D&D Mary Sue Gets Friendzoned and DESTROYS Her Game (+ More) - RPG Horror Stories

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Crispy's Tavern: DnD Tips and Stories

Crispy's Tavern: DnD Tips and Stories

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@PumpkinStorm03 2 жыл бұрын
Nicole wanted to roleplay dating OP and was jealous of the "flirting" between OP and Laila. I dont think it was about the characters at all. Nicole had a crush and had a terrible way of communicating it
@SampoPaalanen 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah felt like that to me too. Essentially Nicole was using the fact character's as proxy for the real people.
@biffwellington6144 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. I also noticed that the OP kept using the pronoun "he" when talking about Laila, making me think Laila was a female character played by a male player, so the OP might not even swing Nicole's way IRL. I don't know; it was just a detail I noticed.
@blackog7820 Жыл бұрын
@@biffwellington6144 I think that's a bit too much theorizing for a single sentence.
@blackog7820 Жыл бұрын
Maybe, I see it plausible. But it actually happened to me that I caused a similar situation. In reality, I just wanted some attention, and to bragg about how good my characters where.
@cameronb851 Жыл бұрын
I thought that was obvious. I didn't even realise there was any other way to interpret that story. Why else would someone be that specifically aggressive about manipulating in game romances unless it was a wish fulfilment fantasy for out of game desires?
@marybdrake1472 2 жыл бұрын
A D.M. being hostile to a support/healer? That is a stupid way of behaving.
@Damalon01 2 жыл бұрын
Guy should't be a DM. Healing is an integral part of the game. May as well hate Fighters because they are good at tanking or Wizards because they cast AOE or Buffing spells or maybe hating Bards because they are good at social interaction... Would he have a Wizards spellbook turn to ash every time they cast a spell? or a Fighters weapons and armour break every time they went into battle? Or a Bard just suddenly develop stage fright?
@marybdrake1472 2 жыл бұрын
@@Damalon01 That could happen at any time. If he was willing to arbitrarily go after one player just for choosing a cleric then there is no telling who will be next. That one probably shouldn't even be a plyer in D&D.
@orioncooper1705 2 жыл бұрын
I actually think the DM had an issue with the homebrew god of balance, and was trying to make the cleric pay for 'upsetting the balance' in any and all situations. I understand wanting to have the religious interaction for a character of faith, something I have done many times in my campaigns, but the way this DM went about it is nothing short of idiotic. Maybe having the symbol break one time would make for a good roleplay experience, but having it happen repeatedly, and even in situations where the cleric hasn't acted yet, is just nerfing the character for no good reason and nothing short of ingrained stupidity on the part of the DM.
@sgshaday 2 жыл бұрын
Oh I've had this happen to a friend. She made a cleric, a demigoddess who got sent to live as a mortal until she attoned for what she had done - which was more an act of naiveté than anything else. That's okay. The character tried to revive two characters within maybe a month or two IRL, but within a week or so in-game. The DM decided that, no, she couldn't revive two characters. INSTEAD, her overpowered lvl 20 NPCs - one of them that a few days ago in-game had been harassing the characters all villain like - resurrect the characters. No problems. No consequences. They just do and the cleric that had been built for just that could not...
@marybdrake1472 2 жыл бұрын
@@sgshaday Wow, that's pretty bad.
@roarshach13 2 жыл бұрын
Dungeon Masters who try to teach players some sort of lesson by making their main class feature useless will always be in immediate berserk button for me. I don't even understand the logic of how that's supposed to work in your favor. This isn't going to convince the player that the class they picked is bad because it's not the class that screwing them over. It's you the dungeon master.
@realrealwarpet 2 жыл бұрын
“We need to collect the four evil things before the cult uses it!” I am very aware that’s a terrible plan. Just get one piece, and they cant do nothin. Plus, gathering them all makes it easy to use
@hiro4344 2 жыл бұрын
lol I'll have to remember that if such McGuffins show up in my campaign and have my character point that out.
@realrealwarpet 2 жыл бұрын
@@hiro4344 its the standard thing to happen XD
@hiro4344 2 жыл бұрын
indeed, but honestly when the voice of reason is like "Let's toss it in the ocean" are they ever listened to?
@realrealwarpet 2 жыл бұрын
@@hiro4344 nope
@aurora5481 2 жыл бұрын
I saw that and fully presumed there's gonna be a super crazy wild reveal that the original players are siding with Asmodeus. I've not been convinced otherwise yet.
@redballoon9007 Жыл бұрын
“My character blinks.” “Your symbol breaks.” “WHY?!” “You killed your eyesight for a second.”
@zambekiller 2 ай бұрын
As a DM just take the players aside and talk
@LadyFrostbite 2 жыл бұрын
"Allos will do that sometimes." That's certainly not just an allo thing; much like how not all allos would, not all aces wouldn't. As an ace, I sure do like imaging certain characters going the full romance mile.
@CrispysTavern 2 жыл бұрын
Totally fair. It’s just a running gag on the channel
@DopeioThePhoneBoi 10 күн бұрын
Thanks for mentioning this, as an aroace who fully engages in shipping culture I found it weirdly exclusionary 😭 I'm not allowed to enjoy romance just bc I don't desire it for myself?
