DECO*27 - 恋距離遠愛 feat. とぴ

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U/M/A/A Inc.

U/M/A/A Inc.

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Пікірлер: 574
@user-fi4fu2qt4u 8 ай бұрын
@ruu_12 8 жыл бұрын
@ruu_12 8 жыл бұрын
@email8810 7 жыл бұрын
@山内愛美-n7l 5 жыл бұрын
@kouktagawa3583 5 жыл бұрын
@You-kh3zg 4 жыл бұрын
なんでこんな名曲が埋もれてんの?w 別に最近の曲を否定してるわけではないがこういう曲がもっと評価されてほしいなー
@おさかな-x9t 3 жыл бұрын
クリスマス会う約束してたのにコロナで会えなくなってしまいました。 楽しみにしてた分反動がとても凄くて辛くて。凄く会いたいのにこのご時世あまり外出出来なくて会いたくても会えなくてとても辛いです。彼氏から「早くあいたい心が壊れそう」って泣きそうな声で言われたこともあります。ここまで遠距離が辛いなんて正直思っていませんでした。遠距離で会えなくて冷められたらどうしようとか色々と不安もあります。電話越しにしか声が聞けなくてとてももどかしい気持ちになります。 ただただ早く会いたい。
@u_yumyum_uuuuu 5 жыл бұрын
最近聴き始めたんだけどサビが好きすぎてリピートで聴いてる 恋とか愛とかどうでもいいわ〜って思って生きてるけどいつかこんな気分を味わってみたいな〜とも最近思う
@taginchu 9 ай бұрын
約12年前の高校生の時、当時好きだった人に教えてもらった曲。 こんな歌紹介されたから付き合えると思ったけど、振られてしまった思い出。 別の人と結婚して子供もできたけど、この歌は久々に聞くと思い出すなぁ・・・ 教えてもらった時期が動画のアップロードとほぼほぼ一緒、教えてくれた子の当時のセンス、脱帽です。
@kikagi 8 ай бұрын
We're in the same age when experience this song
@hahaha2900 5 жыл бұрын
@lightingblack2348 7 жыл бұрын
君に会いたいよ。神様お願いだからまた話す機会をください。二度と話せない時が来てもいい。だからまた話させてください。 大好きだよ。今も、昔も、ずっと。
@nm-lp8wr 3 жыл бұрын
@フェルマイ 4 жыл бұрын
@Choco_1006_ 4 жыл бұрын
@nanochan-w7c 2 жыл бұрын
@GuoEisen 9 жыл бұрын
恋距離遠愛 作詞:DECO*27 作曲:DECO*27 編曲:DECO*27 歌:とぴ 息を止めます やっぱ苦しいです iki wo tome masu   yappa kurushii desu 息を吸います 3→2→1 iki wo sui masu   san , ni , ichi でも苦しいです やっぱ苦しいです demo kurushii desu   yappa kurushii desu 君がここにいないのは 何でだ kimi ga koko ni i nai no wa  nande da 停止了呼吸 果然會很痛苦 吸一口氣 3→2→1 但還是很痛苦阿 果然還很痛苦 為什麼你不在這裡 在我身旁 息が出來ます 僕生きてます iki ga deki masu   boku iki te masu 生きているのに 寂しい。 iki te iru noni   sabishii でも生きてます 笑って生きてます demo iki te masu   waratte iki te masu 君がここにいないのに 何で…? kimi ga koko ni i nai noni   nande … ? 還能夠呼吸 我還活著呢 雖然還活著 卻好寂寞。 但既然還活著 就要笑著活下去 但你卻不在這裡 是為什麼呢…? ねえ笑っていいよ ねえ泣いてもいいよ nē waratte ii yo   nē nai te mo ii yo ねえ怒っていいよ 好きになっていいよ nē okotte ii yo   suki ni natte ii yo ねえキスしていいよ ねえ抱いてもいいよ ne e kisu shi te ii yo   nē dai te mo ii yo ねえ君だけの僕にしてくれていいよ ne e kimi dake no boku ni shi te kure te ii yo 吶 你可以笑出來唷 吶 哭出來也是可以的唷 吶 想生氣也可以唷 你所喜歡的一切都可以做唷 吶 接吻也可以唷 吶 想擁抱也可以唷 吶 就這麼決定我是屬於你的 也可以唷 キミに會えます アタシ嬉しいです kimi ni ae masu   atashiureshii desu 生きているから 寂しい。 