Rhett and Link Admit Why They Really Left Christianity

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Daily Disciple

Daily Disciple

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@StageWatcher 11 ай бұрын
Many people try to put LGBTQ+ people into a special category. When it comes to salvation, they are the same as everyone else. Christ tells us to deny ourselves, to take up our cross, and follow Him. This applies equally to everyone, regardless of the particular sins you are dealing with.
@shaunsteele6926 11 ай бұрын
right... I don't know what the big deal is. Don't have gay sex, simple as that. Same as straight people who need to remain pure until they marry.
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
@@shaunsteele6926 I agree. Let gays get married and then problem solved!
@fatmonke1 11 ай бұрын
@@Doom0728that’s not what he meant
@aaronbarkley539 11 ай бұрын
​@Doom0728 it's impossible for gay people to get married by definition, that's like saying "let men have children!"
@francisadodo9399 11 ай бұрын
​@@shaunsteele6926bro I used to think like you as well . Now I understand it's kinda hard. People are Born gay . Some people really are bro
@christopherherrick703 10 ай бұрын
Well done on the response… when I first became a Christian I felt that burden to share with everyone I met… then I did a study called “share Jesus without fear.” In that study the man started off with a statement, “I’ve never lead a single person to Christ…” that was a wow moment, then he went on to say, “I watch to see if the Holy Spirit is working in a persons life to know if they are ready to receive the word.” It helped me see how to share better.
@sweetlemonadartanimations369 10 ай бұрын
Where can I find this study?
@talinthon760 10 ай бұрын
We can lead people to Christ, what we can't do is give them the change of heart that will sprout their faith in him. To paraphrase Charles Spurgeon: "Why do I preach to everybody? It's because I don't know who is called and who is not. If all the saved people had a stripe painted on their back, I would go around lifting up everyone's coattails to see if they had this stripe and then I would preach only to them."
@roems6396 10 ай бұрын
Actually, you should mind your own business and realize that there is absolutely no reason to believe Biblical claims. You are only going to make someone think you are brainwashed and annoying, or you will be preaching to the choir.
@999InTheDark 7 ай бұрын
Magicians utilize this technique, too
@alexanderrose1071 7 ай бұрын
You’re a bad human being if you try to push your religion onto other people
@ytrando12312 10 ай бұрын
It is actually incredibly sad to hear Rhett say those things. It’s also very interesting how people say they don’t want to hurt LGBTQ+ feelings but have no problem saying the vilest things to Christians. Just something I noticed.
@br.m 10 ай бұрын
True. Just like Jesus told us it would be like.
@skierbinky 10 ай бұрын
Im sure its because hes guilty of something, is too proud to admit, and its easier to lambast the righteous than to acknowledge your own wrongdoings
@DesGardius-me7gf 10 ай бұрын
You bring this hate upon yourselves. You threaten people with torture if they don’t “repent” of their so-called “sins” as described in the Bible, without providing any evidence for why we should believe what you preach. And no, Bible verses are NOT evidence, neither are biased apologetic websites.
@DesGardius-me7gf 10 ай бұрын
@@br.mJesus didn’t say shit. You’re merely quoting the words of a man-made myth written by anonymous authors.
@br.m 10 ай бұрын
@@DesGardius-me7gf LOL ok ignorant kid
@daveonezero6258 11 ай бұрын
He literally said “I don’t trust people that say they are sure” and then “I know for sure what happens”
@Mark-cd2wf 11 ай бұрын
Ha! Good one!
@vorgryn 11 ай бұрын
This is a misconception. To say that the only thing one is sure about is that things are unsure is essentially equivalent to saying that you are unsure. It is not a hypocritical statement, just a different way of saying it. He never said he was sure what happens, just that he was sure that the only sure thing is to be UNsure.
@ajsirch 11 ай бұрын
@@vorgryn No, I don't think that you've closed the circle there. He says that he is sure that no one knows with any surety. Knows what exactly - what is he talking about? Well, I think he's talking about some worldview i.e he says that no one can be sure about any worldview. But that idea is actually part of his worldview - in other words. he's claiming surety about a specific aspect of his worldview. Which is not to say that his entire worldview is correct or incorrect but I can respond by saying that that particular aspect of his worldview is wrong.
@argent4825 11 ай бұрын
@ajsirch you've also not been really genuine here. I don't know what religion you follow but I imagine there's faith involved which Is not saying you're sure. It's saying you're 80% sure and filling the rest with faith because you cannot be 100% sure. If you could you'd be able to make me 100% sure
@vorgryn 11 ай бұрын
@@ajsirch I can certianly understand your point and don't necessarily disagree with it, but what I am pointing out is that it is not hypocritical of Rhett as some comments are suggesting. It might be true of his worldview that he views no one as having surety, but that also seems to include himself, at least from what I understood from their deconstruction podcasts. The real problem here is that these clips are just snippets of their thought process and journey, not the full picture.
@masonleblanc6726 11 ай бұрын
I love how he says this stone age philosophy has been harmful when most of them are commands like don't murder and steal.
@JS-sv4ol 11 ай бұрын
Completely agreed - I think it’s because they conflate the word with how people interpret it (religion) Sects and denominations of Christianity have been the chief actors in harmful acts (crusades, witch trials, etc) but I’d argue those are NOT in alignment with the Word as Jesus preached or intended If anything, underscores how inherently sinful and broken people are even when they’re given a perfect example and told what is right and wrong in scripture
@shaunsteele6926 11 ай бұрын
this "stone age philosophy" guided the majority of Western civilization until a decade or two ago. A lot of this nonsense is coming from people too young to remember the world when it was normal lol
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
The same book explicitly tells you to kill gay people, something the vast majority of Christians support
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
which is a command or law that has existed before Christianity. And yet, the bible is so ambiguous and open to interpretation that there's a law that literally says that you can own slaves. That type of ambiguity is dangerous. Only if Christianity can prove with sufficient evidence what they're claiming then it might be better than all other religions and atheism, but yet it doesn't
@dmon728 10 ай бұрын
It's funny you use the "don't murder" translation because that is exactly what the commandment says and people interpret it as "don't kill" which is different, people were allowed to kill in war and for other reasons, basically any reason the "people of God" decide, after Moses returns with the commandments he commanded the Levite tribe to kill 3 000 people who "worshipped a false God" you can see so many religious justifications for murder in the Bible its astonishing there are people who draw their morals from there in 21st century, and that continued all the way until the protestant reformation, now christians don't kill in the name of God, they don't burn people at the stake, but they still teach the morals of that age a huge part of which deny basic human rights like existing as gay, or divorcing for any reason other than cheating spouse. So yes, stone age.
@jefftharp9177 10 ай бұрын
The sad thing about Rhett's view on the Great Commission is that he saw a separation between A) Communicating the Gospel and B) Learning things from other people who aren't saved. I cannot tell you HOW many times I've learned things from people who aren't saved. Taking a posture of humility will open yourself to that. Just because you said 'Yes' to Jesus, doesn't suddenly shut you off from learning from and relating to other people.
@indiamae3599 10 ай бұрын
So true, thank you
@brentbarrus9754 10 ай бұрын
Except that the only approved form of "learning" (on matters of existence, meaning, morality, etc.) is the faith affirming kind. In fundamentalism, perspectives can not stand on their own merit; they are simply contexulized within the believers' paradigm. And that creates an imbalance in the exchange of ideas.
@JohnCephas 10 ай бұрын
@@brentbarrus9754 Truth stands eternally. Any truth spoken is truth. Anything spoken that is not truth is a lie (though lies are based on truths). "Fundamentalism" means what? Some doctrine of man? God is the Truth and God bless any Truth spoken by anyone.
@brentbarrus9754 10 ай бұрын
@JohnCephas "Any truth spoken is truth." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War #2
@JohnCephas 10 ай бұрын
@@brentbarrus9754 Is that meant to be agreeing with me?
@samplautz5586 11 ай бұрын
I know they’ve also stated a big reason they left was because of a lot of hypocrisy, people claiming to be believers but then acting completely different outside the church. That should be a wake up call to all of us
@joshua-l6m 11 ай бұрын
Not really, Christians have an entire book that stresses this fact long before these two even noticed it. If Christians are unable to abide, introspect, and reflect on God's word then that's an individual issue, and has nothing to do with the validity of our Christian faith. Rhett and Link are also major hypocrites, yea we all are in some way or another. Why don't they speak out against and defy the US government and constitution, there's more than enough hypocrites there. The issue when it comes to God is always going to be found in the heart, not the mind.
@shaunsteele6926 11 ай бұрын
this is why I left the church 20 years ago. I left the church, but I never left Christ.
@Mark-cd2wf 11 ай бұрын
I wonder if they think Jesus was a hypocrite….
@GaliscesGaming 11 ай бұрын
Doesn't that mean that their faith then was never in God but in people? If hypocrisy in the church makes you leave, it must be because you had too much stake in the performance of human beings. Jesus even warned us of wolves in sheeps clothing, and religious hypocrites, yet people keep using those kinds of people as an excuse to leave the Church. If your faith this whole time was in the people who make up the church and not the God of the church, you were never a Christian to begin with and church was more like some moral social club for you than a following of worshippers of the living God.
@mahjx1068 11 ай бұрын
​@@GaliscesGamingyou hit the nail on the head right there brother.
@joshstormin6580 11 ай бұрын
Funny how this "stone age philosophy" has given us all a moral standard to live by Edit: This comment really did something
@UgliestManOnEarth-69 11 ай бұрын
Has it? How do you figure that?
@NotDuncan 11 ай бұрын
@@UgliestManOnEarth-69understanding history, philosophy and how society was formed.
@DesGardius-me7gf 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, and that same “standard” condones slavery. If the Bible really is the standard, then it’s a piss-poor standard at best.
@bctalicorn809 11 ай бұрын
​@@DesGardius-me7gfSlavery meant something completely different to the Isrealites. First of all, they were slaves themselves for hundreds of years, so God commanded them not to treat their slaves the way they were treated. If they did, they were to be stoned. It was a system of grace that was put in place if you had acquired debt you couldn't pay back. You could work your way out of debt if you worked diligently for 7 years. And they still got one day off because of the sabbath. In the meantime, you were treated well, given shelter, and fed. After that 7 years of servantry/slavery was up, you were debt free and no longer a slave. Also, it doesn't condone the monstrosity that has become "modern" slavery which treats humans as anything less than that. It was actually a humane way of allowing captives to be a part of the Isrealite community, or allowing grace to fall on debtors. Don't take what abusers have called "slavery" and equate it to what is in the Bible, and actually read what the laws say.
@bctalicorn809 11 ай бұрын
Yeah, it's almost like it's supposed to be an unchanging standard that stands the test of time or something!
@sol-hunter2332 11 ай бұрын
I am gay, I am Christian. I hate how acceptance is viewed as love when it is not. You can love someone, without accepting what they do. E.g. enabling a drug addict, isnt love. I didnt choose to be gay, just as no one chooses how they are tempted, but we choose in our we response. Homosexuality isnt my identity, and it isnt who I am. It is but a small fraction. Ive wrestled with the scriptures, wrestled with God and found His word to be true, and choose Him. Jesus promised us that follow Him will require self-sacrifice, and this is mine. I am far happier with God than without.
