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Dating With a Disability? 💕 (Do I Tell Them First? Safety? Weird Encounters?) [CC]

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Footless Jo

Footless Jo

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@Heritage367 Жыл бұрын
I could be wrong, but I have a feeling your upfront, honest attitude served as a filter to keep away some of the dirt bags out there. I hope dating continues to be a mostly pleasurable experience for you.
@karymullis5938 Жыл бұрын
Peggy Hall's new video talking about the "transableism" folk on Social Media.
@always_watch1ng Жыл бұрын
As a 15 year old amputee, I was actually wondering how this goes I keep telling myself "im gonna die alone aren't I?" And I say this because since my leg is gone the kids in my school were disgusted by my leg being gone and i never made any friends The only place I have friends on is a game called "Roblox". Thank you for warning/explaining this.
@hanibowlhani9049 Жыл бұрын
You got this 💪. High school is a rough time. Don't give up hope, because outside of school you can find some of the coolest and nicest people. I found some of my best friends after I graduated. Those friends on Roblox can be so amazing too. I also have friends from Roblox that I still talk to 8-10 years later :)
@mkang8782 Жыл бұрын
I can't speak to your experience as an amputee, but, by and large, people grow after leaving high school, and are generally more accepting of differences.
@ribby109 Жыл бұрын
High school is literally the worst!!! Don’t worry, you will survive this! Life gets so much better as you get older.
@vm1776 Жыл бұрын
high school is rough. When I was 15, I assumed that if you had a prostetic limb, then I thought you weren't really disabled, because you could do things more normally like someone who wasn't an amputee. Now, of course I know things are not that simple, but it really shouldn't be an issue for dating, and shouldn't be an issue in friendships. Making lifelong friends in college is easier especially if you join interest based clubs there. Things get better after high school.
@thewisepowerchair2369 Жыл бұрын
School children can be very cruel and very horrible if they see someone whom they perceive as different. No matter what that may be.
@RianShafer Жыл бұрын
I actually had several people look up the long term prognosis for my disease (beyond what I say or they could see - which was very little) and one who we really got along well told me he thought I was awesome BUT he could not deal with my illness & his PTSD. It hurt but I understood. The next one weighed in the pros & cons of it. He had his own issues so I had done the same about his & some I knew because I'd lost 2 siblings from them having what he does. We went on 3 dates & 13 years later, we're still on that date. Both of us have gotten much worse but we take care of each other just fine & love our daily home life as well as each other. Can't ask for better than that!
@Danuxsy Жыл бұрын
I'm 26M, autism, poor communication skills, never had a partner, never had a job and I'm angry that I couldn't just be like a normal person and have a nice career and good salary and be part of society. My older brother and sister both managed fine and have great jobs that they like and my parents are proud of them and I'm the only one left at home now still living with my old parents, I hate life and sometimes I just feel like I should end it.
@Mr123Gibson Жыл бұрын
​@@Danuxsy comparing your life to other's will always make you feel like you're missing something. Try to be the best version of yourself and the rest will fall into place.
@WildVee Жыл бұрын
@@Danuxsy As someone on the autistic spectrum, I can tell you that self pity won't do you _any_ good. This sounds blunt and harsh but it's the reality of it. The only way to improve is to work on yourself and what you can do. I fell into a deeper depression asking myself the same things you are and comparing myself to my peers who were far more successful in their careers, relationships, goals, life in general. The only thing that worked was self-assessing, knowing my own limits and advantages & disadvantages and working *with* them instead of trying to change the core of my being and attempting be like others. Now I'm living with my partner of 8 years and have my dream job (I'm self-employed and work online). Still working toward my ultimate goals, but we're slowly getting there. You definitely can succeed in life, ask yourself what you want first and construct a plan with loads of small baby-step goals instead of one huge goal that will seem unachievable and impossible to tackle. You got this fam
@-Teague- Жыл бұрын
@@Danuxsy your life isn't over! People set this wierd false expectation that your whole life has to be in place by the time you're 24 but you've got your whole life ahead of you don't give up on it!
@Sienisota Жыл бұрын
​@@Danuxsy All I can say is that you aren't alone in this. It's hard to let go of the hope that somehow you can just force yourself to be "normal" if you try hard enough. The resentment for the hand we are dealt with, and watching our siblings "succeed in life" is very familiar. What helped me was focusing on animals, and dedicating my life into making my dog happy. Animals in general don't need you to be good at communicating. Just patience and time. I made my life mission of learning about and trying to help animals. They seem to appreciate it, it just takes time. For you it might not be animals, but something else that brings you enjoyment, even if it "isn't normal". I used to despise myself in your age, for not enjoying normal things. Don't give up on your life. Give up on the idea of normal instead. It's easy to say, but hard to do. But you do have value. It's just different from what you expected. Try to see if you can get a specialised therapist that you can trust. Ask them to help you to find meaning in life, something that doesn't involve a career. I have noticed that online friends help too, and they can be found in gaming, if you want to try. They are just as valuable "real" and "normal", than the relationships you might or might not have in person. Good luck.
@Bansheebandit40 Жыл бұрын
Anyone I dated in the past never had problems when I gave them the bullet points of my disability. The hardest part is trying to put it into dumb terms instead of medical terms, I keep forgetting that not everyone knows what I am talking about. It’s scary to get all the gruesome details out sometimes. The other problem I have is when I get serious with someone their families can be one of 2 sides. One accepting me as who I am as a person or just seeing the disability as a way to hold my significant other back in life
@jrmejia527 Жыл бұрын
That's the worst gotta dumb it down for some folks ...
@jeremycarpenter5550 Жыл бұрын
What is your disability I have cerebral palsy I am crippled in both my legs .
