What ESFPs Need in Relationships

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dear kristin

dear kristin

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@summertime9332 2 жыл бұрын
GIVING THE COMM SENSOR CONTENT WE DESERVEE. It's so refreshing to see an ESFP in the community just to shed some light on the type, most of the people i see here is INxx (even i'm INTJ💀)
@alex.does.comedy 2 жыл бұрын
INTJs are like gay people who are hiding it from everyone else. At some point you have to come out and accept you're an ESFP, no matter how difficult it may seem and how much you think others will judge you. In both cases, the right people are going to accept you for who you are exacly how you are.
@EresirThe1st 2 жыл бұрын
Acting like an esfp makes us miserable and guilty, that's terrible advice
@summertime9332 2 жыл бұрын
@@alex.does.comedy What does that have to do with anything my comment says?? Do u just assume every intj u see is a mistypes esfp💀
@alex.does.comedy 2 жыл бұрын
@@EresirThe1st how is that advice. It's a joke with sublayers. and btw. do you expect serious advice from a comedian, really? :D
@alex.does.comedy 2 жыл бұрын
@@summertime9332 You said most of the people you see here are intj. Isn't weird how almost no one is an esfp? I assume by your emoji, my comment made you laugh, so it was worth it :D
@KaySade321 2 жыл бұрын
When you said weird life experiences I immediately thought of my husband (ESFP) riding his bike into wet cement and having to get hosed down by construction workers lol. But taking what he says at face value is #1 for me, so used to looking for hidden meanings and with him there are none.
@paulmiller1646 2 жыл бұрын
I love how ESFPs say what they mean. It helps me not overthink! They are fun to be around. ~ INFJ
@funonabun2970 Жыл бұрын
I wish I could meet an ESFP. They seem so interesting
@guesswhat3602 2 жыл бұрын
hey I really loved the last one! "Receive anyone who is vulnerable with you with compassion and understanding and empathy and as little judgment as possible"
@FrogBassoons 2 жыл бұрын
My dad is an ESFP and this makes so much sense to hear! My mom, sister, and I are all INxx's and we could never understand how he couldn't just sit at home for a weekend and chill. The three INxx's would be sitting around playing video games or watching a movie and he'd always call us slugs and then make up some excuse to go out and get something. Also EVERY TIME we went to a store he'd run into someone he knows and talk to them for way too long.
@FalconOfStorms 2 жыл бұрын
This is so accurate. It's almost like you know what it's like to be an ESFP. I actually dated an ESFP a few years ago. I saw her sitting in the break room every day with a new Zelda t-shirt or Pokemon hat and thought "oh yes, I need to explore this". So I got a couple of orchestra tickets to the Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses to go to with my married friends and asked her if she'd be up for a road trip to go see it with me. Understanding now that she was an ESFP, it's funny how irresistible that offer must have been on so many levels. Some guy just shows up spontaneously and asks her to go on a spontaneous adventure to see a concert about her favorite adventure story. It's like an offer of bacon-wrapped steak filled with cheese. What ensued was a summer-long rollercoaster whirlwhind dervish of excitement, stimulation, adventure, passion, romance, and drama. I wouldn't say things really even died down in the Fall, but I was starting to realize that it was doomed to fail no matter how I did the math. She was just too immature to provide what the relationship needed to grow and thrive, and to even know herself -- I was 30 and she was 20 (19 when we started). As Christmas came and went and February approached, I made a plan to let her down gently -- I would wait until a month after Valentine's Day and break up with her, because I didn't want her to have any bad memories around that time. But man, she could see right through my inauthenticity like I was just a windowpane. One night she asked if I still loved her -- I said yes and she started crying because she knew I didn't mean it the right way. And she couldn't live even a temporary lie like I could. But it kind of worked out because she got to breakup with me rather than the other way around, and I absolutely was relieved to spare her that explicit rejection and everything that comes with it. Uh, anyway.
@FalconOfStorms 2 жыл бұрын
It was quite a dynamite explosion of a relationship. 9/10 would make this mistake again. 😂
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
That ending 😂 But yeah, I’m sorry to hear this. Fi is a curse for us, trust me. It would be amazing to be able to sweep it under the rug, but we just can’t. How was that show, by the way? Sounds AWESOME
@FalconOfStorms 2 жыл бұрын
​@@sirbradfordofhousejones There's nothing to sweep. ESFPs would only be partially as awesome without that Fi. In the case of that relationship, the age gap was the biggest thing. An age gap like that can plausibly be overcome with time, but not when it comes to an ESFP and and ENTP. I mean, it's great to experience someone who's so unserious and chaotic for once, because it gets tiresome having the whole world come after you with pitchforks. But the reason people come after ENTPs with pitchforks, when it's not just because the ENTPs kicked a wasp nest to see what happens, is because of their ideas. And while a 20 year old ESFP is never going to get offended at my ideas, I think they also don't care about exploring the world of ideas much at all. And being so authentic and upfront, they'll let me know right away. The bandaid on that relationship was if I was boring her or she was annoying me, we'd just switch the topic to making out. I'm pretty sure that doesn't hold a marriage together permanently. That symphony was AMAZING. Not only was the orchestra itself absolutely perfect but the experience was totally evocative of adventure, even if you'd never played Zelda. But if you have, it felt as close to actually visiting that world as you can get. Also, I got into a fight with Dark Link after the show.
@FalconOfStorms 2 жыл бұрын
It comes to mind too, that the ESFP need for independence meshes really well with the ENTP's need for Time Alone With Thoughts. We both need time apart for our own reasons and that can be extremely convenient in this dynamic. "He wants time for his little projects? Sweet, I can hit the town with the girls!"
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
@@FalconOfStorms 100% to the "sweet, I can hit the town with the girls". Best feeling ever. And yep, I've been in a similar situation and I can sniff that inauthenticity from a mile away. Fi feels like a superpower in that sense. Kind of wish I could turn it off sometimes though.
@AnneleenRoesems 2 жыл бұрын
I have never had anyone describe me as accurately as you just did in this video. I am actually blown away. I never realised this, but I am SO BAD at reading between the lines and sometimes my partner will tell me things like "it's 2am" and I'll be like "cool, thank for the update, let me keep dancing" when he means "we should go home". Thanks for putting that into words for me
@polishmeow8298 2 жыл бұрын
Lol, that's funny but also surprising you couldn't hint on that 😱 I'll note that for my ESFP's
@AnneleenRoesems 2 жыл бұрын
@@polishmeow8298 I might've been able to get the hint if I wasn't tipsy 😁 but a lot of those kind of things just fly over my head haha
@Fouge642 2 жыл бұрын
As an ISTP, I'm really attracted to a healthy ESFP. As someone who gets bored easily (and as a closet thrill seeker), I love the ESFP's love for life.
