Definitive Comparison: Matt Garstka vs Navene Koperweis

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William McLean II

William McLean II

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When it comes to Animals As Leaders a great deal of fans like to talk about these two drummers, most often in comparison to one another (Who The Better Drummer Is) so, with great Respect for the abilities of both drummers, I put this video together to effectively display the Key Differences between the Past Drummer (Navene Koperweis) and the Current Drummer (Matt Garstka) for Animals As Leaders. This is what I consider to be a complete video, without specifically targeting any specific individuals, I feel this effectively highlights the differences between the two. Every comparison is back-to-back allowing for an immediate comparison of key parts of a song instead of listening to the entire song twice (That would make this video really long). In order to keep it completely fair, I only used songs that Both Drummers have played to compare as it would be a bit more difficult to keep it fair if everyone was playing something different. In all there are 7 Songs from Animals As Leaders featured. In Order they are: Tempting Time, Point to Point, Cylindrical Sea, On Impulse, Thoroughly At Home, Wave of Babies and CAFO
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@mattdrewdrums 4 жыл бұрын
As far as comparing AAL with both drummers, Navene clearly gave more of a metal influence, whereas Matt allowed the band to experiment with other genres. Looking at them individually, Navene is a very solid prog metal drummer, but he really doesn't compare to Matt. Matt is perhaps the greatest drummer on the planet. The guy has it all; incredible speed, finesse, dynamics, taste, knowledge, consistency, power, subtlety, creativity, versatility. HE IS THE GOLDEN GOD.
@carlton3733 4 жыл бұрын
What I've gathered from this is that you clearly are in the dark on Evan Brewer's second album.
@Kor1134 2 жыл бұрын
I prefer AAL with Koperweis, metal is more up my alley.
@chieftigmos4018 2 жыл бұрын
for me personally i prefer navene on with AAL. his creative drumming shined on Weightless. Matt is probably one of the best drummer alive right now but i feel like the he over does it on the drums sometimes. he tries to get really fancy with cymbal work and fills where i dont think its warranted at certain point s in the song. When to cut loose and when to stay reserved and let the other instruments shine through is a real consideration for drummers, esspecially playing music like AAL where there is alot going on. in my opinion Navene was much better at this, especially live performances.
@mattdrewdrums 2 жыл бұрын
@@chieftigmos4018 You aren't really considering the evolution of AAL. You're viewing Matt's playing through the lense of old AAL tracks. Their most recent stuff is very clearly centered around the drums. Matt is the one leading the compostion of most songs, and the guitarists play to him. You might not prefer this style, but I don't think he's overplaying. It's a new style. And, frankly, if anything the music is more interesting and impressive with Garstka because he is much more technically and conceptually talented.
@chieftigmos4018 2 жыл бұрын
@@mattdrewdrums I disagree. you can't clearly see in the comparison videos how he overplays all the older songs. honestly alot of their new stuff that has been written with Matt has so much going on that it becomes hard to listen to unless you're geekin out on the technicality of the music. like I said Matt is one of the best drummers alive but in my opinion he could be more reserved during certain parts. less is more in alot of instances.
@lucasfesou 5 жыл бұрын
I believe both Navene's and Matt's interpretations are impeccable, but by building each drummer's rudimentary repertoire, it is noticeable that Navene sounds much more Metal than Matt. Just a mere detail, we should all just appreciate.
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
I not a Slight or slander if it's true but Matt is just a more well rounded drummer than Navene. When Navene starts playing you can tell that he is a straight Metal drummer from the way he moves his body to the types of fills and timings that he chooses to use. From 7:09 to 8:05 I put it the drummers themselves talking about the kinds of styles that they themselves play. Matt is well versed in a great many styles. Navene is good at Metal it's just factual.
