Cracked Doesn't Get Disney Princes (A Response Video)

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Raven Knight

Raven Knight

Күн бұрын

Alright, so let's go ahead and get this done. I was requested to take a look at this video by someone on Discord. I wasn't going to at first...but as I rewatched it to get a good laugh at the dumb arguments, I began to realize I did have a few things I wanted to say. So rather than this be a mockery of stupid ideas (don't worry, that's still involved), think of this more as a discussion on what real problems face young men in today's society...and how the Disney Princes may teach us more about that than we realize.
Or maybe I just read to deep into stuff.

Пікірлер: 68
@RoutaAskel Жыл бұрын
I have to say I resonate with your rant about boys not having proper role models. Been teaching Taekwon-Do for 4 years now, and I've noticed young boys really don't have it easy. Too many of them are being treated like defective girls, so when they come to practice and are getting praised for things they would be yelled at normally. Their smiles after practice is honestly worth the effort. That being said, I think I also learned to be better person because of them. I figured if they are going to emulate my behaviors, I have to act like person worth being emulated. Good stuff as always, mate, but try holding on to your sanity while wading through Cracked-mire...
@jasonpowerz360 Жыл бұрын
As someone who was in Taekwon-do as a child, can confirm I was absolutely a pampered brat and my instructors helped me.
@robbiewalker2831 7 ай бұрын
@@jasonpowerz360 Speaking of which, what are your thoughts on Kuzco being an audience surrogate role-model for pampered children? The story of the Emperor's New Groove was that Kuzco was pampered by Yzma so much that he was behaving like her at times, even firing her because she was doing his job as Emperor, when she's suppose to be the advisor. When confronting the Village Leader Pacha, who Kuzco previously conversed about building Kuzcotopia, Kuzco was a Llama due to a mishap Yzma had with Kronk (which Kuzco naively wasn't aware of), and Kuzco had to face the hard reality that since no one will believe Kuzco is a Llama, and assumed he was dead, no one would care about Kuzco because of his behavior, and that he can't be able to build his summer home, now that he's demoted to an animal, and that Pacha won't take him seriously. Kuzco also had to learn about compassion from Pacha, since Pacha is a good friend to the peasants that he leads, and is also a family man, complete with children and an expectantly pregnant wife; without learning compassion from Pacha, Kuzco would be left without anyone to rely on.
@jasonpowerz360 7 ай бұрын
@@robbiewalker2831 oh for sure, at the start of the movie kuzko really thought everyone loved him and he could do no wrong even though basically everyone was waiting for him to go and die. I was in a similar place with a lot of my friends at one point, where I thought everyone was fine with me until suddenly they all left. Same kind of oblivious self-assured nature that got us into both situations. I'm on my redemption arc currently though.
@theguy8594 6 ай бұрын
Friend, may you succeed greatly in being a good role model these kids can emulate 😎👍🏽
@Demolitiondude Жыл бұрын
The story about the soccer game was brutal.
@ulfberht4431 Жыл бұрын
Raven, you do not need to apologise for the “rant” you did. It was a very powerful and an emotional speech that took a lot of courage and had so much truth to it! Well done Raven!
@rustylarry7465 Жыл бұрын
I mean he gave a timestamp to skip it so he didnt even need to apologize in the first place
@dorseyerik Жыл бұрын
you wanna cartoon role mode? You get Optimus Prime, Uncle Iroh, master splinter, Superman.
@matityaloran9157 Жыл бұрын
8:29, Prince Philip. His bravery. Prince Eric, his honour. The Beast, his ability to see when he’s wrong and improve himself. Aladdin, his compassion and bravery. Simba, his “humanity”, Hercules, his bravery, loyalty and desire to belong.
@neodigremo 2 ай бұрын
Just pointing out, the Princes who are more developed have their names in the title of the film. Almost like main characters get more development than side ones (le gasp!). And even then the other ones have something.
@matityaloran9157 2 ай бұрын
@@neodigremo True
@RedCrusader-ph2vk Жыл бұрын
Don't apologize for the video being too long Raven. They're perfect as is. In fact, I want longer videos.