iki te iru kara   sabishii . 時を止めます とか言ってみます dokiwo tome masu   toka itte mi masu 「どうか」と願います unteach.. 「 dō ka 」 to nega i masu   unteach.. 能夠與你相遇 我真的好高興 雖然還活著 卻好寂寞。 想把時間停下來 這樣對你說 「拜託你」這樣懇求著 unteach.. ねえ笑っていいの? ねえ泣いてもいいの? nē waratte ii no ?   nē nai te mo ii no ? ねえ怒っていいの? 好きになっていいの? nē okotte ii no ?   suki ni natte ii no ? ねえキスしていいの? ねえ抱いてもいいの? nē kisu shi te ii no ?   nē dai te mo ii no ? アタシだけのキミにしてもいいのかな… atashidake no kimi ni shi te mo ii no ka na … 吶 我可以笑出來嗎?吶 我可以哭出來嗎? 吶 我可以生氣嗎?我喜歡做什麼都可以做嗎? 吶 可以接吻嗎?吶 可以擁抱嗎? 認為你是只屬於我的 應該也是可以的吧… ねえ笑っていいよ ねえ泣いてもいいよ nē waratte ii yo   nē nai te mo ii yo ねえ怒っていいよ 好きになっていいよ nē okotte ii yo   suki ni natte ii yo ねえキスしていいよ ねえ抱いてもいいよ ne e kisu shi te ii yo   nē dai te mo ii yo ねえ君だけの僕にしてくれていいよ ne e kimi dake no bokuni shi te kure te ii yo 吶 你可以笑出來唷 吶 哭出來也是可以的唷 吶 想生氣也可以唷 你所喜歡的一切都可以做唷 吶 接吻也可以唷 吶 想要擁抱也可以唷 吶 就這麼決定我是屬於你的 也可以唷 「笑ってる。」 "キミだって" 「 waratteru . 」  "kimi datte " 「泣いてるの?」 "君だって" 「 nai teru no ? 」 "kimi datte " 「好きだよ」 "僕だって" 「 suki da yo 」  "bokudatte " 「また會えるよ。」 "待ってる" 「 mata aeru yo . 」  "matteru " 「你笑了呢」"你也是" 「你哭了?」"你也是" 「我好喜歡你」"我也好喜歡你" 「還會再見面的」"我會等你的" 待ってる。 matteru . 我會等你的
@GuoEisen 9 жыл бұрын
練歌需要羅馬拼音 所以把巴哈的歌詞複製過來
@labecarrrrr 7 жыл бұрын
Jing Guo 謝謝你呀😍
@KK-re3ky 7 жыл бұрын
死ぬほど好きだった。 けど距離が遠いだけで気持ち薄れちゃった自分が情けなくて仕方ない
@winnee894 2 жыл бұрын
I used to listened to this song when I was in long distance relationship, I can related so much to the lyrics. We both tried our best to maintain our relationship over the distances, but end up he had no more feelings for me and fell in love with the other girl. I cried so hard while listening to this song after the breakup. Today I'm here again listening to this song to reminisce the past memories. I'm glad that we didn't make it last time and so here I am, engaged with someone I love and cherish me well
@wodite Жыл бұрын
Dont give fuck anyone who doesnt giving fuck to you
@rere_rei_rei 2 жыл бұрын
@tastymackerels 4 жыл бұрын
I love this song as a teenager, but now I'm in my late 20's and this song hits home.