@Bansheebandit40 Жыл бұрын
@@jeremycarpenter5550 I was born with spina bifida, i walk with the assistance of a walker
@jordinagel1184 Жыл бұрын
@@jrmejia527really? I wouldn’t call it “the worst.” Some people just aren’t familiar with all the technical terminology and processes behind a disability, and it’s no fault of their own. Some things the general public just isn’t all that knowledgeable about.
@dungeonpastor Жыл бұрын
This is so true. My Dad straight up told me to break with my fiance, now wife, because of her disability when he found out. They became the best of friends after I married her though. 😂
@Castkett4ever Жыл бұрын
Dating with a mainly invisible illness has been awful for me, so I am glad to hear some good things about dating! It does give me some hope that I'll find someone who will love me for who I am and not who I was/could be. I use crutches because of a tumor in my thigh and a neuropathy of the sciatic, but if my crutches are on the ground and I'm standing up, you cannot tell that something is actually wrong with me (aside from my weight). I was diagnosed at 15, 10 years ago, and it's taken a toll on my mental health - which is why I am now on a break from dating. Today's co-hosts were lovely!!
@treefrog1018 Жыл бұрын
Hi. I have multiple invisible disabilities. It has been easier for me (i.e. easy for me to stay single without break-up drama) when I am upfront about it. At this point, the person who wants me will still date me when they hear I have celiac disease, endometriosis, adhd, and autism. If that person nerve shows up, that's fine. 🎶I can buy myself flowers 💐💐💐🎶
@SmallSpoonBrigade Жыл бұрын
In some respects, it's probably a bit easier if it is visible, I went out on a date with a woman with one hand one time, it wasn't any sort of big deal. I'm sure she has workarounds and ways of doing pretty much anything essential to daily living as she still does have a hand, even if some things are more or a pain than they would be. And for non-obvious things, it doesn't take much explanation. OTOH, being autistic, especially without knowing, has been a massive pain when dating, even though I'm definitely well worth it. It's a shame that my soon-to-be ex never really appreciated me and never bothered to actually get to know me ahead of time. If I had known about that, I would have just agreed to one of the many offers of an arranged marriage, as they would at least consider the people involved when arranging things. (At least if the marriage is being arranged by somebody competent and caring, which should be the absolute bare minimum for that)
@matt_acton-varian Жыл бұрын
My wife of 6 years has had invisible disabilities since childhood. What I fell in love with about her had nothing to do with her illnesses, and we just learned to adapt our lives around when she needs rest. There are times it can cause problems but if you communicate and support each other you can work through it. In your case Jo, your bada$$ personality that shines through on your videos, and your sense of humour are beautiful personality traits. Someone will see that in you, and see your disability as something that exists, but does not define you. Just let things happen naturally and if it feels right, you'll know. You deserve happiness and both myself and my wife wish you the best of luck.
@venamotylek Жыл бұрын
I was super worried about dating after recently starting to use mobility aids so I'm thankful for this video
@FenceOnAWall Жыл бұрын
Remembered just as I was reading this comment. Zack from the channel JerryRigEverything met his now wife who happens to be paralyzed from the waist down. He went and surprised her with a custom off-roading wheelchair he made from two electric bicycles just for her. Made the whole thing into an affordable, not for profit off-roading bicycles business, NotAWheelchair. They're getting into making normal wheelchairs and making those super affordable. There are way more awesome people out there than there are awful ones. Hard to remember sometimes but it's important to take a moment and remind yourself of that. DFTBA
@rachelmayes298 Жыл бұрын
My hubby has decided that being married to me now is not acceptable due to me having to now use a wheelchair, and I suffer with chronic pain. He’s told me that why should two people be miserable, when it could just be me. I’m fifty years old, and been with my hubby for 34 years. I’ve no idea how to date, or who on earth would want to date me. I’ve lost my confidence and I just don’t know how to start. Whose going to want to go out with me? I’m absolutely terrified.
@mejusthot Жыл бұрын
@annwrog 7 ай бұрын
Sending love, care, and support. 🙏❤🙏
@brendabates1746 6 ай бұрын
One thing one day at a time. I'm sorry for what you are going through. Please try to stay positive & keep looking up. God will help you, just ask Him.
@elmalleable 5 ай бұрын
warm hugs, find yourself and shame on him
@virginiagrenier8572 Жыл бұрын
Listen to your gut - I didn't. I kept thinking "Oh, you're just being paranoid" NOPE! There was a reason I was feeling uncomfortable.
@FootlessJo Жыл бұрын
I've had that exact situation and I'm so sorry you've had to go through that too. Listening to our guts is SO important but a skill not many of us were taught. 💜
@nicholaskelly1958 Жыл бұрын
Excellent! I had my right leg amputated in 1983 and it has never stopped me. Personally I am always up front and tell girls. It has always been a talking point! I remember going to meet a new girl who lived about 50 miles away and I went down on one of my classic bikes and when I got I there Suzanne said to me "Nick you told me that you have only one leg! Bollocks I don't believe you!" I then showed it to her! The look of disbelief on her face was priceless! I have a very good lady friend Michelle who lives in South East London and she is incredible You would never realise that she hasn't got a left leg! When you see her in her miniskirt fishnets and 6" heels thigh boots! My present lady is truly 💕
@bryancohn9406 Жыл бұрын
I’m a life long asthmatic, colon cancer survivor with an ostomy and arthritis as a parting gift. In my younger dating days I had more women reject me over being Jewish than for my health issues. I have always found this fascinating. Health challenges can be taxing on your partner, far more than I ever understood until later in my life. At 57 I am acutely aware of how my health effects others and those effects have influenced my choices in care, both long and short. Been married 18 years now, our daughter is 17 and it’s a difficult balancing act. Your story drew me in and I’ve learned quite a lot about myself in the process.
@StonedtotheBones13 Жыл бұрын
Agree on just the toll it takes. Like honestly, that's the part I've found hard with dating.
