Daily Training- Do it RIGHT!

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K boges

K boges

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Daily training is a GREAT way to structure your training, but if you want to make it work, you need to do it right. Many people make the mistake of increasing their training volume with that training frequency, but I think this is a bad idea for most people. Instead, increase frequency while keeping weekly volume the same. This will better allow you to experience the benefits for high frequency training without burning out from doubling your training volume. You can always increase volume over time, but do so slowly and independently from your frequency.

Пікірлер: 931
@jmiller5142 Жыл бұрын
im sorry, might be obvious but im still a bit confused. So is training everyday (each set close to failure) also working for muscle growth in comparison to lets say a PPL? Because if you only train chest 2x week you can go hard and there will be more muscle fibers to repair during recovery = more muscle growth. In my mind training everyday cant be as effective since there is almost no time to recover and repair muscle because you are stimulating over and over again. Im grateful for any help. ps: keep up the good work, love your raw approach
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Yeah a lot here to unpack but I will do my best to compete it concise... Over a training session, fatigue and stimulus accumulate at different rates. The stimulus accumulates as diminishing returns, which is why you cannot just keep doing more and more volume to build muscle; there is a saturation point. This is assuming sets are hard, ie taken to, or close to, failure. This is also why doubling your volume in a session, say from 2 sets to 4 sets, does not double your gains. Fatigue, however, will continue to accumulate beyond the point at which additional sets stimulate growth, so the more sets you do, the more fatigue you generate, but with diminishing returns in training stimulus with each set. One of the issues people run into conceptually is mistaking fatigue, and perceptions of fatigue, with stimulus. Getting more fatigued does not necessarily mean you are getting proportionally more stimulus, for the reasons stated above. They do not parallel each other. While a super fatiguing workout might feel more productive, the increased productivity might be marginal but with a significantly greater recovery time needed... which may result in a reduced weekly volume to accommodate the increased recovery demand. Daily training is about getting the "sweet spot" of the tradeoff. It allows you to accumulate a stimulating quantity of weekly hard sets (the main driver of hypertrophy) while minimizing the fatigue, since you don't push any single session hard enough to require an extended recovery time. So just to use some random numbers to illustrate the point... Let's say 2 hard sets get 80% of the available gains for the session, but allows you to recover in 24 hours to do it again... 6 sets gives you 95% of the gains available from the session but requires, 48 hours to recover 10 sets gives you 100% of available gains over 96 hours to recover This is the idea.
@julez478 Жыл бұрын
I was thinking the exact same way as you did. Why should training everyday work, when you have very little recovery time? But If you take a look at elite gymnasts, they train practically everyday. One should keep in mind that they built their foundation over a lot of years. But still, it shows that a frequent training stimulus works. Jeff Nippard also recommends a high frequency full body workout, if you want more sources for that training style. Also look at it this way: You can work on certain skills more often - if you are in for skillwork in calisthenics - because your muscles are not completely destroyed after one workout. I am trying it at the moment with focus on free handstand push ups and front lever and because of the frequent training, I am progressing very good in terms of technique and strength. Like K boges said, do not make the mistake of a too high volume in the workout sessions. Have a great training and give it a try!
@adamd9166 Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges that is a very insightful way to look at it. If you can get 80% of the stimulus daily compared to 100% once or twice per week, does that mean faster strength/muscle gains, or does it still end up evening out? Thanks!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
@@adamd9166 It's another great question... some independent reviews, by guys like Greg Nuckols and Menno Henslemans, suggest that the increased frequency might produce slightly better results in hypertrophy/strength when volume is equated. I would have to revisit their work to confirm this, but as I remember it, that was the case. But this is a can of worms... it depends on what frequencies are being compared and how much volume is being performed in the sessions. The general position of the evidence based community seems the be that frequency is just a matter of volume distribution, and not an independent variable driving gains. This is a conservative position that I generally take, but I also think that frequency very well could be an independent variable driving gains independent of volume, or it serves as a sort of effect multiplier. We do see this clearly on super low frequency programs vs moderate frequency programs. Some studies hint that this could be the case when moving from moderate to high frequency as well, but small sample research, done for a short duration, measuring tiny differences (imprecisely too) are going to have a really hard time differentiating between the two outcomes. We would really need to see a large sample of people, with a long intervention to see how the differences play out. Also, these differences are likely to play out much more clearly on higher weekly volumes instead of moderate weekly volumes which are often used to compare moderate vs high frequency. Either way, my love for frequency is independent of any additional gains it might drive (again that is largely speculative). It really comes down to convenience and fatigue management for me.
@MedGfxDon Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges so If I get it right, if you're able to do a clean 2 sets of 30 pushups this morning and have the energy to go a bit beyond but y stop at 30 and still be able to perform the same tmw, but if y push it to the edge and go 50 today but next morning y wake up with ripped arms and chest then y should stick t 30 ?
@shahid8545 Жыл бұрын
This guy gets it. No stupid intros, no long winded speeches, no useless filler just short and informative and to the point. Thank you!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, ShAhid!
@makan1568 Жыл бұрын
Great content. No BS
@ThundaBeast 11 ай бұрын
“Physiological hygiene instead of a traditional workout. “ what a take. Great work man. Many thanks!
