D&D Players, What were your experiences with Fire in D&D, and how did it end badly? #1

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D&D Players, What were your experiences with Fire in D&D, and how did it end badly? #1
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@Scorpious187 3 жыл бұрын
*Wingus Dingus as tuned in.*
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
- panr liked that
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
@Scorpious187 3 жыл бұрын
On an unrelated note, how the hell did I miss this thread on the sub? My first-ever character was Delkesh, a fire wizard who nearly burned a tavern down trying to use Firebolt to light his rum on fire while drunk... I would have totally posted about his fiery nonsense but I never saw this thread. lol.
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
@@Scorpious187 mood
@N01inparticular 3 жыл бұрын
@chadgeary2653 3 жыл бұрын
Just sayin. People who love fire are generally the warmest to be around.
@MusicAnime4Ever 3 жыл бұрын
@shockblast30 3 жыл бұрын
I don't know... I've heard arguments with those kind of people tend to get rather heated pretty fast.
@louisthewolf0816 3 жыл бұрын
Literally! Especially when you are the one on fire!
@zainiadnan2335 3 жыл бұрын
@hutao7917 3 жыл бұрын
This is why I wanna play a pyromancer dmpc with my family this summer.
@plauxier1945 3 жыл бұрын
My sister was playing a Warlock with the ability to push enemies back with her Eldritch Blast. She shot a bandit right into a lit fire.
@ericb3157 3 жыл бұрын
"setting fire to orphanages" reminds me of that gag in the online comic "looking for group": "the orphanage attacked me FIRST!"
@AkieenFenris 3 жыл бұрын
My nature domain cleric had a moment of stress and snapped. Using an entire necklace of fireballs to flush out an enemy who had been trapping and eluding the party for several campaigns...she burnt the entire forest down. >.>;;
@frankyquilavafireblast895 3 жыл бұрын
Brian’s laughter gives me life It’s still nowhere near as amazing as murderous lobsters or the entirety of distraction But hearing him laugh is just amazing
@etcetera1995 3 жыл бұрын
My first Pathfinder party's very first instance of brilliant teamwork involved fire. Now, this was a fight our GM intended to end badly, but he had a contingency plan since it wasn't an impossible encounter, and he was pleased with the creative way the players handled it. We were at sea being attacked by pirates, with two iron golems powered by gunpowder. The wizard discovered their vulnerability to fire when he exploded one, but by the time the first one exploded, he was out of ranged fire spells. Now, we also had an artificer with a pistol... And a drunken master monk. The artificer told the monk to throw his wineskin at the second golem, dousing it in the flammable alcohol, and shot at it, igniting and exploding it. The pirate skiff was sink and we were free to press on. ... And then the GM used his contingency which we weren't bothered over because we had to wreck SOMEHOW to get on with the actual story lol
@dudemcduder1628 3 жыл бұрын
Wizard tried burning down a orphanage as well, but the extent of the damage was that the building had a new entrance in the form of a small doorway shaped hole
@ericb3157 2 жыл бұрын
oh, i just remembered a crazy video by Puffin forest, where a spreading fire in a town hit an orphanage, then a second building i can't remember, then THE FIRE DEPARTMENT...
@cheesusgaming1769 3 жыл бұрын
I was doing a one shot with 4 others we all took teiflings and everyone else decided that the starting house shouldent exist and they all fire bolted it yea that was a fun 10 min campaign
@RobertWKeeney 3 жыл бұрын
DM here. This happened very recently in a side campaign I'm running due to some scheduling conflicts with players in our main campaign. TLDR at the bottom. I've been running homebrew since I first started DMing, so I thought I'd dip my toes into published modules with Lost Mines. So far, it has been a blast, though since its a side campaign, the players decided to do some off-the-wall stuff, which is cool with me. They do the first few missions and, aside from getting their butts handed to them on a regular basis, they're having a blast. Now, I have to mention Fexel. One of our players rolled him up COMPLETELY randomly. Race, traits, class, personality, all of it. Ended up with a lawful dumb dragonborn paladin worshipping a god that doesn't even exist anymore. And he roleplayed it VERY well. There's an arc in the module where the players get in a scuff with a local gang. The players get word that the gang is causing trouble and Fexel stands up to a couple of them, and gets some respect from the townsfolk. So far, so good. The party is even impressed with him. Then comes the fire. They learn that the gang frequents another local tavern. Now to clarify, they frequent it, but they DON'T own or run it. Everyone in the party understands that except poor Fexel. He decides to bust in the front door of the tavern without the rest of the group and threaten all of the patrons. The rest of my players froze. I froze. The patrons froze. After a moment of thought, I mention to him that several of the patrons from the gang draw swords and stand up to face him, and a couple of crossbowman from across the room ready their weapons in response to him. Does he back out the door? Does he try and defuse the situation? Does he look for cover? Does he draw his weapon? Nope, nope. Nope and nope. "Is there alcohol behind the bar?" I immediately knew what he was thinking. "Are you sure about that?" "Is that a yes?" Reluctantly, I respond. "Yep, and lots of it. Its a bar." The other party members are standing outside wondering if he's even still alive, no idea what's about to take place. "I'm going to use my fire breath." I exhale deeply, bracing for impact. "Roll damage" "Ummm. Max damage, actually. I begin to describe how the superheated alcohol erupts into sprays of flame, catching the dry wood of the old tavern ablaze in swift strokes. There are two ways out, and Fexel is literally standing blocking the main one. People screaming, running, not getting out. He steps out and holds the door. One of the NPCs is standing there with the rest of the party, watching in horror while Fexel chases down the escapees and cuts them down in the street. The wildfire druid in the party has to spend the next hour or so concentrating on keeping this fire contained to the tavern so as not to burn down all of Phandalin. The rest of the players then turned to him and said "what the heck did you just do?" "That's what Fexel would have done!" None of us could really argue that. Managed to get my first murderhobo experience as a DM. Needless to say, the townsfolk ran the party out of town. Fexel only lasted about two more sessions before he antagonized a group of hobgoblins and got himself eaten by an owlbear. Fexel is now a verb at our table. "Wow, you really Fexel'd that up." TLDR: Lawful Dumb Dragonborn Paladin Torched A Tavern Half Full Of Innocent People Without Remorse.
@cooldemon5545 3 жыл бұрын
So, there was a river completely filled with sewage. I was a level 4 sorcerer, and had firebolt. Well, the DM put us against a displacer beast, and I think we were supposed to run from it. Well, I almost killed the entire party after we lured the displacer beast to the lake. After shooting fire bolt at the lake, there was a massive explosion. Miraculously we survived, and so did the displacer beast. The wizard killed it with magic missile. The DM was impressed, and mildly annoyed.
@CCCMTTT 3 жыл бұрын
Was playing a red Dragonborn for first EVER game and saw fire resistance and thought oh cool! Let’s walk through the fire! That’s when I learned that it did not mean fire *proof*
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
PANR has tuned in.
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
@@donutlover417 hello! Keeping well?
@superj1010 3 жыл бұрын
Good to see you PANR and Sprinkles.
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
@@superj1010 always goot to see you Super!
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
@@superj1010 hello! I’ve tuned in!