@musicpromoters 5 жыл бұрын
@@Animefreakinfiniti7 I disagree, Matt was the best replacement they could find at the time. When it comes to the technical Ghost Notes,Poly rhythms and fast fills, Navene is far better. I have seen both of them on tour with bands that I manage. In fact Navene helped them track and sequence the drums for Matt on their Album.
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
@@musicpromoters He helped sequence drums for parts that Matt didn't already write, being almost exclusively the drum parts for their "Weightless" album from 2011. Matt played the drum parts for the Joy of Motion, they were then quantized afterwards however the Madness of Many was played exclusively by Matt without any extra modifications being done to the drums. As far as skill goes. As i've said Navene has skill but in terms of timing, creativity, dynamics and overall technique, Navene is by no means Matts equal. In popularity perhaps, but I believe that to be in large part to the nostalgia of him being the bands first exclusive touring drummer.
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
@@musicpromoters Playing a lot of notes fast doesn't justify calling something "technical". As it pertains to drumming it not just about how many are placed but where they are placed. If you listen to Matt talk about the parts he writes, all of the notes he places in his parts serve a function. Live versions aside, Matt essentially plays the exact same part for the song but can adjust it to fit the circumstances. Matt is an extremely consistent and well thought drummer who doesn't just play whatever and leave it at that. I am by no means calling Navene bad. Like anything else there may be some things that Navene can do that Matt can't, namely in the speed department but in all honesty even those things are few and far between.
@chrisparatorif1508 Жыл бұрын
I think its hard to compare because this video of Navene came out in 2010 but were comparing matt to the 2010 version of Navene. Both have come along way but I think Navene is further along now then he was in 2010. I think both styles are different and it difficult to compare
@MoonmanSpacejam 2 ай бұрын
Exactly. This is a silly comparison
@suarezale78 4 жыл бұрын
Both are extemelly good. I can't believe that Navene had to learn that complex Misha Mansoor's drum programming.
@OGPimpin 2 жыл бұрын
I respect both of em, but I'm more of a fan of Navene. I liked the straight raw grit and groove he brought to the table. I think Matt is the perfect for what they are doing now, while Navene was perfect for what they brought to the table when they first started.
@ggsdrummer 2 жыл бұрын
Matt was the best thing that happened to AAL for their future growth. His ability quite amazing!! Looking forward to what the future holds for AAL!!
@The_Peoples_Drummer Жыл бұрын
Wow..never thought I'd say this, but man...I miss Navene's playing! So much more RAW..BRUTAL. Not downplaying Matt at all, we know he's a beast, but man...sometimes you just gotta throw the technical stuff to the side and rock tf out of the groove! Navene was killing it!
@The_Peoples_Drummer Жыл бұрын
Also, I like Navene's cymbal selection a lot more.
@TomDrums94 Жыл бұрын
Navene is a great drum player, but Matt Gartska is completely something else, out of this world. Bigger fan of Matt all the way, Matt best thing that could happen to AAL.
@ateros89 5 жыл бұрын
There's a big difference between Navene and Matt because Navene had to create the drums for the songs in order to be understandable and fulfil with composition dates. By the other hand Matt made some new layers and sounds over lines that were already created so he could made more for these songs considering that the base structures were done when he arrived...
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
Only for Weightless...of which none of it's songs are featured in this video and even then that doesn't take away from Matt's ability to write around the preexisting part. It doesn't just sound like a cut and paste, it sounds like a Matt Garstka style part. Besides with weightless aside Matt Still has 2 albums to his name that have absolutely nothing to do with Navene and the drums for both albums, which were played by Matt and not programed on a computer, are fantastically written and musical drum parts.
@TheBeefPudding 3 жыл бұрын
navene plays CAFO better, thats for sure
@jorikmigueljundez1020 2 жыл бұрын
wait, really?