@reitillet7926 11 ай бұрын
Beautiful faith
@timhawley3721 11 ай бұрын
Maybe you should say that you have homosexual inclinations instead of identifying as gay, just as a Christian struggles with gluttony shouldn’t identify as a gluttonous Christian. In any case, I pray that you overcome this desire and that you fully desire all that God wants you to desire. God bless!
@NovusIgnis 11 ай бұрын
I would agree with the other comment. Stating that you are gay means that you identify with the sin itself. I do not say that I'm a murdering lustful Christian because those would be antithetical descriptions. I'm a Christian who struggles with the sins of lust and anger. They are my enemies, not my identifiers.
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@NovusIgnis That’s just nonsense, whether you want to identify with LGBT or not. If You have attraction exclusively towards other men then you are by definition gay. Sure you can call it a “sin” if you want but let’s be real. If you’re gay, you’re gay.
@shaunsteele6926 11 ай бұрын
but the truth is, our sexuality IS a choice. I'm not talking about feelings but actions. Only in the modern world do people identify as their sexual compulsions. You are not a "gay man", you are a Christian man struggling with homosexuality. Reject the world's satanic and false labels.
@nameirrelevant0 11 ай бұрын
Every "unique deconstruction story" always boils down to LGBT stuff.
@UgliestManOnEarth-69 11 ай бұрын
I guess if someone was gay, they wouldn’t want to try to adhere to something that professes bigotry.
@shaunsteele6926 11 ай бұрын
it's always "I have religious trauma because they told me my sin was bad"
@bikesrcool_1958 11 ай бұрын
@@shaunsteele6926or they have questions about it that no one answered…. Even though they are easily answered.
@vorgryn 11 ай бұрын
This assumes that every Christian has the same view of "love the sinner, hate the sin" that you likely have. The problem is really that for a lot of Christians, there is a deep sense of vitriolic hatred in how they talk to and about certain groups. Now, the easy answer to this is to say that those who act in such ways are not Christian and rightly so I would agree, but we must consider it from an outsiders perspective. If a newcomer to the church, barely having read anything of scripture, comes to sanctuary and is met with statements of hatred and chastisement from the 'non-Christians' who, in my personal experience, are in all churches, then they are more likely than not to leave and discard everything as nonsense. Despite being a Christian myself, I could not blame them for doing so, as the modern church has become extremely politicized and is thus in fault for turning many would be true Christians away from Christ. I agree with many of the commenters. True Christianity is about God, not people, but the problem is that people are meant to be the route to initiation with the relationship with the divine. Many within the modern church, however, rather act as a roadblock.
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
Not everyone but many. Why is it surprising that people decide they don’t want to buy unChristlike hypocrisy, contradiction, inconsistency, lies, from manipulative disingenuousness evangelicals?
@meredithsmakings3068 11 ай бұрын
I will never not be amazed by how gentle and respectful you are when explaining truth and the Word to those who criticize it. I wish there were pastors of whole congregations who spoke as well as you
@ddanglu 11 ай бұрын
It really helps when you know what 1 Corinthians 1:18 says
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
The guy you are currently calling gentle has called for opening up death camps for LGBT people, how is that gentle exactly?
@roems6396 10 ай бұрын
He isn’t “explaining truth.” He’s making completely unfounded claims. There is no documented accounts about ANY supernatural claims in the Bible. That’s just a lie.
@jacobdaubenspeck3217 11 ай бұрын
It's not "toxic" to make sure everyone knows the only escape from hell. There is only one right answer. It would be toxic not to tell people.
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
First thing, depending on your view of hell, isn't hell kinda immoral? Infinite torture for a finite crime. Even the death penalty requires no pain. Second, i feel like this is the more important question, does anyone ever proof the existence of hell? Like any hell? If there's no sufficient evidence for it, why believe it?
@kingofbudokai 10 ай бұрын
@@georgebraun1782 Infinite torture isn't what the Bible says hell is like. Humans invented that idea out of whole cloth and unfortunately it has become mainstream despite its lack of biblical support. The Bible says hell involves the destruction of the wicked (It literally calls it "the second death"), it never says anywhere that they burn for all time. The only phrase in scripture that (supposedly) supports that idea is the idea of "eternal fire", but the Bible is equally clear that Sodom and Gomorrah were burned with the exact same "eternal fire" that hell is made of. And last time I checked, those cities weren't still on fire. The bible also calls hell an "unquenchable fire", but the word "unquenchable" does not mean "burning forever" it just means you can't artificially put it out before its done. As far as the evidence for hell, that's a somewhat moot point, because whether there is or isn't a hell is determined by whether or not God exists. It is a byproduct rather than a worldview itself if that makes sense. So the real question is, is there evidence that God exists? Because if he does, there HAS to be a hell, and if he doesn't, there can't possibly be one. And yes, there is quite a great deal of evidence for God's existence. No "proof" per se, because you'll never be able to prove definitively that the Bible is legitimate. But evidence, absolutely. There's a great deal of evidence even outside of the Bible's 100% accuracy record with prophecy, in the fields of biology, history, and anthropology, etc (There's also a lot more scientific evidence that opposes the theory of evolution than supports it, especially in the field of genetics specifically.) But it will always take some amount of faith to believe by design. Hope that answers your questions.
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
​@@kingofbudokai Regarding whether or not there's torture in hell is irrelevant for me to be honest. Because i feel like that's the job of other religions to debate on what hell really is. And I'm not here to defend what religion views on hell is correct. That's for them to decide and debate on. Regarding on the proof of hell, i don't know how did you get that God needs to exists in order for hell to exists. But let's assume it does for the sake of argument, is the evidence that you sighted sufficient to prove there's a God? ALso, give me a real not open to interpretation prophecy that you speak of that is evidence in the fields of biology, history and anthropoligy. I'm really interested in that. But regadless, i feel that is irrelevant. Even if there's 100% accurate accurate prophecy, that doesn't tell you where did that prophecy come from. For all we know, it's a time traveler, aliens, etc... You still need to make the connection between God and prophecy in order to say that prophecy proves God. By the way, evolution is also irrelevant to this. You know why? Because let's assume evolution is proven false tomorrow. How does that in anyway prove God? or give evidence to God?
@Heisrisenindeed 10 ай бұрын
Jacob, I totally agree, I think that we all need to adopt this mindset throughout our lives, living out the Great Commission.
@victorjuister3219 10 ай бұрын
@@georgebraun1782 Bro the spiritual is why god is real. If he isn't real happens is just serotonin, oxytocin is just a chemical and love is but a mere idea. You and me have no difference because we all have the same biology just different genes and chromosomes from our two parents who had sex. We all have a soul I don't know if you've been in love with a partner but you most likely love your parents which isn't a chemical or your dog you know what I mean. Hell isn't demons cutting your eyeballs out its a reflection of how you went against your soul and how you see the whole picture and how wow I did something that hurt myself or others. Like your memories play over and over and over and the conviction sets in because we all have messed up even god he's the first human after all this place is one big mess is it not. Anyways hell isn't what people think lots of so called christians will be in hell getting flashbacks of how they truly hurt peoples feelings in a deep way with being hateful. Hell is just one big look at yourself and it's ugly for all of us because your in the spiritual and you can feel the gravity of peoples emotions and feelings like if you cheat on girlfriend you feel her pain over and over again. Anyways on your question on how can we prove hell is real literally dude fast and cry out to the real god of irasel that one that is good. He can bring you in the spiritual realm because when your in it man you feel the gravity of your actions ten fold. Also look at the celebrities and all their symbolism they're shouting out hell it's not a place of torutre it's just lacking the things of god which some people don't want.
@jairus1213 11 ай бұрын
It's really simple, they were bound in religion, not understanding relationship with Jesus. When you don't know how to be filled, you try to live up to whatever standard you set in your mind or you observe around you. They assumed what Christianity "looked" like and tried to live up to it, ultimately falling flat on their face because it's meant to be a relationship, not a list of rules. The rules serve as boundaries in that relationship meant to protect you, not to condemn you or others. Their hearts have been hardened due to years of hurt and misunderstanding, it's all too often that this happens and I'd say it's a major reason for a lot of the "deconstructing" Christians. They probably didn't initially set out to do this, but they ended up trying to "obtain" something they already are. They just had to spend time with Him, not do all the extra "stuff." Yeah, we''re meant to preach the great commission, but if you don't know who God is or how much He loves you, you're not going to last long. If anyone reading this is feeling like they have to "work" to obtain a certain "status" with God, I ask that you stop. You're going to burn yourself out, you ARE already the righteousness of Christ. He already loves you beyond compare and you don't have to "force" yourself to live up to His standards. By spending time with Him daily, He will lead you to everlasting waters and refresh your soul. You'll eventually find that it's easy to do all He has called you to because every day you're being filled with Him, His love for you. We make it waaaay too complicated. In simplest terms, following God is just listening to Him every day and allowing Him to love us, His Word to change us, being obedient to His love. It's not all the extra "stuff." When you came to Jesus, you couldn't save yourself, so stop trying to get free by yourself. Get in the Word and allow Him to love on you.
@abbiemyrie 11 ай бұрын
I totally agree! It seems like their experience as a Christian wasn’t true to who God is and was very performative in the sense of “I need to do all these things and that’s what it means to be a Christian”, so now they are on the extreme other side where they want nothing to do with God and it’s so heartbreaking that the enemy has has made them think this way.
@shelenmarton1061 11 ай бұрын
best comment I've read in awhile! truly well thought out and explained perfectly.
@Awsme 11 ай бұрын
Amen amen!
@99range92def 11 ай бұрын
They became worldly, they live in a very lefty place and had to reconcile their beliefs with their friends life styles and chose the world over God.
@andreay9935 11 ай бұрын
Wow, what an amazing comment and even help me understand some things about my doubts. Thank you for this, and man I just hope their harden hearts will soften to Jesus Christ.
@matthewbrummer8691 11 ай бұрын
Its so interesting that Rhett freely admits that he abandoned his faith and turned his back on God purely for the fans. His decision is 100% about money, so we know what god he serves.
@evage99 11 ай бұрын
I suppose it's more honest than pretending to serve two masters. He chose the wrong one, though.
@anthonywhitaker4332 10 ай бұрын
EXACTLY bro, i noticed when they were pushing all that 33rd degree mythical best crap
@BeardedReactions 10 ай бұрын
That is facts and sad.
@brentbarrus9754 10 ай бұрын
The actual deconstruction of his faith had nothing to due with his acceptance of lgbtq. Removing that inner conflict was merely a benefit reaped afterward. You strawmanned him here.
@BobbyJenko 10 ай бұрын
Oh yes of course. Everyone knows there is so much money to be found in the atheist community. We do have mega millionaire spokespersons.
@glennjohn3919 10 ай бұрын
Rhett: "I have a problem with people who say they know for sure." Also Rhett: "I know for sure we cant know."
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
The only sure thing is that you can't know for sure. Stop trying to gotcha him and understand where he's coming from or you'll never be able to talk to him properly.
