Debunking Dragon Age: The Veilguard Leak | Solas Hates This Fake Leak!

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@Peerless_Dad 8 ай бұрын
We all change when you think about it. We are all different people, all through our lives. And that's ok, that's good. You've got to keep moving. So long....... As you remember, all the people that you used to be. I will never forget the many faces i had throughout the DA trilogy. But god i can't wait another 10+ years for a final part. Dreadwolf had better wrap the story up.
@JackdawYT 8 ай бұрын
Giving me a Doctor Who quote this early (in the morning) from one of my favs 😭 It's so so true, thank you for this
@Peerless_Dad 8 ай бұрын
@@JackdawYT Everyone else was great, but Matt Smith was the peak Doctor Who for me. And no, thank YOU for the DA content over the years.
@CrankyCat78 8 ай бұрын
I remember a DA dev saying they always had loose ideas for three games ahead and that there was no planned end to the DA story.
@DarthShadie 8 ай бұрын
At the Brazil conference, they said there were 5 games planned total, and beyond that they did not know if there would be more. Loose ideas indeed.
@arnaldocosta1298 8 ай бұрын
like the other guy said, the series was originally planned/imagined for 5 games, and tbh i think if they finish in Dreadwolf the story will be rushed, they could make DAD with Tenvinter and Solas as main antagonists and a 5 game with the double blight
@wardensurana8336 8 ай бұрын
@@arnaldocosta1298 After taking 10 (or more) years with Dreadwolf that is very unlikely to happen. Heck, they will have to count themselves very lucky if people actually buy Dreadwolf after 10 years.
@BaronSitzkrieg 8 ай бұрын
Didn't even give this leak a second thought it sounded so BS from the start 😂
@StonedHunter 8 ай бұрын
See I'm almost expecting Solas to be the boss of the first act, as Dragon Age has a pattern of the most obvious obstacle being the first one out of the way. Origins had Ostagar, 2 had the Deep Roads/Hawke getting financially secure enough to protect themselves/Bethany from Templars, Inquisition had closing the Breach.
@tainadeoliveira 8 ай бұрын
Not to mention the trailer obviously teased Solas would not be the actual big baddie of the game They did this in Inquisition, as you said. We thought it was just about closing the Breach and all would be cool but oh no the villain showed up and it's Corypheus
@Nagram_ 8 ай бұрын
It's even comically obvious in Inquisition, the mage templar war that happens as result of the ending of II is resolved in one mission of our choosing and then oh, time to close the Breach almost instantly.
@VivieneMara 5 ай бұрын
Solas is 10000% the third act boss. So silly to think that he isn’t.
@julianreviews8102 8 ай бұрын
I talked with a self proclaimed DA QA tester on Reddit (I personally believed what he was sharing), and he said that the way BioWare has their people test the game makes it so that you can barely understand what’s going on narratively. They drop you into missions out of order and with no context. So while he had info on characters that were appearing and some elements of the story that were being mentioned, he couldn’t tell you the overall arc of the story (“this happens in act 1, this happens in act 2, this happens in act 3 etc”), a QA tester wouldn’t really be given enough coherent information to discern all that, so that’s what set off my BS detectors on this one.
@GabrielPassarelliG 8 ай бұрын
Also, 1,5 year to make textures? C'mon!
@julianreviews8102 8 ай бұрын
@@GabrielPassarelliG weirdly enough he did say that much of what was left to be done for the game was polish as far as he was aware. And BioWare did say the game was playable from start to finish last year
@GabrielPassarelliG 8 ай бұрын
@@julianreviews8102 But polish usually means cutscenes, bug fixing, balancing the gameplay, improving performance, etc. Textures are not what usually comes last.
@julianreviews8102 8 ай бұрын
@@GabrielPassarelliG fair enough!
@bubblybobabubbles 3 ай бұрын
That makes a lot of sense, actually
@marshallm0992 8 ай бұрын
one of the easiest ways you can tell if a leak is fake or not is how in depth the "leakers" lore knowledge is. Alpha testers aren't picked because they are fans of a given franchise, they are picked because a studio hired their team to do so. and while its entirely possible that an alpha tester could be a big fan, it just doesn't sit right with me how what they claim happens in the story can border on fan theory, like the archdemons are the elven gods just straight up sounds like a fan theory you would see on youtube or reddit. Even if it is possible (and i lowkey kinda buy it)
@ConnorLonergan 8 ай бұрын
The reason why it sounds like a fan theory is becuase it is a fan theroy
@Carblesnarky 8 ай бұрын
It's a post-BG 3 world. First person fantasy rpgs are a hot commodity again. BG3 & Dragon Age (especially Origins) have a fair bit of similarity. I think there is no way EA is going to not try and keep making money on it.
@yammoto148 8 ай бұрын
Leaks are bad. But I wouldn't mind an origins remake. Provided they actually balance the spell systems from Origins so that mages aren't redundant and broken. Cause right now its, cone of fire, cone of cold, cone of lightning. Your favorite element in a cone. Mages do be ice cream salesmen smh.
@sayurioffenborn4960 8 ай бұрын
Their are many things they could do. As long they don't change the comat, companions and story to much. More is always welcome.