@markharrisllb Жыл бұрын
I was disabled with an unusual and extremely painful respiratory condition. Though it’s far from silent it’s definitely an invisible disability. When I first became disabled I volunteered at a disabled peoples organisation, where I later worked and now a trustee/director. There was a stunning young lady there who was hemiparuplegic following a stroke when when she was 28. I never asked her to go on a date not because she was disabled but because I was 15 years older than her. I really valued our friendship and didn’t want to do anything to spoil it…fortunately after 2 years I discovered her one fault, she has lousy taste in men and asked me out. We've been together 10 years and married for 8 and our relationship just gets stronger and stronger. It’s ok dating disabled people, especially if you appreciate strong ladies.
@DavidPyro Жыл бұрын
Good advice for your dating app profile is to lead with anything that might be a deal breaker. Political leanings, country music fan, fav sports team etc. That way, anyone who gets to the stage of chatting/texting/dating is already cool with, or indifferent to, what others may call “the worst parts” of getting to know a new person, and all that’s left to discover is how wonderful you are.
@MichiruEll Жыл бұрын
That's actually great advice I think. It filters out the incompatible people immediately.
@DavidPyro Жыл бұрын
@@MichiruEll .....I'm going on 3 years with my lady following this advice..
@Serenity_Dee Жыл бұрын
Honestly, while my disabilities are invisible, I definitely feel some of the ableism because my limited mobility means I'm always swiping left on people looking for someone who can keep up with them on the hiking trails or whatever. I don't even like spending time outdoors in the sunlight because I burn so easily and thoroughly.
@mkennedy150 Жыл бұрын
You're not alone.
@sherrysweetness6752 Жыл бұрын
@@mkennedy150 far from alone 😢
@jadecoolness101 Жыл бұрын
Eh, hikers are a waste of time. Those are the dudes that would leave you after you get ""fat"" (aka, ever so SLIGHT over 1 pound from being underweight) from being pregnant and then being pretty much a single mom because he's too busy aimlessly walking around outside to care for his kids. Wash your hands of them, not worth the time
@charliebrown1184 Жыл бұрын
As someone who is still not dating 6 years after a 17 year (really bad) relationship ended, I truly applaud you for getting out there! I am still too scared as I have never dated as an adult, let alone as a disabled/out person and the dating landscape has changed profoundly since my high school days 20 years ago. The apps are honestly petrifying! I literally wouldn't even know where to start 😂
@ipacarrollread Жыл бұрын
Charlie Brown (I don’t know how to do that @thing to attach my comment so I hope you see this) I hope that you can eventually find some hope and try. I was in a ten year abusive marriage and was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease which can and has caused major medical complications. I said that I was happy to be free and have my kids. I was looking for some occasional companionship and adult conversation but no long term relationships. I had written back and forth with someone I felt could be a great friend and ended up suggesting we meet for breakfast because my mom had my kids. We met for breakfast and we will have been married for almost 20 years now. Please don’t give up. Life can be better, just as much as crappy. Obviously I don’t know you or your situation but your comment really spoke to me because I remember feeling exactly like you described and I thought I would be alone forever. Frankly, part of me wanted that so I also understand that impulse to stop trying. I’m not suggesting that I know any magic solution. I just know that my life got better and I wish for you whatever better you want. Have a good day okay?
@luciahoneybee Жыл бұрын
​@@ipacarrollread Thank you for saying this because I feel very similarly. I was in an abusive relationship in my early twenties and it messed me up real good. Five years later I still haven't dated once. Part of me would like to be able to, but mostly I think that I'm better off single. This makes me think that I'll be single forever, and while I don't mind it now, I know that forever is a long time and that chosen 'aloness' can turn into unwanted loneliness... 😔
@ast8177 Жыл бұрын
People place so much weight on relationships, they often forget that you can be happy by yourself, This is probably the hardest experience I had ever to learn, but the most important I have ever learned for the sake of my love live.
@brendabates1746 6 ай бұрын
@caimacler7712 Жыл бұрын
My last relationship, three and a half years ended when she left for another school and I couldn’t manage long distance and my illnesses at the same time. I’ve gone on a few dates since, I’m not really looking to date but people will ask me out. I find the hardest part is when someone asks me out and I think they’re cool, but I have to tell them how sick I am and I don’t always have the time to prioritise someone else. I will go on a date, I’ll chat, but I don’t think I can give you what you deserve in a relationship and that’s kind of heart breaking.
@-Teague- Жыл бұрын
Remember that relationships have two sides and it's okay if they have to take care of you sometimes bc you'll take care of them sometimes that's how it works
@adde9506 Жыл бұрын
Sounds like you're selling both yourself and anyone else short. If someone expects you to prioritize them all the time, they are not worth dating. But most people don't expect that. Give the next person a chance to decide how much attention they want to give and how much they need to receive. Make your decision about whether to date them on whether or not because you LIKE them. Make the decision about which dates you go on and when one day at a time. They'll tell you if that amount of time and attention and reliability is acceptable to them or not. And of course, you get to make the same decisions for yourself about them. There are lots of people out there perfectly happy to trade a night out for pizza on the couch. They might even prefer it and just be afraid to defy that dating expectation.
@e.1766 10 ай бұрын
You & I have a lot in common! & My experience is that most guys Don't Believe I'm disabled, they accuse me of Cheating & bail. Even ppl who've Seen me have (a medical spell) Still don't believe me that I'm disabled. I think that's really crazy, & an excuse to not be w/ someone-they just don't want to say it's bc you're disabled; they use something 'more normal' like cheating, as an excuse to not see you anymore. Sometimes that hurts, & sometimes I'm glad when someone wants to bail.
@alliem8700 Жыл бұрын
I've been a cane/chair user for 5-6 years and have never had a bad reaction. I only date women, and I have a feeling that's why I haven't encountered anybody with a disability fetish (although I think it's also more common with amputees, which I am not), thank goodness. I've always been open on my dating profile that I use a cane and have chronic health issues, and that they're welcome to ask me more detail.
