Thank you for your sharing. I will be more aware and alert to all these points. These points may be small but it makes or breaks a journey. Cheers.....
@cruisefu8 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and encouragement! 😀😀 And please share this video for me
Thank you for liking it! I'm making a short episode 2
@0608dennis8 ай бұрын
@cruisefu8 ай бұрын
謝謝你的收看與鼓勵 也請幫我分享給更多人
@amysohan8 ай бұрын
Thank you so much 💓 💗 💛 💖 ☺️ ♥️ 💓 💗 💛 💖
@cruisefu8 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and please help me share
@amysohan8 ай бұрын
@cruisefu OK I will
@shirley.tangcw7 ай бұрын
分享我的经验。 好像不是樟宜机场所有的登机口都有饮水机。 当我乘坐Asxxxx时,到 cruising altitude 后,就立即提供食物。 我选择了海鲜,相隔8天的往返航班都是同样的菜/同样的酱汁/同样的配菜。 哇廖! 一点也不好吃,但我还是吃了。It's a 6 hours flight。本来就很小的杯子里只盛了 1/2 杯水。 给我们送餐后就看不到空姐了。 接下来的5个小时,我一直渴得要命,直到落地。 按铃要求服务,要求水3次,但从未提供服务(没有太多湍流)。 回程的三文鱼太干了,土豆也没有煮熟。 幸运的是,回程是与 SQ 乘客的联合航班,所以 before landing 还有 snack time。 真是托 SQ 乘客的福我才有 salmon 三明治和大量的水喝。 我告诉自己我再也不会乘搭 Asxxxx了。Itchy backside! Just stick to SQ lah! 除非你与她们说同一种语言,或者很帅,或者如果你是欧洲人,否则这些空姐不会帮你放轻如羽毛的随身行李。 我的包里只有一条披肩、几张 A4 文件和一把小雨伞(travelled during the COVID-19 pandemic), 重的 luggage 是 check-in 的。但我太矮了,手又短,cannot reach the overhead luggage compartment. And I didn't want to step on the seat even if I removed my shoe cos I find it not an appropriate 姿态 and how would the person feels if he/she saw me stepping on his/her seat? 空姐们看到了我,但假装看不到。 相反,他们帮了别人。 最后,我把包甩上去,发出一声巨响。 这不是第一次了。 上次跟团旅游也是这样。SQ空姐会过来说 lets do it together😘如果是空少,他们会毫不犹豫的快步走来 "let me help you"😘 另一起事件是乘坐 JetStar, from KL to SG。 坐在我旁边的一对年轻男女一坐下就大声聊天,有说有笑。我把手机调成飞行模式,没播放任何音乐,戴上耳机来隔绝噪音,但空姐一直要我把耳机摘下来。 然后飞机被 push out,滑行出去但没有起飞,等了超过20分钟才飞。 Pilot 没做 PA。 幸运的是,返回新加坡只需 1 小时。忍! 另一件事发生在很多年前的 CP上。 我们被告知要坐下,不能使用厕所,因为飞机可能会遇到一些 turbulance。但一名欧洲妇女没有被阻止。事实上,male crew even gestured the lavatory direction and "go ahead" to the woman. 我和我的朋友也非常需要厕所 but this European woman was seated nearer to the lavatory so she was in front of us. 但我们被这位 male crew 严厉地斥责了。 我盯着他,用广东话,用英语和华语重复着~“你为什么不制止那个欧洲女人,反而对我们无礼?是因为我们不是金发女郎吗?” 他保持沉默。 整个飞行过程平稳,没有出现颠簸。I do understand safety on flight but why double standards and treatment? Or at the least listen to us and advise us in a more friendlier tone. I still prefer to fly with SQ even if they are just short flights within S.E.A. However, sometimes just had to abide company's travel policy. I enjoyed most when I travelled by SQ to/from Bangkok in the past.
@@cruisefu 是的 尤其最近的几则新闻 There's a gap to improve. Once you reached a certain level of standards/service, you either maintain it or strive to do better. The better you are, the higher is customers' expectation. To fall short only cause dissatisfaction and frustration to customers.
I don't think you can book aisle or window seat during booking time, well I never get. Only when you are at airport counter we try but rarely given. Hope airlines can improve,
@cruisefu Жыл бұрын
Most of airlines does this option: Advance seat selection: Depending on the class of travel and fare type you choose, you may enjoy complimentary advance seat selection or opt to pay a fee to select your seat in advance.