@malthungaming3466 3 жыл бұрын
I currently play a character by the name of Alka Low-Tooth, an Orc Magus (Pathfinder Class, think Wizard/Fighter blend) and one of her spells is called Fire Trail. Fire Trail, upon being cast, causes flaming oil to drip from the spellcaster, lighting whatever space they are in on fire. The Caster doesn't take any damage from this fire, and leaves behind a trail of fire as they move. Enemies adjacent to the fire take damage, and take additional damage if *in* the same space as the fire. The party had just revisited the Misgivings, an old, decrepit manor on the coast. As they were digging around in the basement kitchen, a pair of Spider Swarms flooded from the Kitchen Walls. Alka cast the spell and immediately sprinted across the room, leaving behind the trail of fire. On her next turn, she simply ran around one of the spider swarms, encircling it in a ring of fire then cast Burning Hands, blasting them with one more wave of fire. *ONE SPIDER FROM THE SWARM WAS LEFT!*
@vicentetemes5793 3 жыл бұрын
Our DM runs a sort of roguelike-type game; every week we make new characters, go into the dungeon, and try and generally fail to survive. One week, we entered The Archives. A massive labyrinth of bookshelves, with silencing enchantments that prevented all sound; making stealth easier, but making magic way, way harder. At one point we encounter a room full of spiders and spiderwebs and I decide to have my rogue try to begin a safe, controlled fire by whacking a spiderweb with a torch. I think the last player died about 5 rounds later, trying to evade the blazing inferno.
@SamWeltzin 3 жыл бұрын
"The Red God provides!" was my bane as a GM, even though it was funny as hell. Friggin' Agda Jarvick was a Fire Mystery Oracle and a major pain in my ass. This channel told a story about him once before in the "Dumbest thing that succeeded" prompt, but I don't think I mentioned much how he was basically a fire-crazed murderhobo who kept doing dumb stuff and somehow surviving/getting out of jail.
@Flamytygwa 3 жыл бұрын
I like the 10k random magic affects table, and with a random encounters table we rolled finding a "Magical Vegetable Garden". After some shenanigans involving free oil lamps (with no oil) and becoming space satellites via potatoes, one of my players started eating a cabbage, this had no obvious affect. They used detect magic and a really good arcana roll to see that it was fire magic of some kind but no other affect was noted. The player proceeded to eat all the cabbages. I direct you to number 4496 of the 10k random magic affects table: If target is slain by fire, he explodes as a 20HD fireball This was then promptly forgotten about by everyone. Not that long later, while fighting a troll and due to a fumbled throw from the alchemist, he was now standing in burning oil. As trolls do he got in a few hits and left him with just enough hit points that the start of his next turn....he went down...to the fire damage...and everybody was within 20 foot of the troll. Queue 8d6 x 8 cabbages for 64d6 damage. Needless to say they were all vaporized by the impromptu thermonuclear bomb and half the town was set on fire. Best TPK ever.
@ShandorDavies 3 жыл бұрын
In Rifts, I used to start forest fires with surprising regularity, by accident, that I had to create my own extinguish fire spell to mitigate the disaster. Other notable fires include accidentally burning and damaging our truck whilst trying to start a campfire, launching fireballs off a ship to attack pirates before they managed to board us, and who could possibly forget that damn dragon shaman we partied with who would *repeatedly* set fire to rooms and destroy the loot because "there might be spiders".
@mother_foxxer 3 жыл бұрын
My players were in someone's mansion. They entered an encounter with a quartet of Animated Spellbooks in the study. The Dragonborn used their fire breath to deal with them. This, of course, is not a good idea in the study. They had plans for the cleric to use create or destroy water to put it out. But one of the spellbook had cast alarm, signaling to a gargoyle that there were aggressors. They fought the gargoyle in the hall. By the time they were done, they forgot about the fire completely. After checking out a couple rooms in the upstairs of the manor, they decided to take a SHORT REST. By the time they came out of it, they realized that the entire main foyer was in flames. This was also directly post-boss so the cleric was now out of spell slots for their water trick. Fun times.
@NotMyRealName6 2 жыл бұрын
This is from an AD&D 2e campaign. DM rolls random encounter while we're on the road. Next thing we know, we're making a dex save. The random encounter lich (yes, seriously) hit the party with a Fireball. My wizard and half of the party's pets fail their save and die instantly. I was raised in the next town since the DM felt that was way to cheap a death, and now I RP that wizard as if she has a crippling fear of liches.
@timdrugge907 3 жыл бұрын
Tragedy and comedy are all about perspective; and in this fire-related incident, that perspective was split 50/50. I was DMing a 5-player dungeon-crawl oneshot at our local game store. Important to note is that I'm the kind of DM who allows players to interrupt me whenever I'm describing something or speaking as an NPC so they can take an action, press for details, or whatever, giving a touch of real-time strategy if they realize or figure something out. And while there were 5 players, only Edgelord Rogue and That Guy Sorcerer are important. So after roughly 9 hours of playing, not including lunch and dinner breaks, the party finally reaches the doors to the BBEG's chamber at the bottom of the dungeon that had suddenly appeared in the center of the kingdom's capital. After Edgelord Rogue checks the door for traps (none), Fighter states they raise their Shield of Reflection and use it to push open the door. 10 seconds after I begin describing the door opening (not being open, opening), That Guy Sorcerer declares they cast Fireball and begins rolling damage. Immediately following that, Edgelord Rogue declares they activate their movement boosting abilities and backstab the BBEG to finish them off, then also begins rolling. You can probably guess where this is headed. As I'd been doing all game, I allowed the interrupting action, and describe how That Guy Sorcerer's Fireball slams into the door and blasts the party, its damage amplified as it rebounds off Fighter's Shield of Reflection, which returns any magical attack it's used to block dealing double damage, instantly killing the party's healing and badly wounding Fighter and the 5th player's PC. I describe how Edgelord Rogue, who is completely encased in fire, speeds around the room, stabbing Fighter in blind panic and agony, killing Fighter and pushing the chamber doors open before dropping dead themselves. How the remaining PC, near death, looks up and sees the BBEG standing on the far side of the chamber, just staring for a minute, before walking over, and picks them up in one hand, BBEG stating they challenged this kingdom's greatest heroes to stop them, yet finds the first ones to reach his chamber are nothing more than pathetic jesters. BBEG then places a curse upon the PC, stating it will cause them to live invulnerable for a thousand years, every minute of which will be spent telling all what they and their fellow jesters did upon reaching the chamber, so all will know of their foolishness, and shame the heroes who sent the group to face them first instead of challenging them openly as they had done. Then the BBEG teleported the PC back to the capital and summoned some imps to clean up the 'trash' that sullied their throne room. Needless to say, That Guy Sorcerer and Edgelord Rogue, along with one other player, were pissed, the first two at me and the last at them. The competing outraged shouts of cheating, targeting, and "You've never done that before" verses various alternatives for the words "YOU F###ING IDIOTS!" themselves competed against the roaring laughter of myself and the two other players who actually found everything just hilarious. I remember the third angry player following That Guy Sorcerer out of the store when they got tired of being laughed at, not done berating (I think they knew each other?) and getting into a fistfight that was broken up, but not before That Guy Sorcerer got a broken nose and black eye, so lost a friendship on top of being humiliated for their own idiocy. I ended up DMing for the two players who laughed, and later the angry player once they heard, in a longer campaign set in a kingdom that had been taken over by a dark lord in a dungeon a thousand years previous, the tales of the one group who made it to face the dark lord and the incompetency of two of their members resulting in their failure and the kingdom's fall having been etched into history. Two new players were brought in, everyone had a blast, and lots of laughs were had, especially when the kingdom's history was brought up. Favorite fire-related incident in my entire D&D career.
@Naro_Rivers 2 жыл бұрын
My first 5e character, a dwarf wizard named Harbek, exploded into bloody, flaming chunks when another character misfired a fire spell and it formed inside his chest cavity. All his mundane equipment was incinerated except for his money, which melted into a lump of various precious metals that the party used to pay for his resurrection.
@magatsu6811 3 жыл бұрын
_Flashbacks to burning an entire goblin encampment down with fire breath._ Man, that encounter got almost entirely flushed out of their base.