@nathalie111 Жыл бұрын
The amount of similarities between this experience and the experience of dating while being trans is astounding. from the when do you tell question to the chasers to the higher chance of violence.
@EmilyJaneCostumeQueen Жыл бұрын
Hey, thank you for sharing this
@luniticarmor6843 Жыл бұрын
I feel you! I'm ftm and, unfortunately for my sanity though I have no qualms against men, gay. It's *so* common for me to have a guy that I'm interested in share that tiny little phrase similar to "it's the best of both worlds" that instantly makes it stop. Even from somebody who isn't asexual/demi or any variety of that, and is also VERY publicly out because I refuse to live in fear or hide a part of myself to get along with people who wouldn't care about me if they know who I am, it's a *lot* easier to feel somebody out as a friend. Even if they're into you, if they get mad that they're stuck in that "friendzone" then they don't respect you or care for your time beyond romantic or sexual interest. But it gets easier the longer you've been out. It really does. It gets to be a lot less terrifying as you learn to live in your bubble as you feel somebody out and then let them in. Maybe I'm viewed as closed off, but it's far easier to do that than waste both mine and his time
@luniticarmor6843 Жыл бұрын
And I also don't let it be my life. If they constantly ask questions, answer them if you want to, but otherwise tell them to piss off. Even in dating, you can wait. You can wait to explain to them everything of all of that while you *also* have stated what makes you as a person
@DarkArcticTV Жыл бұрын
modern transgenderism is a mind control operation
@dysdanon Жыл бұрын
Just beginning to watch the video and I immediately got an ad that you were in! That Levitate ad showed up on your own video! That's so cool!
@peterjf7723 Жыл бұрын
You come across as a really positive person, I think that's the most important thing.
@briankristensen7847 Жыл бұрын
Im happy to see, that you make long form vids again. You have, for a couple of years now, been my "Internet friend" that has helped me with selfesteem issues, mental struggles and nogged me along to find the strength to seek help. This means im now getting the help that i need to get to a better place, and for that i will allways be gratefull to you, and the commuity. Thank you all, the honesty and openess has help me alot. Stay safe, and be as awesome as you have been
@rhyssaunders9863 Жыл бұрын
love the longform videos, glad to see them back!
@poppythecat454 Жыл бұрын
As an amputee and now a full time wheelchair user, my experience is that my disability isn't the problem, so far it has always been the person I am dating that has the problem. It can pull you down and I have been hurt. I am happy being me and I am not going to let others bring me down. Everyone is different but if you have a disability, don't ever let dating bring you down. If that person really loves you, your disability will be invisible in their eyes. If they can see it and are stuck with it - you can do so much better
@hnskinner Жыл бұрын
I was surprised to see my dating experience reflected in how you are talking about dating now. Everyone talks about how it's so miserable, but I went through dating to discover myself and the type of person I want and found it enjoyable. It's refreshing to finally hear that take from someone! I think it is a very healthy way to date!
@janicemichaloski5292 Жыл бұрын
The cute cuddly pups are adorable ❤
@RiverofDelta Жыл бұрын
So are the socks though 😂😍
@agsup Жыл бұрын
​@@RiverofDelta ikr I want a pair of breakfast socks lol
@danielheathcote5625 Жыл бұрын
Hey, this is great news after the year you’ve had! You’re totally right it’s so important to hold stuff back from for you. I’ve had it with some women (only a very small number but enough that can suck) that have an issue with dating a guy with a visual impairment and albinism - they don’t want to be the designated driver, they don’t that constantly going on beach holidays / endlessly sunbathing isn’t my thing - don’t get me wrong, when it’s my turn to drive, I’ll pay for the taxi, and I just need to be sensible on a beach holiday, hide under a palm tree, but there are other ways to spend your annual leave too. So I just move on - I’ve made a lot of lovely friends, and dated some super lovely people too. I got invited to the wedding of one person I dated and stayed friends with. I made it to the ceremony and reception and was lovely
@HaleyMary Жыл бұрын
My last and only relationship ended when my boyfriend broke up with me. He was dealing with depression and neither one of us made enough money to move in together. He also lived in the U.S. and I in Canada so that made it difficult, too. But, I think when it really changed was when I developed epithelial basement membrane dystrophy and it was difficult to open my eye in the mornings and I couldn't travel to the U.S. and I don't think he could handle my health issue. Since that relationship ended, I've focused on myself and my art goals. I have had guys ask me out, but they seem to be too interested too soon without really knowing me or they are just looking for a hook-up and that's not my style. It's difficult out there.
@joshuabrown5123 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for sharing your feelings, thoughts, observations, etc. As a guy with an autoimmune disease that affects my mobility and has greatly affected my posture, how I'm perceived by the opposite sex is a concern for me, especially now coming out of my divorce. I've been on dates since my divorce, most from matching on the dating apps, and I've been upfront about my physical appearance. It's nice to hear that others, like yourself, have taken the same approach. It's so easy to fall into the trap of overthinking it and obsessing about how others might react. Thanks for another great video. Many of your videos have helped me with creating some critical thoughts, & with gaining and keeping perspective on the world. For example, what you said in this video about personal development and improving communication in regards to the dating world. That one hit home with a lot of familiarity.
@amputeedrummer 10 ай бұрын
Being upfront is the best way to handle it! Unfortunately, I'm learning this in my old age. Wished I had learned it sooner. You will do well. All the best to you!
@SpookyDollLady Жыл бұрын
The last time I was in the dating world I was young, healthy, and (mostly) straight. Trying to jump back in as a disabled queer adult with an actually firm grasp of who I am and what I want is an entirely new experience for sure. It's a lot harder to meet people I'm compatible with for one thing. But everyone I have met so far has mostly been lovely, even though it hasn't worked out with any of them for one reason or another. I'm hopeful the right person will come along but I'm still very cautious. Accepting that I am a burden and that's okay is still a big thing I'm trying to work through and I'm not sure any relationship will work until I make some progress with that if I'm being totally honest. It's hard to jump into a new relationship knowing that my health is only going to get worse from here. There's no up for me. Things may level out at some point, but they'll never get better, and any future partner will inevitably have to take the role of caretaker eventually. It's hard to make peace with that.