@yammoto148 8 ай бұрын
@@sayurioffenborn4960 I mean they could make Sten actually a Qunari instead of just a big human which every Qunari shares his face.
@agirlnamedmichael1670 8 ай бұрын
I rarely use those spells at all, but then I'm not a min-maxer. I want to have fun playing a game, not just mow everything down because "this spell is the most powerful". You are the one choosing to use those.
@yammoto148 8 ай бұрын
@@agirlnamedmichael1670 Dude you could be doing a mage build designed to only support and do zero damage, and you will still do more damage with your staff attacks than archers can in that game. And healing is broken enough to invalidate herbalism. You might say, "I tale the high road, I don't use any broken combinations." But the reality is every spell is pretty broken in its own right. You would impress me more if you said you didn't use mages at all.
@agirlnamedmichael1670 8 ай бұрын
@@yammoto148 I use one mage because I enjoy his character being in my party, and I assure you that his staff attacks "don't do more damage" than my archer. It's not a matter of high's a matter of people complaining when they are the ones choosing to use certain "broken" builds. Every class in the game has ways to make it broken anyway. It gets to a point when you're on your third or whatever playthrough and you know the game so well that even the base characters make the game relatively easy
@blueblue4083 8 ай бұрын
Fake leaks always make me both annoyed and laugh.
@inkygreen 8 ай бұрын
Id be ok if dragon age ended at 4. But id like to see them start a side series about the rest of the world beyond Thedas. They could find new stories that wouldn't have to impact or heavily depend on the existing dragon age story. Eventually we are going to get to a point where our choices are too numerous to keep making alternative endings/events. Already with 3 games its overwhelming with how many choice combinations there are. And special combinations for cutscenes or dialog. Its alot to account for storywise. But they could step to the side and do a side series in the same world, but different continent outside of Thedas, to do a soft reboot. And if they go down that route, they could more easily attract new players who have never played dragon age. And may feel like they cant get into the series 4 or 5 games in without having played all the games. Likewise, it would interest long time DA fans to explore the world outside of thedas.
@JD-Media 8 ай бұрын
You're basically describing Mass Effect Andromeda.
@inkygreen 8 ай бұрын
@JD-Media ive never played mass effect. I know its a sci fi rpg but thats about as far as my knowledge goes on it. Id like to see them stick to fantasy rpg and just visit another continent (if any exist) in the world that includes thedas.
@JD-Media 8 ай бұрын
@@inkygreen Basically Mass Effect Andromeda is what you describe, it's in the same world as the previous games but is set in another galaxy so everything is brand new.
@agirlnamedmichael1670 8 ай бұрын
I don't find the choices overwhelming at all. They are usually pretty two sided in DA. Besides, Larian has already proven that complex can be done, it's just a matter of the studio wanting to put in the work to make it happen. I don't see Bioware doing that. They have never seemed to want to deal with it.
@inkygreen 8 ай бұрын
@agirlnamedmichael1670 we are going to get to the point where some choices are seen as just too small to rationalize having much (if any) of an impact in future games. Eventually we'll have conflicting narratives. Or too many alternative ways for something to go. If they wanted to bring Alistair back now, they have to account for King Alistair, warden Alistair (not sacrificed to the fade nightmare), warden Alistair sacrificed to the fade nightmare, a dead Alistair, drunkard Alistair, and ontop of all of those whether he romanced the Warden or not (and if the Warden is still alive) and have all that make sense for whatever story they want to tell with Alistair in it.
@davewxc 8 ай бұрын
Half squids instead of dragons in a Dragon age game? Find it hard to believe they'd do that.
@VivieneMara 5 ай бұрын
You are an idiot. -_- seriously you really are
@TyrbeTrost 8 ай бұрын
I don't mind Dragon Age ending, but I would hope they then move into a new age with a more focused and planned storyline for at least 3 games. I mean, let's be honest, I think they've winged quite a bit of the plot throughout the series. Like for instance the Grey Warden surviving, most likely never to be seen again because they didn't plan for it to become a franchise.
@wardensurana8336 8 ай бұрын
Yeah, maybe in 50 years. They take 10 years to make one single game, after all.
@AnnaYV 8 ай бұрын
I think maybe the person was meaning that the grey wardens were freeing the old gods from the dragons bodies unknowingly, due to having to kill the dragons to eliminate the arch demon of the blight (hope this makes sense?).