@Dragonspirit223 Жыл бұрын
About the consent thing. A man saved a woman from drowning, and when she was pulled out she quite literally complained about not giving her consent. People are idiots
@tylertullier4846 4 ай бұрын
Simba. One of the greatest Disney princes (and Disney characters) ever created. The immature son, forced to grow up by tragedy. The guilty son, thinking himself responsible for his own father’s death. The avenging son, returning in righteous anger to cast out the wicked and assume his throne. The son who, by the end of the movie, has become a great king, like his father before him. If there is not a more positive male role model among Disney’s pantheon, I do not know what people want.
@dylantennant6594 Жыл бұрын
Just going off the role model thing, plenty of Disney movies have good male role-models, each with different messages: Aladdin: You don’t have to be what society says your are and everyone is worthy of having love. Simba: Remeber the past and learn from mistakes. Quasimodo: Our differences make us strong, not weak. Phoebus: The only way evil wins if one good man does nothing. Hercules: Dreams don’t come true on there own and you have to work at it (also dreams and desires evolve). Tarzan: To change and become something better is good. Taryn: Sometimes glory is gained by sacrifice and is not noble. And that’s just a handful of good messages that not only boys can learn, but fucking everyone. Hell that’s just Disney, dreamworks is even better at this.
@theofficialvernetheturtley338 Жыл бұрын
18 year old here. College is lonely, but I'm glad to find someone out there who feels the same way I do. Batman was always my role model as a kid. He had the tough demeanor I wanted to have, but he cared about people. It was a great balance. Boys will be boys. But that doesn't mean they're perfect just for being boys. You sound like a cool teacher dude. All my teachers were either too strict or too friendly. I've never forget some teachers watching porn with me and my friends in high school just to be "cool" and others yelling at us just for talking during a class project. You sound like you have good balance.
@ulfberht4431 Жыл бұрын
25:24 I’m curious why you didn’t mention this part. I know she’s probably joking but I am sick and tired of the “I can’t see myself as this character because he/she doesn’t look like me”. It’s self discrimination. You do not need to be the same race, gender or sexual orientation to look up to someone or be inspired by a person, be they fictional or real. I look up to a lot of females and characters who are not my ethnicity because their skin colour or gender matters little to me. What matters most is their efforts to get what they are now and the sacrifices they make along the way. It’s like that story about the character Sun Man, who is essentially meant to be He-Man for black kids. While I admire the story behind the mother wanting her son to have a super hero to look up to, I feel like it was unfair that the boy said “I can’t be a superhero like He-Man because I’m not white!” And don’t get me wrong, I get that the boy was only a kid and it was back in the 80s where black peoples where under represented, but it’s the year 2023 and people still complain that they cannot look up to someone or be inspired by a character unless they match their skin colour or gender. I think we need to realise that inspiration comes in many forms and it is ok to be a white male and look up to a hero like Mulan and be inspired by her. So what if Simba is a lion, can I, a human being, not look up to Simba and be inspired to fix the mistakes of the past and face my fears like he did? Sure I may not be a king like him and the circumstances are different, but who’s to say I cannot be inspired by Simba and empathise his struggles.
@guardian7106 Жыл бұрын
Absolutely agree, as a Hispanic with autism, one of my favorite characters nowadays is Kiryu from the yakuza series along with many of the other main characters (akiyama, majima, yagami, Sajima etc…). Him and I are nothing alike but his character/personality is what draws me to him along with the others. Same applies to my writing, I don’t focus on self inserting myself in the story, I just want to make a story that’s interesting/entertaining and they tend to be set in settings that are either European like or Asian like since those two locations are very influential
@ulfberht4431 Жыл бұрын
@@guardian7106 Precisely! I don’t play the Yakuza games but I am aware of it. It’s great you can look up to a character who despite being of different backgrounds you can admire and look up to.
@hariman7727 Жыл бұрын
It's learned narcissism, the suppression of empathy, and racism/divisiveness. It runs completely counter to actual anti-racism and sows division, because that mentality prevents people from seeing what they have in common with other groups. And for all the left screams and whines about the right wing (really, anyone right of Karl Marx), the left always "others" the right wing.
@georgeray1906 24 күн бұрын
I agree full heartedly as well as find the idea that we can't see ourselves in characters that doesn't look like us is just sheer vanity and shallow.