@yh-zc1xe 5 жыл бұрын
@user-ln2eg4pc8y 6 жыл бұрын
@Himeko-wv7fu 3 жыл бұрын
@seaplanet100 4 жыл бұрын
とあるウィルスによって色々な国が閉篭もるようになったご時世。 ただでさえ長い時間の差があって、喋るのにもなかなか時間が取れなくて、そんな中子供のような喧嘩をしてしまった。 本当は直接会って謝って笑い合いたいのに、時間とお金が無くて どうしようもなく恋しくて。初めて会って遊んだあの三日間が懐かしくて この曲を聴いてると寂しさと恋しさでいっぱいになって、泣いちゃいました。 今度喋る時はまた笑い合えれますように
@yasumiryo 11 жыл бұрын
@わたぽん-o1s 5 жыл бұрын
初めて今遠恋してるんだけど 想像してた以上に辛い。 めっちゃ会いたい。
@parkjiyeon6363 10 жыл бұрын
Aww...I showed this video to a close friend some 3 years back, and at the time I didn't know she was in a long-distance relationship. When I asked her why she loved this song, she only told me she liked the melody. But now that I know about her relationship, it's suddenly so clear why she adores this song. It completely sings for her. And now I'm rewatching this in her point of view, and this song is suddenly 10x sadder.... I really love this song and the whole Love Calender album. Thanks for all the feels, Deco-san! :)
@BlackHole-ei9mi 5 жыл бұрын
Translate me plz this song somebody, im from russia :(
@mek2032 Жыл бұрын
@allthatishere 9 жыл бұрын
0:28 I love the play on words for the song title: Long Distance Love Affair =/= Love Distance Long Affair. Distance and insecurities isn't going to pull them apart. Cute stuff!
@joshfuller8090 9 жыл бұрын
+allthatishere i never noticed. That's a pretty neat play on words!
@ryugaroxas 5 жыл бұрын
I still don't understand
@XillyWonka 4 жыл бұрын
@@ryugaroxas The words have "distance" between them but ultimately, love is still there
@camo2745 5 жыл бұрын
@Remilabo1000 10 жыл бұрын
本当にごめんね。 すごく会いたいです。
@kanieri5632 9 жыл бұрын
@shinamonpan 5 ай бұрын
Everyone miss each other so deeply, I can really feel all the pain that they have been through. Sometimes all the changes are for the better. Take care.
@punge01 5 жыл бұрын
@kimalexici3918 12 жыл бұрын
”I love you...” "So do I." HEART BREAKING.
@おとう-i6e 9 жыл бұрын
@れん真紅眼の黒竜の嫁 6 жыл бұрын
@dr0305 4 жыл бұрын
この曲を聴くと遠恋してたのを思い出す。 別れちゃったけどすごくいい経験になった気がする。
@もーむ-v3m 4 жыл бұрын
中々会えなくて、でも大好きで、特殊な仕事だって事はわかってる。 自分も4月から同じ仕事に就くから今まで以上に会えなくなる。 でも、この気持ちはずっと変わらないです。忙しい中でもメッセージくれたり、電話してくれてありがとう。この曲を聴いて泣いてしまいました。 この曲を聴いている方々の恋が叶いますように。 そして、遠距離でなかなか会えない恋人の方たちの愛が末長く続きますように。
@辻村-o6m 10 жыл бұрын
Being in a long distance relationship this song means a lot
@てとら̊̇-h6b 4 жыл бұрын
@moltrit258. 14 күн бұрын
@painfulxwhisper 11 жыл бұрын
No... I just... I can't... *tears*
@Sirasaki_meina0120 8 ай бұрын
@sachi.0702 3 жыл бұрын
@Tasteaunburnabletrash 10 жыл бұрын
I love this song, it's so calm and relaxing and it brings back a few memories.
@VisualKIt.Studios 8 жыл бұрын
i found this song cuz my first relationship is a long distance relationship and it ended a few days ago...she's 5 hour flight away from me... i miss her... so much.
@riadriscoll3846 8 жыл бұрын
Sad bruh mee too
@NavaroElArdi 8 жыл бұрын
i just ended my long dist relationship.. it's a really hard thing to do than said..