@amjan Жыл бұрын
@muddywaters8706 4 жыл бұрын
It's like Band of Gypsies vs The Experience in a way. One drum style compliments the music differently than the other. For me personally, while impressive as hell and clearly more complex Garstka's playing is almost too busy and full. While, like Band of Gypsies Navene is more forthright and honest in a sense. Just solid drumming that provides a good backbone to an otherworldly guitar virtuoso like Tosin. I've always liked Machine Gun by Band of Gypsies for this reason, it's a better contrast. Not better in a technical sense but still better in my opinion.
@o-REDBEARD-o 3 жыл бұрын
IMO. Navene - depper pocket. Matt - more technical ability. Pick your poison. Both are fuckin incredible.
@asgersgaard6570 4 жыл бұрын
Im personally a bigger fan of Matt. I like the way he always tries to improve his playing, plus how you can feel his energy through his playing. And yeah he is probably more technically gifted that many other drummers, but why hide that. He used his ability to play, to inspire so many People includeing me.
@scoon2117 7 ай бұрын
The only debate is wether your biased to the first album or not. I certainly am.
@MadKetz 6 жыл бұрын
I prefer Navene just because I have a feeling Matt is overplaying a lot of AAL stuff when they play live and the songs kinda lose their definition and soul. Sometimes it fits, but to me, most of the time it doesn't. Nevertheless, amazing drummers, big influences on drummers today.
@Animefreakinfiniti7 6 жыл бұрын
MadKetz I can respect that
@instrumentalist1294 6 жыл бұрын
See, I feel like Matt gartska has way more emotion in his play because he's more refined therefore he can express himself better.
@MadKetz 6 жыл бұрын
@@instrumentalist1294 depends what you mean by better expressing. Creativity, overplaying, technicality, musicality? Many of these thinga vary in a term "expressing feelings." To me nothing is more important than musicality, working for the song or a moment in a performance. Again, just my opinion. :)
@andyham6094 5 жыл бұрын
overplaying in what parts? There are a lot of drum break solos that animals added when Matt joined that wasn’t really there when navene was in the band so a lot of people think Matt is just randomly overplaying during the song when really it’s meant to be his little solo section in the middle of a song. Not sure if that’s what you meant or not. Not saying you are saying this but a lot of people make this mistake and give mad a negative comment when really they don’t know what’s even going on.
@Turcomichael 4 жыл бұрын
Why does everyone equate “soul” to simpler playing. Usually the opinion of lead guitarists, singers and classic rock dads. That is the most annoying music critique In my opinion. Too bad Ringo Starr didn’t join AAL so everyone can jerk off onto their keyboards properly.
@Inshadows 5 жыл бұрын
I think Matt is the more gifted drummer. That being said, comparing Navene’s playing based on that video - that quality- it just feels somewhat unfair to him. In regards to Matt’s overplaying, well, I think he has so many resources - technically and stylistically wise- that he achieves what I think he strives for, a constant flow behind two melodic lines that are not that solid - In terms of composition, not interpretation.
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
It may not seem fair in terms of not having HD Video of both but that it result of the time that it was. I can assure you that It is completely fair in that I tried my absolute hardest to match Matt to Navene. That is why I found what Navene had done first and then tried to match Matt to that. As far as what you consider overplaying, some may see it that way but I don't consider it be overplaying. It's not as though that is the only way that he can play, Animals As Leaders just like him to play that way but you can find quite a few examples of him "under playing" and just because something is complex in nature doesn't make it over the top. Matt plays more complex parts than Navene but it fits the style that Tosin and Javier want otherwise they wouldn't be able to vibe off of each other so well. That's what I think besides on later albums between Matt's Studio versions of songs vs live versions there are differences which is well aware of and they are intentional. I believe that there is just a contrast that has to be there between live and studio. Studio is controlled and live you just give it everything you have at that moment.
@Inshadows 5 жыл бұрын
William McLean II hey, I think I was not clear in regards to the overplaying: I don’t think he does, I was replying to people who stated he does. I think his style of playing is perfect for AAL and, as I said before - and I think this point was pretty clear-, he achieves what I think he’s looking for musically. Nevertheless, I still believe comparing them using great video quality in one case and poor on the other is unfair, but let’s agree to disagree, because it’s not that relevant, isn’t?