@Maxbroforce 8 ай бұрын
I have to side eye the "leak" for using 'Kossith' in lieu of any of the actual in-game terms like Qunari/Vashoth given how emphatic David Gaider (I think?) was that whatever the Kossith were, they're not the Qunari/Vashoth we see now. Also sincerely doubt it'd be another Warden storyline. I always feel a bit 😒when folks start calling for the double blight theory like gang do we not already have enough problems? With all that we know Solas has got up to from Tevinter Nights never mind the red lyrium, the titans, the new Big Bad voice from the trailer, possible foreign ships at Laysh, the Qunari invasion, the Crows, and the various giant monster vibes... Surely that would be enough for one game without adding doubled blight, right? I think if any of the DA games got a remaster though I'd almost vote more for DA2. Origins shows her age but 2 to me really shows the 'we got this done in 18 months' with the copy-paste locales and clunky combat that I hate so much I haven't completed a replay since moving to PC, despite 2 being my most replayed DA game if my Keep character records are anything to go by. I've been a DA fan since Origins first came out (back in the ancient days of 2009), and fifteen years on I'm still going strong. I won't deny the ten+ year wait for DA4 has been a slog, buuuuut it's also not the first game I've waited a decade for (fingers crossed DA:D has more narrative cohesion than FF15). I certainly hope Bioware never faces the same circumstances that led to this wait time again. I do, however, feel like it'd be unlikely for another Andromeda-Anthem incident to repeat. All that to say that getting older doesn't necessarily mean the series or things we love now will suddenly lose meaning. Not that there's anything wrong with changing priorities/losing interest. I might be less active in the small parts of fandom I choose to participate in without a new game to talk about, but the friends I've made and the deep love of the lore keep me tethered (as do channels like yours). I've actually been running a DA campaign for almost two years now, and I will definitely say when the Word of Dev leaves us with nothing, sometimes we just have to seize it and make our own DA4 with Wicked Grace and Bards. Sorry my jokes are dated and bad :'). So maybe it'll be a bit quieter, maybe hearing the next DA game is out will be a pleasant surprise but I think something you've invested a decade in thus far will stick with you, even if it is a much more personal enjoyment vs. fandom creator. If Dreadwolf is the last game, I think I'd only be disappointed if they tried to cram everything into it instead of looking to extended media to potentially tie off some loose ends. There's just no way one game would adequately cover everything that's left. Definitely a 'you need to plan this exit and wind down the new lore drops' series of games endeavour or we need more novels/comics/movies so all the hardcore lore fans can get closure. Or I guess it'll be time to write a new campaign and make it all up for ourselves.
@lost_witness_8495 8 ай бұрын
I like the smiley leek that keeps popping up throughout the video. 😂
@JackdawYT 8 ай бұрын
hahah I'm really glad you liked Jimmy the fake leek! Solas hates him
@lost_witness_8495 8 ай бұрын
Haha you named him too ! Love to see it. Small things like that amuse me and cheer me up so thanks for that. 😂👍
@LoveWolves37 8 ай бұрын
The FADE is broken? Lol. I think the person should have said VEIL. But that means its not a real leak
@XPushingOBorders 8 ай бұрын
re: Solas hates the Grey Wardens for freeing them - I think you misunderstood. My take away is that when a Grey Warden kills an archdemon, they are freeing the spirit/soul of the Elven Gods (like Flemeth transferred from body to body), not that the Grey Wardens are trying to free the Archdemons.
@WinteringHeart 8 ай бұрын
I can see some of those leaks being true. I just don’t think we need to get our expectations too high. Yeah they’ve introduced us to new factions, but sticking us in Weisshaupt and calling us Grey wardens in some blindly ignorant attempt at fan service is something I’d totally see them doing. Plus if would streamline it from a narrative perspective and this game was started like 3 separate times. I could see the beginning getting lazy. I hope im wrong. Also your monologue there at the end about time and who you are hit me. I lost my best friend in April, and I lost my mom three days ago. My world has gotten a lot smaller, and some of the stuff you said hit me hard. Big love. ❤
@lordofgingers 8 ай бұрын
Part of me still thinks the Old Gods are aspects of Mythal and that throughout the ages, she has been rebuilding herself by speaking the calling, setting the old gods free, and collecting their souls at the end of it all. I do not think Morrigan was the first dark ritual and I think Solas is interested in giving Mythal her chance to seek revenge. Solas's " I had plans"
@agirlnamedmichael1670 8 ай бұрын
I think Morrigan was indeed the first and only Dark Ritual because every previous Archdemon that was killed had the Warden that killed it die too.
@lordofgingers 8 ай бұрын
@@agirlnamedmichael1670 as far as we know that’s the whole story. I think there’s more to it. There’s so much we still don’t know
@agirlnamedmichael1670 8 ай бұрын
@@lordofgingers Yeah but the sad reality is that we will likely never get even half of the answers we want because of the way Bioware does stuff. It's a bummer.
@dirayne 8 ай бұрын
Although I would love to see any details about the game, because I just can't wait for it to come out, many leaks seem to be just for the sake of hyping on the theme.
@DarthShadie 8 ай бұрын
BioWare did say all would be revealed this Summer. Leaks are fun, but need to be taken with a grain of salt.
@TheRoguePrince0 8 ай бұрын
I hope that the 2 last Archdemons won't be in dragon age 4. They should save the last 2 for dragon age 5. Dragon age started with a blight so it should end with the blight to end all blights. It's like poetry it rhymes.
@wardensurana8336 8 ай бұрын
😂 There won't be a Dragon Age 5. Dreadwolf will not achieve what is necessary for a 5th game. It's very likely Dreadwolf will be the final nail in the coffin for Bioware.