@abhishekjain2444 Жыл бұрын
I feel you.. I've had dated before but they did end terribly, but now I'm much clear mentally about me but ik my health is detoriating and I'm queer as well. Idk if I should even be dating cause it feels like I'm a deadweight. That one day, as you said would happen plus knowing that and telling that at my age of 18 would I feel basically scare them off. And even though not confirmed, I fear I might die sooner as well. So it does feel like I'll be a dead weight to anyone honestly. My struggle for more independence also gets hindered due to this, but even if I'm alone my whole life; ik I'm whole and well enough for myself and I can still be happy. At the same time, I feel I'm missing out a lil.
@Slugbunny 11 ай бұрын
A friend feels the same. Trying my best to support them about it as we only have this one life to live. Some of us need more help whether physical or emotional, and that won't change. But we can change our relationship status - or at least try.
@bethsangree397 10 ай бұрын
This sounds tough and I feel for you, but as an older person I have come to realize that we never know what life will bring and sooner or later we are all disabled if we live long enough. I’m sure you have a lot to offer even if your health isn’t good. And being disabled doesn’t automatically mean that your partner has to be your primary caregiver. Don’t waste your precious time on this earth doubting yourself, just live as fully as you can. The past is over and the future doesn’t exist yet, All any of us really have is now.
@lowsee Жыл бұрын
I've had horror stories around my disabilities... ADHD and autism. Mostly that I should try harder to not be messy, no one wants a messy wife, or that I'm just too much for anyone to handle. I'm 44, never had a real relationship, and I'm super wary of the dating field.
@treefrog1018 Жыл бұрын
33, enby, ADHD and autism and also have never been in the dating field. It does gets me down sometimes but 🎶I can buy myself flowers 💐 Write my name in the sand 🎶 ...also very wary of the dating field. So...🎶I can take myself dancin' 🎶 The best part, I'm not singing this song to any ex that ruined my life. I win. 😆
@Sienisota Жыл бұрын
33. exactly the same, except I no longer let anyone into my current apartment, so that I don't have to hear that stuff from anyone.
@SmallSpoonBrigade Жыл бұрын
Same here, I've just had one LTR and a wife. (Please note that there's a difference between being married and actually having a real relationship)
@KDBillings Жыл бұрын
LOVE your attitude toward dating. I am coming out of a long term relationship, and am feeling similarly about entering the dating pool, prioritizing being super happy single over diving into something serious. Also, I think your lack of terrible experiences could be partly due to your approach. When you feel desperate to make something work or don’t communicate effectively, you can inadvertently ignore bad feelings or signs or be overly interesting to a narcissist looking for his next people pleaser. Being direct about what you’re looking for, and prioritizing your health and gut feelings over getting someone to like you makes a world of difference in dating experiences IMHO
@sgregg5257 Жыл бұрын
At 9:35 you hit the nail on the head with ALL relationships. Both my wife and I have to have happy contented lives within our selves, in order to bring joy to each other. My wife is not there to make me a whole person, complete me, or make me happy. That is my responsibility. She does make me happy and I feel amazing with her and my life is much richer and rewarding. But to get there I cannot put the responsibility for all that on my wife. Good luck!
@ronfehr7899 Жыл бұрын
I agree, Jo. It's best not to hold back any secrets when online dating. I try to make it clear what I am looking for, although I always wait for them to ask me. Sometimes it takes awhile before the subject comes up, but it always does.
@newcastleman86 Жыл бұрын
It takes a lot of guts to put yourself out there in the dating world. You should share at least one horror dating story lol. Good for you Jo and stay safe out there. By the way....lover your dogs :)
@thewisepowerchair2369 Жыл бұрын
I wish you all the best, Jo. I hope you find the person you are looking for.
@BenjieTyl Жыл бұрын
First off I must say that dating is way different that it was in the dark ages when I last dated. My wife of 37 years was born with a deformed left leg and has been an AK amputee her entire life, and she has worn a prosthetic for more than 60 years. I first found out on our first date, at a club, when we were dancing and something didn't feel right. Everything worked out because I'm a leg man, and in my book a ten beats two fives. She would take her leg off and hop around the house carrying our son; little dude learned to hang on like a spider monkey. Anyway, you do you and live your best life. If you want a man you'll find each other.
@JoyWheeler1981 Жыл бұрын
Dating, at least as my experience has been, has been a challenge for me. Not only am I a single father, and disabled, but my son has disabilities. I am also very upfront about all of these things, but I rarely get a second date or explanation of why. My disabilities are invisible, PTSD and chronic fatigue being part of the list, and the first is still highly stigmatized in society. At least that was true, I found a great woman who has no issues about my disabilities or my son's and things are working. Jo, when you are least expecting it you will find your right person, but keep doing what you're doing.
@rickkennerly2379 Жыл бұрын
I’m amazed you can hold a mic, be that animated, and not “milk” the mic. Couldn’t tell you were holding it at all.
@ccs178 Жыл бұрын
Fortunately, I've only had to deal with a couple "devotees" over the years. And yes, they're creepy AF. I can relate a lot about the questioning part though. I don't mind talking about how I became an amputee but it almost always turns into an interrogation immediately upon telling the story. When I tried online dating in the past I would mention being an amputee in my profile but did not go into any real details. I don't remember it ever being an issue.
