COUPS From South Asia to Europe. The INSANE Plan To Rule EURASIA | Prof. Anu Chenoy

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Neutrality Studies

Neutrality Studies

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The neocon establishment in the US, and its proxy NATO, are getting worse and worse. After 3 coups in South Asia (Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh) in less than 3 years, they are now setting sight on the next targets. From the small nations of the caucasus (especially Georgia) to India itself, nobody is safe from the Regime-Change fantasies of the Collective West. The ideological colonialism of modern US Grand Strategy knows no limits, as it tries to capture more states into the spider's web. The question is this: will the populations of these nations see through the attempts of foreign powers to abuse them as proxy-war staging grounds, or is the infighting of local factions strong enough to empower those that receive US/NATO support?
These are the questions that I'm discussing today with Professor Anuradha Chenoy, a Professor Emerita from theJawaharlal Nehru University.

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@susannestrange4299 10 күн бұрын
No to NATO and US, yes to peaceful coexistence ❤
@tjasagustin3342 10 күн бұрын
Peaceful coencistent!
@virgilioblanco 9 күн бұрын
NATO, U S are the intimidating arms of Satan's Headquarters in downtown HELL.
@nkosipwl 9 күн бұрын
No Russia peace….
@VanuziaMangano 9 күн бұрын
@chamberpot969 9 күн бұрын
Exactly. No to US State Department interference and CIA cut outs, and their regime change chaos foreign policy. No to USAID and Elliott Abrams and the National Endowment for Democracy.
@MrPiccolop 10 күн бұрын
To be a friend of the US is fatal. No joke.
@AlexDrastico380 10 күн бұрын
You can't be "friend" with an evil Empire. You're either a vassal or an enemy.
@mamudoujammeh3294 9 күн бұрын
And also dangerous as well even one of the retired colonel of the USA 🇺🇸 army admitted that. To be a friend of the USA 🇺🇸 is very dangerous.
@lets_discuss5352 9 күн бұрын
US has no friends ... either you're a US vassal or you're an enemy, there are only those two available in relationships with US. Given that India is not aligning to any of these two, US is unable to swallow and digest India as an independent State that looks after it's own self-interest.
@GGLPU 9 күн бұрын
Henry Kissinger once quipped that "it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal."
@Constant-bx3vz 9 күн бұрын
This was once said, "to be America's enemy is dangerous but to be America's friend is fatal'
@HirelSingha 9 күн бұрын
"Between 1948 and the late 1980s, US carried out 68 coup d'etat, 63 of which were overt " -- Prof Jeffrey Sachs in a recent interview "No country on the planet should trust the United States." -- Prof John Mersheimer in a recent interview
@peanut0brain 9 күн бұрын
"no one should trust the ŰȘ" - Scott ritter and McGregor
@user-wd6ni4xu4n 9 күн бұрын
@user-wd6ni4xu4n 9 күн бұрын
The USA doesn’t care whether anyone trusts them or not. Because no one is prepared to fight them. Once Russia finished with Ukraine the Americans and therefore NATO will understand that America is not the only super power and will think twice before they send their CIA thugs to create instability. And change the governments. Remember if that someone goes either the USA it means he’s been bribed and therefore is a traitor to he’s country. The Americans are run and controlled by Zionists and so their elections are not really democratic even though they pretend that they are. How can they be democratic when APAC picks and pays who gets elected. And once they get elected each member of congress or the senate has a Jewish minder who tells that politician how to vote and what policy must’ve approved. The also control the pentagon and the CIA. So I don’t get it that Gary need oakestine to house the Jewish people when America is controlled by the Jewish /Zionists lobby and Wall Street.
@user-wd6ni4xu4n 9 күн бұрын
No it’s the Zionists attempts to destabilise Russia China and India and Iran. South Africa is still trying to find its feet. And the Americans are not interested in South Africa.
@rumpelstilzz 9 күн бұрын
"This now sounds like a conspiration theory!" "But is was, until last year, when CIA opened the files." - Die Anstalt
@9064peterpan 10 күн бұрын
" The US claim ownership over the entire planet while pretending that they do not seek confrontation with nations they try to subjugate, and interpret any refusal to be subjugated as an unprovoked act of aggression." Caitlin Johnstone
@gregwang8628 9 күн бұрын
They don’t have the moral compass for that.
@cyberedge881 9 күн бұрын
They act the same way to their own citizens, believe me. They want total power over all the people of the world
@bill4056 9 күн бұрын
hipocrite character of their politician. shameful but decent😅
@svenhanson398 9 күн бұрын
@@cyberedge881 Same with the British empire, few ordinary people gained anything from it. On the contrary, many were treated as bad as the people in the colonies
@saabtech3510 9 күн бұрын
But, look deeper, Who controls the US? Who do all the nations end up in debt to?
@dinnerwithfranklin2451 10 күн бұрын
Excellent interview. Professor Chenoy is a great guest.
@jillfryer6699 8 күн бұрын
She's makes hard, complex connections as clear and understandable as anyone could. Its such a gift to be able to simplify without dumbing things down. I'm a fan.