@TheRoguePrince0 8 ай бұрын
@@wardensurana8336 why don't you tell the lottery numbers since you're such a great fortune teller. Oh maker how cliche can you get. Let me guess you also think that the elder scrolls 6 is going to suck and you hate D4 and you think blizzard is past it's prime.🤦‍♂️
@PALADINKILLIAN-1403 5 ай бұрын
@@wardensurana8336 then you dont understand how EA works kiddo
@TheRoguePrince0 8 ай бұрын
I thought that every age lasts at least 100 years and right now the dragon age is only in the 40s to 50s
@danmorris5498 8 ай бұрын
not to be cynical I think that Dragon age will be around as long as it makes money like I love the story and the lore and all that. But they are a business and as long as it is profitable they will continue it.
@tobygrimes9633 8 ай бұрын
ME3 was supposed to be the last one too , at least in the Milky Way. Plans are always changing. If they stop using frostbite things shouldn't take as long. Sad to think this will be Bioware's only game for the PS5 generation of consoles.
@JD-Media 8 ай бұрын
Yeah even if this was the "final" game, give it a few years and they will announce a new game just like with Mass Effect.
@dacastardust 8 ай бұрын
I can’t imagine clowning about DA with anyone else 😂 JACKDAW YOU CAN’T EVER LEAVE US (kidding - but also not really)
@JackdawYT 8 ай бұрын
hahahha aw thank you so so much, really appreciate that!
@npc6254 8 ай бұрын
I could see something like a dragon age version of the Mass Effect Legendary Edition happening because it was extremely profitable but I doubt it.
@Nagram_ 8 ай бұрын
Reminds me of that leak from years ago that mispelled Solas's name as Silas.
@williamleonard5879 8 ай бұрын
Bro I can't wait to play dragon age re-origins.
@BB-ih6nc 8 ай бұрын
It would be cool if Dreadwolf ends with the escape of the Elven gods and the rise of all the remaining archdaemons. Then the DA5 could be full circle with wardens, but maybe as party members rather than player characters. Think, the remains of the Inquisition supporting the wardens to destroy the remaining archdaemons as the remaining nations either help or have been destryoed in the chaos. Imagine like the escape of the elven gods wipes out all of The Free Marches in one fell swoop after their escape, burning in fire as millions die, showing us the raw power and danger we are up against. Solas is either redeemed and helping or dead depending on your DA4 choices. But it actually ends with the last archdaemons being killed and the surviving old gods ripping open the vale. Ending the world as we know it. Then an entirely new series starts as the Dragon Age has ended and the entire world is in magical chaos. Think the Witcher with monsters and spirits everywhere but 100x worse because it's essentially the way the world is and always will be. So this new series takes place after the remnants of the societies have managed to set up some sort of civilization, though completely different and alien to what we knew in Dragon Age. Maybe with humans constructing settlements and cities sheltered by a shield which acts as a mini-vale to protect them from the spirits and demons, while the most skilled go for hunts in the wild lands, while the Elves are rebuilding their long lost glory in harmony with the chaos. Dwarves, I have no idea what they'd be doing... Then we could have spin-off series exploring times in the past like early human times, ancient elven times and even the fall of Arlathan.
@shizuma357 8 ай бұрын
That PART! I'm in my mid 20s and I'm heartbroken that my younger self didn't get to play the next sequel because who knows If I'll have time for it when it comes out
@dawidzegota. 8 ай бұрын
Although this ,,leak" is fake, it painted quite nice prespectives into whta DA:D could be in alternate reality, but sadly, many of those ideas might be not possible with current state of Bioware and EA. Also, Origins remake is a dream of many, but again, sadly unachievable... Nevertheless, great video as always!
@mightyn8 8 ай бұрын
I'm not sure if any of the leak at all is true, but I'm intrigued by the idea of the Dragon Age ending with everyone becoming mages (it's definitely something I've thought of before and even read a fanfic with ideas of it). Could the Dragon Age franchise then continue on with the "Dreamers Age"? I would hope that Bioware would find a catchier and more unique title this time around since it was a marketing nightmare to have the title of the franchise be so common so far, but I would love to see what comes next in the world of Thedas in a completely new age, as there's so much richness in the world and stories left to explore.
@akatsuki3399 8 ай бұрын
See, but I remember the team a few years ago saying they wanted DA 4 to be a “jumping off point” for new players to get into the series. It being the last one seems to be directly at odds with that.
@corvidkusnos 8 ай бұрын
I kinda want DA4 to be the final one for this plot line. That's not to say I wouldn't like future games set within Thedas because I think a refresh could be really fun for the players and the devs. DA4 could wrap up and give closure for long time players and a new story for the next generation of players and devs to enjoy.
@brodieorr5393 8 ай бұрын
I really hope dreadwolf ditches the stupid fetch quest inflation of game time. I never go back to inquisition cause I don't want to run around and do random quests with next to no good rewards for a couple hours before I can do the next mission Inquisition would take like half the time to beat without the power requirements
@supernova9930 8 ай бұрын
What is interesting is how developers once said that EA has never really gotten dragon age. It wouldn’t shock me to see this be the end of the franchise with EA restructuring BioWare into something else entirely.
@edwinvanooijen7749 8 ай бұрын
Also for Dreadwolf to end the Dragon Age, it would need to have an in game time of decades.