@Fouge642 2 жыл бұрын
@@bb_ghosty that's awesome to hear! I recently caught feelings for an ESFP girl I've hung out with a few times, but she just moved across the country (as many ESFPs may do, trying to enjoy life) right before we realized we may have feelings for each other. I can tell she like introverted guys from her past exes, and especially me as an ISTP. Kinda sucks that she moved but maybe if she comes around again, it could work out. I can tell she's always looking for fun exciting stuff to do and she is very friendly, understanding and nonjudgmental. Albeit spontaneous, impulsive, but tli agree that makes things not boring.
@Fouge642 2 жыл бұрын
Turns out she's ENFP :p which makes even more sense why I like her
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
Cannot stress enough how accurate these points are… it’s almost like we are the same type or something!
@devinbrines 2 жыл бұрын
Heyyy 😏😏😏
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
@@devinbrines 👋 yo!
@devinbrines 2 жыл бұрын
@@sirbradfordofhousejones 😂😂😂 Hey dude. Have a good week!!!
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
@@devinbrines I’ll do my best! Filming a panel with Joyce tomorrow- so you’ll see my beautiful face sometime soon! 😝 Same to you!!
@devinbrines 2 жыл бұрын
@@sirbradfordofhousejones Thanks for the heads up =)
@gouki4u 2 жыл бұрын
As an INTP, you would think I would run in the other direction from an ESFP, but I have found that when I go out, or go on a trip with a group, I gravitate to the ESFP. I always thought it was because they seem to have the most fun, but maybe the fact they don't need things planned, and just want to experience things allows me to relax the overthinking part of my brain. Basically I say to myself, "Turn off your brain and follow this person for a good time." And then we never bother each other outside of those specific contexts. lol
@pmj_studio4065 2 жыл бұрын
"Turn off your brain and follow this person for a good time" - that's a great description. I guess I like outsourcing everything related to the "tangible world" to other people, including having fun xD - also INTP
@nerysghemor5781 2 жыл бұрын
Funny, that as an INFP is what happens to me with ESFJs: “Follow this person to feel included but not have to do the heavy lifting with socializing and figuring out what to say and do.” (I have one as a coworker at my job who is THE SWEETEST and really likes to take people under her wing.)
@hannemari4643 2 жыл бұрын
I'm married to en ESFP. He is the kindest person I know. Also all points you made in this video are true. (I'm an INFP)
@violetdusk1968 2 жыл бұрын
Yaay..... it's hard to find this match. People seem to think they don't but im a INFP with a ESFP been together 20 years. After watching this video I see why we make such a good match.
@davelyon852 2 жыл бұрын
My mom is an ESFP and "Give ESFPs the space to experience (within reason)" means "ESFPs stop moving only when they have surgery because they attempted something over their limit"
@pardist Жыл бұрын
Weird even when I did have surgery and pain and couldn't move I was busy entertaining my mom with her jokes on the fugitive having similar wounds and able to walk out and run away from the blue gang. 😁😢🤣 oddly I was suffering from depression too. It's odd this need for entertainment and curiosity about the world. But Idk if I believe in MBTI much. We are still all individuals. But yes for me judgmental individuals are very bad as they are essentially dumb people who consider themselves intelligent. I find them so scary. They are never right but they are able to convince everyone of their righteousness. That I find dangerous and I avoid and it has hurt and harmed me in recent years too. They are stalkers and people always believe and support stalkers even if they give you the impression of the contrary. You just find that out later and gosh if that hits you; it's so humiliating and heartbreaking.
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
I’m 40. I’m immature, childlike, and a complete embarrassment to my children. That’s never changing.
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
100%. You own that, Brady!
@elisabethschlarb3059 2 жыл бұрын
My mom is nearly 70 and is the same! You'd think she's like 20 with her silly energy 😃
@elisabethschlarb3059 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an ESFP too and nothing is more depressing to me than "growing up" and becoming a professional adult. Like no. I'd rather die than suppress my youthful spirit!
@littlefiddlechick1513 2 жыл бұрын
I love the SEFP! They help me get out of my head and enjoy life. ❤❤❤ INFP
@pardist Жыл бұрын
@tatyannafrancis9935 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an ENTP with an ESFP mom, and we get along swell! We’re both idea generating chaos monkeys (my ideas taking the form of concepts to explore, her’s are physical things to explore) and while I’m definitely a smidge more chaotic than she is (mostly ‘cause she learned how to be, you know, a responsible adult with seven kids) we’re actually quite similar. I find it so neat, for example we both love politics, but I’ll be in my corner reading de Tocqueville’s “Democracy in America” and pondering political philosophy, and she’ll be actually watching the news, keeping up with real time politics and thinking of how she would do it better in the tangible world (Te :)). We balance each other really well in our discussions that way. I think our biggest point of conflict (other than when we’re both stressed and in Si/Ni grip respectively) is the conflict between my Ti and her Fi. Since my second is her blind spot and vice versa, and soon as we get into that territory, we have to hyper explain everything we mean, lest we misunderstand each other and walk away thinking the other is hopelessly unenlightened in either function. Hopefully this gets better though, your Fi Friday videos Kristin have already helped, and as I introduce my mom to more MBTI stuff, hopefully we can use it as a reference point to understand each other better. As long as we stay in Se/Ne exploration land, we’re pretty good (especially since we can both totally value the other person’s style of exploration as the missing piece in our own). The one thing I think my mom and even most of my family doesn’t get about my Ne is how real my imagined worlds are. I’m at a point in my life where I’m trying to decide what to do with myself as far as education and employment, and every time I narrow the decision at all, there’s a whole potential reality I have to kill off in favour of a different one, and it hurts. I genuinely grieve the loss of each dream, since I have way to many to accomplish all in one lifetime. (Yes, changing careers and being a ‘lifelong learner’ are definitely things, but it’s pretty hard to get a PhD in cosmology, public policy, entomology, and aerospace engineering all in one lifetime whilst also being a film director, hot air balloon pilot, campaign manager, and children’s book author and illustrator. And that’s only the list I’m still considering, not to mention countless I’ve already given up on.) It’s genuinely painful to give up each dream, I’m honestly not sure if my heart can handle many more (ooh controversial, entp’s having a heart 😜). And I haven’t found anyone who really gets this except MAYBE my infp sister, but not to the full extent I feel it. Even the ENFPs I’ve talked to have their Fi values to guide them. I just realized this has transformed from an analysis on an ENTP/ESFP relationship to a mini plea for help, and that was not my intent so I’ll end it here 😅. Maybe some of you can relate..