@Lost_Johnny 10 күн бұрын
Don't forget the civil war in Mynamar -- the US is certainly encouraging the strife, to say the least.
@prestonyoung3807 9 күн бұрын
Wouldn't be surprised if they're arming those western backed rebels
@nanyanguo1 9 күн бұрын
@@prestonyoung3807 new Atlas Brian berlectic had covered this about myamar .
@RoyVickers-s8d 9 күн бұрын
No! I think they have the army under the thumb! They all(the West) want Myanmars resources and control China's border! It's been decided about 5 years ago!
@ralphbernhard1757 9 күн бұрын
@@Lost_Johnny It is a globally implemented proactive divide-and-rule strategy.
@captainnemo8072 6 күн бұрын
US is actively sending weapons through Thailand.
@peggymog 10 күн бұрын
Thankyou both. A wonderful insight into a country I don't know a lot about. Love from Ireland 🇮🇪
@susannestrange4299 10 күн бұрын
No to NATO, yes to peaceful coexistence ❤
@ralphbernhard1757 9 күн бұрын
@@susannestrange4299 China is the center of the new "Axis of Evil" (lol), aided by Russia the "new Hitler" (super lol), because it uses its power to try to create international unity amongst the weaker states (aka global south), to stand up to the division poured upon the world`s less well-off by the rich collective West. These "rich" preach with one hand, and sow division with the other, to siphon off excessive gains to themselves. *In February 1948, George F. Kennan's Policy Planning Staff said: "[W]e have about 50% of the world's wealth but only 6.3% of its population. ... Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity." [end of]* The Global North, which has siphoned off more than 50% of the world's wealth and resources for centuries, are of course the "Axis of the Goody Two Shoes" (lol again). And *that 50% as "my cut"* is what they did. It was simply the statement to keep up the systemic exploitation of weaker systems, to rule by division, wherever these weaker systems were, to uphold the power of the top tiers, hidden behind the nice-sounding stories of always just wanting to "help". Really? After 500 years of so-called "just helping out", there still isn't a just global balance of power? How long until the effects of "helping" come trickling down? *China's Century of Shame: 2024 Version.* If one understands what happened to China during their "Century of Humiliation," means that one then already has the template to understand what is happening today. One can use the historical "template" and apply it in the same manner. What happened to China during that era, is how "divide and rule" worked in the past, and still works today. Create or deepen a political problem, and then wait for the local little minions benefiting from the outside POWER of imperialism, who had been given gifts and promises, to come asking for "help." Use their "plight" (artificially enhanced) to meddle, or "leverage" (power dynamics) crises into "eternal problems," sit by and do nothing as problems foment into violence, revolutions, and wars, or carry out other forms of privatized interference (corporatism) under government protection, or without. Whatever works, details really REALLY DON'T MATTER. Once "fomented troubles" rise out of hand, claim to "just want peace." Then use the little minions as favourites (favouritism = a technique within the "divide and rule" strategy of power) to destabilize an entire region, steer them against other weaker entities, and/or employ them as instruments of power (the "tools" of power dynamics), or create overseas regions as a staging area far from the home base (the "unsinkable aircraft carriers"/like colonial-era Hong Kong), etc. In case of war, try to delay getting involved until an opportune moment, them sweep in a gain advantages, often obscure ones in strategy not immediately clear to the unconnected base of the pyramids... See the footnote, for an independent analysis of the strategy, from another era, and different set of "interacting powers." *Whatever works for the desired region to be divided/conquered or where CONTROL and domination is required for the favoured economic systems of gain will be implemented.* There is no way that current day Chinese leaders will not have learnt their very own historical lesson, and allow their very own history to repeat/rhyme, and allow such outside meddling in the own systems to gain traction, AGAIN for a second time. *Every nation or state has its own "Never again!"* European citizens today are still suffering from the hegemonic ambitions of some of their leaders, teaming up with Washington DC/the Pentagon. These citizens, usually around 50% of entire populations, suffer directly (the "heating or eating"-crowd last winter), or indirectly (soaring inflation), and therefore simply not having enough money to save to cover a sudden emergency. These are all "effects," not to be confused with "causes" (see concept of retro causality, one of the most easily misused ways to skew a timeline of events). Some eventually even end up in the muddy trenches. *If you live in the West, and don't know any of this history, or don't care what 1.4 BILLION Chinese think, or intend not to "get involved": it doesn't matter what YOU think.