@The_Nightsong 3 минут бұрын
Antivan Crows!!! 😁😁 I miss Zevran, haha ❤❤
@tanna_k 8 минут бұрын
I'm choosing between Veil Jumpers and Shadow Dragons for my elven mage
@Anna-B 13 минут бұрын
My only major complaint is the change in combat. The changed it from a system I can be good at to a system I just can’t be
@DietzNutz-oj4dy 14 минут бұрын
FINALLY, Harding as a romance option😤😈👹
@NickCorvello 20 минут бұрын
Is there a guide or chart on which factions are exclusive to which classes, or is each class able to be a part of these factions but start in the story with different roles?
@AVhq11 26 минут бұрын
If i can play as Rivain pirate/lord of fortune... Then it's a pretty simple choice.
@spir0u 31 минут бұрын
I’m so glad I’m not the only one whose brain keeps calling it "Dragon Age: Taylor’s Version" because of the acronym lmao
@mydeerestdivine 35 минут бұрын
What's the reason you mentioned Josie as a connection to the Crows? Also, I'm making an elven mage boi called Llewellyn and we'll decide who he is when I make him! 😄
@TheLionheart227 36 минут бұрын
Ooo stuck between the dragons and the wardens
@carole5648 37 минут бұрын
For my first play i always do elf mage, can't decide between Shadow Dragon or Veil Jumper. With only knowing what we know so far, i feel like they will have more plot importance than the other factions. i forgot about the qunari invasion possibility....
@viperarum5538 38 минут бұрын
is there a faction for abolishing generic console hack'n'slay?
@brendancolquitt3029 40 минут бұрын
Will probably be a warden mage first though after that maybe a fighter for the lords of fortune
@lewiswashington9182 43 минут бұрын
🍽😋👏🏾 Eating good over here.Jack supplying that DA on a platter's special(Burp)!
@Phereinnike 44 минут бұрын
Human mage shadow dragons, tervinter reformation heavy on the firebolts!
@paulpoumet773 45 минут бұрын
First and foremost I'll play a human Mourn Watch mage, then a human Shadow Dragon mage, then an elven Veil Jumper mage and finally a human Antivan Crow rogue. By the way, looking at the comics Neve is euther very small fpr a human or Varric and Harding are very tall fpr dwarves, because the three seem to be nearly the same size.
@Shmurph 51 минут бұрын
Definitely going for a Warden background for my first playthrough. Can't resist that Origins nostalgia. On top of that, I plan on romancing Davrin first, so having that in common should make for an interesting dynamic if factions play as big of a part in character interactions as the devs have been saying.
@carole5648 51 минут бұрын
i hope the viper is Fenris, that'd be great.
@yenneferofvengerberg 53 минут бұрын
@tabaquaberry 55 минут бұрын
ive always envisioned my pc for this game to be a qunari rogue who escaped/was liberated from slavery, so i gotta go shadow dragon for her! im so excited to have even a smidge of a chance to play out the backstory ive stirred up for her during all these years of clowning hsjbdjf
@iselwyr5411 Сағат бұрын
Shadow Dragons, Mornwatch, Wardens in that order
@bolladragon Сағат бұрын
The only thing I’m set on is playing Qunari.
@MalarikFilms Сағат бұрын
Definitely going to have to play the game 6 times (already doing it 5 times for my world states)
@joshualankford2966 Сағат бұрын
Mourn Watch for the first go. Always play a mage my first playthrough, Imthe way magic and mages function in this world is so different and fascinating I just feel it works for a good story narrative if your a hero. Second play definitely Crows.
@Animelover0981 Сағат бұрын
I want to be Shadow Dragon (most interested in), Lord of fortune (second less interested), Veil Jumpers ( Third most interested in) Mourn Watch (less interested in) Antivian Crows (second most interested in) and best for last The Grey Warden ( this will be hard to do last.) ❤❤❤❤
@yenneferofvengerberg Сағат бұрын
I want to romance Davrin. I know NOTHING of him but he's got a Griffin.
