でふぉるとなので、 That's just the default, (7 Jan 2022) 誰にも邪魔されないような In finding a life where いきかたを探してたら no one gets in my way, ひとりぼっちになっちゃって I've become all alone, 生きづらくなっちゃって and my life has become difficult. 机とキスした昼休み I was napping at lunchtime, kissing the desk, 自問に感けてたら too preoccupied with my doubts, 素敵な出会いも綺麗な景色も the wonderful conversations and beautiful scenery 見逃して来ました were overlooked as a result. 囲め囲め箱の中のオリジナル The original trapped in a box 外に出てみたら案外似たもの同士だね is surprisingly similar to me when trying to get out. 僕は一般人です I'm an ordinary person. [B - i-an-ji] これでもいい感じです Despite that, I feel fine about it. [B - i-an-ji] 体も心も痛いけど My body and my heart aches, それがデフォルトなので but that's just the default. かなりしょっぱい人生 My life may be boring, でも今だけ幸せ but it's enough to make me feel happy. 鉄苦いくらい別に大したことない Life's not as bitter as imagined, and mine doesn't amount to much, [B - e-u-i-ai] [A - ai] デフォルトなので、 but that's just the default, しょうがないじゃん。 it can't be helped, can it? 1.2のポカンじゃ忘れられないくせに Even though you can't forget things in a "1, 2, and Poof!", (1) 生きかたを一つ覚えるので精一杯だ learning one way to live is the best anyone can do. だよねだよね相槌も全部メカニカル "right, right", my backchanneling becomes mechanical. 好きも嫌いもここにいる意味もないかもね Perhaps there is no meaning behind liking and disliking things. 僕は一般人です I'm an ordinary person. すこぶるイマイチです I'm extremely lacking. 愛も勇気も居ないけど Though I don't have love nor courage, それがデフォルトなので that's just the default. これは何番煎じ? How many times have I done this? それでも味がするなら良いのです But I still get something out of it, so it's fine. (2) 期待違いだって愛していたい It subverts my expectations, but I still want to love. デフォルトなので、 That's just the default, それでいいじゃん。 that's good enough, isn't it? 死ぬまで僕らは生きてゆく Until we die, we'll continue to live 正解を見失いながら while losing sight of the correct answers. 2択しかない人生の3択目を I'm finding the third option in my life いま探してる途中 life doesn't only have two options. 僕は一般人です I'm an ordinary person. これでもいい感じです Despite that, I feel fine about it. 体も心も痛いけど My body and my heart aches, それがデフォルトなので but that's just the default. かなりしょっぱい人生 My life may be boring, でも今だけ幸せ but it's enough to make me feel happy. 鉄苦いくらい別に大したことない Life's not as bitter as imagined, and mine doesn't amount to much, デフォルトなので、 but that's just the default, しょうがない it can't be helped. デフォルトなので、 That's just the default, しょうがないじゃん。 it can't be helped, can it? Untranslatables: [A]: (near) Homophones [B]: Internal rhyming --- Translations are assisted with DeepL, but I am to blame for any errors, so please do correct me if you find better mistakes/phrasing.
@thunferbeat29303 жыл бұрын
Notes: (1) - From pokemon, forgetting a move has the flavortext "1…2の…ポカン!". (2) - "何番煎じ" is an idiom that is taken from brewing tea twice(二番煎じ), referring to the imitiation being inferior to the original. This is echoed in the next line, "味がする"(to get a taste of).