@Kboges 11 ай бұрын
Happy to hear that resonated, Thunda! 🙏
@JohnSmith-re7rf 7 ай бұрын
I love how everyone's very respectful with their enquiries. Quite rare across different youtube comment sections
@mace4978 Жыл бұрын
I absolutely love the comparaison to physiological hygiene, it really helps to integrate training into a habit. After one solid year of following your training methods I can happily say that this was the most productive method I have ever applied. So as always, thank you for the content you put out.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Mace! Great to hear from you and so stoked you have enjoyed the approach! It's such a cool and sustainable approach, plus it's fun! Thank you for your always kind feedback, my friend! Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hearing from you next time! 💪
@debanjansengupta6606 Жыл бұрын
Mace, great to know about your progress. At what level did you start? How many sets and reps of which exercises? What was your progression plan?
@foucault9978 Жыл бұрын
I also find the notion of "physiological hygiene" to be a brilliant way to describe how we can approach training and exercise!
@smokedsalmon665 Жыл бұрын
This is true! As I've had massive success with this. Everyday, I only do 1 min deadhang, 1 set of pullups (rings), pushups, squats, and lu raises (5lb dumbbells). The reps depend on the max pull ups I can do, and multiply it twice for all the other exercises. This worked for me because I was able to be consistent with it (consistency is the most important above all, followed by quality of reps over quantity). I increase my max pullup reps by 1 every 3-5 weeks depending on how I'm feeling. If I'm feeling demotivated to work out the next day this means I'm doing too much and it's not time to increase the reps yet. Right now I'm at 9 max pull ups. This means I go for 18 reps for the other exercises. As for diet, I didn't change anything. I just made a conscious decision to increase my portions every time. For extra calories, I just eat oats over milk in the mornings and evenings. Also, I should mention I'm a student so I only have 1 decent meal for the day on usual days (which is why the oats and milk will help). And I do programming so I have bad sleep schedule If you are able to get a better diet and sleeping routine than me, then you'll definitely have way better results. I started at 52 kg in January, and right now I'm close to 64 kg. This may look like it ain't much, but for a short guy (5'7") like me, the changes on both physique and confidence are huge. And I've started to hate myself less.
@gregshock Жыл бұрын
You should always strive to hate yourself less. I have 65 years of watching people closely and believe me, nobody is better than you. We’re all a hot mess, but some people pretend better than others.
@notacyborg1717 Жыл бұрын
Not sure why you hate yourself. I was there once too. Everyone makes mistakes, no one is perfect. Give yourself some grace and keep going at it in all dimensions of life (physical\social\spiritual\mental). Some weeks you will see gains, some weeks you will plateau, and some weeks you might even see a decline in any of those dimensions. Just keep on keeping on and you will see results.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Well done dude! And brother, I’m so glad this has helped you psychology. Always remember that everyone has challenges, but it’s all good. Just consider yourself with the understanding and compassion that you would offer your best friend. No one is perfect, and perfection is overrated anyway. It’s not even worth pursuing. Embrace the things that make you unique, and just seek to improve yourself within that context. You are crushing it! Keep it up, have fun, but don’t take it too seriously. It’s all for fun, brother.
@stormcrow3642 Жыл бұрын
⁠@@KbogesI love that “perfection is overrated… it’s not even worth perusing.”
@NoRockinMansLand 4 ай бұрын
Dang how did you bulk so much without even changing diet? Do you measure caloric intake?
@Badgerbahalwan Жыл бұрын
If you are still young you might not understand the importance of this. But the older you get the more relevant it will become. Understand this volume and frequency principle to properly program your training sessions based on your personal needs so you can achieve your desired outcome. Great video sir!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Well said, Amir! 🙏💪
@realjackofall Жыл бұрын
Well said
@K_mclaurinv Жыл бұрын
High frequency for the win! I'm almost done with this block brother: it's been challenging, but the progress I'm making is phenomenal.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Kevin! Awesome to hear dude! I knew it was going to be tough, but I knew you could do it. Let me know if you need anything. BTW, spring is looking beautiful over there!
@Frodoswaggns Жыл бұрын
It's gotten me so rripped, never had abs like this in my life. Everything thinks I lift weights and are blown away when I say I just do calisthenics.
@Frodoswaggns Жыл бұрын
@Jack-nn6fo pull-ups, parallette push ups and Bulgarian split squats. Abs I progressed from L sits to hanging knee raises.
@enzobleuze Жыл бұрын
​@@Frodoswaggns cool. Do you workout daily?
@Frodoswaggns Жыл бұрын
@@enzobleuze minimum 6 days a week.
@levinbinoy2671 Жыл бұрын
benzema speaking facts today
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
🙏 💪
@TitusChereches Жыл бұрын
What do you mean?
@SamTomo03 Жыл бұрын
@@TitusChereches he’s a professional footballer
@matthewmorley261 Жыл бұрын
Are you blind
@emmanuelkayando2267 Жыл бұрын
Karim the Dream 🥇💯🔥
@GabeGG Жыл бұрын
I’ve been watching your videos since last year and it’s what started my workout journey! I went from being able to do 0 pullups to now being able to do 16, all in the span of a year and a half. Thank you so much for your content, I’m so glad to have found your training philosophy as it fits me so well. I probably would not have started training if not your videos. Cheers from the Philippines, always looking forward to your videos!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Wow, congratulations! That level of progress is a testament to your consistency and effort. Well done my friend. I’m so happy the content has helped you. Keep it up and don’t hesitate to reach out if you ever have any questions, but it sounds like you have it pretty dialed. 💪💪
@Kanikacyst Жыл бұрын
That's a very nice progress, congratulations
@debanjansengupta6606 11 ай бұрын
What was your process for this magnificent achievement? What was your daily training like?
