That is simply the illusion of enlightenment with the fallacy of definition. The blissful sensations are very appealing for the well-being that eradicates the moments of dark emotion, but this is not enlightenment.
Feeling so bless to see this video at this time. If I need to choose, I would be loyalty to Love and bliss. Love you, Sadhguru, our humor father with so much wisdom and practice.
9:00 Every moment of your life, be loyal to 1 thing, you choose, either be loving , peaceful, happy, hatred or anger~~~ then you will become enlightened..
@david0085262 жыл бұрын
Thankyou !🙏🙏
@嗡啊吽3 жыл бұрын
@jameschien67113 жыл бұрын
guru在瑜珈士裡即為一位靈性導師,有興趣開悟者建議你念圓覺經,悟分頓漸,在幻境當中開悟是你自己說了算嗎?開悟的人不會問who am I?更不會問我的終點在哪裡?肉體只是皮囊靈性才會永生,肉體即是容器奮力地將內含物全部清除也才達到'空',也才達到孫悟空的境界還穿越不了如來五指山,覺還分覺醒覺知覺悟,悟有開悟覺悟了悟,靈性修行總要依法修隨順行,譬如登山總要雙腳費力去爬才能知道你爬了多高爬到最高點了嗎?覺知就像我知道那裏有座山依資料顯示高3000米上半部終年雲霧繚繞,若不踏進去永遠裡面是怎麼一回事