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
I’m an esfp and my daughter is an ENTP. You are spot on about the Ti vs Fi conflict. It can be very frustrating for both sides. But thankfully since neither of us want to take life seriously, we roast ourselves and then move on 😝
@RockArtist1999 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an INTP and I RELATED SO BADLY TO HAVING TOO MANY DREAMS TO FULFILL IN A LIFETIME HOLY SHIT i completely understand sis, the same happens to me, you're not alone
@thehosptial6877 2 жыл бұрын
Yeah, us ENTPs have a heart. It is just buried deep. deep. deep down a lot of the time. According to a psychologist I am stuck in my frontal cortex (with little to no attention given to the amygdala)... which kinda explains the Ti-ness of everything in my life. Anyways, you may not be able to get a PhD in all those areas, but let's be honest, aren't you going to want to move on to something else as soon as you try it? I hear that is a very ENTP thing and it is certainly true of me... But yeah I agree that cutting off options is the worst thing in the world... might want to train an Se dip in order to balance out a little bit. You can dip into Se by just narrowing that world where everything is related to just the present moment. It takes a LOT of willpower but it gets easier as it goes (ESxPs ya'll can do the same thing in reverse: take the present moment and try to relate everything to it... I would imagine that that would be a bit overwhelming but hey, some of us live that way). I used it to try new daredevil experiences and I didn't die so...
@tatyannafrancis9935 2 жыл бұрын
@@thehosptial6877 Thanks, I appreciate the suggestion! It’s nice to know I’m not the only one who experiences things like this
@dogdonut3 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an enfp, and I have always believed that everything is happening somewhere. So, some universe somewhere I am doing the thing(s) I can't do in this universe. It's all happening somewhere. Also the theory that all things imagined are real gives me an odd sense of comfort. So it's not truly destroying those life paths/futures. You're just allowing other iterations of you to do them while this you does something else.
@natejakubowski4174 2 жыл бұрын
My inner monologue watching this: I don't think Kristin has any weirdness or weird, strange and whacky hobbies as an ESFP. Also me: Watched a video of her dressed as a genie talking to 16 strangers.
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
@flowerx3238 2 жыл бұрын
As an INTJ I fully understand everything that you said but for the love of me I cannot relate whatsoever. You described my literal nightmare going to several different places and meeting and talking to different people in one day. And I have to say it must be nice to charge your battery like this. I sometimes wish I could feel the same by doing that. I am secretly jealous. :D
@WolfoxBR 2 жыл бұрын
Well, INTJs being very much the opposite of ESFPs, I have little contribution to what you said, and I'm not sure I can actually talk about what INTJs need in a relationship. As a young adult I had a lot of expectations and a list of "must-haves", but then an ISFP entered my life and turned those expectations upside down, we got married within one year since meeting each other, and we've been married for 24 years now. I have no idea what happened but I'm not complaining. Maybe I'll figure it out someday. ;)
@jessicathespy 2 жыл бұрын
My esfp 6yo at a homeschool meetup last week moved all the chairs to make an audience for herself. On her stage she was directing everyone to sing together. She knew no song to sing... "sing the first verse" so excited to socialize a giant group before she know how to lead a giant group.
@jessicathespy 2 жыл бұрын
Shes also regularly in the bathroom singing to her reflection about her emotions. Shes figured out her self care.
@sirbradfordofhousejones 2 жыл бұрын
@shweta8592 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for creating this video, definitely will be very helpful to understand the ESFP's in my life.
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
Glad it was helpful!
@polishmeow8298 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for this, Kristin! For someone who doesn't express that much and talk cryptically, I've already miserably failed my ESFP's and Se doms
@alicialexists 2 жыл бұрын
I as an INTJ was surprised to have really similar needs in relationships to ESFPs. Same functions with a different order, I guess.
@aldisuchti924 2 жыл бұрын
I'm an ESFP and felt the urge to tell everyone this before watching the video
@mattevans6752 2 жыл бұрын
ESFP and INFP are both bad at constant communication for opposite reasons. ESFP is out there experiencing the tangible world and the INFP is experiencing their inner world.
@t-roseg2567 2 жыл бұрын
That’s funny cause i’m a ESFP and my best friend is an INFP. she called me her bestie first, but yeah, and we get along well, she talks and loves hanging out with me, it’s awesome, we spend a lot of time together😁
@aziatix1168 2 жыл бұрын
There's a non-popular thesis that ESFPs and INFPs are opposite versions of each other. They're similar in the way they differ from each other and they are different in the way they're similar to each other.
@azarishiba2559 2 жыл бұрын
I'm actually surprised how much I related to most of this even though I'm an ENFP. Especially the autenticity, humour and clear communication parts, and also spontaneity and empathy (How much "-t(h)y" words XD XD). The other things like wanting exploring, novelty and so are not so alien to me, just swith experiences with ideas, as you said. Probably the only one I didn't relate at all was the make things real/tangible XD But with autenticity, yes, I agree with you, it's just so painful you show to other person who you are, without almost any filter, but then the other person don't do that, and in the end reveals that he/she doesn't enjoy time with you as much as you do with them. It appears EXFPs don't want people who just tolerate us or who try to not say their boundaries just to not upset us, we want people who can be happy when they are sharing their time with us just as much as we do. From the perspective of an ENFP, I think, aside from most of what you said, that ENFPs also need sharing ideas with loved ones. In one of your comedy videos, you depicted with precision what bothers ENFPs: we need to know your soul, so giving us short answers to important or deep questions somewhat breaks our heart. ENFPs want to know, if possible, EVERYTHING about you: your dreams, what you like, what you dislike, your fears, your hobbies, your experiences... ENFP will feel isolated, abandoned or not loved if you don't share your ideas with us. PS: Genie make-up suits you perfectly :3
@Gsusrocks4eva 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for sharing. I'm an ESFP myself, and the last two years have been horrible as I've basically been in total isolation. Finally got to see friends again and straight away got covid... feeling pretty terrible, but I know these are just small complaints compared to what a lot of people are going through. Thank you for bringing light into our lives Kristin
@essedema 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for not having belittled the abstract reality by defining it as "not real", I greatly appreciated it. Great advices, anyway, going to be very helpful.
@Nora-eu3kt 2 жыл бұрын
It's so fascinating to see Fi doms or Se doms explain their worldview because they're so different from my Ti-Ne perspective, love those Fi-day vids:)
@flickeringflame216 2 жыл бұрын
This is so cool! Some of these are relatable, and some feel extremely alien. As a T, I go straight to solutions mode...gotta learn how NOT to always do that. Thanks Kristin!