@youtube-nutzer2895 Жыл бұрын
ive invested so much of my time in reading studies (mainly due to my to be occupation as a physical therapist) and you consistently deliver principles that stay within tested methods and are also very applicable for a lot of people. this is also an approach that works very well with patients for all the reasons you already stated. appreciate you and your channel mate.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I appreciate that! Thank you! Without the support from the subscribers, the channel is nothing. You have my gratitude!
@nikkgonz Жыл бұрын
I recently started using this approach and now i find training a fun part of daily life to relive stress and build long term health. The value that you are adding with these videos is huge. Thank you.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
That's exactly it! Integrating it as a habit is key, and frequency + manageable workouts make that possible! Thanks, NikkGonz! I appreciate the kind words 🙏
@TaoBear204 Жыл бұрын
Holy cow! You just saved my training program. I was doing really well and being consistent for over 4 months but suddenly I just became "tired" like someone drained all my drive to work out. I realize now that this was the accumulation of physical and mental fatigue. I was spending an hour and a half to two hours at the gym 4-6 times per week. I recognize now that it was grinding me down. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this invaluable information on KZbin! I've subscribed!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I'm happy this found you! Keep at it Darrin, just be mindful of your total volume and your recovery.
@b0jang Жыл бұрын
I've completely dropped trying to set up programs for myself, instead I just aim to do 'something' every day, be it a 5km run, bike to the office, ring workouts etc. Just something that will take around 30 mins and feels like a good level of resistance (which I can gauge after years of failure in the gym). I've made more progress in aerobic fitness and functional strength in one year than the last five years combined. Maybe I'll get back into a structured program but the flexibility is so freeing.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I love hearing this and went through something very similar in my late 20's/early 30's. I just wanted to do something every day, do it with high effort and high quality, and not worry about a program. I had the best gains ever and that prompted me to really look into "why" it was working.
@JK-uo3pd Жыл бұрын
Another plus is the mentality of turning daily tasks and or chores int a workout. Have some fencing to do? Pick up the panel and carry overhead. See that garden over there? Sure would look good with some stones and boulders. Harvest stones and boulders from the land and carry them to position. If you can incorporate strength building tasks with true strength building exercises there is no room for monotony and the feeling of accomplishment through efficiency is worth it
@folksurvival Жыл бұрын
@@JK-uo3pd You would probably like Johnny Grube's channel.
@sherpa6071 5 ай бұрын
@@JK-uo3pd I love this! Awesome. I cut the grass with my weighted vest, and sprint down/back up my driveway to get the mail. It's nice to spice up chores and yard work. Take care.
@marcbresser Жыл бұрын
I've been doing daily training (calisthenics and skateboarding) for a long time and noticed that over time I could do more, heavier, more dificult exercises and do longer sessions. Also read some papers on the topic of daily training and I think it is the best way to improve. Love your video's!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I totally agree, Marc! Honestly, I feel like daily training improves work capacity, recovery ability, and general resilience better than any other approach I have tried.
@evolve5087 Жыл бұрын
I train everyday. I want to say thank you for your videos because you gave me the idea of doing that. its a habit integrated in my daily life and i never been that strong and stable. i do not get inured. i make progress over a long time without reaching plateaus and my quality of movement has increased by a lot! im mid 30 guy climbing and doin rings and working at my one arm handstand. i am grateful for that advice. it feels almost too easy now.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Dude this is awesome! Your last sentence NAILS it! You want it to feel too easy. That’s how you know you’ve got it figured out!💪💪
@날맨 Жыл бұрын
thank you so much in Korea! I have been watching & summarizing your videos to my blog and finally i got your latest video today. I'm 178cm / 62kg, I feel difficulty in my daily life due to my low physical strength and endurance. You gave me a lot of insights, and i'm trying to blow away my own walls. I will continue to training everyday and live healthy life. I hope all guys who watcing this channel can achieve their own goal.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you! Good luck in your training.
@ReiTVOfficial Жыл бұрын
I already do this king, it's a great way to train. Funny thing is I ended up doing this kind of training from just listening to my body and without anyone telling me! Glad to see you are reinforcing a style in which I am already doing!! Makes training literally... EFFORTLESS. Love the videos keep them up!!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you 🙏 dude the fact you came to this conclusion on your own illustrates the point that this is actually intuitive if you listen to your body. We naturally do a lot of things like this. If you want to get better at a language it’s a little bit every day instead of a TON every once in a while. Keep at it bro and enjoy the gains! Thank you for the support!🙏💪
@JesusOnlySavesEternally Жыл бұрын
Me too! Training correctly everyday is empowering
@basrutten1541 Жыл бұрын
Just here to say I love your content. Hands down the best no-bs fitness content out there. Keep up the good work!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you! I appreciate that, Bas!