@dr3dg352 2 жыл бұрын
I will forever despise the "for shits and giggles" excuse. For me it translates to "I don't value the time of my co-players". Edit: I'll be That Girl, the organization is called Harpers, not Harpists.
@Damalon01 2 жыл бұрын
I shall echo the sentiment on both counts. 'For shits and giggles' as an excuse translates to 'I don't respect you, your time, the other players or indeed anyone but my own transitory impulses.' At least to me thats what it means. And yes, its 'the Harpers' not 'the harpists'. Just like the 'Red Wizards of Thay' are not 'Some wizard guys from over there that like to wear red robes'.
@orioncooper1705 2 жыл бұрын
@@Damalon01 'That kinda creepy religious group of big lizards with wings.'
@francisweller839 2 жыл бұрын
I respect you for being that girl. Thank you for doing what was necessary
@jonathanfenton8695 Жыл бұрын
The fact that FR handbooks even differentiate between the two is where I so agree.
@midnights2631 11 ай бұрын
The only time I do ' for shit and giggles,' I make sure everyone is on the same page and not harmful to everyone. I once decided to throw a man at a smuggler for being funny and I got a Nat 20 on it. The man was fine 😅
@jamesnowdomski4974 2 жыл бұрын
Paladin: Claims to play Braum. Proceeds to not actually play like Braum, you know, the epitome of being a really good dude.
@oz_jones 2 жыл бұрын
Also, Harper trying to kill someone outright
@irateastartes1206 2 жыл бұрын
@@oz_jones aeralin moonblade the harpers aren’t always that good they do have their assassins.
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
Friendzone: Forced ships are a great way to ruin a game. Nicole basically wanted to write a fan fiction with Op and her Sue-OP did not want that.
@catcrazycat66 Жыл бұрын
Yes, it's very telling that she framed it as a "competition" with her friend.
@froyothewolf Жыл бұрын
I feel like the last story, in the right hands, could've easily turned into an in-universe Doki Doki situation where Nicole's NPC is some magic-user posing as Monika, leading to a bossfight and some horror shenanigans.
@thatonewitch 11 ай бұрын
That would've been so cool and terrifying - if only the dm wasnt a jerk
@MrWD-tp7oc 2 жыл бұрын
Crispy just keeps upping the tavern aesthetic and I'm here for it
@DHTheAlaskan 2 жыл бұрын
Same. Gives off a really calm and relaxing vibe to ease you into the horror stories.
@link3895 2 жыл бұрын
IKR, although...it's interesting to see Thorn up there. I know he plays Destiny, but a little odd for a TTRPG aesthetic ~
@AuntLoopy123 2 жыл бұрын
Ask the DM AND THE PLAYER, "Would you be OK with this sexual harassment if the ones doing the sexual harassment were men, and the target of the sexual harassment was a woman?" Use the term "sexual harassment" as many times as you can. Make both the player and the DM understand that SEXUAL HARASSMENT IS BAD, NO MATTER WHO IS DOING IT TO WHOM. And when you tell them, "At this point, we might as well stop the whole campaign," add, "Because you two have been SEXUALLY HARASSING ME, and now you want to 'pause' because you're TICKED OFF THAT I DIDN'T RESPOND POSITIVELY TO YOUR SEXUAL HARASSMENT. Which makes you both "THAT GUYS." Oh, except you're women. So, yeah, let's stop this entire campaign, because IT'S DANGEROUS BEING NEAR YOU SEXUAL PREDATORS." Good for you for getting out. I just wish that you, or someone else, had called them exactly what they are: Sexual Predators, guilty of Sexual Harassment, over an extended period of time.
@someanimal3506 2 жыл бұрын
Lmfao that story was clearly fake as hell lmfao
@hexagonPie 2 жыл бұрын
Also this isn't his story he is just retelling it
@Hewhowantstoknow 2 жыл бұрын
@@someanimal3506 "Girl flirted with me during D&D" I'll take "Stuff that never happened" for 500, Alex
@Elyseon Жыл бұрын
The two PCs had prior history. This was all the DM's fault for trying to force her own headcanon ship.
@lechugalechuga44 Жыл бұрын
@@someanimal3506 i'm op to that one, and it's sadly not fake and it's actually way worse, but the post was already super long as it is haha never thought of it as flirting or sexual harrassment tho, rather as gm being just incredibly arrogant and self-centered
@thesexysanghieli7818 2 жыл бұрын
"ReSpEcT mY aUtHoRiTy!!!" Guards: "Lol nah fam"
@randonimity84 2 жыл бұрын
As someone who enjoys RPing romance, an in-character, one-sided romance is DRAMA GOLD. However, this only works if ALL PARTIES involved are down for it. It made amazing in-character awkwardness that the other players were more than happy to involve themselves with, especially the sh*t-stirring PCs (you know the ones. Those who enjoy poking a bear just to see what happens). But even then, said sh*t-stirring PCs would "walk back" actions if any of the involved players (DM included) became uncomfortable with the actions.
@guitarhausdoesntknowwhatac3285 2 жыл бұрын
In some 30 years of RP, I have yet to think of a single occasion in which I have seen romance done well.
@randonimity84 2 жыл бұрын
@@guitarhausdoesntknowwhatac3285 it really depends on the level of trust and maturity among the players. Player dynamics is equally important. But I found that it also helps if the romance isn't front and center/the whole point of the roleplay.