@hambone4984 2 жыл бұрын
I was a dm for a group of STEMs. They had found a secret tunnel into a crypt that had been closed off for hundreds of years. As they're fighting a couple of undead, one player casts fireball and fumbles the roll, missing completely. I describe how the fireball misses the target but is shot at just the right angle to go down the flight of stairs behind it, further down into the crypt. I wasn't planning on having it do anything except for wake up a few more undead. Instead, all of the players start freaking out because of all the gases that have been building up as the bodies have been releasing various gases while decaying in an enclosed area and what adding fire and oxygen to that mixture would do to it since they also left the secret tunnel open that lead directly to the outside. I give them all one turn to get back into the secret tunnel and they all decide to stay and fight because they convince themselves that there must be something really good in there and not all of them can die. So I describe a massive plume of flames and what looks like an even bigger fireball rushing up the stairs case and towards the secret tunnel they left open. Everyone rolls and 3 of the 5 players made it. One was blasted out of the secret tunnel thanks to his shield taking most of the damage, and 2 players managed to create a makeshift force field around themselves as the place caved in. They spent the rest of the session looking for the 2 dead bodies and ended up spending the next 3 sessions trying to find someone or something to revive their friends.
@inky5574 3 жыл бұрын
In our current campaign there was a necromancer goblin and a herbomancer earth Genasi who wanted to prove which was better. So our party was sleeping at camp during the night and the necromancer goblin gets the brilliant idea to set one tree on fire, so they cast a low roll and set the entire forest we were sleeping in on fire. We escaped luckily but not before she tried to undo it by making an ice spell which just ended up flooding the forest. And that's how Pyril Forest became known as Pyro Forest in the games nearby town
@DragonEnthusiast 3 жыл бұрын
I was a Artificer / Sorcerer using a flintlock with a magic pouch of bullets that would ignite when fired, one night another player and my character went into a bar, our characters got drunk, I was holding the flintlock and my character’s finger slipped. I was aiming at a pool of spilt alcohol. Right next to a stockpile of alcoholic drinks. Result: “BOOM!” We then got handed in to the town police and got a pardon because we were stopping a cult of Orcus from murdering the residents.
@Xarestrill 3 жыл бұрын
Fire went well: The PC's were quietly scouting out an old mine that had been taken over by orcs. They found the barracks (two small caves next to each other with doors opening out into the same open area with about 20 orcs in each. They spread a lot of lamp oil out in the open area, stopping just a couple of feet from each door. They then kicked open the doors at the same time while screaming at the orcs to get their attention, then turned and sprinted away (while avoiding the oil). The orcs charged out after them into the oil covered area. Almost all of them failed their checks and fell down, and as soon as all the orcs were in the oil the wizard threw a torch, igniting the oil and burning half the clan alive. Fire went badly: One of the PCs did something stupid (not even really badly stupid, like a night in the cell and a fine kind of stupid) and was being held in a watch stations holding cell near the docks of a medium sized shipping town. Instead of going in and paying the fine to get the PC out they decided to break him out. They decided to set the closest warehouse on fire to draw the guards out. What they didn't know was that warehouse was where a Large (several tons) smuggled shipment of gunpowder was being stashed (I had a possible plot hook for them to try to track down where it was being kept). The explosion left a crater and rained flaming debris down on half the town, the rest of the warehouses, and all the ships at anchor.
@exquisitetoast3859 3 жыл бұрын
In my first ever campaign within 10 minutes I had singlehandedly wiped out multiple civilizations and burnt down a massive forest by breathing fire in the direction of a very weak goblin (I got a very high roll for damage then missed completely)
@moobloomfin8872 3 жыл бұрын
I accidentally cast firebolt on a Owlbear. Don't ask how, only know that holding your action can ruin you.
@marschel6271 3 жыл бұрын
The worst, but most interesting experience was with .. of course.. fireballs. We were in this town and the king told us to infiltrate a thieves guild which resided in an old clock tower. The group sent in two crime-affine party members. They were let in and later interviewed by the gang leader. Things went badly and one of our guys, a draconic Sorcerer, pulled out two (afaik) fireballs, which brought down the clock tower and let debris fall onto nearby houses. Some buildings started burning, dozens, if not hundreds of people were crushed or burned by this accident. Now the most interesting part: This was the only session of the entire campaign I missed thus far. I felt like Troy Barnes in that one Episode of Community where he came back into a room where everything was burning. It was fun though because it gave my character, a good-willed Gnome cleric, an opportunity to shine like a beacon of hope for all the make-believe victims of this catastrophe.
@NatFloofer 3 жыл бұрын
This actually happened today! I was in a game, and I was a human rogue (first character ever) and we were in a desert, and two things happened. The first is we met a man with a flaming skull, riding a night mare. We asked him so many questions that he got pissed off and rode away. The second thing (same session) was when we snuck into this decrepit shack, and I failed a dex save on a broken floor (I should mention I have a plus 3 and a stealth of plus 9, I was stealthed with 25 at the time) and we heard a skittering noise. I should also mention that I had took a potion called nightdrops, it gives darkvision and light sensitivity. We saw that it was a wyvern. I stealthily took out a cloth and wrapped my eyes. One of the other party members, who was the only other one in the building, grabbed my arm, and ran me out the building. I got stunned at the door, and was dropped to 12 hp. Now we have combat. Another wyvern came around the building, so there were 2. Our wizard tried to use fly spell and drag me put, taking the attack of opportunity, and got grappled by the wyverns attack. The party member who ran me out was fighting the other wyvern. Our sorc fireballs the two wyvern and the house. I choose to run with my bonus action of dash, but I'm blind in combat, so I roll a d8. I roll a 3, and it turns out to be the opposite direction of the wyvern. More fireballs, a winter storm spell, the wizard escapes, and the wyvern who came after is running. I say that I grab a potion of healing from my bag. But I'm blinded. I am asked by the dm how many potions or bottles I have in my bag, and I say that I have the one pot of healing, an alchemist fire, a bottle of burnt other fumes (really deadly poison), and 2 empty bottles. I again roll a 3, and I am told that as I take out the bottle, I can tell there is liquid in it. I say I don't drink it, and after combat the party member who went in with me walks up and I ask, "WHAT AM I HOLDING?!". They ask the dm, and they say it's a pink vial. I immediately chug it, and I get 6 points of health back. The dm afterwards says that if I got a 4, it would've been alchemist fire. I love how our dm can take our creativity, and let it happen and be fun. TL;DR: Our party meets the literal ghost rider of the desert and I roll to see if I chug an alchemist fire, potion of poison, or a health pot.
@KelbPanthera 3 жыл бұрын
3e game. We're in a forest on an island. GM calls for know (nature) checks. Druid and Bard pass and are told the forest here seems *really* dry. Wizard and I don't know because *neither* deem fit to share this detail. Fight with fiendish apes begins. Wizard webs a couple, I go to beating them with my fantastic fists of fury (complicated Tome of Battle character). The druid, in a stroke of sheer genius, hits one of the ones in the web with a shot from create flames. Bard sings. Web lights up, igniting the trees and brush it's bound up in, and turning the combat into a bonfire... in a *very* dry forest. Fire begins spreading fast. Wizard hits expeditious retreat and books. Druid is unimpeded by the brush and zipps out. Bard and I are quickly overtaken as we flee in different directions. Bard didn't make it but I was able to start punching a tree and triggering an on-hit healing ability. I punched that tree for over an hour in the smoke and flames and came out the other side of the fire alive, if a little singed. The bad: dead bard. The awesome: I kung-fu'd a forest fire and won. Slugged the druid one afterwards too.
@skeleboy333911 3 жыл бұрын
>The druid didn't think to use their water spell to put out the oil fire Or the druid did think, and thought the DM would've laughed away that option.
