16x9 - Cold Reality of Canada's northern communities

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Crime Beat TV

Crime Beat TV

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Poverty, soaring crime rates, crippling drug addiction - that's the cold reality in some of Canada's Northern communities. Sean Mallen has this shocking 16:9 exclusive on Canadians living in third world conditions right here, in our own backyard.

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@annaluvsbobmarley9130 6 жыл бұрын
Makes me mad that no matter where no matter the reserve or reservation All councilman have nice cars and homes but the members struggle to survive.
@zeek6510 2 жыл бұрын
@tubeular5754 2 жыл бұрын
You have to get in to the right cult or religion.
@PibsMegie 4 ай бұрын
Exactly and then they say our people need help, when there the ones screwing them over...
@CDN1975 6 жыл бұрын
Shameful that anyone has to live like this in Canada.
@wakeboared9000 3 жыл бұрын
It’s not I’m from manitoba it’s sweet here
@redcanoe9810 3 жыл бұрын
You don't have to if you work and go where the jobs are.
@suni.L 3 жыл бұрын
It has nothing to do with Canada. Read the history of Native Americans when setttlers (The Irish, Germans etc.) came onto their land. Read about Florida's wetlands and what happened to the Natives when the "good ole boys" wanted to build homes & hot spots on the natives land. This negative cause goes way back, back into time. This is not their natural environment. This was forced onto their ancestors yrs ago. This is the side affect.
@BroLeaf1911 2 жыл бұрын
Its simple leave the reserve and get a job like the rest of us Canadians if someone from India who can barley speak English can make a life here then whats the issue
@benguay7985 2 жыл бұрын
@@BroLeaf1911 ..History Professor at Trent University...David King..I gotta rant a bit...someone needs to explain very slowly and clearly to non-Aboriginal ppl that their taxes do not support First Nations. The truth is very few Canadians pay more into the system than they get out of it. They're taxes are not enough to even sustain their own standard of living let alone someone else's. Canada's massive wealth is because of natural resources and no other reason. And as everyone knows, not one stone came over on the ships for Europe. There isn't a village or town in Canada, not even a single detached household that is self-sustaining without natural resource wealth. It cost over $100,000 just to install a crosswalk light and that doesn't even include mainenance. $100,000 just for 5 or 6 blocks of pavement. Public Transit/highways roads and mainenance costs millions and billions. We haven't even discussed healthcare and education. Most all Canadians would have to live in high rise apartments for us to even have a chance at sustainability without natural resource wealth. The wealth comes from the Natural Resources and that obviously has not equally been spent in First Nations communities...yet it's existence did not arrive on the ships with the Europeans...it was already here...the estimated resource wealth in reserved lands alone is billions and billions of dollars and that doesn't included shared lands/treaty lands. Polticians need to act like adults and educate Canadians about this myth and tell their supporters that they're taxes alone do not even sustain them. They are not supporting Aboriginal people and never have.
@joniroxannepgabriel9739 3 жыл бұрын
Government can front money to put up residential schools but can’t give these northern communities new schools sad
@doncardinal5609 7 жыл бұрын
This problem is so overwhelming. I am a native woman who was given up for adoption out of fear of the white people in the community. I came out very pale skinned and my family was afraid of being beaten up and having their house burned down "what are you doing with a little white girl?", like it was a perverted thing for a dark skinned male to raise a light skinned girl. I went to 11 different foster homes before I was adopted. When I finally found my birth family, they said I "just missed my uncle". He was severely beaten up by a known racist. The guy broke my uncles back, among many other injuries. The RCMP seeing a native guy laying on the ground, threw him in the drunk tank instead of checking to see if he was injured instead of drunk. My family said everyone loved my uncle. He was such a kind-hearted, funny, friendly guy. No charges were laid by the RCMP and my family says the RCMP just told him to leave town. I am the first generation of native people legally permitted to raise our own children. Before this, the children were taken away, often at gunpoint, from their families.Think about it, generations upon generations of people not being parented. Basically forcibly raised in an orphanage, when they are not even orphaned, except by the government. Where do people learn parenting skills? From their PARENTS! People were so severely abused in the residential schools that some are permanently crippled. I've met so many native people who can't stand up because one of the favorite punishments of the nuns was to throw the little kids from the top of the stairs all the way down. If the children survived, they were not given any help and no doctor was called. They were told "if God wants to heal you, God will heal you". My uncles said at night they could hear the footsteps of the priests coming down the hallway to take away one of them for sexual purposes. The children hid under the blankets, the little ones whimpering and crying, hoping it wasn't them tonight. If a little one couldn't walk as a result and was in a great deal of pain, no one was allowed near him or to play with him, until his little bottom healed. Even the nuns raped the little girls, holding them down and sticking stuff up them. This is Canada, and native people still have a hard time trying to forget the things that were done to them. I have a 15 yr old, a 13yr old, an 11 yr old and a 10 yr old, and I am so happy they are being raised by ME!. I'll try to do the best job I can to raise good people, who feel loved and empowered to make Canada a better place to live for all people.
@marykay8587 7 жыл бұрын
don cardinal I'm so glad someone understands the actual past and what has happened to our people. So many commenters are completely ignorant and don't stop to think how & why this is still going on. I am someone from the 60s scoop but thankfully was adopted by my 2nd foster family at age 5 where I attended a private school and raised in a bilingual household. I now have earned my 2 degrees and can hold my head high and thank the Creator. Now it's my daughters turn
@hapijen4828 4 жыл бұрын
Sadistic nuns are globally notorious. 💩
@steflondon88 3 жыл бұрын
I'm so sorry for what you and your family have been through. - what Canadian government and leadership did over the years is wrong. What they did in residential schools was not of God & definitely not real Christians at all.... It was evil and of the devil - pure evil done in disguise under the name of "faith" or "church"). I know he will judge their wicked heartless acts. But more than that, I pray you know the true God's love personally. The person of Jesus is nothing like the cruelty of people. (I know I may just sound like another religious person...But I truly hope you find peace and strength. I hope you always have what you need, and that you and your family are happy.
@rocyrino 3 жыл бұрын
The scars left by the so called remedial schools and the wrongfully named Sixties Scoop (which operated long after the 60’s) in the Native communities are as undeniable as they are deep. It’s a fact I’ve only recently become aware of. I’m thankful for platform such as KZbin that offers places for the new generation to tell the story of the old generation, educate not only their people but every body else in Canadian society and beyond. I believe healing is possible. It will require lots of changes, and lots of uncomfortable talks, which in itself is the essence of therapy. It will require accountability be held. If not by choice by the force of rebellion. I may neither be Canadian nor Native, but my heart aches for those communities. The human race as a whole would absolutely benefit from the bettering of indigenous people and any other oppressed people. On a different note, I’m grateful that I get to see documentaries that allow successful natives to speak their truth, pushing for better representation. It’s good to see successful Native lawyers, cartoonist, filmmakers as it helps combat the negative stereotypes which I didn’t even know existed and were so prevalent. Peace to all
@gin6760 3 жыл бұрын
@@rocyrino Thank you, rocyrino! People are learning the truth, and I believe they are ready for it. In the past, such things would have been met with racism, but now they are more open to learning. I think that is great!