* See the essay in this comments section, about 7-8 years ago, as the "encirclement of China, as history rhyming" as the strategies are repeated. It was originally written about 10 years ago, as a short comment based on the observed reality at the time. Read Washington chief strategist Brzinzki's "grand plan", or Mackinder before that (1904). The aim was always to drive a rift between Europeans/Eurasians by using entire groups/nations/countries as proxies, to avoid greater European/Eurasian (geographically incl. the ME) co-operation and trade. Once that has been achieved, keep all the little minions "down," and grow off their weaknesses in the zero-sum reality of the temporary status quo. Note that "resources" cannot be produced with the snap of a finger. Creating new resources, are long-term effects of strategies, steered by the same powers. It is the CONTROL these control freaks want and steer towards, using their (temporary) GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION of POWER. With re. to how tools are used: Robert Dickson Crane served as foreign policy advisor to President Richard Nixon from 1963 to 1968: "At that time I had read a little about Islam, because I thought Islam would be the strongest and most durable ally of the United States against Communism. Because both of us, Nixon and I, saw Communism as a world threat ..." Note how they openly admit how they use "tools" (strategy) to "steer" (plan) against others, when it is useful to themselves. No, this is not just some or other random anecdotal evidence, but an age-old strategy of power. Note also, that a "plan" and the strategy to effect the plan, are two different things. Note also how your "enemies today," as a collective (Islam) were the systemic "good guys" in a different past. They were the "good guys" because they (Muslims as a collective) were useful at the time, as the USA implemented "dissent by other means" (Clausewitz), to goad the SU into invading Afghanistan, where they could then be "combated by proxy" similar to the Ukraine post-2022 and today. MORE than sufficient evidence for this, in the below comments section. Outsiders intent on playing the game, use the revolutionary spirit, in order to hop onto useful dissent, strengthen it, and insert levers which they can pry open to gain own advantages. Beijing is certainly 100% aware of this, so everything you are witnessing today is a political EFFECT, not a political "cause" as some leaders wish to mislead us towards. Everything you are being told about Berlin, in stages after 1894, 1904, 1907, and 1912, with gathering momentum, were EFFECTS, not CAUSES. That was, based on observation, outside powers with the intention to "divide and rule" Europe, by encroaching/encircling the major continental power, which has never changed throughout recent modern history. It started with the encirclement of Germany (by Russia/France) and continued with the encirclement of Austria-Hungary, nodded off politically/strategically by London in 1904, and 1907. The strategists in Washington DC would have been surely extremely pleased by these unfolding events (see the comment below this one). The ONLY factor which changed over the last few centuries, was the "major continental power" which had to be CONTROLLED by the outside power who wanted a competitive advantage. It continued after WW2, and the main thing that saved the planet from WW3, was the fact that nukes (MAD) meant that those used to push and push until something snapped, had to be more cautious this time. The historical parallel, as the "Chinese Century of Shame"-historicity, and is well-known at least to the 1.4 billion inhabitants of China today. The template therefore predicts a similar outcome, that of the more encroachment/encirclement, the more likeliness of the "breakout attempt" in some possible future. *Obvious solution for a more stable world, stop the encroachment/encirclement, and stop the use of people caught within lines drawn on the map, as instruments of power.* Both historically (post-1900) as well as our recent history (post-2000) there seems little incentive for those with the GEOGRAPHICAL ADVANTAGE to do so, but rather the repeated attempts to search for tools to do such encroachment/encirclement FOR the outside power/s intent on gain. (Footnote: For more information on this technique of top-down power aka divide-and-rule/conquer, go to the Sowell vid on YT about how Rome conquered Britain. History rhymes, because the strategists repeat the strategies of power, which are limited in number. That might have been a looooong time ago, but the strategies are still being applied proactively today, meaning that YOU (the reader), your family and friends, are being set up again. Voltaire - "History never repeats itself. Man always does.") Personal advice: Try to "get it." Ignore the dissenters.
@cosmoray9750 8 күн бұрын
NATO is parasitic . The problem with such organization is it always need to seek Confrontation to stay relevant.
@zbigniewdzwonkowski3536 7 күн бұрын
@Stacie45 10 күн бұрын
The US may want a navy base in Bangladesh from which to control the Bay of Bengal, but they increasingly no longer have a navy to do it with.
@AlexDrastico380 10 күн бұрын
They have the world's largest and more powerful navy. Let's avoid day-dreaming.
@RaufMohammed-rf5us 10 күн бұрын
What a wonderful and educative program Thank you professor
@arthurhwang117 9 күн бұрын
It is so refreshing to listen to Anuradha Chenoy, an Indian analyst who appears able to discuss both Pakistan and Bangladesh without either bias or rancour. I had heard that Bangladesh had been doing really well economically and she confirmed this. On the other hand, sites like Firstpost, especially with Palki presenting, is so rabidly anti-China and anti-Pakistan that all I feel I’m getting is a political rant. We really need more of these unbiased commentators to give us a balanced view in order to reach an understanding of local geopolitics. Thank you.
@jillfryer6699 8 күн бұрын
Absolutely. This is a rare gem.
@cb9461 7 күн бұрын
Palki is a brahmin a high caste hindu and unavowed hindu nationalists. She is part of cabal termed as Godi media.
@pinxtownington4645 3 күн бұрын
For decades Washington post, New York times, economic times in US,BBC, guardian kind in UK with dozens of NGOs from Pakistan in USA have degraded India now a lady is showing mirror she is biased?
@devendraangbo5830 10 күн бұрын
Totally agreed with you that America plays a role such situations around the world
@gisligissurarson4288 10 күн бұрын
very well said Parasitic power!