@uprisingsun9105 2 жыл бұрын
Alright, as an ISFP, here goes (in no particular order besides whatever came to mind first): 1. Emotional support is HUGELY important. When we get overwhelmed with too many emotions or too much, someone else treating that like as much of an inconvenience as it feels isn't going to help. We most likely want to either understand why we're feeling this way or have you understand, and until we reach that, hang in there and be an empathetic ear. And maybe bring some tea. Let us know we make sense and aren't crazy. 2. Give us space, but when we open up, take your chance lol. As introverts we obviously need our space to recharge and we're not easily vulnerable. Don't go picking through us trying to figure us out unless we're opening up. Otherwise you get our surface level vulnerability designed as a decoy so people don't get too far in (it's still all true and vulnerable, just only the parts we're more willing to share in hopes you'll be satisfied and back off). However, if we're opening up to you, feel free to carefully proceed. We actually really want to be vulnerable when there's enough trust built. It makes the relationship feel real. 3. Authenticity is crucial. Pretty much everything Kristin mentions in the video on this topic is spot on for ISFPs as well. With our Fi dom, authenticity is really important to us. That said, we can also empathize with the struggle to be authentic, because we often have to work to find a balance of being true to ourselves without being overly trusting or close-minded (usually we err towards the former due to our general live-and-let-live mindset). 4. We want to experience too! The previous three things I've mentioned have mostly had to do with Fi, but our secondary function is Se. We want to explore and adventure, much like the ESFP. Personally I have a fear of heights, so I'm not going skydiving anytime soon, but with enough assurance that it really is fun and I won't fall to my death, things like a 30ft high zipline are actually really fun thanks to adrenaline. And experiences don't have to involve facing our fears obviously, they can be as simple as caring for houseplants, painting, or going for a bike ride. I also love things like ice skating, playing games, tubing, etc. etc. etc. Whether you're doing these things with us or giving us the opportunity, it will be appreciated :). Also we don't care if we make fools of ourselves doing these things so long as you don't judge us for it. There's more but that's all I'm coming up with for now, maybe I'll add to it later.
@waftsofpetrichor 10 ай бұрын
Please add more to this! I would love to know.
@Spectra163 2 жыл бұрын
I came here so excited because I realized my type recently (yeah I'm an ESFP) and then I watched your videos, that one is perfect too! The list is so true, thank you.
@vibrantthorn 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you for this! I need to work on my clear communication of boundaries, needs and expectations. I haven’t learned how to be so open because there hasn’t been a lot of positive response or I worry about upsetting others, but I will improve! Sincerely, INFP.
@lotusflower1953 2 жыл бұрын
@talkshh 2 жыл бұрын
esfps can read between the lines, being a Se dom doesn’t make us unable to ever use intuition, it’s just that we prefer other ways of being and that when we resort to our inferior function it can get pretty negative, scary and destabilizing. we’ll often interpret intuitive meanings in the worst ways. maybe we’ll guess that other people have negative intentions and find faults in them with our Fi, but it’s not like we take situations superficially without ever questioning the hidden meanings.
@talkshh 2 жыл бұрын
@@catonakeyboard exactly that’s the same feeling i got. either she has a really underdeveloped inferior function, which is weird considering she’s in her late twenties, or she wants to play along the esfp stereotype to represent a role that makes her different from the other people in this community. so she’s exaggerating ghe stereotypical traits and spreading them, which is a shame because this type is already ridiculed enough.
@southw.9181 2 жыл бұрын
I typically walk into a Meyers Brigg discussion with an open mind to understand other types. But this time I decided, out of curiosity, to rewatch this video only completely from my own type's mindset and see how I would feel. I was aghast, horrified even. My Ne wanted to wither up and die at the idea of "getting energy" from experiences. Leaving my house is a draining enough task for me some days. [I am an ENTP. Functions Ne, Ti, Fe, Si] Love to you ESFJ's but I just find it so incredible that we could be created to function so completely differently. I think it really emphasizes the importance for all of us to learn to understand each other. Thanks so much to you Kristen, I have learned so much about functions I otherwise could not at all relate to. The work you are doing on these videos is amazing.
@cdcs_edits 2 жыл бұрын
I love this so much! I will show this to my ESFP mom! 🥰
@elusiveglasslizard 2 жыл бұрын
I feel so validated and cradled by your calming voice
@JohnHenrysaysHi 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you, Kristin. The kids you taught were so lucky to have you as a teacher. You're wonderful.
@uhpluplum 2 жыл бұрын
hi fellow ESFP, have a happy day!
@tatyannafrancis9935 2 жыл бұрын
My mom’s an ESFP, super excited to watch this!
@SimoneEppler 2 жыл бұрын
Thank you so much for this video, it's so valuable! I feel l (supposedly an INFJ - still on the typing journey) would get along with ESFPs. But I guess we wouldn't see much of each other since I have the same issues with staying in touch - but for another reason (getting lost in my abstract world, fantasizing, and/or pursuing my goals). And I'm fascinated. Gathering tangible experiences. What does that feel like? I love being outside or with people but my abstract program is always running. 😂
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks Simone! Yeah, the cognitive function differences are truly fascinating; more people need to understand them!
@nameless9851 2 жыл бұрын
I’m into IxFP and ISTP (romantically even), so Fi and Se tips/POVs are always helpful 😇
@Fouge642 2 жыл бұрын
Are you esfp?
@nameless9851 2 жыл бұрын
@@Fouge642 no, I'm certainly not (unsure about my type though)
@sunchips18 2 жыл бұрын
A lot of what you’ve said I think applies to INFJs as well. (At least from my experience as an INFJ). I mean, the reasoning’s a bit different in most cases, but the end result is very similar. It’s interesting because you have websites like truity which say that INFJ and ESFP relationships (platonic or romantic) can be very difficult, but I find ESFPs very easy to be with.
@David232x 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for your perspective, it's always refreshing to see ESxx type in MBTI community
@DeborahG1982 2 жыл бұрын
As an INFP with an ESFP partner, this was hilariously useful. I had literally just added this video to a list of videos to watch later. And here's you saying "Don't overplan, we need wriggle room even if we don't use it." I tried to translate my Ne into Se and said "I'm just gathering these so they're easy to find. Feel free to stray from the list any time you like." Hoping that will make sense. Can any Se users tell me if that makes sense? Edit: it occurs to me the main problem between Ne users and Se users is that Ne likes to share ideas constantly, with not much concern for whether they're heard. Se is used to hearing ideas as demands (because that's what most functions use "suggestions" for) and the Ne user confuses the heck out of them. I guess for an Se user to understand that the ideas world is just as alive to us as the sense world is to Se. And we're just swimming through it when we babble. It's not necessary to act on everything (or anything) we say to keep us happy. Just let us swim in our concepts and we'll try to leave you to swim in your tangible experiences.
@loverofbeautifulthings 2 жыл бұрын
ISTJ here who has been dating an ESFP for a couple of months and this video was very helpful so thank you! I absolutely adore him and our chemistry is amazing, but the biggest struggle for me are the communication lags that you discuss and also his being late for almost everything we do together, haha. Once we are finally together I do feel that he is present with me 100%. I am learning to let go of certain expectations~~time will tell if I can handle it in the long run, lol.
@km7605 7 ай бұрын
Heyy how’s it going with the ESFP? I’m currently in a relationship with an ESFP too and the lag in communication is really hard to handle
@loverofbeautifulthings 7 ай бұрын
@@km7605 He turned out to be a dismissive avoidant (lovely!) and deactivated on me twice and I no longer see him. It's a shame because we got along great.