@janetsides901 8 жыл бұрын
I grew up in a every,very poor home. Times we did d by have electricity,running water,heat etc. But our home and ourselves were clean. My mother always said that it doesn't cost anything to be clean. The filth is because of laziness not poverty. We had to carry water and heat it,but we were clean. My parents had13 kids. Only one got into drugs and trouble. Have some pride. My dad worked but would quit his jobs whenever the mood struck. I know poverty,but I also know how to be clean. Luckily my life is different now.
@mikylasmith1801 5 жыл бұрын
If you dont clean it means your lazy and have no pride...wow that's simplistic...your story about how you were BETTER sounds sanctimonious and frankly unaware
@Roflmao0001 5 жыл бұрын
Y'all grow up in a country that was once yours and then taken over and had your entire race try to be eliminated on more than one occasion? Has your culture spent the last few hundred years being treated as inferior and shameful? Far far more goes into it than just finances. If your life has revolved around being told that you're worthless, why would you care?
@merc340sr 8 жыл бұрын
Geographic isolation often means poverty.
@BurntTransistor 5 жыл бұрын
Exactly! No jobs up there = nothing to do all day. Primary source of revenue comes from the government.
@MESSI-fx1ob 5 жыл бұрын
merc340sr and on top of it colonialism Canada is Inuit land
@tormon506 5 жыл бұрын
Seeing the brain drain on the Scottish isolated islands, too. Sad.
@aleksandralis9134 4 жыл бұрын
In Poland the same beautiful Bieszczady and Mazury beside of tourist destinations are very poor too :(
@missypuffin8985 3 жыл бұрын
You obviously have no clue....
@marykay8587 7 жыл бұрын
So many commenters say 'why can't they just pick themselves up for a better life?' I'm sure if they were shown how by a stable upbringing by parents who weren't part of the Residential school it would be done but bad childhood breeds another bad childhood and for them, it's normal
@nickzabatel5037 7 жыл бұрын
Kranium's Demeanor another word is intergenerational trauma
@ddrr003 5 жыл бұрын
Seems to me we need to get rid of reservations especially the ones in these remote places integration is the only way
@rosy1972song 5 жыл бұрын
Well, I always think the relationships between kids and parents come out naturally. If they didn't learn it from their parents, Why our school system won't step in to help? They should have an option that they can learn how to parent a kid, manage a family at school.
@marykay8587 4 жыл бұрын
@@loganbothwell543 don't speak of something you have no idea about!
@OEMUFC 4 жыл бұрын
@@loganbothwell543 Bruh, you're so ignorant, you give white people a bad name. You have NO idea how the atrocities of the residential school system has affected these families, and you clearly also have no idea how trauma can persist through generations. Sit down.
@DetroitLives313 6 жыл бұрын
This makes me want to do so much for these people and communities. It can be so much better up there.
@BurntTransistor 5 жыл бұрын
Nothing is stopping you from going up there and helping out
@saskabush133 4 жыл бұрын
Nothing to do up there man, hard to make things better
@rosemiller2075 3 жыл бұрын
We have got to spread this information and listen to the First Nations people, whose cultures were stolen from them
@neen42 3 жыл бұрын
Lots of Native Americans are struggling on reservations in the US as well.
@clarissagafoor5222 8 жыл бұрын
maybe fixing things isn't easy, but cleaning ones home should be automatic. you can only guess how depressed and desperate people feel when they haven't the energy to clean house.
@tbatst-qq1em 5 жыл бұрын
Soap is cheap.
@mikasaackerman6224 4 жыл бұрын
t1b7a 0t6st not where they live
@dylanr8481 3 жыл бұрын
@@mikasaackerman6224 doesn't matter the cost, I stay in in the far Northwest Territories and native people here are ridiculously clean. I'm native too btw. I mean SUPER clean.
@ceilconstante640 2 жыл бұрын
Try not to judge people. Unless you've walked in their shoes, you don't understand. There's a LOT of people living in a substandard place with no storage. Poor nutrition also causes low energy, fatigue and depression.
@yasharkarimzadehreghbati4284 5 жыл бұрын
I'm speechless... that's devastating.... people need help
@West-rn-showvn-ist-chick 3 жыл бұрын
Where does self accountability ever come into the picture?
@gin6760 3 жыл бұрын
@@West-rn-showvn-ist-chick Mavis, I was taken from my loving mother and put into 11 different foster homes at birth. My own mother wasn't allowed to hold me or even see me. Two of my brothers were stolen from her as well. We never found one of them and don't know if he is living or dead. Canada stole so many children from their families in its efforts to assimilate us, that it completely overwhelmed the system. As a result, Canada Sold our kids to the USA, Europe, and Australia. If my brother was one of those, we will never find him. My mother and my grandmother went to residential school, where they stuck a needle through my mother's tongue in their desperate efforts to 'assimilate' her, when she was little. She swallowed it accidentally and it stayed in her body all her life. We were only allowed off our reserves in 1974 or 1975, where we weren't allowed to own land, own our own homes, run a business, buy or sell goods, or even farm. I bet your family was allowed to do all of those things. In fact, if your family was here long enough, your family got Free Land to make their start here. Europeans were all given land grants and free farm equipment to ensure their success here. We weren't even allowed to raise our own children until relatively recently. Canada made sure that 100% of us were all raised by another race of people, the Europeans. In fact, my TEENAGE children are the first generation Born Free. We have Permission, finally, to raise our very own children, just like Every Other Canadian. I wasn't allowed to have my own mother because she was Native. I bet you were raised by your own family. I finally found my family at the age of 29 years old. Then I was told that the government had Sterilized my little sister in the 1990s. If they hadn't taken me away, they would have Sterilized Me Too. The last Native woman forcibly sterilized was in 2018. The government did all this for YOU! We Suffered so that You and all your people could come here and take over. So that 'you' can Have Everything, and Own everything. So that we are Left with NOTHING! Not even our Own Children! So don't tell me "where does self accountability ever come into the picture!" I am self accountable, and so are the Majority of us. The people with the social problems are the ones who were raped as little boys and little girls, or were so severely Abused that they are all messed up! When you have no Mommy and no Daddy from the age of five on, it will really affect you. Where was the "self accountability" when my own family members were vulnerable little children being raped? What do you think happens when you take all of the children from one race of people and give them over to another race of people to be raised by them? Extreme, Extreme abuse. It was So Bad, that there are actually small Native communities that don't allow white people in because they believe that they are all pedophiles because that is their only experience with them! We have a LOT of WORK to do, Undoing what European Canadians have done to us. Abusing us, actively and purposefully, DESTROYING our FAMILIES! Sorry for shouting, but there are so many, many, self-righteous, ignorant know it alls, who actually know NOTHING, and yet Judge Everyone else. Especially if they are a struggling minority. We JUST Recently got the HUMAN RIGHT to raise our own children! My Teenagers are the First people not to be raised by actual Europeans! How Bad Does it have to be for people to Quit Being Jerks! 'You' raised us, maybe You should take some "self accountability!"