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
@@Inshadows I agree. The video can't be helped. It's a result of the time (2011) which I previously stated and honestly if you're playing good you are and if you're not then you aren't. But if you want it to be the most fair you can just compare Tempting Time. Navene is playing on a good quality on a miked kit with good audio. HD video or not I believe that in Navene's case it isn't entirely necessary or at least he can get away with it for 2 reasons. He's not playing anything complicated enough to require Super clear sound or video to determine, unlike Matt with all his extra in between fills and ghost notes, and he's basically just playing what's on the album just a tad bit more metal than it was written.
@royjones3099 Жыл бұрын
Yeah should have been around the same time for both drummers....
@deebonash1495 6 жыл бұрын
I think navene is more of the animals as leaders drummer for that djent polyrythmic sense but Matt does show in his playing his flex ability to incorporate his rythm theory with note values and can play other genres and you can hear it in his play.... but I would really like to see Chris Coleman tackle a AAL song lol his pocket and timing is probably one of the most polished today
@RX120D 4 ай бұрын
Both Navene and Matt are insane nutbags on the drums. Personally I enjoy Navene's performances and writing just a bit more as he leaves a bit more space in the songs. Matt is obviously incredible, but his performances carry just a bit less weight than Navene's in my ears. Also, Navene's always had the better sounding kit IMO.
@damirsaber1405 6 жыл бұрын
Both best)))
@mickdeez Жыл бұрын
Matt is the greatest drummer of all time
@MarcoJarzombek 5 жыл бұрын
5:55 para mi es la parte mas compleja de la canción y el que la toca de la manera compleja es matt.
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
@maddexrowe8391 4 жыл бұрын
@nicolasfrossard4315 5 жыл бұрын
Matt overplays a bit too much. Sometimes simple is the way to go
@MrRaffy101 5 жыл бұрын
In live, not recording. But it's intentional
@omukssbm 3 жыл бұрын
Simple is sometimes the way to go, but an Animals as Leaders definitely does not fall into that "sometimes" category
@antonhagberg7546 Жыл бұрын
If u want simple there is a band called AC/DC. Animals as leaders is not the band for you if you want simplicity.
@amjan Жыл бұрын
@@antonhagberg7546 Nobody is talking about ac/dc simple, you silly dummy. Gartstka just keeps spamming endless, boring 32nd note series like a machine gun, with no regard for music. He's fucking annoying and boring.
@sajeevtamang4555 3 жыл бұрын
Matt is math
@j.chillydawson1807 4 жыл бұрын
Navene was better, stopped listening to aal after weightless. Tried, didnt like the groove of Matt. And live he over accents imo.
@mattshay9393 4 жыл бұрын
Your loss man! Matt is without question the most capable drummer on the planet right now.
@adrianrivas1730 2 жыл бұрын
I agree. I think Matt is an incredibly capable drummer, just not a fan of his style personally. I think Navene is more musical and has better taste when it comes to his parts/fills. Seems like Matt writes strictly from a mathematical point of view, whereas Navene is like a force of nature.
@amjan Жыл бұрын
Matt is capable, yes, but he is boring as shit.@@mattshay9393
@shemsuhor8763 11 ай бұрын
@@adrianrivas1730 it's funny because I think by more 'musical' you just mean tasteful, but even that is hard to agree with. I agree The first two AAL albums are their best, and Navene wrote Weightless, and at least played the parts (if not modified them) for the first the album, so he deserves credit there. Matt is probably one of the most gifted musicians around, period and his musical knowledge is immense, not just his playing ability. So it's like... how do you say anyone is "more musical" than him? He is an ELITE musical mind, for sure. Probably more than Navene when it comes to theory. Yet, I understand what you're saying, and I feel ya. Two elite players but in the end it seems like I prefer Navene's approach to AAL. I really don't care about "b..but Matt plays AfroCubanFunkJazz, too". He's a great player, one of the best on the planet, but no without Navene I don't think those first two albums slap like they do and he kind of thanklessly started a HUGE trend - even if it was kind of just "covering" Misha's programming. That said, Boy oh boy, does Physical Education ever bop HARD.