@ms.aelanwyr.ilaicos Жыл бұрын
Totally agree, unrequited love is great for generating some *_*dramaaaaaa*_*
@lechugalechuga44 Жыл бұрын
i'm the OP for the last story, thank you for talking about it haha it was definitely for the best that the campaign ended, even tho it was upsetting back then when i posted the story, but i can see now that it was better that it happened with how much of a mess it was
@Zthewise 2 жыл бұрын
Weapon, mount, hostile to other people. That paladin wasn't Braum. Braum is one of the friendliest people in League, a man with a warm smile always willing to help people. Braum is my favorite character in League of Legends and it hurts to see someone besmirch his name.
@tsifirakiehl4250 2 жыл бұрын
Shipping wars never end well, even in fanfic, where they belong. Keep them the hell out of your D&D game.
@tsifirakiehl4250 2 жыл бұрын
To clarify, I don’t mean to say that shipping itself is bad. Feel free to ship whatever you want, just don’t start fights about it. If you’re writing fanfic, tag your pairings so that people who like them can find your story and people who don’t like them can filter it out. If you’re playing a game, feel free to have ships, but accept that the characters are going to make their own decisions about who, if anyone, they want to be with. Shipping is fun, fighting over ships is bad.
@nemanjajovanov 2 жыл бұрын
@@tsifirakiehl4250 Being an adult who uses the phrase 'shipping' in front of other adults non-ironically is already pretty fucking bad.
@net_spider 2 жыл бұрын
*The holy symbol breaking:* There are three options I would take with that. First option is to have a chat with em, probably with input from the other players about how this is a little egregious and not fun. Something tells me that wouldn't work, but you gotta try to communicate. My second would probably have me do what OP did and just leave if it wasn't worth it. No DnD/RPG's is better than bad DnD/RPG's. The third option I would go with if they really pissed me off enough is to go "Alright, obviously the Cleric lost the favor of their deity and they need to self reflect. They leave the party and I guess I'll roll up something else." Then, depending on what was allowed, I'd basically just go full munchkin, not choosing a class with a "patron" or "oath" requirement. Heck, I could go bard or divine sorcerer and he couldn't take away my support, or just go with some old reliables ala tank mage (min max Abjuration wizard) or "Immortal Punch" (Way of Death Monk, Totem warrior barbarian). Or I could just not take it serious any more and just go Lord of the Dice (Simple incarnation is luck feat, hafling Divination wizard, but someone posted a video about literally multiclassing into every class and subclass that manipulates dice... its funny and a little terrifying) and see if that makes him pop a vessel?
@grymmsnarl8565 2 жыл бұрын
Braum's entire character is a light-hearted strongman who becomes a folk hero and a friend to all. That paladin does not sound like they even know which champion Braum is
@maiknh3161 2 жыл бұрын
But, but, strong guy who indimidate with muscle and bald head, and is in a game where fighting happens! No but seriously, that was my thought exactly, pretty much the opposite of the champion
@soultpp 2 жыл бұрын
That Mary-Sue from the last story sounded just TOO "perfect" like to a very creepy degree! Like a sci fi (in a FANTASY setting) version of a stepford wife! Ironically the sheer world domination of her popularity actually gives me a bit of flashback to our last campaign. In Our group's case it was that one of our group had a bounty on his head and it didn't matter where in Faerun we went, or how long a time, we couldn't seem to NOT have him spotted or at least wanted posters of him there. He was wanted in one town (for something that the DM technically made him do and it still feels like it was an impossible task) and posters recognition where everywhere, from the smallest little mining village in the mountains all the way to the coast over 2000 miles away across the continent. Eventually, it was finished when a final "army" assaulted our recently acquired keep and were anihilated by the 4 of us in our group, but it was a "story arc" that we'd long gotten tired of. And it wasn't the concept itself, just the overuse of it that really got to us.
@zacharysieg2305 2 жыл бұрын
8:37 “eh-PIT-oh-mee” Great work as usual though. Love your fast-paced but somehow also chill narration style!
@ajjones2154 2 жыл бұрын
i get triggered everytime that word is mangled
@CrispysTavern 2 жыл бұрын
That's what I get for reading at 1:00 AM.
@samweiss9345 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrispysTavern Nah, it was tactical. I hope you pronounce it epi-tome every time just to drive hate engagement ;)
@tech-priestmr7824 2 жыл бұрын
I have to say the "Braum fom Lol" trope can be realy cool when well done
@phobiawitch835 2 жыл бұрын
The “We Quit” story is different from my own, but your mention of not noticing stuff until you sit back and think is actually how I realized my first (or, technically second) long term game was not the one for me. A big thing made me sit back and think and realize. I didn’t leave for a while later dur to social obligation (and being the only note taker). Eventually did
@mikeharris6429 2 жыл бұрын
The DM in story 4 is out of line. The only reason they aren’t the villain is the storyteller is on their side and is making their actions seem less egregious.
@orioncooper1705 2 жыл бұрын
How? The DM is just making the PC face the consequences of their actions. This is how I would have dealt with a PC being an ignorant asshole in one of my games, especially those who are clearly trying to use the lawful good alignment as a shield for their frankly chaotic evil actions.