@DaChristianYute 10 ай бұрын
@@chipputer they if that’s the case how do you know you can’t know for sure if you actually can’t know anything for sure?
@DaChristianYute 10 ай бұрын
@@chipputer if you still don’t understand his Logical Fallacy let me help you., he had a 2 part argument “He knows for sure” second part is “that Nobody knows for sure” the Second part of his argument Negates the First part because he clearly said “Nobody knows for sure” which means “He doesn’t know for sure, that nobody knows for sure” so he Flipped his whole argument on its head and like I said before you are here defending in every comment under this video but Ignoring all the Fallacies and Error this man Spoken in his video.
@grenadanotthecountry 10 ай бұрын
​@dachristianyute so you'd say some people do know for sure? Interesting idea
@DaChristianYute 10 ай бұрын
@@grenadanotthecountry I don’t know if out there “Know for sure” but what I’m not willing to say is “I know for sure that nobody knows” because you might not believe in Christian but let’s say for example the men who wrote the New testament were being 100% truthful and Jesus is God in the Flesh wouldn’t you say those men Knew for sure what would happen when you die because “Literally God” told them. The Fact is Believe them based on the evidence and I have Faith that what Jesus said is True. To say Nobody Knows is a Huge stretch.
@irregularhunter0586 11 ай бұрын
Sharing the gospel is not shoving your personal righteousness on someone, it's sharing the good news of salvation in Christ that is just too good to keep to ourselves.
@ApelikeAltruism 10 ай бұрын
"salvation in Christ" only really counts as good news if you accept the other half of the belief system - which is that everyone, through no action or choice of their own, is irredeemably sinful and would be rightfully burned forever on the basis of their birth alone. There's no reason to think like that though. The salvation part is the snake oil that comes after you've convinced someone they're ill.
@siquod 10 ай бұрын
Although sadly there are lots of unconverted people who grew up in churches, talk the talk, walk the walk, are proud of (their fleshly understanding of) the "truth" and think that is what evangelism is about. Later, when they "deconvert", they look back on their own former attitude and assume every christian was like that.
@andrewrivera190 10 ай бұрын
I guess this comes from understanding the human heart and understanding your own heart. I know my heart. I do deserve to be burned. However, Grace was given to me, so I can give Grace to others. I use to think in Matthew 7 that when Jesus mentioned the two gates that people chose the wide gate out of ignorance. I now realize people chose the wide gate because it’s easier to reject Christ and to serve self than to follow Him. The thing is, people who serve self are burning even before they are condemned to hell. There comes a point when you realize any pleasure this world has to offer isn’t enough. I have seen people that have come to realize this and their response was to take their own life.
@Gbaby_1241 10 ай бұрын
​@@ApelikeAltruismwe *are* redeemed though through the blood of Jesus Christ, our savior. It is when we deny *that* truth that we are willingly damning ourselves
@UnicornTears12 10 ай бұрын
BS. You people foist your delusional cult on everyone despite whether they want to hear it or not. Anyone tries the same with you all and you lose your minds.
@chefxhyrule242 11 ай бұрын
Rhett’s logic is insanely flawed
@epiclight858 11 ай бұрын
It's one of those things that you don't understand because you don't want to understand
@gogeta0064 11 ай бұрын
@@epiclight858 IOW cognitive dissonance
@UgliestManOnEarth-69 11 ай бұрын
About what part specifically? The intro made sense to me.
@mr.x6313 11 ай бұрын
He’s a fool.
@NovusIgnis 11 ай бұрын
​@@epiclight858What is, his logic? Cause no, it's extremely easy to understand, it's just severely flawed.
@jk.smalls 11 ай бұрын
It's tragic that they chose fame, freedom from responsibility and a life of ease over a life of faith and salvation.
@michaelbradley6004 11 ай бұрын
I know one of them wants to break into country music. The industry gatekeeps those who are going to be successful. Even country artists sell their souls for fame. Idk. Its obvious their logic doesnt work. And they know it.
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
It's also a matter of sufficient evidence i would say. There's a lot of religion fighting for what God is the "true" God. And yet, if any of them only provided sufficient evidence for their existence of God, then all of this wouldn't be a problem. I mean why the ambiguity and lack of evidence of religions? isn't that just believing in the irrational?
@bridgeeeena5798 10 ай бұрын
​@georgebraun1782 there is tons of evidence for the Christian faith, it's just that people don't bother to look or they hold it to an unrealistic standard. Ask yourself "if Christianity was real, what kind of historical evidence would I expect to see"? And then research to find it. Often when people hear the evidence for Christianity they say "not good enough" despite the fact that it would be more than sufficient for any other fact of history.
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
@@bridgeeeena5798 You said that people don't bother to look at it or have unrealistic standard. Then for the sake of clarity and im asking this sincerely and not as an insult to Christians, what's then the sufficient evidence for God that Christians meets but not other religion or any other supernatural claims? To explain further, for example (and this is true), they are a bunch of supernatural claim that Elvis rose from the dead. You can look this is up, they have photography evidence of people that look like Elvis and testimonial evidence of other people that saw Elvis that we can talk to right now. Some people even argue that the tombstone is fake and not real. Do you believe that? I would assume no but correct me if I'm wrong. Contrast that to the resurrection of Jesus Christ where there's no photography evidence and there's no people we can talk to who can testify that Jesus in fact was resurrected. I assume you believe in the resurrection of Jesus since you are a Christian, but do you think we have higher evidence of Elvis resurrections or Jesus? When it comes to God, what can you provide with sufficient evidence that other religion already hasn't provided for theirs? If you say Prophecy, Muslims have those and i bet other religions to. If you say popularity, then that's a logical fallacy. If you say history, then again Muslims have those as well as other religions. If you say scientific objective verifiable evidence, then please provide the peer reviewed scientific paper that proves God (specifically the Christian God) which is Nobel prize worthy if i may add. If you say you have objective verifiable evidence but it's not science, then what is the objective verifiable evidence?
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
​@bridgeeeena5798 Show some concrete examples. Don't give me the easy ones, like records of Jesus simply existing (of which there are surprisingly few for such a polarizing religious and political figure, for the time). Show me proof the world was ended by a flood and that the entire population was replenished from, what, 6 people? I think Noah's Ark has been found about a thousand times in just as many places.
@arborea502 11 ай бұрын
A question for Rhett regarding the "what can I learn from this person" thing. How can he reasonably ask that if he also actively has a problem with them assuming they have a truth he doesn't have?
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
He’s talking about learning from experience, not assertions.
@ajsirch 11 ай бұрын
@@danielclingen34 You could learn the wrong things from experience too - there's nothing vouchsafed to be true just because something was experienced. Assertions can be false but they can be true too, if only accidentally true or because it rests on the work of others and you're just benefitting from the fact that others have done all the work for you
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
If it's a matter of truth then therefore it's also a matter of sufficient evidence. There's a lot of religion fighting for what God is the "true" God. And yet, if any of them only provided sufficient evidence for their existence of God, then all of this wouldn't be a problem. I mean why the ambiguity and lack of evidence of religions? isn't that just believing in the irrational?
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
You assuming Christianity is "truth" is the whole problem.
@roems6396 9 ай бұрын
He’s learning that what he was TOLD was true, isn’t actually supported by evidence. This is a fact. Christian claims aren’t backed by any evidence. That’s something you can learn, even if you’re a Christian. Which is how people become ex Christians.
@mariembuenaventura1278 11 ай бұрын
Rhett is contradicting himself and no one correcting him.
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
Then correct him. Why assume someone else will? If you've chosen not to then, surely, others also have. You can't sit here and tell me you know he's wrong and not tell him what the correct answer is. That would be insane. Callous, even.
@Will502x 11 ай бұрын
Those two dudes live for acceptance of this world!! It’s actually sickening
@jwilliams3170 11 ай бұрын
The fame was addicting and transformative in their lives.
@ihiohoh2708 10 ай бұрын
My friend, we are all guilty of this at some point. Let us hope and pray these two haven't hardened hearts and will one day come back to Jesus as baby Christians. If you listen to Rhett's solo album he is clearly angry with God. Apostasy is sometimes temporary. I grew up Christian, went to a Christian school, and became an atheist in my 20's. It's because I hated religion and legalistic, self-righteous Christians. Well, God showed me He is real. Give it time and please pray for them.
@Mikesmomshouse 10 ай бұрын
You live for acceptance of a made up mythical character. It’s pathetic 💯💯💯
@axolet 10 ай бұрын
@@ihiohoh2708 Wisdom comes with age. One day, the fame (and the adrenaline of fame) will fade away, and hopefully, they'll repent for what they've said and come back to Christ. The best testimonies are from Christians that fall the hardest and return to the father.
@ihiohoh2708 10 ай бұрын
@@axolet Amen.
@aclaylambisabirdman6324 10 ай бұрын
Praying for them both, as Jesus said, “it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, then a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”
@Thisuni1337 10 ай бұрын
Breaks my heart. I grew up watching these guys, but noticed their demeanor changed as I started to get older. I was a bit of a loose cannon, and didn't really feel like I fit in as a kid. Watching their stuff was how I got through some of the lonelier times in my childhood. It's really sad to see. I used to look up to them so much. They were my role models for the longest time, for being Christian and still having a platform. I guess the fame just got to them. Hopefully they get radically saved. That'd be such a powerful witness to see in our culture. We should be praying for them.
@mechadoggy 10 ай бұрын
“I guess the fame just got to them” Same thing happened with Mr. Beast and Chris Tyson
@FelipeValdez-og2tg 10 ай бұрын
@@mechadoggyThe money blinded them.
@mechadoggy 10 ай бұрын
@@FelipeValdez-og2tg No wonder why Agur prays to God and asks Him to not be too rich because “otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’” (Proverbs 30:9)
@FelipeValdez-og2tg 10 ай бұрын
@@mechadoggy No one is happy with enough moses days , everyone wants to be rich . I forgot about that verse ! Thank You !
@Laura_Ingalls_Wilder 10 ай бұрын
I would argue that these matters go deeper than merely fame being a culprit of this very personal matter. Based on the arguments they had said in this video, it is a lot to do with their logical conclusions and their experience with the faith, than anything to do with fame. Fame can play a large part on one’s mental-emotional processing and relationship they have to others and to their world, as well as themselves, but this most likely wouldn’t have been the culprit to them outright walking away. They were dedicated for a long time but didn’t have their hearts transformed by God, that’s the main culprit.
@The_Engineer1001 11 ай бұрын
I can't believe the people I've spent my life associating with Christianity are no long Christian.
@rocketta.chique5761 11 ай бұрын
We’re at the threshing floor. Gotta keep in step with the Spirit and Scripture
@vicente3k 11 ай бұрын
Don't forget the Bible mentions there will be apostasy in the end times.
@RoyalMasterpiece 11 ай бұрын
The great falling away is coming. We must pray for people and pray them back to Jesus.
@LawrenceCaldwellAuthor 11 ай бұрын
@@vicente3k Look at the world. We're in the middle of the Great Falling Away stated in Revelation.
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
@@LawrenceCaldwellAuthor Yet another doomsday prophet….