@blakethebeast3174 8 ай бұрын
A possibility I hope is that Dreadwolf will be like Kingdom Hearts 3 in that it closes out one part of the Dragon Age mythos (Solas, Elven Gods/Old Gods) and leaves it open for other entries after with just enough threads for whatever's not resolved in the game. Maybe not as obvious as KH3 (what with its stingers and DLC that stated KH4 was definitely on the way) but still with potential with future stories to tell. Also, an Origins remaster would be very much appreciated, but a remake would be quite the project to undertake and I don't want them to delay new titles for that.
@spotlight1677 8 ай бұрын
Too many over arching stories, 2 magisters dead with The Architect of Beauty still alive along with 4 more roaming around, 5 Old Gods dead with two and possibly a 3rd still in the deep roads. The Evenuris might be Old Gods, is the Black City curable of Taint. What's gonna happen to reborn Urthemiel? 10 years with all these questions...
@akivahirsch4343 8 ай бұрын
Jackdaw. They probably won't be able to do it in the game, but maybe they will tie some things up with DLCs?
@JackdawYT 8 ай бұрын
Very good idea!!!
@akivahirsch4343 8 ай бұрын
@@JackdawYT it's very simple. Have the majority cleaned up in the main game and I think it's doable to have 1 issue handled across maybe 3 DLCs
@agirlnamedmichael1670 8 ай бұрын
I think the leaker meads that the Veil is broken, not the Fade. Some people are under the impression that if the Veil is broken everyone will become mages because there will be no further separation between the world and the Fade.
@JD-Media 8 ай бұрын
I don't know, if The Dread Wolf is the final game, they are not promoting it as such. When you have the final chapter in a story, you go out of your way to advertise that. Being the final chapter immediately drums up more interest than just another regular sequel, coming out and saying this game will conclude the series will raise the stakes immensely for the game's story and marketing. Like how with Mass Effect 3, they advertised the game as the conclusion to the Shepard's story and the trilogy.
@JD-Media 8 ай бұрын
I will admit Dragon Age REorigins is actually pretty clever.
@thatssoderek2188 8 ай бұрын
Just a note on the leak mentioning a new age. it doesnt make much sense as each age is 100 years and the next age is named by the current Divine. The current year at the end of tresspasser is 9:44 and 9:45 being the setting for the comic Dark Fortress. Unless they decide to name new age early with the veil coming down theres at least another 50 years left in Dragon Age.
@ShoppingAttic 8 ай бұрын
Isn't there a whole mystery surrounding fortress weissahapt? All communication lost from the grey wardens there, plus the events of the last flight book, and the comics? If it is the base, all of that would need to be addressed immediately. I feel like the main camp should be elsewhere, no idea where, but not the fortress, not right away anyway
@MalarikFilms 8 ай бұрын
8:00 I think the guy was saying that the wardens are the old gods by accident Which would make more sense
@andreaw2053 5 ай бұрын
I've recently been fascinated by the expectation gamers have for there to be a next game - for everything we enjoy to become an undying franchise. Dragon age is a wonderful series with wonderful lore and wonderful characters, but there comes a point where we can appreciate the time we've spent with it and set our sights on new worlds, new stories, new experiences. It's not the games fault, nor is it Biowares, nor is it EAs, nor is it ours. We can't spend our lives waiting, but maybe, if our paths cross by chance in the future, we will enjoy the surprise all the more. Of course I'm just being full of sh*t because here I am counting the days until Bioware actually gives us a concrete release date.
@christina.morris 8 ай бұрын
I do honestly think they're intending Dreadwolf to be the last game in the series, at least for a good long while. It has all of the makings of a big finale, and if we on the outside are concerned about Bioware's future, can you imagine how folks on the inside feel about it? I can't imagine they're confident they'll be able to make another Dragon Age game after this one. Bioware just doesn't have the resources to manage two franchises at once now, with all of their games post-Inquisition needing to have all hands on deck just to get out the door. So, on some level, it makes quite a bit of sense that they'd be trying to bring the story to the best conclusion they can
@mauricewilks1974 6 ай бұрын
Is it true that there has been a large amount of redundancies at E.A recently , that will affect the release of Dreadwolf please?
@LukasHornoch 8 ай бұрын
Honestly? This sounds legit. I 100% see them going in exactly this direction. Old gods=Elven gods. Also, you probably want to tie it all to the Blight, as it is the ultimate threat from DA:O, thus you play a Grey Warden. You can also bet the evil Elven gods unleashed the blight originaly, further streghtening their ties to the Archdemons. The final game may not be that good and we may not like this direction but it sure fits all we were getting so far and what I would expect.
@willsword8100 8 ай бұрын
Hmm it does make sense, it's frustrating but on par with the leaks of old. The leaks for Kingdom hearts birth by sleep. The leaks for final fantasy 16 were also fairly accurate. Who knows.