@SheriffofYouTube 10 күн бұрын
lovely guest, thank you professor
@jerseyjoe82364 10 күн бұрын
@harbinger6562 10 күн бұрын
Good afternoon Anuradha and Pascal ❤️🇨🇭🇮🇳🇱🇰🇵🇰🇧🇩🇬🇪🦾😇🌹👋
@HirelSingha 9 күн бұрын
When asked about the nature of successive US governments and their foreign policy during a conversation with historian and activist Vijay Prasad, Noam Chomsky answered in one word, "Godfather," with reference to the iconic Coppola movie trilogy. In fact, Prof Chomsky has characterised the US government's functioning as one comparable to that of large Mafia organisations, who usually operate with the dominant dictum of "making an offer that cannot be refused" and whoever refuse gets smacked by military means or economic sanctions, - Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, North Korea and Russia for examples. The threat of economic sanctions has been a constant tool used in the last few decades in pursuit of their neocon brigade goal of "full spectrum dominance" across the globe started by Paul Wolfowitz
@GOBEF3 10 күн бұрын
Awesome lady ! thanks Pascal ;)
@revelmedry 10 күн бұрын
Dr. Anuradha is correct. Sri lankan youth and public were massively mislead by american ambassy, many European funded NGOs and individuals. This is totally against our foreign policy, which is mostly neutral. But rajapaksha brothers took us to the shade of china. India was upset, and US EU badly reacted. It is true some of our policies were wrong but those external forces took it grant and topple Rajapaksha government. Now current president is a henchman of US and EU. But 21 of sept. We are voting for new president. We expect the NPP will win. It is socialist oriented party, and it will be a landslide victory. Then we dont worry about external problems.
@charmaine8512 9 күн бұрын
NGOs masquerade so beware when you get donations _ free data, free clothing, food, medicine, medical equipment. I smell something fishy. As for religious people they could be masquerading
@jillfryer6699 8 күн бұрын
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Good luck. We'll be watching!
@ruskoruskov3086 9 күн бұрын
Thank you for helping us in the West to have a better insight to how global powers plays are shaped against nations & regions....
@PhiloSurfer 9 күн бұрын
Only one key actor in all the troubled spots of the world....... going round the world and stirring sh1t.
@chew5461-l7f 10 күн бұрын
@51:56 But India was cozying up to the US in June 2024. India and US also signed some agreement allowing US to carry out maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) functions for US Navy combatant warships in Indian shipyards. So it is obvious India is not neutral as far as USA is concerned.
@Zxuma 9 күн бұрын
So India is a naval base. This leaves Russia on it own because china manufactures all the parts used for repairs in India. 😂 How early can the global war be expected?
@bozo5632 9 күн бұрын
Neutral countries can make agreements. But India isn't a neutral nation - it's Indian. It's aligned with India.
@Q_QQ_Q 8 күн бұрын
That's repairing agreement outsourced .
@chitrabhakta3820 8 күн бұрын
Actually India has also signed a similar accord with Russia.
@BCSTS 9 күн бұрын
What a knowledgeable, wise guest ! Thank you for sharing Professor Chenoy with us !
@user-qr8eg3hm1d 10 күн бұрын
Hi Pascal "Surely"!!! It would be of great value to do a study of the coup on Imran khan by the US
@sarasumayya3839 10 күн бұрын
No coup in India, we the people of India are going to VOTE IN a new government in 4 and a half years! That’s how it’s done in our country! No coups! The influence of neoliberalism and all such is a different matter
@virgilioblanco 9 күн бұрын
India is GODLESS enough, no coups needed, they side and glorify Satans Personified at every step, all they need is a nod to further victimize their own citizenry. Next India will betray BRICS just to please the enemies of HUMANITY.
@monash4250 9 күн бұрын
No coup in India because India is a western stooge & ally of the most evil entity in the world, namely Israel. The indian regime is a hindu supremacist fascist regime & suits the needs of the Western Imperialists quite well. Also democracy in India is a sham.
@jillfryer6699 8 күн бұрын
You are right.
@Q_QQ_Q 8 күн бұрын
Present govt is result of coup 😂😂😂
@da12641 8 күн бұрын
Modi is afraid of being couped, that's why he's kissing the feet of US politicians
@grandwonder5858 9 күн бұрын
The US sponsors huge amounts of terrorisms in Pakistan against Chinese engineers who are trying to build railroads, highways, and other infrastructures for Pakistan, particularly in the county of Baloch, which the US called Balochistan to make it sound more like a country and turn it into a country that would be controlled by the US. The reason the US doesn’t want China to build highways and railroads in Pakistan is to stop China from building a trade route that would bypass the Malacca Strait since the US has warships and submarines stationed in that area to sink China’s cargo ships.
@peanut0brain 9 күн бұрын
Yes 100%
@monash4250 9 күн бұрын
The US & India are both involved in terrorism in Pakistan
@katong1953 9 күн бұрын
The US is pure evil.