@ramzansson395 2 жыл бұрын
It's been a while after watching this video I followed your advice in my daily life since I have an ESFP sister and I must say that things are getting better and weird at the same time 😂 My ESFP sister sees me as her boring, quiet and weirdo little brother at home and she rarely talks to me despite being an ESFP and shares her thoughts and opinions with me. Ever since I followed your advice, my sister opens up to me a lot more after I gave her the respect that she deserves and tell her the truth about I secretly jealous of her being so blessed with everything that she does while I'm crying in my bed for my life disappointments :")
@franciscamoya42 2 жыл бұрын
omg you sound like my brother whats your type
@ramzansson395 2 жыл бұрын
@@franciscamoya42 My type is INFJ
@britta.3596 2 жыл бұрын
Thank youuuu! This is going be so helpful!! Just wanted to let you know that I love your content, and, as well as it being funny and amazing, it has helped me understand the people around me a lot more. Have a wonderful day! :)
@jimmehsullivan123 2 жыл бұрын
ESFP here! Totally agree with not knowing who you are at 21 and fully understanding yourself now at 29. I feel since reading up on personality types it’s made so much of my past experiences make sense to me and when I open up about them, I don’t want to have to justify myself. Just have someone listen and understand, it’s not who I am now. The only point I would disagree with is taking ages to reply, but I think because of my job and always being on my phone I just naturally reply to messages as they come in and I like the feeling of always having someone to chat to. But there are defiantly certain people who I’m not close to who message me and I think… you can wait 3 days for a reply from me 😂
@dogdonut3 2 жыл бұрын
I saw a Joyce Meng video where an ESFP who was in band said his wife wished he wasn't in the band and was home more. He commented that had she not been his wife he would have dumped her. Because obviously she was trying to control him. But years later when he retired from the band and spent more time at home, he realized she just wanted to spend time with him. Such is the ESFP.
@lorenaliutkute1206 2 жыл бұрын
your makeup is so beautiful!!!!
@deeptibala9899 26 күн бұрын
An INTP married to a “healthy” ESFP here. It’s been 13 years and it’s the best relationship ever. First couple of years we struggled a little but once I started communicating my internal thoughts clearly to him, he understood me completely and life has been so smooth with him from then on. He takes care of day to day needs which I’m bad at and I help him in finances, fixing tech issues, advice about situations and people, and generating out of the box solutions for every problem which he greatly appreciates. I respect him a lot and he is non judgmental and authentic. I can be myself around him, a comfort I have not experienced with any other personality type. To outsiders we are an unusual pair. He has at least two friends in whichever remote part of the country or any part of the world he goes to and all I have is two friends in 38 years of my life and that includes him 😅
@KathrineMarie4 2 жыл бұрын
Number teen is so spot on! I have been doing some really weird things in my life and my education journey has been well… I have been a bit confused. But it is so nice to know that I am not the only one. I love when people can see me for who I am today and when I can tell my story without people judging me. I love your Fi videos!❤️ As an esfp I sometimes needs lots of experiences and sometimes I need a lot of alone time to find out if I am doing what is in alignment with my values and feelings. Thanks a lot for making fantastic videos🙏✨👏
@tnic3255 2 жыл бұрын
Loved your interview with Melissa. You are so sweet, you are a bit like an ISFP to me in hearing your own thoughts and feelings. I know they have the same functions, but I would not think some of what you say about feelings is how my ESFP friends experience life. They don't talk much about their feelings and fit the stereotype of wanting to just have a drink and dinner and hang out to deal with feelings. They bring their SeTe to the party a lot! :) I don't have a super close friend who is ESFP currently, but my lifelong friend is an ESFP and she is just the softest sweetest person I know. (We've talked about ESFP and how she is so much an introverted ESFP but she is definitely much more "in action" than any ISFP I know, so by cognitive functions, is an ESFP.) A true softie, but that comes out in how she approaches others more so than her talking about her feelings a great deal. I've always been jealous of ESFPs and ESTPs b/c they know how to act! As a lead Ne, Se is last for me and they seem so much more exciting and able to decide what to do and just do it. I know that probably sounds like, duh, but for me, it really doesn't come naturally. I mull over all the possible things to do then never get around to doing them. I have traveled to so many places with so many people -- in my head!! :) Anyway, it's nice to get a different viewpoint of what is going on inside ESFPs or in the privacy of their homes. Because of Te, ESFPs can come across as a bit intimidating socially, I must admit.
@dracsharp 2 жыл бұрын
I went from not knowing who I am to knowing who I am, to realizing that the desire to know myself is pointless. There will never be a day when you figure out life. A day when you reach your final form. A day when it makes more sense to be old you instead of best you. Best you don't mean doing the best, but doing your best. Even if you suck at it currently and need practice. I also looked back on the dumb things I have done, and wondered about how to avoid them in the future, then realized that those were critical steps, and I really didn't know better at the time. If anything I need to do more mistakes, but obviously never the same ones. Three rules: Always do your best, Always Learn, Always get back up.
@flickeringflame216 2 жыл бұрын
Love the genie makeup :)
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks! I had fun with it 😁
@uhpluplum 2 жыл бұрын
me too, it's so pretty!!!!!! :D
@Milena-ix5mq 10 ай бұрын
Thank you for this video! I am an ENTJ lady and he is an ESFP lad, and although we have some things in common, sometimes it's difficult to understand him and keep up with him. I really need these videos to be able to understand him better and make sure I become the best partner he has ever had.
@o0ofatasyo0o 2 жыл бұрын
As someone with an ESFP best friend of 15 years, I was just nodding my head with every single point lol I remember a time when I was a bit resentful of the periods without contact but I got over it and, looking back, I realize I was just going through some stuff during that time so I was kind of reflecting outward. Now I just send her stuff or write to her and forget about it until she finally answers and I'm like "Oh right!" xD -INTP
@tatemitchell1479 2 жыл бұрын
ESFP here. Sarcasm is hard. I enjoy being sarcastic but I find it so difficult to determine when someone else is being sarcastic, especially when I’m drunk lmao
@eateatcat125 2 жыл бұрын
OMG THANK YOU for making this video it's been a long time since I commented on KZbin videos Im an ESFP and I would say this is amazingly accurate like finally there's somebody who knows what we want in relationships **Sending this to my ex boyfriend** But actually I personally like to plan a lot, I'm the one who will plan out every single detail with timestamps when I go out with friends (BECAUSE IM SOOOO EXCITED And I also love replying to texts, it makes me feel like I have lots of friends tho HAHAHAHA and I will reply a long message with a long message too!
@gracemaple1060 2 жыл бұрын
Intp here, my favorite way to interact with Se users is the, what would you do in *this random situation I came up with on the fly using Ne* game. They enjoy it because it scratches a bit of their Se itch and I enjoy it because I get to be creative and also try and figure out how they tick.
@EpicPaul64 2 жыл бұрын
This video was such good timing, because I sent you an email right before watching this, and once you got to #8, I said, "Oh, good! My email was short, and I tried my best to put in understanding of the ESFP's need to not be punctual!" I'm glad that you reinforced what I already knew about ESFPs, because I just came back from my ESFP friend's birthday party yesterday, and it was extremely loud and crowded, but I tolerated the pain in my ears and the overwhelming stimulation to make her happy, and she sounded like it really made her day! Also, I have a working computer now, so I should be annoying you like crazy with comments on some of your more recent videos during my old computer's struggles, haha!
