Something crossed my mind now and actually kinda broke my heart. If Damon who knew Enzo only for 5 years and "no family ties, no flesh or blood related Enzo" after he was forced to leave because he couldn't free him had to turn off his humanity for a long time in response "as he told Jeremy" because when Lexi was sent to him by the year 1977 he tricked her into believing that it worked and that his humanity was back meanwhile it was not yet and that was like 20 years after the incident because he left him in 1958 and the Lexi incident was in 1977 so he had his humanity turned of for more than 20 YEARS!! 😢 and the number is surely higher because it carried on with his life still with his switch off after 1977 that thing for sure. If that is Damon with a 5 year old friend that is not a relative or blood related imagine the amount of pain Damon felt after his brother's death?! 💔😢 one thing for sure is that the though would have never crossed his mind to leave willingly but still he failed and his brother died 💔 Same goes with the grief that filled him after Alaric's death "again no family ties, no flesh and blood bond" and only for a few years and the guy always reserved a seat next to him for his drinking buddy whenever he went to have a drink even forbade Elena from sitting on that seat when she was about to because it was Ric's even if he was dead 💔 This is so frustrating 💔 Imagine how is dealt with his ONLY little brother who he cared for and looked after for nearly two centuries! and he was his flesh and blood 💔 Elena was right he was never the same after Stefan's death. He even left the mansion for Caroline's school; everywhere in the place surely reminded him of his little Stef 💔🥺
@nkonzogwala2527 Жыл бұрын
A good brother at the end.
@editorLuk1 Жыл бұрын
@crisron0723 Жыл бұрын
Amazing video ❤
@editorLuk1 Жыл бұрын
@DaMecka Жыл бұрын
Question is the only thing you guys can see in the family Members and I have to go ahead with a lot more to do the family and friends with your address
@angelamariadematos4990 Жыл бұрын
Sou mesmo bruta se ficar com raiva porsi que pasei muitu tempo caladaporque tinha medu ficar com raiva falar de mais porque nao gostu de retirar oque eu falu lid