@MiLadyShayttv 10 ай бұрын
It genuinely makes me sad when I hear about people who grew up in a Christian family, that leave the faith. I grew up in a godless family, and when I heard the gospel, it felt like the entire weight of my burdens in the world was lifted. It wasn’t because of a lifestyle of being around others, and certainly no Christians were ever shoving it down my throat. The moment I knew who Jesus was, and believed in Him in my heart, I went into the bathroom quietly and got on my knees and cried out loud to Him. I surrendered my life as He is my Lord AND Savior. I remember the next morning walking beside my bed and I stopped dead in my tracks and placed my hand over my heart and said “Something has changed” I felt high for days and wanted the entire world to know what I experienced! I scared a lot of friends off and many of them said I went insane. There are so many people in the world like me that WANT to hear the good news, yet these people that have been around it all their lives just totally brush it aside because they don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings? It’s odd for me to fathom.
@jtermyna1998 10 ай бұрын
It sounds like you’re delusional
@roems6396 10 ай бұрын
It makes me happy. It means they are intelligent people who did they actual research to escape the chains of their indoctrination. I’m happy for both of them and their families, so that their children won’t be subjected to that indoctrination.
@MiLadyShayttv 10 ай бұрын
@@roems6396Okay cool. Whatever. Religion is indoctrination. Man-made rituals. Get away from religion, and seek God as the higher power. Religious people are who killed Jesus. Do YOUR research now and actually read the Bible about Jesus and you’ll see.
@artspooner 10 ай бұрын
When I was growing up and believed in god, I had a respect for people who changed religions as I thought that they must have done some research and actually looked at their religion as opposed to most people who are born into a religion of their parents and because they are a child, a lot of neural connections are made and it’s hard for them to see anything other then what their parents believe unless they stop and critically appraised that received ‘knowledge’. When I grew up, I went through my own journey where all religions didn’t make sense to me but I still believed in god. But then I realised I wanted to believe in god and actually didn’t see any evidence for god. After I stopped believing in god I actually felt a massive weight lifted. For me, I realised there isn’t somebody watching over us that we are trying to please and when things go wrong in the world and we can’t work out why we upset them (to put it in basic terms). When I realised that the world just is, and that my actions generally only affect those around me, I was able to lead my life and help people not because that is what I hoped a god watching me would want me to do but because I generally wanted to (or to put another way - to do good deeds not just because I thought that was the right thing to do but with the added benefit that I thought that god would want me to do as well and was watching what I did).
@MiLadyShayttv 10 ай бұрын
@@artspooneryour story is like mine. I was getting into paganism and began to call myself Christian though without actually knowing who Jesus was. I had to study in an evidential way. I know many Christians would say “just have faith” but just having that faith alone was tough for me. In fact, during my university years I began an atheist/agnostic group that debated against Christianity. I remember sitting in Richard Dawkins seminars when he’d come to universities and speak. But one crazy evening and there was God.
@lukegaier9490 10 ай бұрын
The truth is that Rhett and Link found themselves in a situation where their beliefs clashed with their friends' and coworkers' sinful lifestyles, and they were realizing that they had to choose between their faith or their reputation. They chose their reputation and changed their beliefs to accommodate for it. Everything that has followed is a cope as a way of trying to make sense of their decision. They want to believe they made the right choice, and unfortunately their way of validating their new walk is to make an enemy of God and all who still hold fast to what is evident and true about our world. They could have kept silent about this whole thing, and the obvious choice would have been to stay quiet. They were never religious figures. They were goofballs on the internet. They wouldn't have chosen to put themselves in this spotlight and soured their image in the minds of so many fans without significant outside pressure to do so.
@TriWaZe 10 ай бұрын
Very true
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
Being gay is not sinful and you're a terrible person.
@seanentrikin9263 10 ай бұрын
This was going on before they were famous. Just so you know.
@thejuniorseas7683 9 ай бұрын
​@@seanentrikin9263Sure, but it was definitely exacerbated when they moved to Los Angeles.
@seanentrikin9263 9 ай бұрын
It’s very telling to see someone judging another persons heart of whom they do not know. Very Christian of you.
@Courterfly 11 ай бұрын
One of the saddest parts of this deconversion to me, was that as I was watching them talk about it I was genuinely watching with a heart of acceptance for them. I had grown to love them and feel like they were my friends. I watched their videos ALL the time. What made me unsubscribe is that they proceeded to gaslight an entire portion of their audience. That’s not very loving or accepting of you ask me. I still love them.
@jessicawest4515 11 ай бұрын
This was me too. I watched them since I was in elementary school. Their podcast made me feel like I was socializing during the COVID shutdowns. So I felt really bad for them.
@zaram131 11 ай бұрын
It’s really sad, the path they’ve chosen. I used to love their content, but I unsubscribed a couple years ago when I saw what was happening. They seem unhappy.
@vorgryn 11 ай бұрын
I think gaslighting goes a bit too far. I watched all 6 podcasts of their deconstruction as well as the one where they spoke about their third best friend. The feeling I got from it was honesty and acknowledgment of where they are at during the various stages of their lives each of the podcasts were done at. To call it gaslighting " to manipulate someone using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning" wold be to argue that they are knowingly dishonest. To do this would mean you would have to argue that they know THE truth, whatever that may be to you, and are actively and intentionally leading people away from it. I don't personally believe that there is an active intention to mislead their fans or lead their followers down an unrighteous path. What they are saying is what they believe and whether or not you agree with their beliefs, discounting it as misguided or deceptive sends the wrong kind of message as to how we should act to those around us. If we merely see all those who disagree with us as deceptive or gas lighters than we do a disservice to both them and ourselves.
@jwilliams3170 11 ай бұрын
Exactly my experience as well. Rhett seemed to say several times, “I’m not telling you what to believe” and then over and over again did exactly that, all the while capitalizing on his position of influence to sway the opinions of anybody who was doubting. That was what did it for me too. I used to watch all of the time, but now it just feels tainted.
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
How do they gaslight? I feel far more gaslit by this daily guy and it’s evident that he gaslights others too.
@PhrenicosmicOntogeny 11 ай бұрын
I can't help but think that if he felt like sharing the good news was such a horrendous burden that he either never fully believed it or never understood it.
@evage99 11 ай бұрын
That was my thought exactly. If there was no joy in sharing the good news of Jesus, then he didn't believe it himself either.
@CakesDontLie 10 ай бұрын
For me, it’s not necessarily a burden but I feel so guilty for not sharing the Gospel with every single person I see or walk by. I’m always so scared of denying Jesus or Revelation 21:8 and some days I doubt my salvation because of this? Is this normal?
@PhrenicosmicOntogeny 10 ай бұрын
@@CakesDontLie I'm no expert, but I'll give you my input for what it's worth. Also, this is long. Sorry, lol, but I couldn't get it any shorter. I don't think your situation is abnormal. Everybody has doubts and questions, and talking to others can be difficult. My view on this topic is that every conversation is a *possible* opportunity to share. But that doesn't mean you are *intended* to share in every encounter. You shouldn't be ashamed or timid about your beliefs, but that doesn't mean you are expected to bring them up every single time you talk to anybody. Let yourself be guided by the Holy Spirit. Leave room for God to work through you and open the way if He intends for you to share with someone. Say a quick prayer in your head and ask God to direct you or provide a sign when/if it's time to share. And keep in mind as you grow and learn that every person's ministry is unique. That means nobody else's rules for when or how to witness will necessarily work for you. There are no universally applicable steps to follow. The more you talk to people, the more you'll recognize when the time is ripe to introduce the topic. Listen to what they have to say. Don't just wait for your turn to speak. Share when you are led, or when you believe you should. It will get easier with time and practice. And in the meantime, you should also try to live in such a way that people might ask you questions. We're instructed in the Bible to always be ready to explain the hope we have. 1 Peter 3:15 is the reference. The obvious implication is that we should (at least sometimes) be approached and questioned by people who see something special in our lives. But you have to live in such a way that others can see Christ in you. Sharing the Gospel with people is part of that, of course. But what you say in conversation is a tiny part of your life. Who you are and how you live your life is just as important. Just read chapter 3 of Colossians. Do EVERYTHING to the glory of God. Galatians 2:20 is also revealing - "and it is no longer I that live, but Christ lives in me." Think of it as witnessing by example or "living your witness." There's a time and a place for a vocal, spoken witness. But it's always a good time to provide a living witness. I'll also say this - having doubts doesn't mean you aren't saved. I don't know that they will ever fully go away until we're at home with God. We are weak, after all. Having said that, these issues can and should always be improving. But nobody except God can help you do that. Read your Bible and pray. Build your relationship with Him and rely on Him daily, especially in those moments when you feel the furthest from Him. You will come to see that our salvation in Christ is the surest, most certain thing in life-more than the sun's rising and setting. You can count on it without reservation or hesitation, not because of who you are, but because of who Jesus is.
@skierbinky 10 ай бұрын
I don’t know who those men are so I’m going off of this KZbinr’s characterization of them being “popular conservative christian youtubers.” Conservatives (whether they will admit this or not) follow the same basic moral code as liberals, which is inherently at odds with basic Christian philosophy, nevermind moral edicts. Id you don’t believe that, pay attention to their arguments. The basic conservative argument is just the liberal one from 10+ years ago. Between that and wanting to be famous (read: “of this world”) something had to give and unfortunately it was their supposed Christian faith. Which tbh if their primary focus was “conservative” and “youtuber” that tells me their “Christianity” was simply to pander to their target audience and was in no way ever completely genuine
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
If you don't view it as a burden then you're misunderstanding what a burden really is. It's not necessarily an inherently negative term. If you believe in the great commission then, by that logic, you must assume that you are the only person who might ever share the gospel with them. You choosing not to, for whatever reason, might cause them to end up going to hell. You choosing to at least gives them the choice, but not doing it guarantees their fate being sealed. This is a heavy, heavy burden and is also the reason that you simply must, "shove it down people's throats." Yes. Must. If not then you are actively choosing to allow people to go to hell and it's entirely your fault.
@Ashened0 11 ай бұрын
Funny Rhett and Link grew up Christian and they have always been loving and open towards all kinds of people but claim those who are Christian don't do that. Rhett seems to harbor a certain hatred in his heart now for Christianity and Christians.
@Coastpsych_fi99 11 ай бұрын
Jesus if he was real would hold his head in shame at the state of Christianity. People showing up to mega churches with multimillionaire pastors or cathedrals with millions of dollars of assets but not enough to feed or house the poor. How can you even be surprised? The church lacks compassion, grace and humility.
@8bitneslife1985 10 ай бұрын
@@Coastpsych_fi99 Jesus IS Real. Most Christians are false believers, only a limited few are true believers. The True Church (It is so very small) is full of compassion, grace, and humility. The solution is simple. If you choose to follow Jesus, He will lead you to a True Church. Read the Bible and let God speak to you directly. Edit: If you disagree with me, please at least read 2 Peter and Jude. God does not approve of false believers, and they will receive judgment. They are rather short books, and they both detail the judgements that await for false believers.
@debblouin 10 ай бұрын
@@Coastpsych_fi99 The visible church, yes. Lowercase. The Church, redeemed, no.