@rad4924 2 жыл бұрын
The closest thing to an ESFP in my life is probably my dog. But to be fair, most of these tips would probably still apply. My dog hates it when I try to have theoretical conversations with it.
@englishkiwi3051 2 жыл бұрын
I lived with an ESFP who drove me insane... she was nice but was oblivious to the feelings of others. She would constantly play this really repetitive Latino music (literally every song had the same beat) REALLY loudly as soon as she got up in the morning, as soon as she got back from work and late into the night..... Sometimes I'd be in the communal area reading or watching TV and she would look at me and go "it's pretty quiet in here!" And I'd just ignore her at first but she would keep saying it until I just gave up and left. It wasn't until I moved out I just asked her "why do you play your music so loud for everyone to hear??? Why don't you put headphones on and be sensitive to the needs of others??? And she just said "because I like it".... She didn't know how much it was annoying me (I'm ESFJ)... i mean, how can you be so naive??? Do you not think playing really loud repetitive music which is literally driving people out from the communal area is not a great thing to do?!?!? Nice girl but just awful at reading people and not sensitive to peoples feelings at all! Probably an unhealthy ESFP....
@restlessmosaic 2 жыл бұрын
(I always try to be concise for your sake, but I read things back and understand how often I fail. I'm trying harder than you know.) Great video! INTP reaction: 1) How important is it that the partner experience the space with you? 2) I value this through Ti as a matter of accuracy. But accurate is fulfilled somewhere short of forthright, and my #4 Fe/#8 Fi is likely to undercommunicate compared to what you mean. 3) Do you see authenticity as primarily Fi, primarily whatever the person's dominant function is, or neither? 4) YES! I had so many people surprised that I wrote a book I told them I was going to write, and that experience changed my world. I don't hang w/speculators. Words are all the INTP understands half the time, and if I can't trust those, I've got 0 left to trust. 5) This is where E doesn't mean the common concept of E. INTPs are known for their independence, but could ESFPs need it *more*? 6) I never keep empathy and sympathy straight. That's not a good sign as to my empathy, is it? But I have training in government lobbying and psychological profiling, so maybe I have a fighting chance seeing other sides. 7) AHH IT BURNS 8) INTPs can go without contact for awhile too, but that's often because inferior Fe doesn't know when to contact. (It can also happen when the person isn't in front of us, but that's in front of *our* real world.) 9) I'm 100% in on this one, but I'm a patron, so you knew that. 10) I think the journey is especially undervalued for ESFPs, but it's undervalued generally. If we're not growing throughout our life, we're in effect claiming we've solved life at college graduation. And that sounds so stifling as to be fatal.
@glueball214 2 жыл бұрын
All good, I am especially drawn to how interesting an elaboration of # 3 would be. I fear it is all too much to transpire in the comments 💙
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
Thanks for the comment, Brandon! 1) Speaking for myself and some other Se doms I've spoken to, it isn't super important that the partner join us for these experiences. We could even do them alone. The joy is in the activity itself! Of course, it is better shared, but only if our partner gets equal enjoyment out of it. Otherwise, it might feel like we can't fully thrive or "let go" in that space. (For instance, I would rather be alone on a long road trip than with someone who doesn't like listening to loud music 🤣. I'll catch up with that person later.) I've had great experiences with close friends, but some of my really great experiences have been with strangers who I met that day and never saw again! 3) When I was editing this video, I wondered if I should have clarified this more! I think there was a slight contradiction in what I said. I think I would say whatever their dominant function is (though of course I do believe that all 4 of the functions are part of the person's personality). Because ESFPs can't help but "wear their heart on their sleeve", they naturally (without understanding MBTI) would assume that everyone else is doing so/is capable of doing so. So when they've found out that someone hasn't been open, or has kept their cards close to their chest, it can hit them hard. The thing is that some personality types are going to be less forward, and at the same time no less authentic. So it's on the ESFP to understand these differences. At the same time, ESFPs can recognise and appreciate authenticity regardless of type, and they are drawn to it, as I believe everyone is. But a step further, if in a closer relationship with an ESFP, perhaps it's helpful to understand that an ESFP at heart will just appreciate if their partner/friend tries to be open and verbal with their thoughts and feelings. As our radar for what's below the surface isn't great, not doing so can result in miscommunications, misperceptions and a whole lot of misunderstandings. 5) I think all types need independence. I think what varies is: - what that looks like for each type, and - how MUCH they value it 7) Hahahahaha 10) 100% 👌 (Look! I made a long comment!)
@restlessmosaic 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearkristin Thank you - this is helpful! (Short reply!) (Would be shorter without this explanation!)
@emilys3638 2 жыл бұрын
@@restlessmosaic This was fascinating and enlightening to read, so thank you for sharing all your thoughts! Overall I think you're doing well in your goals of growing to understand others more, and I base this statement primarily on your clear and obvious willingness to do so in the first place. But also in that you truly are displaying a deepened understanding from (what I assume) you had before. That's what's so incredible about this community: it's deeply heartening to see how many people truly care to interact better with others through increased understanding of their particularities. I know that's been a huge boon for me, most importantly in my increased ability as a feeling type to finally learn how to take things more objectively and less personally! (Unless it's clear that it was personal, haha!) MBTI just helps me see the good intentions behind actions that were not meant in the way they came across to me.
@emilys3638 2 жыл бұрын
@@dearkristin That was amazing to read and thoroughly enlightening! So proud of you for writing such an "essay" hahaha! This video really helped me further understand the similarities and differences between our two types (I'm ISFP so I find ESFPs to be both intimidating and also kindred spirits, if that makes sense!) Thank you for sharing your Fi heart with us..... It's beautiful and you're truly enriching so many lives by sharing your knowledge in this space! Happy Fi-day! ❤️
@purplemind93 2 жыл бұрын
Hi Kristin! Can relate to a lot of what you said as an ISFP. For example, the last one, I don't either want my past or even my present self to define who I am. Me talking and trying stuff out loud is me experimenting to FIND OUT, so I don't want other people to think they know me off of one or two things I've said about myself. Because I know that there is a lot that I can't make sense of and I am gonna change my mind and my words a lot when I realize that they were not as accurate for me as I thought. This also gave me an idea for another video: "16 types look back on their life and what they have learned". It's curious to me how the old version of a type is gonna present itself. Will they have "mastered" more of their 3 and 4 function? Will they have mostly gone through life just relying on the top two? It could either be a pure funny sketch or a bit more reflecting one. Preferably both ^^
@eleanorelliott 2 жыл бұрын
This’ll be great in helping my best friend (ESFP). thanks
@Sunny-bc2mu Жыл бұрын
As an INTP is really nice to hear from a very different type and learn new things
@mfernanda_trindade 2 жыл бұрын
I was thinking about your channel in the morning after I saw this notification, and I think that would be nice a serie of videos like a reality show, where all the personalities need to live in the same house for one month, don't know if it's a good ideia maybe just me and my imaginative infj mind haha
@t-roseg2567 2 жыл бұрын
As an ESFP i want to say THANK YOU! thank you so much, i’m not gonna lie but i am one of those ESFP’S that can read between the lines, but i prefer clear communication. Just be you and tell me haha! Anyways thanks SOOOO MUCH!!