@darkcrow125 2 жыл бұрын
@@orioncooper1705 story 4 was the forced romance one
@orioncooper1705 2 жыл бұрын
@@darkcrow125 There was the story in the intro, so that's what I think this poster is referring to asshole cleric story as story 4. Further, in no way do I find the DM siding with the storyteller in the forced romance story. I'm pretty sure the original poster is talking about what you would refer to as story 3.
@darkcrow125 2 жыл бұрын
@@orioncooper1705 ohh i normaly skip intros because often they spoil Something from the video If the poster realy meant then yeah Maybe first talk to the person and them do the Action
@SpenceSession 2 жыл бұрын
10:35 Sooo...he can't kill him in the main game... so he planned to kill him in the spin -off? What kind of Deadpool style revenge plan/one liner did that OP wonder into?
@superchuck9161 2 жыл бұрын
Omg my cleric story made it on a KZbin channel?!?! That I actually know?!?!? Yay Ty fer the read.
@bryantspears119 2 жыл бұрын
Which Cleric story? There’s two. Sorry if this seems rude. I’m just trying to confirm
@superchuck9161 2 жыл бұрын
First in the beginning
@bryantspears119 2 жыл бұрын
@@superchuck9161 Thanks for the clarification. I’m honestly sorry you had to deal with that asshole of a DM.
@kittehgo 2 жыл бұрын
@@superchuck9161 Did you at anytime learn as to why he hated your cleric?, because I am seriously confused. He ok's the character but then punishes you for playing it, I really don't get it.
@spasticoverkill4361 2 жыл бұрын
@@kittehgo sorry for late reply, ok so I ran back into one of the people from the group on discord and asked why. Apparently.......he didn't like "holy warriors" and in a different campaign, someone ran cleric and was more liked and tried to kill the cleric, where he got ko'd by the clerics god, Helm he said, and he got mad and quit. so I guess he thought I would do the same? Dunno, not great on social stuff and was just starting to get a back bone but still am oblivious to things.
@johnoneil9188 2 жыл бұрын
I was just waiting for that cleric to pray and that to cause the symbol to break.
@falionna3587 2 жыл бұрын
On the clerical error story, there are more than a few red flags on the DMs part aswell. The old woman assulting the PC as the first interaction before even meeting the party, and for a mild retaliation divine intervention? (it's not like he cast bestow curse). For a god of law the woman would deserve the punishment for the assult dmg or no, assult is assult. The guards themselves being these tuff magical weapon armed powerful guardsmen are very heavy handed. And the epiloge is just "you're doing cleric wrong." In short, I wouldn't want to be in a table with any of them.
@aceupinasleeve5031 2 жыл бұрын
I completely agree, the divine intervention thing seems to me like a cheap GM power move to take away player agency. I don't care about the good alignment thing its totally in character for a zealous lawful cleric to mildly punish criticism towards their beliefs, even if it is somewhat annoying. Also don't like guards going straight for the kill. Like sure the cleric is being reckless but that seems super harsh punishment to just murder the character...
@LoneDestiny6 2 жыл бұрын
Oof the last one sounds so tiring with a DM trying to force a ship on you and being aggressive with the other pc because of jealousy. Btw the whole shipping may not be allo exclusive, I'm demi and me and a friend made a ship in a starfinder campaign that is basically the wholesome bit of the party, pretty low stuff and on the sidelines but is something to go "aw look how cute they are" every now and then.
@oz_jones 2 жыл бұрын
Sexual harrasment goes brr
@theofficerfactory2625 2 жыл бұрын
That last story's it sounded like GM had a thing for OP but kept it to herself. We'd seen similar simping in the past.
@dmdiaries7208 2 жыл бұрын
Aw, not a paladin. These stories always make me feel a lil better about my games and teach me that it’s always important to communicate with my players and figure out what they actually want out of a game
@nw1994 2 жыл бұрын
So for the second story, it can also happen when someone has been with the original group since the beginning and then someone new comes along. I’ve had that happen to me in a D&D group where at the time my very close friend joined and another friend of mine kind of shoved me out of the way after the first friend showed up so it can happen whether you’re new to The group or have been there for a while it’s unfortunately just how the people you game with react and that’s kind of why I will never join a game with that group every again
@tinycrimester 2 жыл бұрын
wait, a lv5 cleric outdmgs a paladin with a +3 weapon?
@charlesmtaylor31 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an old greybeard from way back in the days of AD&D 1e, but it seems like our DM with the Mary Sue character might have been crushing on the player and the feelings weren't reciprocated.
@HoplooWare 2 жыл бұрын
Clerical error story - Even despite the OP siding with the DM, the DM is the worse problem in this story. - DM escalated the slapping situation from just a simple slap (at best an improvised weapon) by responding to it with divine intervention instead of giving the player the benefit of the doubt. - Unevenly cursed the players with becoming a monster, conveniently the player who offended them earlier in the session was among them. Said afflicted players essentially being told to lose their agency (guy literally was gonna be cuffed if not leashed) or die. - "The guards are all HIGHLY TRAINED and are ALL armed with MAGIC LONGSWORDS in this random ass town" aka the guards are part of the DM's toolkit to keep the players in line. Why adventure for magic items when they're part of the guards' standard armaments? lol If not for the bit about resurrection at the end I'd assume that the player was deliberately trying to die lol
@hideshiseyes2804 3 ай бұрын
That story about shipping is like the perfect illustration of things that make you say: “Remember when this was a game about exploring dungeons and fighting dragons?”