@londontheperson 8 ай бұрын
As he should lol
@Fernando-rp6rm 6 ай бұрын
You should hear about the twelve guys he kept in His circle 😂. Jesus loves His imperfect sheep. False Christianity is something He will get rid of though. 🐑 🐐
@Jopocalypse 11 ай бұрын
I've always reconciled the struggle with LGBT or any sin like this: my father was a hard drug addict (meth, for example) and while I loved him, I didn't love his addiction or abuse. And it would be awful of me to say I loved his drug addiction, especially considering it had a hand in ending his life. A dramatic example, but sin is sin, and cannot be condoned freely
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
Ouch! What a vile, insulting, unChristlike, tonedeaf, yet unsurprising comment! It’s like y’all want to push people away from Christianity, an underlying agenda.
@KeysoftheLord 11 ай бұрын
Sorry for your dad --- that is a good example though.
@connormcpherson8793 11 ай бұрын
A moving example. Thank you for sharing!
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
Its incredible how much you hate people, its incredible how much you want to kill and destroy innocent folks who have never done anything to you.
@Heisrisenindeed 10 ай бұрын
That, is a great example more people need to think about it like this.
@j96569 10 ай бұрын
I watched a video with a guy from Crew who know them years ago. I wasn't there, so this is my take away for what it's worth. R&L were in Crew because they love the limelight, wanted to be entertainers and were (probably) Christians. One year they skipped out on their commitment to Crew, because "they wanted to go to Hollywood/LA to spread the Gospel". I haven't seen every single one of their old videos, but I never saw them talking about salvation and/or Christ. So I don't believe that was their reason for going to LA. Which is perfectly fine, they can do what they want. Them saying something else to Crew however, makes them seem disingenuous to me. So, I think they were marginal Christians who went to Hollywood chasing fame, not the great commission, and lost their faith because of pressure and popularity. Now, having never professed their faith openly, they are willing to openly criticize it. Which is also fine, but they shouldn't pretend they were great Christians who lost their faith because of research and facts. Rhett pretending he lost his faith because of well researched reasons is false - so many of his arguments can be disproven with a 5 minute google search. So he didn't research Christianity, he read Atheist literature and accepted it on face value, because it's what he wants to believe. Personally, their politics were becoming too apparent in their videos, so I would've stopped watching in the near future anyway. I'm not American and don't understand why some of you guys need to politicize everything.
@rebeccabrown8908 10 ай бұрын
Because politics (especially identity politics) is a trendy new religion in the U.S., I'm sad to say.
@sassychimpanzee7431 10 ай бұрын
You're right that everything in the US is politicized anymore. It's incredibly frustrating
@roems6396 9 ай бұрын
There is no such thing as a “marginal Christian” who is in Crew. They don’t join staff. They don’t wait until being engaged to even kiss their fiancé. They don’t have rules to keep the bathroom door open to keep each other from sinning. They just became educated and learned that there isn’t any evidence to support Christianity. That’s it! They got out of their Christian bubble and learned things that they wouldn’t have dared to learn before.
@thejuniorseas7683 9 ай бұрын
I liked watching them solely for entertainment purposes. Once they started introducing politics, I literally unsubscribed and stopped watching. If I want politics, I'll watch Fox News and CNN.
@roems6396 9 ай бұрын
@@thejuniorseas7683 What politics were they discussion? They might have had one video about it. Just don’t watch that one video. You crying cus they have different ideas than you do?
@michaelfishbeck384 11 ай бұрын
The Book of John is crystal clear. You MUST be born again. And, they leave us because they were never truly one of us. Jesus knows who are truly His and HIS sheep know Him.
@zzzzz77771 11 ай бұрын
Exactly. "Ex Christians" don't exist. People that used to profess to be Christians and never had the Spirit, so weren't, are the ones that exist. I mean listen to this guy? Lol, that's not someone that understands Christianity. It never ceases to amaze me how some people can be raised in the church all their lives and have NO CLUE about the religion
@DesGardius-me7gf 11 ай бұрын
@@zzzzz77771Actually, they do exist.
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
Something being in a book does not make it true
@michaelfishbeck384 11 ай бұрын
@@xXEGPXx So then.....no history?
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
@@michaelfishbeck384 History is not just in a book, history has evidence, it has witnesses, it has archaeological evidence, none of which is true about the bible. You ever wonder why you make the same arguments as Muslims? Surely both of your books cannot be true, yet you both have zero evidence and both argue for truth in the same way, hmmmmmmmmmmm wonder why that is
@hoodybaker8249 10 ай бұрын
Rhett is the leader in this whole dynamic with his family and also with link ...just goes to show how much responsibility he holds without even knowing it or what he has truly done.
@bunny_0288 10 ай бұрын
It also shows how Satan can twist and pervert a God-given gift of leadership and use it for destruction.
@SaintDiaz 11 ай бұрын
Think of it this way. You have a friend who started using hard drugs: A) you choose to support their newfound addiction knowing its going to lead to destuction of self, relationships, and even cause them death B) You hold a intervention where you tell them the dangers of their addiction, how it would affect their relationships, health and so forth. Which one seems more loving? By all means dont condemn them but we also shouldn't be promoting or supporting their addiction because as a loving friend you want whats best for the person and whats best is to help them out of the situation. You only do more harm by supporting their decision.
@GideonNine 11 ай бұрын
"They are demonstrating their hate towards you." Hate is a very charged word. I think "apathy" is more accurate.
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
Evangelicals like this guy are extremely cruel!😕
@timthefosterdad 10 ай бұрын
Does every other Christian really go into EVERY conversation thinking it's an opportunity for evangelism? I only think that if the spirit is leading me which is FAR from every conversation. The quote attributed to Francis of Assisi comes to mind, "Preach the gospel always and, when necessary, use words."
@jwilliams3170 11 ай бұрын
I always get a little sad when I see Link in all of this. I remember watching/listening to the podcasts about their deconstruction, and it almost seems like Rhett has led Link astray. Like Link had underlying doubts and questions, Rhett knew that, and when Link was at an all time low point in his faith, Rhett was right there to steer him off the path. I know Rhett doesn’t have any ill intent and was likely trying to bring comfort to a friend, but just like he feels like love is just affirming someone for who they are, he acted in his version of love by affirming Link’s doubts and fears. I regularly pray for them and their families as these two are heads of their households and have also led their wives and children astray.
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
Do you really not see how your unChristlike fascist attitude “[leads people] astray”? Why is obeying the top command of Christ such a hard concept for y’all ?!
@JackBertelli 10 ай бұрын
I absolutely felt the same way. To me it feels like Rhett is very proud of his decision while Link is just living with it. Doesn’t seem like the same mentality.
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
You're all dumb. Link has many LGBT friends he loves dearly and one of the major driving forces of his deconstruction was wanting to properly love those friends, not follow Rhett.
@roems6396 10 ай бұрын
Astray? No he led Link to see reason. He saved his friend from a life of believing in nonsense.
@DaChristianYute 11 ай бұрын
Basically what that Rhett guy is saying is that there is No Truth just an All you can eat Buffet and you just add whatever fits on your plate.
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
No, he's saying that you can't be certain what the truth actually is, not that there isn't any truth. Like it or not, you can't be 100% certain of an afterlife (and any details related) until you die and experience it, yourself. Nobody who has died has come back to tell us about it and the people who claim to all have massively different stories to tell.
@DaChristianYute 10 ай бұрын
@@chipputer he never once said 100% he just flat out said you can’t know what truth is, which is Him making a claim on truth telling people They can’t know what truth is lol which is funny, but yes truth to him is a all you can eat buffet that you just add whatever fits on your plate …I’ll repeat that 10x over because he made a lot of Claims to Sed truth man literally said evolution was true.
@flyy1006 8 ай бұрын
@@chipputeru can tho
@ApostleBenD7672 11 ай бұрын
I think its too easy for Christians to kinda go and bash on Rhett and Link because of the logical flaws in their argumentation, and proceed to attack the person- which you didn't do! and that's great because you're demonstrating what Paul believed to be the greatest virtue, that being, love- because no matter what much faith you have, no matter what good works you do, or what miracles you've done, if not done in love, is nothing and meaningless.
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
What logical flaws? The end of your comment is spot on, this guy’s MO is to oppose love, empathy, reason, gentleness, kindness!😕😒😕
@ApostleBenD7672 11 ай бұрын
@danielclingen34 Well, to be fair, at least from the clips in which this guy made of Rhett and Link, they didn't really make any arguments against the christian position. Also, are you saying that Daily Disicple who made the video is opposing love?
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
@@ApostleBenD7672 Daily Disciple is homophobic, so yes, he opposes love.
@moosechuckle 11 ай бұрын
“That philosophy has been incredibly harmful.” This comes out of the same new age ideology as “acceptance is love.” And, both of these guys understood that, if they were to be accepted (loved) by a larger online community, they couldn’t hold onto their beliefs in God. It’s one thing to leave, it’s another to take your entire family with you on the way out.
@jwilliams3170 11 ай бұрын
I remember one of them, maybe Rhett, talking about how broken his wife was initially upon learning that he had rejected his faith. He almost seemed to pity her, not because he led her astray, but because he believed she was closed-minded.
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
It's also a matter of sufficient evidence i would say. There's a lot of religion fighting for what God is the "true" God. And yet, if any of them only provided sufficient evidence for their existence of God, then all of this wouldn't be a problem. I mean why the ambiguity and lack of evidence of religions? isn't that just believing in the irrational?
@moosechuckle 10 ай бұрын
@@georgebraun1782 bro, every comment you posted on this video is exactly the same, why?
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
​@@moosechuckle because i feel like a lot of the discussion here steers off to a less important point. In my opinion, a more important point is how do we really know which one is true because at the end of the day that's really how we differentiate which of those views are correct and rational. And hence, I ask the question multiple times. Not all of my comment are the same, but granted a lot of them are. However, I feel like that is fine as long as im respectful and asking it in such a way that is relevant to the topic right?
@flyy1006 10 ай бұрын
its funny cuz they belive in affirming childrens delusions to the point of sterilizing them, and yet have the gall to call other views harmful, too funny, just incredible cope
@kk-slick927 10 ай бұрын
you fit the exact toxic dynamic rhett describes. you claim its actually "hateful" to not give your friends "hard truths" that might "lead them down the right path". you acknowledged yourself that it might make others uncomfortable, but because its "for their own good" you think its okay. all of this centers around the idea that you carry your own beliefs and feel like you are justified in telling others what is best for them, when the reality is no one can make that claim. anyone is free to believe what they want, but this sort of mindset is what leads to conflict. the dichotomy you mention was greatly exaggerated, but its not an entirely false dichotomy either. to say that progressive pastors are actually your biggest enemy, and that the bible teaches "love" by preaching judgement of others are wild claims. to rhetts point, humanity would benefit greatly if we could all be more open to learning from each other, rather than everyone being closed off from new ideas.
@internetgal38 7 ай бұрын
Yes exactly. Was looking to see if someone said this in the comments
@MemBirdman 11 ай бұрын
They've traded the truth of God for the feels of themselves as god. I get the appeal of that...the tension that I feel almost constantly is related to who God is and how I reflect him. It would probably feel better if I didn't think about that, but I can't not think about someone who is the most present present to be present. That...reads odd, but it's true.