@YourBoyTrue 3 жыл бұрын
I'm new to dnd but are permanent acquired passive buffs/debuffs a thing? Can the DM do that? It would be cool if certain experiences or quirks caused them. "Uh-Oh, I think you've gotten over accustomed to scoped ranged weapons. You've used your scope too many times in too short a period. You've acquired farsightedness. You have a perception debuff to actions that would be directly within 5 feet of you. However, this gives you an advantage to ranged perception check." "Oh, it looks like all of those barfights have paid off. All of those brawls caused you to develop an extra layer of calluses and capillaries in either hand. You now do more attack damage to enemies than yourself when you use barehanded attacks, and even more in stressful situations due to the increased blood flow to your hands. Sadly, you can expect a disadvantage in throwing weapons due to the obstruction of the calluses." This sort of system seems like it would involve a cross between pathfinder and homebrew.
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
When I, as a first time ever dming, had a player decide to run through a wall of fire. Trying to figure out mechanics on the fly isn’t fun..
@kdfrock 3 жыл бұрын
Hey again, Sprinkles! How are you?
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
@@kdfrock pretty good! How about you?
@kdfrock 3 жыл бұрын
@@donutlover417 I'm doing pretty good too! I'm almost through finals at my school so woo!
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
@@kdfrock awesome!!!!!
@whitefox3189 3 жыл бұрын
I think that it should be a Dex save, if you suceed you take zero damage and if you fail depending on how badly you take either half or full damage.
@NinjaGerbil98 3 жыл бұрын
Was a cleric with a party consisting of a rogue, a barbarian and a wizard, exploring an ancient dwarven temple that had paths splitting into opposite, but symmetrical directions. Rogue and wizard decided to run ahead, stumbled through a trap and then ended up locked inside a room with a giant spider and her many baby spiders. Barbarian and I had to take the other path and was then waylaid in the matching large room with some undead thing in armour. Rogue and wizard were doing their best but the action economy was very much against them and they were losing health fast. And then, the wizard decided to use fireball. In a small room. Full of very flammable webs. Whole room went up with a bang, killed off the spiders but also immediately sent them both into death saves. Luckily for them, the barbarian and I managed to kill the undead dude and cross the corridor connecting the rooms, then the barbarian made trips into the burning room to drag them out while I quickly used Spare The Dying to save their asses. The rogue has a fear of fire now.
@1Ring42 3 жыл бұрын
We were raiding a drug den and had ended up sneaking to the second floor but the guards on the first floor were alerted after we interrogated one of the "customers". So I did what any self respecting kobold would do, greased the stairs with lamp oil. And then while they were struggling to get up the stairs I cast Prestidigitation. Unfortunately the building was made of old dry wood and the fire quickly spread. We quickly vacated the building but I stuck around, continually casting Prestidigitation to keep the fire contained (it can put out small fires too). I ended up getting a medal for containing a fire I STARTED.
@devanpb2703 2 жыл бұрын
Paladin Player and Sorcerer go to confront the Paladin's brother and what was essentially, a Warhammer 40k inquisitor in a hotel room in a nation's capital city. Given the Paladin character's at this point infamously poor negotiation skills, a fight broke out. The Sorcerer used fire bolt inside the wooden building. Obviously this resulted in a house fire that ended up spreading to burn a quarter of the city down. Thankfully for the party, the only thing that was witnessed by any civilians was the party fighting off the Paladin's brother and the inquisitor who in this setting already have a bad enough reputation as is and so the city fire got put on them and we got a hefty reward.
@skylargarrett6836 2 жыл бұрын
In a tavern full of men, women, and children. Sorcerer gets drunk while we’re cutting a deal with some local ruffians. They threaten us and everyone is trying to de-escalate. Sorcerer turns around and in a drunken slur begins casting every fire spell she knows. We made it out and died to a cult later
@3rduck735 2 ай бұрын
It was a session like any other, until I tried to blow out a candle. I have longer hair, and it shifted, falling directly into the flame. Then, a piece of my flaming hair fell onto my character sheet, burning it and the table. Luckily everything got put out, otherwise my DM's entire house could have burned down. Oddly enough, not the first time I had been set on fire. Oh, you mean in-game?
@ericb3157 3 жыл бұрын
one story reminded me of a silly video, "worst spells in D&D". the GM keeps talking about crappy spells, the player keeps demanding to learn Fireball (even though he's level 1) finally the GM gives in, and lets the player cast ONLY fireball, NO other spells. then later the GM checks up on the player: player: "i cast FIreball AS A CANTRIP." "oh, SHIT!" the GM says!
@dr.health1688 3 жыл бұрын
I had an alchemy jug and was using it to make flammable oil. Then used a delayed fireball that unfortunately went off too early that essentially nuked the entire party.
@cosmoniums5990 3 жыл бұрын
My prior groups artificer, isn’t well liked by the group for reasons you’ll soon understand. During each session and encounter he never failed to be knocked unconscious by the enemy in every single fight after attempting to melee them. Now I don’t have anything against a Gish type character and think a melee oriented artificer could work incredibly well. Unfortunately the artificer refused to use his spells many of which would’ve helped majorly as a melee fighter. During the last session he finally cast his first spell, grease which he placed at a choke point separating a group of cultists from the thin exit tunnel. Normally this would be an excellent strategy, but he failed to run this idea past the party resulting in everyone (except for myself due my flying speed) falling face first into the grease in which we quickly became immobile and easy prey to the ten or so cultists. Instead of canceling his concentration on grease and allowing us an actual fighting chance the artificer instead chose to flee further towards the exit, and then proceeded to seal the rest of the party’s fate in an attempt to create a trap for the cultists by casting campfire on a pile of corpses covered in embalming fluid. If I didn’t mention it, the room prior to the thin tunnel was a large room filled with piles of dead bodies which reeked of embalming fluid. Now if you haven’t guessed what was about to happen, it just so turns out that the embalming fluid was highly flammable resulting in the rooming of bodies completely combusting sealing off our exit as we quickly ran out of options and resources. Unfortunately this resulted in a complete tpk, leading to the first character deaths of the bard and myself. Safe to say Adamantine Wall is a dead man if any of our new characters get a hang of him.
@donutlover417 3 жыл бұрын
Sprinkles has tuned in!
@zeenogt1660 3 жыл бұрын
we were a group of 4, a artificer(A), barbarian(B), rough(R) and wizard(W) , so we had a simple mission in a dwarf town, sneak in, and figure what is the secret weapon, we had also figured out that they were going to a smithy for a meeting, so A hides in the smithy to eardrop on the meeting while B R W is waiting for the carriage with the items arrival, a guy with a gun leaves and goes to a roof while the main guy walks to the smithy for this meeting, while A figures out that the meeting is about another mystery item, W cast a restrain spell on the guy on the roof. it all went well until the roof guy shot his gun in the air notifying the enemies of our presents, wolf man and assasin leaves carriage to figure out what going on, main guy run out too, B decide this is the moment to make noice and run away while the assasin chase, A runs out of hiding and grabs the box from main guy and runs for it. meanwhile R is inviable sneaking to the carriage only to find angel guarding another box, fails on slight of hand check and ends up in combat, B and A run back to help when W has this amazing idea, using mold earth, W manage to change the stream of the lava river, flooding the street, here is were all hell broke loose, using the lava we started to throw them in the lava as they were stronger than us, two of the enemies survived as we run with the loot, and we may have accidently started a city fire, only roof guy and main guy survived, and R and A had health at singel digit
@matthewporter7871 2 жыл бұрын
Played a celestial warlock with wall of fire and repelling blast. Fought a Yuan-ti anathema in a small cave. Put all of fire in the entrance of the cave. Either it sat inside and got cooked and I hit it with eldritch blasts, or it walked out and took fire dmg and then took more as I pushed it back through the wall with repelling blast.