@StrongandConditioned Жыл бұрын
The Chinese Water Torture analogy reigns supreme here. A drip won’t do much but over time it will change the shape of the rock
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Dude that’s exactly it! Drop by drop you can drill a hole straight through stone! 💪💪
@djj3357 Жыл бұрын
Spot On!! It was around this time last year when I started following your training advice religiously! One year later, have never felt better or such growth & realizations 💪🏾!!! Your approach & consistency has given me such a grounded & realistic idea for how to proceed!! Cheers to you, for all you do to encourage the masses!! Soldier on!! 💪🏾🔥
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Djj! Dude, thank you so much for sharing that. I always appreciate your feedback and it’s such a treat for me to see your comments. Thank you my friend. Never hesitate to reach out if you ever have any questions 🙏💪
@jordanalfie5197 Жыл бұрын
Guy I work with at my gym trains all throughout the day, just doesn’t stop, mixture of loads of different things. Running lifting weights kettlebells skipping calisthenics, you make it he does it. he’s in unbelievable shape never gets injured and has been doing this for 16 years. Doesn’t have upper/lower splits, is hardly ever sore as his body is so adapted, kind of goes against everything most people are told
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
100% this! That’s exactly it. Sounds like that dude has it figured out!
@XxKINGatLIFExX 9 ай бұрын
I have never applied this doctrine to the Gym but I did notice success when I was on a 5 week hiking expedition in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Because I was living in the wilderness and walking every day I had no choice but to walk every day. Not only that I was carrying about 20Kgs on my back as well. However, we only walked about 5 miles on average (due to high altitude affects) and therefore the frequency of hiking was daily but the intensity was low. There were some days where we had to scale mountain summits and the intensity soared but at the end of the expedition I noticed how lean I was. It was incredible to see how in such a short space of time, how quickly the body adapts. I believe the reason for why frequency over intensity is a good idea is due to how the anaerobic systems of muscle function in the body. You only ever have a limited amount of stored ATP in the muscles and this is exhausted as soon as you use your muscles under load. Therefore you need to rest in order to recover your ATP again. When you rest at the gym after a heavy set, you don't necassarily replace and restore all the ATP (I believe might be wrong) so therefore with each subsequent set your muslce has less and less fuel to work. The point on diminishing returns is present here, however if you allow enough ATP to be left in the muscle for the next day you are giving your body a little stimulus but because this stimulus is so regular your body is forced to adapt. Whereas you have one or two heavy lift sessions a week and then you have many hours of not lifting, your body is less likely to priortize muscle growth. Think of it this way, you hear about a mother who can lift a car off their child if involved in a car crash. It is like they summon super human strength from nowhere. This is an example of the real strength of the human body. However, just from that one lift they don't become shredded they stay the same. It is similiar for gym bro's. You are already stronger than you realise, you don't need to prove it in the gym though. You need to be smart and get your gains through regulalry reminding your body what is what.
@stevengrant4107 Жыл бұрын
Been doing this for over a year now, total game changer!!!!! Every workout is amazing and I look forward to it!!!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Steven this is so good to hear! Thank you of sharing and glad this approach works well for you!
@_johnwayne_ Жыл бұрын
I’m really grateful for stumbling upon this channel a few months ago. Your information is really nicely packed and without any filter, it made me restructure my routines for the better and also changed my whole view of this lifestyle. It’s all about longevity and reaping the rewards that come through. Keep it up Kyle!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, grayman! Stoked to hear the content has resonated with you! Thank for the feedback, my friend! 🙏
@scottk1525 Жыл бұрын
This is such a better way to train. One thing I've noticed is that I can do much more volume, without the fatigue, soreness, achiness, or risk of injury. In a single workout of 3 sets, I'll get something like 10 reps, then 8 reps then 6. But if I split those 3 sets up over the week, doing 1 set on M, W, & F, I'll get 10 10 & 10, or even 10 10 & 11 or 12. I feel fresh for each and every set, and it's much easier to maintain form. Also, with weekly workouts, even when I could do more reps or weight, I never felt like the reps I already had in the bank were getting easier. Whereas with 3-4x per week training, reps feel easier and smoother each week, in addition to being able to do more of them.
@SeanLives Жыл бұрын
Question, do you go to failure with each set?
@scottk1525 Жыл бұрын
@@SeanLives I think so. People have different definitions of failure. I use the speed of reps as a gauge. I shoot for about 1 second contractions. When I perform a rep that takes 2-3 seconds, I make that the last, because I'd probably have to sacrifice form to get another rep.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Exactly! Well said, Scott!
@erin758 7 ай бұрын
I've been watching all of your demos with explanations in the background, and it changed my entire workout routine. I get ample time to work and workout. Perfect balance for me.
@conormcc_9656 Жыл бұрын
Daily shorter workouts are without doubt the best thing for consistency and that's were results come from. It builds good habits.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
100%! When I made the switch, I was hooked.
@virtualsnake1994 Жыл бұрын
Builds good habits and doesn't make training a dreadful overbearing activity.
@suryadihardjagilbert2199 Жыл бұрын
Physiological hygiene is the single most life-changing term for me when I heard you say it a few years ago when I just found your channel.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Dude, I’m so happy that resonated with you. Thank you for sharing the positive feedback. 🙏💪
@BudgetGains01 Жыл бұрын
Tomorrow, after a 2 week rest, I will finally start doing push ups, pull ups and squats (varieties). Thank you for your videos, I finally restarted to take exercising as "something to stay fit and enjoy".
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
This is so good to hear, Rihick! I love the mindset. Keep at it!
@Dividenddream Жыл бұрын
Finally a KZbinr who keeps the videos short and to the point. Subscriber earned thanks!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Boxing Bandit!🙏💪
@DailyHundreds Жыл бұрын
Day 31 doing 100 Pull-ups, 100 Push-ups and just recently started adding 100 Squats. It has become routine. I’ll increase volume or do variations 2-3 times a week. So far so good. Daily training is great. I haven’t had any major recovery issues. Anyways all that to say these videos are great lol.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I love it! Such a simple an effective way to go.