@davidspring4003 2 жыл бұрын
Clerical error: It was neither lawful stupid nor lawful stubborn. It was lawful asshole. Lawful stupid means upholding the law as the ultimate good even if it hurts people. Not sure about lawful stubborn, first time I've seen it. Lawful asshole is "I'm lawful good, therefor everything I do is the epitome of goodness and justice!"
@Izrek Жыл бұрын
Lawful assholy sounds like cool antagonist in Ravenloft setting. Somesort of Darklord who still thinks that he is good and just and justifies everything they do by lawful asshole logic.
@davidspring4003 Жыл бұрын
@@Izrek oh, you mean like Strahd "I am the law therefore everything I do is automatically beneficial to my people" von Zarovich?
@Izrek Жыл бұрын
@@davidspring4003 More like even more delusional version like: What I do i just! Gods will it! Paladin or priest.
@WarmLusamine Ай бұрын
So an order of Count Frollo, hold the gypsy lust?
@Nr4747 2 жыл бұрын
Showing the "common rabble" their difference in station is something my lawful *evil* conquest paladin who worships Bane would sometimes do - I would never expect a lawful good character to stoop that low, at least not that easily and quickly.
@TheLevantin 2 жыл бұрын
The second story is the reason why I always play "unrelated" characters, for example a skeleton bard or a ghost paladin. Or I play characters without gender and sexuality. I play a droid in a Star Wars game.
@hiro4344 2 жыл бұрын
I'm a big online roleplayer and thwarting ships of my character with a Mary-Sue is my jam. He's a vampire and she has special addictive blood that at one point he needs to drink to heal? Okay cool, he's addicted and trying to find a way to safely get rid of her without abandoning her to the bad guys. Also, he thinks she's too young for him because He's a vampire, ergo, been around a while. Was actually a really fun time until it petered out, had some great tense moments of him struggling not to kill her, fun action.
@starbird3939 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1 God this DM sounds like a troll.
@amiaswolfgang 2 жыл бұрын
that last story is eerily close to a real-life not D&D situation i had with my now ex-girlfriend. kinda funny that someone else had that happen in this context, i never could have imagined that
@irateastartes1206 2 жыл бұрын
I’m in a d&d veterans group we have varying degrees of mental health and recovering substance abuse issues. Having a great time dungeon diving with no bull or personality issues, just playing the game.
@xaleypoo4779 2 жыл бұрын
That last one could've been interesting, like Mary Sue was a witch or something that was inserting herself into this amnesiac's memories.
@HitPointPersonal 2 жыл бұрын
When I was younger I was definitely a problem player, looking back on it I was horrible, I was still a teenager back then so I could wrap it up to being young. But in all honesty I had gotten into a game with a really great dm whom if i hadn't met I probably would have continued my problematic behavior. Me and this dm still talk about how bad of a player I used to be and continue to be friends even though I moved away 4 years ago
@professorsponge1554 2 жыл бұрын
My favorite kind of mary sue (the only kind I like) is to have them be annoying as possible so the party unites against them, and have them be the BBEG
@samminicksm Жыл бұрын
As someone who plays healer in two different campaigns (life cleric and circle of dreams Druid), the best way to counter act us is to have either a lot of enemies so it takes longer to kill them no matter what or make a mega hit point sink. Either way, the rest of the party can’t take them down fast enough to avoid all of the attacks. Another way is to use super wide battle fields which obstructions the break line of sight. Distance we need to cover and line of sight are super huge for healing spells.
@laughter4380 2 жыл бұрын
That Thorn looks amazing with everything you have setup in the background
@Captmushy 2 жыл бұрын
Back at it with the horror stories hell yeah~
@REfan2002 2 жыл бұрын
I really need an update on the first story. I want to know the rest of the group quit
@SirRzr 2 жыл бұрын
That's one nice thorn, quite jealous, one of my favorites.
@huntclanhunt9697 2 жыл бұрын
Crispy do be crisp tho
@realrealwarpet Жыл бұрын
Paladin: im basically braum! Me: you really aren’t. Braum is a man with a heart of gold. Pure positive masculinity! My barbarian is closer to braum, and he will go into a rage so strong, it freezes things around it. Actually, my barbarian is WAY more in common with braum. Weird.
@wolfherojohnson2766 2 жыл бұрын
4:33 R/MaliciousCompliance
@freedy191 2 жыл бұрын
Clerical ERROR: I feel the DM is at fault here too. Cleric is my favorite class but how I play, if someone walks up to Winston (my cleric) yelling at him and hitting him with stick (even if it dealt 0 damage) he would try to talk to them about how his faith does help ppl, then ask them to leave him alone for some coin, then pull a deadly trick on them later hidden in the shadows. That NPC will be dead if they keep bugging Winston, especially if Winston didn't start the conversation.