@shadd337 3 жыл бұрын
@@gin6760 I want to help so badly!!! Where can we begin. Thank you for shouting!!
@gin6760 3 жыл бұрын
@@shadd337 Thank you, Tessa, for being willing to help! The greatest help we could have right now is you as an ally. Shut racist comments down, or educate them. Educate yourself, so you know what to say. Write the government expressing your support for clean water, housing, food security, drug and alcohol centers, and traditional parenting courses. Our government is responsible to the voters for their budgets and what they spend it on. Unfortunately, we indigenous Canadians only make up 5% of our population, so we don't have a voice. Each government voted in only lasts four years, so they are trying to please the voter demographics that can give their party another term, and that's not us! We need you and people like you to make it known that you support indigenous issues and rights. Canada is so bad that they were sterilizing us, right up to the last Native woman that we know of was sterilized in December 2018! My little sister was sterilized in the 1990s. Now we find out there is No Investigation of any kind! They knew about sterilizations since the 1970s, why won't there be repercussions? Why do people care more about doctors and nurses having the freedom to decide who gets to have children based on race? Why don't they support our human rights to bear children just like every other Canadian? Until 'heads roll' because of forced sterilizations, it will Continue. We So Need ALL of your beautiful voices chiming in on our behalf, or we will never gain equal human rights!
@moniquekova9185 3 жыл бұрын
A whole community of grown adults without a job and not one can sweep a floor or pick up a hammer to fix things.
@Pcofwork 9 жыл бұрын
What hope do these people have for a better life? Harper and his gov't won't do isht to help them. These are the forgotten people of Canada.
@dwaynewilliams9631 9 жыл бұрын
Resource revenues owed to the native populations of Canada border on 1 trillion dollars, this goes on because they are wards of the state, the government provides as you can see so very well for its children. While building Canada's infrastructure with thier monies.It's robbery plain and simple.
@Pcofwork 9 жыл бұрын
Dwayne Williams Robbery, and genocide. Keep them poor, sick, isolated, and addicted. It makes it easier to control them, b/c the Natives are the only people that actually DO fight back, while the rest of us let the government steam roll us.
@greengamerguy623 9 жыл бұрын
+Nicole Roberts I know right while Canada takes their land 99% of people live work and play on their and my land we deserve more.
@EvelynGB 8 жыл бұрын
+Nicole Roberts Where do you think all the housing the live in and schools they have come from? they did't build it themselves, they just tear it down. Where to you think all the flights to and from come from? Where do you think the food comes from? Where do you think all the money that the Band council squanders comes from?
@fluidfnbr 6 жыл бұрын
lmao well if Canada didnt steal everything in the first place they wouldnt have to pay for it now-now would they honestly think before u speak u sounds like a fool who doesnt understand the topic they are spewing their own biased hated at
@victoriarichardson1471 7 жыл бұрын
Drug use is running rampant even in many places in America, I am thinking Canada is having its own problems like this. How sad that two of the richest nations in the Western World is going through this. Ottawa and Washington need to open their eyes.
@jonsiiin 12 жыл бұрын
I'm sure in your community you have sidewalks, paved roads, sewage systems, clean water, access to medical services, proper education etc. All paid for by the government. There is FAR more money spent per child on these public services in metro areas, then there ever has been on a reserve. Not to mention the extreme history of trauma (most notable being the horrendous reality of residential schools), extreme isolation, zero rec activities available and zero job opportunities on reserve etc.
@no_peace 6 жыл бұрын
I know this is old as hell but I really appreciate your comment
@tubeular5754 2 жыл бұрын
The majority has seen their numbers shrinking here in the states, therefore they are running northward along with their attitudes towards minorities. Not that the next majority in the states have anything for indigenous population....
@RAE.ofSunshine 11 жыл бұрын
i pray that the lady in the first video that was in detox with 4 children has kept herself clean. does anyone know any information?
@chloweful 7 жыл бұрын
We NEED to get RID of reserves.
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
@brendanjames2540 4 жыл бұрын
I think we need to provide services and jobs, and they cannot be ignored
@steflondon88 3 жыл бұрын
And then the government goes on vacations, but can't build schools and economic structures?
@aardvark1956 3 жыл бұрын
The “leaders” who didn’t want to talk...I R. E. A. L. L. Y. wonder why. I want to see their food, clothing, houses. Doncha just love it when the guy openly says he’s the enforcer⁉️
@rickyboy1947 8 жыл бұрын
are they asking hard working Canadians who struggle to make ends meet for their families to send them more money? when does it stop? the only ones who benefit are the chiefs or whoever is in charge......if the want to live in that environment, then they need to be able to live off the land like their forefathers instead of relying on other Canadians to support them and their drug habit.....so much our hard earned money is just blown away on nothing......and it does not change......MOVE
@lakota1460 8 жыл бұрын
Educate yourself before you speak on Natives.. All of this due to the federal governments attempted to strip the native children of their culture. Do not judge my people based on what you see.
@Josye61 5 жыл бұрын
Is this a modern country? Is this one of the richest in the world? Do you think is it fair to keep this people in this way? An ashame! This what it is!
@danieldevries1714 5 жыл бұрын
I have a lot of time, as a Canadian this issue weighs on my conscience. I need to become versed in the individual reserves because I think I may start protesting for this to be addressed immediately and fully. Please get ahold of me if you can tell me anything I need to know about living conditions in Canada on any reserve.
@leannestrong1000 11 жыл бұрын
I now realize how good I've got it. I grew up in an affluent Rochester, NY suburb that so far seems barely affected by the recession. We have a shopping mall, a ton of stores that aren't in the mall, zillion restaurants, a spa, a couple of golf courses, a library, a great school district, a lot of housing developments, and many beautiful homes.
@andrewbrehaut9575 9 жыл бұрын
I feel so grateful for having a decent roof over my head and a safe community to live in. But I live in Canada as well, and to think this happens in such a rich country is appalling. The federal election is in 2 days and whoever becomes the prime minister will need to help take action before it becomes worse.