@riadriscoll3846 8 жыл бұрын
+Navaro El Ardi i think you should not have done that if u truly love her.... Bruh its just a opinion of mine
@keshikeshie 7 жыл бұрын
that sucks
@thaisrollemberg7321 6 жыл бұрын
JacksVisuals Sorry to hear that... Mine is almost 2 days the flight
@xxsephy 12 жыл бұрын
Petition for Deco*27 to make a new version of Love Distance Long Affair with the male vocals more clear and he sings in more parts. Would be very, very awesome.
@レナク-z6t 11 жыл бұрын
@muu8635 3 жыл бұрын
やっと繋がれた、Xジェンダーの不定性同士。 共感できることがたくさんあって、お互いに助け合って今付き合ってます。高校生と中学生で、2時間半かかるから、会うことなんて今は無理。いつか会える時までこの関係が続くのか不安だけど、俺らならきっと大丈夫。
@八神はやて-t3f 3 жыл бұрын
応援してるでd( ̄  ̄)
@ri_channishi_5580 7 жыл бұрын
@pichuuchuu 3 жыл бұрын
Been listening to this for almost 10 yrs. One of my beatmaps in Osu 8 yrs ago. ❤️
@ごはんですよ-r6j 8 жыл бұрын
@togamoca8355 8 жыл бұрын
息を止めます やっぱ苦しいです 息を吸います 3→2→1 でも苦しいです やっぱ苦しいです 君がここにいないのは 何でだ 息が出来ます 僕生きてます 生きているのに 寂しい。 でも生きてます 笑って生きてます 君がここにいないのに 何で…? ねえ笑っていいよ ねえ泣いてもいいよ ねえ怒っていいよ 好きになっていいよ ねえキスしていいよ ねえ抱いてもいいよ ねえ君だけの僕にしてくれていいよ キミに会えます アタシ嬉しいです 生きているから 寂しい。 時を止めます とか言ってみます 「どうか」と願います unteach.. ねえ笑っていいの? ねえ泣いてもいいの? ねえ怒っていいの? 好きになっていいの? ねえキスしていいの? ねえ抱いてもいいの? アタシだけのキミにしてもいいのかな… ねえ笑っていいよ ねえ泣いてもいいよ ねえ怒っていいよ 好きになっていいよ ねえキスしていいよ ねえ抱いてもいいよ ねえ君だけの僕にしてくれていいよ 「笑ってる。」 "キミだって" 「泣いてるの?」 "君だって" 「好きだよ」 "僕だって" 「また会えるよ。」 "待ってる" 待ってる。
@syvilljoycecapuras2524 7 жыл бұрын
@すずめ-z5r 6 жыл бұрын
謎のなにか 👍🏻🐹
@deedeedan8681 2 жыл бұрын
I have been searching for this song for five years, literally started thinking I imagined the whole thing 😭
@NazoKiyoubinbou 7 жыл бұрын
DECO*27 really has some serious talent for music and I think Topi does some amazing singing in songs like these too.
@vampiresskaze 11 жыл бұрын
Ya know... When I first found this song I fell in love with it, and even though at the time I couldn't relate to it, I could feel the emotion in it, and I left a comment describing this. Since that time, I found my best friend, and I fell in love with him, and he moved away. And this song now perfectly describes our situation and feelings, and I hear it and I just cry. It fits too well.
@ChurdleBurdle 13 жыл бұрын
Ugh Deco's works always stick to my head, they have such nice melodies and the lyrics have a lot of meaning that I can relate to :)
@nakiyame2606 8 жыл бұрын
i used to listen together to this song with my long distance ex. nothing lasts forever in the end, eh
@さとしん-t1e 8 жыл бұрын
@とみー-t6c 5 жыл бұрын
@歌い手大好き-h8u 5 жыл бұрын
@@とみー-t6c 初音ミクもあるしルカverもあるしちゃんとしたボカロですよ。つべに本家はないですけど。
@とみー-t6c 5 жыл бұрын
おあいうえ そうなんですか!教えてくれてありがとうございます。
@hafizaziz8617 3 жыл бұрын
10 years has passed, this song heart warming and pleasant to hear..