@moime8486 Сағат бұрын
Never been the biggest Warden or Crows' fan but maybe that's because I played Origins after 2 and Inquisition. So one of the others. But not sure yet, which.
@antykwariatroznostek4732 Сағат бұрын
If they wanted to give us rogue Crow, it should’ve been Zevran instead of some no name human from comics
@ginacirelli1581 Сағат бұрын
Veil Jumper all the way. My favorite part of Inquisition was meeting Abelas in the temple.
@kyrajager907 Сағат бұрын
I'm so excited for all the factions, honestly :D I wonder how much of it will shape the outcome, and how much we can influence said outcome once we have decided on a faction.
@thatnerd3186 Сағат бұрын
Warden first I gotta pay homage to dragon age origins
@justanaverageguy912 Сағат бұрын
i am joining whoever is refusing to preorder, bioware has a terrible track record with games and i don't have any reason to believe the systemic issues that lead to the past blunders have been ironed out.
@adnanrivera7795 Сағат бұрын
A Tal-Vashot warden.
@Zathurious Сағат бұрын
I'm teetering between the Crowes or the Veil Jumpers. I like the idea of my Rook being a mage who was either a hermit in the woods or had a hard life in the city.
@yashu3144 Сағат бұрын
Kinda cliche but maaan Wardens just seem to be most interesting group to me
@Ricpoeltl Сағат бұрын
i find it odd that the 'real DA fans' want the same game form 2009..
@Matixsb Сағат бұрын
And that is why story based games with alternate backgrounds need damn +/- 1h of initial orgin mision/quest at the start of the game... I realy do hope that they will give us something at least on the level of CP2077 orgins * Speaking while having no accses to those comics in my home language (i could get books in english but looking at the price knowing i will read them once just to get better idea of faction im picking in game doesn't feel right) While I love when book can enhance story of game or movie, Whenever thing (in this case comic/book) is addition to the story it should never be made necesary to know bonus content for sake of having full experience with Main Item (in this case game) Just looking at those 6 options i can tell that OG players who didn't read books: - Most likely we will put our choice priority on Wardens and Crows, due to input of those factions in past games (while curenc inner politics of crows aren't known to them it will get a pass since we speak about secretive assasin organisation, same with wardens since what we experienced until now where branch groups and lone operatives of organisation), - After that 3rd most likely will be branch of Mortalitasi since Inquisition gave us a bit of their lore (mainly via Casandra talking about her homeland), - at 4th place i would give tie between Hapy go Lucky excuses of Pirates and Good Tevinters, 1st one for those who during DA2 romanced isabela and want to be ambitious rouge type and 2nd for those who kept dreaming about playing Tevinter Mage (I do hope that those 2 groups seem good in their nature won't be fully white washed and will keep few darker or at least , you don't need to be pure all good Tevinter idealist to stand against majority of your nation or at least it's more traditionalist members) - for last spot i would drop Veiljumpers, mostly due to insinuations from their name and that damn Character intoduction trailer, before your elaboration i had seen them as Peebee style veil explorers and not as reserchers of ancient elven culture and technology As for how new players (so desired by EA) who would start from DA4, unless your orgin can impact main story to some degree, they wont feel diference since they will have no atatchment to the orgin faction and they will view it as just another sidequest (with nature of bioware choice wheel i doubt in weight of this choice afecting them in a long run)
@CraigGriffiths-tf4og Сағат бұрын
Human Rogue for me
@Felsenkeks Сағат бұрын
I'm going to be a Shadow Dragon so Lucanis and me can be a cute power couple slaying Venatori together 😌 and I'll be an elf mage for extra beef with Tevinter slavery and to make Lucanis' eyeballs itch 😅 Definitely torn bc I also want to be a Lord of Fortune though and that was my original plan. But since I'm going feral over Lucanis I must have maximum synergy with him story-wise.
@bhargavapothakamuri4218 Сағат бұрын
I don’t care it’s not launching in my country.
@dennis.k8499 Сағат бұрын
The faction of keeping my money in my own pocket
@eddardstark6179 Сағат бұрын
Will wait first for no alphabets version of da4