機長今天談到這個偷竊事件,其實很容易發生在出境,入境,和機上。都是竊賊趁著人多擁擠,混亂的情形下手。而且犯罪大都不會單獨行動,都是兩三人互相掩護,得手後,財物交與其他人,萬一扒手被捕,查不出東西,只能放了他。所以重點在有無警察權,如果沒有,只能等到警察到場處理。任何人對嫌犯實施搜身,檢查行李,都會觸犯法律,因此不可不慎。而國外航空公司安全人員,把超賣旅客,強押下機,已經逾越權力。上週看一則新聞,捷運上客人,對保全人員謾罵侮辱,最後動手打警衛,才被制服,就是當警衛也是受害人時,才能自衛壓制。而且機上這種偷竊行為,要等到警察到場,由遺失(被偷)的旅客提出控訴,指任嫌犯,再由警察施與搜身與檢查行李的動作。其實在機場的證照查驗人員,安全檢查人員,和海關人員本身,在法律上,已經明文規定,具備警察身份,可以實施檢查和搜身工作。航空公司和免稅店員工(包括安全經理),都沒有警察權。所以有犯罪嫌疑發生時,可以暫時以現行犯嫌疑人留置,讓警察或者有警察權的人處理。不過機內組員的作為,座艙內都會有兩份PNL隨機,當客人到劃位櫃檯報到時,如果不是單獨一人,DCS(Departure control system)電腦會自動給予團體代號,機內人員可以由團體代號找出,分散的同夥人。不然查不出東西,反而捱告。要一網打進,不要遺漏罪犯。
Wow!! Thanks so much! 😀😀😀😀 Yey!!! I got donation 💕💕💕💕💕
@RealOcbc9 ай бұрын
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
@RealOcbc9 ай бұрын
@@cruisefu 不客氣
@Ghbvfdr90979 ай бұрын
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
@conned9 ай бұрын
Tough... situation, been there,done that, on my jumbo days, theft, molest, political asylum, NTL, thanks Capt Cruise for this .
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
Captain Thanks much for your kind words!! Hats off to you as well
@RealOcbc8 ай бұрын
@cruisefu8 ай бұрын
@harvey28959 ай бұрын
機長 讚!
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
@JulianaSew9 ай бұрын
Thanks for sharing. Now I understand why paxs rush to board as they want to put their bags above their seat. For me I prefer to put it above my opposite seat for a clearer view.
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
You are a very smart traveller that is exactly what I do when I travel!! 😊☺️☺️☺️ Please share this video to your families and friends
Omg captain cruise. It's so nice to watch all of your videos. I need to finish them all!!! ❤
@cruisefuАй бұрын
Good morning 🌞🌞🌞 it's ok please take your time 😂😂😂 I hope you have a relaxing day ahead
@michellecheng50919 ай бұрын
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
謝謝你的觀看與支持!也幫我分享給更多的人 >>
@nonnielie80099 ай бұрын
Thank you so much for your fast responded. My eyes are sensitive to the sun light, I was told by my eye doctor before.I think I will not take the United flight again after this matter.I love to see your videos.
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
Thanks for your support and kind words! Hope your next trip would be more pleasant and delightful 🙂🙂
@羅玉芸-h5r9 ай бұрын
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
@cplbass9 ай бұрын
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
早安;所以要好好的保護自己的財物 也請分享這個影片給更多人大家小心防範
@skywheel-td5es9 ай бұрын
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
@clair28539 ай бұрын
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
來自尼泊爾的早安 謝謝你的觀看
@LK-fy2ki9 ай бұрын
Thank you for sharing this information ℹ️
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and please share this video 😁📸
I was on United flight caming back from Singapore to San Francisco this month. The flight does not have window shades. When the sun was rising very bright was flashing to my eyes.I was the only one to get the sun bright light, because my seat by the wing. It was hurting my eyes. I asked the
@nonnielie80099 ай бұрын
Sorry ..... I needed more coments. coments to continuing my story.... On United fligh. I asked flight attendant to give me a piece of paper and tape the window to block the sun light. He said every body got the State light. Nothing he can do.... for help.I got no help .... ? I paid almost a thousand dollar for round trip and did not get any help... .. It was a first bad experience on the flight in my life.I was on Condo German 's flight on last june flight to Berlin, every windows have shades and easy to pull up & down. Now I am thinking he can move me to another seat for temporary because the flight was not full. My husband said. maybe we needed to make a complaint to improve the services.