@wypmangames 3 жыл бұрын
hey MrRipper (and other story readers) I have caught covid a few days ago, and im in quarantine now thanks a lot for the stories and keeping my mood high and the quarantine less boring :)
@Ocachino 3 жыл бұрын
First time playing dnd as a sorcerer, my first attack of the games casted fire bolt in a cramped room full of wooden chairs n stuff. Nat 20. It was a very short campaign.
@letsplaysvonaja1714 3 жыл бұрын
Can't think of any fire related stories Our paladin likes to throw oil bottles and then blow them up Which at one point got him "are you sure you want to do this?" when he tried to do it underground in an area with weird fog
@letsplaysvonaja1714 3 жыл бұрын
I like it when modifiers are so big even nat 20 can't save you
@samknight2443 3 жыл бұрын
Oohhhhh boy. It was my first time as DM and my party almost immediately burnt down a tavern full of people. The fire got so bad it started spreading to nearby buildings as the tavern fell apart. My party managed to stop the fire before it burnt down anything else, but they needed help from the townspeople. A lot of help.
@alkazaronyx8599 3 жыл бұрын
My party and I were on a quest to explore a sewer system to clear out some giant rats hiding out, the DM says there’s too many to fight off, so we retreat to the surface. The giant rats start pouring out to the surface eating and killing everything. My friend (necromancer) decides to run off after having one of his minions light all the methane in the sewers, thus blowing up the entire town and the rest of the team. DM lets us make new characters and the necromancer has an entire army of villagers and our dead characters
@blue-wolve 3 жыл бұрын
We are currently running a homebrew session an im a Wildfire Druid. In a nearby Town are peacfully undead rising up and the Villegers are scares of them. We start to investigate the situation. After a few smalltalk with the Villagers we find out that an Alchimist is settled close to the Graveyard. As we come close to the Building from this Alchimist we see that purple smoke comes out of the chimney. We confronted him with the rising dead an he tells us that he don´t know what´s happening out there, but after a few questions, we come to the point were he tells us that his Grandma tells him a good Soup. At least to take it short. The Alchemist was hunted by a small Imp and changed the recipe. We killed the Imp and collected all of the Soup we could and bring it out of the shack. I throw a firebolt on it and my DM collapsed laughing an tells us to roll a strengh or a dex savin throw. 2 of us were ok but my halfcover tree was destroyed i have a good fly over 30 feed and landed between some bushes. I was at max range 120feed and in a 200feed radius everthing was burning. xD
@ClydapusGotwald 3 жыл бұрын
So this happened when we saw a black ooze substance. My wizard went first and I threw a chromatic orb of fire at it. Nat 1. So my party had to make a dex saving throw to see if they all dodged it, since I was behind them all. Our fungus mushroom man rolled a 6. So I roll damage and I did 16 fire damage which was doubled to 32 since fire hurts him more. Our bard just yells at me that I’m horrible and I ran away. Now our mushroom man is terrified of fire.
@Atalas5 3 жыл бұрын
so, party is level five, and the wizaard just got fireball and is sorta eager to use it. Orc's are invading the town we have stopped in and the wizard lobs a Fireball at a group of orc's, rolls 8d6 and does....9 damage. Later on, we are in the Fyewild to rescue a small child (who due to interplanar travel stuff was no longer a small child, and the crag cat cubs she had been with weren't cubs anymore either) and the wizard casts Fireball at something attacking us, ends up setting a very, very large portion of the forest we were in on fire, enough that i draws the attention of an archfey. Later on, we discover that the DM used that pitiful damage rolls on the very first Fireball as a plot device, in that it weakened the bonds holding an ancient ice elemental under the hamlet. Evil mad scientist lady who turned out to be an intellect devourer in a jar riding a mech suit from an apocalyptic wasteland of a world, decided that tapping into the ice primal to power her undead cybernetic white dragon was a good idea. And then it became the Chosen of the Goddess of Winter without her knowing about it.
@jonathanhunter1350 3 жыл бұрын
3.5 playing city of gaxmoor, sorcerer we were tasked with clearing the city, encountered lizard men at a grain cilo, now was playing my sorcerer as being a city dweller and did not know about cilos, my go to spell was fire bolt, into a grain cilo.... the dm rolled a d20 to see how many do to role it was 10, my sorcerer was out of range, my rogue made his save and took no damage, I killed all the lizard men and the rest of the party, we all were 3rd level.
@snow8141 3 жыл бұрын
Ah fire. First time playing DND; I threw an oil flask on the ground and set it on fire using my lamp... In a garden. Fire spread and burned down the garden and the mansion. Deception blamed a villager.
@Forest9528 3 жыл бұрын
My worst experiance with fire: Last Saturday us (a level 1 party) came across a primordial fire dwarf who sat crafting items in a room with a magma pit in the middle of the room. He was chained to a large Crystal in the middle of the lava pit. Their happened to be a magmin in the lava pit but he wasn't aggressive to us so it wasn't a big deal. We decided to free the dwarf but we couldent break the chain so I being a druid decided that I would cast ice knife to try break the crystal with the sudden change in temperature. Now at that moment i forgot that ice knife had a very small aoe effect of 5 feet and I accidentally hit the magmin. Now I rolled shit cold damage (3 on 2d6) so I only really tickled it and did a 3rd of its health. The magmin now pissed at me runs up to me and crits so now his 2d6 fire damage turned into 4d6. I kid you not that magmin rolled 4 6s (24 damage total and it set me on fire). I remind you we are level 1 I only had 10 hit points Mac and at that time I only had 6 hit points remaining. Luckily my dm is a nice guy and said that since it was a little cheap that he rolled literally mad damage he'd instead of killing me instantly down me and give me 2 failed death saves. Our bard then rolled a nat 20 on initiative and shoved one of the good berries I had conjured earlier to get me back up and give me 1hp. It was a pretty intense 20min.
@PantherCat64 3 жыл бұрын
I didn't think I had a story to tell for this, but then I remembers my most recent sessions where we died to literal flaming poop. Okay, the prolog. The party were hired by the king (Who pretty much is the definition of 'disabled', the man could not remembered the conversation let alone understand it, and was just a torso and a a head.). After searching for clues the party had discovered this area where there lied the dead elven king's twin (aperently not-)dead brother, while I had given myself a side quest to get some cheese from this castle to bribe someone into giving me info who killed my wolf from the last campaign. I had gotten locked out of the kitchen in session 1, so I was looking for explosives in order to blow up in the door in session 2. However, I had found a guard with a missing pinky and had been told there is a whole cellar full of 'cheese'. he led me to a door, shoved me down the stairs into a pitch dark room. I had fell three flights of stairs landed on some bricks and then fell down two more flights into something squishy. I investigated the substance, determined I had to bring it back up stairs. After awhile I was like "Oh wait a minute I have a match on me and a unlit torch. So that made it a lot easier to get up the stairs, however, when I got to the door the DM asked "Wait a minute, did you ever put the 'cheese' away when you lit that torch?" I didn't having anything to store it in so I responded with "No" "Oh boy" my DM sighed. He had exited the door after some effort to find out, that the 'cheese' was brown, sticky, and partly on fire. Panicked I threw the 'cheese' down the cellar and it created a giant flame up. The cellar was now on fire and now the gaurds where chasing me while I still had a lit torch and I was running straight towards the party... who where climbing a rope. Somehow I didn't set the rope on fire and drop the Kolbold down 50ft into stone, but I did get tackled and chloroformed because I listen to the wizard when he said to stop. After waking up in the "guest house" and determining the guards are probably going to have a "Kill on sight" order on me after that on top of a bunch of other things I've done, so if I stayed with the party, they can't kill me. It was at this point they found the dead elven king keep. Now, there's something special about this corpse. If you touch it, you will be teleported away a certain distance from the castle but eventually be teleported back, throw something and you get sent the white plane for awhile (later figured out you only get teleported back when no one can see you anymore). There was also a bowl, a statue, and a barrel of infinite beer (side note: DM warned us immediately not to try and set it on fire, otherwise we'd create a whole new star). This was supposed to be a puzzle, however, we couldn't figure it out. We tried everything, I gave up and started to see if there was a way to get the barrel down to the ground level. The bard was already stuck in the white plane because he threw a rope at it. Eventually the Kolbold was like "Can I throw the king off his throne and sit in it?" "roll for strength..." "18" "you throw the dead king..." "AYEET!" "And right before it hits the wall, the entire castle disappears. The bard teleports back right as this happens, the floor is gone you all started falling into the waste cellar." The wizard player spoke up, "The one with the flaming poop?" The DM looks up, "Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Yes that's the same one... you all fall and burn to death instantly as you fall into the waste." The DM looks at all of us, "You guys single-handedly killed the entire party in one move. I'm going have bring us back in time." And that's the first time Fergus the Tabaxi had died in a DnD game. I couldn't ask for anything better. Oh yeah, when the bard went back into the white plane he remembered everything that happened. By the way, this was session 3. That wasn't even the most interesting thing that happened so far.