@katong1953 9 күн бұрын
@grandwonder. My post agreeing with your sentiments was swiftly censored by the purported guardian of free speech. That country (can't name it as I would be censored again) is 100% evil.
@katong1953 9 күн бұрын
@granwonder. My 2 posts agreeing with your sentiments were promptly censored by UT. The gangster state is not good for the world.
@bevhofmann2728 9 күн бұрын
What an incredibly interesting conversation between these two. Thank you.
@petreakemp6017 10 күн бұрын
I wish Australia would take your advise .
@harrymal8141 9 күн бұрын
Unfortunately Australia is Lapdog of The US
@Elemenopi205 9 күн бұрын
It was John Howard that betrayed us!
@jillfryer6699 8 күн бұрын
@@Elemenopi205 worse and longer ago passed from one colonizer to the next to be a base. or bases, for an empire, an arthritic empire by now, nightmare.
@Q_QQ_Q 8 күн бұрын
Australia has always been American colony. It has bases all over the country.
@simplebudd 10 күн бұрын
Love you both and thank you so much for thoughful observation and constructive conversation. Greetings from Thailand.
@MaryLou5239 9 күн бұрын
Thank you Pascal. The best analysis of these ongoing regime changes. I learned a lot from your guest.
@greendragonspirit1646 8 күн бұрын
What an amazingly intelligent debate! Great guest Pascal!
@charlesyang4923 8 күн бұрын
Just remember one premise “Peace is the only presupposition before development and prosperity can prevail”. It does NOT need doctor degree to understand social stability is of utterly importance and serve as the backbone for any society to grow and prosper. Good luck with Bangladesh after positioned Junus as PM.
@saelind73 8 күн бұрын
I've been to Pakistan. I was working there during 2001-2003, went to Afghanistan too. It's a fascinating country and it has a very complex socio-political situation. The Military and the secret services are indeed US orientated. However, by no means do they always play ball with them. Pakistan shares a huge part of their border with Afghanistan, and the Talibans wouldn't have been able to survive without a large support from their bases in Pakistan, such as: Quetta (close to Kandahar in Afghanistan) and Peshawar (close to both Kabul and Jalalabad in Afghanistan). Not to mention the problems between Pakistan and India. In that sense, Pakistan has to play a very delicate and "balanced" game with both sides. To put it plainly, it's a double game they constantly play really. But I remember when I visited Peshawar, in 2002, that the majority of the people in that area were supporting the Talibans. At least that was the situation back then. I don't know if something has changed now.
@longw01 10 күн бұрын
woot! Love you Russia and Palestine!
@TroelsNybo-j2t 7 күн бұрын
Nazi Germany disappeared.
@Lyra0966 5 күн бұрын
Brilliant guest and, as always, Pascal demonstrates both skill and admirable sanity when discussing the reckless and incendiary provocations of Western (principally US) politicians.
@user-nb4ex5zk3w 10 күн бұрын
Any group within USA that gets too popular is broken up if it is seen to have any value other than commercial. Which is why big groups like Mormons and Scientology are allowed.
@ralphbernhard1757 10 күн бұрын
It's called divide-and- rule. It's intentional.
@AntonioPeralesdelHierro 10 күн бұрын
Groups ❓They do that to individuals as well. The Corporados are pretentious and presumptuous. Scummy Google's corporate board wants to be my conscience and morality❗❓. I've told them repeatedly to KMA...🍷🙄
@user-nb4ex5zk3w 9 күн бұрын
@@AntonioPeralesdelHierro True.
@comment6864 9 күн бұрын
⁠@@AntonioPeralesdelHierro yeah i love the blue ‘truth’ banners on some youtube videos, i especially love when they refer you to.. ready? .. WIKIPEDIA!!!!😂 So incredibly insulting to viewers, who have come to watch the video and not what youtube thinks of it!! It’s disgusting! Especially when you know for a fact that whatever they refer you to is a complete lie
@Q_QQ_Q 8 күн бұрын
What commercial value does Mormons have ?
@toveirenestrand3547 7 күн бұрын
At around 42:56 an American ambassador clearly shows he does not understand laws, again (saying "there's no such thing as neutrality during war"). What applies is the following: "When any two states go to war, then automatically the law of neutrality springs into existence for the entire rest of the world, automatically by operation of law, so that a huge number of states then become subject to the duties of neutrals, and the legal duties are basically abstention and impartiality (permanent neutrality and collective security, or 'all against all', are actually rivaling concepts)." ~ Stephen Neff At 45:26: I feel completely shocked that states like Georgia or Moldova even after they have seen what happens to Ukraine and what has happened to Ukraine, would still want to try and join NATO or the EU. How do they think that American national interests are their national interests? It's in America's 'national interest' to weaken Russia, they say it in document after document, it is in their interest to keep China down. America is actually a parasitic power, it uses these states for its own agenda. ~ Anu Chenoy
@antonius3745 9 күн бұрын
This very very important information. I live in a village near a refuge camp in the Netherlands. Nowadays there are many high qualified and educated Pakistani, predominantly catholic, who flee the country. And yes again it is the empire behind it. That was what i already thought. They have a saying in Pakistan when something goes wrong or is not good: It is made in the USA.,
@wasiuddinsohan3131 4 күн бұрын
Hey, I'm from Bangladesh. The lady is totally wrong about the Bangladeshi politics. More then 90% of people of Bangladesh did not like former PM Shikh Hasina and she was only in power with the support of India. In DAQ movement, More then 1000 people were killed and about 20000 thousand people were injured severely. People in Bangladesh do not like the Indian government and their policy towards Bangladesh. The reason is 2009 BDR massacre, in which India were in the front. Scholars, political leaders were hung by the Hasina with Indian support. Approximately 54 dams were build which cause harm to our country, they denied water when it needed by us. Border killings! Our people are not happy with Indian foreign policy towards Bangladesh.