@jacobvanstone6839 2 жыл бұрын
I get why he took away the paladins powers and made him atone. Because it is a huge overreaction.. but at the same time. The session has just started and the players possibly nervous and suddenly his character is getting yelled at and assaulted. He made the wrong decision but I can see why he made it. I really don’t see the problem I’m not wanting to get hand cuffed. It takes away agency. Especially if something is clearly wrong and combat could be right around the corner. Then with the who guard thing… you’d think the guards would be a little bit more sympathetic if half the town turned into monsters.. but he shouldn’t have kept pushing. The cleric sounds like a bit of a jackass, but I completely agree the DM is at fault as well. Hope you have fun playing Winston
@lawrencelopez9839 2 жыл бұрын
that also brings up some old trauma in me like, so it's okay for old people to verbally abuse and assault strangers because they don't deal real damage?
@freedy191 2 жыл бұрын
@@lawrencelopez9839 right, I don't think that's okay and should just be all right to do no matter what. Some non-damaging actions could be all right like a friendly punch in the arm between two friends but just some random stranger attacking your player, even if it's still non damage, you're right it's still a problem.
@jamison85 Жыл бұрын
Wow, that last story...at that point, the DM should just play with dolls instead of trying to force others to cater to her fantasies.
@kronosshadow1554 2 жыл бұрын
Most of the time when I hear about or see thing about Mary Sue type characters I find them boring and bland and the people who make tend to be a bit narcissistic or arrogant when it comes down to it, but with this, I feel like it may stem from a crush or jealous.
@charlotteanneaton1143 2 жыл бұрын
The Paladin there was playing Braum wrong, lol. He's just about the jolliest most good natured champ in lol
@eiriankageno Жыл бұрын
As someone who is also ace, shipping isn’t just an allo thing. Though I’m ace, not aro, so that may affect things. But as long as it doesn’t cause drama, I tend to like shipping characters I like together… though not just in a romantic context. I love stories with strong familial or friendship relationships as well. Relationships in general appeal to me if done well. Admittedly, it’s less of a problem when you are talking about media characters as opposed to an rpg campaign. With the latter, you need to separate shipping from real life, and I don’t think that happens in the last story. DM clearly wanted to flirt through D&D. If you have even the slightest of romantic feelings, keep it separate from D&D (unless you are an irl couple.). If there isn’t a worry about it reflecting real life, there are usually no issues. You’re playing a role, keep it that way.
@mr.strudle1327 2 жыл бұрын
...... a rat with a plague doctor mask.. and a thorn... i love it
@sorapwn1200 2 жыл бұрын
I hear that deep Stone lullaby at the beginning. Good taste!
@firstswordcorvus7368 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah that DM in cleric story made my blood boil, if I was the cleric I would've kicked the DM's ass if nobody stopped me after I socked him in the face. The constant casting tool breaking would've really worn away my patience
@thronezwei4412 2 жыл бұрын
Some of these problem players probably need Thorn used on their characters. Loved seeing that and the Drifter's coin.
@SyrinoxNight 2 жыл бұрын
The bone white Thorn and Deep Stone Lullaby intro are great. 1: Dammit Hubert. 2. Fuck that guy, clerics are great. 3. DM needs to grow a set. 4. This DM needs a trophy. 5. why? Just…why?
@brettdreedm6742 2 жыл бұрын
Just noticed the Thorn was sitting on the table lol
@dragonfire14x 2 жыл бұрын
I once played in a friend's game where it was his first time Dming. There was 4 Players plus DM, but only myself, DM, and my wife (echo for this story because she was playing Echo Knight Fighter) really matter for the story. So we turn up to session 0 to roll stats, and I got really lucky. I managed to roll two 18's and the rest 12 or above. These stats were insane, and reminded me of a build I thought of that needed two stats at 20. I talked to DM about my thoughts: A High Elf Fighter, that multiclasses into wizard at level 2 to become a Bladesinger at level 3! I went in depth about what I was planning. By level 3 I would have 24 AC, and decent melee damage all while wearing no armor! To flavour it up a bit I even gave the character a bit of a quirk. Since I didn't need to wear armor and I had the Prestidigitation cantrip I was going to be a nudist (no funny business). Using Prestidigitation I made censor bars around the bits, and made the character a total hippy personality (think "dude I love nature man" hippy). The DM agreed since he didn't mind having min-maxed characters and he liked the concept. Well fast forward to our first season and things went great! Until the first combat that we had at level 3. He throw 14 Kobolds at us, I went first (+5 in dex helps with that) and charged the enemy engaging bladesing. My AC was at 24 when he sent all the Kobolds to surround me and attack all with Pact Tactics on. Only 1 hits...because he crit. With the HP from Fighter start and luck on the bad attack rolls I was still very healthy. We swept up the rest of the Kobolds with ease and continued on. About 10 minutes later he decides to end the session. He pulls me aside later to talk, and admits he had problems with my character. First I was too strong and made a joke of the combat he worked hard on. We were supposed to use strategy and the terrain to our advantage not just charge in. He also says that he is uncomfortable doing RP since my character is a nudist. I told him that he agreed to it all, but if it is causing problems I can nerf the character and put on clothes. He said he didn't know, and he was going to bed. Later that night the campaign was canceled.
@BaoHadir 2 жыл бұрын
With that shipping story, it's obvious that Nicole had a thing for the OP and had made a "self-insert" (someone completely different from herself that she deluded herself into thinking was exactly like her) to hit on OP's character in the hopes of sparking OP's interest through their character's romantic interactions. OP's rejection of her 'self-insert' was taken as a rejection of her and she couldn't handle it. At least, that's my opinion.