@connoissuer_of_class 3 жыл бұрын
Cleared a room full of plant monsters by tossing a lantern into said room.
@bamboozler9840 3 жыл бұрын
My friend made a molotov cocktail in a game, rolled bad and threw it at our feet. My character was an alcoholic and exploded after a bad save. That's how my game ended with a token in the second session.
@Sether 3 жыл бұрын
Not a bad experience, and not as cool or funny as most of the stories in the video, but it was a proud moment for me. Currently playing Pathfinder Rise of the Runelords with a few buddies *spoiler warning*. We're on the skinsaw murders and are investigating the Foxglove Manor. We get to a room that has an Undead Iesha Foxglove and have to fight her, our rogue starts his turn by throwing a vile of alchemist fire at Iesha and hits her square in the chest causing splash damage on the two undead creatures beside her as well. Next was my turn and I'm playing a melee based fighter with limited ranged capabilities. Because of the limited space and placement of our characters I couldn't move into attack range with my sword, but I then remembered I had an alchemical ingredient I managed to create after half an hour irl of back and forth fail and save throws that causes fire to burn hotter and longer(made it in the glass shop while investigating the goblin attacks on Sandpoint) so I move to where I had clear line of sight and succeeded my attack roll and hit Iesha square in the chest as well causing the alchemist fire to burn an additional round and cause increased damage to Iesha and her undead minions both rounds it remained active after my turn
@eldardrakeson 3 жыл бұрын
hI'm here to talk about Hendrick - a human orphan raised by dwarves and had aspirations of being a dwarf himself - well, he went through a ritual to permanently polymorph him into a dwarf, that part isn't so important, except that he was raised knowing about mind flayers and fearing them. what is important, is that when he was young, he was working near the forge and stumbled, and the experience.. changed him. He became fascinated with fire. As he grew older, he started developing psionic traits, and eventually became a pyrokineticist.. fire whip, flame blade, all that. well, at the upper level of the prc, (the one from 3e) he could turn into a fire elemental. He told no one about this - until they wound up in a fight with a mind flayer. Being the hothead he was, he ran in and grappled the mind flayer - the mind flayer said 'oh! free brain snack!' and starts attaching tentacles. (required several successful grapple checks) Then suddenly the words 'BURN MOTHERFUCKER' erupt from the 12hd column of animated flame grappling the mind flayer, immediately burning off the attached tentacles and basically cooking the mind flayer (12d6 fire damage, and the DM said 'treat it as an attack roll' - nat 20 - rolled 62, and crit confirmed for double) flash-fried calamari, anyone?
@superj1010 3 жыл бұрын
My Cleric may not have many fire spells, but he does have a tinderbox. And he hasn't had to burn anything down. *Yet.*
@Deverosfear 3 жыл бұрын
God where do i start this was my first time playing in Pathfinder as my sorcerer Draspher My group were in a town named south water and we needed to get some permits and me and our ninja bribed a guard. he leads us to the bad part of town and down an alleyway and in to ambush. I had only cast summons up to that point and so had thought that all spells took the full turn. So when we both became invisible I didn't take a move action. The guys on the roof of the alley then starts chucking alchemist fire where we had both been. As I hadn’t moved I keep getting pelted by them. So in a fit of spite, I threw a grease spell on the guy who was throwing the alchemist fires. The guy flubs his roll, falls of the roof and every vial on him goes up. He must have been carrying some serious firepower as he goes up IN A THIRTY FOOT FIREBALL THAT WRECKS THE ALLYWAY AND THE NEARBY BUILDINGS. The others start to hear the city guard marching in and scatter. I was new to the game and ask if I could roll wisdom the DM confused says OK then I roll a 1. DM "what were you rolling for" ME "I wanted to see if it was a good idea to stay and explain what happened to the guards, but since I…" DM "NO, you rolled for it, you’re doing it" As everyone else had already run off no one can tell me to stop being stupid when I tried to explain what happened to the guards I get grabbed, cuffed, gagged and bagged and taken down to the station. That is not where it ended. After an explosive escape both from the station and later from a library robbery that I actually wasn't involved with, I became known as the mad bomber. For the reason why I hadn't been involved at the Library, a Guard had found me sneaking about and I convicted him I was part of a lecture that was going on in the building. I left that incident through the front door this somehow became my main exit strategy despite being the main culprit only one person ever stopped me going out the front door. To be fair this probably just worked because when ever I tried it everyone else was making an explosive exit drawing everyone's attention. The biggest incident out of character was when i almost TPK'ed the party. We needed to get some gunpowder but for obvious reasons all of it had been gathered up and put under military control. We found the warehouse and our two best stealth members attempted to sneak in while the rest of us are on standby nearby. They managed to get a fair bit of gunpowder before being spotted but they were both squishy and quickly surrounded. Our hiding group realise what's happened as the alarm goes off and all the nearby guards are approaching the building. In what i thought was a brilliant idea I ran forwards and casts silent image through a window creating the illusion of a huge fire. I then charge into the building screaming “I’ve set the barn on fire, I’m going to blow you all up just like AT THE LIBRARY!”. Since our team know I wasn't even there they realise the ruse, but the rest of the guard don’t. The guards who were charging to support stop, and only a single wizard guard realised the deception staying to prepare a spell. One spellcraft check later and we all realise what he is casting a fire spell in a building full of gunpowder. We leg it. When the spell completes and most of the gunpowder from the city goes up, we just managed to make it to the edge of the blast radius. Half of us were knocked unconscious but we manage heal everyone up enough to run back to base. More incidents happened after that including a re-enactment of the jokers hospital scene, in a theoretically anti-magic bank me pissing myself and using illusions, a game of fireball marble's and a landslide caused by a miss that shouldn't have been possible all good times. The best part of all of this was when I built my character I didn't understand the game I had built Draspher as an area control caster using illusion and summoning spells. In other words despite becoming the most terrifying magic user in South Water I did not have a single offensive spell.