@wishmartinez4022 8 жыл бұрын
Is there an update on this?
@15theoren 8 жыл бұрын
+Wish Martinez nope just canadian dollar going down
@wishmartinez4022 8 жыл бұрын
15theoren this is sad. I wish some how some way with out big banks taking over that the dollar value was equal in all parts or that we could all find better ways to make a living so people dont have to go through this.
@15theoren 8 жыл бұрын
+Wish Martinez yeah i see you have a point a good one too
@hotcrazycatladyme168 5 жыл бұрын
@@wishmartinez4022 yup, Trump won,Trudeau Won, and we all get fucked in the ass.
@liteswillguideuhome 10 жыл бұрын
I bet half the people criticizing this video are white people..you will never understand natives and drug problems and poverty until you've lived on a reserve yourself and see what it's really like. You complain "why can't they just move and get a job?' A lot of people on reserves don't finish their grade 12 because of family and or drug problems. It is a reoccurring problem. How can people get up and move to a city if all they know is how to live on a reserve? Even if they move, drugs are everywhere. Thankfully I grew up on a reserve without poverty and severe drug and alcohol addictions but that still doesn't mean that I don't know what's going on with other reserve problems. You will never truly understand how it is to live in a home where you have poverty and family members with drug and alcohol addictions unless you have experienced it yourself, so quit saying all these horrible things about natives. It's so easy to criticize native people when you haven't experienced half the things they have.
@nicoene9196 9 жыл бұрын
It's a way of killing the Natives. The gov. don't really care about them, on the contrary.
@teeka5818 8 жыл бұрын
There are a lot of white people who grew up in abject poverty with disfunctional families......we moved on...and, yes, you always remember, but you have to keep on moving forward and working your butt off. I remember going to a house party on a reserve in my teens and I would have died to have a house like they had....to this day I take care of and fix/paint clean with passion because I appreciate what I have so much after living in such poverty.
@Treetops27 8 жыл бұрын
+Teeka Yes, move on an just invade poor countries instead.
@seanthorton3054 7 жыл бұрын
I bet that you are a racist. You should not point your finger at others and assume their race based on negative comments. When you blame others for your problems, it teaches your kids to do the same. There is alcohol and drugs everywhere. Instead of playing the blame game and waiting for someone else to do something about your misfortunes, try owning up and do something about YOUR situation. Break the chain so YOUR children can have a better future. If you want something bad enough you can get it with a bit of effort. There are lots of programs available. Please remember that you can get YOUR general education diploma for free as well as attending college or university. The government will give you a small business loan that DOES NOT have to be payed back. Anybody can get what they want if they try hard enough. You will not get anything waiting around for someone to give it to you. Please get up and do something about your problems. You only have 1 life. Get the most out of it.
@makeithappenent11 7 жыл бұрын
Don't worry ... here in AMERICA its WORSE !!! www.cnn.com/2016/09/23/health/heroin-opioid-drug-overdose-deaths-visual-guide/index.html - what you do to OTHER people's children will come back to yours
@treyden4523 6 жыл бұрын
@BurntTransistor 5 жыл бұрын
Where's the racism?
@lawrencesamson2045 4 жыл бұрын
BurntTransistor look in the comments
@alexisgordon2759 6 жыл бұрын
Oh come On, who the HELL could afford those prices??? That's so pathetic it almost humorous, nobody could afford to stay HIGH
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
@LaBelleTML 3 жыл бұрын
A country worth nearly 2 trillion dollars and they can't fund a school or address a serious crime/poverty issue that's been apparent for decades. I love this country, but you can't say you want to be an example for the world when you treat your own like this. I think part of the problem is Ottawa doesn't view these Native communities are part of their own, they are seen as outsiders and treated as such.
@Cognitive_player 4 жыл бұрын
its kind of unbelievable that poor reserves and canada's biggest economic hotspot are all in one province. crazy
@tallcedars2310 8 жыл бұрын
We have to ask ourselves, why are people so helpless when they survived without government before?
@tallcedars2310 8 жыл бұрын
+Tall Cedars Thumbs up to Chief Charlie Okeefe!
@thebraininsideahead 8 жыл бұрын
so is this the way your logic justifys leaving some one in the slum ?
@Altricksss 8 жыл бұрын
Because society has advanced too far. In a liberal era, to let people survive like how they did before first contact and before government would be a violation of human rights. The problem lies in the fine line between cultural autonomy and modernity. In other words, you can leave them be, but by doing so in an age where habitats have been destroyed, policies in place and society has become too complex, it would be doing them more harm. Especially when the Government of Canada owes them from colonialism and failing them after the era of federalization. And even some neglect shows, theres, murder, huge suicide rates and rampant alcoholism among native communities.
@tallcedars2310 8 жыл бұрын
Ali G, I agree, society has advanced too far and taken us from our roots, I believe this is by design and that design is now destroying us as well; high unemployment, lower wages, high debt, mass immigration etc. It is working extremely well through our laws for sure but I can't understand why people resort to drugs and alcohol when their survival mechanism should take over to help them get by. actually, I blame ourselves for allowing this to happen as we let our guard down and relied on government to take care of us when we should have been paying attention to what government was doing to us?
@tallcedars2310 8 жыл бұрын
Definitely not, but why do we end up there and who is to blame but the people really who allowed laws to suppress us to this point.
@NEECHEE 3 жыл бұрын
I remember when the Oxy’s hit my little community too... These videos raise so much awareness!
@NEECHEE 3 жыл бұрын
Of course the Band doesn’t give a shit!
@jethro035181 11 жыл бұрын
zero sense of personal responsibility, arson, self addiction, violence....why should anyone care if they don't care about themselves
@GodinSDXTguitars 11 жыл бұрын
what will welfare people do without drugs? get jobs that don't exist? sit around in complete idleness?
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
@brendanjames2540 4 жыл бұрын
Melinda Francis yet conservatives continue to succeed in elections
@HenryPaulThe3rd 3 жыл бұрын
@@brendanjames2540 Is Justin Trudeau a conservative?
@pakijetli 11 жыл бұрын
This is ridiculous the police consider the price going up a success! that just means more crime and stealing by addicts to get their fix, and increases incentive for criminal dealers. The drug itself us cheap as chips, they should spend money on education and rehabilitation.
@leannestrong1000 Жыл бұрын
I feel terrible for the children who often need to call off school, so that they can make sure their home isn't broken into. Is there a way they could be educated remotely, so that they can go on and make a better life for themselves and others in their community?