@pelaubenson1230 9 күн бұрын
US "foreign policy" hmm...US Foreign Aggression rather!🧐
@subodhsarin4247 9 күн бұрын
Very very simplistic explanation. Good for Westerners who know nothing about this part of the world.
@Jay...777 9 күн бұрын
Every country needs to protect its information space as much as its physical borders - maybe more so. Any neglect means the US will dominate the information space through multiple NGO’s. Corruption & control of various elements of the indigenous population follows, to work in favor US hegemony.
@TroelsNybo-j2t 7 күн бұрын
The fascist regime in Russia does something similar. It pours huge amounts of money into disinformation.
@ruiddd956 9 күн бұрын
Now here is an excellent source of information for those who want to compensate for so much Eurocentrism (Western-centrism) and understand which world is gaining so much prominence with the enormous boost that the BRICS+ gained given Russia's turn towards the East, Africa and South America.
@roychain4877 9 күн бұрын
Prof Cheney thank u 🙏 great learning that’s true what u are saying ❤❤❤U South Africa 🇿🇦
@akaalkripal5724 9 күн бұрын
A Hindu teen was just lynched to death by an Islamist mob in Bangladesh. Enough said about the 'Yunus regime'.
@oneilg8988 8 күн бұрын
Brilliant episode Pascal.
@user-wd6ni4xu4n 9 күн бұрын
It’s the one program which actually tells the truth😊
@lah6739 9 күн бұрын
Actually there are many. The Grayzone, Dialogue Works, The Chris Hedges Report, The Katie Halper Show, Jeffrey Sachs, Bad Faith, George Galloway . . . . I could go on.
@user-wd6ni4xu4n 8 күн бұрын
@@lah6739 yes I watch all of those especially Jeffrey saaks.
@DannyWilliams-ch6xq 8 күн бұрын
They dogged I KHAN. and EFFED UP NEPAL. UGLY. Aren't we ALL over it? Man keeps on dominating man, to his OWN injury. Woe for the one misleading the vulnerable/naive, those getting off on seeing their fellow misled and hurt. Sad for the mislead, but WORSE for the misleader. WEAKLINGS W/that crumbling facade of power, are growing WEAKER, WEAKER, much like the father of the misleaders. Get STR8.
@Franciscodiazgrandos 7 күн бұрын
Thanks, both of you.
@qasaaye23 10 күн бұрын
Insightful interview.
@charlesprasad9836 9 күн бұрын
Wonderful news Sir thank you for the truth.
@gregorylumpkin2128 9 күн бұрын
The keyword here, with regard to the western empire, is "insane".
@ArielVisionary 8 күн бұрын
I consider Europe's future is being decided today by the war in Ukraine and China's competition in the auto industry with its dominance in the electric vehicle market. Both of these issues pivot on the United States using NATO to wage economic war on Russia and China, as well as the hot war in Ukraine to attack Russia. The European Union has many decisions to make on a viable way forward or to continue on its current path of self-destruction. It seems obvious to me that the interests of the countries of Europe are not being served by allowing NATO and the U.S. to determine its course. Neither is the European Union, as it exists, achieving its mission to make European countries more competitive.
@isamkamel 8 күн бұрын
Shaikha Hasinah was brutal dictator but the coup against her by the US means more devastation of Bangladesh
@ashwinipingle8832 8 күн бұрын
She was forced to behave like a dictator because she could see it coming. Even Imran Khan could see it coming - the us intervention. Even when Modi visits so many countries, cutting deals and agreements right left and center, we Indians know something is afoot
@ashwinipingle8832 8 күн бұрын
She was forced to behave like a dictator because she could see it coming. Even Imran Khan could see it coming - the us intervention. Even when Modi visits so many countries, cutting deals and agreements right left and center, we Indians know something is afoot
@willieduffie4967 8 күн бұрын
Georgia...... listen 👂 to this wisdom..... don't place yourself in "unnecessary danger!