@blopenshtop 6 жыл бұрын
The response is always gonna be 95% in favor of Matt, no matter who the other drummer is
@Animefreakinfiniti7 6 жыл бұрын
Ben Bowker I would definitely agree with that Statement. You've got a lot of people putting Navene on a pedestal because he played with the band. Now don't get me wrong, I have a great amount of respect for Navene because he was capable of playing the music (To any acceptable degree) and even more respect because he's mostly self self taught. But to be honest when people say that Navene is a better drummer than Matt I'm kinda wondering who these guys are listening to. I'm thinking "Better than Matt? Where is this Navene at? I wanna hear this guy!" Navene's main flaw is that he's not a well rounded drummer, at all. You can tell just from watching him play for 1 minute that he is a straight metal drummer. Matt on the other hand is extremely well rounded, one of the most well rounded drummers around, and has played just about every major drum style. The difference Is night and day.
@blopenshtop 6 жыл бұрын
William McLean II Even looking at Matt’s drumming from years ago in old videos when AAL were still forming he was prepared. I think I saw somewhere he began giving lessons at 14 and already had a few genres around his belt like jazz and Afro Cuban. It’s just a mix of starting young, investing your time into the right things, effective practice/dedication and natural talent. It’s definitely the diversity that makes him unique
@TheChildishTycoon 5 жыл бұрын
@@Animefreakinfiniti7 I strongly disagree you should hear all of navene's work with entheos. Also a lot of the footage of him in this video is from a good while ago he's come such a long way within all that time. he's definitely much more of a well rounded drummer now more than ever. All that being said it's not about who's better than who. Both musicians are definitely godly in their own abilities. I always love seeing/hearing them play live and within the records they've been involved in. With and without animals as leaders. 👍🤟
@Animefreakinfiniti7 5 жыл бұрын
@@TheChildishTycoon Well this isn't about what Navene is doing, in which case he I still don't believe him to be on Matt's level, this is specifically about both their times playing in Animals As Leaders and that is the only comparison that is being made here. Though I may express I opinion in the comments in response to someone else, the video is made from a completely unbias point of view which is why I tried so hard to make sure that the exact same information was available for both drummers and is the reason I don't have a bunch of other Animals As Leaders stuff, Entheoa or other side projects. Without declaring my own opinion in the video it is supposed to allow you a proper chance to formulate an opinion between the play styles of both drummers. I have no disrespect towards anyone who has a differing opinion. I think it's just interesting to hear people's opinion and take another look at it from someone else's perspective.
@TheChildishTycoon 5 жыл бұрын
@@Animefreakinfiniti7 I understand that you are giving your opinion based on the playing styles within this specific band and this specific video. That is all ok. Also giving entheos a chance is up to anyone whoever and whenever. I'm just saying it's a good representation of navenes growth/awesome capabilities. also you feel that matt is maybe on a much higher level than navene. Well that isn't how I fully see it. Obviously from what I was explaining earlier. But no worries we can just agree to disagree. 😁 nothing wrong with that. I very much believe everyone can happily and freely give their own opinion. I respect everyone's opinion including yours. I very much agree with you on that end. That much has always been true. With all that being said i have enjoyed this conversation this back and forth. But I'm sure we can always enjoy both musicians! 👍
@frank__batera9347 2 жыл бұрын
Alex Rud >>>>>
@thaddeusfromsonar Жыл бұрын
such a great video. i personally love navene more but that may be because i love that era of AAL more, and im more of a Metal fan than a Gospel fan.
@MoonmanSpacejam 2 ай бұрын
Not a very good comparison
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