In term of economics, overcapacity means you have an industry producing items more than you can consume! But, Japan and Germany have been exporting their excess capacity in many products for a long time and US/EU have not utter a word???
@DouglasW-m9z5 ай бұрын
These countries think others are still sleeping
@julesverne20105 ай бұрын
Because uncle Sam didn't say that Japon Germany have overcapacity issue, si they have not for DW.
@yaphonghor44095 ай бұрын
@@julesverne2010 And the overcapacity of US is causing havoc in the world economy...cokes, McDonald/KFC, Credit cards, Colgate, movie, dollar domination, Boeing, American Apps and many others too!
@feiluo1095 ай бұрын
You must be very young or don't know enough history. The US had been very unhappy, and said and did a lot of nasty things to these two countries.
@yaphonghor44095 ай бұрын
@@feiluo109 It is a fact that Japan and Germany export many things all over the world and no body raises a word on their overcapacity! But when China starts to export EVs, overcapacity become the word of choice...DOUBLE STANDARD, while US exports cokes, credit cards, McDonald/KFC, Colgates, overcapacity?????
2:58主持人這個比喻並不恰當,在下以為,對於中國的產能過剩更準確的比喻是,廚房有足以供應2000份餐食的能力但卻有5000人需要用餐,而這5000人大多購買力不足,一些人選擇挨餓,一些人選擇少吃,只有很少的人能夠肥吃肥喝,就算把這些人撐死也不足以把2000份餐食消耗掉。那麼出口國外為何還要遭到反感呢?很簡單,因為你想拿劣幣驅逐良幣。出口大國是德國這是不假,但中國有哪一個品牌能和BOSCH,SIEMENS,Porsche,Benz,BMW,Henkel,Thyssenkrupp,usw.usw.相提並論的呢?6:13像林毅夫這樣臭了街的“學者”文章就別拿出來了,這只會貶低DW的水準。提高關稅當然不能根本解決中國產能過剩的問題,想從根本解決嗎?提高“那5000人”的購買力,讓中國的工人享受到德國工人的待遇(哪怕打個八折也行),建立公平法治的社會秩序,我想請問誰能做到?Frau von der Leyen可以還是Herr Michel可以呢?他們除了增加關稅還能做什麼呢?我現在越來越有種感覺似乎“一看你就懂”是個受僱的節目,亦或是中央電視台DW頻道?
If government subsidise can solve the industrial compatativeness issue, USA and Europe government can try and see. I suggest European government look into how to improvement innovation and productivity of their industry. Solve the real roo cause before become next Nokia
The problem is not overcapacity. It's about using overcapacity to monopolize global market. Read in between the lines and it's not hard to see that we are in Cold War 2.0.