powerful he would of become if Obi-Wan didnt defeat him is terrifying. Just think of seeing Darth Vader without the suit or injuries just hovering 2 feet above ground with the sith eyes and distorted look coming straight towards you to murder you instantly with just a thought. He wouldve been insanely scary. I always wonder what a movie would be like with full potential Vader becoming the sith master after killing Sidious weeks to months after ROTS. He could be more scary than any horror movie villain
@redjirachi1 Жыл бұрын
I'd be interested to see how Abeloth or full potential Anakin would stack up to verses with a much higher bar for power like Marvel and DC comics. Or, see how the Force would interact with series with a higher bar for technology, say the TARDIS. Who's the strongest Dragonball fighter they could defeat; that kind of question. With these power scaling I'm going on the belief that both have the same benefit from their verse's rules so it's more fair of a fight
@kingstonj 2 жыл бұрын
@UnifiedEntity 2 жыл бұрын
Ok, so what about Luke and a force ghost Anakin against her?
@soularprimestudios5930 2 жыл бұрын
If only we ever saw his full potential maybe in some world between worlds alternative reality.
@natnael13 2 жыл бұрын
If Anakin had the displine of darth vader he would be god.
@SHARKVADERS 2 жыл бұрын
@thecalamariman7805 2 жыл бұрын
Imagine if the sequel trilogy were about taking down Aboloth! I think it would have been a much better story than what we got.
@mrconfusion87 11 ай бұрын
YES! If executed right, it could have put the franchise in a far better position than it is now! If played by the right actress, Abeloth would be instantly iconic as well (I honestly believe Eva Green would be the BEST FIT for such a role)!
@jacobzaki5398 2 жыл бұрын
full potential Anakin is the force same as abeloth I believe it is a tie a never ending fight one does not have more power than the other nor can kill the other
@T1Top 2 жыл бұрын
Yes he would, he would make that deformed thing kneel before him Like he did with the two gods in early stages but even much more powerfully.
@robertagu5533 2 жыл бұрын
I always got the impression that if the light an dark "coalition" of Grandmaster Luke an Darth Krayte had had substantial help. Say a Full powered EU Starkiller returned from wherever he's been an other characters like a survived Mace Windu coulda been better then their best meat shields all helping and still dying anyways. In THIS Era pre Luke days.. A Fully Realized Grandmaster Anakin, COULD do it. But I feel like if Palpatine had somehow lived, maybe imprisoned or something, it'd take HIS help, since she's the only thing about MORE Evil then him an perhaps even MORE Darkside entity an those 2 would fight anyways for Supreme Evil being which will really big Sideous anyways. BUT they'd need Mace, Yoda an others to help like the rest of the High Council to probably defeat or least subdue her at THIS time period. In such a hypothetical alternative reality scenario. An others like "The One" I also agree would still need help. Some of the notable Clone Officers would be compelled to help but unless one really pisses them off, if they even available in this scenario, don't see them being even much of a distraction without significant help. Wanna say MAYBE Maul an Dooku may help here for the Darkside all this I'm outlined depends on all sorts of things so likely not this many help. Which might barely even slow her down even IF all the pre said an more unsaid was available
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