@jessicagee4476 7 жыл бұрын
These people need access to suboxone. Even a skype doctor would help. How can we ignore over 50% dependence rate ?! How can we expect them to get clean without meds or support... Please people learn about SUBOXONE. Doctors especially!!!
@djjordan1019 6 жыл бұрын
Billions going to other countries when it certainly could be used at home in Canada to really make positive changes for these people.
@vivaloriflamme 10 жыл бұрын
It would be cheaper to set up an island for the addicts-- free food, free cable, free drugs delivered once a day. No need to destroy and rob the people who want to live decent lives. Offer rehab and education if they get tired of it and want to leave. Look at the cost of letting it go as it is going- more cops, constant rebuilding, damaged children.
@loismayette2747 2 жыл бұрын
We are all one!
@lesliesmith6034 Жыл бұрын
Wow as a first Nation woman.. This is horrible... More has got to be done.. No one should have to be raised or even live in conditions like this...
@loismayette2747 2 жыл бұрын
I am of canadian descent. The good part. So this is SAD... we are all one
@thuvu8605 3 жыл бұрын
Even Canada is not beautiful and glorious everywhere as I image .... a picture has both light and dark side
@Sanchej0000 2 жыл бұрын
Please help me understand, how can one can afford to buy drugs but nothing to support their family?
@rosiethebear300 7 жыл бұрын
Bet big pharma is happy!
@sweiland75 3 жыл бұрын
Why can't First Nations people be show that they can independently sustain their own communities without government handouts?
@enkay.1209 2 жыл бұрын
Um, they did live self-sufficiently for eons...until the colonists & Canadian government destroyed their old way of life on purpose.
@RAE.ofSunshine 11 жыл бұрын
i noticed that as well. like "hey a pill is $400 now" so basically 20 houses need to be robbed instead of 2 (-_____-)
@eightballmoney 11 жыл бұрын
Go to Northern Communities in Saskatchewan. So sad, very depressing.
@TheBlackstag1 11 жыл бұрын
I are so very blessed! The poor people of northern canada need some real proper help up there govt do something to help .they are human too and deserve respectful help to maintain humanity ,equality and well being in those places just like the rest of canada gets eh .may godbless the northern people of canada may you all get warmth ,light , shelter and food that is a human right to have !!!!
@misswindy13 9 жыл бұрын
Up to $1600 per oxy? He did say that right? How in the hell do these people keep an addiction like that going? They've already robbed every person in the community. That crap is like $20 in Cali! Omg air drop birth control pills on them and every other place like this.
@scootchieandboo7475 8 жыл бұрын
it's 20 for a bag of apples up there 90 for diapers, they have prohibition in many parts so contraband is pricey. Most beautiful artic province but so oooo expensive and the natives weren't. brought into higher education and the resources for hunting and fishing are going extinct. People like my husband are being brought in for corporate jobs And education is being enforced on the youth to ensure outsourcing stops.
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
@@scootchieandboo7475 ALCHOHOL PROHIBITION
@scootchieandboo7475 5 жыл бұрын
@@masterpalladin if its not alcohol, they will take pills, or hiff chemicals, the problem isnt the substance its the reason the people are trying to escape reality. The world is moving fast all around them, and there isnt much progression.
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
@masterpalladin 4 жыл бұрын
@Adam Halsey in some blue states yes......most people can drink in moderation besides red and dark wines in mderation are actually good.like look at france or japan, some the healthiest with lowest obesity rates and longest life expectancies...to prohibit gambling alcohol , medical pot , porn etc you practically crash the economy loosing a third of your revenue..beside wer're sick of the uncle sams infringing into our lives and prohibitingbhow we spend our income
@BingChilling_69420 11 жыл бұрын
we are talking about a reserve with no infrastructure, addiction is near impossible to break for them... it isn't America...
@leannestrong1000 10 жыл бұрын
It amazes me how such a rich, prosperous country like Canada can cover the whole spectrum of living conditions! I'm considering adoption when I get married and get my life settled. If only us Americans were allowed to adopt children from Canadian reservations!
@YounRangr 10 жыл бұрын
Just as Autumn Jasmyn mention above, there is a lot that needs to be brought to the Native communities. Largely so, they need to be taught their heritage and have pride in their self identity. This is paramount next to teaching them what it means to be educated. Reconnecting with the identity of their ancestors as well as their significance of their placement within their community of modern society.
@jimsmith3971 10 жыл бұрын
Rage Onery Autumn I disagree with. We took their education, their pride and we are trying to make them westernised.
@dwaynewilliams9631 9 жыл бұрын
As a Canadian NATIVE I would say that your adopting one would be the worst thing that could happen to them.
@vickilynn2778 9 жыл бұрын
Dwayne Williams As the video pointed out though, too many of the children are committing suicide. At least someone like Leanne Strong is willing to give a child a better life and hope.
@leannestrong1000 9 жыл бұрын
Tell him, Vicki! And they also said that the schools, houses, and buildings have very very poor insulation. And the schools don't even have a cafeteria, so the kids can't eat a good, healthy lunch.
@Hey_its_Koda 6 жыл бұрын
Wow depressing place. All boils down to drugs and alcohol addictions and lack of jobs and education.
@BurntTransistor 5 жыл бұрын
A reality when a community lives literally in the middle of nowhere
@iivv_nn 9 жыл бұрын
Maybe not have kids if you can't afford them.
@teeka5818 8 жыл бұрын
+ai van unfortuantely.....that is WHY they have them.....for the extra welfare money......and then they expect someone else to look after them.....sad.....
@tessarix 8 жыл бұрын
+Teeka Yes, true. But what is the best thing you can do to keep warm in the cold weather and deep snow? Think on that. It'll come to you. LOL
@teeka5818 8 жыл бұрын
They cant even afford contraception so of course they have a lot of children.
@mosesyang4222 8 жыл бұрын
abstinence is free
@kosmos1957 5 жыл бұрын
Funny hearing him say ..."in a country as rich as Canada." If Canada were indeed rich, they would take care of their own people including First Nation people. If those people don't have rights in Canada, no one does. You took their water to funnel off to Winnipeg, isolating them on an island with no drinking water of their own. Every 16X9 video exhibits more and more "lack of funding" situations in Canada. And all kinds of excuses.