@harrymal8141 9 күн бұрын
Most likely the small countries have been pressured by the US
@iakobmtchedlishvili1595 9 күн бұрын
There are two possible scenarious in Georgian that will be happen. 1) Current government party wins elections, the collective west does not acknowledge the results and urges them to resign, govenment does not accepts that and opposition which vast majority of members are agents of the west starting coup and if they win tensions with Russia will rise and how it ends nobody knows exactly. 2) Opposition wins and they start quick militarization backing up from the west, closing all the borders in order to nobody left country and start forceful mobilization. Russias reactions will be very simple. Ivasion in Georgia and as in the first scenario as well in second scenario how it will end nobody knows but what i am certain it will be the end of Georgia as an independent state.
@benjoudi3399 8 күн бұрын
Goodwoman knowledgeable
@bri-e5k 8 күн бұрын
Thank you - a great insight, great guest.
@jillfryer6699 8 күн бұрын
very informative. going to watch again. 'a parasitic power' puts it well. she is sharp as a tack.
@Multiverse678 9 күн бұрын
Wow.. So wise and insightful. I am impressed.
@NV_Out-of-Place 9 күн бұрын
Thanks Pascal, great and fascinating conversation on South Asia regime changes and the case for neutrality. I learnt a lot.
@soniyarathnayake18 9 күн бұрын
We are almost all are depending on this parasatic power for trade due to its apatite for consumer goods or on there wheat for survival thats where the problem is
@Ysq21aCk_user 9 күн бұрын
So true
@JZ2445 9 күн бұрын
Prof Anu like all Indians spend most of there time and energy talking about Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Just skimmed over the possible repercussions on India. She would be ostracized by the current govt in India if she said anything negative against the BJP.
@mnet1514 2 күн бұрын
This is a brilliant and enlightening discussion! I'm infuriated to hear the sabotage of the Bangladesh nuclear power plant project by the United States. I've been to Bangland and witnessed the most extreme human suffering from poverty, ever 😢, which still is with me. The people of Bangladesh deserve prosperity, and the fact that the top aid-pumping nation (USA) denied them of this golden opportunity is just pathetic. Also, I've watched an in-depth and well-corroborated analysis re. the regime change there, and NED/CIA was heavily involved in the incubation of those student riots. They gave them a legitimate agenda, and the students ran with it. The outcome speaks for itself. Thr US won. Time will tell if the people of Banladesh would equally benefit from this well-calculated US intervention.
@hilaryporter7841 8 күн бұрын
Illuminating. Thank you both.
@tonycaine5930 6 күн бұрын
Study America's history and you will understand why they are the way they are.
@barbaralucreziapaganelli4369 7 күн бұрын
Hello, I've been following you for many months now, you're providing a fantastic information and a broad vision of the extra-European world, that here in Italy is quite a mirage. In my country, there is also a strong anti-American movement, and some past governments have tried to oppose their hegemony (many many yars ago). Today, however, despite the fact that a majority of electorate supporting the governing party (and Meloni) is anti-American, our elites and our media pursue a strong atlanticist policy (though, they can't go too far... in the case of the ok to use our weapons against Russia, because public opinion is strongly against it). I can't understand what power they exercise over our elites. Do they co-opt them into their systems of privileges? The fact (or at least the feeling) is that our vote worth almost nothing and we have lost our independence. ❤
@DannyWilliams-ch6xq 8 күн бұрын
6:47 to create lady men. Don't let them do THAT. U don't need that confusion and filth. Said with love and respect.
@pinxtownington4645 3 күн бұрын
After all that Pity how Bangladeshis today support Pakistan against India, that's the way they show appreciation
@davemorgan6013 8 күн бұрын
'The uprising against PM Hasina in Bangladesh is very understandable, given the government crackdowns and overreach. However, the likelihood that Khaleda Zia will become PM again means that nothing will really change and Bangladesh will continue to be stuck in a rut.
@carolberry2239 9 күн бұрын
It was Yunis who moved women out of poverty. An uncorruptable man..I dont see Bangladesh as a coup.
@bozo5632 9 күн бұрын
It's not contradictory. If it was a US coup, USA would surely choose Yunis as a popular transition figure.
@yaoliang1580 9 күн бұрын
Enjoy your criminal worship
@janweaver3112 7 күн бұрын
Well said.
@anneli1735 9 күн бұрын
❤ Love this interview of you both ❣️ What an insight most valuable ❣️
@mahlialone9160 10 күн бұрын
Wow she's not mentioning Indian seccesstionis movement like Khalistan and how I ndiais occuping Kashmir. Who funds Pakistani Baluch separatists? It's India. While Pakistan has its set of problems, you can tell she has typical Indian bias.
@cybercamp2900 9 күн бұрын
Great INFO Thank you 🙏🏻
@Zxuma 10 күн бұрын
So, is India next for regime change?
@philipzaccheus8398 8 күн бұрын
Informative information for knowledge seekers listening is an important asset.. Continue listening for OWNING OWN GOOD BETTER LASTING SATISFYING CONCLUSIONS CONCLUSIONS
@freeneasy5906 10 күн бұрын
To be enemy of US is dangerous To be friend of US is fatal -henry Kissinger
@lamsailait4114 9 күн бұрын
Most countries have an army.Pakistsn is the only army that has a country.