@issacclark1876 11 жыл бұрын
Don't give up!! The world is not big enough to separate you two! I believe someday in the future you will meet him again.
@iKanariz 9 жыл бұрын
Every time when I listen to this song, all those lost feeling just flew back into me. That joy when I finally meet him after so long... that only date that we had... the warmth of his hand... although its been two years, it feels just like yesterday. But its all in the past, time to move on :)
@LustfulRake 9 жыл бұрын
Keit-Ai finds a way
@Beatofblues 13 жыл бұрын
@adefirmanfauzi5500 3 жыл бұрын
I really missed Topi voice
@adefirmanfauzi5500 3 жыл бұрын
I hope Deco*27 can collab again
@kikagi 8 ай бұрын
​@@adefirmanfauzi5500yeah we're already have yoasobi, nomelon nolemon, yorushika when at the first time Deco*27 start it first
@muhamadzaihazlan3731 8 жыл бұрын
Romaji Iki wo tomemasu yappa kurushii desu Iki wo suimasu san ni ichi Demo kurushii desu yappa kurushii desu Kimi ga koko ni inai no wa nande da Iki ga dekimasu boku ikitemasu Ikite iru noni samishii. Demo ikitemasu waratte ikitemasu Kimi ga koko ni inai noni nande...? Nee waratte ii yo nee naite mo ii yo Nee okotte ii yo suki ni natte ii yo Nee KISU shite ii yo nee daite mo ii yo Nee kimi dake no boku ni shite kurete ii yo KIMI ni aemasu ATASHI ureshii desu Ikite iru kara samishii. Toki wo tomemasu toka itte mimasu "Douka" to negaimasu unteach.... Nee waratte ii no? Nee naite mo ii no? Nee okotte ii no? Suki ni natte ii no? Nee KISU shite ii no? Nee daite mo ii no? ATASHI dake no KIMI ni shite mo ii no kana... Nee waratte ii yo nee naite mo ii yo Nee okotte ii yo suki ni natte ii yo Nee KISU shite ii yo nee daite mo ii yo Nee kimi dake no boku ni shite kurete ii yo "Waratteru." "KIMI datte" "Naiteru no?" "Kimi datte" "Suki da yo" "Boku datte" "Mata aeru yo." "Matteru" Matteru.
@chickenshitconformist8131 11 жыл бұрын
Although you may feel lonely in a long distance relationship, just know that there's people out there who arent loved. So instead of feeling sorry for yourself, be thankful. I'm so glad that so many of you have found someone to cherish you.
@모모-o8m 4 жыл бұрын
@rilldineth 11 жыл бұрын
JFC I had forgotten how much I loved this song! I have re-discovered a long lost love of mine!
@NeichaUnagi 12 жыл бұрын
This fits my current relationship so much 今年の秋会えるといいね みっちゃん
@vampiresskaze 13 жыл бұрын
Leave it to DECO to create a song that makes me cry for a situation I can't even relate to in real life.
@名無し-f5y 7 жыл бұрын
うわぁ 好き
@nilsfrayer 7 жыл бұрын
@ibekristen 13 жыл бұрын
Those words are something I bet thousands, millions would love to hear. Sucks how this is fiction. Even so, it's really beautiful. I love this song and the PV. Sometimes I might even tear up.
@leelthelful 8 жыл бұрын
oh cool I turned on my cc subtitles and now I can see the English lyrics. I wouldn't have thought the song was talking about that
@Claudriel 9 жыл бұрын
This song reminds me the memories that belong to 2 years ago, which I never want to forget. You can even find my previous comments (looks like 1 year ago). Wish I had power to go back in time and live those happy memories again. They were the happiest times of my life... And yet, everytime I listen this song, I start smiling like a stupid, funny huh? To me, it is. He was the one who sent me this song, 2 years ago. Even now, seeing his comments below this video upsets me a lot... Even though we both moved on, it looks like I'm stucked in my memories of the past. And I guess I don't want these to be called as "past". Only if I could take the time back...