@brendabates1746 6 ай бұрын
Always be honest & upfront with someone. Only date in public places. Let friends or family know where you're going & who you'll be with. Day time is probably better then night time at first. Really get to know the person well before meeting in a public place. Lunch, movies, concert? You're still young. Have fun with your life. When the time is right, you will meet someone special. I love your videos. You inspire me. R BKA since Aug 23 @ 63. Planning on getting a prosthetic asap. Leg still healing. Gotta be 100% healed before that. God bless you 😊
@bookish_heather Жыл бұрын
Hey could you do a how to get friends while disabled episode. I find most people don't understand limitations. Don't like being cancelled on because I got sick/hurting/migraine.
@furryrug5998 Жыл бұрын
I love your positivity in life Jo❤️ Also digging your bedroom decor- that wood tone is sweet.
@davegoodridge8352 Жыл бұрын
Try entering the dating world after 43 years. Just got to be honest, and be yourself. I'm open to getting into a new relationship, as long as she's a dog I find at the shelter. LOL 42 years of being married, until she passed away. Has changed everything, most for the worse.
@justmejenny7986 Жыл бұрын
So sorry you lost your wife. 42 years is a long time. And dogs do make a perfect companion. I have a spoiled chocolate lab myself.
@bdeitur Жыл бұрын
I recently came across your channel. I know you get a lot of messages so you probably won't see this; but, a number of years ago my great nephew had to have his leg amputated after an accident when he was driving a truck. (He lives with my niece and the rest of his family three states away). He went into a shell and basically stays in his room. He didn't even use the prosthetic so I don't even know if it's usable at this point. No one in the family knows how to get him to want to get back into society, make friends, go out, etc. I don't know why I'm going on because even if you see this, there's not really much you can do or say. Maybe it's just me venting because I'm worried about his well being. I hope I didn't make a nuisance of myself. Thanks .
@amandachapman4708 Жыл бұрын
I much prefer the longer videos over the shorts. I very rarely watch shorts - I just can't cope with them. I'm glad you're still making some longer vids.
@Vocalinds Жыл бұрын
I had forgotten until this video that I had gone on a date with a below-knee amputee some years ago. I think he had a picture of his prosthetic in his profile - it was decorated beautifully with fir trees. We didn't click at all, but his leg wasn't a big focus, just a brief topic of conversation.
@emilysmith2965 Жыл бұрын
Tattoo arm is looking good! Thanks for sharing your thoughts about a tough topic!
@mb-the-enby Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the video! I’m so glad you have had mostly positive experiences. I was thinking your experience would involve a lot more creepy fetishist dudes in your DMs, but I’m glad that doesn’t seem to be the case! 😅
@philipamaka9129 Жыл бұрын
@edl5731 Жыл бұрын
I would proffer that much of the reason that you haven't had problems is because you are upfront. Are there people who won't date an amputee? Absolutely. But they swiped left. You don't know who they are and you didn't feel personally rejected. I think in general it is a good idea to present in your profile every reason why someone might not want to date you. If any characteristic of you is a reason for rejection let them swipe left, rather than swipe right and then reject you in person.
@lauraladyll Жыл бұрын
Jo was in the AD I received right before the video!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@ellelee6912 Жыл бұрын
I'm glad you've gotten so great at setting boundaries for your internet audience and in person! I know from experience how difficult the latter can be and it is really important with dating. Dating was always painful for me because I had no idea what a healthy relationship looked like. I realized I was expecting my partner to make me whole (just like you said!) and when they would break up with me I would fall apart completely. It was a vicious cycle. Spending some time single/casually dating in my early 20's really helped me understand myself better. And when I got treatment for my c-PTSD, my whole life changed! I've been in the most healthy and happy relationship that I've ever had for about 6 years now. If we ever do break up I would be devastated but I know I would get through it because of how much stronger I am now as an individual.
@Enn- Жыл бұрын
No, I wasn't expecting horror stories. You seems like a really pleasant person, which is a great place to start when getting to know someone.
@chrisconnors7418 Жыл бұрын
One of the really nice things about getting older is that I feel no need, or even a want, to date or be involved in any romantic (or physical) relationship. Turns out I’m much happier just having a few good friends I see once or twice a month, if that, and spending the rest of my time with my pup (who is snoozing in my outstretched legs right now).
@paulmiller5094 Жыл бұрын
You have a great sense of humor and you are very pretty. I bet many people would want a date with you.
@ItsVictoriaG Жыл бұрын
4:49 That’s what I was immediately worried about when I read the subject of the video. I can’t imagine how horrid that would be and I’m glad you’re able to suss out those folks early on.
@THE_god_of_war_ Жыл бұрын
I literally got an ad with her in it right before this video 😂
@timwoody3835 Жыл бұрын
Yeah. Me too.
@rogerbutchbouchard8019 5 ай бұрын
Jo, as a married man of 51 years, I very much appreciated your candid comments on dating. It seems to me that single people who date will benefit from watching your video on this topic. The difficulty today is even finding someone that is worthy to even consider if that makes sense to you. Dating sites are often not save or reliable. I was in college when I met girls to date. It was a different life back in the 70's. Do you find it a challenge finding guys to date if I may ask? Perhaps you could consider doing a video in general on ways to look for guys to date? Just a suggestion ok. I look forward to watching all your videos Jo. You have amazing communication skills!
@imogenoliver Жыл бұрын
I’m glad it’s been going well for you so far Jo and I hope it continues to go that way. Whatever you end up looking for I hope it only adds to what you have now. I like the long form videos so I’m glad you’re getting back into them ☺️. Shirts are fun, just not quite the same ☺️.
@Skeithization Жыл бұрын
My personal experience as a man with an invisible disability I always make sure to tell my dates after the second date about my condition. While I thankfully don't have any horror stories, I also found that women are really averse to dating someone with a disability (at least where I live).
@justmejenny7986 Жыл бұрын
Maybe tell them before the date or wait longer?
@Skeithization Жыл бұрын
@@justmejenny7986 If I tell them before the date they disappear. If I wait longer they think I was being dishonest.