@Kuppasy 5 күн бұрын
United States of Snakes - Brother Ali.
@moonwatcher6594 8 күн бұрын
"parasitic power" well put.
@nadiawheeler4772 9 күн бұрын
@jameswebb4593 9 күн бұрын
What America gives it gets back with interest. When in 1940 the British mission to the States to get aid to continue the fight against Germany. The popular concensus is Roosevelt's government welcomed the Brits with open arms . Wrong , half of the American population wanted to remain isolationists . But the President wasn't a complete fool , With the US military so weak , arming Britain would buy time . This was proved to be the case in N.Africa , without American Tanks and aircraft the Med would have been a German swimming pool. Dont forget that the Torch landings took place nearly a year after Germany declared war on the USA. From June 10th 1940 until Novemer 1942 Britain and her Empire fought alone.
@piotrberman6363 8 күн бұрын
IMHO, the main interest of USA in Pakistan is preventing close relations of Pakistan with Iran. In opinion polls published from time to time, no population has as positive attitude to Iran as in Pakistan, and there is lingering project of gas pipeline from Iran to Pakistan that would be enormously beneficial to Pakistan that lacks inexpensive electric power in sufficient quantities. Lack of air conditioned shelters kills thousands every year during heat waves, industry lacks energy to expand much from "hand made" products like shirts and gloves etc. plus, most Pakistanis have a sense of Muslim solidarity that is more important than sect differences between Sunni and Shia and Sunni. Not to mention that a boogie man of nuclear program does not resonate in Pakistan at all. But the idee fix of American foreign policy is "isolating enemies", and with friendly Pakistan, how isolated Iran would be, surrounded by friendly or neutral countries? Thus pliable government in Pakistan is a must.
@AC_Milan1899 8 күн бұрын
The demise of the US will be severe
@AmeerHamza-tx4hy 8 күн бұрын
Every country have its own Army but here Pakistan army own a country which name is Pakistan. That is why no one going Pakistan for investment.
@dvegule920 9 күн бұрын
Worth to mention that Pakistan has a signifikant amount of weapons (nuclear).
@tjasagustin3342 9 күн бұрын
they wish to NATO because of better life standard in the USA as in Georgia and so long!
@hazelwray4184 9 күн бұрын
'to join' 'living standards' Georgia USA?
@ArielVisionary 8 күн бұрын
Orban is describing the shift to geoeconomics, which means that the European Union needs to cooperate more to thrive economically. Otherwise Europe could disintegrate. I cannot fault this reasoning. He separates out political issues of immigration, gender identity and full employment of labor market as existential issues that each country needs to decide for itself, not for the European Union to impose one answer for all the countries in it. He does consider that defense should be addressed politically, though. He argues that each country has different approaches, and that attempting to unite politically on all these policy decisions is counterproductive. There should be an option to opt out instead of having a common solution. Then he makes an exceedingly important point that without communication, you cannot have a peace plan. First communicate, second establish a ceasefire, and then you can develop a peace plan. I admire him for visiting the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, China and the U.S., and attempting to get some communication channels going. He concluded that neither the Russians or the Ukrainians were interested in communication; both felt that time was on their side. However, I don't hear any acknowledgement that this is a proxy war of the U.S. and NATO against Russia. And Orban does not recognize all of the efforts that Russia has made in the past to negotiate in order to alleviate the threat to their security interest with NATO moving military operations closer and closer to their border. If Putin refuses to negotiate today, it's because there have been no good faith negotiations in recent years. And the U.S. has pulled out of all the treaties that were negotiated and agreed upon. I agree that this war could be ended through international efforts in a process that considers several proposals from all sides. The United Nations was formed for this very purpose. The failure of the UN to end the war in Ukraine means that it must evolve its structure and policies in order to remain relevant in today’s world. We are all stakeholders in this process; the future of humanity is at stake.
@user-bb2sx9ph9k 10 күн бұрын
Thanks, but what about BRICS?
@carolberry2239 9 күн бұрын
You need to read Yunis's book..18% is very little on microloans. He was laughed at in the beginning. He had to show that loans for poor people had sustainability. In this judgement you are wrong.
@mamudoujammeh3294 9 күн бұрын
Bein a friend is very dangerous. But being a friends with Russia 🇷🇺, is more safe and good an protective.
@rumpelstilzz 9 күн бұрын
Hey Pascal, kannst du bitte eine Karte einblenden wenn Orte außerhalb der Schulbildung genannt werden?
@earthlingthings 9 күн бұрын
You forgot Myanmar also coup by usa uk
@user-rv5ti9hw9l 9 күн бұрын
Someone explain her mutual benefits.
@vijjreddy 9 күн бұрын
@user-kz5cw2gj3w 9 күн бұрын
As long as the dollar is the main global currency and the US military is the global superpower, American primacy will remain intact.
@toregannholm7793 10 күн бұрын
Stalin, Beria and the last Sovjet foreign minister were all from Geogia
@bomcdowell-kim9194 3 күн бұрын
It's brainwashing..Willing servants of Master😮
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