You had me from "Australia's BEST ASIAN". Hahaha, love it!
@jimmacca95497 жыл бұрын
She is great
@geoffwarnermusic53162 жыл бұрын
Both funny and brilliant!
@caseysmits3903 жыл бұрын
Studying cultural competency I come across this gem. haha
@stalemateone88025 жыл бұрын
Lee Lin Chin has missed her calling in life; should have been a comedienne, she is very funny in her own unique way.
@joshfish24 жыл бұрын
is this satirical though? Or meant to be entirely serious?
@Marc-io8qm6 жыл бұрын
Where is the training for cultural competence for Australian history? Where is the data which says that diversity ACTUALLY equals strength? If diversity really means strength than why is it forced AND why is it not applied to poor countries? Why is it ONLY applied to white European ones? Why not Sudan? Why is it people who promote diversity think they are morally superior while supporting a way of thinking which has no actual scientific evidence? Further why is it most conflicts in the world are a result of too much diversity? These people need to use their own heads. And unconscious bias is BS. It's natural. This is a dangerous program which is trying to change human nature while ignoring the fact that diversity is only being applied to white European countries where, if it really is such a miraculous thing we should apply it to Sudan, Somalia or other more homogeneous poor countries which must 'need' it. Does this also assume (yes) that homogeneous countries like China or Japan are weak? This is what happens when you see a condensation of dumbed down NeoMarxist left liberals in media who have no idea about conflict, history nor rational thought. They now suffuse most media and academia and suffer from group think, intellectual myopia and arrogance. And the worst thing about it? They think they are better than everyone who thinks differently than them. Fortunately people are waking up to this nonsense. "Nothing so epitomizes the politically correct gullibility of our times as the magic word "diversity." The wonders of diversity are proclaimed from the media, extolled in the academy and confirmed in the august chambers of the Supreme Court of the United States. But have you ever seen one speck of hard evidence to support the lofty claims?" "How does a racially homogeneous country like Japan manage to have high-quality education without the essential ingredient of diversity, for which there is supposedly a “compelling” need? Conversely, why does India, one of the most diverse nations on Earth, have a record of intergroup intolerance and lethal violence today that is worse than that in the days of our Jim Crow South?" “Can you cite one speck of hard evidence of the benefits of "diversity" that we have heard gushed about for years? Evidence of its harm can be seen - written in blood - from Iraq to India, from Serbia to Sudan, from Fiji to the Philippines. It is scary how easily so many people can be brainwashed by sheer repetition of a word.” -Thomas Sowell