@nerysghemor5781 2 жыл бұрын
A topic I would love to see is how Fi interacts specifically with the Se. From a Christian perspective especially…that would be fascinating. 👍 What do those Fi values do in how the Se expresses itself, both in passions to avoid and in passions that are the best expression of who God wants you to be? 🥰
@sarahrzewnicki7292 2 жыл бұрын
Can you do an ISFP version of this?
@waftsofpetrichor 10 ай бұрын
Do you, as an isfp, also have the ability to see through inauthenticity? And does it hit you hard when you realise someone isn't authentic with you?
@caramelunicorn8023 2 жыл бұрын
ESFP here and I feel really validated by this video thanks.
@roadways7enfp 3 ай бұрын
Thanks for this video. I'm trying to learn more about ESFPs
@rydohg 2 жыл бұрын
Can't wait for the ENFP Fi Friday!
@lyrakawashita 2 жыл бұрын
Let's wait and see if Jenna is up to.
@johnknight9150 2 жыл бұрын
Huh. INTJ here, clicking on the exact opposite of me for a laugh. Then I looked at the function stack. First time I realised it's exactly the same stack in reverse order. Maybe we are just drunken versions of each other! Although... when an ESFP gets tipsy, high, or perhaps overly stressed, do they start playing chess and coming up with conspiracy theories? ;-)
@aishanusoul 2 жыл бұрын
I discovered that too. In grip stress intjs can be have like esfps & vice versa lol. Both like to not be controlled, both want to be respected, heard & valued. Both have depth.
@EstarMM 2 жыл бұрын
Yes! i’m a esfp. I was sick over easter and spent the entire time researching fringe stuff, philosophising, and coming up with theories 😂
@Alexwhite_1948 11 ай бұрын
Nice 👍I'm a 36 yeared old ENFP father (settled down already, improved my T and S) and my daughter is an ESFP (4 years old). We love each other a lot, spend great time and enjoy each other. I love spending time to her. She's very observant and I love ti explain her things trying to give exact examples as she's S 😁 It's sooo interesting to research all this relationship stuff 🔥
@MRuthie2004 2 жыл бұрын
Great video! Keep up the good work!!! I would love to see a video with all the most compatible types interacting! Like INTJ and ENFP! And ISTJ and ESFP! That would be so funny 😂
@liamodonovan6610 2 жыл бұрын
Always excited to see you kirten you are awesome love you and love your videos
@earlybird6409 2 жыл бұрын
I would love to see a 16 personalities interacting on a road trip video-Infp
@glueball214 2 жыл бұрын
How cool was this video !! ( Chandler tone) and who wouldn't want to keep their ESFP happy 💙 unfortunately for me, it's looking like I'm going to need to do NASCAR with them 🙃 INTJ .. off to search for best earplugs
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
😍 😍 😍
@restlessmosaic 2 жыл бұрын
"Could it BE any more helpful?"
@claytonpayne4346 2 жыл бұрын
0:12 Mirroring the video so you're pointing at the right side, clever.🤣 Some day you'll have it sussed out.
@dearkristin 2 жыл бұрын
It's such a clear Se/Si difference. I've done this so many times but I never store away the right answer!
@erinrelph3445 2 жыл бұрын
Ha! Even still as a 64 year old ESFP my favorite days are what I call my meandering days. I just retired after 40 years of teaching and want nothing more than to have the freedom to travel and visit with my friends and loved ones whenever I want, having adventures along the way.
@guesswhat3602 2 жыл бұрын
I completely agree with #3 AUTHENTICITY, and also w/ the part of "considering to have a very intense and complicated interior life" hahaha
@arlettasloan6453 Жыл бұрын
Ahaha .. brought into the real world. Yes.I finally got, with my friends, where I would just be telling them things like "If we don't have the resources to do it, including knowing everyone is onboard with the plan and the plan actually worked out, then therei s no point in talking about it as if we are going to do it. That's just wasting time feeding dreams. Make it a reality or find something else that can be."
@naturalinstinct4950 2 жыл бұрын
from a writer's pov, i find ESFPs journey shares many similarities to "the hero's journey"; an an ENTJ who tries to get in touch with my Fi, i sometimes find ESFPs and INTJs have a tendency to use highly personal examples when conveying a Te point (which i contribute to their relatively balanced Te/Fi stack than gamma quadra judgers: ie. ENTJ ISFP), the simultaneous activation of Te and Fi can be overwhelming sometimes, where i literally don't know how to respond "should i intellectualize it with Te or respond with my half-assed Fi". Since i can't simply ignore the Fi undertone in the Te fact anymore, i literally can't compose my speech; this inability to express Fi leads to two possible reaction: one, avoid over-activating my Fi and use larger scaled, impersonal examples (Te); two, vent it out thru Se, which leads to anger and more physical tendencies (ex, i was literally seconds away from doing it one time i heard something i find so degenerative on the radio, i had to slam my fist onto the power button and physically leave my car to prevent myself from doing it)
@guesswhat3602 2 жыл бұрын
"A healthy ESFP" "Of course, within reason, as always" LMAO
@MazorKuziaki 2 жыл бұрын
"And yes I changed the color, because why not?" You mean: "I changed the color because I'm an ESFP and talking at a camera without taking a break to interact with the tangible world is literal torture."
@elisabethschlarb3059 2 жыл бұрын
THIS! Excellent video! 👏👏👏
@valerielinares2068 2 жыл бұрын
As an INFJ, when you said that introverts might feel stifled around lots of external stimuli.. I imagined myself trying to crawl out of a busy night club with lots of flashing lights.
@huntedsnark7507 2 жыл бұрын
Stifled seems like the extravet's world view ... I'd go more for 'overwhelmed', or 'crash-tackled by overstimulation' ...
