我住旅館睡覺前一定檢查dead bolt有沒有上。從不把東西攤滿房間,該放背包裡和該放行李箱裡的東西放好,只有明天要穿的衣服放箱子上鞋子放地上。我旅行一定帶著一個headlamp放背包裡,萬一需要照明可以戴頸子上(光線照射在腳前)。我也是check in後會先找樓梯位置,in case of emergency。
謝謝分享你的經驗,特別是安全措施我到沒有想過。我也有習慣檢查一下房間,除了檢查外,我會把房間裏的杯子重洗一遍再使用,我曾經看過一個旅館的 House keeper 用消毒藥水噴噴杯子而不是洗杯子的影片。冷氣太大聲也會影響我的睡眠,還有房間最好不要面對大馬路,還有我一定自己帶拖鞋在旅館的房間走動,我覺得旅館的地毯真的都很髒。基本上我都會看了很多評價再決定旅館的。
感謝分享重要性的撿查。安全和comfort 是每個人住旅店的目要。當然cleanliness and non smoking (if you are non smoker) 也要問Reception 安排的是否是對。有幾次我就被安排smoker Room. Wasting n delay check in😢😓.😂
@cruisefu Жыл бұрын
Same I hate smoker room...那種味道深入每個地方,所以對我而言因為我不抽煙所以這樣的房間是完全不能接受的,
My previous role, I flown for 8 years with average of 45 weeks per year. I fully agreed this sharing. Only couple of things to add. If I check in to a room with an open holy book, bible, kuran etc... I will ask to change room. If the hotel is full, then dont touch the book. Leave it as it is and sleep on the other side of the bed. Another thing is if you feel a sudden chill when you open the door, feeling like you just open a freezer but colder, you can consider to change room too.
@cruisefu Жыл бұрын
Thanks much for your sharing I would make another video and adding your advice with it 🙂 kzbin.info/aero/PL9CIoNfGMXvDQdJA4W6xllkCZ5Pmk7rnN&si=d7_RCYlRnfo4ApAJ Try to make this series more informative 💯
@moonyeetam6412 Жыл бұрын
@wasawasabi1054 Жыл бұрын
What does it mean if a bible is open in a hotel room?
@GentleTaipan Жыл бұрын
Meaning there is some bad juju in the room that is extra malevolent. Bible was kept open to keep it in check.
就今年一月,我住在巴黎的一家五星酒店,拿到房卡进房间以后马上去洗澡。洗着洗着突然听到外面有很大的声音。我以为是房间外面走廊的声音,但是越听越不对劲。关了水以后听到真的好像房里有人。我试探着说了一句excuse me. 就听到房门被大力的关上。当时我包着毛巾从浴室出来,真的吓坏了。后来我去前台问发生了什么事。他们居然说应该是room service checking on mini bar. 还说是因为我没有打出do no disturb的告示,所以他们进来。我的老天。房间客人才check in, 就要来看冰箱?而且开门后明显房内亮灯,有人在洗澡的声音、居然还在房间里逗留,我都不知道有没有被偷看!此生不再住这个酒店。