@Dinief Жыл бұрын
Is this one punch man training reference? 😅
@BringDHouseDown Жыл бұрын
and a 4km run...every....single...day.......until you turn bald
@DailyHundreds Жыл бұрын
@@BringDHouseDown just hit my 100 days today lol. Still not balding though 😢😂
@harithabdulrasoul2673 Жыл бұрын
Another good idea👏👏 Consistency is the other key (along side the simplicity) Daily training will defintely help you staying active all year, also it's daily test for your discipline and a constant improvementof your movement. Onething everybody should be aware of is training smart to the point where they can still train tomorrow rather than focusing on "emptying the tank". Keep up the good work
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Well said, Harith!
@restorationacresfarm8537 Жыл бұрын
I've made the most physical aesthetic progress by following your shared knowledge compared to any other form of exercise I've tried. I've put on 13 pounds of muscle which is a big deal for my body type. I struggle in the summer time because I'm a farmer, work load goes up and so does the heat, so I'm definitely going to try this out I think it'll be easier to follow through with even if I'm exhausted after a long days work! Thank you!
@connorwu1329 Жыл бұрын
i don't normally comment on anything, but i gotta say...most underrated fitness youtuber right here. short, sweet, and super simple.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I appreciate that very much, Connor! Thank you.
@kingdomoflions5391 Жыл бұрын
Key Kyle! Training calisthenics has been an immensely important part of life as everything crazy has been going on, thank you for spreading the good message! Here’s an interesting fact; the calisthenics community often says “that’s good money” and the reason is because we say “health is wealth” so when you hear someone say “you gotta pay your reps in full” … it means you make an investment in your health 😃 and that would be “good money”
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Pat! I love that saying and couldn’t agree more. It’s best thought of as a small daily investment for the benefit of your future self (and loved ones, so they get a better and healthier version of you). I hope all is well, brother. 🙏
@folksurvival Жыл бұрын
Each session is an investment for the future.
@QuiteFrankly Жыл бұрын
It always makes sense, Kyle. Thank you
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I’m happy the content connects with you, QF! Thank you for the support!
@neversate Жыл бұрын
2 sets of chin ups and 2 sets of inverted rows with a weighted vest 4x week equals 16 quality sets of back per week.And research has shown that upto 20 sets per muscle group per week is optimum for gains.
@sergiotl7378 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for respecting your followers and not wasting our time with unnecessarily long videos.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
My pleasure, Sergio! I appreciate the feedback. Thanks for the support!
@yourlifetrulymatters Жыл бұрын
Hey sir boges just wanted to say that daily training helped a lot. I love training as a habit rather than like you said a intervention. It makes me feel active and gives me more energy every single day. Keep it up!!!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Awesome! Thank you for sharing and I’m so happy it’s an approach that resonated with you! Thanks for the feedback 🙏
@TVResults 4 ай бұрын
"Physiological" hygiene. Man that is powerful. I love daily training for the mental benefits most of all. Organizing things in the fashion you mention here allows me to train this way while not overworking myself and rendering myself useless for part of the day. I can't tell you how many times I've trained so hard in too short of a period of time that I had to be napping through the day. It just makes no sense to do that for me anymore. I want to live during the day and sleep when it is time to sleep. I really enjoy your videos. I'm 48 now and have been making additional changes for longevity sake. Gone are the days where I only care about lifting x weight or just looking a certain way. I wish I would have considered these things earlier in life. Can't go back though I can operate much more efficiently now, enjoy it, maybe inspire, or help someone else along the way. Thanks so much.
@eccemono6853 Жыл бұрын
Good to see Top G back to daily training again
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
@jaetok Жыл бұрын
Such a clever way to do these videos. Addressing the subject after you've caught your breath where the message can be reached clearer and more effectively. Hella Informative.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you for that! I appreciate the kind feedback dude! I’m happy to hear the style resonates with you 🙏💪
@Plingdom Жыл бұрын
I’ve recently switched to daily training. It’s tough to resist overdoing it, which I’ve certainly done a few times now, but I will keep working on it. I want something I can do each day without thinking about it. Like I don’t have to think “hmm I brushed my teeth yesterday. Today is a rest day and I’ll brush again tomorrow”. That’s what I want with my training too
@folksurvival Жыл бұрын
It's good to have "daily mandatories".
@TheMovementAthlete Жыл бұрын
Your skills and attitude towards this sport is so admiring!! 😍
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you! That's super kind of you 🙏
@Baykirk Жыл бұрын
Hi, I have been using this technique and it feels great! I also incorporate warmups before training and I would also love to see you make an informative video about warming up. Thanks man.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Good to hear, Ahmet! Noted, about the warm ups. That's a really common suggestion. I need to make that video!
@aquibshaikh2466 Жыл бұрын
This may be the first time I'm commenting on KZbin reason being this guy knows what quality content should be. To the point content and no likes or subscribe dialogues anywhere
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
That is exceptionally kind and thoughtful, AQUIB! I really appreciate you taking the time to share the positive feedback. Much appreciated, my friend! 🙏
@gnfmcasper848 Жыл бұрын
Last 6 months i have been really grinding on daily calisthenics training and i can say i have a better physique and body comp now then i ever did doing countless hours in the gym lifting weights
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Yes! It's shocking right?! It's such a simple and accessible way to train, and most people would be absolutely shocked by what they could attain with a simple protocol.