@MidosujiSen 9 жыл бұрын
ah shit that's kind of sad.
@Claudriel 9 жыл бұрын
I know... But there's nothing to do. Life changes us all
@Thankonomics 7 жыл бұрын
Time changes us all*
@LittleButterflyGirl5 8 жыл бұрын
The manga for this song and egoselfishness is called love calendar!
@細川美悠 11 жыл бұрын
@SuperWaaaaa 11 жыл бұрын
really!? that is the sweetest thing ive ever read on the internet
@katobytes 9 жыл бұрын
"Hey look, anon! I posted Keit-ai again, LOL."
@ddbigdeal 13 жыл бұрын
perfect PV~ i love とぴ~ i love mirto~ i love deco*27 ganbatte-kudasai~~~
@ウキタケ 3 жыл бұрын
@chickerinos269 8 жыл бұрын
This song is 100x sadder if you've read the manga that goes along with this.
@CorporalTri 12 жыл бұрын
I hope everyone who is in long distance relationships, finally meets their love. I wish for myself that I can give someone my love with all my strength and heart. I'm rooting for all of you! Some people may think that long distance relationships never work, and that it ends up failing after the first couple of months. But, that's not true people do end up meeting each other online and having lives together. I'll pray for everyone that you find your special someone!! Good luck! :)
@花音-m9x 6 жыл бұрын
遠距離恋愛辛い もうこの曲聞いたら号泣
@琥珀-u4k 8 жыл бұрын
@anastarj6546 3 жыл бұрын
10 years later...
@mikuaua 3 жыл бұрын
@runewarrior43 13 жыл бұрын
Deco*27s really hit it off
@angelsakurao 12 жыл бұрын
After loving Ryo's Chelly and Koeda and also Nagi, here comes DECO*27's works.
@TKFGIANTS 6 жыл бұрын
@rina_568 11 жыл бұрын
@redirect9091 3 жыл бұрын
Ah.. It's has been 10 years ago... My first LDR relationship.... I hope you are okay there...
@TyroLuuki 9 жыл бұрын
@Ferroes 8 жыл бұрын
can't wait to torrent this online.
@DanielKisaragi 4 жыл бұрын
Im still here 9 years ❤
@bluerose8402 5 жыл бұрын
@yimsunyoung9600 12 жыл бұрын
This tugged at my heartstrings. I felt something in my heart; I could really feel the emotion this song was trying to convey. It made me want to cry, it's so beautiful.
@しお-h5y 6 жыл бұрын
@RratRemi 12 жыл бұрын
this song reminds me of a girl i dated... it was long distance; and she was sickly to begin with but we really loved each other. one day i find out she was taken to the hospital, before she went in for surgery; she sent me a message; she passed away from the surgery due to a doctors mistake. the message she sent was mostly about how much she wanted to talk to me but thats not the important part per say: her last words were " I love you"
@greengatorproduction 12 жыл бұрын
I just got a bf. he's an exchange student from china. today he finally returned and he's on the airplane as i write this. I don't know if things will work out, but since im his first gf and he's 17 i think it could be ok. I hope for the best when we see each other in the spring. I'm glad to have made him so happy and i really do like him alot so with this song he's always in my heart. I hope the people who read this will support me. because they probably understand my feelings very well. Thanks.
@StUcKwithmUsIc 3 жыл бұрын
how did this work out
@ewdascringe 3 жыл бұрын
Wow 8 years ago. Did it go well?
@Lolita0X 11 жыл бұрын
This song hurts so bad... Long distance relationships hurt,
@eepynao 9 жыл бұрын
This song gives me the feels (esp bc I'm in a LDLTR right now).
@CorithyMoon 11 жыл бұрын
this message made me cry because its so beautiful. thank you
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