@calebu31 8 ай бұрын
I think by freeing the archdemons, it meant when they kill them they free the elven spirit in them
@odd-eyes6363 8 ай бұрын
Since you mentioned it, could you make a video about all those loose threads that should be addressed in Dreadwolf? I love Dragon Age but am not caught up with the lore since I dislike reading the codex and haven't consumed any material like comic books
@ravenchild5141 8 ай бұрын
The part that clearly marks this as fake is imo the whole "DA4 is going to be the last Dragon Age" bit, because: 1) DA is a decently big name and Inquisition was a successful game. Why would they NOT try to continue that? Yes other BW games have flopped, that's all the MORE reason to focus on Dragon Age because clearly they did something right there 2) It may not even be Bioware's decision - and knowing EA, they will likely continue the series as long as they think it's profitable to do so. EA is not going to end a successful franchise just because it makes sense for the story to do so. Case in point: Mass Effect. Which still gets a new game even after Andromeda because clearly the franchise still has value. 3) Even if it was the last game - how would a QA tester know that? Even IF you can piece together the story from whatever part you're testing (and that's a big if), they're not gonna put a pop-up in there that tells you that this is the last installment of the series lol
@JD-Media 8 ай бұрын
4) They are not even promoting it as the last game, if it's the final chapter in the series, they definitely would advertise it as such. Just like they did with Mass Effect 3, they promoted that game as the conclusion to the trilogy and Shepard's story. When something is supposedly ending, it drums up more interest, marketing the game as the final chapter would be a no-brainer rather than keeping it a secret.
@karandullet380 8 ай бұрын
I mean if this game will the end....i gotta say Dragon age has like a beautiful symphony from the first and till now the new game that will come will be the most gracious end of this series hopefully and it'll something we'll remember it for
@karandullet380 8 ай бұрын
I guess this will be a big big game
@notsosmartguy6254 8 ай бұрын
I feel like a DA5 should be a "soft reboot". Dreadwolf will probably take place in 9 50s of the dragon age, there's another half a century they could create at least 2 or 3 more games.
@raerae1518 8 ай бұрын
As one of the real OG gamers, i am confident you will always love the game ... even when you're old lol ill miss your channel if you leave this tho 😊
@maiafay 8 ай бұрын
Killing them might release them by default. So it is plausible that the Grey wardens are inadvertently freeing the old gods. And everyone becoming mages is what I though would happen when all the magic is returned. I mean, the prophecy by Enchantment Boy in Dragon age 2 pretty much said what would happen. Why is that weird or wrong? You can certainly have a connection to what is already around you….which would be magic everywhere. It would return those cut off from the fade to their rightful forms/condition.
@imhisgardener9055 8 ай бұрын
I was 17 when I was introduced to Inquisition - I don't think I could take being in my early thirties and STILL waiting on this series. Honestly, this is my favourite game franchise by far and I am an enormous fan but I'm hoping DA4 is the end. To be honest I would be a little concerned to see another Dragon Age game after Dreadwolf considering most of the original creators and writers have been laid off by EA. I'm expecting DA:D to be kind of meh, with a lot of rushed endings (I just want Solavellan closure at this point), but the series will always have a special place in my heart regardless. And if they do a DA:O remake I will be set forever ❤
@Sh-yd7ss 8 ай бұрын
I would be so disappointed if the protagonist is going to be set only as Grey Warden. I LOVE Grey Wardens, but I do not want to be so restricted. The fact that the previous leak also featured playing as a Grey Warden, most likely a short part of the prologue of the game, then this "leak" also confirming that information... I just hope it's not true, and the part featured in the leak was just one of the origin stories that the playtesters had no idea that it was an origin.
@BelieveIt1051 8 ай бұрын
It all sounds like absurd speculation based on current hints and clues. The only thing I would point out here is that in the image of the wolf biting the city, those beams of light on each side of its face look like the necks of dragons. So those could be the old god dragons, and it would be cool to see them in DA4, but I don't think it makes sense for the old gods to be the evanuris. They should be separate entities.
@NikiN7 8 ай бұрын
Thanks Jack. How did anyone ever believe this?
@lukeorloki 7 ай бұрын
Personally, I hope the greyspawn aren't a significant part of DAD. The grey wardens were all ridiculous idiots or criminally absent in DAI. I would rather see Orsino then the greyspawn in DAD. I would rather they need a 5th game to wrap up the storyline properly then have the wrap up in DAD be bad like how bad the star wars sequels were.
@madamimadam4958 6 ай бұрын
I am not exactly casual to your content, but i drop every now and then to check how alive the game is, because you felt a truly passionate lovier of dragon age but not biased to how fragile the health of the franchise and bioware is. I am listening to Thedas love theme - Dragon age Inquisition Soundtrack now to type, I don't know either. As I said to a friend, who didn't bother to play it eventually... I just hope it does the job. Cyberpunk 2077 was absolutely amazing and Bioware could really make such a masterpiece with dragon age, what it means to be spiritual debate, be a better person the struggles and how much faith is an essential component to that. Should we make self aware evolution collective as EDI modified her code, as geths? But you know with dragons, the veil, the chantry , breaking the ice through marvellous characters. Dragon age as an experience unfortunately is outdated. If someone plays cyberpunk he can't get easily hooked up with origins.Not only as game engine, the debt of the characters and interactions was the first time being so deep,. but they are just on the baseline today. ((well origjns may does a better job than inquisition, but it's sort of blurry in my head) And I can not ask that from Bioware as it is a mess right now. I am not even sure they will hit the mark, Andromeda was such not grasping the good writing resources of its time. I hope they just do an ok job if it's not to end it. Do i wish they kill it? Sure. But it doesn't feel realistic. It is like the lost engagement to the source material, and again, it is the game that could set a very healthy debate how to engage spirituality so we can collectively be a nice crowd. NIce to each other and diverse , accepting, the whole spectrum, even those who don't thing they belong or other people don't believe themselves or others don't belong.