@samanthaquant7411 11 ай бұрын
So… because he doesn’t “accept” his parents and other loved ones beliefs does that mean that he “hates” them?
@evage99 11 ай бұрын
By his definition, apparently so!
@OldCouches 9 ай бұрын
A lot of comments are viewing their breakdown of their deconstruction process as an attack on Christianity, but if you watched them fully discuss it on their ear biscuits podcast, they go a lot further in depth into their reason, their background, and how they hold no resentment. It’s understandable to disagree with their position, but to critique it without seeing the entire thing is a little bogus.
@riyes1138 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for bringing the Word! May God have mercy and soften the hearts of good mythical morning, according to His peerfect will
@CLM1987 11 ай бұрын
Translation: They were never true Christians to begin with
@elizabeth6134 11 ай бұрын
Bingo. Pray that the Lord would save them now!
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
@@elizabeth6134 >an appeal to purity/no true Scotsman fallacy > Almost passively aggressively says that they’re going to pray for them via sky whispering. The tribalism is strong here….
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
Translation: I doxxed you and you are a registered pedophile, want to talk about that?
@TheBanjoShowOfficial 10 ай бұрын
They were the seed thrown in rough ground
@ejvthree 10 ай бұрын
This is such a dumb comment. Obviously you know very little about them
@BraedenHill536 11 ай бұрын
To me it just seems like they no longer wanted to deal with the hardships of being a Christian. Wanting to live a life free of moral burdens.
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
To me it seems like you, like most fundies, love strawmanning & gaslighting & rejecting the love of Christ & pushing people away from Christianity.
@evage99 11 ай бұрын
"Wanting to live a life free of moral burdens." The irony is that that exact lifestyle is what burdens you with having to "save" yourself, instead of accepting the Savior's gift of "It is finished!" Rhett & Link are more burdened now than they've ever been. It just comes with lots of money and fame, so they're okay with it.
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
Being a Christian is the easiest life you can have, it absolves you of all moral responsibility, you believe you have the right to kill me and then ask your imaginary friend for forgiveness and you are all good, no sin has occurred
@Coastpsych_fi99 11 ай бұрын
There are no hardships just authoritarian and lost people trying to control others. You realise Christian’s at points in history were killed for their beliefs.
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
It's also a matter of sufficient evidence i would say. There's a lot of religion fighting for what God is the "true" God. And yet, if any of them only provided sufficient evidence for their existence of God, then all of this wouldn't be a problem. I mean why the ambiguity and lack of evidence of religions? isn't that just believing in the irrational?
@Onlythenarrowroad 11 ай бұрын
I stopped following/listening to them because of the mocking and complete blaspheming of believers. They showed themselves on a particular episode and that clenched it for me.
@YuraCura2006 10 ай бұрын
which episode? O.o
@samuel-west 10 ай бұрын
This is exactly why I stopped watching them a few years back. Glad to know that my decision is still correct.
@tylerpifer5966 10 ай бұрын
Do you only consume things that involve Christianity?
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
Ah yes, the content that had nothing to do with their religious views that you stopped consuming after they abandoned their religious views and continued making content that had nothing to do with their religious views.
@Kayla-ey7zg 11 ай бұрын
I always appreciate your videos because you have such charity. It's frustrating to see stories like this because it essentially boils down to the fact that they want to do what they want, and they want to be the final authority.
@thabangsheleng 11 ай бұрын
The Bible says that there will be a great falling away of the faith. People leaving Christianity should not be a shock, especially people like celebrities that have "made it" in life since the Bible says it is easier for a camel to fit through a needle then it is for a wealthy man to inherit the Kingdom Of God.
@DesGardius-me7gf 11 ай бұрын
It’s easy to “predict” a falling away when you know your religion is BS from the getgo.
@OldCouches 9 ай бұрын
It sounds a lot like you didn’t watch their videos talking fully on their spiritual deconstruction. Rhett spoke very clearly about how he isn’t certain, he doesn’t know what is in the afterlife. He calls himself a hopeful agnostic because although he holds certain beliefs, he isn’t certain. That’s why he feels disdain towards people who claim to know for a fact. Watch both Rhett and Link’s full videos if you want a better understanding, and read some of the recs they listed at the end.
@SuperBoopeep 10 ай бұрын
Love your comment about “there’s a difference between acceptance and approval.” So true. The issue boils down to many require approval as if it were acceptance. The devil is the father of lies and disorder. Culture is playing the word game and changing word definitions.
@teiermyler4926 10 ай бұрын
If this is all they remember from evangelism, then did they ever really believe what they were saying?
@DrStanleyYelnats 10 ай бұрын
When they came out with their deconstruction it killed my soul. I love Rhett and Link so much.
@Soaring333 10 ай бұрын
Why even care? Considering you think you'll be in heaven for eternity and you won't be missing any of your loved ones that didn't make it. And if they don't make it then well that's God's will and his will is always done right. Except all the people who choose to go to hell he doesn't actually want people to go to hell so maybe that's the only exception to God's will. Our maybe God's will doesn't cover what God wants. Maybe he holds back his will to let the children he made walk right into hell and just feels sad about it instead of saving everyone.
@DrStanleyYelnats 10 ай бұрын
@@Soaring333 no bro. Just no. God desires all to come to Him. I get that we choose and we can ignore Him and we choose our own “path”. It’s not Gods will if they don’t “make it in” we choose. His call is always for us to come to Him. That doesn’t change. I care because they’re still loved by God and don’t see it anymore. It’s not about seeing them in eternity or them getting to some kind of magical place. It’s about them missing out on the love of the Father and choosing this life over an eternity with Him. We should all care.
@Soaring333 10 ай бұрын
@@DrStanleyYelnats So our will can supersede God's wishes. If God knew who will choose him and he created that person in the specific scenario did that person ever have free will because his path was already laid out. Why would you choose to have a kid of you knew that you would have to torment your child forever. It seems unbelievable cruel.
@DrStanleyYelnats 10 ай бұрын
@@Soaring333 Well that’s the point of the Gospel right? Man chose to dictate his own life and have the knowledge of good and evil. So we know what is right and wrong. God knew this. But man had free will even then to do so. God made this way in Jesus to be the ultimate door opener. We have the right to choose. I don’t have kids to have someone that would love me forever. *Ideally* unfortunately not every situation, I have kids because I want them and have intentions of loving them. The original intent we see from the Garden is God making man to dwell and rein with Him. To be connected. Unfortunately we don’t see it that way and find every reason to deny that intent. Our sin and our human ways are what keep us from God. All thru the New Testament God gives us that narrative that says, “I’ve overcome the world and you can too. This is how to act, follow me!” God didn’t need us. He wanted us. That’s the difference! Our will does supersede his wishes because of free will. He desires that all man draw near like I said but we don’t choose Him.
@Soaring333 10 ай бұрын
@@DrStanleyYelnats the garden story has lots of flaws as well. How could Adam and Eve do wrong if they didn't have any knowledge of good and evil. You don't blame a child for making a mistake because how could they know what's right or wrong. God said don't eat it but if they don't know what's right or wrong if someone else says you should eat it they will probably just believe them and do it. Like a child would. And that ignorant act is suppose to be the cause of the entire human races evil nature. I don't buy it. I know my child has free will but I'm not going to punish them for a mistake that they didn't understand. If God cared then maybe don't put the horrible evil fruit right there for them to eat and let others influence them to do it. If God just actually explained and forgave mistakes then no need for all this eternal punishment. God provides salvation but he's also the reason you need it. If someone points a gun at you and says believe this or die do they really have a totally free choice? And if God knows who is going to make it to heaven why not just skip to that point in time. Why put people through torture here ok earth and then also maybe in hell forever instead of just doing the good part that he had perfect knowledge of beforehand. Just doesn't make sense if God actual cares for us. Makes sense if he doesn't actually.
@benl.9921 10 ай бұрын
For people who are skeptical and think in the way described by Rhett and Link, I would recommend they give the book Making Sense of God by Tim Keller a read. I think it lays out very clear rebuttals to the Rhett and Link line of thought as seen in the video here.
@michaeljefferies2444 11 ай бұрын
I liked your point about sharing in humility. If someone is really struggling with something emotionally, it is culturally acceptable to say "I was struggling with that too, but I went to therapy and it helped a lot, you should try it!". We should be similarly comfortable saying, "I was struggling with that too, but by going to Church and engaging with God in prayer, it helped a lot, you should try it!".
@TracyDavis904 5 ай бұрын
Imagine leaving Christianity because you're afraid to hurt the feelings of sinners.
@matthewrogersmusic 11 ай бұрын
They expressed that they would happily change their mind if somebody showed them “proof” as if they really want to believe, but then they silenced all opposition in the comments and they now live fully in the world. They are prideful, and believe they are too smart for God.
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
They didn't, though. No respectful opposition was silenced. Why are you lying?
@DontCallMeWilliam 11 ай бұрын
As always man well said! And I love that prayer for them at the end.
@sergiomartinez7589 11 ай бұрын
The way I put it, we are called to love the sinner not the sin. We are no different in our ways, we sin the same as them because we are flawed in the flesh. The same way that God loved and forgave us, we must forgive and love others. But, at the same time guiding them and discerning their sins so that they may repent and find the truth. 1 John 1:18 “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to those who are saved it is the power of God. “ It is a tough spiritual battle, but i pray that you all continue to seek the truth and disciple others.
@lyrix9753 10 ай бұрын
Im not a meth addict, its just my lifestyle
@jeetpatel6087 5 күн бұрын
The gospel was never a burden but a honor and privilege to share we don’t share the gospel because we have to we share it cause we get to
@keepkalm777 11 ай бұрын
I'm waiting for rhett and link to come out as a couple. Lol.
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
I am waiting for you to tell me why you are on the sex offender registry, according to court docs you raped your own son when he was two months old
@kspoons3479 5 ай бұрын
These 2 are a prime example of what happened in the 80's and 90's to kid's ministries in Church, they simply were not given the space to ask questions and were not exposed to the depth of the answers that Christian scholars have spent 2,000 years building. There was no academic rigor, no philosophy, no apologetics, no church history, just telling kids to hit the "I believe' button on a hyper-spiritualized form of the Gospel. Josephus, Augustine, Aquinas, Edwards, Chesterton, Spurgeon, Lewis and many more should be required reading for middle-school and up in the Church.
@fluffy2840TTV 11 ай бұрын
After their first deconstruction video, I have had the idea as a Theology major in college right now to watch; study; and learn what they believe to in the future be able to make a "Spiritual reconstruction" video of mine reviewing and talking about what they have said. It's cool to see someone else having the idea and bringing this up
@dan-ch8kr 11 ай бұрын
that would be awesomeee
@danielclingen34 11 ай бұрын
Cool? It’s cool? You find this guys hatred, strawmans & cruelty “cool “?
@fluffy2840TTV 11 ай бұрын
@@danielclingen34 as a Christian do not plan to bring hatred towards Rhett and Link. I am not going to condemn them nor am I going to say they are going to hell for any reason. I LOVE Good Mythical Morning and I just want to learn and understand their viewpoint and see how I might be able to “reconstruct” their faith and how I might be able to biblically show how Rhett and Links views are sound or what need to be looked more into. As Isaac said in the video there’s s a difference between love and acceptance.