@gnfmcasper848 Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges i couldn’t have said it better myself, i started watching your KZbin years ago, but i was too scared to take the dive into calisthenics because i was so used to all of the negative speculation around not being able to gain muscle, 6 months ago was put in a situation where all i had access to was a pull up bar and ground. I have never looked or feel better. Never going back either
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
@@gnfmcasper848 Wow! Dude this is so cool to hear! There is also something really cool about the pure simplicity of the approach to. It appeals to me on quite a few different levels, but the fitness and aesthetics it can offer are superb given the tradeoffs. It's such a good deal
@gnfmcasper848 Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges it is definitely a life changer
@JHallOnline Жыл бұрын
Love this approach. Making it a habit is so important, and folks overdoing it at the beginning even with the best intentions often burn out. Start slow and enjoy the process.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Well said, Jordan! I hope all is well with you and the family, brother!
@wellutopia2237 Жыл бұрын
High frequency like this amd GTG is the only training style that brings me extreme strength. Can practically launch myself with pull ups using this method even though i got stronger on a PPL routine i always feel stronger on high frequency. Although i never did weighted pull ups with high frequency only PPL so perhaps i could get even stronger with GTG weighted dips and pull ups.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Totally! Yeah I've never done weighted GTG either, but I have heard amazing things. If you give it a shot, let me know how it goes for you!
@wellutopia2237 Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges Currently on my first week of GTG with a 20 pound vest. One rep every hour and 3 reps of dips. Staying strong and fresh. Ill let you know how i progress. 20 pounds feels scary light. I feel very very strong. GTG seems to be my favorite exercise routine. I stay strong and get stronger. Im 6' 220 pounds 💪😎
@wellutopia2237 Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges Currently doing neutral grip pull ups. I feel strongest in this variation.
@jtaylor6473 Жыл бұрын
Mate, everything you say makes sense. Thanks for your honest, concise advice. It has helped me personally a lot.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, J! I'm glad it connects with you! I appreciate the kind feedback, dude🙏
@IlBella_ Жыл бұрын
I'm working out almost every single day since September by doing 3 set of push, push and leg exercises, and rotating dairy. First 3 months was really hard, now is routine. And the progression is insane physically and mentally
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Yes!!! I love hearing these stories. That’s exactly what my experience was like. Once the gains started coming in, I’ve never looked back. I literally felt like I had uncovered some secret 😂
@nickcoleman4702 Жыл бұрын
So you did 3 sets of pull, 3 sets or pushups, and 3 sets of bw daily?
@thedevilsadvocate4669 Жыл бұрын
What kind of dairy were you rotating? Was it milk and cheese or only different kinds of cheese?
@jvsky1140 Жыл бұрын
​@K boges its crazy how effective it really is, i appreciate your content a lot, Very educational and straightforward
@cheyneburns2199 Жыл бұрын
​@@thedevilsadvocate4669 I think it's a typo i.e. "rotating daily", not dairy 😎
@srivero24 Жыл бұрын
The timing of this video couldn’t be better! Thanks
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Glad to hear, Santiago! Enjoy!
@ddb82 Жыл бұрын
Thanks Kyle, I really enjoy your advice videos, they are just THE BEST man. Many thanks and keep up the good work! 😎👍
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, DDB82! 🙏
@gabrieltisserantdealmeidag3791 Жыл бұрын
I don't know what else to say. Best advices ever.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
That is exceptionally kind feedback, Gabriel! Thank you.
@hungnguyenquoc9487 7 ай бұрын
Not sure if you are going to read this, but this video transformed my perception towards exercising. The problem that i aslways have with alternating days of workout is that it so hard to work out for one day and rest the other day because it breaks my momentum. I also got so tired after the rest day that i couldnt bring myself to work out on the next exercising day. I will now train every day to build a habit like you mentioned, working a little bit each day to prevent fatigue and increasing the intensity of training as time goes on. You are an absoulte legend for bringing in new perspective to calisthenics to us viewers for free. Much appreciated ❤
@johanneshi9448 Жыл бұрын
Wether you adopt a daily training routine or follow any other plan, a good question to reflect is: "How can I complete the same volume with less fatigue?" Or "how can I increase my volume with the same fatigue?" Once you progress in fitness and your work capacity outruns your recoverability, those questions become relevant. (Also life in general is more enjoyable with less fatigue of course...)
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Exceptionally well put!!!
@vincent82486 Жыл бұрын
Best channel on the subject on the net. 👏
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
That is very kind of you, Vincent! Much appreciated!
@CasConfirmed Жыл бұрын
I clicked on this cuz I thought the guy in the Thumbnail was Andrew Tate
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
😂sorry to disappoint
@gavinjuge6621 8 ай бұрын
Your content is such a breath of fresh air man. Thanks for making this stuff free 😄
@Kboges 8 ай бұрын
It's my pleasure! Thank you for watching!
@swizzbeats1212 Жыл бұрын
I thought it was Andrew Tate at first from the thumbnail lol.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Lol 😂
@Themissinglink65 10 ай бұрын
Thsi could really work for me because i love training and your take on training and health has impacted me so positively, to the point of overcoming my knee injury, you're right, you shouldn't beat up your body while young. I could write more but all i can say is thank you.