@barney12531 8 ай бұрын
You can’t be a mage that no good !
@ShoppingAttic 8 ай бұрын
Wherever you go Jack, dont delete your channel ok lol not just DA fans but Your fans ❤ im just a few years older than you but echo the same feelings here as ai have often in your other videos. Myself, I havent touched a da game in pepbably 6 months or more. Other games and other interests in life. Bioware/EA are making their choices and time is ticking onwards. I'm torn between wanting the original 5 game plan for the series and also desparately wanting it all to be done with. Cheers to 2030???!! 😮😂
@lilysong1321 8 ай бұрын
I would love remasters of the previous games that I could play on my PS5, mostly so I could actually sell my older consoles cause I literally only keep my PS3 in order to play DAO and DA2. lol.
@Ludonauta 8 ай бұрын
This "leak" is just a compendium of well known stuff mixed with safe assumptions. Don't know why the nonsensical ending though... Something similar to the tricolor ME ending would have been way more believable (everyone is a mage/all magic is gone/nothing changes) but straight "everyone is Magicman" is surreal.
@JustMike_Official 8 ай бұрын
I'm inclined to believe maybe 10% of those supposed leaks. The way it sounds, it seems like the kind of random stuff someone who barely understands DA franchise would put on the internet for the lolz, just to stir up sh*t.
@catika505 8 ай бұрын
Why would they remake Origins if they are ending the franchise? Makes no sense.
@JackdawYT 8 ай бұрын
Cash in one final time on what many consider to be the best RPG of 2000's, plus best Dragon Age game of all time too
@mgoodinoz 8 ай бұрын
Your leek is super cute! But the so-called leak sounds like a lot of BS. It's a rehash of other people's theories and uncredited art theft. I honestly don't think Weisshaupt is a good hub - it's a remote and forbidding fortress of a wildly-discredited faction in a darkspawn-tainted expanse of mountains. Skyhold might have been a bit remote and in mountains, but at least it wasn't on blighted land. I can certainly understand your concerns about DA Reorigins (wth?) I'm older than you and my life has certainly changed in the years since DA:0 was released. I'm still interested but honestly, fandoms have come and gone, risen like the undead and died again in the meantime. I don't know if there is enough of a market to support the time and expanse of a remaster.
@sinisterwitch9230 8 ай бұрын
Everybody becomes a mage ❤ well dwarves have no connection to a fade but fade will be everywhere worlds will merge like in avatar kora thats how they become mages . Ambient will be filled with fade magic that will become common it will be new air
@The-Game-Judge 8 ай бұрын
Nice video! My boy Solas 🥲
@anderporascu5026 8 ай бұрын
Elven gods in the bodies of the archdemons... Someone took this BS for gospel, Solas said specifically that nothing connects the elven gods to these archdemons. He may be called the trickster but he isn't famous as the liar. Dragon Age 4 being the finale does sound credible as the series no longer has it's foundational legs to stand on and was given whatever the foundational creator gave as a parting gift. Without said creator there can be no more dragon age games, only poor mimics. Said creator likely moved on to some Indie studio by now with new ideas brewing.
@sayurioffenborn4960 8 ай бұрын
9:26 I would think it quit the oposite. Solas Act I the old Gods Act II and no Act III DA always have 2 main acts. I get the 10 year wait for DAD, but to say every Bioware game will be that long would be a no for me. I would love a DA5 as that was my expectations. In 2 games they can bring all to an good end. And let be real the Dragon age can't be forever. The next age have to come. But i am not sure if i will like the new Bioware. Hopefully i will find a new studio with good games to go. And i am pretty sure it isn't Larian.
@apocryphonofmeaninglessnes4179 6 ай бұрын
no quanari nooo
@kadirr8974 8 ай бұрын
Oh I hope Dreadwolf is a success bc then Mass Effect 5 is guaranteed. If it fails financially then I can imagine EA pulling the plug for good for Bioware. Its been so long since they made a decent game. I just dont count Legendary Edition bc this was a Remaster but Anthem was shockingly bad which proves again that Singleplayer Centered Studios will NEVER get a Live Service Game properly working in addition with a larger Story. Destiny is one of the few that can barely hold itself and Im sure that Suicide Squad will be just as bad as many many other Live Service Games bc Narrative driven developers wont get it working.