@benguay7985 2 жыл бұрын
Ty.....here is some info----..History Professor at Trent University...David King..I gotta rant a bit...someone needs to explain very slowly and clearly to non-Aboriginal ppl that their taxes do not support First Nations. The truth is very few Canadians pay more into the system than they get out of it. They're taxes are not enough to even sustain their own standard of living let alone someone else's. Canada's massive wealth is because of natural resources and no other reason. And as everyone knows, not one stone came over on the ships for Europe. There isn't a village or town in Canada, not even a single detached household that is self-sustaining without natural resource wealth. It cost over $100,000 just to install a crosswalk light and that doesn't even include mainenance. $100,000 just for 5 or 6 blocks of pavement. Public Transit/highways roads and mainenance costs millions and billions. We haven't even discussed healthcare and education. Most all Canadians would have to live in high rise apartments for us to even have a chance at sustainability without natural resource wealth. The wealth comes from the Natural Resources and that obviously has not equally been spent in First Nations communities...yet it's existence did not arrive on the ships with the Europeans...it was already here...the estimated resource wealth in reserved lands alone is billions and billions of dollars and that doesn't included shared lands/treaty lands. Polticians need to act like adults and educate Canadians about this myth and tell their supporters that they're taxes alone do not even sustain them. They are not supporting Aboriginal people and never have.
@sniferlip 5 жыл бұрын
You can be poor and still clean up....................
@Roflmao0001 5 жыл бұрын
There is nowhere to put anything up north. They've been relocated there by the government and forced to survive. Also you tried to keep a house of 11 clean with no money?
@mikasaackerman6224 4 жыл бұрын
They’re depressed and supplies is very expensive to buy where they live
@leannestrong1000 11 жыл бұрын
@callak_9974 8 жыл бұрын
What I don't understand is these people lived fine 200-300 years ago... You can live without running water, and electricity. The homes they have there new (except those damaged ones) are way better than the ones they'd have been living in back then. These people became too dependent on the government to help them out, which the government is also in the wrong for not helping in the right way. First Nations are given quite a bit of money and are exempt from taxes on land deemed part of the reservations. With that, they should be able to do something. The federal government is supposed to supply these people with things that local and provincial governments do like public infrastructure. But that's also kinda ridiculous since they are all spread over the place. Better by far that they give those communities 'x' amount of money to be spent as those councils see fit to that's of course audited by an independent source. The larger communities, it's possible to build the needed roads, plumbing and such especially if they are close to the more habitat-ed parts of Canada. Again like in a previous post on another video I watched, teach a good # of them a trade. They'll learn to do something productive and can help better their communities with their skills. One video I watched was about a group somewhere in the USA who were not considered to be a 'native American' so received no funding from the government as a handout. However their people worked hard and prospered since they knew they were not going to be given special treatment. They are doing far, far better than most other 'natives', even though their state representative is trying to get them added into the list so they'll get government aid and they don't even want it.
@KoOnaJD 8 жыл бұрын
It's called Colonization The dominant newcomers forced the indigenous onto Reservations and stole all the land and resources It's still happening in the Amazon
@Altricksss 8 жыл бұрын
Because society has advanced too far. In a liberal era, to let people survive like how they did before first contact and before government would be a violation of human rights. The problem lies in the fine line between cultural autonomy and modernity. In other words, you can leave them be, but by doing so in an age where habitats have been destroyed, policies in place and society has become too complex, it would be doing them more harm. Especially when the Government of Canada owes them from colonialism and failing them after the era of federalization. And even some neglect shows, theres, murder, huge suicide rates and rampant alcoholism among native communities.
@TheGreatMoonFrog 8 жыл бұрын
Yah they lives fine 200-300 years ago before Europeans abducted them, forced them in European schools, punished them if they spoke their own language or talked about their own way of life. Their heritage and way of life was forcibly destroyed. Now they don't know the ways of their ancestors because it was taken from them and have to try and live a European style way even though the geographic location/isolation doesn't support it.
@no_peace 6 жыл бұрын
Part of genocide is blaming the victims of the genocide for what is done to them, so congratulations, you're complicit
@ms.lisamarie2245 9 жыл бұрын
A lot of natives don't care anymore and fall into the trap of drugs and alcohol,or grew up that way and have a hard time fighting the inborn addiction. A lot of them just give up because it's too hard to move off the reserve and get a decent job or career because they're native. Some become pregnant really young,and some of this includes rape or molest even by a family member. some women no matter how hard they try,and this includes using contraception of all kinds get pregnant anyway,hence the saying,'life finds a way'. And,on another note - I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU,REFRAIN FROM SEX ALTOGETHER JUST CAUSE YOUR POOR. Poor people above all else need more love,because their dignity and dreams have already been taken from them. That leaves a broken person. And i believe there is more crime in these northern towns because they are small and there's a whole lot less things to do,people are anxious, and that makes them bored, angry and aggressive.................and don't think for one minute that the government,health officials and people who are supposed to help people in these situations don't know this! The government is a wolf in sheep skin, they know exactly what havoc and heartache in this world that they are creating,and they don't give a shit,it's planned. Micheal Jackson said it in his last song produced 'They don't care about us' they means the governments and the elite. Listen to the song. Micheal Jackson was killed off,he knew,his sister knew,and a lot of other people know. But every one's too scared to talk about it. I'm not. Let there be truth. It doesn't matter what race you look at, there are good and bad people in every race. It doesn't matter whether your asian,black,east indian,native,caucasian,we all deserve the freedom to live a healthy peaceful loving free life. Animals deserve to be treated with love and kindness, and to be free,not locked in cages and zoo's. Why can't you all see that???
@Mike-xh1ev 2 жыл бұрын
Being poor doesn't mean you have to be dirty
@woxineaucrows7355 6 жыл бұрын
If you sit in a pile of shit you do one of two things 1. Smarten the heck up and create a Life NO MATTER WHAT stay away from PAST mistakes and pull yourself UP from the shit and LIVE. or 2. Roll over and DIE. Yes its sad but its the same for ALL of us not just Natives who are strong enough to go forward but DONT and keep BLAMING..Take your own responsibility Natives and LIVE Now--there will be lots of time in the future to get even so LIVE~ Im a SURVING-SOBER and CLEAN Native for 15 yrs and life is OK now..belive in yourselves~
@MrMemyselfandi415 9 жыл бұрын
And THIS is why we can't have anything nice! LOL! 7:55 - 8:28 Are you serious? Are these people so destitute of any fucking sense that they know NOT to trash what they have by burning shit DOWN instead of building shit UP? It's not the skin color..it's the person...the culture...honor...integrity etc. There are no proper role models here. I saw this growing up living near an Indian reservation. All of those people lived on the land for free...got free power I think even....and they trashed everything they had. No respect for anything of value. There is a reason some people feel prejudice against others who live a certain way. Skin color be damned....show me the man and I'll make my decision. But this is disgusting. No honest leadership and willingness to work together.
@fluidfnbr 6 жыл бұрын
dude r u seriously blaming them for someone burning their school down ur fucked
@no_peace 6 жыл бұрын
How is Nunavut Canada's back yard when Nunavut is part of Canada
@hotcrazycatladyme168 5 жыл бұрын
A backyard is a part of your home... that's why you don't call it your neighbours backyard when it's YOUR backyard. The expression holds up, but what a strange take away.