@Kboges 10 ай бұрын
Amazing! This is so cool to hear and I’m so happy you are overcoming your knee injury! Keep at it, my friend and thank you for sharing. 🙏💪
@improvisthenics Жыл бұрын
No way its andrew tate
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
@Wastetimechasingir1S Жыл бұрын
Unique approach to promote adherence :) I'm sure many can benefit from incorporating this Daily Training. As long as we are taking the steps no matter how incremental, over time we will be farther along the present path.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Exactly, Zechariah!
@erickstotle4285 Жыл бұрын
I can vouch for this I used to do full body training everyday during my break at work ! And then did landscaping. This with proper diet did me well within 3 months i moved like a beast !
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
It's a great way to go for those with physical jobs; the extra fatigue management is a huge help! Thanks for sharing, Erick!
@daynemin Жыл бұрын
Habit building is the big one. Workouts that you dont have much resistance to, concise and effective. Push, pull, legs and core 3 times a week, 30 min yoga in between body weight training and a decent run once a week, leaving one day rest. Being honest with your food intake, time commitments, realistic goals and expectations.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Well said!!!
@NM-hq1io Жыл бұрын
Thanks for all you do legend - appreciate the content, god bless you & your fam
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, N M! I appreciate that. Same to you and yours, my friend!
@kurtimusmaximus493 Жыл бұрын
I’ve made your words my mantra, “Frequent moderate effort performed consistently over time” beautiful in it’s simplicity and effectiveness.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
That’s a great way to sum it up!
@FabioMarcoBros 6 ай бұрын
Awesome tips. Training everyday has been amazing. I have so much more energy and built up a discipline to do more of what i used to put off daily
@NinetyK7 Жыл бұрын
Haha, I was JUST looking at higher frequency full body training yesterday. Perfect timing.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I love when things work out like that! I hope this helps you some. 🙏
@Jonas-Seiler 4 ай бұрын
For anyone still not sold. You may easily not be able to handle 4 hard and correct sets each for each muscle group or movement you want to do on 3 days per week, but you may find that you can relatively easily do 2 such sets each on 6 days a week meaning you may also be able to go for 7 days a week or maybe even do 3 sets each every other day, increasing volume and thus time on task (or time under tension if you will), and because it ends up feeling easier you’re less likely to break form, decreasing risk of injury given you’re not doing something sketchy to begin with. You incur disproportionately more fatigue the smaller the time window you concentrate your effort in.
@vrslayercat Жыл бұрын
This makes more sense for my work schedule. Ill give it a shot on my next hitch. Thanks mann 🎉
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Yeah it’s perfect for right schedules!
@natsuichijo24 Жыл бұрын
Daily training is real way of improving
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I agree, it's a potentially very useful tool.
@NoName-xj9nm Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the upload Kyle! It's been about 2 years since you last did a longer, more in-depth video. I really enjoy those every now and again. Nerd-out on a topic, and give us a lecture, lol!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, so cool to hear you enjoy those longer videos. I do have plans for some of that content in the future, but I might post it in a different location just because I’m not sure there’s a big audience for it on KZbin. We will see, thank you for the feedback and support.
@francozappetti1681 Жыл бұрын
the correct amaount of information, in short time. i´m glad to hear such a genius.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Franco!
@indosmilus454 Жыл бұрын
I was just about to follow a full body routine starting tomorrow transitioning from a traditional push pull leg split, thanks for dropping this today!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Glad the timing was perfect! I hope it helped!
@indosmilus454 Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges btw i wanted to ask you something, I've been following a PPL calisthenics split for 6+ months so while transitioning to fullbody how many movements should i do on a daily basis? Like just one push, pull and leg movement or two PPL movements? I was going to do 2 movements but i think that might be too much, what should I do?
@nephessus Жыл бұрын
@@indosmilus454 Today I started with 1 set of: 2 push (ring dips+pushup) + 2 pull (row + inverted row ) + 2 legs (shrimp squat + resistance band deadlift) + 2 core (toes to bar + sliding plank) If I follow this 6 times/week; it will be 12 sets per muscle group. Which should be sufficient enough. But I feel a bit exhausted tbh :D But if I do 1 push + 1 pull + 1 leg + 1 core; it will be 6 sets per muscle group, which seems a bit low volume tbh...
@indosmilus454 Жыл бұрын
@@nephessus yoo i have the same routine too but i don't do core daily
@pippo1785 Жыл бұрын
You are a great inspiration men amazing what you mange to achieve brother 🙏
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
That’s super kind of you. Thank you, brother!
@budgetlifter Жыл бұрын
i would feel like this training would be superior for anyone past a certain age where they might have not as much free time anymore, more responsibities and might recover worse because of aging. Not to say it's not a great way to train for anyone, but for example my dad is now in his 60s but used to be big into bodybuilding in his 20s to 40s. Nowadays he still trains this way but only twice to three times a week, sometimes skips because of work, time constrains, etc. and i honestly feel like this style of training would suit him so much better then what he does now which is trying to keep something up that he probably can't anymore to the same extend he used to. Great video as always K.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I think you are right! It is very sustainable for people who don’t have huge blocks of time to train and abundant recovery capacity. A little bit here and there is easy to recover from but it adds up!
@2815marionwood 4 ай бұрын
Micro-workouts, or greasing the grove, 20 pushups in the am. 20 pushups in the afternoon, 20 at night, and get a door pull up bar. One pull up with each pass at the door.