@ShandorDavies 3 жыл бұрын
I love the roll for common sense 🤣🤣🤣
@Deverosfear 3 жыл бұрын
Sorry about the language errors I had wrote it in a rush and im not good at proof reading,
@ShandorDavies 3 жыл бұрын
@@Deverosfear it's fine it made total sense to me 😊 I just got a little chuckle out of rolling wisdom and then failing so your character just did the dumbest thing he could at the time 🤣
@Deverosfear 3 жыл бұрын
​@@ShandorDavies That was the first time I did it. I was new to the game and if I had an idea but thought it may be bad I would ask the DM if I could roll wisdom. It was a 1 every time. This resulted in a few funny bits: Trying to bluff a mob boss who is trying to break me out of prison that i didn't cause an explosion that he is trying to hire me to replicate. Casting an illusion of the city guards to try and calm everyone down only to start a stampede of criminals. Poking my head into an anti-magic vault to apologise only for my disguise to vanish and the inhabitants to shouts out “IT’S THE MAD BOMBER!” starting the re-enactment of the hospital scene from the dark knight. Shouting out every spell from "bark skin" to "true strike" the enemy is casting and getting turned into a cross bolt pincushion for it. A time I attempted to use a salt mephit’s to draw all the moisture from a group of creatures who live in the desert and don't drink water. It became a running joke so bad that at one point when we all had a de-buff from heat stroke while we were trying to scram a group of jackal's I came up with a plan. Dm - roll wisdom Draspher - I thought you weren't doing that anymore? Dm - I'm not, just roll [gets a 0, again] Dm - ….... Draspher - I don't know how that happened.
@letsplaysvonaja1714 3 жыл бұрын
Now I'm reminded of the fireball incident from Arcadum's campaigns again XD
@stylera7425 3 жыл бұрын
wizard forgott that a fireball is a fireball and threw it at a group of bandits in the middle of a giant forrest
@xMaugrex 3 жыл бұрын
My worst experience with fire in dnd was when I was trying to light an enemy ship on fire. Try as I may, I just couldn't get the dang thing to light- not the deck, not the ropes, nothing. Ended up just sailing off, disappointed.
@FunkyMonkey718 3 жыл бұрын
if we are talking about fire hazards, well then i got some stories for you, in one of the campaign that i am in, i play as a high elf wizard, i wanted my wizard to be a support, since he is very old, my party even nicknamed him grandpa, so almost all of my spells are utility spells except for firebolt, i tend to roll low so i end up setting one thing or another on fire, so much so that it has become a meme in my group, me and my party traveled to bleak falls barrow to get the dragon stone (it is a skyrim theme dnd) during one of the fights we encounter the giant frost spider with a room covered with webbing, it was my turn and i cast firebolt, but much to everyone surprise i missed the giant spider and ended up catching the room on fire with me and my party still inside, so i had to spend the rest of the encounter putting out the fire with ray of frost, a couple of session later we were fighting undead in the catacombs and since there was oil urns just hanging over us i reach up and grab one of them and handed it over to my more dexterous party member and he threw it at the undead, which caught the rest of them on fire since they were standing on top of more oil, then as a last ditch effort one of the undead jump on top of one my party members burning away with him, so i tried to hit the undead with my staff and since it was with a flanking position i got advantage, but nope i got 2 nat 1s so instead of helping my friend my senile wizard knock my warrior khaijiit teeth out,
@kaedingarza2492 3 жыл бұрын
my first experience was during the start of a new campaign and i had a level 3 rune knight and was on the process of killing a decently strong monster and i was like “yea ima hit him with my hammer” and i got the hit and did some good damage, then i paused and was like “i wanna activate my fire stone” after a small debate on if i could and we decided i could, i ended up killing the monster and another pc smashed it’s head. i basically saved the party as i was the only one still have full health.
@lupisvolk2420 3 жыл бұрын
In an edgy homebrew campaign. The party i'm in hid in a barn to avoid some city guard. When they come in, after a few fails we get a couple of hay bales to fall on them. Our Artificer proceeds to set that ablaze. He ended up burning a capitol city to the ground got got a 1600K body count and the party labeled terrorists.
@cupcakeourlord 3 жыл бұрын
Well, it didn't end badly but I have a huge experience with fire. We had a cheese wizard in our group. He was a crazy human wizard obsessed with cheese. He always had cheese on his person. Well, we had to defend a city from an army of like 1000 men. We had like 2 months to prepare. So what did we do? We left it to our cheese wizard. He had a spell (I forgot what it was called), where he could apply a spell to any object to use it as a trap. So what did the cheese wizard do? Well, naturally, every day he put some fireballs on some cheese wheels. This happened every day for 2 months. Then the day the army came, we had already placed cheese wheels everywhere, the wizard detonated all of the cheese. Given the spells were charged onto the cheese he was able to do this and he single handedly killed am army of 1000 people with cheese.
@arokard9903 3 жыл бұрын
in a homebrew 5e campain our warlock cast firebolt... in the middle of a giant phase spider nest in the forest so least to say we pissed off the local druid circle then we sold her out and went on with our day
@lasercat6156 2 жыл бұрын
My dragnborn barbarian went to a chicken farm to purchase one to feed our new baby owlbear Stuart… the chickens attacked him and he immediately used his fire breath… that poor woman lost 500 chickens and a barn that day…
@dcyphermanplays8233 3 жыл бұрын
I wouldn't say it went badly but it involves a flaming sphere and a sample of brown mold that I collected myself
@pulsefel9210 3 жыл бұрын
a friend of mine bought me chivalry so we could play together. i was trying to figure the game out as my computer could barely run it. i enter a match and we happen to end up on the same team. i see him in a fight and come running to help. make a wide swing and see a head go flying....only it was my friends. my first ever kill was a team kill. i know just how that last one feels.
@amberkat8147 Жыл бұрын
I once broke a onceshot by incinerating the tree the boss battle AND all the loot was in. (We didn't know the loot was at the top of the tree on the highest platform. I didn;t even know it was meant to be the boss fight.)
@arronknox2884 3 жыл бұрын
so far it hasn't went wrong yet. i'm playing a pathfinder dragon disciple, and i'm immune to fire. so i used a wish to make my fire spells/damage deal full damage to someone who is immune. i know about "hellfire", but i wanted something more. i've had hellfire before. i'm also playing an ifrit, so i felt it would be fitting to want to kill stuff on the plane of fire, so i could claim some title in the city of brass.
@ATSucks1 3 жыл бұрын
Listening while microwaveing some snacks. Hear a trent set on fire screaming around forrest causing forret fire,... no no no rewind rewind, I gotta hear the whole story attentively
@retribeef3224 3 жыл бұрын
So with fire, my players decided to use fire to burn down half a forest because they had experienced a blood tree. A tainted aberration who was slowly encroaching upon the party. Incomes the sorcerer who used meta magic to boost dragons breath and spent the whole 1 minute blaming fire at the tree and those around it somewhere in the area if 30 d6 if I remember suffice to say the forest was burnt to a crisp. Later in the campaign the group came across their first instance of lava and a stone giant who loved yeeting people several bad roles from the players less to a near tpk after 3 of them got lobbed into the lava. They barely survived 🤣
@BlakeLaFae 3 жыл бұрын
im the one of our party not really allowed to play with fire anymore. tldr i had been playing a cambion artificer/warlock, and we were sent to deal with a forest of spiders, a few of which are the magic kind that can somehow switch plains of existance [if i remember correctly]. context, im terrified of spiders and as a result so was my character. she had found a broken down warforged in the same forest whihc i think was before this fight. so the fight. we had 3 of those magic bastard spiders to deal with. my plan [and my favorite spell at the time] was use firebolt to try and scare the spiders off. it worked, and set the entire forest on fire because of all the spider webs. pissed off a super powerful druid and the party had to go fight the spider queen [which is those things but worse] and needless to say my poor character is mildly traumatized. and i was banned from fire spells for a while if in a forest. side note and not related, im playing a warlock with like 1 level of rogue for backstory flavor, poor guy cant hit the broad side of a barn. no joke i can go an entire game without rolling higher than a 14 most of the time. the party jokes he needs glasses and i agree. if the game ever continues we might be lucky that the dm gives my boy magic glasses that at least ups his hit chances
@littleskyz7438 2 жыл бұрын
my artificer used a flamethrower to burn down a goblin fortress from the inside
@ignisshadowflame1027 3 жыл бұрын
I infused a war scythe with fire and threw it. I missed and hit a barn full of dried wood by mistake.