@andrewlaidlaw7975 8 ай бұрын
To me it just seem like EA/Bioware are going for a similar sort of gap between the next dragon age game similar to what Blizzard did with Diablo 2 & 3 in something like a 15 to 20 year between the release of the new game. Either way it just seems like a rather long time between release of between games But would have been good if the wait between games wasn't as long
@heyitsevie 8 ай бұрын
All you needed to say was stolen art and ofc its fake news LOL but on a real note. I turned 27 yesterday and even though I've loved Dragon Age up, and I always will. But its also completely realistic to think that you may not want to be a youtuber in another 5-10 years. Will we always have the freedom we had growing up to enjoy games? No. But I think as long as the games are faithful sequels then I will continue to play and enjoy them
@eastbow6053 8 ай бұрын
hope its not true cause that would throw the lore out the window wardens killing the archdemons and the supposedly elven gods trapped inside them are dead? not likely, they are powerful to survive this, if bioware kills them off screen i am dropping the series
@elissahe2377 8 ай бұрын
They won't release a dragon age origins remaster because it wouldn't make sense. Dao is meant to be old and feel old.
@wig.snatcher 8 ай бұрын
what does that even mean
@elissahe2377 8 ай бұрын
@@wig.snatcher Basically if they remake it, it'll take away the old feeling to the game and make it feel new and not in a good way. I'm not sure how to explain it
@Rain-cs3wp 8 ай бұрын
like it’ll mess with the nostalgia? i mean capcom remade re4, and people still loved it bc (from what i heard) it did the og game justice and even improved it in some ways. a remake can definitely still invoke that feeling of nostalgia for og player IF it’s done right
@Qunarr 8 ай бұрын
That’s the whole point of a remaster is to make the game look better and more modern. Dao isn’t supposed to look old and outdated. When the devs were making dragon age origins they weren’t telling themselves “okay how can we make the game look like it’s 15 years old”
@elissahe2377 8 ай бұрын
@@Rain-cs3wp With games nowadays it'll ruin it.
@breakstone14 8 ай бұрын
Honestly Jack, the bit at the end I think shows you are personally burnt out on covering Dragon Age. I don't see any evidence that DAD is the final DA game aside from Bioware themselves being on fire but that leans more to the future of Bioware being in doubt. Maybe once this game (hopefully) comes out, you should take a break from following Dragon Age for your own mental health. It's been a pretty negative development to follow. Wish you the best.
@mortho8587 4 ай бұрын
i will laugh my ass off if its really comes that way... you guys still dont get how crazy bioware gone hmm *cough* masseffect *cough*
@dreamingflurry2729 8 ай бұрын
"...plays like Inquisition..." - This falls under: Me not like! I would have preferred if they went back to the roots: Dragon Age Origins!
@legomaster6201 8 ай бұрын
I want dragon age series to go on forever and ever and ever. I don't want dragon age series to ever end
@jonathansidwell1 8 ай бұрын
alot of BS. Fake.
@grapplingberger 8 ай бұрын
da 2 and 3 were crap imo
@dreamingflurry2729 8 ай бұрын
I agree with the leak - if you were to take down the veil, then everybody (except maybe dwarfs, as they have no connection to the fade!) would get access to magic, not just the few people who are born with a very strong connection!
@sayurioffenborn4960 8 ай бұрын
My question is: What will really happend? Solas have shown he can't predict the outcome. The veil is their for quit a time and much could have change. So Solas bringing down the veil and what happend is something total different and surprise everyone is what i think will happend. It could be everything the dev. want. A new age begin.
@RevanSurik 8 ай бұрын
7:27 Not sure the Old Gods being Evanuris makes much sense, though. According to legend, it was the Old Gods who directed the ancient Tevinters to destroy Arlathan, but why would the Evanuris help humans destroy their own old subjects? I mean, even the possibility of the elves of Arlathan actually being Fen'Harel loyalists (which would explain the Evanuris hating them) doesn't make much sense, as it was the Evanuris that the Arlathan elves worshiped and remembered during the long slavery under Tevinter. Besides, if the Old Gods were Evanuris, then Flemeth's whole agenda with Morrigan in DAO was about saving the soul of an Evanuri. Now why would Flemeth/Mythal want to save/preserve the soul of one of the people who murdered her?
@Mick_Unfiltered 8 ай бұрын
Looking for dragon age leaks? Devs *hate* this one simple trick!
@thirdcoastfirebird 8 ай бұрын
I'm going to be in my 50s if it is 10 years down the road. At that time I will just enjoy it.
@stuffdude6212 6 ай бұрын
The concept the person was talking about sounds like the Grey Wardens have been UNKNOWINGLY freeing the Elvhen gods the entire time. Not that they are actively trying to free them. Sounds like they're implying that the method we all thought with a blighted figure killing and Archdemon and drawing their soul into their body thereby killing both souls may not be the case. Like only one soul is dying while another is roaming the fade or something.
@stuffdude6212 6 ай бұрын
Which would have insane implications. Even Solas' argument with Blackwall mentions that the Grey Wardens are constantly messing with concepts they don't understand. The way he said it even implies that he knows more about the blight than he's letting on or even knew it's Original Purpose/ how it was created.
@JessicaT10118 8 ай бұрын
Thank you for the comprehensive update! It's been a long near decade. At this point, I just hope Bioware makes a definitive Dragon Age experience. Silver lining is it will be only on current gen systems, so hopefully they can really push it.
@karandullet380 8 ай бұрын
Sometimes i hate being right
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