Hi Sara. May I ask you a question here? I ve red your book and i am impressed. I would like to start to take chaste as I am 48 and have terrible PMS symptomps for 1-12 days each month firt of all, ache of breasts , nervoussnes, lack of energy, depression, tiredness and many many more. I feel i can not spend time with other people, as everybody makes me mad. I am ennoyed all the time. Feel an inner tension. My progesteron is 6 , estrogen ok. My mother and grandfather suffered from breast cancer. That is why i am afraid of taking hormones. I would take chaste but it influence estrogen as well, not only progesteron. My question is if it is safe taking chaste if i have cancer hormon dependent in may close family? Is progesteron cream better in this case? My period is more then often regular 26 days. regards🙂
@numeprenume172 Жыл бұрын
the most effective method that surprised me too: intermittent fasting from the first day of menstruation, WITHOUT SALT, and chaotic fasting during 2 months of the menstrual cycle; the effect: menstrual periods reduced to 4-5 days (from 8-9 days), less anemia, regulation to a fixed 28 days of menstruation, and no pain! how I started consuming salt again, how I also have pain during my period, and intermenstrual as if I had uterine fibroids! and I lost 3-4 kg in 2 months! last year I thought I entered premenopause; actually the salt and excess calories made me sick; as for the "neighborhood", the salt swells in my stomach and from the stomach to the brain is not a long distance, I feel the hate and aggression of the "neighbors" for more than a decade, in which I saw myself ugly, ugly deformed by the "neighborhood" , without hope for freedom. now I'm searching the internet for answers. Dr. Sara, thank you for your special and intensely scientific books and explanations!😘