Greetings Sister Darcy! I just want to encourage you that you have the Victory, and made more than a conquerer through our precious Jesus. You have a smile that reminds the enemy that he is a defeated foe. No sickness shall overcome you, because you are the Daughter of the Most High God. You walk in Divine health, from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, and declared a walking testimony to all believers and those that have lost all hope and needs to hear it from you that God is real, the Holy Ghost lives and abideth in you and you shall prevail all challenges that may arise. I thank God and celebrate your Triumph and your Victory in advance, it is yours now, continue to walk with gusto, chin up, chest out, head held up high, you are a winner always! Love you with the Love of Christ to you, your dear son, and family. Agape. Congratulations! Sister in Christ