@deborahvictoriaedwards5188 4 жыл бұрын
@seabeevet7999 9 жыл бұрын
For starters perhaps they should stop screwing! The last thing you need when you are that far down is another human being to care for.
@mosesstewart7445 2 жыл бұрын
It's happening to every RACE of People Huge cities of white to the every race. Not just Indigenous communities. Every city. Hiding in homes and teaching every child how to get addicted.
@leannestrong1000 10 жыл бұрын
I thought northern Canada seemed like a nice place to visit. But, I'd guess not!
@ChristopherSobieniak 10 жыл бұрын
That happens.
@leannestrong1000 10 жыл бұрын
yeah, it does..... I'm from an upscale Rochester, NY suburb, so up to now, I've only seen pics of the beautiful northern Canadian landscape. I did however have an idea that sanitation in northern Canada was horrible, and that I wouldn't want to live there. Too cold, too remote. Not very many shopping malls or shopping centers up there (actually, not much in the way of clothes and body stuff shopping up there period).
@ChristopherSobieniak 10 жыл бұрын
You feel sorry for those that still live this way.
@leannestrong1000 10 жыл бұрын
yes i do. I do feel sorry for those people who have to live in such close proximity of each other with such poor sanitation and poor insulation in the houses and buildings! Many of us Rochester area residents say our winters are cold and snowy (we're in the snow belt)! But when you go up to northern Canada, it's WAY colder up there than it is here, most of the homes and public buildings up there really don't even have good insulation (most homes and buildings around here do)! As for the lack of good shopping, even having a Walmart up there would be a step up from what they have now! My hometown has a shopping mall and a ton of stores that aren't in the mall! We also have about a zillion restaurants.
@ChristopherSobieniak 10 жыл бұрын
They certainly need to invest in those areas.
@tessiethompson4333 3 жыл бұрын
Goodness Sakes. Who can help them? It is just so terrible and hopeless. 😕
@BxbyRxmbo 2 жыл бұрын
I grew up on 2 different Canadian reserves, people don't realize how in poverty they are... But I guess the group homes in the ⚪ community weren't much better to me.
@rachelfrench5837 8 жыл бұрын
All Reserves Need new Homes
@kriparie 8 жыл бұрын
Rachel French actually that's not true..here in Truro Nova Scotia the reserve is amazing. look it up its middle to upper class
@cannack 7 жыл бұрын
depends where
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
reserves should be abolished
@BurntTransistor 5 жыл бұрын
Feel free to build them
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
@@BurntTransistor habitat for humanity
@mazmikemaz 2 жыл бұрын
@cecilia8400 9 ай бұрын
11 years later any update on that community
@miaa7097 5 жыл бұрын
Addiction numbs pain.
@klattalexis 8 жыл бұрын
Drugs do terrible things to people. It sounds like the small town where I live in BC. When we first moved here from Burnaby, we wondered why land was so cheap. We had no idea why.
@painetcirque5695 8 жыл бұрын
That this it happens in such a unique and marvelous country it's an outcrying shame. It removes the hope for country of a lower development stage and makes the appeal to it impossible. How would they take care of others if they are unable to take care of their own people. It's discouraging and hear melting with anger.
@shadd337 3 жыл бұрын
Can we all come together & help!
@mattronwilliams7327 6 жыл бұрын
Native Canadians receive free college education and I think that is great and fair, but over time wouldn't that reduce the population of reserves as young people move to cities for work and university? Education is an amazing thing but when it comes to remote reservations they would suffer as there young people would leave for better opportunities and they might not return. It's a sad situation for some reserves but when your remotely isolated and away from services it's hard. There's only so much money to go around and the politicians seem to focus the tax dollars on large urban centers.
@user-cz9rq3xf5y 6 жыл бұрын
College is paid for two years by the band's money but if denied they go to OSAP and other resources. But I think the band's help is limited depending what else they have to pay for. After two years they have to pay for own education, I worked at a few reserves as an special education tutor escort and educational assistant, and recently as a adult education coordinator assistant.
@user-cz9rq3xf5y 6 жыл бұрын
Some post secondary students I worked with had to give up their education due to deaths in the community or family, loneliness, can't make rent, and other stuff it's sad, I was hoping they would have post secondary courses in these communities very soon because I saw alot of potential in these students but I doubt it will never happen :(
@loganbothwell543 5 жыл бұрын
mattron williams If you want to survive you move where there are jobs like everyone else!
@benguay7985 2 жыл бұрын
..History Professor at Trent University...David King..I gotta rant a bit...someone needs to explain very slowly and clearly to non-Aboriginal ppl that their taxes do not support First Nations. The truth is very few Canadians pay more into the system than they get out of it. They're taxes are not enough to even sustain their own standard of living let alone someone else's. Canada's massive wealth is because of natural resources and no other reason. And as everyone knows, not one stone came over on the ships for Europe. There isn't a village or town in Canada, not even a single detached household that is self-sustaining without natural resource wealth. It cost over $100,000 just to install a crosswalk light and that doesn't even include mainenance. $100,000 just for 5 or 6 blocks of pavement. Public Transit/highways roads and mainenance costs millions and billions. We haven't even discussed healthcare and education. Most all Canadians would have to live in high rise apartments for us to even have a chance at sustainability without natural resource wealth. The wealth comes from the Natural Resources and that obviously has not equally been spent in First Nations communities...yet it's existence did not arrive on the ships with the Europeans...it was already here...the estimated resource wealth in reserved lands alone is billions and billions of dollars and that doesn't included shared lands/treaty lands. Polticians need to act like adults and educate Canadians about this myth and tell their supporters that they're taxes alone do not even sustain them. They are not supporting Aboriginal people and never have.
@mattronwilliams7327 2 жыл бұрын
@@loganbothwell543 yes this is currently relevant for many
@TakeA1970sShower Жыл бұрын
@ 6:47; how can a house be THAT dirty with that many pairs of hands to keep it clean?
@leannestrong1000 11 жыл бұрын
Maybe this is all they can afford. Some families don't place much emphasis on education, and without a good education, you really have a hard time finding a good job. And if you do find a job, you might get fired from it pretty quickly because you don't know how to do what you need to. Sure it doesn't take much education to serve food, or work a cash register (even high school and college kids do those jobs), but to do the more advanced jobs, you need more than just high school.
@fluidfnbr 6 жыл бұрын
native kids on reserves have to leave home at 15 16 to go into a new city to get their high school i guarantee if most kids had to do that Canada would be one of the worst educated countries in the world
@no_peace 6 жыл бұрын
Their emphasis is irrelevant. They don't have access to the same resources people have in more temperate cities, and their living conditions are not conducive to success. They are demoralized. Leaving their home, culture and families comes with other problems and a different brand of isolation. If your country were desolate, would you move to a new one, alone? As a poor person? With an addiction? And kids?