@WolffyRay117 Жыл бұрын
Tbh I think company's are just scared to make characters that are somewhat role models for modern boys and it sucks. With how the world is rn people are unwilling and scared to do that. Eather way great vid and thanks for getting me to thing about somthin I really didn't put any thought into Raven
@zaktan7197 Жыл бұрын
Another thing about the soccer story. Our culture seems to be afraid of letting children experience pain, even in safe and controlled settings. What does that teach kids; that they should be afraid of pain and avoid it if possible? Granted, experiencing pain is not a good thing. It is often a warning that something is wrong, but it is better to have that warning system and know how to deal with it than to avoid it too much. Far too often, we have to go through pain to do what is right. Like you mentioned, self sacrifice is a critical virtue to foster.
@aaronrowell6943 Жыл бұрын
As silly as it is to have cartoon role models are we think that juvenile there is an element of Truth to that it's good to have cartoon role models that are ideally positive my role models were Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Hook XD One thing I will give all of the Disney princesses for the most part is none of them are simps canonically and most of them are pretty awesome in terms of fighting dragons are killing giant octopus drag queens
@anonymussicarius8899 Жыл бұрын
To the story about the soccer punishment, if they would have had a habit of bein to roudy while playing soccer and they were warned to trim it down, then a temporary prohibiton would have been justified, but in the way you described the situation, this was just arbitraryness! And to the joke, well I would agree with her if she would talk about contemporary children programm, because this is just abysmal. Giving an example from my local children TV: I was lucky to see the old, handdrawn version of "Biene Maja", when I was a kid in the 90s and early 2000s, because the new 3D version is just... I can feel my braincells dying while watching it. Whereas the old taught complex themes via interesting stories, the new is just simplified well-feel-soap-bath!
@NobodyC13 7 ай бұрын
Cracked's nitpick of the Beast being illiterate comes off as stupid, shallow, and callous when you realize it's a symptom of the curse. The filmmakers explained the horror of the curse that not only would the Beast be permanently locked in that form should he fail to find love, but he would lose his humanity completely. His capacity to read atrophied; if you look closely at his room you can see animal carcasses, suggesting he's slowly losing his mind and been driven by animalistic instincts to hunt and survive. If Belle hadn't shown up and help break the spell; the Beast would've become no different than a wild animal and lost all capacity for human thought, reason, and speech. The scene of Belle re-teaching him how to read is her helping him regain some of his humanity, and it's a cute scene of them bonding (the Beast APPRECIATES her reading to him, and Belle loves being a carer and sharing her interests to people who would listen).
@SuperSwordman1 Жыл бұрын
I want to build on your soccer story. When I was in middle school, me and a few other boys where mock fighting based on an anime we all watched. The teachers found out, said we where being to violent and they didn't like that we where pretending to have weapons. So not only where we not allowed to play like that anymore, but the hill we were playing on was deemed unallowed for ANY student to play on. As far as I know this rule never went out of effect as it was like that for the rest of my time there.
@hariman7727 Жыл бұрын
Boy Scouts. One of the other kids spat on his hand and then offered to shaky my hand to play a prank. When I went "ew" and wiped him hand on his shirt instead of mine, he flipped out and punched me in the stomach. Afterwards, there wasn't any request or ask for an explanation. There wasn't any consideration of the fact that someone else' prank and the results of that prank were me getting punched. There was just the admonition that "we can't have kids hitting each other". The two things I learned from that Boyscout troop were: 2: The counselor's didn't care. 1: Some people would rather condemn the victim alongside the aggressor than actually do the right thing, because condemning the victim is easier. About 10 months later, I quit the boyscouts.
@Adam-hs9ft Жыл бұрын
As a recently not child (18th was in December december), can confirm that the reason most of us had that "punk"/"asshole" phase is because most of us never had role models, teachers never gave a shit about us (one time I deadass remember (I think I was in year 7? So like 12 or so) a teacher basically screwed us all over because she said that "letting the boys be so competitive in sports will make them more aggressive and cause more fights" so we didn't get to do sports for a few months, and guess what? Not having that competitive outlet is what caused 16 fights in the first month (myself being involved in a few) ) so yeah ur right and honestly I think the reason people are like this now is because of the twitter user narrative of mEn BaD rAiNbOw HaIrEd FuRrY pErV gOoD, cos let's be real if people didn't start thinking that then right now it sowuld still be alright to tell a guy that he did well Also ye ik I sound like some kinda discord mod saying that but I'd rather sound like a discord/reddit mod than be wrong or be a cancel culture degenerate
@kielbasamage Жыл бұрын
You know a comment was dense and stings when it necessitates a six minute lambasting.