@fluffy2840TTV 11 ай бұрын
@@danielclingen34 as a Christian do not plan to bring hatred towards Rhett and Link. I am not going to condemn them nor am I going to say they are going to hell for any reason. I LOVE Good Mythical Morning and I just want to learn and understand their viewpoint and see how I might be able to “reconstruct” their faith and how I might be able to biblically show how Rhett and Links views are sound or what need to be looked more into. As Isaac said in the video there’s s a difference between love and acceptance.
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
@@fluffy2840TTV as an atheist I’m sorry but I find Isaacs whole “acceptance versus approval“ thing to be extremely deceptive, disarming and bizarre. Like, obviously we don’t accept or approve bad behavior but when responding to Rhett & Links deconstruction, they mention LGBT stuff briefly; is Isaac seriously implying that it’s a sin and therefore it’s unacceptable to exist as atheist? Gay? Is he seriously implying that it’s wrong to literally exist as anything else other than christian because it dissents from the Christian tribal norm?
@wilsonfettig2785 10 ай бұрын
Hey there. I’m a non-Christian and I appreciate this video. For me personally, I understand the difference between accept and approve, but I still just don’t agree with the approval part. I don’t think there is a god that would restrict people like that. I am not very informed, but I can’t see why a God would ever stop a gay person from loving how they want. Looking for dialogue! Thanks
@joshuamaddrey19 10 ай бұрын
So basically we believe in the Bible which you probably know that. In the Bible we believe God created humans perfect and sinless, and we lived in perfect harmony with God, also in Genesis, were we get this from, its very clear God's plan was for a man and a women to be together in marriage. But God allowed us a choice, and we sinned agaisnt him, now we seek anything but him, adultery, murder, drugs, hate, arguing, etc. There are a ton of other verses that shape Christianity, by learnig about God, and the truth were able to what God deems acceptable. This is why we believe in Jesus, because we belive that we cant make up for what we have done, just being a human makes us beyond infinelty lower then God. Because of this we deserve for our sins. thats why God sent his Holy, perfect and sinless son down from heaven, to die as a sacrifice. Jesus not only paid for sins, but he rose from the dead. And he offers hope to anyone who believes in him. Also we belive that Homosexaulity is a sin, and we believe that that person may not have a choice on his feelings. He does have a choice on whether he acts on those feelings. I hope i answered your question, ill be happy to further clarify if needed. Also thank you for being kind, its really appreciated, most people just call us stupid, and pathetic.
@Xeno_Solarus 11 ай бұрын
They have a fundamental misunderstanding of Christianity.
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
Enlighten us on the truth then.
@dirt_mcgirk 11 ай бұрын
"To have your feet planted on un-solid ground" was very well put and sounds exactly like the spot the devil would want us.
@Brentman89 11 ай бұрын
At this point they would just justify it however they want, they aren’t actually interested in having an actual dialogue
@schnob92 10 ай бұрын
It stood out to me that both Rhett and Link both said how much easier life got after they no longer felt tied to religion and could instead focus on having fun and living their lives. The devil will work tirelessly every day to make your life hard so you fall away from Christ's love. Now that they have removed themselves from God's presence the devil no longer needs to work hard at pulling them away and their life becomes easier.
@johnkneeshaw8008 11 ай бұрын
It's hard to find hate as vile as Christian love.
@evage99 11 ай бұрын
@@2tallyGr8 Translation, "I don't know a single thing about God, but I despise Him"
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
@@2tallyGr8 I have seen over 200 comments on this video saying they should be hung/imprisoned for saying gay people are ok.
@xXEGPXx 11 ай бұрын
@@2tallyGr8 People on this video are saying Rhett and Link should be hung because they support gay people
@Doom0728 10 ай бұрын
@@2tallyGr8 But does that really matter? Let’s be frank, Christians are truly vitriolically hateful when it comes to deconversion and LGBT stuff. I don’t see Jews or Muslims babbling and screeching about it all over the streets like Christians do. They are infinitely less annoying about their religion than Christians are. Regarding LGBT stuff specifically, whenever Christians hear of somebody being gay it’s almost like they jump all over that person and seem so OBSESSED with what people do in their own bedrooms. In their eyes, it’s practically a crime just to exist that way. There’s nothing quite hateful as Christian love….. thinly veiled bigotry disguised as a false/artificial sense of “love”, “compassion” and “concern”.
@xXEGPXx 10 ай бұрын
@@2tallyGr8 The comments get auto deleted for containing violent content, the computer literature among us can still see them, not an old prune like you though, you barely know how to turn your computer on
@angelinakafeja9810 8 ай бұрын
I feel like you missed a chance for a real conversation, by not quoting from Rhett and Link's deconstruction story's. In those episodes they expand way more on why they left and how long the process took. If you listen to those, you'll see that their deconstruction isn't just an "easy case", these are people, who have struggled a lot with their faith. I know you want to give a christian response, but this is again an oversimplified version of the real deal. It makes it seem like you can easily explain away their "arguments", when you actually haven't dug into the actual arguments they shared in their story.
@joshstormin6580 11 ай бұрын
The reason why "nobody has it figured out" is because most of them decide to/do live in ignorance. Why look for truth when it is RIGHT in front of you. It's like thirsty man looking for water elsewhere when there is a water bottle in his hand
@georgebraun1782 10 ай бұрын
where's the truth? If it's right in front of us, then why have different denominations of Christianity or different types of religion? I mean if you have it, then by all means provide the truth so the never ending debate on which religion is correct will end
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
The Bible is a work of fiction.
@MatthewMurraycogswoth 11 ай бұрын
When you do things for God out of a burden and it's painful for you, this isn't coming from the fruits of the spirit. Let's remember with the Christians in our own lives to remind them that the fuel for all we do is our love for God and others.
@adammeade2300 10 ай бұрын
Very well stated. I went through this "deconstruction" before there was a term for it. Essentially, the notion is just that one is confronted with so many confliction truth claims that their paradigm is undone. I think everyone should be there in some season of their life. That's where the wicket gets sticky. If one doesn't, in that process, learn to apply some solid logical principles concerning epistemology and ontology, they can just swirl in the stew ad infinitum. In particular, people who make it their living to TALK often forget how to really LISTEN. Even when they're ostensibly listening, they're only listening with a mind to talk. In these two cats, I see a couple guys who are still incredibly conscious of their image. They have their youth and a million other blessings and comforts. They've no REAL skin in the game other than that which lay in rhetorical and philosophical curiosity. These are not the kinda guys who have been in the trenches. They're (unfortunately) the quintessential "new atheists"...even though, at this point, it's old news and they'll be left behind quickly. Modern culture is still adverse to the God of scripture, but people are quickly growing bored with the curt and unsatisfactory materialistic paradigms that coo'd previous generations. They want spiritual experience...revelation....mystical and profound lighting from the heavens. And they're gonna look to the old gods to find it. We are in the re-paganizing era.
@prettysimplemusic 10 ай бұрын
Where does the sky begin? Ask an ant, then ask a human, then ask a bird! The truth and facts are all blurred! 🎯 It’s ok to separate your faith/beliefs from undisputed facts! ☀️💚
@athenaparish72 11 ай бұрын
God is love. To love others is to share the truth of jesus. Great cast.
@blaiseleonards4255 11 ай бұрын
I did enjoy some Bentley brothers for my younger children lol I just hate that there are so many misconceptions of the church out there
@nathancastillo9914 10 ай бұрын
Also most people don’t know that Rhett’s brother was a pastor in North Carolina but was kicked out of the church
@ericsavellano 9 ай бұрын
I was a Christian, became an Agnostic-Atheist, dabbled into Reformed theology, then Red Pill, then came back to Christianity😆 Faith in Jesus makes more sense to me, despite how messy churches can be.
@Bluesruse 3 ай бұрын
Yeah right, people often go back to believing in Santa too. Who are you trying to fool, just yourself?
@Kaptinkumar 10 ай бұрын
So glad they left the faith, I definitely wouldn’t have recently left Christianity after 23 years of indoctrination if it wasn’t for Rhett, his journey and way of thinking was so similar to mine that his podcast about his story really hit home when I heard it
@banmancan1894 11 ай бұрын
Knowledge itself is rarely certain since most of it inductive by nature. In this sense, people who understand this epistemological situation are guided by explainations that seem to be most reasonable in light of the evidence (abductive reasoning). In that sense, Rhett's statement is correct in the first few minutes. Even so, however, there is still good reason to believe in Christianity despite having certainty, including many points mentioned in this video. If varying pieces of evidence lean towards validating base Christian claims, by extention this validation supports that God is real and active. But I have always found Rhett and Link's beliefs that Christianity is bigoted against gay people to be very socially situated in the Southern values above Christian values. I agree with them that their understanding of how to treat people of the LGBTQ community was flawed when they identified as Christians. I once had that perspective as well. But that is a value inhereted by those that seem to genuinely dislike those people, not Christ.
@BrianReplies 6 ай бұрын
When it comes to the big questions about God, the afterlife, and morality, we can't just shrug our shoulders and say "nobody knows." The Bible gives us clear answers, even if they're not always easy to swallow. I respect Rhett's journey, but I would encourage him to keep searching for truth, even if it means challenging his own beliefs. I would suggest the same to anyone else with similar doubts. And for anyone else watching this, remember that while we may not have all the answers, we can trust in the God who does. Keep seeking, keep questioning, and above all, keep trusting in the sovereignty of God. Blessings to you all. 🙏🏼
@zooman1823 10 ай бұрын
Had no idea Rhett and Link were like this. I love them even more now. They’ve earned even more respect. Keep up the great work Rhett and Link!👍
@Laflamablanca76 10 ай бұрын
The reason they “ left” Christianity is simple, they were never Christian to begin with 🤷🏻‍♂️
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
And you know this how? Was the prodigal son never really his father's son? Or was he simply astray? Stop it.
@Laflamablanca76 10 ай бұрын
@@chipputer A person who follows Christ was called by GOD … it’s GOD who does the work. I know I know I’m sure you believe the opposite, that it’s the person making a “personal” choice . That’s not biblical. Jesus said a person has to be born again to inherit the kingdom. So if someone is called BY God TO God then it’s a supernatural work of God …. God makes no mistakes. There are however at the hand of MAN , MANY false conversions. So you stop it . 😘
@insertnamehere1089 11 ай бұрын
Rhett and Link at this point are just idiots to me. “Accept anyone instead of having them adhere to our beliefs.” Rhett and Link are parents. How can they believe that statement? Parents literally have to tell their children that they’re wrong all the time and guide them to do better. It’s mind blowing how stupid people can be. I honestly respected them a lot back in the day but now I just think California has killed their brain cells.
@xXEGPXx 10 ай бұрын
The bible says to kill gay people, you have never killed a gay person, why not? Why are you accepting their lifestyle by letting them live? If you are a true Christian I will give your address so you can come and try and kill me, otherwise you must be an instrument of Satan
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
You believe the bible is real because you were indoctrinated. The definition of stupid. You have no business casting stones.