@wishmartinez4022 8 жыл бұрын
I really wish they would introduce suboxone along with treatment if they did this problem would literally vanish.
@15theoren 8 жыл бұрын
No it would be worse
@wishmartinez4022 8 жыл бұрын
+15theoren No it wouldnt. I've seen with my own eyes how suboxone combined with therapy and other treatment brings life back to people.
@15theoren 8 жыл бұрын
+Wish Martinez suboxone is very addictive im not too sure but maybe give it a chance i don't know that much
@wishmartinez4022 8 жыл бұрын
15theoren It not ment to be a life time thing. If taken correctly people don't get high they start to live again, this gives room to work with the underlining issues and triggers. Once a person on suboxone is strong enough they can wean off slowly. By the time they wean off they will understand fully what makes them tic and why. They will be able to say no i dont want that stuff anywhere near me, they will be able to distinguish a healthy vs a destructive relationship and stay away from negative influences etc.. Yes it works and saves lives and the communities surrounding those lives.
@wishmartinez4022 8 жыл бұрын
15theoren btw its not like methadone
@acerb4566 5 жыл бұрын
The same stuff happens in Turkic Central Asia. Ever since the Soviet system went down, the government money from Moscow stopped, & independence came. Poverty infects many places, even places in Russia where some Turkic Central Asians live. (Yakutia) (Tuva). You guys need to talk to each other!!
@leannestrong1000 11 жыл бұрын
Florida is not even a country. It's a state in the United States.
@myperspective5091 8 жыл бұрын
They could probably benefit from starting a closed city, like as in company housing or like being a religious commune.
@Qiowaq1 4 жыл бұрын
Follow the Chinese Hong Kong connection, Anchorage, AK freight company then onto Canda.
@michaelhorgan9525 6 жыл бұрын
I hear their internet is very expensive as it is Satellite based, but Iqaluit could get fibre in the next few years. Would likely be expensive, but could allow for Netflix or anything that involves fast internet.
@paulwilson2133 3 жыл бұрын
This is so wrong it's their ancestral land help them build and put things right let's face it you do owe them big style you stole their land
@charliecharlton9782 4 жыл бұрын
BC is the pits for drugs especially Prince Rupert.
@madamesophia2004 9 жыл бұрын
My Pottawatomi( part of the Cherokee nation) said the same as SherryLees, there are many excuses to be poor but none for being dirty. I'm handicapped and can barely be up for a quarter hour at a time and I still manage to keep my house reasonably clean. Tfs
@User-5amk1m0 2 жыл бұрын
What happened to Melanie Beardy? What a beautiful soul.
@TheBlackstag1 11 жыл бұрын
Wow good stuf leanne your a good thinker
@piontropechetrini5640 5 жыл бұрын
Instead of funding corrupt Politicians like Trudeau and his stupid projects that money should be used to Help the Real inhabitants of this Wonderful country: The First nations, The Inuit, The Cree, etc.
@Mike-xh1ev 2 жыл бұрын
Why don't they move ??????
@leannestrong1000 11 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't want to live there. I grew up in an affluent Rochester, NY suburb that so far seems barely affected by the recession. We have a shopping mall, a ton of stores that aren't in the mall, a zillion restaurants, a couple of golf courses, a spa, a library, a great school district, a lot of housing developments, and a ton of beautiful houses.
@innerbeauty9441 5 жыл бұрын
And the purpose of u saying that is? Seems like you're rubbing in how "privileged" you are and said nothing about the vid other than you wouldn't want to live there. You must feel so proud
@sixsentsoldiers 6 жыл бұрын
Great job police. Poor people addicted and make the drugs sky rocket in price. Help is no better. Harm reduction treatment is expensive. Doctors that will not accept insurance (here in the states). Do they not have a sub program up there?
@jwatters9868 9 жыл бұрын
give the some birth control
@masterpalladin 5 жыл бұрын
@Happy_HIbiscus 4 жыл бұрын
dude, this is sad
@steflondon88 3 жыл бұрын
I don't like that he called his home deplorable. The guy might watch this, and besides thats not a respectful way to speak about someone.
@redcanoe9810 3 жыл бұрын
The guy could at least get a hammer and nails. It isn't as if he doesn't have the time. He shouldn't have children period.
@jtgober87 11 жыл бұрын
The numbers they are throwing out (out of their asses) are so goddamn wrong.
@nokiot9 5 жыл бұрын
They need a better detox system. A suboxone clinic or something.
@transformex2011 5 жыл бұрын
In some cases the bitter truth is that most of them are just lazy people even if they get a job offer they will decline it, they feel entitled to government assistance, there is small communities in Labrador with the same population and same geographic disadvantages yet the population is from a different ethnic background and they make their communities work.
@benguay7985 2 жыл бұрын
..History Professor at Trent University...David King..I gotta rant a bit...someone needs to explain very slowly and clearly to non-Aboriginal ppl that their taxes do not support First Nations. The truth is very few Canadians pay more into the system than they get out of it. They're taxes are not enough to even sustain their own standard of living let alone someone else's. Canada's massive wealth is because of natural resources and no other reason. And as everyone knows, not one stone came over on the ships for Europe. There isn't a village or town in Canada, not even a single detached household that is self-sustaining without natural resource wealth. It cost over $100,000 just to install a crosswalk light and that doesn't even include mainenance. $100,000 just for 5 or 6 blocks of pavement. Public Transit/highways roads and mainenance costs millions and billions. We haven't even discussed healthcare and education. Most all Canadians would have to live in high rise apartments for us to even have a chance at sustainability without natural resource wealth. The wealth comes from the Natural Resources and that obviously has not equally been spent in First Nations communities...yet it's existence did not arrive on the ships with the Europeans...it was already here...the estimated resource wealth in reserved lands alone is billions and billions of dollars and that doesn't included shared lands/treaty lands. Polticians need to act like adults and educate Canadians about this myth and tell their supporters that they're taxes alone do not even sustain them. They are not supporting Aboriginal people and never have.
@grundgesetzart.1463 2 жыл бұрын
God, they live as bad as the natives in Northern Russia...I know someone from the Sel'kup tribe in Russia, it seems that his house looks better than the one of Mr. Sugarhead in this video. The person I know has running water, cooking gas and solid doors and windows. Crazy!
@ashyhusky4130 11 жыл бұрын
Theres no Limit on how much can be made its the limit to how much you can get I live in the US.. The Insurance company will not fill a prescription until a month has past since your last one was filled for example Oxycontin
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