@tazman2253 3 жыл бұрын
a sorcerer in 3.5 child of fire. from the quintesentail sorcerer. An ability of the child of fire is the ability to change the shape of any fire they can see regardless of type. He believed himself to be the son of the god of fire and featherfalled down a ledge to confront an ancient red Dragon surrounding myself in burning hands. So a floating fire wreathed sorcerer at level 3 trys to command a ancient red dragon to cease its plans to invade the nearby town with its army of Kobolds. I will let you guess how that Charisma check went.
@Akako1004 3 жыл бұрын
Get some snackeys? well I have half a pizza does that count?
@asternightingale4020 3 жыл бұрын
I was gone for a session and the dm had to find a way to get me in the dungeon. So, they put me in a trash pile just under a shoot which I later joked was because my bard slept with the bar owner's wife. The artificer of the group lit me on fire thinking I was a monster and nearly killed my character.
@jonathancrosby1583 3 жыл бұрын
My players blew up a border fort that was over run by orcs (due to lore reasons orcs are 4x weak to fire hence the it's lost so burn it down plan)
@thekamelotbard186 3 жыл бұрын
The story at 1:50 reminds me of the fact that Fire Elementals exist and if the DM wants to be petty could throw them at the wizard.
@hutao7917 3 жыл бұрын
My cousin set 3 brass dragon wyrmling on fire with grease and firebolt. I cooked lunch on their still burning corpses
@hexfisher7458 3 жыл бұрын
You know what MrRipper I will subscribe
@N01inparticular 3 жыл бұрын
I have decided to grace you all with my presence once more.
@postapocalypticnewsradio 3 жыл бұрын
I appreciate it big cat
@councilofcringe5520 2 жыл бұрын
Teammate set fire to a troll I was riding that was fun.
@LostLagrange 3 жыл бұрын
Ohhhhh no…. Here we go… (this gon be long, sorry…) my experience with fire was one with passion!, Drama!, lots of heat aaaannndddd my unfortunate, painful… and near immediate death… So, for flavor… it was a very heavily homebrewed world me and my group were just starting out, this took place back when I was first getting into D&D, Me and a very close friend of mine actually. Our first game ever and we wanted to insure our characters had the same close connection, so we created the characters together and wrote their backgrounds together as well. Mine was a human warrior named kain. Who, thanks to his long friendship with the female tiefling, fire sorcerer, scarlet. Had high fire resistance (near immunity at this point.) in that world resistances we’re deciding by percentage, the more you were exposed to something the higher your resistance. the way it worked was, when effected by a status based attack, (I.E poison, fire, ice…etc.) and a state roll was required, then depending on your roll you had a chance to develop resistances to that effect/damage type, in this case, fire/burn damage. The dm had worked together with us and agreed that my fire resistance should be fairly high early off, The reason being my friends character had a mental instability due to her past, that caused her to frequently lose control and pretty much “Liz Ann” everything to ashes (hell boy reference, the fire chick who burned everything when she was emotional.) due to her being heavily persecuted as a child and abused by her parents. Her mother and father were human, and detested her for being what she was. Her mother was mentally and emotionally abusive and her father… well… im sure you can imagine. (I found out MUCH later this characters backstory was developed based on my friends actual past experiences.) and Kain’s family was much the same although for different reason, his family wasn’t around long though as at about 6-7 he was left in a magical forest for dead, this forest was filled with magical and mythical creatures and so it was assumed Kain would die quickly. Instead, he was adopted into a family of magical beasts, wolves specifically, after the matriarch lost her most recent litter, in her grief she stumbled upon kain, lost and alone and took pitty on the frail boy, taking him in and raising him as her own. because of this he is extremely awkward and mistrusting with humans, but generally ok with anything magical, beastial or infernal. when he met scarlet and learned of her plight he did everything in his power to help her. And that’s where we started the campaign. Fast forward several years and found Kain and scarlet living on the outskirts of a small village, in an old abandoned farmhouse, there, they had found a bit of freedom for scarlet and Kain had learned to be a little less cautious of humans, because of this Kain had developed a bit of a pasttime of toying with the hearts of pretty young women. Much to scarlets annoyance. You see, she had developed some serious feelings for him over the last few years, but, having her past and terrified of rejection and being left alone again she kept those feelings to herself, albeit poorly… she was awkward and adorable and my friend had so much fun role playing the floundering, shy, desperately in love girl who couldn’t say what she wanted to say but couldn’t hide it well either… and sadly for her…Kain is:.. more then a little dense… which lead to our current moment and the introductions our first campaign. Kain had returned from a day in the nearby village after a having seduced and had some fun with yet another girl, scarlet was furious after spotting a mark on his neck and just snapped, all her pent up feelings pouring out in a fiery rage that enveloped the whole building as she threw curses and anything not nailed down at Kain, who did the one thing he could, he apologized and did what he had time and time again, he stepped forward and took scarlet in all her fiery rage in his arms, ignoring the pain and the burning as he had so often before he began to hum her favorite tune something he had come up with to help her sleep at night or to calm her during one of her episodes. And gently stroke her hair. It was at this point the dm decided to make me roll for resistance to the flames… I rolled, with advantage due to an already high innate resistance…. Crit fail… now, normally the resistance would negate some of the damage even on a failed roll, the percentage would be a calculation based on the lowest score for the roll. (if you attack me with fire, and roll a d6 for damage I would also roll a d6, if I roll a 4 and you roll a 6 then 4 damage would be negated. If I failed my resistance check then I would only negate the lowest possible roll so 1. But a cri fail is full damage plus vulnerability.) scarlet rolled damage… I died… the whole table went completely wide eyed silent…. And a whole 4 hour writing a backstory that me, my friend and our dm had all worked on together went to complete waste… it hurt… On a light hearted side note, me and my friends loved the characters backstory so much we ended up Roleplaying it together for a long while after. I’ve been thinking of taking that RP and writing a short novel with it.
@Akako1004 3 жыл бұрын
8:56 Technoblade would be proud
@Ryu_D 3 жыл бұрын
Thank you for the video.
@Tirath 3 жыл бұрын
By all means, try to use Create Water to put out an oil fire in a game I'm DMing.
@tepidember725 3 жыл бұрын
Fireball. Just, fireball.
@Blackjack914 3 жыл бұрын
The cleric in my party set fire to a hostile enemy threatening to punish the ghosts that were haunting him and killed him for him to only kill my character later as an undead vengeful zombie.
@bingoringo4473 3 жыл бұрын
I tried to use Firebolt on a locked door to burn it down, rolled a Nat 1 and shot myself in the foot. Literally. I took like 2 points of Fire Damage...
@nes819 3 жыл бұрын
I like to keep my dungeons dangerously. Therefor i placed a areabosstype red dragon in this open world exploration dungeon. The party got ambushed by him and therefor started already on reduced HP. The fight was considered deadly even befor they took the ambushdamage, jet they managed to handle it verry good. The onelything they missed was a miscalculation by the party wizzard. When the dragon pulled his last ace he got roasted on the spott (houserule iff you nat1 a save the damage gets doubled. On a 20 it's reduced to zero). Iff he onely steped back two more tyles he'd been out of the AOE. I am still proud how perfectly i balanced this encounter. Jess it was deadly and jess i killed my first PC but if it was anything other than a nat1 he would had sourived and this was litheraly the last thing the dragon did.
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