@stevendorsey4882 Жыл бұрын
Sophie and Leo are super nice to you. As for dating as an amputee or any other disability that is always up to you. Anyone who would have an issue with an amputee or any other disability is liklely struggling with their mental state. You are are beautiful, funny, and super talented.
@ThatSpoonieTransGuy Жыл бұрын
I love that you've had such a positive experience, mine has definitely been different. It's been a few years now, but it still feels like I'm dating for the first time as an adult after a long term relationship. As an autistic polyam queer trans man and and ambulatory wheelchair user, it is challenging in a conservative area. At least I can say I don't have many negative experiences either, people just aren't interested, because I'm so up front about those things. When I do click with someone they often live further away and it just fizzles out after a few days of texting. But to be fair, I haven't found many people in my area who I'm interested in, so it wouldn't really matter if they were interested in me or not. I don't really bother much anymore, online dating is a pain in the butt and I don't mind being single(ish).
@dayanarous Жыл бұрын
Hi Jo, I just wanted to say that I’ve been watching your videos for a long time and they’ve helped me so much because I am myself. I am a disabled person. I have cerebral palsy, and I’m still learning how to navigate what that means even though I’m already a full grown adult, so being able to watch your videos has helped tremendously because it’s a lot harder when you don’t have support at home so thank you for the content that you put out there it’s extremely valuable and helpful and I’m thankful that I came across your content because it’s been a game changer for me.
@awelonstudio Жыл бұрын
Good luck with your dating life. Stay safe and happy. Just want to say as a man, most men out there would worry at all about anyone's disability. There's a small amount of freaks and ones that wouldn't except it, but screw those sort of people. But as a man that from age 10 till 41, was a stay-at-home career for my disabled mother, who was an amputee and blind last few years of her life. And now, after a few years, I'm a career now for my father, who is on a way to being in a wheelchair. It has affected my mental health, giving me depression and severe social anxiety. I have given up for years, even attempting to have a dating life. It's impossible as a male to get female to except a low paid male with mental disabilities.
@elwinbrake2695 15 күн бұрын
I have to say people who have talked to me about my Cerebral Palsy, have always said to me... is that in talking to me, they forget I have a disability after chatting for a while. I never understood that until I started listening to you. Which is odd because I came here because some of your experiences made me feel not alone on the disability front... but, you are good at conversing and to your credit I do reach a point of seeing Jo as Jo when listening to you.
@mkang8782 Жыл бұрын
Appreciate the perspective and insight. Also, tanktop = "sun's out, guns out!"
@metalmacabre9991 8 ай бұрын
I would date this woman, and not have a single problem with anything. She's a gem.
@achromatic03 Жыл бұрын
Thank you for calling out the safety part! I didn't know this until way after I was targeted by someone who was emotionally abusive and manipulative.
@deetlebee Жыл бұрын
The ad roll at the beginning for was one with Jo! It is cool to see her outside her videos. 😂
@laureng7116 Жыл бұрын
This was so nice to hear. I'm so glad to hesr youve had a mostly positive expereince. I definitely expected there to be a lot more negativity out there but i'm glad youve shown it can be a lot better than expected snd might help other amputees scared of trying to date. Good to see you doing well!
@dizzylee7215 6 ай бұрын
This was an interesting video thank you. For me dating anyone is always about personality.
@homerfeltheim12345 Жыл бұрын
The few dates I’ve been on since becoming robolegged is be up front. This isn’t a “surprise” situation I want to be in after dating for a while. It ain’t growing back and nothing I can do changes that
@darrengray1849 Жыл бұрын
As an able bodied person, my biggest fear would be saying something I shouldn’t, just out of reflex. I would probably have to mention that at the start, that way, if I did say something stupid, maybe we could move on a little sooner.
@Enn- Жыл бұрын
Sounds like you have a healthy perspective and goals. I hope it all goes well for you.
@paperbark3754 Жыл бұрын
No, I didn't expect horror stories! I am a recent amputee and divorcee and also just entered the dating world again and have found people have generally been wonderful. I am blunt about my amputation on dating apps, I have photos showcasing my wheelchair and the level of amputation I have and therefore the people that do not care are the ones that contact me. Those that have a problem with it just choose not to contact me and I feel better off for it! I'm not interested in someone so shallow anyhow.
@justinkeller9187 Жыл бұрын
For true masculine men (who know their responsibilities and benefits to society) a disability isn't seen as weakness or a detergent. The challenges we all face make us stronger, more resilient and help our mentality. I would be asking the questions that give me insight into your personality, outlook and goals. Don't worry about comparing your journey to anyone else's and the right people will gravitate towards you. (Not directed advice but a generalization for anyone who may be feeling self conscious) Great video and thanks for posting
@LounaStone 2 ай бұрын
Thank you for such an insightful video! OMG your doggies are the loveliest x
@Godfatherzilla773 Жыл бұрын
I should start by saying I’m not in your dating pool so this question comes from honest curiosity. As a KZbin creator, would you be more comfortable on a date with someone who knows you from the channel or someone who doesn’t? Someone who knows the channel would allow you to skip over most of the disability questions. However, you’ve shared a lot of very personal things, so they would be far ahead of you in the “getting to know each other” game. Just curious.
@knizekim3444 Жыл бұрын
I would date her in a heartbeat! Great attitude, personality, and easy on eyes!
@oidadesgibtsned Жыл бұрын
M'Lady, I can somehow relate ... Tried to get into dating after a split-up, but I've found that my special needs don't allow for me to be in crowded, loud locations - so to say, any location where dating might take place. So I'm not into dating. But the time I tried I've made it clear as in crystal clear that I am hearing disabled and hearing aid user as well as able to talk in ÖGS (Austrian Sign Language). I find it much better to be up-front and direct about it, so the elephant in the room is out of the way.
@kevinlynch2248 Жыл бұрын
"My leg is gone (most people tend to notice that)." 😂🤣😂 Yes. Yes I'd say they do.