@robkrol2137 2 жыл бұрын
Harpers, not Harpists. The former is a secret society dedicated to doing good in Faerun, the other is a musician that works with harps
@Michaeljack81sk 2 жыл бұрын
I don't believe the Cleric with the broken symbol story is real. Either it never happened at all or there is a massive amount of detail missing The other story with the Cleric I tend to side with him over the DM and OP. He's a problem but the DM is an asshole and appears to enjoy punishing cleric way too much
@ketrava0425 2 жыл бұрын
Dam crispy. Hidden emotional trauma about the cleric story? You seemed REALLY invested. Also what's up love your stories
@JayShoPalmz 2 жыл бұрын
That backdrop is amazing and that gunbladeeeeeee
@aegisScale 2 жыл бұрын
Story 1: Screw Hubert. All my homies hate Hubert. Story 2: At that point I would've asked to switch to worshipping an evil god, seeing as DM's other gods are apparently Stupid Good. Probably wouldn't have helped in the long run though, since DM apparently didn't tell the players about his cleric ban. Story 3: Even if I haven't had sessions this bad, my fifth campaign ended like that . . . except me and the two players I wanted to reconnect with had a really cool PvP session before that happened, so we quit on a good, unspoken note. Story 4: Hostile DM _and_ a problem player!? I wouldn't be surprised if the rest of the game fell apart after a few sessions. Seriously outside Cleric's stupidity the DM feels like a massive railroader, which is never a fun thing to deal with. Story 5: Gotta say, OP was a chad here. DM trying to force a ship, but there's another player character you wanna go for? *Pourque no los dos?* Of course Nicole has a stick up her ass and can't take a compromise, which is quite unfortunate.
@orioncooper1705 2 жыл бұрын
How is the DM in story 4 even remotely hostile? Sounds like the PC is simply face the consequences of their own actions. The DM was in the right in this case.
@aegisScale 2 жыл бұрын
@@orioncooper1705 the guy seems to be putting players on a very strict railroad, with things like the overly hostile guards and the "oops you're a monster now." DM was right to put Cleric in their place, but A) Better ways to do that honestly and B) the game just doesn't feel fun from how it was described, even if you take Cleric outta the picture. Like the sorta low-teir DM you play with not becuase they're good at worldbuilding or group storytelling but because they're your friend.
@orioncooper1705 2 жыл бұрын
@@aegisScale I don't see any indication of railroading in just this brief description of the DM's world. All we got was an obvious plot hook with the old woman and a major event with the monster transformation. I also disagree that the guards were particularly hostile as they were clearly reacting appropriately TO the major event. From what it sounds like, the DM was giving everyone free rein to to do what they wanted and the DM simply enforced the consequences of their actions, which is frankly as far from railroading as one can get. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's railroading, either. I still see no reason the DM was in the wrong here even slightly.
@aegisScale 2 жыл бұрын
@@orioncooper1705 "appropriately reacting" is a stretch, being immediately hostile to a party who isn't approaching in an aggressive manner feels a little simple and heavy handed. Secondly, involving the players in this major transformation event is a big blow to player agency unless the players agreed to this event (which OP does not specify). Assuming the DM would respect the player's choices in this environment is, in my experience, a massive stretch, not necessarily because DM is a dick but likely because DM doesn't know how to or want to change their plan too much. Sure it's a bit overblown to assume the worst from DM as I did without context, but to assume the best like you are is equally overblown.
@Giganotus 2 жыл бұрын
"Allos will do that" I mean I'm aroace and I like shipping too lol. It's fun in fiction. But yeah forcing a ship is never good. Honestly I think people need to be willing to explore the idea of unrequited love in their characters too. Just because your character has feelings for another doesn't meant he ship will work. Shipping is all about chemistry and the story that the bond can tell! And it should never be the primary focus of a character. I make sure ships with my characters in games develop naturally and I talk to the DM or other player to see how things might work. And what do you know, it works!
@tinycrimester 2 жыл бұрын
that cleric was more of a lawful evil than lawful good... he pray for his god to resurrect him and his god is just like "what have you done for me lately???"
@pixiesquidinterface 7 ай бұрын
I bet the group was just so thrilled when they lost their healer because of the dm pushing them out due to some wierd dislike of clerics...
@Deadpool-ri3rq Жыл бұрын
I got alienated as a *DM* in a recent campaign. 3 of my 5 players were in a poly relationship (one of them was not part of it when the campaign started) and eventually they were so wrapped up in each other that I felt ostracized in my own campaign. They ended up all 3 leaving at once because ONE of them had decided they didn’t like DnD anymore, and yeah, obviously killed the campaign.
@MrCrunchytime 2 жыл бұрын
One thing I hate with my entire being is "For the lulz", aka, "For Shits and Giggles". Any time I here someone use either of those or similar, I want to put my fist straight through their shit-eating grins and the wall behind them. But seriously, people who use these excuses aren't being funny, they're just being bullies and douchebags, getting cheap laughs at someone else's expense. What they do isn't comedy, it's harassment.
@oz_jones 2 жыл бұрын
You sound deranged
@robertbryant8243 2 жыл бұрын
8:37 "E-pi-to-me" It's one of those words where all of the letters are pronounced.