@cultivateconference5014 2 жыл бұрын
The humor point is my favorite. I spontaneously jumped into a dam in winter one day and realized I have the personality of a child. Great. lol
@REV1517 2 жыл бұрын
Healthy (mature) is very important for all personality types. If my wife was not mature then her and my personality (INFJ) would clash bad. Very important to not let the shadow control you. I always told my wife, "Go, do, have fun! Don't wait for me." 👍 I also said that so I could have an excuse to be an introvert and not make her feel bad for being extroverted.😂
@littlefiddlechick1513 2 жыл бұрын
I have a friend (I don’t know his type) and we have different beliefs when it comes to christianity. But he and I have the friendliest discussions, debates about our different beliefs. when you mentioned being real to the SEFP It remind me about my friend. INFP
@realitiesoftypology7502 2 жыл бұрын
Help, Kristin! I have a friend dating an ESFP, and the relationship from what i understand of it is very good overall, but a bit one sided in an odd way. The ESFP really tends to sort of run things in the day to day, and does not want to see the long term. Because of this, my friend is more socially and physically active and happy about that. But the ESFP runs into problems sometimes with planning for example. How they handle planning is like this (I have a family member that is an ESFP that ALSO does this), they spend time "making plans" with everyone, so that we are locked in to something, and then the day of, they just wing it, tossing the 45 minutes or whatever amount of time spent planning completely out the window. The only real point to the plan making seems to be to lock in the space, so that no one else can do any planning. This is a faux planning designed to disallow all planning! It's also generally fine in and of itself because my friend is pretty cool with it, and enjoys what they do together. The issue though is, this ESFP will NOT do any realistic long term planning that lends itself to being an actual commitment. It almost feels like the only point of ANY long term planning is to then change plans to make sure that plan fails. I know you said not to date someone expecting them to change, but this has to qualify as an area where growth could help. What could my friend do to help confront this sort of issue, because it easily eats into other areas of their relationship, and will be bad for this person long term. I have known many ESFP's that have some level of this sort of issue, and I'm asking because I want to be respectful of the person in regard to it all. I know personality type presents interesting hurdles to each type for certain things every time that I see Elon Musk dancing. Even if he reminds me of a wiggler from mario we both know him doing that is a damn triumph. It also shows that people can get past these difficulties and grow as people. In short, when you were younger, what walls did you hit as an ESFP that helped you to mature (especially in regard to planning things and staying committed to even a small plan)? I know this issue will hurt their relationship if my friend can't do something in regard to it, so how should they bring it up, and what actually helps an ESFP to grow in the realm of their lower two functions?
@Michael59197 2 жыл бұрын
Nice to know what the exact opposite personality type is like. If I go to a lot of different places in a single day and meet fifty people... I will need a year in a deserted island to recover from that.
@lifesfluff 2 жыл бұрын
Very nice … easy to understand … I would be curious to hear your sisters perspective and how her ne interacts with her fi.
@hoibsh21 2 жыл бұрын
I can't remember the last time I had a red balloon voucher. It's probably lost by now.
@guesswhat3602 2 жыл бұрын
"GET USED TO PERIODS WITHOUT CONTACT" why is this so true, but it also has exceptions like with some ppl, but 96% of the time it is true.
@km7605 7 ай бұрын
Yeah! Does that mean they won’t be good partners because they don’t desire to stay in contact much?
@t-roseg2567 2 жыл бұрын
example of needing humor. (I am a 20F) My friend was not feeling to hot and has anxiety and was anxious over something they said they shouldnt be anxious about. So i was working on renovating my kitchen with my family, during it i was wearing my bright yellow fluffy duck shower/hair band, so i sent them a picture of it with my eyes squinted and i texted and said “as a citizen of the duck kingdom ducky show/hair band commands you to stop being worried about things you do not need to worry about. Ducky shower/hair band commands you to not buy worry! ex2 My bestie was feeling depressed so i asked on a scale of one -10 how bad is it, she said 10, so i told her to hold on. And i put on my cat sweater, and a old pink rhinestone tiara, and preformed the Chika Chika Dance (german version). She felt better. Ex 3 Same friend feeling depressed. Scale was 11 this time, so i dressed up in her favorite color, grabbed my pom poms and made a cheerleading dance and chant out of the letters of her name. I tripped halfway through and bumped intoa chair but it did the job and she felt better! I have more experiences ofc that ive done as an ESFP, but i’ll save that for when someone is interested. Anyways, thanks! I’ll be sure to share this with my friends so they can get a basis of how i work lol!
@Bloody-Butterfly 2 жыл бұрын
I am INTP. I like ESFP’s because they are usually nice and not bossy and not stuck up.
@EresirThe1st 2 жыл бұрын
You asked so here's what INTJs need in relationships: 1. Curiosity about the abstract. If you aren't interested in new ideas then we simply can't engage you in the most meaningful way. 2. Capability/Independence. We like to feel like equals in a relationship, not babysitters. This needn't mean independence in the economic sense, but you should be emotionally mature with your own interests, friends, skills etc. 3. Strong and uncompromising personal integrity. We need to know beyond a doubt that you are trustworthy. Additionally it feels exceptionally gross to us when values are bent for convenience. Sorry Fe users but many of you feel like you don't have souls. 4. A growth-focused mindset. Personal growth is extremely important to us and that needs to be supported, and just as importantly we are problem-solvers. If you have an issue we'll try to tell you how to fix it. TAKE THAT ADVICE. Nothing is more irritating than someone who would rather complain than actually fix their problem. Taking our advice not only improves your life it makes us feel listened to and valued. 5. Unambiguous communication. We won't notice whatever social hint you were giving to us, just say what you mean. 6. Be a planner. It doesn't have to be as all-encompassing as our plans but improvising anything feels very uncomfortable to us, so don't do it regularly.
@silenceditor 2 жыл бұрын
This was good except for 3 and 6. It sounds like you would do well to learn to be more accepting of differences in others. Overall great points though, peace to you!
@Veltior 2 жыл бұрын
I don't like 3. Would you adjust your own personal values in order to benefit others? Would you adapt your behaviour in order to create harmony and good for others around you? Would you lay your focus on the feelings of others, scanning them constantly in order to possibly be able to help or bring a positive change? You wouldn't. That's what Fe is about, where as Fi can be seen as selfish. It's about adaptability and doing what's objectively right on an emotional level.
@EresirThe1st 2 жыл бұрын
@@Veltior Fe offers only a fake harmony, it is skin deep and a relationship should never be skin deep. Fi connects to deeper reality of absolute morals, it isn't shaped by temporary convenience.
@Veltior 2 жыл бұрын
​@@EresirThe1st harmony is harmony. how can it be fake? if you mean that fe users won't share their feelings or make others share them, I strongly disagree. Fe soothes negative feelings and can create harmony by bringing others feelings to light, so they can work them out. I have multiple fi friends and i'm the one pushing for them to open up. this is not fe vs. fi. this is just about honesty, character and mindset. furthermore: what's good about fi always keeping their feelings inside of them and not being able to act upon them. especially having it on your lower function stack i don't feel like you can relate, because INTJs struggle with what they feel, and especially with what others feel
@EresirThe1st 2 жыл бұрын
@@Veltior This is the most ignorant post on INTJs and feeling functions I've ever seen. Fi is more in tune with emotion than Fe. I don't struggle one bit with identifying my emotions, and I express them whenever I want. Maybe they don't open up because they don't feel like it, emotions are personal, they don't have to be on display. Fe users paint a veneer of harmony but they don't care what's really going on. They treat it like fleeting social upkeep instead of anything deep and profound. It doesn't truly soothe, rather it applies a bandaid to a wound that needs serious surgery.
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