The point is, did the hospital misuse their authority in this case? Was a prior consent and knowledge given to the patient and her family members about the fees she would incur? There are some things that feels fishy, like the hospital arranging for 4 doctors and a dietician to see her mother without consent.
又:你地系鐘醫生和那個 surgeon 的病人,regardless of your non or insufficient payment (according to them); 他們有責任 vis-a-visa medical council rules ie Code of Conduct issued be the HK Medical Council 係有責任答,或 attend 你們的問題(除非你清楚說明你再番去搵佢哋睇症之前或之中講到明你唔會俾錢。 況且你已經破產,唔係你唔俾而系你冇錢俾;以前冇找數不等如佢地今次可以唔睇你們。 你們一定要去 Medical Council 告佢哋,系唔洗俾錢的,初步我建議你們文章都唔洗寫,就咁寄此片禆 Medical Council 就可以了解了;若是 Medical Council 需要額外文件,才给 Medical Council 配合,起碼即時踢動告佢哋🤗