@trappestarrgaming3422 Жыл бұрын
Not gonna lie the symbol breaking every fucking time was funny but I woulda snap
@ShyBiiteVT 2 жыл бұрын
If the DM in the second story didn't like one of the players being a cleric, then why the bloody hell did they ok it to begin with?! The only reason I can think of is because they're an asshole who wanted to bully one of the players and saw OP as an easy target. Either that or he wanted to be a sadist and brutally murder the players' characters in horrific ways, but the cleric would've prevented that. Either way, screw that DM!
@ratboy2 Жыл бұрын
I think it’s pretty smart that you ask people to comment a certain phrase if they reached the end of the video but don’t have anything to say. Engagement! Plus it’s fun for viewers imo (i heard the phrase this time, but don’t remember what it was and don’t feel like rewinding to find it lol 💀)
@ninja_tank25 2 жыл бұрын
That first DM...maybe it's because I pretty much only play support-ish characters, but I wouldn't have stayed at that table as long as that player did. If you're gonna punish me for not playing the way you want, why even let me make the character? Save both of us some time so I can find a table where I won't be punished for playing a healer. I get enough of that in other games, don't need it in my DnD
@deadgun1416 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah… We Quit, this section I can some what relate to a game that happened about 5 years ago. The setting we were playing in was a setting that wasn’t the DM’s homebrew world and there were some what problems that occurred time to time.
@Illianor123 Жыл бұрын
1st story. If the player isn’t ready, just start and they can turn up when they’re ready.
@DHTheAlaskan 2 жыл бұрын
Never understood the hostility towards newcomers, don't we want the hobby to grow? I remember back in the day I had a fully grown man throw a fit that I was temporarily joining the group (I was only going to be there for a week). His reason for going super babby angry? I didn't join the friend group before he did so I was persona non grata.
@Masenken 2 жыл бұрын
And this ladies and gentlemen is why I avoid romance with a 100' pole. Don't want none of that drama. Not even in videogames
@quox3987 2 жыл бұрын
Second story sounds like a D&D atheist. I’m not super familiar with it but they’re sort of the equal and opposite of satanic-panic parents. They fine but the moment a religious character or scenario occurs they become the smug “can god make something god can’t lift” kind of atheist because something that’s imaginary in their eyes somehow still makes them insecure.
@bozzutoman 2 жыл бұрын
8:37 - for your edification, epitome = eh-PIT-eh-me
@emphorepolpatinedasenate 2 жыл бұрын
Man I hope that cleric hating dm never gets a campaign
@seg00 2 жыл бұрын
Love seeing the Thorn there!
@Geyser39 8 ай бұрын
Aro/ace here. I love shipping characters together--it ain't just the allos.
@lukasdeitert5405 2 жыл бұрын
Nice Thorn prop you have there
@Telawin 3 ай бұрын
Ooh fun idea... If your amnesiac character starts getting memories that paint an NPC in a very flattering light (especially an NPC that "everyone loves") your character should start assuming their memories are being fabricated by that NPC. If the other players hate that NPC as well maybe it becomes a conspiracy among the players that all the memories that make this NPC beloved are also fabricated. This will annoy the hell out of any DM using a Mary-sue (male, female, or non-binary... No one is free from sue status) and thus I can't recommend this highly enough "They're not creating memories" "We don't know that, and can't trust what they say... And since everyone loves them we can't trust the others either" This will promptly make the DM's head explode
@hulkingelf4957 2 жыл бұрын
A soon as I heard braum I was like LETS GOO.. then the first line I was like wait that doesent sound like braum at all.
@toenailandthebedsores6682 2 жыл бұрын
Trying to fix your broken holy symbol? Selfish! Symbol breaks!
@samuelsalvatore4511 Жыл бұрын
second story: so, the paladin is braum from league, and yet he's a total jerk? sounds like the opposite of braum if you ask me. specially since he's a pain to play with in a team and wants to be the protagonist, meanwhile braum is literally a support.
@shirlot 2 жыл бұрын
Pretty sure in the last story the DM was crushing and the Mary Sue was a self inset.
@vizoredchris Жыл бұрын
Ngl, don't know all the details so I can't be too critical, but in the intro story, I honestly blame the DM for not kicking Hubert after 10 mins so that the one-shot wasn't ruined for the DM & the rest of the party.
@ArawnNox 2 жыл бұрын
"Long romantic interactions" ERP. You were ERPing. Just say it.
@kirielbranson4843 2 жыл бұрын
I didn’t get that from the story. She said Mary Sue had long casual interactions that she tried to make romantic but it didn’t sound like OP was participating in the romantic part. So I don’t see where the “E” would come from if OP wasn’t going for the ship. I could be wrong. OP wasn’t specific in exactly what happened but I imagined Mary Sue trying to get flirty and such with OP but OP trying to keep the reactions as a friendship. I think OP would have said something different if Mary Sue was doing a bunch of touching and holding hands let alone more intimate talk and touch.
@DFProuctions 2 жыл бұрын
The Thorn you have on display triggers my PTSD... ugh... so many bad memories in the Crucible...
@CrispysTavern 2 жыл бұрын
I remember the two-shot kills in House of Wolves…
@DFProuctions 2 жыл бұрын
@@CrispysTavern Ugh! Don't remind me...
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