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
You should make a complaint about it and I really believe it's an easy task to help you cover the window
Long long time ago, 在日係 Airline 上班的大哥送我來回台北,Vancouver 的First class 機票。當年才20多歲有生以來第一次獨自旅行。大哥給我2封信,1是他的1位日籍同事住 Vancouver, 2.另1位同事移居 Tronto。 要提問的重點是如在飛行機上遇到同樣事,as passanger 如何自保? 我當年實際經驗: 我的First class 的座位的前面是持有槍械又在即將 landing 之前嚷亂。坐在後面1排的我直發抖。The Captain announced that 飛機不馬上 landing,而要在 Vancouver 上空盤旋飛行,但 Captain 沒説真正原因。 目見機上2個安全員架住這持械人,結果在 Vancouver 上空飛行很多很多小時後(記得比實際的 landing 時間晚了8小時)。 最後目見機上安全員架住持械人第1個出機艙後,忘了過多久後才讓First class 旅客出機艙。 當年在機上嚇得直發抖很多小時,如今記憶猶新。 想問: 如碰到此事時,旅客應如何自保?
@@cruisefuThanks for your reply. 如你說的:當時在機上保安員架住出機艙後因坐在近機艙口,目間好幾位警察已在 ground 等侯了。因這飛行的經驗,所以每次搭飛機都很害怕。我不敢告訴我大哥這事。 事實上那次獨自出國旅遊3個月之後由 Vancouver 返台時,在羽田機場碰到 日本 YAGUZA (黑道)持槍互鬥,旅客已出機艙在陸地要坐接機場博車。我搭的飛機是 Japan Airline(日航),日航指揮躲在接博車以免被槍攝到。之後,日航安排旅客住旅館。 雖第1次獨自出國有2次有驚無險。但3個月的旅遊有大哥要我抵 Vancouver 後,把他寫好的2封信寄出,在信中替我安排住他同事家,又有朋友安排安排接待,心安多了。 但,在 Toronto 要返 Vancouver 時,我大膽不搭飛機改搭火車返 Vancouver 6天5夜路經5大湖, 火車上我是唯一東方女孩,很多好奇的人來到我座位跟我聊天,還有學生和我分享她 Grandmother 烤的蛋糕, 還有請我吃水果的。也認識了奧林匹克的腳踏車選手,也認識從英國音樂教授帶學生們到 加拿大演奏交響樂。列車長每天跟我道早安,晚安,也教我如何在各站如何自己到各省城逛逛後在火車出發前回到火車上。 我是唯一從 Toronto 搭火車到 Vancouver 的旅客。列車長跟那位英國音樂教授和10位學生替我在火車上開了1個交響樂的音樂會,很多別車箱的旅客都到我的車箱聽音樂會。列車長拿2根湯匙當樂器加入演奏,列車長要為我唱1首歌,他問我要聽那一首歌,我告訴他: “Country Road Take Me Home ”。 返台後我把火車遊記寫成文章投到報社副刊被刊出。還收到由報社轉來的讀友的信,問我如何安排行程。 Anyway, 這旅行是我人生最危險又最快樂的自遊行。 有機會還想再一次火車旅行(加拿大)。
when the chinese starts traveling in the 90s they stole on sia. after 2 reported case of 5 yrs jail and 6 strokes its stop. once on a Thai airway, saw a man opening a few compartments. told the stewardess. at bangkok airport the man was escorted by police. and i think those affected passengers were tactically informed to check thier luggage. airline should installed cctv
@cruisefu9 ай бұрын
Thanks for watching and feedback I assume nowadays privacy is a big issue 😕😕 I wonder if any airline dares to install CCTV in cabin
@NahbehChow9 ай бұрын
@@cruisefu well is up to iata on whether cabin is private or public space. for security and to prevent dispute, i m for it. but airline need a code on conduct on who, what n when can review cctv