@alm5851 4 ай бұрын
you're awesome! keep up the inspiring work
@doru.t98 Жыл бұрын
I am currently stuck in a cycle that seems to repeat every few months or so and this video is the answer to that. I always find myself starting training daily for a few weeks, up to a few months and then i feel burned out and eventually stop for a few weeks/months and then repeat. The answer seems to be that i add too much volume too soon, i will start now to cut back on the volume a bit to see if it will keep me on track for longer. Thanks Kyle for the video you might have just saved me lol
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Yep! So daily training should be EASIER. Don’t chase fatigue. This is tough because a lot of people feel they need that fatigue to feel like they did something productive. But that’s chasing the wrong thing. You aren’t trying to get tired, you are trying to get a good stimulus while minimizing fatigue accumulation.
@conormckenna25 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for everything you do, all the way from Ireland.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Conor!💪
@derrickporter5913 Жыл бұрын
no ego, all facts, love your videos
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Derrick!
@rodrigo_panteon Жыл бұрын
I would definitely try this! Mate , I agree with your philosophy 🎉
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Give it a shot! Let me know if you end up with and questions or problems. 💪
@casualuserish 3 ай бұрын
great point about doubling volume - I have the tendancy to just repeat my 'go to' session. and if its more frequency a week, then its more. then i am more tired, and think to myself. this is hard then the next week i am like, last week was hard, lets take it easier. then yoyoing between this.
@Kboges 3 ай бұрын
Totally. Yeah you just have to keep and eye on weekly volume then it all makes sense.
@pheliques3806 Жыл бұрын
This was a great piece of information. I like it.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, my friend! Much appreciated 🙏
@stevenscott2136 Жыл бұрын
Good timing! I'm in one of my periods where I can barely force myself to exercise, and was vaguely thinking that "one set per day" might be easier for me to do than "three sets every couple of days, if I happen to feel like it".
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I think this is a great way to go, and it's my usually suggestion for when the battle is psychological. A single set per day has a ridiculously small time investment; it's just about excuse free. Just get a set in, don't stress. My guess is you keep it up and it won't be long before you start wanting to do more.
@bluekong9668 Жыл бұрын
​@@Kboges Like 1 Set for each muscle a day or Like 1 day pull ups 1day squats and so on?
@Vimouch3 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for your content Boges-Sensei love from Réunion Island
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Vimouch3! 🙏
@JD-me3tr Жыл бұрын
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
😂 I’m getting a lot of these comments lol
@hussein.khafaji Жыл бұрын
I think daily training is very beneficial I will implement it as soon as I can thank for these useful videos and have a nice day sir
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thanks, Hussain! Enjoy and let me know if you have questions.
@Cloppa2000 3 ай бұрын
100% .. Learn to feel the balance between intensity and recovery. You don't need to do 3 sets of an exercise to grow strength or muscle. 1 set to failure or near failure is enough stimulus for most average gym goers. You can call it done after that or do a bit extra with an extra set or two across or back off sets or rest pause or anything. Just balance the session with recovery. If you do 3 sets of 6-8 exercises you'll probably need a day off after but if you do 1 or 2 sets you can absolutely train every day.. Just work out what works for you.
@ruzainpatel5993 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for this!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Ruzain!
@Lieutenant-Dan Жыл бұрын
Boges, you've done it again ✅
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, Lt.! Great to hear from you and thanks for the support!
@MirkoKaragöz Жыл бұрын
Is it christmas man? Great stripes in the back and informational as always. Thank you for what you doing to calisthenics we all love you!❤🌱☀️
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, SC!
@LordVodka313 Жыл бұрын
After refining my regimen to the point that I couldn’t do any better, kborges hands me down something I can work with. Amazing!!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Thank you, my friend! I’m happy the content connects with you!
@lislearnitalianwithsongs Жыл бұрын
How I love the concept of physiological hygiene! If it was you who came up with it, you should definitely copyright it! What a great video, made just for those, like me, who have to cram their workouts in their busy days and aren’t allowed the luxury of “let’s take a whole 45 minutes off to train”. 45 minutes? You gotta be kidding me. But, as you say, building the habit is so important! Grazie per un altro meraviglioso video!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
So stoked the approach connects with you! Always great hearing from you LIS! Grazie!
@Rick_Deja Жыл бұрын
I love the idea of physiological hygiene and the consistent structure. I haven't been able to really dial in a daily full body routine, but this video defintely helps in terms of being mindful of weekly volume when programming. The variables I seem to be struggling with involve 1) structuring in warming up, and 2) adjusting intensity due to fewer sets (changing rep range, using drop sets or having an overall target rep count etc). Please advise if time allows or direct me to a past (or future) video... Many thanks for the great content.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Warm ups will be individual based on what you need. Follow your intuition. I’ll post some content on this in the future. A few reps shy of failure is a good rule of thumb. You can have some easier days and some harder days. You can structure this in or autoregulate it. Have some days closer to failure and some days a little further.
@JohnGrit Жыл бұрын
Lets be real, you got to eat right to look right. Most people work out and wonder why they cant get there dream body. You got to make healthy choices! Facts!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
Well said! It all has to come together to make the big difference.
@chinaman1 Жыл бұрын
What Top G this fellow is.
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
@guardiansfitness Жыл бұрын
This is why I upload daily K boges, 200+ pushups minimum combining all the other outdoor activities :) Much love from South Africa brother!
@Kboges Жыл бұрын
I love it, dude! Thank you for the support, my friend!
@guardiansfitness Жыл бұрын
@@Kboges That means the world to me thank you kindly! Wow :D
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