MIKA MIKA なるほどです。 駅の構造によってどこが安全かとかは異なると思います。 ホームの下の場合、コンコースでしょうか? そこももちろん落下物には注意です。 なお、線路に降りることは絶対にしてはいけません。 地震発生時、列車が駅に接近していたとき、列車は急には止まれないので(例、ホームに70キロで進入してきた場合、200m弱停止には距離が必要。)、最悪人身事故になります。 強い揺れの中、ホーム下の隙間に冷静に逃げ込むのは極めて厳しいものと思われます。
Because the train was on the cliff.Passegers thought it was dangerous in the train, This eathquake is the biggest in Japanese histry.I was also terrible this earthquake,and after about 20 minutes ago terrible earthquake hit the east Japan・・・・
I just wonder why didn't they go into the train? Wouldn't that be a safer place if the earthquake would have become even stronger?
@TheLostBoy19744 жыл бұрын
pixmix I work at this station and right next to the track is a pretty steep drop off. People were afraid the train might roll.
@BOBKUN_20999 Жыл бұрын
@@TheLostBoy1974 What? There's no downhill there, right? Which station are you talking about?
@TheLostBoy1974 Жыл бұрын
@@BOBKUN_20999 I mean to the side of the outbound track. Narita Keisei.
@BOBKUN_20999 Жыл бұрын
@@TheLostBoy1974 But isn't it okay because the vehicle is stopped?
@TheLostBoy1974 Жыл бұрын
@@BOBKUN_20999 The shaking was side to side because of orientation of the track. It likely wouldn’t have rolled, but some people onboard were worried it might.