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
Yes, they choose to accept and respect everyone instead of rejecting them and judging them for their life choices. None of that says anything about their parenting or their children and you are despicable for bringing them into it.
@insertnamehere1089 9 ай бұрын
@@chipputer If you accept someone harming themselves than you’re a bad friend. Accepting doesn’t necessarily mean caring. There is more love in someone telling you a hard no than a reluctant yes.
The gospels were not eyewitness accounts. That was added during the canonization. If you read the gospels, they are not written in the form of an eyewitness account. Not to mention, all of the disciples were not educated.
@Ashened0 11 ай бұрын
Moving to California was the thing that changed them the most.
@ew5601 11 ай бұрын
I’ve noticed that people often blame Christians for their deconstruction. I wish people would realize that just because there’s hypocritical, judgmental, or ineffective Christians does not mean that God is also hypocritical, judgmental, or ineffective. There are always going to be Christians who are those things because they’re still human, but that’s not a justified reason to rebel against God because he is good, true, and Holy. Also, it’s hypocritical to me that Rhett doesn’t like when Christians say “this is the true and only way of life” when he’s doing the same things with his belief. Not having all the answers to life still is an answer.
@Jestloo 10 ай бұрын
I genuinely believe that the Word of God is true. Rhett makes it sound like I can’t also learn from people I disagree with as well. The point is to use Scripture as the filter. I love watching and listening to everyone. Building the ability to discern truth and lies comes from experience and a solid biblical foundation. And towards the LGBT folks. Any that have been in the same space and have talked to me know that I’m genuine and kind. They’re made in the image of God and have intrinsic value like anyone else. My heart hurts for them because I see their lostness and misery. I was lost too, until God’s grace saved me. You can love someone while disagreeing with their life choices.
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
Being gay is not miserable and gay people are not "lost." You are lost. We don't respect you or your condescension.
@PCMRvsconsole 11 ай бұрын
A lot of people who are mythical beasts? Dude what????? Is this some new form of paganism?
@jncon8013 11 ай бұрын
It’s what they call their fans
@jijitters 10 ай бұрын
The two of them met because a teacher at their school had them stay in during recess coloring pictures of mythical beasts at their desks. That's how they became friends. They told the story a lot and it became a running thing to call their fans that. Y'all are so weirdly dramatic and fearful of nothing.
@PCMRvsconsole 10 ай бұрын
@@jijitters I can believe that but it kinda sounds like fake news.
@nolaneastes4031 11 ай бұрын
I need “we are just chemical reactions from stardust in meat bags” on a T-shirt 😂
@xXEGPXx 10 ай бұрын
You are, because you are meaningless, you will be useful once you have been turned into mulch and not a moment before then
@J.Schooley 10 ай бұрын
It's not about knowing exactly what's going to happen. It's not about having to do certain things to be able to ensure your way to Heaven. It's actually very simple, just Love Jesus. People are really making it seem more difficult than it is as an excuse almost when in reality our God Loves us and if you give Him a real chance then you will have it all figured out.
@RandomInternetGuy11 11 ай бұрын
I understand that burden that they talk about. But they fail to realize that A: The Holy Spirit guides you, the Holy Spirit is who tells you what to say to someone and when to say it. You can have conversations with people that don’t have to do with God! And you can lead by example, express you are a Christian, don’t force God on someone, and lead by example and they will come to you, and ask for help. When the Holy Spirit tells you, then approach people. This is easier said than done of course. We have doubts, and it’s important we pray and ask God for help. But God can give us courage, and wisdom to help us!
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
Not looking for an argument but Isaac is being extremely narcissistic and insulting to everyone who had any genuine and painful deconversion just like me. It’s not like we just stopped believing all of the sudden. It’s always a slow burn. Isaac also has a habit of strawmanning and being extremely dishonest when he, for example, goes as far as most of the Christians in the comments are saying that they were never “true christians“. It really is just low hanging fruit for him. Also that and like typical Christians in the most typical fashion: he makes a bunch of truth claims with no sources/citations of evidence. There truly is nothing quite hateful as “Christian love”….it sickens and disturbs me.
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
Plus, I find his “acceptance versus approval” thing to be extremely deceptive and bizarre. Like, obviously we don’t accept bad behavior but to call that the same as….. I don’t know…. simply existing as gay? Atheist or anything that dissents from the Christian tribal norm? Is he saying that it is sin to literally exist as anything other than Christian?
@RandomInternetGuy11 11 ай бұрын
@@Doom0728 Doom, I understand your reasoning. However, the reason Isaac didn’t cite scripture in this particular video is because he made this video for Christians. Look at the title, this is more like a Christian reaction video than evangelicalism. But, yeah, he didn’t make some points and statements that he should have that would have communicated his theme, even the very theme of Christianity, better. But He wasn’t being dishonest. I’ve noticed that several people who have fallen away from Christianity is typically in this slow burn action, and I think it’s because they have questions like these, they want to understand God and the Gospel more, but they get stamped out and treated like they aren’t believing, which is false! Questions lead to answers, and answer lead to stronger faith. What many churches do is become stone hearted, they lose their love, like the loveless church of Ephesus in Revelation 2. The churches have done the wrong thing, and now this is what happens. It’s saddening, and I’m sorry you had to deal with that.
@Doom0728 11 ай бұрын
⁠​⁠@@RandomInternetGuy11 I’m not saying Isaac was being dishonest in this particular video but from all the previous ones he’s uploaded where he responds to other religious people (like Jews)or atheists and he always misrepresents them and I think deep down he knows he’s not being honest with those people. But anyhow….From your perspective, you may actually have a point but as someone who used to be a evangelical christian: it isn’t so that the Church or myself have ‘hardened our hearts’. At least with me, I only left for honest reasons and there were indeed times when I was still a believer that I would ask questions. The only issue is that most Christians constantly gave me different answers each time or church pastors when hit with a hard question that could potentially disconfirm/destroy their entire faith or belief, they deflect, tap dance, dodge, or otherwise refuse to answer my questions. I understand within the context of this video that it’s just a Christian reaction and not really proselytizing. I don’t believe this for a fact, but I have my own personal theory: whenever I confront questions with questions that they can’t answer or when I expose a flaw in their doctrine/thinking they always blame the listener for being unable to understand and believe what they’re being told. The typical Christine response of “you know deep down God is real you’re just denying it!” Perhaps it’s YOUR fault as the apologist for failing to be convincing; I’m not saying this about you personally but my theory is that they don’t want to admit that they failed because to admit failure would also be to admit the failure of their own religion, thus not being trustworthy, logical, rational or even true. It’s honestly both amazing and sad, the mental gymnastics required to be a Christian. These are one of the prime reasons I left.
@RandomInternetGuy11 11 ай бұрын
@@Doom0728 The reason that I would think that the churches cannot answer your questions would be because of their own denomination’s traditions, which can often be unbiblical (example: praying to saints, but there’s more than this in different denominations). If your traditions are unbiblical, than how well do you really know the Bible. If you want, you can ask these questions, and I’ll search the Bible for an answer. I know it probably won’t bring you back until believing, but it’s at least an answer, and it can help me understand God, and the Bible more. After all, questions lead to answers, in due time.
@kaitlyne1153 10 ай бұрын
Praying for Jesus to grab their hearts again and completely.
@travelbyday4115 11 ай бұрын
You do not have to speak truth at every interacting. For those unwilling to hear truth need grace. God calls us to live in truth and grace and you can bring people to God with grace
@chipputer 10 ай бұрын
If you don't speak the truth to them then who will? You assume someone else will and you may as well be sending them to hell by your own hand. The very notion that you can skip out on sharing the gospel because, "they're not ready for it," goes entirely against the very purpose of the gospel. God didn't tell you to share the message with people who are in a vulnerable place and open to it. He told you to share it with everyone. Period. If the christians from the NT could see some of the things modern day christians use to justify their inaction they'd likely start assuming that they were interacting with the very people they need to evangelize.
@travelbyday4115 10 ай бұрын
@chipputer that's not what I am saying at all I am saying you don't have to at all moments and every opportunity some don't have the heart to hear. They are hardened by hearing the truth. For those you must live through grace and pray for a softening heart and an opportunity
@bronzemuseum504 10 ай бұрын
All i see is 2 guys who got hurt by religious folks. When its time and God shows them that he never wants to hurt us, they will see that Jesus is the way. Not following humans but being led by the Holy spirit. Also theres a way to share the gospel that you know the person is ready to hear it. God doesnt want us to force change into someone, thats his work. Theres plenty of people who are bold but also who doesnt wait on God's perfect timing. Personally, i have shared the gospel to 3 coworkers at my job just cause God led me to slowly talk about it and let him do the work inside them.
@rolandwatts3218 11 ай бұрын
This kind of thing:- 'They were never true Christians to begin with" - is just one of the many ways in which believers can be so obnoxious. It's a great way of never having to engage with the real reasons another person may think a certain way or behave in a certain way. Simply apply the 'No True Scotsman' fallacy, and the person can easily be dismissed, without their reasons ever being considered. if you ever change your mind about some aspect of your faith, just remember, changing your mind means that you were never a true ... in the first place. If people who say such things ever bother to listen to some of the many deconversion testimonies around, they will quickly realise just how deadly serious many of those folk were as believers. They did it all, felt it all, obeyed it all, and wanted it all. They drank and drank and drank. They talked with God and walked with God. Yet they still lost their faith. Be careful, in your arrogance. You may be next in line. And trust me - many do actually find it better on the other side. They do find that the truth sets them free. When a Christian says that kind of thing, not only does another cat die, but another person loses faith.
@evage99 11 ай бұрын
A believer in Christ cannot lose salvation once it's received. There can be temporary doubts, and questions, and anguish toward God and His decisions. We see that in scripture plenty. But there cannot be "I was saved, and then I walked away."
@rolandwatts3218 11 ай бұрын
@@evage99 Is there any chance at all you could be wrong about that? (After all a 'believer in Christ' can be seen by another 'believer in Christ' as being a damnable heretic. Besides, if a believer can have temporary doubts, then why not doubts that become permanent?)
@ashleydanielson3222 11 ай бұрын
I’m a Christian and I hate it when people say that. We don’t know if they were true believers. The Bible does say that people turn away from God.
@ashleydanielson3222 11 ай бұрын
@@evage99where does the Bible say that a person can’t walk away from God?
@rolandwatts3218 11 ай бұрын
@@ashleydanielson3222 And I think a person can be restored to God. As a young kid in church I remember being taught about backsliding and restitution. I presumed that "backsliding" could mean taking on anything non-Christian, which I assume could include leaving Christianity. That's where I am now, but I see no reason for something happening which makes me reconsider. But as a young believer, I really did believe. I felt sorry for those who did not believe. There is an awful lot of ambiguity in the bible. If there were not, Christians would not be discussing these issues.
@mattmannina1935 10 ай бұрын
No one who has had their heart completely changed by Jesus would leave Christianity.. if you leave a church because of the people then your focus was on flawed people not on Jesus Christ. If you leave the faith because of a pastor then your faith was in the pastor and not Jesus Christ
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