@hariman7727 Жыл бұрын
The teaching stories make me furious. Much of society and especially the public education system undermine everything that makes people good and functional.
@jacksullivan4741 Ай бұрын
27:42 The entire point of Beauty and the Beast is Belle loved the Beast because of who he was and not because of her preconceived notions
@denniszaychik8625 Жыл бұрын
They do know that in the earlier versions of the Sleeping Beauty tale the princess was literally raped right? I think that in that case a kiss is a much better alternative.
@georgeray1906 24 күн бұрын
I too am fortunate to be raised with loving parents and teachers who cared for me as well as male role models who molded me to be a balanced man today.
@hariman7727 Жыл бұрын
*Record needle scratch.* Okay... that first opening speech bit of the criticized video is horrifying. "I'm justifying my lonely modern woman existence with heavy denial, and I'm going to end up a lonely spinster who is in denial about missing out on even trying having a life beyond work and meaningless girl talk!"
@maxwinters6458 4 ай бұрын
Prince Phillip is the GOAT and I will die on this hill! I remember when I was a kid, I would watch Sleeping Beauty all the time, and whenever it got to the part where Prince Phillip fought Maleficent in her dragon form, I would take out my little foam sword and shield and pretend to BE him!
@21Isaiah42 Жыл бұрын
To be honest I really enjoyed this video and as you said I'm also lucky to have good role models in my life that's why would I have kids only a good role model for them
@OpNigel Жыл бұрын
This was very cool, thank you raven
@stanisawzokiewski3308 Жыл бұрын
9:05 hey the third Cindirella was good
@SuperSwordman1 Ай бұрын
I don't think Raven was disagreeing but let's be fair and make it AS hard as possible so the Cracked lady can make her 'point'
@brotherlorcalthetheloyalis4928 Жыл бұрын
I feel bad for those kids. They actually tried to be nice and apologetic, and they are still punished anyway. Reminds me of a thing that starts with “Critical”, and ends with “Theory”.
@EmberBright2077 Жыл бұрын
22:10 because bravery, strength and combat ability are just so useless.
@mymydeparis 6 ай бұрын
Of course, they were female teachers, who are sooo unaware of what a young male kid is. What I mean is that teachers are teachers, and I used to be one of them maybe different, and they are meant to make kids correspond to expectations. Not ours, but society. And that what society needs, maimed formated people, any gender...
@Pelagion98 Жыл бұрын
I have often heard the term "Feminisation of Education" thrown around the pedagogic cicrles in my country. Most often by frankly self-conscious female teachers. Most people working in education these days where I live are women, from pre-school to university levels, and so boys don't really meet a lot of authoratitive figures that they can see as role models for adult behaviour and aspirations. Boys here often drag along with low grades and often don't pursue higher education, while girls are the ones who really prosper because they are surrounded by other women who they have mutual understanding with.
@rodan9773 Жыл бұрын
When The Prince's needed him THE KING ARRIVED to aid in their Plight. Lol.
@arcticlegends368 Жыл бұрын
Imma be real, that rant hit home for me
@wararmiegg3660 Жыл бұрын
As for someone who’s been doing martial arts for 8 years. My old aggression has pretty much disappeared, and I’m so grateful for being put in the martial system.
@sharkchaos5160 Жыл бұрын
Great video Raven and your rant Raven was great.
@flyinggothicsheer1346 Жыл бұрын
The closest you'll get to positive male role models these days is Doomguy😅.
@RavenKnightYT Жыл бұрын
All Might from MHA comes close. :)
@marley7868 Жыл бұрын
hey there's hardcore henry and quite a few other action heroes
@candicemceady308 Жыл бұрын
I'm a girl and agree with everything you said. Screw these modern feminiods. This is why Japan is doing so oo much better. They understand that men and women need each other for survival support and love. That's why in most anime and manga the romantic couples are mostly always straight.
@robbiewalker2831 7 ай бұрын
@@candicemceady308 Nothing against homosexuals, but even the Bible is more pro-straight, mostly for maternity reasons.
@MothMizzle 9 ай бұрын
*fewer crayons
@tfordham13 Жыл бұрын
@thelord7185 Жыл бұрын
@WolffyRay117 Жыл бұрын
@theguy8594 Жыл бұрын
@joedan5366 Жыл бұрын
Great job on this video
@edwardfontaine7108 Жыл бұрын
Awesome video
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