@Batty77 Жыл бұрын
I am curious what struggles the amputation causes with shopping, especially clothes shopping. Cause we all know women's clothing sizes are not standard! I k own you've mentioned some about adaptive clothing & I find that concept very intriguing as well.
@starrywizdom Жыл бұрын
As someone with a bit of a scar fetish, I totally support you not wanting to be with someone with any kind of fetish around your amputation. I've never dated anyone specifically for their scars, because I don't want to be objectifying someone. It should be about the whole person, not one aspect of them that just happens to tickle my fancy!
@Eco_Hiko Жыл бұрын
I've never dated anyone that has had a physical disability. I have dated people who have mental disabilities or health conditions. For me it's not about the physical but the person. So my first date question is usually on the lines of "hey, do you have any boundaries that need to be taken into account for just day to day stuff? For example I like doing these activities, is there anything that would stop you from doing them? (e.g hikes, museum tours, art activities and fun classes.) At the end of the day, the last thing I'd want to do is cause any physical or mental discomfort because I can be a people pleaser. So even if it wasn't a match or the date sucked I'd feel OK as long as I did no harm. I'd also upfront ask if the person was the type to hide discomfort because at the end of the day we both deserve to have a good time. Not sure if this is necessarily the best thing to do but it's definitely put people at ease who I know have anxiety, PTSD, BPD and epilepsy.
@Slugbunny 11 ай бұрын
I expected a straightforward account and that's what we got. Thank you for your s-- errr the public service announcement! 😺
@aaronchester6737 6 ай бұрын
The Flower that blooms in Adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all. Sincerely Aaron ⚘️🌹⚘️🌹😘😘🥰🥰😍😍
@bookreaderlabarr Жыл бұрын
I did not think you would be in the dating pool this soon. I am glad to hear, i recently gave up on the idea of dating the world is just to crazy and being a guy in the dating world is just too much.
@badbro2820 5 ай бұрын
Jo, for you (even with a “disability”) the experience of modern dating is not going to be the same as one of these “average” women out here because you are clearly beautiful inside and out and you have a great personality too! I really don’t mean to sound like I’m bashing anyone but, if you were show up to a date with me and you bring the personality that you have in your videos, I truly wouldn’t give any shits about wether or not you have a prosthetic leg!😃 Your personality alone places you miles ahead of most of the single women out here! Keep being yourself baby doll! We love you to the moon and back!😛😃🙏🏽😘
@jackwilliamson1929 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jo, your courage and honor are an inspiration for so many others, shows initiative, proud of you.
@dannylojkovic5205 Жыл бұрын
I think part of what a lot of people look at is how you are still able to be very active. I am not you, and I am new to your channel, but your videos show how just because you are an amputee does not mean you can’t do anything. This really clears things up for able bodied people like me, because we tend to think if you lose a limb, that’s it. You’re done and you can’t be very physically active anymore. But seeing how you are able to use your prosthetic and still engage in sports totally clears up misconceptions that able bodied people, like me, have. I realize I should have known this earlier, since my dad has biked with a man who lost both legs to an IED in Iraq. The guy has to use a different sort of bike, but he was faster than everyone else he bikes with. My point being is I can see someone potentially being put off by someone being an amputee out of fear that if they marry an amputee, that will mean they have to give up physical activity or another part of their life. But you show how that is not necessarily true by any means
@Hyzentley 7 ай бұрын
Honestly surprised that it went so well, but happy for you. I am disabled, but neurodivergent, not visibly, so my experiences are quite different
@saegemehlfee Жыл бұрын
Didn't click on the video because i wanted horror stories (clicked on it because you made it ;) ) but tbh was expecting them. Very pleasantly surprised to not get any though. Wishing you all the best :)
@MossyBear Жыл бұрын
With the title, I was worried you were going to tell a story where you were in an unsafe situation trying to date 😬 I'm so glad your experiences have been pretty positive 😊
@miashinbrot8388 Жыл бұрын
My own take on it is that I would have worried that being upfront about the amputation would attract amputation fetishists -- and I gather it has occasionally done that. But of course it also keeps away the people who would reject or insult you because of your leg, and that is probably worth it. Your puppies are very cute.
@ronkrueger-capt_koron6112 Жыл бұрын
Hi Jo. Good for you on getting out there and dating. I completely understand where you are coming from in this video. I'm an older guy that used to be what you called fully functioning, but now I'm lucky I can walk 10 feet. Even that hurts. I've been using a chair for about 3 years now and frankly, I'm happy I can at least get around again. I have severe arthritis in my knees to the point my joints are bone on bone. I had an orthopedic surgeon say I would need knee replacement, but unfortunately I have a weight problem and they won't do anything unless I loose a lot. So I just live with my disability. I have considered dating again, but have had some difficulty in finding anyone who can overlook my physical issues. I too have been married and divorced, so I know how that feels too. I wish people who have issues with people that have physical challenges would have to face a few themselves, and then it would be better for everyone who actually do, like us. Good luck in finding someone, and don't be discouraged. Be open and upfront and just be yourself.
@seaninness334 Жыл бұрын
Best wishes in the dating world Jo. I'm somewhat in the same boat but the circumstances on how I got here are definitely unique to me as your circumstancesare to you. I just recently ended a stint of online dating that was pretty disappointing. I've got better things to do with my time than worry over it. I hope your surgery/ recovery is going well. I loved seeing your puppies dozing away. Cheers.
@jorgecoego7471 Жыл бұрын
Thanks for the videos. One thing that seems to be missing is the single male amputee situation. I have been an amputee for only 3 years and I am in my 50's. I have to admit I generally don't go about my day thinking I am an amputee. I have noticed that there is a feeling I get when I think about dating. It's something I have to try to learn and move forward with. Thanks as always. Your Fan JC
@ElliottRodgers Жыл бұрын
Yep, single, left below knee amputee since surgery in November. Used dating app. Some of the suggestions from guys very dusturbing.
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